Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 30, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, November 30, 1953
Edited by MARIAN
To Meet
Salem General Hospital aux
iliary la to meet Tuesday mora
ine at the YWCA at 10 o'clock.
Thia la tha regular monthly
meeting (or tha group.
All auxiliary members are
Invited to attend.
At this tuna plans will be
outlined tor tha annual silver
tea of tha group, tha tea to be
an event of January 14 in the
new hospital building. Mrs.
Earl C. Latourette and Mrs.
William C. Perry ara co-chairmen
for tha tea.
Miss Kimble
Wed Recently
At the First Methodist church
en Wednesday, November 23,
at 8 o'clock, Miss Doris Elaine
Kimble was wed to Delbert Eu.
gene TllloUon. Tha Rev. Calvin
W. Moore pertormed the cere
mony. The bride Is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
John Kimble and Mr. TllloUon
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George A. TllloUon.
Tha church was decorated
with candelabrum and baskets
of gold, bronze and yellow
chrysanthemums. ' Mrs. Gerald
Bull sang preceding the wed
ding, accompanied by Prof. T.
S. Roberts.
Mrs. Mario Simmons and
Miss Jodelle Parker lighted the
tapers. Their dresses were gold
satin and net. They wore gold
flowers in their hair.
Tha bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a white lace,
wedding dress fashioned with a
satin bodice, lac sleeves and
full skirt. The fingertip length
veil cascaded from a Juliet cap
of satin interlaced with pearls.
. Tha bride's bouquet was of
white chrysanthemums center
ed with a purple orchid.
Miss Delnres Jay was tha
maid of honor and wore a
bronze net over aatin dress
fashioned wltb a low neck and
three-quarter length sleeves.
She carried a bouquet of gold
spider chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Fred Llddell, sister of
the bridegroom, was the brides
maid and her dress, fashioned
like that of the maid of honor's,
was In green.
Miss Teri Applegate, cousin
of the bride,. was the flower
girl and wore a lavender net
and satin dress and carried a
bouquet of yellow chrysanthe
Fred Llddell, brother-in-law
of the bridegroom, was best
man and ushering were Law
rence Kimble, brother of the
bride, and Mario Simmons and
Ralph C. Applegata, cousin of
tha bride.
For her daughter's wedding,'
Mrs. Kimble wore a blue dress
with matching hat and black
accessories. Her flowers were
pink rosebuds. Mrs. TllloUon
wore a two-piece medium blue
silk dress with blue accessories
and a pink rosebud corsage.
Tha reception followed In the
Carrier room of tha rhurrh and
Mr. O. a. Hamilton, aunt of the
bride, cut the cake, assisted by
Mrs. Ralph C. Applegata, cous
in of the bride, Mrs. Charles C.
Hamblan was at the punch
bowl and Mrs. Rollln E. Baker
was at the coffee urn. Mrs. Ev
erett Soden and Mrs. Orval
Boyle assisted, and Mrs. Ro
berta Rogers and Mrs. Charles
Neubauer were In charge of the
gifts. Mrs. Jennie Arnold, aunt
of the bridegroom, pasced the
guest book.
For a wedding trip to the
Oregon coast, the bride wore a
medium brown suit with brown
accessories and a tan top coat.
She pinned the orchid from her
bouquet on her coat Tha couple
will be at home at 1120 Hood
Star Meets
Dayton Electa chapter. Or
der of Eastern Star, met last
week at the Masonic hall.
The worthy matron and pa
tron. Mr. and Mrs. Ed fTlmw
were presented a degree and
gift by the past matrons club.
As this Is nearing the close
of the chapter year, tha worthy
matron and patron presented
the 1953 officers with a gift
Mrs. Arabella Stanford was
presented a wedding gift by
the chapter.
The next meeting, December
' 8, will feature the election of
Refreshments were served
in the dining room.
i Formerly tomheldt Lewis)
750 I Itil SL nxm 4 1S4
IIT . High Ph. 45751
Miss McConnell
Tells Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T,
McConnell have announced tha
engagement of their daughter,
Miss Mary McConnell, to Mar
vin Black, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Burr Black.
Tha wedding Is planned for
tha early summer.
Miss McConnell attended
Oregon College of Education at
Monmouth and is now teaching
at Langlois. Mr. Black attend
ed Oregon Stat college. He
Is nurseryman here.
Party for
Honoring Miss Geri Radcliff,
bride-elect of Bill Forrest, a
shower was given at the Oak
street home of Mrs. George
Matter, Friday evening.
After tha lata dessert was
served, tha guests were asked
to sign Miss RadclifTa "friend
ship tablecloth."
Attending the party were
tha honor guest's mother, Mrs.
Nourse Radcliff, and Mes-
dames Harvey Aston, W. C.
Cavender, George Matter and
Marion Putman; Misses Norma
Watson, Betty Williams. Shir
ley Newberry, Jodelle Parker
ana ine nosiesses, misses Caro
lina Matter and Doreen Caven
r t t
Betrothal Told
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voth are
announcing tha engagement of
their daughter. Miss Jovce
Voth, to David McClanahan of
Albany. The bride-elect is a
senior at Salem academy.
Junior Women Meet
Silverton The next meet
ing of the Silverton Junior
Woman's club is to be on
Tuesday, December 1. at 8
o'clock in the evening at the
home of Mrs. Nick Weiss, 514
S. Third street. An instruc
tional feature of the program
will be demonstrations in
gift wrapping directed by
John Medcalf of the Silverton
high school faculty.
Preceding the gift wrap
ping hour, music will be fur
nished by tha high school de
The Saturday afternoon li
brary story hour for children
five years of age and older, is
observed from 1 to 2 o clock
at tha city hall library rooms.
The club members are do
ing initiatory work of placing
and sponsoring workers In the
eastern half of Marion county
in the Parents' council for
handicapped children.
LIBERTY The Liberty
Woman's club will not meet on
Thursday. December 8, the
meeting date, but will observe
lha annual Christmas party on
December 17, at the home of
Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh on
Liberty Road.
Lowest Prices in the State
1000 head Eastern Oregon grain-fed beef. Hurry, they won't last too long. Hauled
In our own trucks from our Eastern Oregon feed lots.
Fancy Eastern Oregon White
Front Quarter
Salem Meat Co.
On Birthday
Mrs. Magdalen Mayhood was
honored on tha occasion of her
73th birthday Sunday with
surprise no-host dinner at tha
horn of her slater, Mrs. Jo
hanna Perry in Eola.
Honoring Mr. Mayhood
were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Wickman, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Perd, Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Mabee, Mr. and Mrs. Ray E.
DeGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H.
Wassam, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
B. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. John
M. Graham, Charlea A. Robert
son, Earl A. Jensen, Fred Wil
son, Mrs. F. J. Irons, Mrs. Elda
Bradiield. Mrs. Ruby Harden,
Mrs. MabIa Sherman, Miss
Minnie Just, Miss Selraa Hil
mer, Misa Esther Hilraer, Miss
Vivian Carr, Miss Stt Sutter,
Misa Alexandria Bradiield,
Miss Vivian Hinkle, Misa Alice
Mathey, Miss Helen Soninl,
Mrs. Mae Hen-Ill, Mrs. U A.
Humphrey, Mark Graham and
Gary Graham.
Installation for
Federation Set
Silverton Trinity Lutheran
Ladies Aid officers for 1034
will be installed at the Wed
nesday meeting of tha organ
ization. Mm James Phillips of Silver-
ton, Willamette circuit presl
dent for the Women's Mission
ary Federation, has been asked
to preside at the installation.
Officers-elect are Mrs. Bes
sie Morgan, president; Mrs.
Olaus Moen, vice president;
Mrs. Theodore Severson, secre
tary; Mrs. M. O. Hatteberg,
treasurer, and Mrs. T. O. Reed,
assistant treasurer.
Trinity Lutheran Dorcas soc
iety officers to be installed at
the Friday meeting Include
Mrs. James Nelson, president;
Mrs. Melvin. Brenden, vice
president; Mrs. Orlin Smed
stad, secretary, and Mrs. Elmer
Olsen, treasurer.
An annual custom of mem
bers of the Dorcas society is to
bring gifts for the Parkland
Children's Home at Everett,
Wash., to the December meet
ing of the group, from where
the wrapped gifts are sent to
the home by a special commit
tee. '
Alumnae Meeting
Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae
are meeting on Thursday eve
ning of this week at the home
of Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs.
W. E. Deeney as co-hostess.
The group will work on its
Christmas box.
Is Bride-Elect
Tha engagement of Miss
Gwen Phillips, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Phillips, to Rob
ert D. Harrington, son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Harrington, has
been announced. No date is set
for the wedding.
Burger will entertain the South
Hills Garden club on Tuesday,
December 1, at 8 p.m. at her
home on East Ewald avenue.
Mrs. Frank Dye will be the as
sisting hostess. On the program
Mrs. J. Hemmlngson will dis
cuss and demonstrate Christ
mas decorating using dried ma
terial and irrlnr;na3.
Today's Menu
Bake these waffles right at
the table and serve them hot!
Family Supper
Cornmcal Waffles with
Creamed Ham
Orange and Apple Salad
Cornmeal Wafflea
IngredienU: 1V cups sifted
flour, cup cornmeal, 3 tea
spoons baking powder, 1 tea
spoon salt, 2 tablespoons su
gar. 1 egg (well beaten), 1H
cups milk, 6 tablespoons but
ter or margarine (melted.)
Method: Sift together flour,
cornmeal, baking powder, salt
and sugar into mixing bowl.
Combine egg, milk and but
ter; add to dry IngredienU
and mix until smooth. Bake
on waffle Iron, following the
manufacturer's directions.
or Whole
Hind Quarter
Wed Here Recently Mr. and Mrs. Lacy George
Bowlsby (Barbara Ann Withrow), above, were married
recently at a wedding at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Withrow. Mr. Bowlsby is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Lacy E. Bowlsby (McEwan studio picture)
VISITORS here over the
weekend from Tacoma were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orwick
who visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Taylor. Mrs.
Orwick Is a niece of Mrs. Tay
For Engaged Duo
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Mil
ler are to entertain next Sat
urday evening at their Ben Vis
ta drive home to honor Miss
Janet Bozorth of Eugene and
Evan B. Boise of Salem. The
engagement of the honored
couple was announced this
fall, the wedding to be later in
the winter.
LEAVING Tuesday on her
planned trip to South America
is Mrs. Custer Rors. She will
go first to San Pedro from
where she will sail. Mrs. Guy
Lewelling of Albany is accom
panying Mrs. Ross on the trip.
During Mrs. Ross' absence.
Miss Pearl Hudson is occupy
ing her home.
A HOSTtSS this afternoon
was Mrs. Elton H. Thompson,
who entertained at a luncheon
and bridge party at her Can
dalaria Heights home. A group
of 16 was invited.
WOODBURN The regular
all-day meeting of Nydia court,
Daughters of the Nile, will be
Tuesday, December 1, at the
Woodburn Masonic temple.
Each member is asked to bring
one dollar for the Christmas
fund. Members from Gervais
and Brooks will be hostesses
and the day will be spent sew
ing for the Shrine hospital.
Eain mwr I ST. J o a I i ph"
douue-turta I FOR CMIlbasaJ
doctor eroaa."
IMftlISe6tAjpiri8 fa fistttg
HOWl a m, Hio mm 4h ht tUUna,
CooHlin o iraWI . IK w
tr, wun Mu issn m asiuia
Face Beef
Fancy Double AA
Young Steer Beef
1325 SOUTH 25th
PHONE 3-4858
Plan Parties
.Hostesses of the week in
clude Mrs. H. Burdette Owen
and Mrs. William Beard, the
two planning parties for Tues
day and Wednesday evenings.
The parties will both be giv
en at the Owen home in Can
dalaria Heights,' twenty guests
being invited each time for
dessert and bridge.
VISITING at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. B. Kleihege are
their daughter, Miss Bernice
rueinege, and her friend. Miss
Evelyn Fisher. New Orleans
The two young women both
were recently discharged from
the armed services and will be
in Salem until January, when
they will leave to enter schools
in Puadena, Cilif.
HOSTESS to her brldse club
for dessert on Tuesday evening
will be Mrs. Wayne Hadley.
Additional guests will be Mrs.
Peery T. Buren and Mrs.
George Squire.
Luxurious Oriental Rug . . . choice of women who love beauty and individuality.
At price to meet your needs. Scatter and room sises. Saddle Bags.
Ta compliment your lovely Orientals, beautiful antiques, imported items. Mary Greg,
ory, Compotes, French Amberlna, Satin, Cameo and Cranberry glass, brass lamps and
tray, Baccarat gloss, Ormolu Candelabra, Bisque, Haviland, Plates, Tiffany glass, lm
orl . . , Many other beautiful items.
Also Bargain Table. Complete service ... Cleaning, Repairing, Re-weaving.
John Korenian
1057 S. Commercial Phone. 2-7944
J D Bethel
To Install
Formal installation of offi
cers for bethel No. 43, Job's
Daughters, will take place
next Saturday, December 8. at
7:30 p.m, at tha Scottish Rita
Installed aa tha new honor
ed queen will be Misa Ann
Berger. Others to take office
are: Senior princess, Misa
Vicky Ward; Junior princess.
Miss Nancy Snider; guide, Misa
Karen Thomas; marshal. Miss
Patricia Whelan. The crown
ing arevica will be by Cheme
k'a chapter. Order cf Ce
Molay for Boys.
Miss Nancy Owens, retiring
queen, will install the new
queen. Installing officers
will be Miss Charlen Woods,
who will install aa guide,
Misa Patsy Snider, marshal;
Miss Jody Boyer, chaplain;
Misa Barbara Anderson, musi
cian; Miss Barbara Cone, re
corder; Miss Judle Burdette,
senior custodian; Miss Carol
Hewitt, Junior custodian. -
Appointive officers for the
new year are: Chaplain, Miss
Dorothy Stewart; musician,
Mies Suzanne Davis; record
er, Misa Diane Kelley; treas
urer. Miss Mary Earlywine;
librarian. Miss Louise Laws;
first messenger Miss Barbara
Morris; second messenger,
Misa Barbara Jean Clark;
third messenger, Miss Patricia
Earlywine; fourth messenger,
Miss Mary Clark; fifth messen
ger, Misa Patricia Claggett;
senior custodian, Misa Jean
Jones; Junior custodian, Miss
Judy Stewart; Inner guard,
Miss Barbara Keudell; outer
guard. Miss Lynn Herrall; lady
of lights, Miss Sarah Booster;
historian, Miss Imogene
Thomas; pages: Misses Diana
Pearcy, Sharon Elbert, and
Maridene Halvorson.
Standing committee chair
men are: Obligation, Miss
Linda Davis; telephone, Miss
Georglana Criswell; refresh
ments, Miss Marlys DeGroote;
decorations, Miss Sue Shaw;
patrol. Miss Patricia Edwards;
clean-up, Miss Geri McAllis
ter; choir leader. Miss Judy j
Scherer; merit - keeper. Miss '
Gloria Wood.
Refreshments will be served !
at the conclusion of the meet
ing Saturday.
Club Meeting
East Salem Lions club auxil
iary is meeting Tuesday eve
ning at the home of Mrs.
Stearns Cushing, 1475 Sag
inaw. The group will discuss
its project of supplying toys for
the Oregon school for the blind,
also the date for the group's
annual Christmas party. Mrs.
Robert Hawkins, Mrs. Jack
Scherrer and Mrs. Don Bar
rick are co-hostesses for the
Tuesday meeting.
si .
Avek Plating Co.
411 S.alk llta
....MM, II
i -in" ir -'' ""'
b Bride-elect The en
gagement of Misa Kathryn
Uebelman, above, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. James
Uebelman, to Wallace A.
Johnson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Albin C. Johnson,
Silverton, was announced
recently. (McEwan studio
Open House Event
Mrs. B. O. Schucking, Miss
Helena Schultz and Bob Owens
have planned their annual
Christmas show and open house
at Eola Acres, friends being in
vited to come between noon
and 8 p.m. each day from now
until Christmas. Mrs. J. N.
Bishop is assisting in being in
charge of the dining room
where coffee Is served each
SALEM UNIT of the National
Association of Parliamentarians
will meet on Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. Winifred Pettyjohn.
Mrs. W. H. Barber will conduct
the lesson on some of the sub
sidiary motions. A parliamen
tary drill will follow.
It's Holiday Season Again
And the Staff at
Invite you to let them help you with a
t2n let
. ...... V i
Mary Mollert Von da Ogle
Peggy Tnrley - Christine Sloper
155 Alice St. Phone 3-5151
Entertain .
Several guests war Honored
and escorted on Sunday at tha
reception Chadwlck assembly,
Order of Rainbow for Girls,
gave honoring Miss Arda Lien,
grand representative to Penn
sylvania and Warn Henry,
member of tha grand executive
committee at the Masonic tern
pie. Grand officers present in
cluded Miss Donna Jackson,
grand immortality, Silverton;
Miss Pat Gribble, grand serv
ice, Portland, and Mrs. Victor
Oliver, grand committee mem
ber, Albany. Worthy advisers
present included Misa Jean
Porter, Newberg, Miss Barbara
Winter, Silverton, and Miss
Irene Thomas, Stay-ton.
During tha afternoon. Miss
Mary Linn Stevens gave a
reading; Misa Pat Payne played
the piano, and Miss Carole
Warren also gave a reading.
Entertainment also was provid
ed by the triple trio.
Mrs. Glenn Paxson and Mrs.
Ira Darby poured during the
tea hour.
HOSTESS to her bridge club
on Thursday evening will be
Mrs. Leland Shinn.
Washable Or lea
Nylon Wol and Nylaa
115 N. HIGH
On Kitchen Remodeling
Old or New
181 N. High Ph. 4-5431
Hair stylest, formerly with
Meier 8c Frank's in Port
land, has been added to our
staff and will be happy to
help you with any hair
Call Early for An