Monday, November SO, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAI U ( . Ourtet te Stni Bert Quartet to Sing For Group Dec. 5 A musical program will fea ture the December 8 meetinc or ine enruuan Business and Professional women. The pro gram will be presented by the Four Flati Quartet The quar tet, originally from George Fox college, Newberg, has twice won the Northwest Barber Shop contest They have sung in Alaska, Canada and various parts o! the United States. The quartet will sing some lighter numbers during the dinner hour, followed by a sacred con cert Men as well as women are In vited to the December meeting which will be at the Marion hotel at ):1S p m. on Tuesday, December 8. The public Is in vited and all those wishing to attend may telephone their res ervations in to Mrs. Abbott, 3-8829, by Sunday, December 6. Schwabauers Feted On Silver Wedding Aurora One hundred sev enty five relatives and friends greeted Mr. and ".s. John H. Schwabauer on their 25th wed ding annlversay last week in Christ Luthera.1 church, Au rora, where the couple was married on November 22, 1928. The Rev. L. C. Lelkauf, pres ent pastor of the church, was master of ceremonies at the anniversary event, and led a devotional service and sang an anniversary song. The Rev. H. Msu, former pastor, now of Po.-Uand, spoke. Miss Marlene Driever sang and Miss Lavone Leikauf accompanied her. Mrs. Schwabauer wore a blue crepe afternoon dress, with a corsage of pink rose buds as she and Mr. Schwabau er received their guests. The church social rooms were dec orated with baskets of white and deep toned chrysanthe mums for the affair. At the reception) Mrs. Fred Leffler cut the three tiered cake, Mrs. Allen Yost poured coffee. Punch was dispensed by Mrs. William Schwabauer. Mrs. Geo. S. Berg served ice cream and Mrs. Louis Schwa bauer assisted. The gift table was presided over by Mrs. H H. Oaksford and Miss Ellen Yost, passed the guest book. MILL CITY Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude DeFrater were C. L. Dow, Alice Emley of Mo- lalla; Ronald Dow, who attends Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls, and the Fraters' son, David. SILVESTON Among Sll- verton young women attend' lng the cancer society work shop at Portland Multnomah hotel were Miss Vera Paulson, Mrs. J. i Wikoff of Salem and Silverton, Mrs. John Mid dlemiss, Mrs. William Duncan. GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAMM MUS STORE 148 Candalarla Blvd. Apply wltfi CONFIDEIKI for a t rttfIS W S-TtIP StlrKl tea-i hm Ike ' CITY "" I ism run- IHamUM COUIT ST. EoSr PAYMENTS . Yl'V tm iwi s tots nnm mire otteoN Hear. MO 5:30 Sal. 9-1 Womack-Taylor Wedding Recently Sweet Home Miss Ruby Taylor, dsughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor, was wed to Tommy Womack, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Womack, in an early afternoon ceremony on November 21, in the Church of Christ with the Rev. B. Ross Evans performing the mony. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Rob ert Taylor, wore a gray suit with white accessories and red rose bud corsage. Miss Joanne Taylor, sister of the bride, was the honor at tendant and wore a dress of blue with red carnrtion corsage and the best man for the oc casion was Alwln Blankenship. Usher was Neil Robertson. Chrysanthemums of bronze and yellow decorated the church and the reception room where the reception was, im mediately after the ceremony Mrs. Neil Robertson and Miss Vivian Triplett served the cake snd ice cream. Mrs. Neil Robertson Was soloist for the ceremony with Miss Vivian Triplett supplying the orgen music. The couple will be at home at 2228 Larch street in Sweet Home fol'owing a short honey moon trip. . e e e Holiday Events at East Salem Listed East Salem There were Thanksgiving guests in several homes last week and several families were out of the com munity for the week-end. Guests for the holiday dinner at the L. E. Kleinke home on East Market street were Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson of Salem. Week-end guests the past week of the Kleinkes were Mr. and Mrs. George Wlliough by and son, Michael, of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watson drove to Lacomb for the holi day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bottorff of Sunnyview avenue were out of the city for the holiday, hav ing left for San Francisco last Sunday to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Harger of Gulden road wilh Miss Mary Harger, Mrs. Grace Carter and Mrs. Harger's niece, Miss Mar garet Ames, were guests for Thanksgiving at the Ernest Crum home. Guests for the holiday dinner at the Albert Pauli home were her brother, Robert Young, and family from Pedee. Motoring to Medford for the holiday dinner and a week-end visit were Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Fordycc and son, and Linda Hatfield, all of Brown road. They visited the son-in-law and daughter of the Ethan Fordyces, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tremblay. SILVERTON Thanksgiv ing week guests of Mrs. Ed Holden were a nephew and a niece, Owen Flatberg,' a stu dent at Lutheran college, Parkland, and Mrs. Cecelia Nelson and her daughter, Kay, of Eugene. Mrs. Nelson is head of the Eugene public schools music department. The group Joined other rel atives at the E. Jay McCall family home on Thanksgiving day. House, guests of McCalls were Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc Call and daughter, "D", of Hermlston, Mr and Mrs. Al Birch of Tacoma. Schwabs Are Given Surprise Mt Angel Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schwab were honored guests Thanksgiving evening when large group of rela tives and neighbors surprised them at the home ot their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester C. Schmitt, on the occasion of their 40th wed ding anniversary. The honored couple's son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schwab, assisted the Schmitts as hosts for the affair. A decorated cake flanked by white taperi in crystal candel- abrums centered the refresh ment table, and chrysanthe mums were used as floral ap pointments. Assisting the hosts in serving were Mrs. Robert Van Hatten, Mrs. Allle Schmitt, Mrs. Psul Wachtor and Miss Henrietta Snalfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schiedler presented camellia corsage and boutonniere to the honorees. Colored movies were taken during the occasion. On the guest list were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schwab, Mr. and Mrs. Em 11 P. Scharback of Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Bourbonnais, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neidermeyer of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Hat- ten, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bour bonnais, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cooley of Harrington, - Wash ington, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mr. - and Mrs. Allie Schmitt Miss Helen Keber, Miss Elizabeth Keber. Mrs. G. D. Ebner, Mr. and Vrs. Alois Keber, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Well- man, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis A LeDoux, Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Wilde, Mrs. J. A. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schiedler, Miss Henrietta Saalfeld, Mrs. Alice Kroll, Mrs. K. J. Welton. Mrs. R. O. Appleby, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kloft. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schmidt, and Mr. and Mrs. William Van Hat- ten of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schwab (Bertha Van Hatten) were married in Mt Angel Novem ber 25, 1913. SILVERTON Mr. and ! Mrs. F. 'M. Powell and Jerry were guests for Thanksgiving dinner at the Independence home of their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Powell, John and Anne, with additional guests from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. R Miller (Josephine Powell) and Francis, Vicki, Anna and Lee Lake. The Marshall Powell fam ily were overnight Thursday and Friday guests at the home of their parents, driving to Lyons each day for their work, the children remaining in Silverton. Visitors Honored ' ' At Chapter Event Silverton Ramona chap ter, No. 38. Order of Eastern Star, met last week. New mem bers were accepted, visitors were honored and 25-year pin was awarded. Escorted to the east and hon ored were Lillian Humphreys, visiting worthy matron of Aca cia chapter, and Mrs. Melvin TorresdaL who was nreaented a 25-year pin for her continued membership. The matron and worthy patron assisted by the Rainbow Girls and their moth er adviser, Mrs. W. P. Scarth, and the associate worthy advis er, Mrs. w. n. woodard, put on the presentation drilL As new members, Mrs. Alan Wlesner was Initiated, and Mrs. Felix Wright was accept- ed by affiliation from Stayton Acacia chapter. Honored in a degree and pre sented gifts were Mrs. W. P. Scarth, mother adviser, Mrs. W. H. Woodard, associate mother adviser, and Mrs. Wil lard .Benson, president of the Rainbow Girls Mothers club. On the hospitality committee were Mrs., Harry Ragon and Mrs. James Hollingsworth. Re sponsible for decorations was Mrs. Ronald Asboe. Serving re freshments were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, Mrs. Errol Ross and Mrs. Rex McCurdy. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Lewis HalT spent Thanks giving day at the Portland home of their son-in-law and daughter, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reislg, Gwen, Ray and John. 1 An additional guest was the mother of Mr. Reislg, Mrs. Katie Reisig, Portland. Club Chartered Lebanon Aa International Toastmistraas club director pre sented the Lebanon club's char ter Friday evening. Mrs. Helen Raymond of Vancouver, Wash. made the presentation speech at the charter dinner meeting in St Martin's pariah halt . Mrs. Peg Hatfield Is presi dent ot the Lebanon dub; Mrs. Evelyn Downing, vice presi dent; Mrs. Grace Scroggln, sec-: ertary, and Mrs. Virginia 1 Lewis, treasurer. 1 SILVERTON Local friends have word from Mr. and Mrs. C J. Towe, who left on an extended vacation Mon day, spending Thanksgiving with members of the Towc family In central California. The Towts plan to spend Winter's Coming , . Better , SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT J 340 Falrf rounds Rd. Phono 4-426 time In Nevada, touring the southern states, looking after property interests In Ne braska snd Texas, apd en route home (ram other south ern and eastern areas, will be st the home of their son-in-law, and daughter, the Lacy Harmons. W. IOIRm 1.1 : ' 4 tea Do Ycu Know? Yea have nksMniattea fee the aiaeirisaed la rear attis east, iUkU? teod ntjeJnbls artklea which eaa prairie wee and wages U the Goodwill Industries of Oregon TCLaTRONB 4-ts4B rlesnm tmrnim. War Bakes aad Beutk el renter; Mean, NertBs ef Ceater . LEGALS HNU. MOIICS Nolle It c 1 ,1b mat lb a4tnlnd ha filed la Mm Circuit Court of Mar Countr. Orecon. Probst Depart ment, tu final account m Bxecutor ef tho estate el LIW1A A. MONTANDON. deceased, aod oald Court baa fuad Wed nesday. December H, 19M, at :le In th circuit court Room la th Countr Court Roum at Salem. Oreson, lor noar- ine aaid nnu account and all eojtc- Uonj thareto. Dated No-ember SO. IfU. PIONEER TRUST COUPArtT. Kxocutor of th, estate of leett A. Montandon, deceased. WOODY a LAIUUN, Auornora, Salon. Oreaoa., 11.11 ixictrraix' notici itcnex is hereby oiver that LKLA x. hunkers baa tern, or 01 of tba circuit Court of tbo Stat of Oro ton for llarton countr, appointed aire utrll of tbo wtata ot MARY B. HEIN, deceased. Any persona harlni claim acalnal said oatat ar neuastod to Pre sent toes, with proper vouchors, to sold exrcQtria as an pioneer Trust nnuaiai. Salem. Orecon. within lis Month from th at of thta notlc. Dated thla Snd day of Nor., 1U1. LKLA X. lJUNKERB, XXecutrtl Ol th Estate el Mary B. utta, ceased. RROTElf. RHOTKN SPEXRJT11A. lie Pioneer Trust SulMlni, Salem. Orefon Attorurs for Executrix. Nor. t. S. IS. tl. 8ILVERTON Members of their immediate family were Thanksgiving day din ner guests of the Alvln Le gards at their Pine street home, Including Harold Le gard, and Mr. and Mrs. Den zel Legard and David and Su zanne, all of Silverton. The' parents of Mrs. Legard, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson, now of Salem, spent the holidsy week-end at the Yakima home of their son, Merle Lar son and members of his family. Mothers Know! But have you ever helped your husband understand the difference in the enjoyment of life tnat your coud experiences on the day he wakes up dry instead of in a wet bed? Dry beds are important to your child s happiness and seii-conuaence, so neip mm now. Bed-wetting csn be cor rected by a new, simple, safe, scientific method. If your child has this emb lem, write The Psychological Research Foundation, 1018 S. W. 10th Avenue, Portland 8, Oregon. , (Advertising) DON'T FORGET Aufrmnc'i for thote Inexpeii Jre toft appeaunr Xmai Gift box of canned fruft fc pr serve. Mine with nut meats and delicious dried Oregon Italian prunes. We also ban a few eases of food solM pack tomatoes In No. li Una. AUFUNC CUSTOM UHMHIY-3 Wl JUST ARRIVED Lovely Holiday Dresses for Your Young Miss at Ma rg wen's . Capitol Shopping Center Again we are pleased to be able to open our home to our many friends and customers for the annual holiday showing of Christmas merchandise and decorations, beginning November 29th. House Hours Noon to p.m. Shop Hours 8 a.m. to B p.m. Get After Suffering of INFECTIOUS COLDS! Easy 2-SttP Trkhntrrt Ghrtt Such Conrfortbig Ithtr When en infectious cold strikes anyone In your fam ily, most effective relief from suffering Is what you want. So, use dependable VopoRub this special way. Millions ef mothers have proved Its effectiveness! Vrt' -HI? Te Itlttre Upper SVerxriiol Ceo eettion, Cieopy Coughs ef Celds, Need-Cold Stvtfffmsi Just put VapoRub in a vaporizer or bowl of steaming water, as directed In packase. Breathe te the sooth lng, medicated steam. With every breath, VapoRub's active medication penetrates ell throuKh the cold-stuffed noee and the throat . . . deep into the larse breathing passaft. It helps break up conserUon. It soothes and fnoisleos dry. Irri tated membrane . . . relieve, the couth, makes breathing easierl Thea, far Conftnesd letief rub VapoRub on cheat throat and back, and cover with a warmed cloth. VapoRub spreads a won derful feeling of warmth and comfort It soothes away tight ness, muscular aches and pains. You leel as mttcH better! And under that warm glow, yieka VapoRub keeps on working for hours-brlBging store sad snore relief! ... So remember -when any one In jour family gets aa in fectious cold -the oowr you use vtcu vapottuD, ine a you relieve the sufleritujl Mode by Vieks-Worfd-leorfing Cofdi Spedofists WICKS WVa-cRub QSg Get the Habit! Si SH0P AT KA EVEIY PAY LOOK AT THESE VALUES CAMPBELL Vegetable Chicken Noodle Minna 2s 2fc Creamy ee rlTZX PAN CheakT PEAKUT BUTTER 11 as. Isr 35' JOLLY TIMK WWHtf TstlW I0M.CM POPCORN 23' Shady Ook MUSHROOM BUTTONS 23' t es. tin Lakeshert Strained HPM35' He-0rs Spiel ss stcs Jar Srarkltt Grated TUNA W total...., 35' SPECIAL .OFFER soo eoteiheartee H DELRICHj MARGAklNf . CARTON 10M 29-i KINGAN'S LUNCH MAT SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS Roman Meal CEREAL Roman Meal MUFFIN MIX pkg. Laral 37 BEGMORE DOG FOOD 3 Cans 6 85c Nablijco Shredded Wheal Now) NiwI In Snail Fimilf Sin (. 12' I V awmi irv j xnntrr & tai c FRUIT envrj VIGETABLl Tf VALUES I LEAN PORK STEAKS Lb. BEEF SHORT RIBS lb. 23' Cans 65 RAINDROPS SOFTENS WATER BLUES WHILE WASHING! Blue Mountain HORSE MEAT CELO BAG CARROTS 2 for 19 THRIFT SIZE m 57 pa B0RENE SOAP POWDER 1c SALE Blu-White 4.31' Conserve your linens e Protect your health! with CLOROX BLEACH Vi Gal. Jug 30' luT J pkgs. it tstj. prk-W 4th Isr fc Celery Hearts 19' OLD DUTCH SWT.- arsr Celo Bag CLEANSER IS 3 " 33 Kills Germs onishes Odor. . . EMERY'S IGA FtedllBsr Wallace loed tl 7 th WestSeJesj STATE STREET Hertrt 1230 Stile Street VISTA Merit. 3045 Soath (wnmertM ORtun's Msrkel 4200 North Shror II (if OjQvftfL ariewiaiaTVi 3. u i89c