Face 14 Tuesday, December 1. 193 J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orcfoa i : Ballston Bsllston Aj hai beta iti custom lor the put S3 yean Ora Rebekib lodga again apoaaortd a community Thanksgiving dinner Thurs day in the I O. O. t baa Mrs. Tburman Snow of Honeydew Calif., ia spending a few weekj caring for her husbind'a parent. Mr. and M,ra. Shade Snow, who art in poor health. John Foeht, Edd Miller, Fred Edson, Allen Smith and Dee Millema paid a visit to the Fall City I O. O. T. lodge Tuesday evening. Mn. R. H. Brooks is spend ing a few days at the home of her son, Melvin, and family ' in Tillamook. Mill Mina Barnum has re turned to her home In Terre bonne following a week spent at the home of her sister, Mrs. George Wilson, and will short ly Join the Waves. The Home Extention Unit will present the moving pic ture "Whats new in Cooking" at the Community hall the evening of Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. Honor Roll students in the Ballston school the past month were: upper grades Tommy Kilmer, James Moon, Ivan Whitelow; lower grades Judy Lodl. Van Keck; Fatty Wilson, Gene Kowing, tela Hostetler, Gary Kilmer and BTEVE BOTE Joyoa Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Du vail of Kernville art spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Duvalla nephew and family, Mr. anq Mra. Bob Gould. Aurora Mr. and Mrs. Wil lis Yoder and Mr. and Mra. Wayne Yoder motored to Me hama on Thanksgiving day to Join a family group being en tertained there by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kauffman. Mrs.- Harriet Ehlen had as her guest last week end, her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. H. Will of Eugene. Additional callers at the Ehlen home were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Godlove, also of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Woodhousa of Sherwood. A crew of men employed by the Cascade Construction com pany of Portland Tuesday com pleted paving the exterior plat in front of the Shell company's service station in downtown Aurora. . ' , According to lata reports, Miss Tena Stuwe ia critically ill at the family home near Needy, -3aTr COMB ON. SO Hi.' a1"1""" f LET'S Give THIS -AO--y.ytjw 1 DtBTYOLO CRASON the prrcw.' por.o RADIO PROGRAMS1 WEDNESDAY f. M. KGW I KOIN I KEX IKSLMIKGAE Carol Curtis Pattern Searing- Time-8aTer! Blnce the front and uie oaca an eacn cut in lust one main pattern piece, thai fresh and crisp cotton la a sewing; time-saver I waistline rus sets provide figure fltl (Square neck version also Included.) No. 337 1s cut in sin 11 14. 1. IS. 30, 3, 38. 40, 42, 44. filie 18: 4(4 yds. 36-ln. Send Joe for PATTERN with Name. Address, Style Number and 8 He. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal. Ml Mis sion street. San Francisco 6, Calif. 352 Jiffy Velvet Hat. Imported by the Velvet Institute of America from Paris is this flattering ail' ln-a-plece hat which can be made in a ilffv from a small niece oi velvet is oy so incnes. lis perfectly flat, has two loops on oacK wnicn ao over uie But ton to ahape and hold the hat nrmiy. it nut couian t oe Sim- Dllerl Make it in black for date wear in Colony Brown, Dubon net, Blue Sapphire. Freedom Red. Carribean Blue or Silverejlase White for one of the smartest little hats you've ever had I Send 30c for the JIFFY VHUTT HAT (Pattern No. 363) all cut- tine nieces, aewlnar and f lushlne directions. YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. ,62 Mission Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. HENRY By Carl Anderson 8 ROOM BOARD By Ahere r. REGARDING VOUH COUSIN FOGHORN' PUFFLE IF THAT FL0TSAW AND JETSAM FIGURES MES GOING TO HE ON THIS BEACH FOR A LONG VISIT. riES AWAY OFF HIS UJUKbt.'-RL TEll MW ITS TIAAE NOW TO SHOULDER MIS DUFFLE BAG AND START FLOATING ON' . but aw fYiue. 'FOGHORN'is EvPKTiNG ORDERS TO REPORT ON A NEW VESSEL ANVTIMENOW'-I'LL PAY WIS LODGINGS UNTIL HE'S NOTIFIED 0 V 1.1 -J. 4 TtJm--mfaaA find oA what aderVe fosr 1 rtrni iMftwe Itxiu&iW out wwelttsh J Monmt'f MOT ATUiNfi Know What . sjiCMM'iue-M U0uV been PinoMAt . I at . .. . . ... ..... ACrfAf. f,hflfi ORPHAN ANNIE ' ttwucaiv Jetum mucnrNT ttdfs perfbciliall j o J m W, C4t9 TMHT T TMeHS ' I- SHORTY f10 OUSTT I MISTAKI, 1 YRIBO TO SHOOT rT H, Vss totrr wrm tohy CAPTToay 7 TMBN. RMMTHITWCKl J outsm THjrr oooet, ro rr i K KARL KMH BLASTCD I ROARS I sin LIL ABNEK THEN OUR WMB BUCTtR; VeftH I kRAHQ, OPfJrSSD THAT BUT VWY. I WftU. SflFB-ANO IT CAPTAIH (WRS BOOBY TRAPPED- WHY? t IsSy" l AM DOOTT WU.TA S,fl f, , 1-4EE MAM SOTS WCEtfi (k.tNVt Jf j, WHEN ME4JTS MIS 7" ' vJvv m.fml WAM T MARRIED. Jl I HE ? BOPALONG CACSIDT (w JUNIPER , SUKCOnnij KEE" KlPINCi . I HEAPIN' STRAI6HT WO I I'LL JOIN KM V. TH' A66AY OFFCE . 1 LATER AT THE CJs. BAR -ZO. NUIWEK SEVENTEENf TRAVEUIS MAN. REOSTEREP RH YE6TERPAY UNPER THE NAME OF PEEBE. AWTHINci WWcJ T MUTT JEFF I WHO'S THE (WEST I IN THE UPSTAIR6 I ROOM ON LTHE RTTy Y THOTiJ A 6000 OUE6T10N. T I MAYBE MISTER BEE&E HAS 1 1N ANSWER FOR IT.' 1 WHAT ANIMAL WAS EVES lunstLireceOiec Attn AauV iuai u0 ifr-r it aili 1 1 7 guiKBBnre IMC v oeuipp RIODLEt I6IUEUP, A CICJERO' fWOODEM WHAT ' J HORSE- . IS IT? A PAV HOLD ONI A V SORE. IT WOODED HORSE CAH-' THE CANT JUMP AS)80LYH HIGH A3 THE (BRIDGE CANT , BROOKLVN X JUMP pkPGE. V , - I REX MORGAN. M.D. ( WWO WAS ON THE 0TU6R A f "Sl lEso of THATONe r ANSWER AE.' WHO DONT. " VitSE iOU PLAViNG ILANPTO5 ' . THAT RCORP TOs - DONALD DUCK HOW, LOOK. LOUIE IVE DONE OU AAAK.E IT A OUARTFJ? ANO I LL001T1 'ee su?e to wash BEHINO VOUR EARS, ) , J-OU'E? J - am7 ""V- f SO Away. OOM'T UJiTER ON THE WAy, J LOUIE...I AA KNOWN TO PE DOrtuOTl I I OEwEy 5 MARI WORTH ANEUNOA! II t i iu f , -Tl COE TO AX irrm- saa; lli I lit M1,"WHiiw"TNlXT 0APT(R,MI RrvtRBY?. . . n "OW- A HJT AY WIMO UPTHt FIRST J 'lrTHt AFTXRNij, WIM6 IT OVtR 1DNIGH1!. .WONT WXJ I fKOAVit, THERl'lU K NO KAWSJIAN JlT VOU ANOl-- AMDTHt (HARAC TIRS TH lOUR tNCH ANTiNS MORYj J rr i nitiHti ;, Ntwi, Waalhtrt M, Hititi t:4S. Ht4lttlut M:M tin orr. ).m Nasw Mom "jj TMMaJ lt44M PrV i-'it lUattMN PeUtf l:M'ckc4c. Wife alllHaW l:lSiaU DallM GXUrtty 1 - JtiKki aW(i GUrar 1:45 1 to nQ94lnr ltrruim mn Icmipsv t:lS rrrtiFfl GctJfrtv :ILJmh 0ta(ra J :J5 hjiUlhiT Cmrt MM I M WtlNM ' IWlB. W OfM: PMGIrli 1:15 Trara UaistM rrOUI .M!M. WUatM lUlh fltwr Tr tM Mrtl 1-45 ,Lil baHtf 1 Tutflilf Var tiM OlrW B1U Itorv N U McCftll K. NlMNI i:Nlllu wttfe j:30 CJU 45 gUrkhM SparkUtM NtMNNf ;Hrr Ktwal M'Mltl TUv Kami Ob Stot Ob Siat SiMtUcM yalli ll)tl Art OatUM Kar Waal Ttrnr Timi awrrajl Caca Uaala Bait Stara raaH Haalta ak Garrttl WaalaaCTBUB LaalkNralr Hava LaaUaaralt MM Bgarac taar aWhtoai Uarvkawt NaUaM Maala NtTtM Maf TtM Maata Maala MiiU WllaJ BU Hick taakrIHasIM Parry Caaa V. Plmkktr (tara Iiin I 04) ribaar-MaJlr Mul PaaUli Ntara Graal Gllarala Graacba Man Knew Xaaf KMC I Ecartar , IhtU naal -30' kaatr l:45ls ur Vtwa T. U MrCail CH CacacM Clly CaasaU Dataff CkrasOaa) t inh ua FBI Paaa Mar U Tkaaiaa rasa. Hktli. Laava KaHari laa Karace- Hara'a U V.I Draaalaaal IraiakatitHU lakaaatla raaak i Maala I Baalakj iLMPaal Oa Saat Or t antra B star Plaal Gmni aUak Orrbaatra Orrbaatra Kacartl ftaaa Bacarf Ikaa aa Racartl Bham kllaal Bkaw Taaas Maala Tkcasa TlaM Maala Mratarr Thaatar lOkaaaalaai OkacMlaa Daaaa TlaM Daaaa Tlsa Daaaa TtaM I Daaaa TlaM DaadlbM DaatUtaa Ut KiMart Dr KUaara la BaraJf Mi, Ncvaraal Maala H. Wlaai Paltaa Lawlf PlaM'r P'raaU Wtwa PUU'r Prmft iBallaac Draaiama tMalaaa Macta Malatto Maata KOCO' Warkl Naa Taaa TlaM ! Pattaraa Nan Saav ' ktaataTaa Waal waai Rk Ttaa, ka TIbm (tm4 Uak K Btary eMail, Itaaaialaju fiawa M Kay (taraUM V 1 O CaM Sparta Ban Track Ufta Track lit Trak mm Track 1IM Track I4M Trek liaa Track Ilk Night Neva $ Nactaraa Nactaraa Nactaraa Naclaraa iVaclaraa " Nactaraa Nactaraa I Naclaraa THURSDAY A. M. TO 11:45 A. M. 6:00 Dava Waal 6:15 Daa Waal 6:30Dava Weal 6: 15 1 Para. Tlaaa 7:00 Caaatry E4. 7:15 Jay Wllb 7:30 'Vtwa 7:45 1- Maaalaa Varlatlaa I.r.D,, Ora, Ora. ram KOIN Klack Ora. Faraa KOIN Klack Ora, Faraa KOIN Klack iQra. Para. KOIN KlaakVlrat EaOUaa Nawa Vara Navt Nawa March Tlai Acraaaky Bafc Garratl 8:00Ola Baara :15 Ola Baara 8:30 Maala Bas 8:45 Maala Bat laaattasrwaj raabfaat Braakfaal KM aarMffc ptcwa jBrcakfaal (Nawa araakfaal Taar Mtoa Braakfact Raacaiary mrtmktu Paax Altar aa i ai B aaaa af B Nawa W. Warraa aai IflHIaaWawa Nawa filar Tlma Aanl Jaaav Vattara SlardMalalr MtBilIlyUar I Waa raajaawlca Traal Daakla ar IPatUrt CalllKalacr Par FBI uu aaai N.thiaa Bia Caaatar Hlar amalala ttaaA af Uf a C. BaatU 1U:15 B. Kcraalata Ma Patkiaa Malaajlaa 10:30l8ttika It rlckjDaa Malaaa Trva Staffp 10:45 Slrlka tt HcbGaltt Uakl fTraa Itary 1:00 Itak Haaa Mr. Brtaa !Waliarlaa Iltl!V P Fraarttlta p. Maaaa Girl Marr. 11 :30IPbraa Paa Mara Draka ll:45ltnlCkaBca BrlcbUv DarlKtaaa Car. Mawa VatAar kftata.r HlaUar Glca HarAy iTcIa-Tnt BtaaA. Scba BraaAeaal iLadlaa Fair Fair Maaaa farDaa Qaaaafar Brcakfaat Naab Braakfaal Naafc ram Nawa NtWt KOCO Klack OCO Klaab BWO Hlaak MOCO KJaafc iNawa tOCO Klaab OCO Klaab Kawa ftalAar SalaJar DaSalaJar Bay'a Btcaraa Kara Bacarag Ban IV Ktf.1 KOIN IB LI. a.ak la IS p.m. KEX RJ, IMI .a DIAL LISTING KOAC. SSI lAip TharaAap .. M, Nawa, IWJAVat Waatbari lt:1I, Far Waataai 1I:M, Caaetrt Balli lt:M. Nawa, Waa tbari lt;lt, Naaa Fam Baar; i.U, Bla Cawkart 1:4. Baakikalft t:M. Ur Itif 4 Laaralai. I M, Maaaary Baak af Maala. East Salem East Salem The first of Christmas parties scheduled for East Salem social groups will be held this week. Lansing Neighbors Garden club meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Lively at 1190 No. 21st St. Thursday, Dec. 3, at 1:30 p.m. Members will make favors and some special gift for each patient at the Lansing Nursing Home. The Merry Minglers club is meeting Thursday, Dec. 3, at the home of Mrs. Carl Snyder, 2975 No. Lancaster St. at 1 p. The Merry-Go-Round club meets Thursday also at the home of Mrs. Edward Curtis, 263ft Hollywood Dr., at 7:30 p.m. The Swegle Road Garden club December meeting will be held Tuesday, this 1st, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dan Stauffer on route 8. Members will work on their Christmas cards. Swegle Woman's club, which regularly meets the first week, has been postponed until Dec. IS. when the Christmas party will be the program. Lancaster Home Extension unit will not meet this month, as they do not have Christmas meetings. Guests the past week at the George Maske home on Monroe Ave. were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Loeske and Jack Schmidt from Leigh, Neb. Mrs. Lowske is the cousin of Mrs. Maske. On Thanksgiving, a family dinner at the Maske home had her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam RahU of Eddyville, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Elma Banns, Mar lene, Shirley and Larry, as guests. The Johns family holiday dinner was an event of Satur day night at the Stuart Johns home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hockhold of Eu gene, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc Coy and Cindy, Mrs. Arthur Stowell, Miss Hazel Stowell who was home from Oregon State college for the holidays, Miss June Stowell from Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, Fred, Dorothy and Kieth. AUTHOR STRICKEN Arlington, Vt. OP) Friends of author Dorothy Canfield Fisher. 74, report she was stricken last Saturday and is 111 at her home. They say she is not in serious condition. Rili llRl I IPIlI ji tIqiITTdTo li Ip l ETaI D o winIf A l lVUE A RiN swaIiIlhi Ra Vfj ACROSS L Drpart secretly 7. Pursued 13. Rubber 14. Obeisance 15. Kind of biicuit 19. Leaf of a calyx IB. Summit 19. News organ lration: abbr. 20. Mexican dishes 32. Peacock butterflT 23. Celestial body 2.1. Writing fluid 28. Place of duty 24 Landed properties SO. Causes psia Jl.Extri 32. Piece of pasteboard 33. Harmonized 15. Having the highest 38. Cain's brother 39. Complement of 25 across 40. City in Penn sylvania 41.1050 42. Comforted 45. Parent 4fi. Devour 44. Title of address 49. Pronoun 50. Pertaining to bodies st rest tsilTll'S THA'RjMiQiR ASaEB PljAllBAF E QiO ySjSiEMstEjTjTtf E T A NHffiP tlSMRitlNlp snr airi JffpflT7rl lR0lFllREL ATfTvE EQ. yillAN ASfE I A YIEfflsUNlElxlTUElflK Solution af Vastsrdsy'a Pussle 2. Manly 54. Cylindrical 65. Jubilant DOWN 1. Degrade 2. Bursts forth t. Is able 4. Like ' I lJ I K I iA ' " I'M s 75 77" " Ty If" ' ' 7W. 75" ' iJT-" Is 7T 7T 7!?,7T 5? it" m7t" HJ" 5735" "i? nbr - Liu 'I ?? ?? ; 5. Tablel ind a. Prime minister 7. Oayoa I Cavity a. Exist 10. Took a sest 11 Selfntcr4 person 12. Stations 17. Kitchen utensils SO. Journeys 21. Gushed 24. Make amends 27. Command 29. Spread to dry 10. Head covering 22. Hollow arid curved U. Least wild 14. Flattened at the poles II Part of the body H figure of speech 37. Annoyed 28. Location 42. Leave out 44. Masculine name 47. Sailor 49. Stnka IL Symbol fnr tellunuas alavptiaa au VOVAGE