1 -3k santa s Helpers ml lit ' 55 ICS 5 i. Await You in These Salem Stores ... Al Laue TSk 2350 State St. Alex Jones VSk 121 N. High TT? A J.. C.l. Camera -iiuy i vici xv 17J M -...:l Arbuckle's 481StoteSt. Brown's Jewelry . 184 N.Liberty Eddie Lewis TV 495 Ferry St. CJ ViMI! Hallmark bU TTIIIIUII13 Card! 330 Court St. T Michael of Miller's I 189 N.Liberty Jewel Box 443 State St. JohnSOn's JSJiV'towear ' 464 State St. I n : rt junior ooorery 234 N. High St. g Kane s Apparel Shop 320 Court St. 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55. 55 55' 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 , 55 55 55 55 55 55 Kay Woolen Mill Store B 55 55 55 55 ,55 55 '55 55 55 s 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 6 260 S. 12th St. Lady Fair Hat Shop jj 383 Court St. 6g Ma rg wen's 440 N. Capitol St. Miller's 189 N. liberty Myron's ESS. ' 153 S. Liberty Penney's 160 N. Liberty 135 N.Liberty Onicpnhprrv . ,.. 1 & 310CourtSt. ... V Roberts Bros. 177 N.Liberty 340 Court St. j Stevens & Son Jewelers S 390 Court St. The Man's Shop 416 State St. htl - r ei 1 480 N. Copitol The Vogue of Salem 445-437 State St. 0? Vllflw TaIavician r- S, 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Warren's Radio & TV 55 Yeater SSk 375 Chemekefo St. 5 ALBANY Tannich Appliance & TV 55 Linn Mlicir DictriKiifnre 5 55 DALLAS 55 55' 55 55 55 A tin mt . aoir s tiectric MT. ANGEL . Wilde Appliance 3fi2? SILVERTON g Coast to Coast Stores 'fe? STAYTON f Stayton Radio & TV WOODBURN Sk Valley TV i 1 urant if. mT WW I WW Capital AJournal Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 1, 1953 mm III W'S XX VN! nr tu.' x xx n