Monday, KoTtaber 30. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Stle. Orfi WHERE BIG THREE WILL MEET .'Saves 110 by I ! Days $oDe .i ... i jamming uears Ben (WA quiek-thlnklm by-stander who Jammed the ln of runaway aU lift saved lit penoof from serious injury or 4eath on tht rinsed slopes of Slldt MounUin. Tht newly opened, 1,000- foot chair lift, loaded with haywire ahortly after It sus pended aouoie cnairs began swlnzinff down the mountain last night It wai halted by an nntnentlfieo nv-iundpr uhn Jammed 2x4 timber Into the (cart. . - Host of the rideri cleaned by sliding down rope and de scending the barren, rocky mountain on foot. . This ii general view of Mid-Ocean Club on eastern end of Bermuda Islands where President Dwight Eisen hower. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and French Prime Minister Joseph Laniel are scheduled to meet December. 4-8 in a Big Three confernce. This view shows the front of the main club building located in St. George's Parish. Sheep Breeders to Meet, Name Trophy Winner By CLAUDE 6TEUSLOFF The Oregon Purebred Sheep Breeders Association will hold its annual meeting in Salem at China City Restaurant, 33SS South Commercial Street, the afternoon and evening of Thursday, Dee. 10, Keizer Keizer Keizer Ladies' ' Sewing club will meet with Mrs. O. D. Noren of 2630 Blos som drive, instead of Mrs. Otyo Yunker, as previously an nounced. The meeting will be Thursday, December 3. There will be a pinochle party at the Grange hall at 8 o'clock on Dec. 1. The pot-luck at the Keizer Grange will be Dec. 2. Flora Gately of Cloverleaf lane wan the winner of the prize at the Modette shop Nov. 28. Keizer school held its pep group contest in the auditor ium on Tuesday during the noon hour. 38 girls partici pated. Judges were Mrs. Chris tine Mehner, Mrs. Willow Evans and Mr. David Sum' mere. The following places were won: 1st group No. 8, Sally Cook, Judy Johnson, Jerry Ann Whltehurst, Mary Olson. Second group No. 1, Gerald ine Lawerence, Dorothy Snook Betty McCue, Patricia Lock-ling. Third group: No. 8, Lynne Conklln, Shirley Bagger, Sara Mayers. Joan Culbertaon. Four group No. 3, Julia Sutherland, Jean Hayes, Car lene Griest, Arlethea Gregg, and the fifth group, No. 8, Joyce Mennis, Lorna Robert son, and Linda Zehner. Student Council meeting was held Monday at the Cummings school. The officers were el ected as follows: President, Ronald Basinger; vice presi dent, Pamela Miller secretary; secretary, Robert Straw; ser-geant-at- arms, Kristin Han sen. Tuesday, Student Council was held at the Keizer school for grades 5 through 8. Report cards for the first nine weeks of school have been returned and the following students are on the honor roll with a B average or better Julie Sutherland, A r 1 e t h a Gregg, Jean Hays, Carler.e Griest, Mary Olson, Bob Bramlet, Randall Butts, Billy Sharp, Donna Ebert, Lynne Conklln, Shirley Bagger, Char- la Duncan, Charles Johnson, Dean Posvar, Bobby Hawk, Richard Ronk, Patsy Adams, Judy Mogster, Sara Mayers, Eugene Gilbertson, Carol Har land, and Carol Johnson. The Keizer Lions club has installed a TV antenna for the Salem Memorial hospital to use for its patients, especially those who are in isolation wards. The PTA mothers choir will meet for practice at the Keizer school Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Starting at 1 o'clock a bus iness meeting will be con ducted by Kenneth McCrae. Dorset and Lincoln breeder of Monmouth, who is president of tne organization. Commit tee reports will include that of the annual Willamette Valley Ram Sale which is managed by the association. Also on the afternoon pro gram is a lamb cutting dem onstration and a panel dis cussion of Irrigated pastures, fertilization, silage and dis eases. Representative Walter Nor- blad is to be the principal speaker at the evening lamb banquet set for 6:30. Winner of the Sheep Breed ers Trophy for 1953 will also be announced. This award an nually goes to the Ram Sale consignor whose sheep score highest on the basis of breed, character, quality and uni formity, and usefulness in the production of market and purebred Iambs. The ladies auxiliary will entertain between 3 and 5:30 p.m. at the Marion Hotel. Impressions of Switzerland will be presented by an Inter national Farm Youth Ex change student recently re turned from that country. All sheepmen are Invited to attend the meetings accord ing to S. A. Jackson, Corval lis, secretary of the association. Suzan Ball in Hospital Again Hollywood () Actress Suzan Ball is back in a hospi tal bed again and this time her oft-injured right leg is broken. Her dog tipped over his drinking water Saturday and the pretty 22-year-old brunette slipped on the wet spot It was the same leg she In jured while dancing for a movie scene a year ago and then hurt again in an automo bile accident last February, Following the first injury a growth developed which was diagnosed as Ewing's tumor, a form of cancer. Miss Ball refused to permit amputation although it was. advised, "After a year on crutches, I was all ready to go back to work," she said. "And now this happens." She said her studio had promised her parts for her in two forthcoming films. Bottles Booby-Trap For Would-Be Thieves A pop bottle booby trap ap parently foiled would-be bur glar of Shirley's Grocery north of Woodburn recently. . A Marion county deputy sheriff reported that the per son who attempted to break into the grocery store operated by Shirley Snieder at the Mo lalla road Junction with High way 99E was apparently frightened off when he broke through a rear window and knocked a pile of soft drink bottles crashing to the floor. The bottles were hidden by heavy paper that had been tacked to the window frame for that purpose. It was the second time in recent months that a burglary attempt had been made on the place depu ties said. . Trixie Friganza has 82nd Birthday Pasadena, Calif. W Trixie Friganza, who was behind the footlights before the turn of the century, celebrated her 82nd birthday yesterday. The actress, the "Cham pagne Girl" of a generation. ago, spent the day quietly with visiting friends. She was on the stage for 50 years before her retirement in 1939. She came out of retirement for a stint on the stage during World War IL DON'T Threw Yeer Watch Awtr We ris TiMg. Wku Other Cast THE JEWEL BOX 411 SUM. Salt! 0i rrlSM Nlshl 'Ul D.B. She's saving coM cosh on a nfrigtrator She'd pay more if it weren't for advertising. Both the stores that sell appliances and the manu facturers that make them use advertising as their lowest cost way to get across news about their products. Selling more goods makes possible mass production wtokh means lower production casta, lower selling costs, lower prices. Yes, advertising is a low-cost selling method that helps keep pom living coats down. Feel Like This After Eating? (Gwt, Hoartbwm. Acid Stomach?) Isst cat TIMS NMfrdin liens Arid fst If fin faster from eJrer cab ftp difftrtM, try this top-speed war relieve gasa Basnets ana an iiKtiaettioa. I 1 or 2 Turn after aealt or wiv veT'iBeWlaTcnca mtkt root fl Tamj oretralire eaceta atotnach-aao! fat. Caa'i over-alkali ic. Alwart can Tent in pocket or parte. GaanuNceo to contain, ao toda. Get a soil lodari mm - . j. -I s There are many causes . . . there are many types of ulcer ... all of them dangerous if allowed to to unattended. What' most important, quick attention can bring relief and often a cure. Don't believe the old-time stories . . . don't follow your friend's advice. Be sensible . . . when you suspect that you have a stomach ulcer get your doctor' dvioa and help right away. If you suffer from chronic, gnawing pain in your stomach it' a pretty good indication you need medical help. And when he prescribes, bring your prescription to us for accurate, dependable compounding!. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stale SI. (Comer of Liberty) We Give Green Stamps Regular 59 Lady Eva Bubble Bath I Jmh veuneK fa) mountain of v or u warm, relasing bubble. Toiletry 69c Christmas Tree LIGHT SET Eight Imported light in aerie typ 2, $f) '1.98 Three-Piece Dresser Set Comb, brush, mirror in gift box Sj00 Toiletry Regular $1.50 Jeweled Lipstick Gold ploted Jeweled cose Non-smear 2'v"$I $1100 Toiletry Plus Tax Super Speed GILLETTE RAZOR SHOO ii With Six Blue Blades Free! Toiletry '1.00 Loose Powder COMPACT 2, $HOO Assorted Designs, All Metal Compact Toiletry Tussy Glamour GIFT SET Consists of cologne and lotion Attractively packaged Toiletry $1100 u In 2.10 Hudnut Yankee Clover GIFT SET Set consists of solid cologne and talcum in beautiful gift box $100 I la Tm Toiletry Toyln -Lower level Candies Juicy! Tender! Delicious! C 0 Mel-o-Sveet Chocolate Cherries 159' atari00 Plump juicy delicious chorriet centered tn creamy imooTn vaniiia ereme, coverea wrrn thick, rich ehocolat coating. Candy 1.50 Volue All Metol ' Tackle or Tool Box Red, green r blue flfi Um for tackle, tool. ? II UU Mwinf Toyland -Lower Lore! " Old Spice Traveler GIFT SET After shave lotion and talcum, in Old Spice delicate aroma Toiletry $1100 II Flat M Tax Jergen'f COLOGNE SET Pink Frosting Zia Morning Glory $1100 II Toiletry $1.19 Baby Gurglee LATEX DOLL A washable doll for the wee tykes Has "coo" voice. Individually boxed $1100 u Toyland Lower Level Zl 4void Rough, Red Hands Tussy Wind and Weather Lotion 50' Recj. '1.00 Reg. $1.00 '2.00 I Tea to Tm n I ..?; : 11c Campbell's TOMATO SOUP in u Limit 3 Toiletry Fred Mever Drugs I so rtir turiti or 14 N. Liberty We Beterve th Blxbt to Limit Quantities