Pftrtl THE CAPITAL JOUBNAI. Balaaa, Oww a m , F SPECTACULAR BUT NOT FATAL -wevw-wsr; uaa Wreck of thii older Pontiae ear, turned upiide down beilde the road near Fairview home, did not seriously Injure the driver, reported to be Pstsy Sohn, who en countered dilfieultlei driving In early aiornlng fog. Po itlon of the car cauied peculation about how the driver, aeld to be a employe In the food aervice Bepartment at Fairview home, escaped from the over-turned vehicle. Funeral Tuesday for Roy Eddie Marshall Funeral aervice will be held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock t the Fatten Mortuary in For est Grove for a former resident of the Salem and Gervais areas, Boy Eddie Marshall. Interment will be in the Forest View Cemetery. Marshall, a resident of For est Grove for the past 28 years, wis born August 21, 188S, at Chester, 111., and was the son of Franklin P. and Elizabeth Marshall. He came to Oregon with his parents at the age of two yean and resided In the Salem and Gervais communi ties until 1927 when he moved to Forest Grove. Until 111 health forced his re tirement a few years ago Mar shall followed the logging in dustry. For the past several years he had operated a saw filing shop adjacent to his home. He was a member of the Forest Grove First Chris tian church. Survivors Include his wife, the former Bessie Armstrong, to whom he was married in Sa lem In 1922; two children, Jt v a -a tiiii W W x.ioya marsnau ox musooro and Mrs. Ethel Manning of Turner; two sisters, Mrs. Lula Maxwell of Seaside and Mrs. Jennie McKenzie of Oakland; and three grandchildren. Price of Milk Drops One Cent in Klamath Klamath Falls VP) The price of milk here will drop a cent to 24 H cents a quart Tuesday. The decrease was announc ed after a meeting Friday at tended by distributors and the Klamath Milk Producers' as sociation. Lower feed costs and more efficient distribution permit the decrease, an Industry spokesman said. J1.30. HOMELESS IN PCS AN Pusan VP) Pusan officials today added up the bitter toll of Saturday's devastating fire here: four known dead, 105 injured, 31,300 homeless and damage estimated at 40 million dollars. As smoke still hung over this key military seaport, officials planned rebuilding the sixth of the city now in ashes. One flock of geese Is known to have flown at the height of 2e,000 feet O.C. Team Wins Top Corn Award Hermiston VP) A team from Orejon City high school won the top awards in the FFA Judging contest at the annual State Corn Show here Satur day. , Teams from Estacada and West Linn placed second and third. Glen Davenport, Oregon City, was Individual judging winner. Then came Bob Essig, Ore gon City; Mike Long, West Linn; Melvin Ballantyne. Nvs- sa; and Dave Amoth, Oregon city. Verl Pratt, Stanfield, won the adult judging event, followed by Elwood Faist, Alice Faist and Larry Faist, all of Canby. EX-INDIA ENVOY DIES Zurich, Switzerland VP) Sir Benegal Narstng Rau, In dia's U. N. representative dur ing most of the Korean War. died Monday of Intestinal can cer at a Zurich hospital. Furs Exclusively For 35 Tears LACHELLES 1341 Ferry St PHILIPPINES DEFENSES STRENGTHENED Manila, VP) Secretary of the Navy Robert B, Anderson aid today American naval bases In The Philippines are being strengthened because the islands are regarded as "exceedingly important to the defense of the United States." Anderson is on a brief tour of U.S. naval insulations in the Far East DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traversa Rods Installation A Complete Drapery Service "Everything far Your Window" ELMER THE BLIND MAN Free Estimates 3870 Center Phone 3-7328 ' A, PRESIDENT -0Lhs jlk A r 1 lu MINTED. 's v Ml J M 1 ' . -i I Tar -W VttV : I iL-a ii j I Milton Baum, vice prin cipal of Sllverton high school, who has been elected president of the Willamette Valley Guidance Associa tion, a atudy group of high school counsellors and administrators. YOUR T RAVE I HEADQUARTERS Wherever vou want to bo anywhere in the world United will ejailly help you plan your trip, giving you full information about direct routes, best connection, greatest savings of time and money. Whatever your travel problem, consult United Air Lines at . . . Airport Terminal Can 2-2455 or en authorized travel agtnt H AVE YOU EVER WANTED a timpU device for measuring the effectivenese oj your life insurance? Our Security Graph will do that end more. For competent adcice Consult our representative) hi mi V-TJJJ3 tii TOSS. TOE iJCI. 'University Theater' to Be Started by Campus Playdrs " Something new will be in troduced to Salem area radio audiences on Sunday, Decem ber 8 when Willamette univer sity students launch "Univer sity Theatre,' 'a naif-hour broadcast featuring original scripts by local authors based on northwest drama, history and lengend. The weekly program, di rected by Herb Smith, will be heard at 12:30 p.m. over KSLM. The show will be sponsored by the Salem Man's Shop and Johnson's Ladies ready to wear.. Nucleus for the "University Theatre production Is the Wil lamette campus workshop taught by Robert Putnam, as sistant professor of drama. "University Theatre" will present for its first progrsm a recreation of the Champoeg incident when the northwest territory decided to Join the United States instead of Eng land. The original script is by Janice Weber, sophomore from Portland. The cast includes Barbara Ruhle and Clarine Woolery, Salem; Evelyn Bolliger, Jan ice Weber, Shirley Dye and George Evans, Portland: Wil liam Hagmeyer, San Carlos, Calif. Future programs will he centered largely around Ore gon and the Northwest terri tory. Two scholarships are to be offered to the Willamette actor and actress turning in the best performance during the thea tre's 1853-34 season. Any student on campus la eligible to appear on the radio ahnw and qualify as a scholarship candidate, by auditioning with Director Smith. B The acholarahlna trnc in the Ben Bard Play ers SCbOOl In Hollvwnnrf In, three months' study during tne summer. Full tuition will be awarded. Tha .i-h known throughout the coun try, is managed by Ben Bard ana naa graduated many film Dersonalitiei. Inrturitnv Alan Ladd, Jack Carson and Cathy Lewis. . Personal awards from the sponsors of "University Thea tre" will be given to the Ben Bard scholarship recipients. The Man's Shop will present a $150 wardrobe to the winning actor and Johnson's, The Store for Ladies, will award a S1S0 wardrobe to the outstanding actress. NEW RADIO SHOW . Herbert Dobell Dies In Tacoma Hospital In Tacoma Funeral services were held Monday for Herbert Dobell, 66, architect and for mer professor at Oregon State College, who died Friday at a Tacoma hospital. He served as construction su pervisor for the Oregon Capi tol buildings. He had offices in Salem and Aberdeen, Wash., before going to Tacoma seven years ago. cmt f : In rehearsal for new radio show "University Theatre" featuring all-Willamette talent which makes its debut Sunday, Dec. 6 at 12:30 p.m. over KSLM, are left to right: Herb Smith, director; Clarine Woolery, Salem and Evelyn Bollinger, Portland. - Disabled Freighter Towed Into Portland Portland, VP) The disabled freighter Margo was towed to a dock in the Portland harbor Sunday night. The ship lost its propeller in heavy seas off the mouth of the Columbia River in last week's storms. It drifted until a tug got a line aboard some time later and towed it to As toria. The ship Is expected to be put In drydock here for repairs. ATTENDANTS COME IN SIXES Boston VP) Alfred J. Mc Innls and Phyllis Moscone had as attendants at their wedding yesterday six brothers of the bride and six sisters of the groom. HALEY'S BEAUTY CENTO Da All Types et Permanent Hachlneleas Cold Wave Machine Capitol Shopping Canter Annual Lutefisk Dinner Sale of Baiaar Articles It Home Made Candy Thursday, Dec. 3 Served from 5:00-8:00 pjn. Adults $1.25 Children 6-12 65e Served by Grace Lutheran Woman. Missionary Federation Sunnyview & Lansing EARL A. GOOCH, Supervisor - Salem, Oregon 1010 North 15th Telephone 3-3314 Rinso Guide to Soaps and Detergents These helpful directions explain for the first time which to use for every job. Presented by Rinso, the only brand to offer you both famous Rinso Soap and sensational new Rinso Detergent. ipT;' w;: BLANKETSi Use the Soap Blankets shouldn't stay in your washer more than a minute: agitation while wet shrinks them. Rinso Soap removes a lot of dirt last end leaves your blanket oft and fluffy 1 Yet you now pay about t less for it than for detergents. CURTAINSi Use either As long as you make plenty of suds, ei ther product will do a beautiful job of washing your curtains. Both Rinso Soap and Rinso Detergent get curtains daz tlivg trails for an interesting reason. Both Rinsos contain SOLIUM. DIAPERS! Use the Soap One sure way to be caref ul of baby's ten der akin ia to use only soap for washing diapers and all baby clothes. The mild, gentle soap in Rinso Soap leavea dia pers extra soft and non-irritating. The SOLIUM leaves them white as snow I DISHES, GLASSWARE I Use Detergent Everybody knows detergents do a better job on your dishes than soap. But this new Rinso Detergent does even more-it washes up to tscice as maity dishes aa tha most popular detergent, and ia wonder fully gentle to your hands. BHSsatwiswawiM t."t"-rrr 1 rv ww4 '' r.wwmM---fmMm gwniiw HM mstHvaum, .i.ii,h..,i..h,. j 1 SkzM tnfer K DRESSUi Us either Your white dresses look whiter than new, print dresses brighter than new, washed in Rinso Soap or Rinso Detergent thanks to the SOLIUM. Rinso 's rich suds remove dirt so efBciently that most stains need hardly any pre-scrubbing. LINOLEUM i Use the Detergent If the linoleum is really dirty, use a de terment to (ret it clean before you wax. Rinso Detergent suds are particularly good for removing greasy or sticky tains from your kitchen linoleum. Use as little water as possible. . WORK CLOTHES I Use either Choose either Rinso for doing work clothes. Rinso Detergent is exception ally good in hard water, and you don't have to rinse unless you want to. Rinso Soap gets out slightly more dirt, and you now pay about 4f less for the Soap. SHIRTSt Use) either Your husband's shirts win turn out glo riously clean and white, washed with Rinso Soap or new Rinso Detergent. We guarantee hell be delighted. The SOLIUM in these two extraordinary Rinsos will give him the whitest shirts ever. nk" llSr? hkyfrJ L -$'(f I I i in ""1 , f -WI" ISa .a-: . SYNTHETIC FAIRICSi Usa either Ton can safely wash almost any fabrle In the friendly suds of Rinso Soap or ' Rinso Detergent. Not only your cottons, but also the new synthetic fabrics. They'll all be perfectly at home In gentle, thorough-cleansing Rinso. TOWELS I Usa either Tour white towels will be whiter than new-and every bit as fluffy-washed in either the Soap orthe Detergent. Why? Because both Rinsos are perfect beavers for getting out dirt. W'hat'a more, both Rinsos contain SOLIUM. WOOL SWEATERS ft SOCKS I Usa Soap If you want your wool sweaters and socks to stay so1, wash them in snip auds. Home economists will tell you that washing with Rinso Soap removes less of the natural oil from the wool, and this helps keep it soft and fluffy. SHEETS i Usa either The truth is that either the Soap or tha Deterjrent will do your sheets to perfec tion. Both Rinsos contain SOLIUM, to leave your sheets white as can be. And both leave sheets so soft and smooth, you only have to iron the top quarter. SAVE at least 4t ON SOAP! Your frocaf row kas RintaSaaaeaulaat spatial low prices st roa tart mar than vtrl Hir-i ii ijUlu B. Ssunuan I ittVViiil.' ib'iih ' ii Y I Sit """ "J O11I7 one name to remember RINSO TODAY yon need remember only one magic name for the finest of soaps and the best of detergents - Rinso t It's all so simple and easy. Your gro cer now has Rinso in both forms soap and detergent Why do wa make both? Because homemakers who insist on perttclmn are convinced that soap it definitely better for some jobs, detergent for others. Our scientists agree-and they proudly guarantee that the fin est soap and detergent you can buy today both have the same name on the box : Rinso ! Each Rinso is the best in its class. Each contains SOLIUM. Each will do a terrific job for you. You can't go wrong if the name is Rinso! Rinso Soap comes in the familiar frm box. Rinso Detergent comes in a new preen and ycllme box. (The soap will cost you about 4 cents less.) They are both great products, guaranteed up to the hilt by Lever Brothers Company, New York 22.N.Y. SOAP-hi the big Oreen Package DETERGENT-In the Ores end Tellew Packaga RINSO SOAPand RINSO DETERGENT