THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Orcfw Pat 17 FOR SAll MISCELLANEOUS DENNIS the MENACE AUTOMOTIVE REPAII VENEZUELA PREPARES FOR VISITORS a J Wbitsaoa, Rt 1, McHlaa. clotbebuxe posts, tro. ton atiko iuutm tsocBLtr. ItXm nun o. mmi ww mi, r ink. iuik nnmn tiiiim uu a. i enr. II. was a IS-ycw Burmbcr of tn McMlnoviU. lodn No. ATTRKU-AU. Can MM. tt. Ex tthaftte IS maaths IVlrulM. OM nil I M daily. LrUe'e Tut urn tin 1281 BPOK. Th loda bU chart of tb senrk. TRUCKS H wis bora In Hutinfa. BEKmun KOMI Ireeoara. IMt K1 IHTISNATIOKAL t-u4 A p glance Oft, 171 Pno&e 1-41 1L CteackMs at Neb, March 22, ISIS. Tb soa of Cora Houck and Elmer K. M MMHMI. MU llMr. RL I. studio cpbiomt. Oftir r kit. - jutuneal. Oaly UN. Jaat ni il Uit HEAVY EQUIPMENT Beacom. Survivor, ar. th widow. At ma. McMtnnvlll., Rt 1; Etri Farmer itepcon; on brotbar, LaBern Btacom. Paio Boblea, Calif.; four iKtera, Mrs. Ooldl Kldd. Corning, Calif.; Mrs. Iva Mauey, Mrs. Edna Newell, Se attle, Wash.; Mrs. Haxel Schil ler, Gmham, and two grand- . children. BUI Hat bora it Tallmaa'a Bit Xtu r , I i cat rot BIU. Rm MW wu- Bal. TUM rUN 4TM. Mi 11th. St- BUT Lartt aelaetlea af UmI Daveaos, FINANCIAL Davonaartt. B.OC-a-Besaa. All a a 1 0 Mirrors I I M I4frurstora, tood-coad. MM Twin ar Pull slaa bods, your tbotoo i n Ou apt, MBit, special ., a w ' rot . wmiom imuiujici ad Loam Hu 'To TrAAM" U M DAttr KAUI UN KA. obiiiui. riNAacm CO. LOAM . . CMMMII H. TU. Mill Console Bodice ill UAED UKBCKAHDISI MART trO LlMly Fbooe 4-4111 lactam tht Btreot tram Ajbhti DIM TMriar. Dacmbcr 1. 1851 By Ketcham Ifl il i in I1 . - , SM.SS ALLOWED for yeur old water make, cm ft bow WWttBCbOOM ex to mat tleetrlo water heater, with a 10- year tuarentoe. Teeter Appiiaoct Co. 171 Chemokett at. Phone 1-4111. a1 GOOD USED washers, I1S.M up. Tnt er Appllenee Co 171 Cbemekott Phone 1-4111. I VSED niGIDAlEI refrlcereter for sale. Mf. BsCtUSBt 01MUllCv PhOM 4-4T01, Bin MWDCtV TIBES, 178-11. HH Tire MUX. Phono 4-40)1. Lrtle's Bill OSPITAL KB for sale or rtBL. B. L. 8tlff Pwrnltura Co. Fhoae I -I US. GOOD COED refrlterators, t.M . YCStCT Appliance Co, I7 CblBllU at. Fbono j-uii. TJSED -CLECTBIC Ran IBS. Ill t Tester Appliance Co, 171 Chemekete St. Phone 1-411L 1M GALLON Oil tank. If octetoa Al mond cut mirror (piste tlftuj. 4-1140. BlM BLCAPS, SCO -1 4, U.M. Ope aunlaye. Lytlc's Tire Marl al PLASTIC -BOTE r sou Ira at waxtnt tor , your floors or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co, IT ChemeketA 8L Phono 1-4111. SPECIAL! ONE WEEK Kew amier Usht wettM portable twin machine. Round bobbin. mi forward sad reverse, automatic tension. hinted or fioattns loot. ONLY $109.30 Includes frit scwlnt lesions. Singer Sewing Center 1 M. Com'L (Opca Friday tvenlnc ) ADDING MACHINE, Dwd bind doe- trie, ciorr MulUpUor 1171 PAUiroiradi T44. I-3T. BUS' II CV. FT. G. C Commtrclal Rrtrlitr- otor. Doublo door. Weil for form, homo, tutoaront or Uvtra. 1 niri old. OBly I1H.M. Ttttr AppIIbbco Cc. 17ft CbomiktM St. PbOBi 1-4IU. CASH REOIBTERA. from $ up. CTirr Miuupiur, II 7t mrtroBBdj no. 37i. B3M TALLMAN'S WO XMAA PIANO SALE! II HoMi A Plino For Xnu DIUVIRY FarniBtt Bttts Neil Twl BRAND NEW SPINETS. $393 UP mall MahMtB? Bp1m ) Studio Spinet 147 mmob 4i Tf aalla Coaaolt Splait , Bach SPtaet 437 Hfiier apiaet ... 4 sis New Mthoffanr Spinet W Stelnwar Console Spinet 617 1741 New Bk.ud Spinet 1 7 it New HeUlett At Davis Spinet .. 17 7U New Limed Oak Spinet Ml MtT New Bear Rou Spinet M7 1.M New KnaM Spinet MT j MftBir OUwri GRANDS, $427 UP Over Mt Fin Bftrt-t& UPRIGHTS, $89 UP Batr term We earry your contraek OPEN EVERY EVE. . III 1M . TALLMAN . PIANO STORES Wft llth. Salem 11 S. W. tta, Fortlaad lt-GATJGE MODEL 17 WlneheiUr. Xxcel lenl condition. Phont 1-44M. n3M FOB SALS OB TRADE for car pen ten, a iaa Ruiek. 1134 Che v. daveno. lamp. chair. Duo-therm oil atovo. Phone 4-1111. BABT BTJCGT. portable Batbroetu, Teeter Babe, all for 111.00. Phone s:o. niM 14 CtBIC foot Deepfrtaaa, I1M. 1-7714. ROSE DAVENO and biaU dinette aet. PJiono UMI. " SED YORK trumpet. Excellent condi tion. Obo year. Phone 4lU0.tvenmi BjBB' CED PUNOt, RebuUl and luaraateed for 10 years. The larteit se.eetxra tn the N.W. Save at Tallman's Bit Xnu Tallmaa Piano Stores. 399 13th. Salem. nlT ' REDUCED S3 per Day Until Sold btabtino prici ov. . Electric Thermidore Wall He-tcr 3.AM WATT DEC. 2, $50 10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Pnon. Front Court atrm WI OIVI U ORHN ATAUPA GRAND PIANOt. Sale prices start at 1427. Choose from dltterent styles and finishes. Don't mlt Tsllmsn's Bis Xnu Sale. Tallman Piano Stores, 399 8. llth, Selem. SINGER PORTABLE MACHINES BfiuttfullT RtbnUt Nt IntCAf. trpt porttblt cm. N. motor Hn t IPCC4 tot coDtnl Itrw Hf BAM Cob IM tl For A Umiu4 ttm. wt win tDclnoA Mr rwular lia n tcwini norsir A. titr. coat. on Rotbac M N. c.pltol. Pn. Al ONE I PLAT Alto ftiophont wit cut, NS 00. Phono JI1J1 or W. A3AI- ETTIONAL DATENPORT KB Ubli. BoUrwwA MA. PMA. lotM. Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODET WANTS PIUOA. PboDO A-tlll. ILECTRIC RANGES. WoodTT'i. P PERSONAL INDEPENDENT mlTOto AtloctlvA. CITll. oortoL 4onMtM. RobaoaaMA. PtieBO I-A9TI SAlom. pn BECURITT DETECTIVI AOENCT Pn.t lAtoititotioao. on troot- PA- AUK Ijojf. Pkou a.t m mi 41-w 'IU ee OUTAdfiOONASrWAtoMAMKfSMB BATTHI6. AUTOMOBILES No Down Payment ' ON CARS Up to $1,500 NOW YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY A NEARLY NEW CAR FOR CHRISTMAS 1953 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP ..$3095 1951 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 DR $1695 1950 BUICK SUPER HARDTOP . .$1695 THIS U THE CLKANEST, MOAT ZEAOTTPUL M BOICK IM TOWN. 1950 PACKARD DELUXE 4 DR. . .$1195 1950 FORD CUSTOM "8" 4 DR. ..$1095 1949 FORD CUSTOM 8 2 DR. $1095 . PULL RACK MOTOR. RAH, OVHDR, 1948 BUICK SUPERS DR. $795 . 1948 PONTIAC STREAMLIN. SDT. $795 1948 BUICK RTJMSTR; CONVERT. $795 1948 BUICK RDMSTR. DT..'. .... $795 1948' KAISER 4 DR." . . . . . .'. . . . $295 1947 CHEVROLET AERO SEDAN $745 n THIA OKI 1 OWMIR. BLACK PIMISH. H1TI WALL TTRta,. - ( 1946 CHEVROLET AERO $595 M.0OA UILES, NIWLT RKOND. MOTOR. 1952 CUSTOMIZED D6MC i2 TPK.$1795 W MOTOR. WHITIWALL TIRES, RADIO. LIU NEW THROUGHOUT, ,M MILKA. , . PRE-WAR CARS UU MBtCTJRT OR. 1M1 LIMCOLN CL. CPS. lltl PONTIAC 4 DR. IM PLTM. CFE. . IH1 PONTUO CL. CPE. LEE'S CHURCH 1-IUT AUTOMOBILES The Sea! of QUALITY LODER BROS. FOR THE BUY OF A LIFETIME! 53 Ford 2 Dr. ....$1795 CuetomtlBe. OD, RArIL 50 Olds 4 dr $995 RM. HT4TA. A MM tur. 51 Nash Amb $1195 Custom 4 dr. RAH. OD, an Immaewltta ar. 51 Olds Sup 88 ...$1695 4 4r RR oners baaI trAu. 50 Mercury ..$1145 4 Ar. f. ods. OD, RAtR. 50 Lincoln 4 dr. ..$1295 tOu RAN OD. TERMS TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK LODER BROS. . OLDSMOBILE , PHONE 1-1111 or 4-nai 4M CENTER IT. IMt POED VletortA. RAR. autoattlc Artvo, otnor OBtroo. I. nlKooo. rool cs.on. CoajtAVr troAo f Alor cat. CoU Dutaa itoaiau. au IOXJA. AUTOMOBILES 1.41 OLD. DR. ' tH CHEV. I DR. I eWKER. U.S04 MELU. IU1 MODEL A I DR. PROBABLY ' ' ONI OP TBI BBST IN TOWN. OU FATROROUNDS RD. FH. t-Mll AUTOMOBILES SIGN DESTBUY3 M DESOTO SEDAN , 11401 Has had unusually floe care clean and dependable. M CHEV. E BLAIR Hill Powenllde. radio, beater, one owner, tood look trie and tood edltlc. 4T Mercury convert M Packard aedaa M Chevrolet aedaa 001 Yfeugef a better Dead Car frrxns fcjiektoalef OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commertia. tl Center rhane I M33 M IF YOU ARB LOORINO for a clean car that to naasnabtr prKod. try tnia one. 1IH0 Pontlac. Hydramatlc radio and heater. WUl sell to bast offer be fere December 1st. Phone 1-JlW. aMT PSPPECTt I0M Chcv. w with ttaapy. AsklnS .11. K 4-1 IM titer I N pickup Phone alM MB CHEVROLET eoupo. Heater. Pelt Tabs aaytbtM ta part trad. 1-M44. tlM IPSO PLTMOt TB Buburbaft. IMS mile. Owner Phono 17TM last POBB 4-dor. Radio, heater, oer XXlva. IMS Leo AH. 4-lSSS. eiMw X fOUARET CASH FAST! . $25.00 TO $2,S00 AEB FRED SCHOTT AT 118 S: Liberty St PHONK 4-220S Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS UP TO $1500 OB 81m store. Taraltar. Car ' AT PEHSONAU It -yes" BToapUf I employed men or women. I .visit loan . . . phone first Ton stlecl best payment date) Between payday loan Phone, write or coma la TOD AT I Personal Finance Co. IM B. HIOH ST, SAIaBM State License Na. 6-113. M-1M Loans ever MM op to 1100 and vp to 10 months t repay mad by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under tbo Industrial Loan Cempanlea Act of Oreton. rill SEB OS FOR FARM. CITT OR ACRKAOE LOANS BEAT OP TERMS . WK BUY Real aetata Mortiaias contracts' State Finance Co. 117 So. High SL Ph. 1-4111 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO RO0ERT W 60RMUN. Pet. 687 CwwttYftca4-22S AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTB CREDIT CO. Ill South Church Parkins a-Plenty -PtV l-37 Lie. No. M-1M, B-1M HOUSE TRAILERS CRt'lttEB DELUXE. 1TH. H model. This is the trailer you nave been valtlni for, sea It today. LAN A LAN! TRAILER PLAZA 1AM Lana Are, v taSM A FOOT trailer bouse. ao after 11 a.m. 1740 Oxford, acrosa from Paulas cannery. talU Buy TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Bank Finance Real LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA UM Lana Are. tellt l-FT. BOUSB TRAILER MM.M. FraB cla White, 0M Settlamlar, Woodbura. talM DIRECTORY ADD IN O MACHINES' All niakea uaed machines told, rented, repaired. Roen, 4M Court Ph. 1-1771. o BLLLDOZiyo BuIldoatBt. roads, aleartu toetn. Ylr tU HuJkey. 1410 Falrrlew, phana 1-1144. oioa COMMERCIAL TTPINO Also direct ikisll trdrejllalBS. NATHAN a WAN, 11M Holrste. olll EXCAVATING Baa OUea Sob. excavatlnc. and cradlftf. Lan4 olaartBf. Ph. 1-10M. o4 INSVLATION Insulation, wsatberstrlpa, stem sasb. Free eaUmatea. T. Puilmas. Phana I-IMI. o4 MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlno rworatea. Full new mattresses. Pb. I-404B. OFFICE FL'BNITLBE OUPFUES Desk chairs, flies, tlltac auppllaa, astfea, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen. OBI Court o EPTIC TANKS Mire-1 Septic Aerrtce. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans sewrrs, drains. Phone 1-I4U. aMT Sewer, septic taaka. drains cleaned. Roto-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone J-JJJT. SEPTIC TANKS Hsmel'a septic tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work P h 0 a e 1-7404, 10774. Oll0 TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. R mint ton. Royal, Un derwooB porUblca. All makes msei machines. Repairs rent Roen, 4M court. s-aiTi. WINDOW CLEANING Arme window Cleaaere. Induetrlal floor wexma. houaeeloenlBa. rnone l-llll. S4T Court. o LODGE A, Salem Lodge No. 4, AF W it AM Wed., Dec. 2, Din ner, 8:30; Past Master's Night and Stated Communication witn election, 7:30. 287 Tat Vlnrm rtrr'il",A kAm v e iwba viu.ji iU tu j Phone 2-2406 WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shelters ft rrm DEATHS MaxtBO Marts MelBtoah At trie residence. Rt, L Box TM, Salem. November 10. at I be ae of years, sur vived lur pareAta, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mc intosh. Salem: staters. Colleen. Lime, Patricia Mcintosh, ail of Salem, breta crs. Earl Lee Mcintosh. U. S. army. Luther Ketth Mclntoih. both of Sa lem. Private aervleea were, bald IB the Clout-h-Bar rick chapel Monday, Nov. M. Rev. Paul N. Polios officiated. Interment was at Mt. Crest Abbey Crematorium. Brw r. tun Brte P. MalL at the mldenot. 13M If. nth St.. Nov. M. Survived by wife. Minnie B. Hall. Salem: dauabtera, Mrs. N. O. Thompson, Salem. Mrs. Mrrle McVrlman. Mediord; sob, Mertoa O. Jones, Myrtltcreek, Ore.i sister. Miss Mary B. Hall, Alpine. Ore. Services will be held la the VI nil T. Golden chapel Wednesday, Dec. 1, at 10 a.m. Interment at Alplna cemetery, Alpine, Ore. Alejandro Foaeo Alejandro Ponce, lata resident of Ml Jefferson St., Nov. M. at the axe of M rears. Survived by mother, Mrs. Eluterla Ponce, Tuxpan, Mexico; aunt Mrs. Pe lleltas Garcia. Salem; cousin, Mrs. Otto Ourantt Satem. Announcement of serv ices wtll be made later by the Howell Bdwarda Co. Mrs, OUva Alferta Wilson Mrs. Olive AJverta Wilson, at the reel . deneM 8. llth St.. Nor. M, at the asa of 01 rears. Survived by husband. James W. W l Leon, Salem; dauxbtcr, Mrs. VelB Brantley, Salami sons, Lawrence Bailey. Everett Wash the Rev. Fiord S. Bauer, Hemet Calli- and Arthur Bailey. Salem: stater. Mrs. Ida A. Mailer, Loa; loar xraadcBuareB aad six treat trandchlldrsa. Servtcee WedBeeday, Dec. S, at 1 p.m. at the VlrtU T. Ooldea Chapel with the Rev. WUford Kaulmann officiatlnc. latement at Belcreet Memo. rial Park. ; Mrs. MenrUtta M. Melsener Mrs. Henrietta M. MeUsaer. late resi dent of Salem Route L Box 417. at a lo cal- hospital Nov. 10. Survived by hus band. R. Julius MeUsner. Salem: son. Allan Wayne Mclssner. Salem: dauthtcr, Judr Frances. Uelssner, Salem: parents. Mr, and Mrs. B. A. SUrnea, Halsey. Ore. etitera. Mrs. Bather AlberUoa, Halsey, Mrs. Haltle P. Lansdon. Harrlsburv, Ore. and Kathryn M. Starnes. Portland, brother, Aaon B. Starnes, Culver, Ore. Services Wednesday. Dee. 1. at 10 a.m. at the Clout h-Bar rick Chapel with the Rev. Donald Payne officiatlnc. later meat at WUlamitta Memorial park, Ai bany. 0 ; Mrs. CBariotta L Ward Mrs. Charlotta 1. WsrtL at iht ttil- denoa, T01 H. Capitol St4 Nov. . Sur vived by husband. Bar Ward. Salem; dausbter. Miss SUaa Victoria Ward. Sa lem; mother, Mrs. jamas a. J"e. rea dleton,; sisters, Mri. Walt Knoll, San Bruno, Calif., Mrs. Bvt Bewail, Mill city. Calif., Mrs. Out Cery. Hood River, ore Mrs. Mar IStRav. Pendleton. Mrs. aeons Smith. Tenneasee: brother. James Isaac, Jr, Pendleton, avtirtooa weanes day. Dec 1. at 1 M p.m. at St Paul's Episcopal Church under the direction of tbo Clench-Bar rkk Co.. the Bev. Oeoree Bwirt ofTifliatins. iniarmons at jmi- erest Memorial Park, , Mra. Ft an sea Rath Bardmati v Un. Prancaa Buth Mardmaa, lots resi dent of MM 8. Commercial St., la this city Nov. 11. Survived by sister, Mrs. or BTundtdse. saiem, ana- strs. Wetter Hordmen. Port Orchard mother. Mrs. Jacob Heer, Bllenrbers. brother. Ft as. vlln Whitehead. Xllensburf . Serv loaa Wednesday. Dec. at 1:M t m. la the W. T. Rttdoa Chapai. inteTmaat at Betbaap Cemetery, Mvartoa. BtJllmor. Berch . ' 4 Jn this city Dec, I si tttt at 0 a Tl Tears. Brother at Mre. H. H. Orson, ChUlocetho. HI. Announcement af Serv. loss win bo made later by tnt iw. T Risdoa Co., . WaMa Y. Mardmaa ' ' Waldo V. Hardman. late resident of In depaadence, near Salem Nov. 10 at the axe af M rears, survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude V. Hardman, Indepen dence; brothers. Walter Hardman. Port Orchard, and William Hardman, Salem: sisters, Mrs. Claudlne Tlllltson, Eusene. and Mrs. Patricia achwlnser. Indepen dence. Services Wednesday, Doc. 1, at 11 a.m. la the Howell-Bdwarda Chape) with interment to City View Cemetery. Dr. ff. I. Urn. RD Or. O. Chan. N-D DRS. CHAN and LAM CHINES NATU ROPATH UpoUlra, Ml North Liberty Office opts Betardav only. II is to I p.m.; 0 to 1 p.m. Consultation, blood prearj so and urine teats are free of charse. Practiced since 1111 Write far attractive sift No obll tauea. ( Nasi. r -t r - -Auditorium being built at University .City, Caracas, will house 10th Pan American Conference of American nations in March 1954. Steabeei Terra wee Job atephea Terrenee Jobb, at a local hoa pHel Rov. M. laraat sow at Mr. and Mrs. Terrenes Jobb, 8a rem i helf-etitcr. Cheryl. Solom; (rondporonU, Mr. An, UrA OU- ,r jaoi. BiartoB. abo nr. 00. Mr,. jobs A. Joes, AAK.r, oro. pn.ol. trtv.- lao AtrvMot or Bolt TuwAkr, Dm. 1 At at. BArtarA't OMMtorr .odor Uw Al roctM ol Aba OowA-BArrloA c Mr., OrAAO IMoIo Bwn Mr. oroeo BatollA BiieE. lau rMldont ol loAt M. 41k AX. Al A total rioapltal No,. JA at Iba wo al joara. ilrmMlj C J CL... a, hiuaoBd. 'h. u. Bum. s.i.m. I,. Mrs. duuie ineorer aangntora. fara. ArBAl AoiltB n4 ura. CUIIoid SiutA. Both 1 salaaji Uroo aona, Arthur Buoll, Olrropla, WaaB.. aclra Bu.ll. MobuIbIt. N. t, Natban BuetL Portland; ll araadohlMroa oBd II araat-traBdchUdreA. Bha waa a ravnbar or tna nrat Baptiat cbureb. Bamou HI a. Tucular. Dm. 1. at 10 a.m. In In. Cloush-Earrtck Chapot, Dr. Llord T. ABd.r.oa offlclatlas. lator- man, la Cltr Vlow ComoMrr. Afro. Aalrar Boa obMoob ACra. Audro, BliimotutolA, Ulo ruloat 1 UN s. Oold BL. CoBlralla. Waah.. at Belah, Wa.b.. Not. tl. Burvlrod br bus- band. Douala, BlumtnaulB, Canualla: dauabtera. Oarnet Wood and Jorc Wood, both of Itb.l. Waab.l bob. k,b B,tb Wood. EtbaL Waah.i paronu, Mr. and Mra. Vauihn Jackaon. Indapendanca; aUtera. Mra. Evaratt Tallraan and Mra. Toddr Prla, botb of aalaa: brotbara. Auorap Amburatr, NatloaAl, Waafe., and vauior, Amoaraor, indapondanca. Bar,' lea Tuoadar, Ok. 1. at 1: p.aa. Ia tbo Clouab-Barrlek Cbapal with Dr. Llord T. Androoa olflcUUns. Intaraiont At Cltr vmv coosaMTP- Minna, It.ha.n Mlnnla Hltebman. laU roatdent of 1401 D Bt.. Balam. In BalarA No,. II. Burvlvod br huiband. Earl Hiuhman af Balam; .litara. MrA ta.ri.nt Btaraalh. MrA Mar naiaa. Mre. Kutat Hanoaraon, and brotb ara, WlUlan and Tboroaa Bomon, all of Portland. Btrvteoa ,1U taka placo Wod aeadar. Doe. t. At 11:1, A. m. In the drawtnf room ebapal mt the Colonial Mortuarr. Band? Blvd., at 14th, Port land. Interment At Roe. Cltr Caraetarr ia a-oruana. Mre. Boer Violet Barea Mra. Rubr Violet Bane, at th, real denea, to Juodea BU Nor. J4. Burvlrod or bueband, oeoraa Earea. Balem; dauab ur. MMA Dorothea Barea. Portland: ale- UrA Mra. John Bishop, Cooa Bar. Mrs. Clara Diamond, Balem. Mre. Vernon a ! w, , tP C A IXT.lMlV'l Efficient, effective and Teolly economical Want Ads are as "news' as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . '. . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for Capitalouraal .hi mm Beosmer. Klasston. N- Y- and Miss Joyce Abb Vohlsmd. Salem; brothers, Clifford O, Yob Land. Oarralv, Burteaa C. Vohlaad and Ross J. vohlaad. both ol Salem. i ..nrlew viu A, AnAouseo, lAUr Ar IAO CloAfA-BorrloA Co. Mid Willamette Obituaries Albany Mrs. Sadie Shearer, 69, RFD S, died in an Albany hospital Sunday after a short Illness. She had been a real dent of Albany for 37 yean. The funeral will be held at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday at the Fisher Funeral home. Burial will be in the RiversiSe ceme tery. The deceased was born in Stockton, Mo. She came with her parents in 1887 to Mora, Ore., where she lived until she moved to Albany in 1818. She was married in Portland Janu ary 3, 1912, to W. Y. Shearer, who survives her. Besides her widower she is survived by five brothers: Edward L. Tomlin, Portland; Carl Tomlin, Klam ath Falls; Ben Tomlin, San Francisco, Calif.: George Tom. Un, VaUejo, Calif., and Laurel Tomlin, Crescent City, Calif. James E. Beacom Amity James E. Beacom, 85, died at a McMinnvUle hos pital Nov. 22 following brief illness. t Funeral services were held Nov. 24 at Maey and Son chapel. Commitment Ever green Memorial Park. Beacom was a farmer living PERSON niiMsTt. doaVHALE of ajob! OCCUPATIONAL CHANCE Hemphia, Tenn. () Two door-to-door Bible aalarmen war arretted here and charged with $ holdup rob bery at knifepoint. orean Yets ligibilfv Rules Fqt Lockwood Homes v . Eligibility rule, are: 1. Anr veteran of the armed forces of the United States 'Of America, mala ar female, honorably discharg ed or transferred to the re serve who has been author ized the - Korean service medal or ribbon, is eligible as an applicant lor inis home. 2. Anollcant must aubmtt letter telling his or her best reason for wanting to own his or her own noma, to gether with a complete fin ancial statement showing all income from salary, wages. or any other sources. This statement must also snow how much money the appli cant owes. These figure, will be keot confidential. 3. Applicant must be able to meet FHA loan require ments and make payments of approximately (80 par month. 4. This letter must b sent or delivered to Salem radio station KSLM, Th. Statesman Lockwood Homes, or tne capital journal Liocx wood Homes. 5. This letter must be sent or delivered not later than 8:00 p.m., Saturday, Dacean- 8. Do not mall any dis charge or other official papers witn tne letter as tna committee cannot D respon sible tor them, but b pre nared to show any such papers to the committee up on request. 7. Memberahln in anv vet eran's organisation Is not re quired, nor will such mem bership or lack of member ship be considered by th committee. 8. Decision of th. commit tee will be final and applica tion letters cannot oe return ed or acknowledged. J: -t nr - ' - -"V" r aalv.At. . .