PigeH THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, fair. Orcra Tuesday, ftwtw 1, IMS WATER FOR CEMETERY . j: v t 1 s-. ' . -. -i L Lebanon Planning perpetual car for Providence cemetery, the drilling of a deep well, left, was completed last week by the Providence Memorial Association. When the installation I complete It will provide a blanket of (ummer green for the extensive grounds where the church's founder, Joab Powell,, is buried fa company with many of the state's pioneers. (Photo by Rex Feery) Providence Cemetery Gets Water After Hundred Years Lebanon J a a b Powell's church at Providence, waterless since its founding in 1893, now bas a well on its grounds. Drill ing was started Nov. 17 by the Providence Memorial Associa tion which Is flnsndng the op eration. The location was decided af ter local willow wltchers tra versed the property and a me chanical wltcher checked their Lucille Ball Gets Surprise Hollywood W After 13 years of married life, Deil Arnaz finally surprised Lucille Ball. . . Television's top-rated couple celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary last night at the Mocambo, Sunset Strip night spot Lucy had expected a quiet dinner with Desl and two friends director Vincente Minnelll and his guest Georg ett Martel, sister of Miss Unl Verse. When Desl and Lucy arrived at the Mocambo, he took his wife to a back room. "We can't go in there," said Lucy. 'Someone' having party." She was right She was the surprised guest of honor. More than 40 guests sang "Happy Anniversary 'to her as she en tered. Visibly stunned, she an wered: "This Is the first time In my life I v every really been sur prised." Then, kissing her hus band, ah added, "Honey, I Just love the way you did this." 0ODD RESIGNS Rom VP) Norrls E. Dodd, former V. 6. undersecretary of agriculture, told FAO Tuesday he is retiring as director gen eral "to avoid competition. over the post." His withdrawal left the way for election as head of the Food and Agriculture Organization virtually clear for another American, Dr. Philip V. Cardon, backed by the Eisenhower administration. TRUMAN LUNCHES WITH ROYALTY New York W King Paul and Queen Frederlka of Greece lunch today with former Pres ident Harry S. Truman at the Waldorf -Astoria hotel. findings by scientific methods. Their predictions proved cor rect and a water vein was en countered at the 224 foot level which provides a flow of 600 gallons per hour. Drilling was done by Bill Long of Providence. For the first 30 feet he encountered only sandstone. After that he drilled through 140 feet of blue clay to hit a thin strata of pure sand and then started into shale when he encountered the light water vein predicted by the wltchers. They were less than twa feet off In their calculations. The main vein was cut on Nov. 27 and drilling was stopped at that level. Providence church, one of Oregon's few remaining exam ples of the pioneer church, is stituated on a hill from which heavy stand of fira was cleared for th building and its cemetery, the . Utter having been extended ' from time . to time to Include a large area. It is still a popular Interment place for Linn's old families and is the largest pioneer ceme tery in the area still In use. The Providence Memorial as. sociation was founded in 1936 to provide perpetual care for th grounds. Deeming the well necessary for proper ear, mo ney was raised through dona tions and a sal of Providence centennial plates to fiasnce the operation but more help will be needed before the project is completed. The church which has been in constant use since its found ing now serves Providence as a community church. Cent. Howell Balks On Consolidation Central Howell Residents of th Central Howell school district Monday night opposed complete consolidation with the Suverton schools by a straw vote of 94 to 2. The meeting was conducted by John Seims, chairman of th Central Howell school board. It waa agreed at the close of th meeting that more Instructions on th question would be sought A meeting of representatives of more than a dozen districts affected by the proposed con solidation will be held at Beth el school, Wednesday night, Dec. 2. Date of th election to decide th issue has not been set Erie F. Hall Died Monday Erie P. Hall, barber in Salem tor many years 'until 111 health caused hi retirement died Monday at his horn at 1320 North 17th street fallowing aa extended Illness. - , Born in Illinois January 1 1879, Hall cam to Oregon at ui age of 10 year with bis parents, Georg E. and Marga ret Ann Hall, and the family settled la Benton county. He cam to Salem to make his home In 1929 and first had a barber shop on South Commer cial street Later he moved to a location on Market street He retired about 10 yeare ago. Hall was a member of th United Brethren church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Minnie B. Hall of Salem; two' daughters, Mrs. N. O. Thompson of Salem and Mrs. Myrle Merrlman of Medford: a son Merton D. Jones of Myrtle creek and a sister. Miss Mary E. Hall of Alpine, Oregon. Funeral services will be held at th Virgil T. Golden compa ny chapel Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock with Rev. Lloyd Uecker officiating. Interment will be In th Alpine cemetery at Alpine, Oregon. Sigler Killed In Plane Crash Battle Creek. Mich' Ul Kim Sigler, who rocketed to the Michigan ffnvernnr'a ehalr seven yesrs ago after a sen sational grand Jury expose, plummeted to his death late yesterday in a fierv nln crash. Three companions died with him. SiEler's e w a four - rvlara plane, threading its way through a dense foe:. innd onto a guy wire supporting 340-ioot television tower. The impact sheared off one wing and sent the fuselage hurtling Into a woods three-quarters of a mil away, where it crashed and burned. ' The 39-year-old Republican ex-governor presumably was at th controls. The other victims wen Si. ler's secretary, Mrs. Ruth Prentice, 41: her sister, Mrs. Virginia Schuyler, 28; and Mrs. Schuyler's husband Har old, 37, of "Lansing. SIX DIE IN HEAVY SEAS Sules Skerry, Scotland W The 296-ton British twarla Hildlna foundered with the loss of six crewmen In hum sess nesr th Orknev lalea nfl Scotland's northern coast early Tuesday. LEGALS MOTICa Or FINAL ACCOUNT NaMea la ttvaa lunar ui th. M daraiaaad admrautramt af tha aatata of Koss X WHITLOCK, Daeaaaad, kaa Iliad har final aaeeuat to aald aatata and thai Friday. Oaeambar II. ma. at S:ll . taaa aaaa aat aa tha dm, uri tt circuit Court Room of tha Marios. Caaa t Circuit Jadaa Rci Klatmal In juiam Oraaoa. haa aaaa fliad aa tha plaaa lor ma naajrat af eajactlaaa to aald final eoouBi ana aantamant or aatd aatata. anau outDTS etALIffO Admlautratrti , 17a K. jut straat aalam. oruom Lor an D. fltcka Atlomar lor Uta AdmtaUlratrll Tumor. Orasaa. . rot. i7.M.Dac.i.i.ra axsccroaa' final notics HOT1CS IS HEREBY OIVXN that Jamaa K. Coataa and Varaoa a. Caataa. a j- aa natulan ol tba aatata of B. coataa. Daccaaad. aata mod thatr final account aa auca. and a ardar of tha circuit court af tna stata of oraaoa tha Count of Marlon, tha ltth dar af Doeamaar. Hit. la Uta foranoon at aatd day haa aaaa mad aa tha Una. and tha courtroom of aald court baa aaaa fliad aa tha alaoa for tba baarlar af afcjaa uona ta aatd ftnil account and tba aat- tlamant ol aald aatata. Data and flrit yubllabad: Not. I, 111) JAMU H COATIS VIRNOIt S. COATSS. SR. Xxacutora af tha latata af X s. coataa. Daccaaad. RHOTCff, RHOTKN srCXRarTRA. SI Plantar Trnal luUdlat. Salam. Oraron Attorn, ri for Xlaeutars. Nor. a, la, IT, Si. Dacl TRIXIE CELEBRATES THESE ATROCITIE S ON U.N. AGENDA Ore V'0 1 S Tvi - Cull Leaders Plead Guilty Kingman, Ariz. VP) The 27 purported leaders of the Short Creek multiple marriage cult will be sentenced Monday for conspiracy. They pleaded guilty yester day Just four months after a Relatives and friends pass by bodies of some 300 politi cal prisoners the U.S. Army says were killed by suffoca tion when the Communist-led North Korean Army forced -them into eaves, background, then sealed off the en trances. Scene is outside Hanhung, Korea. The Depart-. ment of Defense released this and other atrocity pictures lsst October. In the U.N. General Assembly in New York (Nov. 30) the United States accused the Communist world of fearful atrocities such as these and for holding back World War II prisoners. (AP Wirephoto from Department . of Defense) police force set up martial law in Short Creek, on the Arizona-Utah border, and rounded up the tiny community's men. Death Claims Hardy Zumwalt Lebanon Hardy Zumwalt member of a pioneer Lane county family, died Sunday night at the home of his step daughter, Mrs. C. M. Iverson, 107 Harrison. He was born at Eugene, April 3, I860, and lived there until coming to Lebanon in 1941. He was a re tired farmer. Survivors Include his widow, Emma Anna Zumwalt; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Iverson and Emma Henry of Darrington, Wash., and a sister, Mrs. Marie Pollock of Cloverdale. Funeral services will be at the Jost Funeral home, Wed nesday at 2 p.m. Interment will be In the IOOF cemetery. Earthquake Rocks Greece West Coast Athens, Greece () A new earthquake terrorized Greece last night collapsing SO houses and damaging 300 others in the south-central part of the coun try. Press accounts made no mention of casualties. Th quake also rocked th nation'a west coast and waa felt In th Ionian laiyf where thousands were killed or left homeless lata summer by th worst such disaster in modern Greek history. a a 3 Networks Turn Down Reds New York ( Thre maior networks have turned down re quests from the communist party ana lis organ, th Daily Worker, for radio and televis ion time to aniwar fian. Jnaanh R. McCarthy (R., Wis.). uus, abu and NBC an nounced their decisions last night The communists hsd asked for free time after McCarthy a week ago tonight made refer ences to that Dailv Wnrka, mnA Reds In general during a TV- raaio taut carried ty major networks and some stations. NBC, in announcing its ac tion, said the requests from the communist party and the Worker were turned down be cause "the public interest would not be served by grant ing time for this purpose.'' 1 women and children: Charges of conspiracy were dropped against, 69 other defendants. WANTED! FILBERTS AND WALNUTS - AND NUT MEATS Highest cash price en delivery for ore hard ran MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Front St., Salem T.I. 37633 FOR 1954 -Aocutc! I X taw aaaaaaaV- J amS aP N.w Nash lewar PriccsT I'm, new low prica makt ff new 1954 Nuk Alrflytu more than tier America's birrtst buys. Hit new Nash Ambassador Cmmtrj Club, aboit, costs amartat of town lest urn other pm con. AraUabU with mew Power Steering, fewer Brakes, Fower-Ufi Winaowt, Airliner RecBning Scats and Twin Beds. 'aaaaaaajaaajiao VV if v - if iflTi i -J . : '., i "t. r . ati-: T fl AotcnivriiATiux final fcmci Moum to brlT iiTtn tit Went 1 TUtOia m Mmtautrfttrit C the uuti of Catsuit J. Brophy, DKMMd, hu ftitd hr flBftl ftocounl m iKh. and br'ertlir ar ii amn conn r uu suu r or fo for th Couatr f Mu-loa th 11th Jar f Jaauarr. lU. la tha forenoon f aatd iar haa bam tUad aa tha tlraa, and tna aourt room or aatd court hat baao fliad aa tha plac for tba haarlnv of eb Jtctleni to aald final account aad tba acttltmcnt of aald aatata. DaU4 and flrit publiathad: Dvr. 1. ltM. MONITA 1 VlWrO, AdmlnUtiitrtt of th but f CaVtuta J. Vrophr. Dccaa4a RHOTIIff, RHOTKN aPKKKJSTKA, li piBflr Trut BVd, taiam. Otmob Attornan for AdnlnUtratrlx. Dc I t It 31 1H New! The Nash Rambler Four-Door Sedan! 7j" Trlxt iTlgansa, old-tlm comedy and vaudeville star. Bow afflicted with arthritis, blow out the candle r- her birthday eske as she celebrated her (2nd birthday, Nov. 39, at th Sacred Heart Academy, Flintridge, Calif. All dressed up, sh. sits In a wheel chair ready to greet friends and well-wishers. (AP Wirephoto) DATE PRUNES An "Ideal Gift of Oregon" Available Either in Bulk or Gift Boxes CHECK ON OUR SPECIAL VOLUME BULK PRICING Valley Farm Store 3935 Silverton Road "77k Man Who Pus Tomorrow's Look en Wheels", nan Farina, started the whole continental trend In America with his Nash styling. 191 in Th sparkling custom boouty obov is tomething entirely new in automobiles the compact Nash Rambler now in a luxurious four-door sedan. Think of having Rambler handling ease quick-as-a-wink parking whiplash getaway amazing economy and the safety of unitized Airfly;e Construction all in a four-door sedan so spacious it even offers Twin Beds , . . and luggage space tor a family of six. Think of getting custom radio, Weather Eye Conditioned Air System even the-continental rear tire mount as standard equipment! For this "new way of lift on wheels," come sea tad drive the new Nash Rambler four-door sedan. TheNew 1954 Nash Statesman Four-Door Sedan TV birrrst, roomiest, finest faint In Its class, the new Nash Statesman now has brand-new, hirlhcompressicm, twin carburetor ptifiMnuaut, In the new i Dual fowerftyte engine, with the same famous Statesman ouonomf. All Nash modrls offer three transmission choices. ftutf MabfaV BMaaW NafaakaaMaafjfam CaWpafOfamataj OtbVjiV MataWfM W I AMtASSAOOff STATESMAN RAMBLER aWft aM a "P..H, Ufetam" NOW ON DISPLAY! NOW AT N1W LOW PRICIS. r'lTZr?.L aaaa- Vofv romorraw i&ABION -iaftOTORS 333 Center St. Solem Phone 3-9286