Monday, November SO, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orefc Pat I FIRE SWEEPS PUSAN Milk Price Increase Suspended by Board Fall Fatal to Mrs. Buell A fall down basement ttalrs Friday resulted fatally Satur day for Mrs. Grace Estella Buell, 80, who bad lived - In the Salem community for 71 years. The accident occurred at Mrs. Buell's home, 1909 North Fourth, and she died at a' Sa lem hospital where she failed to recover consciousness. Mrs. Buell was born in In diana October 12, 1873. With her family she came to Oregon when she was 8 years old and they lived at Woodburn, later moving to Salem. She is survived by her hus band, H. M. Baell of Salem: two daughters, Mrs. Arnel Smith and Mrs. Clifford Smith, both of Salem; three sons, Ar thur Buell of Olympla, Wash.,, Scire Buell of Montclair, N. J., and Nathan Buell of Portland by 12 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Buell was a member of the First Baptist church of Sa lem. Services will be held Tuesday at l6:S0 a.m. from the Clough-Barrick Chapel, with Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson as the minister and Interment in City View. 1 Hirohif o Calls ISpecial Session i Tokyo UP) Emperor Hiro hito called Japan's Parliament i into an unusual special money .session today ami urged xne i members to do their best in a ".rUlz-al xituatlon." t The legislators will act on a proposed supplementary duo- get bill which, if approved, would push this year's figure to i an unprecedented one trillion yen (12,777,000,000).' ' The proposed addition, sec i Mil this vear. resulted from J the government's decision to k raise the price ox rice, me J wages of government workers . i ,,. ..atty, uH;rii The l government buys the rice crop lrom farmers for rationing at ; controlled prices. ;KGAL Given New -'Transmission Scope Lebanon With the comple tion of a $20,000 building pro gram which included a second 250 foot tower, transmission ' lines, tuning units and other Tradlo equipment, station tKGAL is now authorized to J broadcast unlimited time on "920 kilocycles with 1000 watts 'nf nnwer It is the first station fin Linn and Benton counties so I authorized to broadcast full . time at that wattage. Th niffht time coverage of KG AL was rated by consulting "engineers to be superior, sia s ed John Truhan. executive di f the W. Gordon Al tlen radio interests. "We have r Just one direction in which we Zrfn nnt transmit while other 'new radio stations now grant- V ... h-.M n At t-ea oy wv ivi. - : five directions In which they 'cannot transmit because of re- quired protection of other sta tions," he said. "KGAL'i main protection is in the direction VYT.V In Snnkane." Truhan also announced that station KGAK has applied to tv. 4imr Mmmunications HIC ivuv.h i commission for an increase of power from 1000 to B000 watts. He is associated with Allen in i the ownership of the Salem s ta ction. Althnuch the auto industry , is the product of the 20th Cen Mury, Leonardo da Vinci in the J 15th Century saw the possibil ity of makine an automobile land several steam vehicles i-were built in the 18th Century PRINCE ACCUSED OF TREASON ' Cairo, Egypt ff) Egypt's government accused former Prince Abbas Halimj cousin of Flame engulf a building in downtown Pusan, Korea, as a wind-whipped fir swept a mile-and-a-half swath through the port city. Soma 3,000 home and the U.S. Army's Korean base headquarters building were destroy ed. Several thousand U.S. soldiers aided in fighting the fire which for a time endangered the U.S. embassy and tens of millions of dollar worth of equipment and ma- i terial on American operated docks. (AP Wlrephoto via radio fcrn Tokyo) ex-King Farouk, Monday of high treason and conspiring with a foreign power. He faces a possible death sentence if convicted. Portland ( The Stat Board of Agriculture ha com plied with a request by Gov Paul Patterson to suspend an order which would have in creased the price of milk in the Portland area. The decision was announced Saturday night after chairman Fred H. Coekell polled other member of the board by tele phone. . Patterson asked suspension of the order which would have increased the price o( milk on to 23 cents a quart because it bad been approved at a dosed, unannounced meeting. Coekell said the proposed increase would be reviewed at a public meeting Dec. 13, when "everyone would get a chance to talk.' Two Portland women, Mrs. Frank Taylor, state chairman of the Affiliated Milk Com mittee, and State Rep. Maurine Neuberger, have announced they will protest the increas. William S. WeldeL milk marketing administrator, re leased a statement Saturday in which he said the increase was "necessary to carry out the provisions of the Oregon Milk Marketing Act" He said there had been "numerous public hearings and extensive investigations" pre ceding the announcement of the price increase. Weidel added that a 1-cent increase would have applied only in Multnomah, Clacka mas, Washington and Colum bia counties. There would have been a half-cent increase in Marion, Yamhill and Polk counties, where milk now sells at 22 cents a quart and no Increase in Wasco and Hood River counties where milk now if selling at 23 cent the min imum price provided in the nine-county oider. Xmas Party for Ml. Angel Legion ML Angel The Mount An gel post, American Legion, met Tuesday evening at the Legion Memorial hall, and outlined plans for their annual Christ mas party, which is scheduled for Dec. 12. Commander Gene Hotter named Leo Traeger and Joseph Faulhaber as a commit tee of two to make arrange ment and work with the aux iliary committee. Commander Hoeffer urged every Legionnaire of the local post to be at the St Mary's school auditorium sometime be tween a.m. and I p.m. on Tuesday, Dee. 8, to give a pint of blood when the Red Cross bloodmobile visits this area. Peter Gores, blood bank chair man, reported that the need of blood was urgent and that the shortage of quotas in other areas made it all the more im portant that Mount Angel turn out 100 per cent in support of the program. Comrades U. Becker, Jim Drysdale, and Jake Eberle were reported in the hospital and 88 members were reported signed up thus far in the mem bership drive. Members voted to' purchase rehabilitation stamp. Oregon 4-HGirIs Win in Chicago Chicago 1 Youngsters from all part of the nation captured honor In various competitive classes Monday a the 32end national 4-H Con gress entered it second day. Winner in health improve ment, dairy food demonstra tion, tractor maintenance, pub lic ipeaking and soil and wa ter conservation competition wre announced Monday. Health improvement awards went to 32 youths. Each re ceived a U.S. saving bond from the Kellogg Co, Battle Creek, Mich. Winner included Carol Ann Jensen, Gooding, Idaho; Mary Jane Wait, Rtckresll, Or. The eight winner of the dairy food demonstration com petition received all -expense trips to the 4-H Congres. They included Janet Bibcock, IS, Hillsboro, Ore. Winners of other competi tions of whom received 8300 scholarship included: Tractor maintenance Ern est Leach, 18, Toppenisb, Wash. Soil and Water Conservation Duane S. Ssrgent, 18, Simp son, Mont One flock of gees ! known to have flown at the height of 20,000 feet PRINTING... OarilrfW!. V" if fork DIAL 3-8853 Wally's Print Shop Masonic Bldgl Stat High The cigafette tibat tabes tlie.fflftoutofsiuoluiig! Ttjk in i 1 mJLh PHILIP MORRIS has always contained an exclusive ingredient . . fDi-GL". . that does not produce irritating vapors present in every other leading cigarette No other cigarette . . with or without filters . . . can remove all these irritating vapors TZA REGULAR V aiijt Many other refining steps add greatly to the mildness . . . aroma ... richness and rare smoking pleasure of Philip Morris! All tljc rich flavor and aroma are your . . . irifhottt ths need for Uule-dettroying gadgeU or filter. Only Philip Morri offer you this record of safety. For your pleasure ... for your protection ... try a carton I Baby Gail America's Mod loviblo v. DolUriall Washable Sarin Hair . Sfcaxpe. . (omblr-Wchl! , Cisri It Brush II Reg. 15.98 Yours for $RSS only 9 With $10 Order L Q 1 FANCY MARGARINE (Umil) . . . . 2bs.35 CENTENNIAL POPCORN - Whit 1 Yallow 2 lb. cello 33 CLOROX BLEACH a9. aSJ !2-gol. jug .. , KC 11 CALL I0R PfflLIP MORRIS America's Finest Cigarette . . . Make It Yours! Boraxo Hand Cleaner 15c l-lfc. m 29c Borax Powder TwMty Mnl ' 0 Jb-' Ol Tmhi , JL pk..3IC WHITE ICING SOAP fOWDIR Large Pkg. Spaghetti and Meat Balls Swift's Premium TMRii 16-oz. can . . . . . DENNISON run tam r a mic with 15y-oz. can Beans FUV-Jt-PAC FANCY SWEET PEAS 2-Sieve 8-ol can . . O cans YOUNd STIU ItEF T-Bone Steak u 55' ORANGES SS No. 252 2 it, 59' BANANAS 2 lbs. 25' GOLDEN RIPE CKSQM SUPERMARKETS 3030 Porriana Reo4 2823 S. Cemmtrclol 3720 I. Stat St. Hlwoy Market, Woodburn f