Past 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, OrcfM iwccaay, XXccmber 1, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNER tat bedraoane, llWat fom. tort k.unca with aoa, iilr, plast ered. IniiiUM. sitae bed mut. tg acre Suta 41 B- Maareae. Pbaa 4-144 fcitwwa It am. 4 p.m. as two UVIOOM modcra Bom. Newly painted Uutrf 1M S. ilia. Brie S4M. 4M dowa. Call fiur, Mr. Aa jfms, 4 4444 Al Colaeta Land Ca COULD WRITE A BOOK About this Pitt, fetr eg ft vf th bttb HM. R4 Mt, ei. 4 bedrms. 1 up t dra. reel ale If. gittbea la- fc-Bi rm f" dry kiat. with tosid eutsido Ml. Oarage, thicken baa. at well pump tall building r la fid. eond-i all kinds of hemes, fia s risty ( dwarf fruil trees. Jul gain latere lira rt part. liMt 11 wit y d drainage, located tut Auk. fub oa F4- Rd ate surroundings, HI. 14. Consider en trad a Ubeaes fcMrtr. Fa- "ed LUKINBEAL, REALTOR 411 M. HUh Eve. Cell Ear Dim VMtl u M7M Low Down Payment I . X. -Oder RM. Mr. BMVtr Sel. lrt. lot UM full prkr,. fcuu .Iter West Salem Home Trm, oa this t B. R. lie I lota. StoWleU St, ai. . B. Isherwood, Realtor till WiUau M. PR. 4-UU till ! Only $800 Down for this 3 bedroom DREAM HOME! 8m the fimoui Lockwood Home that has all ; of Salem fasping with ad miration. ' MT a. Ft f Wdroomj Lent living roora and . area with all picture window Beautifully destined gitcoen wiin natural eirea cabinet m Both shower and tub m t ft. ward robe Mott la all 'bedroom Hard- mm floora Thermo-controlied ell r ta lurnact Insulated and wtath r stripped Um etorat room Your choice of ittrlor aod Interior colore f) Mo down payment if you own lot Approx. 1M .06 par mo. includ ing interest, tax, insurance, etc ALL THES1 WON DIH nri, feature lot anil t4.K0.0t ORDERS ABE MOW BE1NO TAKrN, SO MB I MODEL HOUE TODAY I PHONE l-Mll Mt list DOWN . t todroom boum. 1 A. Lrit iiim, oulbuUdlnu. IS bum ut EouU)il Hits. Prk. UTM. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1IW MlMlon 31. - PH. 1-MM EM. J B1I CHOICE LOT nr. Dtekaoo'l Ukl. 7&I14S aptl. unk vitr. P.vmI t. Good trrnu. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ml Willie. X4. PH. -! 1U' MAME TOUR doo Brand Daw. Ta rMdroom.. Irutd. ullllt.. Lot. of torf. ipACt. P-H.A. kullk Prion. 1-MI7. MM KLUMPP'S SUBURBAN THW I btdroom bom with Uvlnf room, dlnlni room aod ale kltctwn. Inau laUd aftrbvad. On blork to kraaupM Uitoo m achool but. Oil clrooIatoT ru teiaudd. Mtt Urd lot 100x104 with 44' wiii, Frfe n.wo. Ttrau. SOO DN. ON THIS Bit I bdrm. bom anfurnlatvtd npatalri. Hardwood floor, oil htat and Inmlatad ovarnead. City watr iwr. ClOM to but. Total prlct M.400. O L OB P H. A. W!T ItaUd tbt loraly S adroora horn with llTini room with tlrtplae. aoed lad kltcbra with din lot arta. also breakfast bar. Good turd bath with tollit At ahowor. losulaiad m waathsr tilppod. Lovalr hardwood floor. ll turaao. rBd back yard withflawa EE IIHOIIIl tlVMM ft W atEirw. L. B RXDUPT, REALTOR Mil rortlud Rd. n. 1-7MI I-uto sr t-)ttt till REAL ESTATE HIGHWAY AND RIVER FRONTAGE )1 acras wail lecatad aa btfhwar. ood T-room noma, l-car taraaa. Appyoil mattlr M acraa rlvr bottom land. 5kM ator bulldln In aood eoodltlon fiiiufM Idfkl spot to develop a trailer park. Owner wants to tak la flalem property. A wonderful opportunity for the man Uiat l lookln toward to imure HOME IN THE COUNTRY JO arrw loratrd approilmalely 11 tnllrt Cut. Lart t-bfdroom horn that li In vary aood condition. Oarat and workshop. Lara chtrkn house, bora. Appraiimateiy It acres In culttval balanca in pasture with year around water. Hchool bus. milk route, and mat! past door. Price HO. WO. Terms. CALL O. V. HVUX or fTANLKY BROWK WITH STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 117 a. Huh at Ph. 1-4111 Eta 3-6304 T l-HIl NEW DUPLXX Very complete, well conatrvcted. tide Bt atde um;. Loaa apprakaei 111. 00. Our price lea thaa this. CLoe Bus ana anopptne. Dixtrxa HOME One of the flaeat borne In the city Isrce bedrma t baths. I0i30 den, fjll baaemrat with SO fl. Playroom 4100'i of dollar spent aa treea and lanrucapint. very pentve floor fov erinta The piece sparkles lnide and ui. our price much lass ttian placement cast. Vie of the whole rity too. fn nun Cieary. W. Musgrave, Realtors 1111 r.HIC.TTR MI 1 sit ivi J. till fl ONF V tJonS roTTHtir New bdrm, li rm . rtlrfttf. ru! ktl . hd lira., j Path. Price two O'TtersJ Heal t.tste I 3S Center Pr,nn 3- am cl' LX4!!tlll:D AIIVFRTIMVU Pee Word. II. P Herd rf BnI, I .iflK, Per Ward. I sxanth N RefandaMlalmem 1 Herds P DEP. ft In Loral Nes Celama Oalr. Per H ard 1e Mlalmen It Herds Tt Plart Arl In dam Oay't Pavpr, I'honf 1-J404 Br fort la a. m. REAL ESTATI COLBATH'S CHOICE LISTINGS STARTER HOUSE Hart BrtM la tat tarv aad Terr ut bae 4 add U 11 aa ra caa af- fard In. Large 11 la rm tar part. axerase anoa, u tjais, tb sure wiU waal f taia. OMLT toot dowa sa 444 wr aaata Tatai prla 4IM. POOR MAN alar It ft break far pa Dtp: la aad tart your aavias aceoual la tht a bdxom ham, liylai rm ale biua aa. aata. Oara- Only 444 wa aad prksad at 444. NEW & DIFFERENT Thl at a wap la aay laaftiai. Knot tr pia froel. bedroom, lasaly Una rm.. eUalaa ra, baia. cuU b clever kitcbea. Hdwd. fir., beatlnc eysum. beautlui las tar lea, Loi OOaltt. Add U II si yaur fatally arow. Ttal prlc 4444. OalP 44t dow. DON'T LOOK FURTHER Thl bobs I eat 4 a beua af terms to location. Total price la air M4t-I40t dowa. Haj alee aces 1 aloplnf lot aa beautlfal Palrmaaat Hilt S bdrm-. bath, lart ! rat.. atuity rm. Waaaa atartr Mere tt to- $5950 SURPRISE This It n maoakmbul for the price of 449a0 Ton ahottld really Ilka this home. 1 bdrm., brand aaw beta roe . Ian handy kitchen, utility rm. Oar ee. Big deep let. Thl It a food for horn r rental. Present ten ant wUl atar aa aad deal far 40 per fBoath II raw deslr far them la ONE TO REMEMBER Thl bora fay 44PM afftr more per dollar than aay yoa win see. Where caa you find a horn ilk thl for the price' I lart bedrooms oa mala floor, bit dining rm M living rm., modem kitchen, very lane baamt wiUt ail furnace. Located la business loco. Lot 41HI74. Cerate. Tea, thy bom does aad miner repair. Mak Ideal rental property. Immediate poe ttii'.gn. Varna. ONLY ONE CHANCE Ta a mlllloa la pick Bp a 41 like this. Tea, It It true we aav to U this property Immediately. New ware house building 1140. Oa lot Tex 140. Ideal location oa Cherry Ave. Asklnt latM. But tm Lei ut know your best ffr. 4 RENTAL UNITS t apartment rental plua small bat. rental. Oa let 40il30. Plenty af fur attaint. Income as follewi: Apt No. 1 143 per month. Apt. No, t 477 0 per month. APt. No. J 414 per month. Kant boos 4 IM.00 Per month. Owner par for water, garbage serv ice bt water for svU. J I. ThU la a bargain far 1700. Term 41400 down. Located la good location at Dallas. I MARK THIS DOWN Right now W. have large business1 lot toil JO luat 4 blocks from city center. Plus large thorn with I bdrmi. fireplace, living rm. dining rm. nice kitchen. 1 bathrooms, upstair fur nished pat with separate outside en trance. Baamt with oil furnace. Fu ture business potential moving In fast. Only reason for selling because of bankruptcy foreclosure. Only 41S.0O0 for this desirable properly. Reasonable terms. THINK OF IT Well located horn on lovely lot treea, outdoor fireplace. The home la attractive, clean to about 4 yrs aid. 4 large bedrooms with lots of ator sea eoac. lart living to din. rms comb, with fireplace, lasting area In kitchen, separate utility r a e breeseway, ell heat, hdwd firs, ta- raee. Oood terms, met tu.MW iBvo. phones on th above 43444. isnj ar 3U2I aim.) FARMS & ACREAGES 73 ACRES On highway near anew. 14 A- tr pasture, bal cult, lots of fruit. 3 bdrm. home, barn, tract? a no toon. Priced at Terms. ae T T Anderson for a lam. (Kr. ph. 43Y14 235 ACRES Orad "A Dairy. 44 stanchions, milking parlar, larg barn, 4 silos, lart aider 4 bdrm bom. 4 fireplaces, 41 head milk towt, 31 htad comlnt S rr old half era. Cattle ar nearly all mistered Holattlns. irritation sys tem, all equipment and feed. See T. T. Anderson for a farm. lv. ph. 43714 CHEAP 5 ACRES Cndr baUdlnt Ideation on hlahvar. Only I31M. sm T. T. Aadcraoa .... ph. 4-1714 (Ja.l nil plu. w ho mat lull. 4MM rr t tll). K.a. ph. n firm, mil NELSON KEIZER DISTRICT Unfinished starter house ltilO, some materials included. Lot 40x3, new well. Price 11774. Call Mrs. Woollen. BELOW FHA 4 Bedrms I47M Owner will sacrifice below FHA ap praisal. This Is your opportunity now tA ewa a new home with oil heat. Liv ing rm. Uilt. I bdrms. fplaca. inside utility, lot oSilSft- Cerate, pvd. st. close ta school to bus. Balem Hewnta dltt. Act now l Price 4470. Call Mrs. Wootten. CAPIT0LA DIST. Completely redecorated f bdrm home can be your with a email down pay ment. Living rm tltM. utility rm, lot MaltO. Near school bus. pvd. street. In city limits. Pttce 45 0. Cell A Watts, S-7M5. ONE ACRE Crolsan Creek District ere is an opportunity to en)oy a country ttlnt of natural beauty. 4 room bom with larta llvlnt room paneled with cedar, opea beam cell Int. New Knelsnd fplace. pari base ment. Only 41940. Xasr terms. Dry Cleaning Business Good well established dry cleaning businewa arosslnt about 114.400. Owe er s health forces sale, blav consider trade for 414.000 equity. Per ditails call Mr. achmtdt. Nelson & Nelson aPBClALTZINO BP O.TOM T01 N. H'ah Ph. t-!4t fill ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Cioe lo Monitor. I bdrnn t-arse llv Vm and din. rm. comb. I arte kit. acre all tillable. Wll'.ameite slit soil Tula is teai buy at l04. 2 HOUSES ON 1 LOT Best buy In Balem One I bdrm with very lane llv. tm and a one bdrm rented for the last three veers to asms psriy at 40 per mo. Only 7o for both. SUBURBAN HOME Thl lovely 3 bdrm home has .( finable liv. rm. ith tireiWarc. Cute din in 'eor. Irae kit. with worlfii f buiitlnt with eatlne spar. Alt sr Lane lot Price UPS r would trsde lor Portland home. Roy Todd. Realtor llll t.l. ah CM lit, IMI: l-Utl E.nln r,U V.nrt,rv.rt .tltt'. iBMoa lUJt, Ruok mil. tilt REAL ESTATE IT'S TRUE I baroea kama, alate - - nnalua a 9s ; A meat, aatr larg m I tm "lamu ' " 1 aldat ailar CaJl V Lm Ohaut It I WERE BUYING A HOME!!. Tat, I would first look for a 4a location, euab aa Bast Moro laad, umb I would pick aaa af the alcaat 1U ttoere perhap wita a hist Uee ar twa. Thea I wud abooae a ham that fU ta let aad shooed aff well, such as a ranch type wtih doable tare a. af course 2 would want all th fuuat large living-ream, gorteoua fJresHtsce, full dialat ream and a beautiful kltcbea wlta dlshwaahor. I know the wife would want aa eitra ale atllltp raeea with a place ta ire aad. thea af course U would have to fit tar pocketboak -aar around tlT.tea a a matter of fact, we Just hapaea ta have aa lUtad Ted MafTiaoa wUl b glad ta ahow you anytime day ar alt hi, GOOD FAMILY HOME FOR $10,000 f bedrooms with basement aad economical sawdust furnace, fire place, Mealed elate ta Jr. aad Br. Ml BcAoi and Capital anoppintf OHMART & CALABA..REALTORS 4TT cwrt tw. Phatn. 1-4111 14111 Era. au:u.n Rairp Torraod 11111 Ralph lladp 1-I4U Xxiuu Loriu IUMTM Mankwa IH4 THREE BEDROOM V2 ACRE $8,500.00 Very ale three bedroom, alaaa la suburban hem ea 14 er. Bxcellant toll deep well with lot ef water. Vi.rubs, fruit trees, lartt living room, eitra lart kltchea and dining room, three good bod room. Be inner because of Hi health. las? Una. Call Jim Rawlins, BARGAIN TIME IS HERE! This U that bargain yo haft beta waiting for. Neatness la a bp word la thl larg two bedroom home. Big living room, ale dining room, well arranged kitchen, leu of butltina. Overall garage, lart lot, JH years aid. Ton will be wis ta this ant at only Call Jim Rawlins. TWO BEDROOM DOUBLE GARAGE Lovely twa bedroom with dotfbl garage located aa V acre. Mak afftf ea down payment. Pull price only tf.OOOOO. Call Chet Raw Una for appointment la see. TRADE THREE BEDROOM FOR TWO BEDROOM Tea, a very ale three bedroom In Kelier on tpproilmately H cr. Would tak two bedroom la trad up t 4 or 4 thousand la city. Pull prlct only 110,400.00. Call Chet Rawlins for appointment to tat. PROPER LOCATION! . It location a must with you? Thea don't mist this fine two bedroom home. It has all the requirements for fine llvint, such aa large bedrooms, full alsed dining room, a living room that will ac commodate your grand piano, forced air oil heat, all redecorated. If you want a floe location drive by 147 Norway thea call me. Pted Rawlins, NICE LOCATION NORTH This new home has 11SS sr. feet floor space. Two larre bedrooms, a living room 14 i II with beautifully drwltntd firepltce, dining room, kitchen that's one tn a million, lartt utility, double garagt. Immediate possession. For appointment to see call Dal Raybura. VU ACRES NORTHEAST Oood building lot on oiled road driveway on lot completed. V acre In alta fescue grass and clover. Lot Is fenced with 43" woven wire and 3 barbed wire. Permanent power on lot 110 and 230. Call Dal Raybura for appointment to see. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) two N. Capitol Btreet Offk Phone 3-4444 er41741 Bvealata Phone Tlbbett 1-7484 Chet S-4714 Jim 3-4670 Dale Raybura 1-3044 HOMB WITH INCOME Lovely 3 bdrms., llv. rm.. din. rm., kltohen, bath and utility rm plus l bdrm.. llv. rm., kitchen, dinette A bath. Le. dbl. tarage for utility for smaller home. Been by appt. only. CALL J. X. LAW. MR. INVESTOR Her U a business bid, especially suited for retirement or aa a "security" Investment. Corner lot In eicellent busi ness area. 1 etory bide, well lrased. approx. OS x 100 lot. Income S44 per month. Price 170.600. CALL H. K. LATMON. ENOLEWOOD DREAM See this lovely home Finest location, very eicellent condition tbruout, 4 nice bdrms. down, 3 up. good stores pace, llv. rm., din. rm., hdwd. firs., oil hei, inside utility, ntct yard, partially bricked front to set off this lovely Cape Cod homo Only 113.400. CALL ROY B. FERRIS. BPBCTAL If you are looking for a building lot. Bee this before you buy. Located on paved street with sidewalk In and 3 nice shade tree la parklnt. A Barsain at 41340- CALL O. H. GRA8ENHORST. JR. GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS lit E. lltarlf ,1. Ph. 11471 Eventnia Dd Sunday! fall Aalaaman Rot f. Parrla l-Ull . J. E. Ui l llll H. K. Larmon l-s;,l For Your Insurance Need, Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3365 REAL ESTATE Bt'ILDINQ 42sa with llvlnt quarters. Suitable for warehouse or aut shop. Conrret floor. Reiser Diat. Phone 3 -mi cist Wanted a good horn up to 139.000 In trad for a tourist court ar a tood piece af Income property on Portlsnd road. Court hat tood 1-bed room home with basement. 0 units all on tood corner lot. Income property has aerate building. bo triplei. dupiei and ne -bedroom cottage. Room for eipan tloa. Wanted a t-bedrnom home tn town up lo 113.000 In trade lor lot-;? 3-bedroom horn outside al rit soith Beautitut living room with fireplace. Eitra larte wardrobe ckwii. I arte veil -land-raped lot tth vsnrty of fruit IV eluded. quiet neiihhrrhrnd. 110 1)0 with 16000 equity for tradint. Wanted a small house that it ever crowded in trade lor a larte -be!room homo with double earate. Not )uit an ordinary S-bedrwr. hnm but an out stand mi stm !L-tlr.rt:'.e home iih tt rl to meet the most disc rttninatini of taatei T" rr vl beautiful hard wood floors you will ever see. Plenty ef apace for outdoor llvlnt. 301 Bouth Hith Phone 3-1103 Saleimen's Phones lienlnss and Sundays 4- 1IT1, 1-1154 4-1314. 4-111. 3-J1I4. 4-4170 I GOOD BUY! We ooa't believe you ran beat this 4 bedroom home fnr Uie monv Ptre plaie. ninin room t'tiniv Oil heal. Double terete. Only 111 it Only $1,500 Down fine I bedroom r-ome near m Vin cent a Firep'.ace Bailment Oil fur-' pace T years sd. Deep lot. All fot lie.iiO. RAMSEY. REALTOR 3004 North Commercial Otftct 4-0311 4e. At Bender. Salesman. S-T444 Eve, Jim Ramsey a-ION REAL ESTATE kHtbta. arvi 4400 via ftaialt Miatr. I REAL ESTATE j WI1.I. T4KK larte trailer home for equity in modern three bedroom home. 3 411 eJW SOITH J BPDROOM ECONOMY BUT. Thll good home la in A-l condition Inside and out. Plastered and has targe LR-DR Comb. Large Kitchen with breakfast apace, Nice Bath. Lart Utility Room. Plenty of Storage spare. 1 Bedroom Down. 3 bp. Nlrtly fenced bark yard with outdoor fireplace. Handy to achool. rlty bus. oa paved at. City Water, lmmed Possession. This la a real buy for SOO SO and WHAT A LOW DOWN PAYMENT. Call today. NORTH 4 Tt LOCKS TO HIGHLAND Prhoot A real nice S BR Home with Hwd Plrs , lmulaied. Wr a ther stripped, Venetian Blinrls. On Pvd St.. a real handy lo cation. Only 1770. THE EASIEST OP EASY TERMS. t BLOCKS TO BT. VINCENT BCRL. Dandy 3 BR. A nice Family Home la A-l Iteration You ran t beat this for only 17 SO THIS IS ANOTHER BAST TERM DEAL. TRADM 30 ACRES FARM 7 mile. Fast on Btate St. Slack. Poultry aad Equipment an goes for 111,000, What Have Tout arsiNESS Completely Bqu'pped Oarate. Major Co. Oas Business, AAA Fran chued. Large Well Ar ranted Building. 0 Highway Frontage. A-l Localiow tn Oood Town North of Salem Home. Business, Bid., Stock aad Equipment, a mint concern all for 131.000. What Have You SUMMERS, KFALTOR 1T Siste St Ph. 4 01 e3t7' WANTEDREAL ESTATE NOTICE. If your property la for '.. rent ar chant. ltt It with as. We have all kinds of cah buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 13 & Hllh St. ca LOTH NOT las than 40 foot width with water. Reasonably priced. 4-107. After 4 pin.. 1414 5fc??r! WEARE la need of tood houses to selL la ar near Salem. II yu wish t list your property for sale, tee ORABEHOtUT BROS. REALTORS 144 S. Liberty Fa. 4-34TI a WMt CUM REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES LARGE LATE MODEL Trailer will be accepted as past pay ment aa thl aom. It really worth th memtr. Autamatsg all heat, la eulated. Birch klUhea. Only 1 rr. aid. PV arte twit. iCaU far MR. CRAW FORD, eve. pa. 4-403t sVea.1 See This Spotless Home ana we mean rust mat. cm near Lovely lawa. Owner leaving and will tell faraiiare very reasonably. Pin location. btks. ta bus and school. Pu'l price IP3M. Terms. (Call for MR. 43eUMMBTT, eve. aa. 3-74W DON'T MISS THIS 4 bedroom home with a full base ment m Entlewood Disk 4 car carat. Bawdust furnace. Pvd. driveway. Ei tra play room for child rea. Fireplace. Lou af shrubs and lar back yard that la fenced. Just think the price M aaly 414 tea. NEEDS PAINT There all ta leaCy make tt a home. Just euuid lty. Oil heat. Only 4 rre. eld. Real nk let with several larg walnut trees. Otl heat. Att. garage, grcpt. utility room. Insulated. .TuU price only 17100. BEFORE YOU BUY Let u show yoa this suburban dandr. Acp. utility room. 4 bedrooms. Insulated. Private well. 1 blk. ta bus and school. 100 by 304 lot. Well de veloped area. Full price aaly 17344. You'd Be Proud to Own Thl lovely court, f Individual houses oa on lot. Very modern. 4 garages. Only 4 yrs. old. Tht location It ei cellent for schools, bus and store. Partially furnished. Real alee yard. Income 4300 per me. Pull price 440. 000. Uberey terms. (Call for N. a. DAN" JJ4AAK. eve. ph. 4-SIM Aim.) BUSINESS BLDG. Almost new. Th interior hat been completely renovated. Very tound tea tnt. New til ea floor. Corner lot. One af 0a lea's buslnest tta. Full price 134.100. (Call for N. O. "DAN" 1BAAK, eve. ph. 4333 aim.) REAL HOT DUPLEX Income 184 per mo. Modern. Par tially furnished. Tenant pay all utll ltle. Desirable location for schools, bus and store. ap. utility room. Terms If desired. Bargain price only 470. 'Call for N. O. "DAN ISAAK. v. ph. 4-1513 aim.) 99E NORTH 5 ACRES Brand epankln new modern I bed room ranch horn. Hardwood floor. Inside utility. 3 car garat. Excellent well. Pressure system. WUL tilt eolL Bom csnberrltt and pi cherries Balance wheat. All this for I10.M0 or you can have 1 acres for 413.500. ICaU for MR. CRAWFORD, cv. ph. 4-030 Kb.) SPACIOUS ROOMY 4 bedroom home lust outside city. Full basement. Oil furnace. Small barn. 3 chicken houses. Oaraae. Fam ily fruit and nuts. Outside fireplace. A very cosy country home for only !9i0 (Call for MR. LEAVENS, va. ph. 4-4734 S'.m 1 ACRE BLDG. SITE Outside city. A good well with cler trle pump. Installed. Oood soil. Full prlc only 43O00. 'Call for MR. LEAV ENS, eve, ph. 4-4734 Sim.) FHA J CONVENTIONAL MTGS., SO Tear FEDERAL OI ItTOS.. 30 Tears LICENSED ALSO IN WASH, to IDAHO Al Isaak & Co.; Realtor Off. Phone 4-3111 or 3-7B30 Ere 1-4734. 4-llJI. 4-4020. 3-7470. 4-4047 If no answer call 4-3374 c27 EXCHANGE REALJSTATE HARUWARE-FI'RNITrBE store. Trade for home. Mann't Hardware, Dclake. Oregon. eb243 BUSIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR l.tASE. major oil company service iaiiD. aiianiirnru . miui, ivw tallonaie. Call 444f.ll cd38 INCOME PROPERTIES SFRVICE STATION and fuel oil business. Oood location. Phone Albany 1410 or WAR. 1410 Caiapoota St., Albany. Ore gon. cf20l FURNITURE FORSALE BEAUTlfTL inahoeany spinet piano, good as new. A bargain for cash. 1890 ft. Cottave. d241 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS Sudtell's FURNITURE AUCTION WED. DEC. 3 AT 7 PM. Loads and load of good ued furniture to be ioId. Montat tier Rente. X pr. ser . hideabef. tOrren Fr tt ex. cond t Rie Frlete llic'eabed. M. W. Relria . 1 pc Wei Din Rm set. 4 pc. BR set. 3 WaJ Poster Beds. Portable Laundry Tubs, Stationary Tubs. 3 Ta ble Radios. Coltee ft Lamp Tables. Ta. A F'.ocr Limp. 3 Cheit-O-Drew-en. 3 Plate Olasa Mirror. Coil Sprints. Mt:ree., Otl A- Wood Circulator and many other articles of Misc. furniture. LANE 8UDTELL8 AUCTION SALES YD 311 Silverton Dd. Ph. Jtopg ckUII 'FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Win Every Week! IS 00 en .ocetlnt of Hoc or Beef. Hots killed Man.. Tues. Bret gnytlme. Killinc. cuttint, wrapping, curing, lard render lag. BFST PRICES DAHLS SLAUOHTER HOrSE INDEPENDENCE. ORIOON e3l7 LOCKE R BrrWh7t face Hereford. 20c. Nothing down. 4 months to par. Custom kt:itat Trailer loaned tree. Balem Meat Ce, U ft. nth. Ph. 3-4IM. C JOE PAL00KA u ESSTTsam the w ' 1 WtNTTOTE IC AWt Lil! PETS PARAKEETS YoHV V .our cnrlataaM mUf la .... tUrUm Muafc. 141, Cnaua lit, aU Uaawi. BQtTIf IN baah hesM far trailat hetst. Write Bos 44. Uada S)taoa, Oretea. acxil PARARUT4, caalea reuag birds. Xmaa gifts. All calrs. ReaseaaBlo. Cases, feed. UP. 14 haur service, opsm Zmas. Bud Par edit. 1144 Uviagaiaa, a-1443. lw ABC BtOIITiaiD eoCle pupa. R- C. Adams, Vb east f Shaw ea SUver Creek Pali hjway. ec3s BLACK LABRADOR BETR1STEB for ai, reasoaa!. 1 year, S meata aid. Very ale pet. 44 if Aobara Bead. Ba lem. c344 CRAMPION BRED Bexer Pappus. Moores Trepstal PUB Saul patent. Parakeeu. Peta. Macly Bond. 4-1 713. Closed Wedaeedara. c41t OLOVER a tlAMES kitten aad cats, Beaaty. genUeoeas, latelUgtare. Seva tioa. Priced runt. 3-04JI. ecJlt FOB a ALE, my pet data aad sup at special bares la price tht week. 1 have lb la astern Oregon. Mia Semert, I mile past ef Monmouth, sear aatlach awheel la Ceepar Hollow. acltt WEIMABANEB PL'Pt. good hunting ttock. Reasoaabla. lUtUtered. C. J. Brigas. Carlton, Or. ecSU CANARIES. FINE CBBlaTMAfl gift. Smail dcaaalL Pbaae 4-Uel. L)44 Cne meketa. ec34l BABT PABAaLEBTi, alnttr caa arl sa Bom cases- Mrs, A. B. Power. 714 tare. ' c20 FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAB WOOD, 3 cards 11400. delivered.. Phone 1-7711 or 4-4313. e107 It" SLABWOOD, 114.04 per load. Saw dust. 4124 perlod- Delivered la SU vertoa area only. Twin Falls Lumber Co. aULVERTOM. OREOON PHONE J-tMl SPECIALS! Oak. Ash. Maple Wood. Orcenaleb We have block to planer ends. WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 1-4031 eelOO FOR SALE POULTRY WF ARB hatching New Hampshire Ootd ta Broad and Arbor Acre Whit Rock, very week. Special prlct lo resT around frytr growers. Fox's Hatchery. 31)0 State St. Phone 1-461 f PRODUCE WALNUTS: LARGE PrtnasaltU. Pin. qualltr. Connardallr drlad. S0 1,. UK No. ltth at. Phone Mill, tlltf OOOD WORN tra, npplu. tl.M bol. ItlS Monro. A... Fhon. 110. fflll HELP WANTED MALE Profitable and Interesting .OPTING! WITH LARGE ESTABLISHED COMPANY AVERAGE EARNINGS FOR S-DAY WEEK A Ian. ,nd bard hlttln, .dvt la in, program U conatantlr .mplorad In rour behalf. XxparltrM. U dralr ,bl. but not obaoiutflF nceeanrr. Thll poaltlon Mlla lor tr,v,l durlnc wttt. E. SVELA SENATOR HOTEL, RALEM WEDNE8DAT, DECEUBER S II A ll. TO t Ml. calll EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE JOBS" Se nt for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our experience In the community. Check our listings Mon. Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 44 State SL (Oregon Bid.) 4-1 JH gnu WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING, FAPERHANOINO, day or contract, small joot welcome, pnone 3-7093. h393- RELIABLE BABT SITTER-WUl go dart or night. Phone 3-M44. h304 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-1573. h" TREE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payne. Phone I fliSl. h2Sl WOMAN WANTS baby sitting day or eve ning. Phone 38316. h2M RELIABLE LADY wants housework, ahlld car, baby ttttlng anytime. 31113. h2 CARPENTER WORK New construc tion and best of repair or remodeling. Oaratea start at 1400. Fhon 4-3S31. h2M MICK EN HAM A DAY NURSERY State Licensed to Inspected. Pb. 3-7194 hJfi MIMEOGKAFHINO and TYPING. Quality work. Reasonable rate. Mrs. Foe, 80S N. llth. Phone nll LIGHT CRAWLER, doting, dltl level ing, grading. Phone 3-1330. h3U GENERAL SEWING and button holes. Pfrono 3-HOQ. h31 1 WlEMaLS Day nursery. Licensed and state Inspected. Phone 2-IOU. H395 PAPER HANGING. By the hour. Phone 3-3127. h30V CHILD CAR in my home. Days. Phone 3-0417. 1993 8. Commercial St. hill1 CAKFENTfR Repair, remodel, cabinet and tare res. Omu jobs welcome Phone 4-4311. hJOl CHILD CAKE. days. Phone 3-1689 ReaMinable rates M44 HOI-qEKrEpfNG JOB In motherless home. Fhon 4-4111 after 4 10 p m. h3IT PAINT1NO AND DECOKAT1NG. 31 years Salem aaperience. Fre estimates 1-7JS1. h37 EXPERIKNCED DAIRT snd farm hand need employment. Phil Yancey, P. O Box 414. Cor v sills. Orel. hill DICTAPHONE S IBM typist, position. Phone 4-tSM Full time h?M FOR RENT L4.KGE warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick building. Dowa town- Inquire H L. Stiff Pur n'Ture Co. Pnne l-lt j W ANTED TO RENT Bi: UPON St BLK young couple desires nicely furnished and very cleaa apart ment or house. Preferably north. Ref erences Fhoae 4-3303. Jalll I WELL, m START TRAIWN6 M EARNEST TTyAORROPV. M 6000 S"f TO START , WANTED TO RENT eCaiRSAM B)OME wub haaal with JeuraaL Jail S OB 4-BID BOOM newer hau wlU lw ftatha. Par t aaa. as mem t asaer v Uoa l bur. Call a-aut affia Baura lalU ROOM ABOARD BOARD and BOOM far year aged ar disabled aepeaaeat. Phao saataiags. t-ti. mtf BOOM AND board with packed Jaachat. 020 M. Winter. JJJ FOR RENT ROOMS NICELY fl'BNTbbjed room la basemeat. Cook lag facliltlaa. 134 If. Wtalar. GIRLS ONLY. Kltchea prtrtJeget. Use entire bouse. TV. 044 4L Win tar. phen 4 -4J71 ar 4-444. ik3o S VERT NICE room- Privet entrance. reasonable, ta H. Cwttsge. Jk3ti SLEEPTNO BOOM for 1 f 1, T94 N. Church. Phen 4-43)1. JkltO BUSINESS DIIY., weram, a llr fur aiahod sleeping reoau. aad cold water. 314 Coaler. kls4 PLEASANT slMplng tuom for geatleman. 100 Norway, Phone 4-447. jkMr TELsTVUlON. aleeptng room, kitchen pr l v lieges, friendly hog. ganU. Phone 1-ltM. lk3M FOR RENT HOUSES ONE BEDROOM. Knotty pise kltchea. Steve, refrigerator. Fhoa 4-4471. Jm344 t BEDBOOM suburban furalabed home. 1100 per month. AL ISAAK. REALTOR PHONE 4-131 ONE BEDROOM furnished. Fireplace. hardwood floors. Fhon 4-4411. ,m244a TWO BEDBOOM furnished house. All electric. Close -la ea North 4th, 47 Inquire 44 Sllvertoa Rd. Jm304 SMALL THREE BOOM house. Complete ly furnished. . Also, trailer tpact, tit month. Children welcome. He Pets. 174 Oxford. Fhon I-4U4. Jm3lt VEST NEAT, almost atw. tw bedroom bouse unfurnjabed ta court, oood lo catloa. Must be area te be appreci ated. 444. 444 Breye Avenue. jmUT lltt COURT Hot water heat with new all burner, 131. Ph. 4-1431, Walt Boco lofsky. Real EslsU. Jm3ll 3-BEDROOM duple i. Oarage. Also, on bedroom apartment. Hardwood floors, electric heat. Phone 4-1830. JmSII TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished bouse, 140. Two chlldrca. 1410 Park Avenue. Fhon 4-4714. Jm2IT THE EE BEDROOM on V. acre. Close to school, gtor. 444. Fhon after 4 p.m. 4-1339. jmJI7 LOVELT TWO bedroom court apartment. Rsntt, refrigerator. Tile bath, auto matlo washing facliltlaa, But Una. Phon 1-1441. JmlBl' NEW HOME with bedrooms. Living room, dining room, nook, wall-to-wall carpat. Forced air all furnace. Fire place, covered patio. Available Dec. 1. For leas. 4I. Phone 34233 ar 304M. Jm2 CLEAN ! BED ROOM house, turnlthed. Ph. 1-1101 or 2-071. Jm 3-BEDROOM house. West Salem. Xnqulr at mi ind St. ar phone 1-1714. ImSII THREE BEDROOM house. Furnished or unfurnished. II 10 S. Commercial St. JmSII SMALL TWO bedroom bouse. 4114 Lan caster Dr. Jm2l7 SMALL FURNISHED one bedroom house. For further information Fhon 4-07)1. JmllT 1-BEDROOM modern house. Hot wster heater, taragt. Salem Htlghu dis trict. M. Prion 1-4634. ImJia ONE FOUR-ROOM, on firs -room. aU electric. Both redecorated. Oardeo space. Inquire 1690 8. 13th. Jm3l TWO'BEDROOM home. Available Decem ber 10th. Inquire 404 Kller Ave. JmlU t-EOOM ROUSE J Phon 1-S9S4. Oarage. Ut Cross. Jm201 4-ROOM unXumlsbed house, close In. In- qulr 404 N. Front. lm244 CLEAN, TWO - bedroom unfurnished house. OH circulator, close to State Building. Phone 1-4S1I. Jm2Sl SMALL BOUSE, 414. Claat-la. Wallace Road. Oarage. Phoa 4-370. JmStl MODERN ONE -Bad room home. Close In, south. 440. Fhon 1-7092. Jm2l8 TWO BEDROOM house. Oil haak South 13th. Bug Una. Phone 1-1300. Jm3M MODERN, THREE-ROOM Duplex. Ret- aonabl rent, Near Stat HotpltaL shopping center. 14S0 Center Bt. Jm391 ONE REDROOM furnished cottagt. Rea sonable, some utilities. Inquire 3141 Portland Rd. Im791" BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sep arate unit. 40' a 30'. Oeotge Dllta. 434 tta St., Weal Salem. Phone 4-4131. JolOl WAREHOUSE SPACE. New building with large parking area, with or without of fice facliltlaa. Rail aiding. Drlve-ln and truck dock. Fork lift trucka and pal lets. Capital City Transfer Company. Phont 3-3434. JQ303 BUSINESS RENTAL for buslnea or of fices. Excellent location. It-loot front. 47 feeL Ampl parking. 1144 S. Com mercial. Jo391 FOR RENT APARTMENTS WARM. COMFORTABLE bachelor apart ment. furnished. Automatic washer, electric dryer. Utilities paid. Two blocks to stste buildings and shop ping center. 401 N. Winter. Jp2M' VERY NICE apartment, kitchen full else. dining room, living room, one bed room, private bath. Furnished or un furnished, lilt Trade. )p30l COZY t-ROOM, first floor. Capital Cen ter. Quiet woman. 1-7451. lp2M' CLEAN APARTMENT, furnished or un. furnished, fireplace, utility. 1 block to Hollywood and Linen MllL Phone 38811 JP2II FURNISHED COURT apartment. I room Js tbratt. Close la on North Commer cial. 155. Phone 1-1641 or 1-0041. jp-' CLEAN t ROOM furnished apartment, with terete. Rente, refrlterater and laundry. Utilities lurnleued. 135. Phone 2-90S4. 1341 Harel Ave. Jp290a Fl RNISHED one bedroom apartment. Close to Capitol. 431.40. 474 N. Winter. Phone 3-3841. jplll NICELY FURNISHED 4 rooms, ground floor. Private entrance and bath. Elec tric rente and refrigerator. Phone 4-177. 1771 N. Front. Jp21l THE BEST three room offer in town. Clean, modern. Close te business dis trict. Partly furnished. 104 Edr water St., West Salem. JpJtl MUK THREE tnd five room furnished apartments. Close la. 134 end up. CLO0E IN. furnished 1 room. M. On room. 117.40. Light houtekeepiat. i:i 00. Private hatha. 434 N. Winter or 021 N. water. Phone 1134. )p207 It ROOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elee- trie rang, refrigerator, water, neat, rurn.thed, 40. 3150 B. Commercial af ter 4. Phont 4-1453. 1P3M FURNISHED 1-SOOM. electrte range, refrigerator, 437.40, Phone 1-7400 1P144 V T" 1 X m vewy fwwy. V "aha. Knoesva 1 rJI AtyrRALWI I I OWCTSOJT T9 IKyw, ID OCT 1 A SCREAM. M T SOV S(HS J I M AM AMTAGONISTIC JB- est WITH . Jl-f- IIKI A ' -4B I mOOO RWAHO NCW. l WRL, I GUESS H FOR RENT APARTMENTS tOCt ONE b4roas apartntaaL Located aear Snapping CoaUr, stata aUlao aa4 ecbeala. 44 r asaata. AL JSJL4JC. BJUIXTOJU PlMM 4-3111 Jpl FURNISHED APARTMENT. 1 reoata. aata, 40.04. Adults, 1-0231. EM B ltth St, Jpllt NEWLY remodeled 1 reoau and bath. Als wars baswmwn apartaaeaL II B. 14U. jp3e S ROOM furaisJstd. alaaa apartmaat. Baecute rang aad rafrlteratar. All atiutits paid, 44. 4004 Maple, Phena -4ttl. ' JpXPOa BUSINESB DUT-, warm aad alaaa. aieelr taralabed aianaat. 144 Cen ter Bt. JP344 TWO BOOM furnished apar taunt. A 13 alectrtc tot Oak Bt. 3P4S7 THREE LARGE reoau fanilabad, bath. private antra c. 13140. Fbeaa huu Hit Lansing Avenu. iP34t CLEAN fumisnad apertmeuL Close ta. Pban 3-1140. NICE, CLEAN, furnished apt. Cloa la. 444 R. Cotlase. jp" SEVERAL fundshed apanments, aood tocaiioa. xnquir av t auu trurasiur. Phon 4-4144. Jp COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn ished 434 and ill. Trailer boa for real r si. nil Portland Rd. JplOl 4-SID DOOM unfurnished. large lower floor. Pboae j-1400 eg 3-007. JpUO TWO THREE -BOOM furalshd apart- menta. Privet beta, aauaac, TO If. Liberty St, 4-H47. JpJM VEST NICE l-bedroom (urnUhed atvd uniurnjaneo. inquirt at 10M S, llth. jaiH PTBNISHED AND CNTTTENISBED 1 and 4-bdTeom apartments. St, rant and refrigerator furnished. Pb. 4-040. p3a BKAUTtTCLLT DECORATED court apartment. Furnished ar unfurnished. On ar twa bedrooms, etova. nfnm. B. 13th. Phon 4-5131. Jp)91 CLEAN, QUIET, wnn on room apart ment. vioM-ia. ueiy preferred. Ml Ferry St. Jp391 DOWNTOWN, NICE, clean, email apart. mm, eooa neat, rvirieeretor. cen ter. lp29 1 APARTMENT Of WEST Balem. ChUdrCR welcome, paone 1-3011. HIT 4th at. JpSll THREE-BED BOOM furnished ' upstair flat. AduJU. t0 N. High St Phone 17. Jp3 l e I-BOOM furnished apartment. Alia, anir aparnneni. Amaaatador Apartment. Wo N. Summer. Jpiu MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TROCEJ D-DRTVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAR RENTALS) STAKES . TANS TEXACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONE 1-11)1 PAOl STEVEN SOP" ut AL IIEPORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN UOST CASES OR. RARRT SUTLER. DENTIST A4olph Bide, Stat, A. CommtrclaJ Sta. SALE3I PH. 1-1111 m SALE1I SAND Jl ORAVEL COMPANT contrMt won Ro.4 Clearln, - Dlttha, Sew.r and Buament Equipment Rental Dltchlns bp tbo Poo Phono Dan 1-1401 Bvee. 1-4417 or 1-7411 ftelem. oreton rn tUILDING MATERIALS SALE Oarage door complete with hwd 145 00 Overhead gtr. doors, hwd. .... 1141 4x4 waterproof wailbd. 171 Nail. 09.71, 1 kegs at I ll New picture window up New weather ttrlppwd window 14 30 New doors, all tliet 1.4 100 used doors 4k frame Un pa in ted cedar 4 00 Painted shakes with unotrcourie 10. SO Asbttto siding, per tq. . 4.H Flberglau roll blanket Insulation, New ehake mouldiag 10 Cedar fence peats COieap 400 gaL septic tank 42 50 4" cast Iroa soli pip lie Roll roofing, large aupply 1.24 4" aalid oranceburg pipe ...... 18 4 tab composition roofing ...... 4 tt Cedar shinties, 0 trade ..Cheap New toilet with seat 14 SO New bath tubs complete 47.M Double kitchen sinks complete ,, 41. so 40 gal, elee. water htra 710 Steel shower cablnttt complete ., 41 it 14-1 Else trio wiring I'te 11.1 Electric wiring IS Laundry trays, pip, wash basing, Sale C. O. LONO as SONS Ph. 4-4051 1 ml. N. f Reiser ma ROOFING, INSULATION, TlDltlll Blinds. Call Western Auto Supply Co., for fre estimate. 1-1177. ma REM ODE LI NO to IMPROVEMENT LOANS 31 MONTHS TO PAT NO DOWN PAYMENT ESTTMATINO SERVICE ADD AN EXTRA BEDRM.. OARAGE, Bt. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OUR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1711 Lena Ave. Ph. 1-4414 NO PAR KINO PROBLEM ' wist 01 NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOR SHRUBS AND SAVE. Spread ing Junipers 12-14" tnd mort, lie. Heathers, lie. Middle Orove Nursery, 4130 Sllvertoa Rd. Phone 4-4131. mb FERTILIZER Rotted manure. Weed free. Deliv ered anyhere. Phone 2-0714. mbJOR FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS gift problem? Handmade fins galore at Homecraft House. 2007 rairsrouaaa roaa. niter USED PIANO, easy terms, 4144. Host Bros. Used Store. 117 S. Com!. nJ88 MAYTAG washing machine" Excellent condition. 440. Phon 4-3940 after 12 00 P. M. n2Ma USED I PC. dinette set, 4340. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Coml. B288" USED I PC. drop leaf breakfast set, 111.75. Hoag Bros, Used Store. 137 S. Coml. n2M USED S PC. chrome dinette tel. 134, nose sroa. usee CKore, ui Bv coml. 1 B2a USED DAVENO Vtlour upholstery. 121.71. Hogg Broa. Used Store, 137 S, ComL 8300 j SEASONED CEDAR hop posts 30 ft. or cut to order. Also fence posts la larte quantities. Can deliver. B. L. Seller. Banks, Ore., Rt. 1, Phont 153. a3U j PUSH BUTTON car radio. 4 tub Mo, torola, 194. On year eld. Phon 4-38R0. .. B1S4 NEW SPOT LAMPS, 1415. Olen Wood j ry. 1401 N. Summer. allll I CSEi7.iRrrVicycl for gale ijunir slae). 1324 Chemeketa St, e renin rs ajU I ELECTRIC RANT.E. breakfast eel. sew int machine, daveno and chairs. Wood circulator. Phone 4-4133. B2I7 By Ham Fisher