TrjesrJiy, December 1. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. fUlcm. Owrwi Pact II Tele-Views gSRodio-TdcYision Q ur of the "Dragnet" series, ti ON KOIN-TV TV'UDAT: 1 P-aa, Garry Mwi Shew 6tera A11B li utaUtuUn te Oamr who It on vacation. 1:1$ "a. Armchair TOtati "Shepherd of Uu Ocarks" iUrrlnt Marilyn Hare and Frank Albertson. I:M ejn. The VisiUatea Western aerial (:4S sun.. Jane Ftaui tkw-Rw Palm Serines. Jane time "California Here 1 Come." 'Bewitched. Bothered and BewUdered." SWonderful" and -Sound el Lore." Quartet offers That's AIT and Peter Birch and dancers promt the "Broken Record Dance." S M am. Orient Eiareea -Red Saab1 atari Paul Lucas and Tale Blrell. Story of a concert TtoUnitt obaeased with the desire to do somethinc on his own. I IS pm. Red Meltaa Red demonstrates how to carve a turkey as Clem Kadiddlehopper. He also lectures on the art of developing a' bobby. I ll .m, RasDenas "My Short Walk to Freedom teUs of a fugitive from Russian concentration camp cornered in his Budapest home and his gamble for a life outside trie Iron Curtain. Stars Joseph Anthony and John Baregrey. IS f.m-. Danrer Towerman"' stars Jackie Cooper and Chester Morris. A taut drama of conflict between two brothers in a lonely railroad tower. 1:M m Make Reesa far Daddy Danny Thomas wrongfully accuses nis son of spenainc a miaaint dollar to buy wuipops. jean Hagen plays Danny's wife and Rusty Hammer plays the '-year-old son. 11 jb, ghewthne en Six Topper starring Roland Young, Gary Grant and Constance Bennett. e a . a e e LATER TUESDAY OS KPTV: The Tormaker. 4:3a Fred Giennann stars as the Tormxker. Liberate, 1 ttelertlens include: -Chinatown, My Chinatown." , "Come Back to Sorrento." "Cocktails for Two." "Carloca. Inter mezzo. "I can't oive You Anything But uve.' Milton Berie, a jack weoo, Rerlr'a eunst. Fireside Theatre, ("The Alien stars Don Keefer, Ron Hagerty and Jean Howell. A Polish-American discovers how much his coun try means to him just as he is about to leave. cirri Theatre 1:30 "A TJltle Mornllw to Sell I Led Three Uvea, 1S:M Hfrto Philbrlck i Richard Carlsen) Is ordered by the Reds to help smuggle a foreign eomrad into the United Nile Owl Theatre. 11:11 "Riot" Squad'' starring Rlrhard Cram we 11 and Rita Qulgley. e e e WEDNESDAY PROGRAMS: vprv- Friend ef the Family, 11:1s Mike Davenport will have as his guests Major and Mrs. Larson of the Salvation Army. Fader Doman of Central Catholic High School, a painter and designer will also PPMa'Unee Theatre, 1 "Duke Comes Back" starring Allan Lane, Heather Angel and Genevieve Toe-in. The Teymaker, 4:S Fred Glermann stars the lovable, old Ger man "Toymaker." Name's the Same, (Robert Q. Lewis Is emcee. Pin anil Porter. S:afl Feature Bid Porter at the Dlano. Life Is Worth Living, 1: jit Bishop Sheen discusses the "Story of Coke Time, 1:30 Eddie Fisher sings "Harvest Moon "Goodbye Sue," and "Stranger in Paradise." His guest, Judy Lynn, will render "From Here to Eetrolty I Married Joan, I Joan discovers that Interfering with the normal progress of teenage doings la only slightly leas hasardous than tampering with an atom DomD. My Little Marrle, : "Vems Secret Fishing Place." nr. Theatre, a "Th Gate" atari Aura Llndlry. Addison Rich ards and Margaret Wycherly. Story of a Virginia family unwilling to let anything disrupt their wsy of life. Mary Kelly, 10-year-old u waVmm flrt. dramaf! tlviftinn annearancs. Nlte Owl Theatre, 11:1s "Smart Ouy" starring Rle Villin, Veda Ann Borg. and Jack LaKue. mVTBnlT ah srmitr.TV s'pjn, Garry Moore Show 8tv Allen is substituting for Garry hA la An vaMltion 1:15 p.m. Armchair Theatre "The Madonna's Secret" starring Francis Xiederer. uaii rainc ana Ann n.uuieriora. , ii M tm. i. VmiF Mustfl TiVatiirM -telen Parrlsh. 1:00 Fights Ernie Durando vs Norman Hayes. Middle weight bout telecast "live" from Detroit. , , 10 pjn Wrestling from Hollywood Semi-main: Bob Curnmings vs. Pedro Oodoy. Main: Diny Davis vs. Bonlto Gardlnl. 11 p.m. Showtime on 8is "Heritage of the Plains" starring Rus sell Hsyden. Donald Woods and Evelyn Venable. Wilhmina Wampum in, Circulation WUlaaauu BegUalnf Friday. Nov. II. Wlllaaelna aaertaaats began passing eat. dollar far dollar, Willassiaa Wampum. Wampana Is tha "fanny money" pat lata elr cntallee ky members af the Chamber at Commerce ta stimulata a greater velama f trade at koma daring tha Christmas season. The wampum will be a( special Tslue Dae. It, when there will he aa auction sale, and hidden will hey the ar ticles wanted with the waan pnm. In sddlUoa ta the suc tion, there will he special prises. Clubs Elect Princess List Salem High School clubs are electing their princesses for the annual Interclub carnival which will be held December II in the high school auditorium. The princesses already elect ed are: Commercial Club, Len ore Nieswander; Crescendo, Sandra Ousley; French, Ann Meeker;-Future Farms of Am erica, Carol Thompson; Hl-Y, Jeannine Graber: Home Eco nomics, Cecil Faye Carroll; Honor Society, Judy Loucks; Girls' Letter Club, Ann Tarem; Latin, Kay- Sh idler; Debate, Pat O'Mslley; Psletteers, Pat Wendt; Philhistorian, Nola Campbell; Que Dice, Lynn Bar rell; Radio and Electronics, Sharon Beard; "S" Club, Bev Lamb; Science, Shirley Juran Spanish, Judy Bancroft; Square Dance, Kathy McCoy; Snlkpoh, J3ev Lockard; Tennis, Mary Lou Hastings; Tri-Y, Jane Barlow; Vikeltes, Barbara Fuhr. Benson May Be Clerk Of State Bar Examiners Arthur S. Benson, retiring clerk ef the State Supreme Court, la reportedly in line for appointment as clerk of the Board of Bar Examiners, ac cording to the Oregon State Bar Bulletin. The Bulletin reports that the Board of Governors has called a meeting In Portland on De cember It when committee chairmen will be Invited to meet with the board when the year's program of the state bar will be outlined and de termination made of the work each committee will under take during the IS months. It is expected the Invitation to Benson to accept the position will be made at this meeting. The board has recommend ed appointment of Stuart W. Hill, who has served as secre tary of the bar examiners, as a member of the Board of Ex aminers together with William M. McAllister of Medford and William S. Schwenn, Hllls- boro. It is understood that Ben son will be asked to serve as secretary of the Board of Ex aminers, succeeding Hill after Benson retires from his pres ent post on December 31. Benson's long familiarity with the board duties makes him a most suitable choice as secretary. Committees for 1953-54 were selected at Klamath Falls following preliminary work by a committee on com mittees. Ralph W. Skopil of Salem is chairman of the grievance committee for the first dis trict. Serving with him on this committee will be Lyle J. Psge, Jr., Roy Harlsnd and Paul Hendricks, all of Salem, and Harold Kichstcadt, Wood burn. Wallace P. Canon, Asa Lewelling, John A. Heltxel and Bryan Goodenough, of Sa lem; Neal Bush, Wlllard C. Schwenn, HilUboro; John L. Foots, St Helens; Stat Sena tor Warren McMinimee, Til lamook; George McCloskey, Toledo, Gordon Sloan, Astoria, and Francis E. Marsh of Mc Minnville will compose the trial committee tor the first district. W. W. McKlnney of Salem will be chairman ol the com mittee en Juvenile court pro cedure and practice. Others on this committee include Hattle J, Brstxel, Salem. Salem members of Various State Bar committees are: Administrative law John D. Nichols and Catherine Car son Bench. Civil rights J. W. DeSouza and Stevw Anderson. Corporation law Lloyd O. Hammel, Jr., Frank J. Healy; W. W. Wirtx; Thomas W. Churchill, Jr., and Bryan Goodenough. Joint committee with real estate brokers J. Ray Rho- ten. Judicial administration (Fint District) Wallace P. Carson, vice chairman. Lawyers placement commit tee Peter M. Gunnar. Legal aid R. W. PlcKell; Dean Seward P Reese; Charles ' A. Jens; Municipal Judge Douglas Hay; John Wil liam Stotx and C. W. Dobson. Legislation John Heltxel. ' Minimum fee schedule Bruce Williams. . Municipal law Chris Kow Itz, city attorney. Necrology Wallace P. Car son and Allan G. Carson. Probate law and procedure W. C. Winslow. Procedure and practice Supreme Court Justice George Roaaman, Francis T. Wade and Norman Winslow. Public service Peery T. Buren. Special committee on Brick er amendment Supreme Court Justice James T. Brand. Special committee on Ore gon Constitution Wallace P. Carson. - Statute revision Edwsrd L. Clark, Jr., secretary and Al len G. Carson. Taxation Carlisle B. Rob erta, Manhall C Cheney, and Kenneth Sherman. , . -. Unauthorized p r a ct I c a First District, Lawrence Brown, Reginald Williams and J. Ray Rhoten. Committee on war work Steve Anderson and Don Parker. 7TH FLEET UNDER NEW COMMAND Yokosuka, Japan () In ceremonies attended by top military and diplomatic offi cials at this huge U. S. Far Eastern navy base. Vice Adm. Joseph J. Clark Tuesday turned ever command of the WY Lumber Co. Bays Interest in Plywood Portland m The WUlam etta Valley Lumber Co. has so- ' quired a part Interest In the Western Veneer Plywood Corp.. William Swindells. Wil lamette president, said Mon day. Swindell delcined te say how large Is the interest and what sum was involved. West ern Veneer has a plant Lebanon. U.S. Tth fleet to Alfred M. Pride. View Adm. THIS CHRISTMAS... GIVE 0) F I! fill; ml o IT TIM GIVE MS k Everybody Needs Furniture and Appliances ' k Everybody Wants Furniture and Appliances . "k Everybody Appreciates Furniture and Appliances, 4 Great Downtown Furniture Stores Ready With 1001 Furniture Gifts for the Home STIFF'S WOODRY'S HOGG'S HAMILTON'S On Television KPTV(27)-KOIN-TV() UHF VHF U:M .m. FTTV Foil We Kewi KOIN Slwwttn ob til ll:tt 9M. KPTV Wtither Vne p.m. JCTTV Nit Owl ThtaMT MARR RADIO & TELEVISION uTnl TV Soles - Service Installation Open from a.m. to p ro. Ph. 1-1611 214 8. CamL Salem's first Television Store Raytheon All-Channel UHF-VHF Low Down Payment, Trades Complete Repair and . Inst'l'Mlon by Banded Electronic Technicians N0RTHWE5TIELEVISI0N 3810 SUte Fhont 4-5932 TUESDAY :W rm. KPTV Ktddl 10 ot ft. a. KPTV Dint Dons chol 1B:M am. KPTV What Cook .nit 11:11 a m. rPTV Rftwklna PtJU 11: It a.m. KPTV Tha BtanetU 11 :M a.m. KPTV FrUo4 ot Pamllr U:M a m. rPTV Uioca topoaiUoa KOIN B n Paroff 11 SO p.m. KPTV Dlont Lueai ! KOIN Bob CTtMbr ' I N pm. KPTV Matlnea ho I l p.m. KPTV MaUlDM KOIN Love ef Ufa 1:10 p.m. KPTV Ut.tlnf roiN sVftreh Tomorrow 1:41 p.m. KPTV M at In M KOIN Gukhni UKhl 1 00 p.m. KPTV Mat. set KOIN I'll Buy That 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN At r Ik tt Rich I 0 p.m. KPTV Katt Bmlth KOIN Oarrr Moora t it p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Arm Chair TheaUf I II p.m. KPTV Kate Bmlth roiN 1 11 But That KOTN Ur. Mooo I t p.m. KPTV Wfleomt Trawltro KOIN Armchair ThaW 4 10 p m. KPTV Tht Toymlt KOIN Armchair Thtattt 4 41 p a. KPTV Tht Tormaktr KOIN Mr. Moon I'M pm- KPTVHodv DiMMlT KOIN enttit Ptta 30 p m. KPTV Bar 17 Corral rOIN VltlasUt 00 P . KPTV TfrrT an PlrttM KOIN Mr. Weathprmaa I It p.m. KPTV Ttrry and Plrataa KOIN Photo QU11 I p.m. KPTV tr aril1 AJtura KOIN Douc Kdwtrd 0,41 p m. KPTV NW Nwi-Bporta KfiTN Jtn Proman Bhow T OO p m. KPTV Ltberaet KOIN Itantt Rrdtr ?:30 pm. KPTV Diana Short POIN P. C. C- iiu Ruitaa TO p a. KPTV Nt we Car tan KOIN Pootbatl t M p m. KPTV MiMon Brrl KOIN Orient Kxprtia I 34 p m. KPTV Wilton Bfrlt KOVrt Rd Bkelton t 01 p.m, KPTV rirMid- Thtattr KOIN C apt urfd t 10 p.m. KPTV Circle Thtattf KOIN uipent 10. ot p.m. KPTV JtxUt Par Tonratlt KOIN Dantr la la l rpT-v T Lavi ThrM Ua KOIN Mkt Room for DatMr WEDNESDAY t:4t a.m. KPTV Klddla Korntr 10:00 a m. KPTV Dint Don Bchoal 10:30 I E KPTV What CookUul 11:00 a m. KPTV Hawkln Palla 11:11 a m. KPTV Tha Btnnttu 11:10 a.m. KPTV-PrlMi4 of Pamlly a.m. KPTV TEA koin B la Paroff W,I0 p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN BOB CrMOT 1:0 p.m. KPTV Matlntt Thtattr KOIN Lo?t of Ufa l:lt tvm- KPTV Matlntt KOIN Search Tomorrow 1:30 p m. KPTV Matlnta KOIN Ouldtna Uiht I N p.m. KPTV M at lota KOIN Valiant Uttr I 00 p m. KPTV Matlnta KOIN Douhlt ar K6TB1BI I S p.m. KPTV On Tour Account KOIN Btrlkt It Rich 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kata Bmlth KOIN Oarrr Moor 1:11 p.m. KPTV KOIN Arm Chair Thtattr 13 P.m. KPTV Kata SmlUi KOIN Ooublt or KotblBf 1 41 p m. KPTV KOIN Arm Chahr Thaatat 4: p m. KPTV Wtlcomt TraTtltra KOIN Arm Chair Theattr 4 1 p.m. KPTV Tha Tormaktr 4.4 p.m. riTV Tti Tormaktr KOIN Mr. Moon 100 p.m. KPTV Hodj Deotfr KOIN BwMJt Pala I t p m. KPTV Bar 37 Corral KOIN Kit Ctraon 0:M p.m. KPTV Captain Vwlto KOIN Mr. WtathtrmaB It p m. KPTV Namaa tht Bam KOIN Photo Quia 13 pm. KPTV St rant t A4rtntr rOIN Dout E4war3t 41 p.m. KPTV NW Dlgfjt KOIN ThU la Tour Macl 1:00 p.m. KPTV Rlahop Bhtta roiN Pithta t:30 p m. KPTV Cokt Tim KOIN Pitta ta T 4 p.m. KPTV N wi Caravaa KOIN Pith ta 1:0 p m. KPTV I Marrtad Joaw KOIN Arthur OtvJfrtr 1:1 p.m. KPTV Mr Uttlt Marti roiN Arthur GOwUrtr t t p.m. KPTV riraaHU KOIN BtrUt It Rich t J p.m. KPTV Ctrclt Thtattr KOIN I'?t Got a Sterrt 1 00 pm. KPTV Jadtt for Tourttlf KOIN WrtatUna 10:10 pm. KPTV Civ tk Kit AmtTsCa 11:00 p.m. KPTV 11th Hoar Ntwt KOIN eriovtlmt M III 11-11 pm. KPTV Rita Owl Thtataf Albany 4-H Girl In Dress Revue Chicago VPl Forty-seven young women prepared Tues dsy to star in the style high light of the 32nd national 4-H club congress, Tuesday night's "Careerscope" dress revue. The fashion parade, unique In that each model made her own dress and won a state or territorial prize with it. will show handiwork from 47 states, all except Pennsylvania. Each participant won a leatller cased scissors set and an all- expense trip to the Congress from the Simplicity Pattern Co. The winners included Jo I anne Swainston, 18, Drlggs, 'Idaho: Kerin Johnson, 17, Trout Creek, Mont., Disne Joney, 17, Albany, Ore.: Lora Belle Keener, 18, Almlra, Wash.; and Dorothy Hoffman, 17, Palmer, Alaska. rJIVORCE SOUGHT I Albany Wanda L. Kaeding has filed suit In circuit court ! here asking divorce from John H. Kaeding, to whom ahe was married Jan. 13, 1948, at Van couver, Wash. The plaintiff asks $500 lump sum alimony. Does TY Hurt Your Eyes! Try HOFFMAN Telerisiea FROM S-lf 11 Valley TV Center liti Fairs-rounds Rd. Sales Service - Installation Open Till f p.m. Daily Sunday from 1 te ( p.m. Keizer MITCHELL'S Paetsry Trained errlee . and InsUllaUea Isat lute SL Pswaa (-7177 Keizer Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mogster of 605 Chemawa Rd. entertained Mrs. Mogster's sis ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. McGohan of Kelso, Wash : her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Dis more of Eugene, and a nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson of Eugene, for Thanks giving. Hazel Teets, Darthee Teeter, and Belva Valentine have start ed a shop at 1170 Chemawa Ro. It Is a place where peo ple can bring their babies to be sold such as aprone, toys, ceramics, etc. A very smsll fee Is chsrged for handling the ar ticles. The Home Extension Unit of Keizer hsd its Christmas par ty st the home of Mrs. Nick LeRud, of 590 Chemaws Rd on Tuesday. Dee. 1. Mrs. Mount is chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf of 5195 Windsor Island Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Gilbertson of North Howell, spent Thsnks- giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cersld Wolf of Portlsnd Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mogster spent Sunday, Nov. 28 In Eu gene visiting relatives. Mrs. Fred McCall fo Rt. has been spending some time in Astoria. Her son snd wile, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. McCall, gsve birth to a baby boy, Mich ael Edwin, t lbs. 14 ozs. Nov. 11. Dr. and Mrs. Casterline spent Thanksgiving in Corvallis with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ryser. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ryser, and Mr. and Mrs. D. E Nedry and children were also nests Mr. and Mrs. Warren Affleck entertained Mrs. Affleck's mo ther and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Vincent, at Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. Edna Ferrier spent the spent the weekend in Portland I visiting her mother, Mrs. o. F IMemnew. scrubbing clothes in China x ..... 4! ySi llMiMKR...Wt oa rrfxtrk ba...iot jajst t toht bcB Teminf on is st om of ror electric servant's away duties. He cooks, freezts, heats water, washes, dries ckaos, must, toasts, and a host of ether tangi and ALL far Jvst a fcw pea. sms s day. Honest r now. what else pves so rrroch atrv . ka for so kttls cot? f Water carrying, back bending, scrubbing and scrub, bing until both the woman and the clothes are worn out . . . this drudgery is the fate of most all the women of far-off China. The clothes are laid on the ground or thrown over bushes to dry, and the job of ironing if it is attempted at all is done with a crude, heavy hand iron heated over a makeshift stove. Picture itand compart it with the magic of m electrical washday! The modern PGE homemaker has an abundance of hot water at the turn of a Up. Clothes are popped into the automatic washer and with one flip of a twitch they are washed, rinsed, and damp dried. Into the electric dryer they go to emerge all dry and fluffy in a matter of minutes, ready to be put away or ironed on the electric ironer. Yes, electrical living is gracious Imnc. It Mvet bom of back-breaking work for just pennies a day Make sure there's an automatic electric laundry in your family's future! PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY