Tuesday. December 1, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJem. Ortfoa Pat IS Hews Writer Loses Suit A Marion County Circuit Court Jury returned eerdiet in favor of the defendant short ly before noon Tuesday in the damafe suit brought by Nor man Anderson against . the Union Securities company, operator of the Marion hotel. Anderson brought suit for (12,000 general damages, in addition to special damages which were claimed for medi cal treatment. ' The plaintiff was struck In the mouth by an unidentified article said to have been thrown by Mary J. Clerico, wife of the hotel manager, at a waitress. Anderson is said to have entered private room Suspect Arrested In Eolo Burglary Dallas A 15-yesr-old boy was under arrest in Portland Tuesday as a suspect in the burglary of the borne of Mrs. Kay Schimminn of Eola Sun day Bight. Deputy Sheriff William Porter will return the youth for questioning. Missing from the house art a SoS camera, hunting knife, a pair of new shoes and a mill quantity of canned goods. Egyptian Prince Tells on Farouk Cairo. Egypt W Ex-Prince Abbas Halem told a revolution ary court trying him for trea- where the altercation between son Tuesday that he never had the women was taking place and got in line with the thrown object. Anderson was a newspaper reporter at the time of the altercation. Swedish. Freighter "Rams Info Bridge Portland Wl The Swedish freighter Mirrabooka, being taken downstream through Wil-1 lamette river bridges by two ; tugs Monday, narrowly escaped . ramming the Burnside bridge when a motor failed in the bridge lift mechanism. JS?K'.JJSl"-!:ho he was tough with the any trouble taking a woman away from his cousin, former King Farouk of Egypt The cocky, outspoken 60-year-old Halim pleaded inno cent after the prosecutor read an indictment charging him with conspiracy with foreign powers toward' harming the Egyptian state. Then, apparently unconcern ed over the fact that he could get the death penalty if con victed, he told the three-man revolutionary court about his experiences with Farouk, the deposed Egyptian monarch. "Farouk had an inferiority complex with women," Halim said. "This is why he ran so much after them. He wanted to Hearing Opens OnCrossinas A hearing before the State Public Utilities commission will open at t a.m. Wednesday on a demand by the city of Salem that the Southern Pa cific company Install safety devices at its main lint grade crossings in Salem. The city asks for automatic drop-arm gates at 11 crossings and light and bell signals at others. The background of the case is an Investigation and study made by the Salem chapter of the League of Women Voters in which they compiled statis tics covering death. Injury and property damage and cost cal culations over a period of 10 years. Their report was filed with the city administration. . Representing the city will be City Attorney Chris J. Kowtt, Assistant Attorney Thomas Churchill and Assistant City Engineer Joseph Fitzpatrick. ' Present for the League of Women Voters will be Mrs. William Van Meter, Mrs. Frank Oettinger, Mrs. Cordon Shattuck and Mrs. A. E. Muel ler. David Don will conduct the case for the commission. work, the bridge tender sound ed an alarm and the tugs start ed backing. They halted the freighter in time, then held her fair sex." ' Livestock should not be fed in mfrl.itrram for the hour it I corn husks, leaves, or stalks took to find the trouble a I that have been treated with shorted wire. I DDT. Giants Awed by Silence Of Japanese Baseball Fans By GAYLE TALBOT New York WV- The thing which impressed the New York Giants most about Ja panese baseball was the im passive silence of the vast crowds which turned out to witness their recest 14-game exhibition tour of the island kingdom. Accustomed to the normal commotion in their ... U home, parks, the touristsi WOOdDUm HOOD a ik. I-. Jhh,IsM . spooky at first. Horace Stoneham, the club president, says it had- him try them out In their farm system next season. They have have arranged to buy their contracts from the Ja panese clubs, same as though they belonged to American teams. As a , group, the Giants say, Japanese pitchers are for some reason far ahead of the country's batters. British Security Guard For Big 3 Conference Tuckerstown, Bermuda V A plant load of British troops bolstered the security guard gathering Tuesday for the big three conference of President Elsenhower, French Premier Laniel and British Prime Min ister Churchill. The latest reinforcement, a unit of the Royal Welsh Fusi liers who recently kept order in troubled British Guina, ar rived here Monday night from Jamaica. About 240 other Fu silier previously had Joined Bermuda forces on guard duty. The three government lead ers will live In luxury at Ber- STOCKS slightly rattled too until he got to the bottom of this atrange characteristic of the Japanese fan. He was begin ning to wonder whether his athletes were popular. "So I asked them about It and they told me," Stone ham said. "It seer they don't do any yelling unless their team is ahead or at least tied. Up to that time our boys hsd been going ahead right at the start, they ex plained, so there was no chance to yell. Later on we found they could make as much noite as anybody maybe more. They're really nuts about the game." How else does the Japanese brand of ball differ from our own? Well, Stoneham recall ed, there was the matter of their pitchers warming up after they had been knocked out of the box. The Insolvent slinger always went over to the bullpen and tossed a few before continuing to the Program Set To Start Soon Woodburn Organization of the annual winter recrea tion basketball program in Woodburn got under way last week with the tentative open ing date set for the middle of December. The program is sponsored by the sports com mittee of the municipal recre ation and park board. Present plans call for two divisions of teams, junior and senior. Junior squads may be sponsored by Woodburn churches or other organiza tions from boys under high school age. Teams made up of ?y. rtH men nf hiffh school age and over will be in the senior division. Length of the schedule will depend on the number of teams par ticipating. The deadline for register ing teams is December 10. At that time there will be a meeting of managers, sports committee, program directors and referees to draw up a schedule. di.cu.s entrance re- showers. This really had tne quirements ana otner matters Giants winging. In connection with the pro- "Th- wb an answer to gram. that one too." Stoneham said. Organizations wishing to "The nltchcr is only showing j enter teams in the program r ... ... -..LHJ 4, are asked to contact Charles Cornwell or one of the sports committee. ' Layman Baird. The cuitom started be-lennein momp.un ur "iii" they misunderstood : Lawson as soon as possioie. his fans that his arm isn t hurt and that he'll be ready to so aeain when they need him. cause something they saw many years ago when one of the first American teams was over there. "An American pitcher didn't warm up enough be fore the game and as a result he got knocked out in a hurry. He was disgusted, so he went down to the bullpen and threw for a while Just to give aDBear here. his arm a good workout. Their He said he was told the 11 pitchers have been imitating , cense was refused because him ever since. The crowds i Hong Kong military naval gar expect it, and there's nothing rison area authorities think it Marciano Denied Hong Kong Bout Hong Kong Promoter Billy Tingle said today that Hong Kong government's II cense department had refused him permission to have world heavyweight Rocky Marciano wrong with It, at that Stoneham and his manager Leo Durocher liked what they saw of four Japanese players three pitchers and an infielder and Intend to Fights Last Uighl l Tht A,Klltd FTMI rtOVIDEXCI. Il Jlmm s.d.. 113. HfW Tort. Itopprd Bofkr Jonei. ni'i. cTwttM. r.. bbookltn rrnoir !' "'"" lit. Loa Anl.lri. itopprd Btl.B Kl.. 137. NlM.ra rll.. Out KtW OBLIANS !! ScortorlitBI. 1H Ita. o.tpolBtrd Willi. rrno. 1111,. How Orlr.M. ! Tour tun. 111!. Hm- BTDTTT o.orr B.rri. AMtralla. Olopprt Toravr BUSS. ArJl. m tiiii. Mam. HUB Tea BarT. m ormtor. .tapprd Art HrorL Ilk Tort. I MICTH OATS. Carlf-frl. al.rtlnr.. 1 tO BW PrABCIteo. palpolot.d Tommr Mini". w. Doimr. II 01 rarrrvt. webeor. lll'A. Roan oke, Vi. otitpotBUa rirataS Ombob. lis. ub, la. unwise to encourage profes sional boxing. Tingle had whenmed Mar ciano for two exhibitions against sparring partners. The champion now is in Manila. 2 Towns Make Chest Reports The SUyton district and St. Paul are the latest to report the results of their campaign for the Marlon Coounty Com munity Chest The St Paul campaign was done as a project by the Knights of Columbus, with H. W. Bower, chairman, and Ray Smith, co - chairman. They secured S889.S0. The Stayton District cam paign, consisting of Aumsville, Sublimity, West Stayton, Me hama and Stayton, was under the direction of Gene Teague, Marion County Chest vice president. Co-chairmen were: Bland Speer, Aumsville; Eu gene Dltter, bubllmlty; Lo well Brown, west stayton; Jerry Coffman, Mehama; and Ray Fritz, stayton, me dis trict retained $500 for emer gency relief and sent $3,042.38 as an incomplete report. Other communities previ ously reported are Jefferson, Macleay, Parkersvllle, Pra turn, Gervais, Scotts Mills, Monitor and Idanha, which is reported to be the first town in the state to make a complete report. ' - ' Dr. D. J. Ferguson, presi dent of the Marion County Chest said, "there has been cooperation throughout the county and we expect to re ceive a reoort of the campaign from every community before Christmas." The goal for the Marion County Chest is $28,440. Cooperation Asked in Street Improvement If property owners will se cure additional land which would permit of a 50-foot right of way for Delight Street in the Keizer district, the county court would Improve the street. This was the word given W. S. Downer of 4760 Delight street following a conference with the county court Tues day. Construction of an elemen tary school building at De light and Cummings Lane, brought the matter of widening Deliaht atreet to a head, ue lieht street as presently con stituted is not-wide enough to come under the provisions of state law. The minimum width must be 80 and It Is desirable that no street be laid out that is less than 60 feet. The county will not pur chase land for atreet widening purposes. Pinball Machine Rifled by Thief A imooth working thief broke into a cinball machine in the buiy Greyhound but depot sometime between Sat urday afternoon and Monday evening and made off with about $40 to $30 in change in the machine's coin box, city police reported Tuesday. Police said the thief ap parently used hand operated drill of some type to drill the lock from the machine and open the door. He also at- temped to open a shuffle board llr Tbsj Awocuui Prfttu attain1 CMgortU(jg .. AlUat. CtuaiCaU Alii CUlMfl lartcaa AlrliaM utiKu rover Ufa ituruu Til. 4k Tei. ., s Ijimtu Titicci ...... AMa4ft CtPtr .......... AltiaaMt fcaUirOtS ..... aWttllalMB SUks aotlM AirpltUM C, Sen witau Burro Addtoi Uachiw Ctiifora. rocking Uatntxusva rat.lw Oaur pillar TTcior CiouoM Corporation camtor corporauM l'iuoo aortic coDMUdftUd Xeiooa rOMUtUMS Vli.Ua Croa b.ltrotd; CtirtiM WrUbl Doiuiu Aiicron Do root jo ffomauro XootBoa KodoA ...- SaiorMa Rftdie ...... Unarm Cocirl ....... Otnoroi foodo a?noro Molars uoeriio ru, rt7ood Ooofli Tiro KomooioM Uinlnt Co. lAtoruouonii tUrvutor .......... lotoraouonol Ptpor JofiM UonvlUo Kouw Auininum ronaoeou Copptf , Mbki Helton Locintoa Aircrttt Looaoo lacrfOio4 Loot Sell .... Mooueaiorr WorS Nun Komaato Nov Tors Casual , Aortbcra Poclito .... Pacllio American PUlt Pactfio Oa Sieeim Peel! io Tel it Hi. Packard Motor Cat Pa&aojr, J. C Pao&iylTonia R. R. Popol Coin co. Pbileo Radio . . Ra4io Corporatlom Rarenior lncn. Raronior loeorp. PI4. Ropufello Sieei, ;.. Roraoido Meiai RkMIOld OH Aaleway Store, Ina. Met. paper co ..... aoare Roebuck a Co, , Socon Vacuum Oil ,,,, Southern Pacllio Standard Oil Colli Manoard OU M J. Sludobaaor Corp, , Sunatuna Minio S1II Oo. Trantarnenca Corp. Tvoauou. centuri rot Daioa Oil Compaay Uaia Paclflo Uniud Airllow ...,.,, . United Aircraft , United Corportuoa .... , United statu Slnrad . Unltoo Stataj Stool .... , Warner Plcturoo Wasters Union Tel Wutlni houee Air Brake i Weallninotuo Kleetrto . i WoolaarUi . SI . 14 , 11 , , 14 , UK . 10 IMS , 40 W , 10 . 9' , MS . Witt . 101 034 . 1S . US . S4 . . ITS . SOS , , . MS .lift1) , 4 . H . 11 . U1 . 21 muda'j swank Mid-Oceaa club during their talks- at Britain's expense. Although British gov ernment sources declined to speculate oa the air of tht tab, travel and hotel people e Umated It would run to at least 80.000 pounds ($234,000). Britain is footing tht bill for the housing, food, entertain- ment and honors because tht conference is being held at Britain's request and on Brit ish soil But that doesn't mean that everyone else is getting off scot tree. France and Jit Untied States will have to shell out to get their government chiefs and advisers to and from Bermuda, And tht island colony's parlia ment only last week aDDrooria ted $7,500 pounds ($49,000) for protection measures, including construction f sentry boxes, barbed-wire fences and flood lights at tht Mid-Ocean dub. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK r Portland ti Cat tie tWi Market M tlvo. ouadvi abort load food lod atooro utuosd; good-choice fed oteon alonaajr 33-34; lev cutur-Httlitr euero 10.O-i; lev oomnercial iti oattor-Htllltr bolferi t-U: ood abortfod be lien Monday 19 ItW: canner-ttttter cova ladat l.M-l; utllltr v levn M; omfmrdal iS-ll.W ana omvoi lev utility kull ll-U.M. Ca:vo i market active, (toady; oootf choiro eoalert acarco. United aupplr aioadap 1T-M; lev lond-chotva iraaa ca.vaa ! M. Hoa im; market Mtivo, atronc U tie bit ber t early oalea ebeiee iae.ua a. J4.i-Ui caotc su aova 30-33. Shtep led. holdover HI: mtrkat aboat atoadr eonaMerlni oualltr; oaily aalea aoofl-cholco lonba l.M-ll.Hi (i moatlr ebotco lo-ll M; 4M-holoo ftodori 14-14.M): todo-oboice evea o-t.H, culla dona mi. evtuee ta odii.e ebai. SToalaa oaoUI. auat mum JS of eat pot vaat Midltv do ll fared ta rvrtiaM aa-iu Ik.i fual tal Ut, eO-vM. Mua4 ttaiil. tO-dla. Vallep rentes aaS eeMutrv poaxaa. I auto tooa. nor waoioeaia Lava, avu otiOoo ta aotoeoia. too aa. h avon. mhoi A iradeu SS aoor. Sf44 a. M mom. M We; C. s ed Ste. Aao atkeoa tneur aapjiaoi. CSsoooa aaUtav prloa ta tHrUaad vbalaaaian, omta alaxlao. Slva-vUl Oretoa. S BJ. lai. 4l-el we. woiieooiire oandloS evu oaiaUatna ao looa. aaeeo iMledod Lavb. lvrUand: arado Ureo. Il-Ue; a trade modiWaB. hhm, A irado aawU, ttVfMSo. a arada tart a, I1-UW. CHICAOO LIVESTOCK Cblcaeo tPV- ReceipU of aalakle live. toek leil I.OOt bead belov expectation Tueida? tad the market mpoaded by ainini 34 to to eonta on tarreva and Mot! food to choice 1H ta SIS pound butcher told with a S33.U l 133 76 raatc. A two var market developed tmoat tera and belfera. While cboleo and prime aradea above taina ranilnt ta H cento, other typea barely held ateady. Prime led itmi went at 111.3a ta Sll.M. The aheap market lot oil to a auv tart vltb latnba 31 to H eenU down. Salable meipta vera uttmated al It.- too hoe. 1,000 cattle. Too enivaa and , 001 aheop. MARKET QUOTATIONS MUTL4JW SWNDCa LIST swim btimiubu wiiu. mm im Oraiaa alaau 1 1..M l.rtlMU lari. SI. Ia.1 walim UM la.1 I. r.ua t .h. alutt 11 B. It luy. law. OaChUerl aall Mai Wm. Sfahail PfWiiMJ mvum arleal. f . a aluli Ian. flaaauattM, ll-lt. la.: U mum. I. la. inillla.1. U-14. la. Who!.. MUias arMM nm iuuv lari. PraMMltai, as-MI. . DM luat kaliai. Tl-Mo au akallaa Oaat lir kaliM, M-iwia. . SALEM MARKETS DI KE VISITS CHl'RCHILL London The Duke of machine and automatic photo Windsor made a birthday pil- raph machine but failed, they grimage Tuesday to bne of his said best friends and staunchest al lies Prime Minister Churchill. The two chatted for 30 min utes at 10 Downing St., Churchill's official residence. Churchill was 70 Morday. JINK SINK BY REDS Hong Kong () Fishermen at Macao reported Tuesday that a Macao-bound Junk with an unknown number of men aboard was sunk with all hands by gunfire from communist Lapsamel Island Monday night when it ignored a communist "halt" signal. Owner Allen C. Jones, 2450 Park lane, said the machines had been checked Saturday afternoon and were all right then. The theft was discovered by a depot employe who noticed the door of the ma chine standing open and call ed Jones. ... n ... ... tis ... ' ... ... ' ... Kfc ... TJ ... " ... I1 ... 41H ... Ill ... I1. ... '.. ...IK ... ... '. H .... .... I. ... II ... '. ... ... 11 ... 411. CaiCAOO ONIONS ' (Br UB1US Pruil auppllci modir.ta. ..mao. Ulht mu- Set .bout .UMlF. Trick HIM M Ujl.: TJ. a 1 anltM Li lt 14.no Spanish Math .ad lucrr 1.10; WImooiib YtUow Oloaat H to M an crat 3-ioch .imI uirtir .111 trucklot Mitt d.Uv.red jobbi&l itrMt MIU. WUcootlB YI110W OlOOC. 70 Ml MBt S-lQCft IM Unar .H-IOI. atrMt i.l,i. SO lbi.: loan, ftpaalih I loch and larier l.M-1.40; Wbiu OloMi 3-lneh and l.ri.r I.M-l.lOi Colorado apanlih 1-Laca .Bd Uriar l.M-1.4.; Wkiblnctoa .panllh l.tncb a&4 lariar l.n-l.:s: aiadlum Y.llo Oleboi. Mien. kan l.M-l.ll, low. 1.11. WUoonila I M- l.. UUnoU .11-1.00; utcragaa WBltM medium S.M-S.SI; WIKraal. JUdl maat- uai 1 11. aallar rriM a. aitaumi Orate AA atlat. Tie; A eartam. 11.. A arista. TSci urloa, TMi a Miau. Ma. i. mum. OaaaS l.aa. IHrtla; OncradM) laraa, la-ll. In: nmM AA laraa, M. 4a.t A larra, OS. AA kasiaav, .1. Hai a sr lat, U-lM au A irada mii .Milaal M-IOa. Ben U a.UHr-Orftd, A A. llMt h-iw. a tan. mm aa K.Qiuai. M-ll; atadlBB, M.: A amaU, 4A4, cartaa. I mu addluaaaL CailM PTlM t. retailor. HartUaA. Orwoa alailM. Uli-Wi s Vmt. laatu. Sl-all.t IM.1.U. m. Im. tbaa 1M. er.ral.ai araada, ilBtfoa, aft., la. tor alalia vnMl. 001M. PraaMatd Ara- .rtcaa aaaaM. S-ia. toarw t. latau. ilMj M IB. rojiur Un CkajkMa moi t mullr. fa k plaaull. Ptriri. Stk-S n... Sk-llc: a.. lu.. -ilci naoUrfc tk IM.. asd -r li nt; aaaTT ku. aU aalibta, MU llihl li.ni. U UaU. 1S-1K ok rooaton. U-lM. ' Dmaal umm - Ka I drauM u r.utiri: nriri. trouira, u-tli a. roaiur. .11 vu.. 41-l; tMnt Mb. U.kM; Inn Boai. U-ue, lut-HP (rr- rr. U tu, MU la.; waal. ar.wu. lo ll c ta. Proiard Taraof. T rtUllus; a trad. vlMrtd ..aa, 01-00. la.1 .vtMr.tod town, 'l-lio lb.; aeeordlB. la v.lihts; Maw York itni una W-ito Br. Mow York drauad aaaa, -aM lb. Ta aradno rai Orado A youat baao, OS. SI. V.m. (arra; A tonu. Sic lb. Baabtt. - ArarM. a. trawlrat waltat, IH-S BM. ll-lle; 0-4 IMS It-Me Ik.; ok M. IS-lta. l.w BUbir rrub draaiod frraro t. nUllan. U-ITH out Ca'aatrp KIIM Haa Vaal Top tuaUU. SMlo .l nuob aMVIM. aa.ua. an Uaaa, klatk.ro. SS-Slo lb. I am. Utbk IS-iaa, Laaba Bait, SI-S AVI MarUaal. at-3M 1.. Stain. BlIL IS-14. SV., tulMlUltr, S-iar. f utiutr aowa so-na ts.l cuaar. caturo. 11-1K; ihaui daw. to Uo. rruk Brians MmU Wbolaialara U) ralalliTL SMUaro tm OWU: ni .iwra. cbom. aoTM lar. Mi ll: .aod. III-I.1 dtnnai.rel.1 I1T-I4 utility. 111-tTi oommerclal MU 133-M; utl Itr. II 1-70; ci&B,reultari. ll-. Bart Cta CbolM itMrt-BlBd au.rt- atL 140-13 1 rouadt. 043-41: full lolBa, Uimnaa, 0T.-MI iriaBliar, in-Ill loro .uartuh 111-301 abuctf. Mi ll; rlba. 0l-U. rrk rata Ulna. akMM. k-ll 141-011 abouldark, M laa. 030-30: opara- lao-04; liatfc aarao, 11-14 lt, H- Babbit OU.U SI M (M-lk. kail. I4.1.4.M UOO-la. bai. un aiaab oa.ia-o.-M. Dafcrp Wm aUlrl. lOO-lV BBS)! 13 00-4 M (IM tl. raallnr Barraa nun oarari. nrr. Mi: aM raoalara. SX: Mland Kwl, SO.: Mt ft.ro fowl. 10c; roaitora, 17a aria. rtliM San. A A. on: tan. A. 014.11 aiidiMBt AA. 07c; atodluwi A, 40-41i IBlkU. 31c bu WBAlM.1. prlaM laaarallv S-f ink kblbor uib prlM. imii bar, arada A, .aaaraUr luatoS at 07c: raaalaau al 00a. Bailor. Batiarfal BaUarlal BuftB. mimi PTaralan. TO Tl aulal Ha. L 0740 mu; Ha. a 000, POBTLAm OBAIN PortlaAd (Agl N. M.rM oralna. WbmI bid ta arrlra raark.L bMll Ha. t bulk, daunrad oeaat; Ball Wnlla S 30: Boll Wbiu Moladlas Bu SJ0: Walt. Club I II Hard Bad Wiatar: OrcUairp S 30. TtiMdar'a aai raaMpla: Whul Mi bar. up K Ilaur al Cora 0: mUl load a. East Lansing, Mich. Michi gan State Is a member of the seven-team Western Inter-collegiate Hockey league. CBKA4M) OBAJX Cbkm. Iv- SirbMM aad lard apart. ad i. m. kuk arlaa. Im iba raar fca a. mum aad atraa. aucaat M UN board at trada Taatdar. Tarr. ..far ni BMb aaautaa about tka r.ara.t'1 aUoctlaa. U Marlad BlfkM laod aaae tba annpas aUw. all dar. Toward ut. flalah. aaw acaka far iba day wara Ml la mwti orolka. wncat auwad 10-3 kloar. oaa. Sal,-kj Mra llo.ti kbskai. Oaa, 1.1. : Mat v.. MM. Oaa, liial TM lib ta Scan blkbor. Dm. Ul-l tlk,: m bnoj 3W-414 bloMr. Jaa. I USk-, aad lar. M caaia M 1.1. . aakdras I M. 1000. lar oka omlaaaM at Capital iMraal MP.1 STOCK MAkxrf i York in Cat tba bad. at tm ptralakl attaao adraBMi. Ik. atMk atar t tba BiMI tbar. wwr. PMM. rOBBBB to katwota 1 and S palala, Tba kail al I ha daclloM war. la tba ralaw fraeuarav At Iba mm ttm bIm ohm af kotwoaa 1 as. s palou BPMarad la tb. Bat. aad thrr. lu Mtplo .vldasM ti ratlltMM. t. tka lall Volarao dwladlad daw Id u oattfaataS linos and . kali abarat. That MMPan. i.pm.bm aaarM iradad wbM tka raarkM wm wtoilaj 111 aueas patfarraaBM. EGYPT MISSION BEHIND CUBTAIM Cairo, Egypt W) Egypt sent off a 10-man mission for an extensive tour of tha So vient Union and its satellltaa Tuesday to bolster trada wtlh nations behind tha iron cin toln. ' A FLYING PUP FOR CHRISTMAS? rORTLAND EAtTSlDI MAKKtT Porliaod VP) ofriatklai OeUeiotia ap plea commaaded the beat prlcea la vhole- aala tradlnc on the For Hand produce market Tuoedar, but dealer verea't toe mot up heavily oa any apples. Retailer, tot .tarklDt Delloloua, wrap ped and packed, at arouod P9 M to at vltb a lev at W . Otxllaarr rod Detle loua were M M a box, kroae packed. Rome BeauMea aod apltaeoberta vera IJ.H to 12.7 and Mevtovoa. aloe loe packed, ll.Tft to M. WlDoaape vera U-M at be lov dependloc aa ua)ltr. Hortttveat dry on lop ad potato prlcea vera uncbojuod. Tbera vaa llttie Va41ac direct by farmer. Veal aai Catfoa Oood-eho.ee. all volabta. I3I-3H eonmerelala. tM-il. Laaaao Cboloo-PTttDe. tH-l.M; toed. all -si. loboa ane--BKiBnoc ihvt, 1.-11 iba. 1 tinod lard la drtiaia lit-It. Mi elab bacoa. MS-IS. Perttaad Mlaeellaaaoae " m-bW lb. eaoka., vwi, ytiiov nodlum. ll.lf5-l.Jt; Ursa, 1.-1.; laano yeuova, mo., atMWi.oot larte 11 M-Mai vbtto. U-IN. rotatoeo or. peaeiiawfl nutaeu io. 1- . UM'ITt: oo. a3.7a.Bli: .14 os. V-lb. afc. 0-ci ItVlb. Sl-Sie; No. S trO-lb. ib.uc: waa&. Ruasew. no. LA, 100 Iba.. ll.Iat.M; Idaho, k-lt lb. ll tt'iM; 100-lb. ak. I.W-I4e. or U. ft. Mo. a imn alfalfa. d- Mvcred car lata f e.a. Porliaod and fte- attle. M-I0. Wool oreaeo baa la. Wlllanett 1 ley aiodl.iB, ll-lao Jb.t Kaitern Oroteo fine aad half-blood M-lk; Willamette Valley Umb wool O01 U-pjobU vooL u-eoe. HabaifwdB le A. oa ll-pjentb frov th, f.o.b. country ahipplBc poiata. Idee Trodueors parlao prlco f.o.b rorUaud. calf akloa. la-17o lb., aceord las ta condition; areea klpa, 11-Ho Jb.; (reea oov hidea, i-a lb aeoonUaf to veUbt aad duality, bull hide. - lb.; ffluo pjdoa. M par ami bolov artoea for abova cluiee. It Itn't Mty for a puppy to loorn to fly liko Santa's rolndaar. . Evan Santo himulf can't tooch him how. . ' i Willi tht pup wanted to leorn erar aa badly. Hit f rl.ndi, Mr. Not Much and Mr. Vary Little , ' . i thought thay could help him, but rhoy failed. v . It was Henrietta, tha pear little girl Willi Uft r - ta find advantur in Santa Land, whs finally ear Willi tha answer. 1 i -v -: " But Willi had many axciting adventures be- , fere that. Including tha rescue of the Dreamlln queen, kidnapped by Gremlins. ' r " Se for yourself how both Henrietta and Willi got what they wanted most for Christmas. Reed SANTA AND THE FLYING PUP The Christmas Story by Lucrec Hudglnt Seal STARTING IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL DEC 3 Eifsrboss m atMLW attiiispiitSL 'ISM50 Tedei local D.rrvmd Price ef kS BUICK SPECIAL "Opaoaof .qalMM.f. oec.itorl.i, ipam dad1 lor loaai, fl rar rddiHaaal. 'rkai moy Wf iJJgnlfy fa adfotaiaa lorawawlH.i aw. iMpproa caprs.l. Alt prici labMf M rtane. wBhuat ouSil, "rijmmmm ,J uwii. 1 - "ssir'iSiia Sgyss LINDBERCH AWARD New York JJ9 Charles A Lindbergh will receive the 1953 Daniel Guff enhelm award for "pioneering chleve menta in fllf ht and air navlga tlon," it was announced today. Maybe you didn't know that you can get yourself a bundle of big and able Buick Fireball 8 power at the "6-cylinder" price shown here. But that's only the beginning of the bigger things you get in this eye-catch, ing Buick Special for the low figure it carries a figure I hat's just a few dollars more than that of the so-called "low-priced three." Take a quick roll call. In this Buick you get more room than those few extra dollars can buy elsewhere. bu get more comfort-comfort that a lot more money can't buy anywhere else the comfort of the Million Dollar Ride, with coil-spring cushioning on all four wheels, torque-tube steadiness, Safety-Ride rims, the firm solidity of a massive X-braced frame. You get more satisfaction more of that good and happy feeling that comes from traveling in a car of ample road weight, of brawny structure, of impres sive styling. And you get more fun, more thrill from bossing the walloping, silk-smooth power thrust of the highest-powered, highest-compression Fireball 8 engine ever placed in a Buick Special. W hat it all sums up to is this straight fact: you get far more automobile in this Buick for just a few more dollars. Better look into the matter if it's a real deal you want for your fnorvey. We're ready when you are. IT'S TRADE-IN TIMI FOR A BETTER DEAL Want the top allowance on your present corf Come in and see us for the happy newt now. You save money when you trade with wa. mm pMITOM mU ikn for BUICK -1 TV SoM-tarto Smbp a. TV T..id.y ...alasi. Alia, ...ry $t.rday, raaa Bl TA. TV ,. Cmtm al raa Waat-. "OAT Saw twowl WHIN Una AUJTOpJkOiKlS AoU MKT MJKK WU MUD MM OTTO J. WILSON 388 N. Commercial Phone 3-3621