THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm. Orcffoa Tuesday, December 1, 11$ Central in Capitol League First Time; Six Lettermen Central High School The Fanthera of Central high will enter their first season in the Capitol league with a aquad made up mostly of Juniors. There are lix lettermen among the 12 vanity playeri with aome fair height available. Central playi host tonight to Dayton to break the ice on the 1853-54 slate. Friday night the Ptnthen will go, to Sheridan. Aasietants for Coach Warren Schue are Sam Bell and Jim! Porter. Lettermen are Mare Melton 8-1 guard; Jim Fratzke, 8-11 guard; Tom Alaip, 6-1 center; Larry Monaon, 5-5 guard; Lar ry Johnson, 6-1 forward; and Gerald Freeman, 6-2 center. 3 Lettermen on Jeff's Quint Opening Tonight Three lettermen are among . 24 boys out for basketball at Jefferson high school under Coaches Ted Johnson and Ray Howie. The first game will be tonight at Canby, and Canby will return here Friday night before the Marlon County B league Jamboree at Wlllsm ette university gymnasium. Tickets for the 11 home gsmes are on sale at the school house or at th Stage Terminal for $5. Lettermen are John Wright, center; Larry wells, forward and Claude Meyers, guard. The varsity, team will wear white jerseys for home games St. Paul Will Open Tonight St Paul Coach Leslie 0. Weatherill has six lettermen on the basketball squad which will open its season tonight on the home court against Colton. . The Buckaroos, who finished sixth in the Marion county B league last year, have a 19 game schedule lasting through Feb. 26. Lettermen are Sam Smith, senior forward; George Smith, Junior guard; Philip Wolf, Jun ior forward; John Kirsch, sen ior center; Charles Merten. Junior guard; and Charles Van Damme, senior center. Ted Rambeau, sophomore guard and Robert Frith, senior forward, are prospects. The schedule: !e. 1 Colton hart. Daa A At Oervale. Dm. 11 Aim cur here. Dm. la ChamawA h.ra. Dm. la At eualtmltr. Jan. 1 Jtffarioo bora. Jab. 12 At Deaf Srhoot. Jan. It Detroit hart. J.o. la At acta. Jan, 13 oetee oara. JaB.JA-o.rvaU b.ra. JIB. St Al Mill CitT. P.a. S At Cnamawa. Feb. f aubltmltr b.ra. rib. IS At J.toraoa, rb. II OOD h.ra. JVb, It At Detroit. rb. SS rlo b.ra. rat. St At Oat... Cascade Has 4 Lettermen Cascade Except for I-foot-2 center, Cascade high ichool will lack heiRht when the icHson opens tonight with Silverton coming over for a non-conference game. Neal Kinion is the center, one of four lettermen returning for Coach Lyle King and hi at aiatant. Jnhn Roim nihap Bill Brown, 5-8 guard: Howard Speer, 5-C guard; and Ben i wipper, o-u lor ward. There are two 6-footers up from the junior varsity, Elton Beach and J. D. Lawrence, but all of the other eight are under that. The Cougars won 12 and lost 11 year, tielng for aecond in the Capitol league King coached at Harrisburg the past thret years and ft Installing a new offense at Cascade. The achedule: ft. sailvmon l Cutidt. tVf. At ativfrlan. rf. I At HhfrkrJii,. TX. 11 aharVdan at Cftxtiil tvr, lkV North Mima i cu.k rx. 18 At Wj tut. Jan. 1 Al Jlfrron Jin. 4 At Hrtm Jin. PllAinaih at Ca'ri1 Jan. 1J Hrtma at Citx-trl Jan. IS At 0lcni AiSmj. Jan. HV At Aacrfrd Haari Jan. M Central il Ciatari Jan. M Rtayton at Catvata Jan. -At Philomath. Tf. I Aalra Acadcm it Cutittt. pb. tan fti CaacKla. P-. AacrM Hart t Cat Ida. Po. IS At Cfntrai. Pfc. I At aurton Pfc. to JafftranB ii Oxftd. . BS At North Mart on. FAN FARE A 6-2 forward, Gordy Brunk, Is among the other prospects who Include Gif Bartel, Jim Dutolt, Mel Haveman, George Hagerman and Dick Loy, The schedule: Dm. I Dana at CatraJ. Dae. A At aharldaa. Dae. B Dellae at Caatral, Dm. IS At ferael Oree. Dm. I--Ahrda al ceBtral. ' Dm. la A4 Dertea. Dm. H-rirni Orm M OWlL JaB. t At DaUAA. J.b I erf Hurt Al etalrtl. Jet. A-Ai Blaua. J... I oca fro, there iAB. IS PMJOBAtB At CtBtTAt Jab IA-AI atAfloB. JAB. 11 At CAeeeda. Jaa. Ja aalaa AcAdrar At Ctatral. Jab. IS At Saered KaAM. F. J OCI ttaat at CeaUaL At. A-At Phllemath. Pat. A atArtAn Al Ctatral. F.B. IS CAMAdA At CABtrAl. F.B. 1 At BaLal ACAAABtr. rvk. JA llmlrA At Caatral. and purple for game away. The B team will wear blue jerseys. Jefferson placed third la the state B tournament laat year, posting a record of 18 wins and nine losses and fin ished in third place In the league with a 12-4 record. Other prospects are George Marlatt, Dave Henion, Bob Boatrack. Gene Tiefke, Dave Neiss. Leonard Whorton and several sophomores and freshmen. The schedule: Dae X -Cftnbr. thara. Dm. Canary, btra. Dtc. bV Marioil Count "" lAtiiil Jamborn. Dae. aaubllBitf, hTt. Dae. 11 c lo, thart. Dt. IS D. Ultra. Dtc IS Oalta. hart. Jan. S Cajctult, htrt. Jin. S t, Paul. Uitrt. Jan. IS IkflU CltF. htrt. Jia. IS Oarvati, ibart. Ja. lSCtitTnai. thtrf. Jan. 11 Dttrolt, htn. Jan. SS Aubltmltr. Ultra. Jtvla. St acto, tun. Pt. t-OAD. hart. Pck. S Oalta. thtrt. Pb. 19 At. Paul, bcrt. Ptb. IS H1U Cltr, thtrt. Feb. IS Gtrvila, hart. Pb. So Caacadt, htrt. Pb. SS Chemavi, btri. Pab. ! Da trott, thart. Woodburn Is Host Tonight Woodburn The Woodburn Bulldogs will play host tonight to Newberg in the 1953-54 sea son opener, with three letter men and 10 other prospects on the Woodburn squad. Friday night North Marion will play at woodburn in another of six pre-Ieague games. Jerry Plank, forward: Royce Norris, guard: and Ray Eskel- son, forward, are the numeral wearers from the team which last year won 14 and lost 13. Marshal Barbour is head coach and Hank Ercolini ia assistant Other prospects are Bob His-. gins, Jslmer Stafney. Jim Blan- chard, Ron Garnaro, Dean Bl thoprick, Don Enyart, Royal Hastic, Howard Seaton, Gene ricek and Dick Balweber. It... 1 N.wb.ra at Woodbura. Dm. ANorth MarloB at WoMfbars. - . 1 1 ii n.rt at WMMlbum. Vt. IS At North M.rlat. Dc. la WVL Jamberaa. Dac. It At N.Abra. J.B. t At Ut. Ana.l. Jan. a ailv.rtan at Woodbura. Job. It At s.iHtr. Jab. la Satacada at Woadbar. J.b. It At D.II1A.. J.b. Jt Atolalla at WoodburB. J.b. It c.nbr at Woodbura. Jan. It-At M..rl. P.b. J -Ht. AB..I At Woodburn Pth. a At AllvtrtOB. r.b. t-.ndr at woodburn m. II Woodburn .1 KMarada r.b. lA-Dalla. at Woodbura. rb. It At Molalla. rtb. M-Al Canbr. Archers to Have Benefit Contest Jabbrrwalkie Field Archers of Sslem will help with the benefit shoot Sunday for the Stu Hrnshaw family, whose home and belongings were dettroyed by fire recently. The archery shoot will be at the field lansc a mile south of Pringle school. Registration win close at l p.m. Newly elected Jabberwalkie officers are to take over their duties today. Their election, an nounced recently, finds Lewis G. Johnson becoming president, replacing Charles Morris. Vice president is Hsl DeSart; secretary-treasurer. Dr. L. E. Wat ton; directors. Wally Eubanks and Bcrt Brrtnrr; field gover nor to the Oregon Bowhunters it Wayne Doushton. , East Lansing. Mich Michi gan State s athletic ticket man ager. Warren Burtt, is a 26 year veteran in the Spartan athletic department. N - -:k 7' & f J h i:-- 'l:-V';V;;u; Majors Atlanta () The major league draft, which netted 13 cutrate bargains from the mi nora for 1132,500, may have opened the door for future trades and the big league teams msy now feel disposed to toss established players into the trade market, Baltimore, for Instance, oranea viiucio Garcia, high' ly touted second baseman from Shreveport and veteran center neider Chuck Dlering, a prove oaiinawk, Irom San Francsico. That would seem to open up the possibility of a deal involv ing second baseman Bobby Young or centerfielder Johnny Groth. The Orioles are aadly In need of a first and third baseman aa well as pitchers. Garcia batted .305 last sea son. He was No. 1 pick in the draft. Diering, former St. Louis Cardinal and New York Giant outfielder, never hit In the ma jors but is a fine defensive out fielder. He hit .322 with Min neapolis. Detroit endeavored to plug an Infield weakness by drafting first bsseman Charlie Kress .317 at Rochester and second baseman Harry Bright .283 at Memphis. The White Sox in dire need of lefthanders to supplement Billy Pierce, grabbed two southpaw pitchers, Al Slma from Chattanooga and Jocko Thompson from Baltimore of the International League. Both have seen big league service. Cleveland bolstered its pitch ing staff by selecting right hander Dom Fraecia, voted the outstanding in the Texas Lea gue. The Indians also grabbed SCORES in Duck Pins a. a. sowuno cocky Latitat Ltattt. Ntv. St. ISM ttlU.MSTII taLUf BANK iVm 11 ahlrltr Sirnttk 14S 1S4 US St VI BLahoo IIS 1SS 10S SIS Btv Hut KM St SS ST sso Ztrako Huihw ...... 1 11 SI SSS Paulina Con it re St 10S SS ISO SSS SIS 121 RAMDI.I OIL INU S Fttir ahort u lit ill Hi amr pankrau so is m lit niim Woo. lis us ns it Orart Btutlt .,...., SS fl SI 3S4 Bamona Tailor S4 111 161 101 HniVrp It 4SS M S4S 1IS0 MASTia MEAD i Waa S) LorttM Miattn US 101 1S4 lil Vivian Pratiar ts 1S1 IS lis Ruth Touat Ill IIS 101 SIS Clllrt TMtladt II 131 IS 301 Alt in a Htiat IIS 11 lit 411 SU Ml SM 1111 WOODROFFB'I SAN SHOP It Ruth PMIbrtrk 14 SS IS Sit Amy Burltaoa 11 IS TS 111 Btltr Matt IIS US 04 111 Kir Archir 1ft? SI ISO SM Edith RlchirtUOB .... SS US OS 111 Hndfp s IS4 4 ill lias Hub indtvulml aa-Alio. HioatJ II, Hllh individual itrlatAlvlna Haata. : 411 ' Hiih Um lan Maattr Braid. 04. Bit to Itaai attMt Motttr Braid, UIS University Alleys LAD ItS MINOR UAfltl Favltua Drasr Hi M.rla) rurtla all- I Hilla 110; N. Vildti 131; W. Vildtt 41SS1: JakMMi Lftdlta Start (l Hatnk JTS. Nh l"ritt) Bolton SIS: Rlfhela 144: Lias 130 : Bsmatr SIS: MrCoarl 447; Cidr 4M; Mtoro Boalaatt rtrwt fSl Hukohr 1 Cuahmw SSI. Orrmlt (It Stitehta S1: 100 Rtrirttr 411 fEanrila IM: Tata tA i MeClirT 4S1: SUert 0; Wtlktnon Wttltrn Paatf (1-Kirht 411. Hall 301. Citavrlt ITOi Am hold 3SI Brt Bnlldtra Kipplr (l Ltnct 444; Kttno 343. Prtdtrkh 4Slt Ceoa HI Broka fl Shtldoa SSI: Built S44. Hl ;. I I arm 30i: pnilltna 330 MaidtWa Rattataratat fOt Vrhatrnm ' 31; Purrtr HI; llobMBMlftr SOS. Ar. I COMB1SBC1AL NO. t tttar Sis. Nohl (4 Htrta in. Oman Mirr'a Tanra Sh-Lost 4S0: Nolan ISO: PtlltB SU) HUdrtth 411 ' 'SO; Vauthl 4M Rolcwn 411; Bmlth 111 Htih wiia ooirt and ttnta. Biltia ! TBo Jttl tn-Ctwtoa 4H: Nop Bvtldara aiolr. SU and till; hiih ind " NtUtti 401; Lotaa IIS; Bum atria. B. La net. 44i hlah ind. S01 L. Rltaahl. 110 I y W.h Dititn Draft 1 3 an Eastern League standout, shortstop Tom Korczowski, who batted 28S said fielded brilliantly at Wilkes Barre. Two of the Brooklyn Dodg era' choice farm prospects were lost in the draft. Th PbUadel phla Athletics took second baseman Forrest Jacobs, .and pitcher Jim Melton 10-10 it Mobile, waa picked by Cincin nati. Perhaps two of the prise plums are outfielder Gerry Lynch and pitcher Royce Lint Lynch, a 25-year-old Yankee Canadians Claim Lattner to Sign Vancouver, B. C. f) John ny Lattner, the spoiler of Sou thern California, is an odds-on bet to become a member of the British Columbia Lions, the Province reported in a special dispatch from Los Angeles Monday. Th Lions are slated to be come a member of th Western Interprovincial Football Union next fall. Lattner, who crossed the Southern California goal line four times last Saturday in th Irish's 48-14 slaughter of the Trojans, will Join the Lions next summer, the paper aaid. Th Province aald Lattner, an Associated Press All-America last year and a candidate this year, has definitely decid ed to play football m Canada because he feels he would have a better chance of getting a good outside Job than in the United States. the ALLEYS I'NIVRRfilTY BOWL CLASSIC LI A Of I Trail wart Caft llcNill 412, Kiti nllltr SM, Upttoa SSS. LuU SU, RlchM 431. Oil Co. 4 Comatock S4S, .Ml Uteot til, WiMMiaa , waaO Bo SSI. Oar oath M4. Watt lUta MtrhJtjorr Co. (lStM Ml. Prlco 04 S, OMrmu SM. UocPir Itnt too, fltnw tS. aftltM Harlwarw (I) ThPdt SOS. Curtla 4SS. kiorrlt 410, Pua SSI. Writ 000. rwkr4 Cif Ml Btndtrtoa 4SS. Whllt 040. Bimatll l. BuoaaU SOS. Brawht 144. Clodt SSS. Praak't Pr4ct (Ot Thonpaoo 41S, Ha mm 401, Junto A3. Wattttr 040, JM-Uon 441. Bnilltr Oil Ct. it Mataon SSO. Hill trtth IIS, LeTourntiui 040, Youm 411, Prudent 111. BtrOa Start In t Ootda (t -B. Valflei 111, Vajtupfk 431, Parity 141. Rnu 114, Dummy 401. HMh ttim iimt At at'iM West Boltm ktachtntry Co Ml ind 3114. Huh lndlvrduol arrlto Art Upitoo (TYallwtTi Cifti. U. HIth indrttduil tint Jock DoBo (ViUay OU Co t. SSS Capital Alleys COMHIRCIAL NO. 1 Iami AvtBBt Strvtct (1 Birbtr IIS: Nrlaoo 4 SO: Dotrfltr SOI; Oubb 0.M; Harta 110 Nttka Imm lt WlLbtri S30. Shut on ISO; Oltrka 434; WMlctt SJt. Miliar 113. Jara (S) Brtnnan IM: 8ommri 501, Ltbold 444. Boyct 40S, Ryan 111 Marloa Craamtry It Allan 4SI; Ptktr KTOH 111; D. port 4B3. rt Kar.llart IS Olint.r M: rwirj aav; wooarr ). rorvuan Adolph SSS. RaUaamt Cat4tt Cltr LtoBdrr tn Rlnaland SOI. aprma SU: IntlUh 400: Outtifton 4M; Slallart SOt. HMtfkla 9t Ctlaaiknt Koutnty 4; Btttltr 1ST: Unk 441: Arts 001. B. Bitf. itr 111 GaMtoa tf H-trts,B n nrr Prink SOI; Hovell 431; O. Htrt 411; W CUM Jr. ISO Huh Worn taint and ttrtta, Woodrr'a Purntturt. 1011 and 3114 Htih ind. oimt ind'atrtt Ri Ouaa ( Loni Avtaut ntrTnTii aa im bj uuii wva vir Poramia o4 weotiryt. SU, lad Pf OarAiwr 111: ainaland ttt; Mall.? Ttt: Dotrfltr HI: Br.naaa ttt Caattal Drat Ca. Ill Mtt AtUAB too. Inha lit. BreoA, ut: Bait, rtt: aohda Atl allTWaaS FraaBM It) RmH IM Harm IH: M.llnt Alt; Pakar till HA.BA IN. OaMlM M.rtM ft) Oaldl. Mt: Sultlar Ut; WABiaBralh AU: lUmi alt. Phltaa 111. Al U.n aMrltaratlMi II) R. Luk. STSi J. Laka Ml. a. Luka 4431 V. Luka tit. aiAa PtiMtaa II) UbldA ITI. I.tB. Ht. aiBimota Ut: WaMa 111: Ott.tbr hi Tk. aaada ftl ttart.tra Atti Aak. wll 431: jAiaaa AM: Jatpla 4141 Mian 4tt. WMdaara in era tltt: Aalrn M4: Laadl 4A4; WASavartk Sill tkti Atl. MaHkt aratBa ft) MS: La lau 441: T Dauaat MHt n. Ilaiitaa att: Rraa att Taraiaal la. ft) Mrfhiat 441. BaM 41k Sua til. A4AJM 4AI. Oant OA Kita lAant tABia abS aarkta. hlarv'a Tavar. m att sttli kwa lad. tama bus aanaa. aarat at tat jam "nsm as . ii s i , , Players farmhand, tor up the Class B Piedmont League with a leaaue leading .13 batting mark be fore he waa advanced to Kan sas City. Lint, . knuckleballing left hander, was th top winner in the Pacific Coast League with 22 Victories against only 10 de feats at Portland. Lynch went to the Cardinals and Lint to Pittsburgh. Seven of the 16 clubs dis dained from the draft Including the world chr mplon New York Yankees and National League pennant winning Brooklyn Dodgers. it - j m mi mii w ' aaaar m -Skf 1 I i , t fi J g E A ' "l. I I f tin H ' 0 I . ' F- )V o Visitors ar always welcome st Ofympia Browing Company. Otymo.s. Washington, "On of America s Excaptionsl Brtweria" tM. MaftA as II. S tat. Oft Rainbows Playing her for the Bearcats will be the above University of Hawaii Rainbows. While touring the U.S., the Hawaiians will play leading west coast teams. Front row, left to right: Howard Pryor, manager; Robert Cadinha, Walter Taguma, Albert Manliguis, Ralph Vleena, Allen Young, Tetsne Odo and Joe Sirois. Back row: Robert Lusher, Truman Bruce, Lawrence Keolanul, William Lee, Fred Furukawa, Harlow Tucker, Harvey Lee and Al Saake, coach. Season Tickets For 14 Willamette Games Save Cash Season tickets for 14 Wil lamette university home games are on sale for $10 at' either Wicklnnds sporting goods store or at the college business office. They otter jT l SJT n Thursday night against Wil lamette university in the reason's opener reserved seats at a aaving of $6.10. The games Include Hawaii, St. Martins this Fridsy night, Gonsaga Dec. I, Chlco State Dee. 16 and 17, Central Washington Jan. 1 and 2, Whitman Jan. 1-9, College of Idaho Jan. 11, Lewis and Clark Feb. 5, Pacific Feb. 13, Linfield Feb. 10, Lewis nd Clark March 5. 4 A ftawless diamond Is sought and prized because of its magnificent ability to captura and reflect light Its brilliant sparkle enlivens the spirit and excites a sense of pleasant elation. It is a similar kind of quality "lightness" that was sought by Olympia's master brewers more than 50 years ago when they created "America's Original Light Table Beer"... a buoyancy and delicacy of flavor that could only be achieved by combining the finest of ingre dients, the most skillful brewing techniques and, of course, our famous water. 7i the Water New Scoring System OKd For Ring Use Washington fl Startfra v.. u m uiw ao score 'note television ngnta Just like th expert. but it might be wise to keep a slid rule handy. The executive- commlttM . the National Boxlnc A. gave final approval to th. new scoring system Saturday and decided to print up sample scorecards for TV fans. The NBA eontrola fiahtln. in 47 states. Onlv Km v Z aula, ill have a different scoring system after the first of th year. unaer me unified tvti.m the winner of a round gets 10 points. The ' loser gets any. where from 1 to 8.' If h. round Is even, score 10 points ior eacn ngnter. There are certain gimmicks. If the referee detects a foul, he subtracts a point and in structs the two Judges to do likewise. But the man who A . .v.- I i : . . luuuuK Atiti aeis lot points if he wins the round. The point is subtracted from the cumulative acore. The Executive Committee decided to test another scor ing device. In selected fights, officials will permit the ref eree to be the sole Judge of tne effectiveness of a knock down. FREE LICENSES PROP08ED Boston W) The Massachu. setts legislature - will consider a measure next month which would allow the state tn iuu tree hunting licenses for th blind. The proposal does not explain how blind people would go about hunting. , East Lansing, Mich. Micbi. gan Slate's fine left halfback, LeRoy Bolden, is a police ad ministration major. 1