THE CAPITAL JOt'BNAL. Sales. Or ton , Monday. November 30, 1953 Part s '.i I i. y In The Valley Edited k? M1U fOBBES Sweet Home Sweet Home Mr. and Mrt. WUllaia Reed were horta to guest on Thanksgiving day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed, and Mr. and Mra. Sheri dan Arnold and Sandra and Roger ol San Joee, Calil Dinner gueata oa Thinkjglv Ing day at the Aden Arnold home were Mr. and Mra. Wil ard Moore, Shirley, Janice and Fatay; Mr. and Mra. Harry Ar nold, and Mr. and Mra. WUlard Arnold. Afternoon guesta ware Mr. and Mra. Sheridan Anold and Roger, Mra. Tom Reed and Conrad Reed. ' Mr. and Mra. Bill Pipkin had for dinner gueata Mr. and Mra. wait Howe, and Marilyn, ta die. and Margaret Anne. Mr. and Mra. Glen Palmer and Art and Dougie Traik were dinner gueita at the home of Mr. and Mri. Spain Train. Mr. and Mra. Roy Cook jour neyed to Salem to be f ueita at the home of their daughter and aon-ln-law and family, Mr. and Mra. Orville Nunn. ' Mr. and Mra. C. A. (Pete) Dodge were gueata for Thanks giving dinner at the home of Mr. and Mra. Sidney Latta. Mr. and Mra. John C. GUI ham, Mr. and Mra. Glenn Long, Mr. and Mra. Ted Ferguson and family of Prtnevllle were gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra. Manley Long of Upper Soda, and Mr. and Mra. Peter Byrne of Foiter. Mr. and Mra. Walter Reed of Lebanon ware alio f ueita for the day. ,' A regular eeml-monthly meeting of the city council waa poitponed this week due to the death of Councilman Harold Mellinger. Tueaday night of next week will aee the councllmen filling the vacant council position. A new councilman will be ap- pointed to aerve Mellinger's un expired four-year term, which ends in January. 1857. Tlcketa for the annual fire men'a ball are on aale, aceord- . ing to Aaalitant Fire Chief Don Surry, chairman of the affair which la the only project for the fund raiting of the volun- - teer fire department. Dec. 12 la the date for the 'affair and the dance which will have Dick Meyera band to fur niih music will be held In the Foster Community hall In Fos ter. Paul Mslick, a recent acci dent victim, waa transferred to the Salem Memorial hospital after Initial treatment In the . Langmack hospital following .the accident on highway 20 when the car he waa driving careened across the highway and smashed Into a large Doug' laa fir about five miles west of the Santlam junction. The Lebanon man was sc eompanled by his 18 year old eon who waa removed from the critical list early In the week. Seven persons pild fines to taling f SO in Sweet Home mu nicipal court Monday when they appeared before Judge Ed Russell. Ten persona who pleaded - guilty to varloua charge con - eernlng traffic regulation! paid finea totaling $80 in the Sweet ACORNS FROM THE Homo justice court during the past week. Justice r. A. Cornell presided. Fred Chambers waa ehoeen winner of the annual Jayeee aDonaored "Voice of Democ racy" speech contest for senior students at the local hospital. Pat Harcrow and Mike Thorn etx won second and third plac es, respectively. These three won out over 10S entrants and were judged by Beatrice Barclay, Ed Cardwell and Earl Mcrarland. Chabera won a IIS cash prise and hit speech waa transcribed for entry in atate-wlde compe tition. The second and third prize winners received 110 and S3, respectively. Mr. and Mra. Ray Yarbrough and children of Eugene, Mra. Bob Gray and children of San Francisco, Mr. and Mra Dale Burnett and children and Ray mond Care of OSC were Thanksgiving day dinner guesta In the home ol Mr. ana Mrs. Lester Burnett Mrs. John Galry, local law yer and past president of State Business and Professional Wo men, explained and demonstrat ed parliamentary procedure at a recent meeting of the BPW which was held in the Vigue Country club. Mra. Sam Emery waa also a guest speaker who recounted ber recent expert encea on trip to Denmark. Mesdamea Doris Ami poker. Pearl Marie Jovanovich, Roger Grovem, Mel Williams and W. L. Dudley assisted Mra. Galey in ber program topic Officers of the Sweet Home Royal Neighbors will be elected at the Dec. 1 meeting and an other feature of the evening will be the modeling of aprons which are to be made by each member. Hoatetaea for the event will be Mesdamea Wanda Ferguton. Hazel Buttenhoff, Netlia Hav en, Bernadlne Stewart and Ada Wilkinson. Mr. and Mra. Roy Clover are moving Into their recently com pleted house on the corner of Eye St and 12th Ave., aouth, Mr. and Mra. Cliff Cannon have purchased the Clover home which la en J ttreet and will be moving In to the house on Dee. 1. Fireman BiU Reed la filling in as radio operator In the po lice department since two of the operators art on the alck list. The last of the victlma of the Trailway bus crash waa dis charged this week from Lang mack hospital. Election of officers of the Sbutterbug Photographer's club will be held Dec. 10, according to President Julie Christian- son. The meetings are held in the little theater at Sweet Home union high achool and anyone intereated in photography Is welcome. George Gwlnn. principal of Long St. grade achool for sev eral yeara, la now a achool ad ministrator in French Morocco. In recent lettera he telle of a recent trip to a Carthagenlan town. Woodburn Wood bum Mr. and Mra. George D. Jonea were Thanks giving gueata at the home of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nesa at Philomath. Mrs. Mar tin T. Rouse of Cave Junction, a alster of Mra. Jonea, is now convalescing at the Jonea home after surgery at the Oood Samaritan hospital in Portland. Anrtd Ostrons la convalesc ing at his home here follow ing two weeka in the wood burn hospital when ha waa treated for pneumonia and rheumatic fever. Clair LaBarr, wha la In the navy and atatloned at San Diego, Calif., la visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mar. P. L. LaBarr. Ha wiU re turn to.duty December I. Mr. and Mra. Fred Cornell of Loe Angeles, Calif- and Mra. Florence Emmett of Sa lem were recent gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra. Harold it. Austin. They are former residents of Woodburn where Emmett and Cornell conduct ed a hardware (tore. Mr. and Mra. Robert Miller returned to their home re cently from a trip aouth, visit ing at San Francisco, Calif, and Las Vegas, Nev, Mr. and Mra. William Stange who visited her broth er. C. Z. McKltrick, at Wish am, Wash. Mits Harriet Welgel of Woodburn, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Weigel and a member of Madrigal wom en'! singing organization at Oregon Stat college, la one of 2S0 student to appear in the annual Chrlstmaa program to be presented by the OSC music department December 8. Miss Weigel la a freshman In business and technology. Mr. and Mra. B. F. Palmer of John Day ar apendlng the winter In Woodburn with Mr. Palmer's alster, Mrs. Clara Stange, and family edent the holiday la Eugene with relatives. Mr. and Mr. Delbert Zander of Penoieton, were dinner gueata at the home of hi als ter Mr. and Mra. Wilson Ste vens. Additional gueata waa her molbe Mra. Viola Zander of Lyon and Mr. and Mra. Albert Tomaa and ton, Steven and Bradley, of Mill City. Mr. and Mra. Jack acott also of Mill City were afternoon caller. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Guataf a, and ao Jerry, went to Mohawk where they apent the week and at the home of ber brother and family, Mr. and Mr. Jack Chrieteneoa. Mrs. George Kinaman from Tumwater, Wash., Mrs. George Kinsman of Sioux Falls, S. D.. and Mr. Frank Kinsman of Stayton were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. George Huffman. Lyons Macleay ITH ML MILNE LET IT BE KNOWN . . . in this proclamation that all of you lovely ladies who have vowed you would aee at least ONE fashion ahow In 1B5S have only ONE MORE CHANCE! The LAST fashion show of the aeason will be presented In the Marlon Hotel Gold Room Macleay "Keeping Up With Textiles" waa the demonatra- tion aubject at the meeting of the pratum-Macleay Home Ex tension unit held at the home of Mra. Cornelius Bateaon Tuesday. rauune scnapiowsky, coun ty extension agent, waa the demonstrator. She told of new textilea and ahowed samples During the butiness session Mrs. A. C. Spranger and Mrs. George Hain reported on the county training .neetlng on the atudy of Hawaii and Mra. R. A. Wilson rep rted on the pro gram planning meeting No meeting will be held In December. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. K. Schenk. Present were Mrs. A. Bowen, Mra. George Hain, Mrs. J. G. Lauderback, Mrs. A. J. Mader, Mra. Donald Mader, Mrs. M. M. Ms aee. Mra. Albert E. Man tie, Mra. Roy E. Morehand, Mra. Harry Martin, Sr., Mrs. K. Schenk. Mrs. A. A. Spel brink, Mrs. A. C. Spranger, Mrs. R. A. Wilton, Mrs. Nile Hllhorn, Mrs. Nedra Chapman, Mrs. Robert Hansen, Olga Ask, Hilda Ask, Mrs. Myrtle Lane, Mrs. Earl Murry, Mrs C. Strawn, Selma Dalke and the hostess. Pleasantdale Detroit Tomorrow December 11 Beautiful holiday fashion . ... glamorous negligees (yea. I'll be there!) and even a regular and king alze Xmaa package will be ahowa by Johnson'. MAKI YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! Phon. 3-4123 HOTEL MARION Nineteen Macleay grange members attended the joint in stallation of Pomona and sub ordinate grange offices held Tuesday night at Silverton Hills grange hall. The following Macleay of ficers were installed, Harry Martin, Jr., master; Mrs. M M Magee, lecturer: Lloyd Beutler, steward; Mra. Lee Morrison, chaplain; Mrs. I. H. White, treasurer; Mr. Clarence Johnson, secretary; Mrs. Har Lyons Mrs. Mike Schwlndt and Mrs. Bob Free honored Mrs. Lloyd Free with a shower held at the Schwlndt home Monday evening, Nov. 23. Refreshments were served to Mra. Lloyd Free the honored guest, and Mesdamea Sam Brldgea, Jamea Fhelpa, Alex Bodeker, Henry Holzfuss, Ed James, Chester Roy, Andrew aitg, Edward Sieg, Herman Free, Earl Helemn, Erneat Gar sjo, Russell ThleL Lavern Be- hrens and the hostess Mra. Free and Mra. Schwlndt Dianne and Joan Schwlndt Faith Rebekkh lodge held 1U regular meeting Wedneaday evening with election of off! cers. Officers elected were Garnett 3sisett, noble grand; Roberta Longnecker, vice grand: Helen Anderson, secre tary and Helen Johnston treas urer. Plana were made for the Christmas party which will be held Wedneaday evening, Dec. 23, with a gift exchange. Se cret alster namea wiu oe re vealed and new onea drawn Refreahmenta were served by Lucille Huber, Jean Roberts and Roberta Longnecker. Mr. and Mra. Glen Julian had aa their dinner guests recently his oarenta Mr. and Mra. ai bert Julian of scio ana sue arandmother Mra. Catherine Julian, who was honored with cake to help her ceieorate her 88th birthday anniversary which waa Nov. 27. Grandma, who had been visiting at the Julians returned home with the Albert Juliana. A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mra. George Cllpleld. Present were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. die Corey. Salem; Mr. and Mrt Perrv Cliofell. Dennla, Sharon, Martin, Patricia and uone, me hama; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turnidge, Pat, Douglas and Bruce, Jefferson Mr. and Mra. Sidney O'Neil from Phoenix, Ariz., were auests at the home of hia broth er. Cleve O'Neil. Mr. and Mra. Charles cruson and Bonnie served dinner to Mr. and Mra. Leo Crus Mary Joe and Buddy, and Mr. and Mra. Donald McWhirk, Maria, Erroll, Hugh and Ronda. Mr snd Mrs. Earl Thayer, Gary, Terry and Marlene were eve ning guesta In the Cruson home. Mr. and Mra. John Neal went to Scio where they were recent gueata at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. George West enhouae. Mr. and Mra. Leonard Cru son. Mtrtuel and Nikkie and her mother, Mra. Pearl Cruaon, were dim er gueatt at the home of Mr. and Mrt. Ed Cruaon. Mr. and Mra Sam Bridges Pleasantdale Mr. and Mrs. George Webster and sons at tended a gathering of 23 rela tive and friend at the home of hi (later, Mr. Amy Coy at Oregon City oa Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freahour and eon want to .the home of her parent, Mr. and Mra. Ed Loop, for a family Thanksgiv ing dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wilson had their neighbors, Mr. and Mra. Jack Flock, Janice aad Gary, aa gueata on Thanksgiv ing day. Mrs. Flock and Mr. Wilson are cousins. Mr. and Mra. Leland Hole' and children of Greaham were guests of hia sister and family. Mr. and Mrs George Webster and aona, recently. Making their home her with Mr. and Mra. H. K. Muder are her daughter, Mary Carter, and friend, Myrtle Elliott, both from Houston, Texas. Mary Carter 1 working aa reception ist at the Dally News Register in McMlnnvlUe. Thanksgiving dinner guesta of Mr. and Mra. Leon Blanch ard and children were Mr. and Mra. Leroy Blanchard and Mr. and Mra. Melvin Blanchard and children, of Dayton. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Graben horst were R. J. Ryder and sons, Portland, Mr. and Mra. Ralph Conway, Washougal, Mr. and Mra. Gene Lewis and chil dren, Eugene and Louise .Park er and aona, Salem. Thirty-two relatives gather ed 'around the festive board at the new home of Mr. and Mra. George Doraey on Thanksgiv ing day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Culp, patty and Jan la McCallister of Burns, Mr. and Mra. Vaughn Doraey and children of Seattle, Mr. and Mra. Martin Dorsey and chll dren of Prescott. Wn., Mr. and Mra. Elwyn Dorsey and chll' dren of Orick, Calif., Mr. and Mra. Bob Dorsey and children of Webfoot and Mr. and Mra. John Litacher and children of Pleasantdale. Unable to be preaent were Mr. and Mra. Dave Dorasy of California and George, a aon of Martin Doraey. Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Muder for Thanksgiving and the following week end were her niece, Joan McMillan and a friend. Flora Smith, both atudenta at a Seattle Bible achool. Miaa McMillan Uvea at Seattle, and Miss Smith is from North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ed wards and children of Toledo were overnight guests of her sister and family, Mr. and Mra. Guv Freshour and aona on Thanksgl'-ing night. They n- mained In the Dayton area for the week end and vitited other relatlvea. Mr. and Mra. Henry Green were guests in the home ol friendt. Mr. and Mra. Ray Sny der at Amity for Thanksgiving dinner. Duane Liticher, ton of Mr. and Mra. John Liticher, under went a tonsilectomy in Mc- Mlnnvllle on Friday, Nov. 27. Detroit Gueata at the Ed Loewea home for the holiday and the week-end were Mr. Loewen' brother and his fam ily, Mr. and Mr. Henry Loew ea, Lorna, Beverly and Larry of Seattle. Arriving Friday for a Boat- Thanksgiving ham dinner with tne starr Reed family were Mr. and Mr. Charles Flak of Portland, who were the Reeds' guests over the holiday week end. Thanksgiving dinner gueata at tne home of Mr. and Mra. Guy Moor were Mr. and Mra. Keith Moore and aon, Gary, of independence. Mr. and Mra. Ingle Johnson of MiU City, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Moore and daughter, Becky of De troit, and Mra. Rose Mermu. lion of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Francea Ket tleaon and children, Michael and Patty, joined la a large family celebration this holi day at the home of Mr. Ket tleaon'i brother, Ray Beard of Salem. Oa Friday, Mrs. Ket tlesoa drove to Portland to visit Mrs. John Stalnaker. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlador drove to Eugene Thursday to attend a holiday dinner at the home of Mra. Schlador's alster, Mr. and Mra. a. p. scbeurer. Mr. and Mr. A Warby drove to Salem Thursday to attend the Fryer family Thanksgiving gathering at the home of Mra. Warby' parent, jar. ana Mrs. x. R. Fryer, Mrs. Warby'a brother and hia wife, Mr. and Mra. William Fryer, with the Warby' three children, Marian, Tommy and Helen, left for Salem Wednea day evening, staying at the rrycr none inai night A holiday reunion of achool friends and their families at the F. W. Moore home Thura- day ad Friday brought toaeth er Mr. and Mra. Joaeph Bobb ana daughter Susan, of Eu gene; Mr. and Mra. Bob Cole and children, David and Lar ry, of Seneca! and Mr. and Mra. Johnny O'Connor and daughter Connie, of Ashland, Oregon. Dayton Leonard Dooiey. Key Jones, Don Goodrich, Betty Neilson.jl Rill Williams. Becky Keener, Smith TrammeU. Do lore joe-. elro. Arthur Foater. Beverly utthws. Dariene namoo. run Lambert. Vivian New-' I comb, Linda Benedict. Diane ! Flanigaa. , . Silverton Dayton Thanksgiving din. ner guesta of Mra. Delaurice Helming and her mother. Mra. Pearl Crabtree, in the home of U. S. Alderman were Mr. and Mra. William Helming of Sun valley, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Merle Crltchfleld of Oswego Lake; Mr. and Mra. Lucky Mc Kenny of Government Camp; nonnie and Joan Krieger of McMinnville and Bob String ham of Salem. Mra. Cloa Durand and grand daughter, Mra. John Dodge and Miss Beverly Ann Lindsay at tended the wedding of Nina Hoffman C Newberg and Ellis Lindsay, Dayton on Monday evening in a chapel In Salem. The newlyweda will make their home in Newberg where they have purchased a home. Mr. and Mra. Giles Rockhill of Prairie City were Sunday overnight guesta of Mr. and Mra. Foreat Lein. Mr. and Mra. 'Urold Clark and daughter Ruby attended the wedding of a friend. Miss Alice Rice and Harold Idea at the Baptiat church in Carlton, on Sunday. Hiivcrtan Mr. and Mr. , Charlie Baacue were awarded first prize aa the best re pre tented masked couple in the ; dance sponsored by the Hills circle and Swine Dane circle, 1 tieing with Mr. and Mra. Vic tor Howard la -Gay ineuea costume. - Twenty-one men from the four-county area attended the week'a meeting of the water work conference held at Sil verton. Harold Mllliken, chair man of the public health engf- neer aeetion of the state board i of health, directed a diacuaaion on city water works admlnia- tratlon problem. Host for the day were Silverton city man ager Robert Borland and city water auperlntendent Lewis Yate. Bob William of Silverton waa re-elected president of the Marlon county 4-H -leader al loc iatlon at a recent meeting held at the Marlon hotel In Salem. Women teachers in the Silverton area outstanding for their yeara of 4-H aervice are Mrs. Larry Carpenter, IB yeara. of the Victor Point schools, jl and Mrs. D. Li. wolford of the Central Howell schools, 20 year. Award have been pre sented to these two, and to many other at school and com munity meetings In their local ities. Directing Inspection of the local headquarters company of the National Guard men Fri day night here, with numeroua army men preaent aa gueata, were Lt Col. Gordon Reilly, assistant IG, Sixth army, and MSgt Samuel Beat, IG Sec., Sixth 'army, both from Port land. Call Mra. Harry Sherwood, Silverton, for lnformatotn con- j cerning immediate aid to a , widow and aix children whoae 1 home and clothing were bad ly damaged by fire a few days ago. Mary Wentzel will pick ; up donations of furniture for the family. Attractive little Suzanne, I nine yeara of age, daughter of i Mrs. Bennett G. Leach, waa j treated at St. Vincent'a during j the week for a aerloua muscu- j lar ailment of the arm. Sublimity Sublimity The Women's Catholic Order of Foreatera held their regular meeting Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Laux, chief ranegr, presided. The members were reminded , of Rosary night over KOCO, Dec. 8. thia organization tak ing Its turn the second Tues-l day of each month. Exchange of gifts will, usual, be a part of the Christ mas meeting of Dec. 17. In keeping with the spirit of the season, the court voted to j aend $25 to Our Lady of Prov- I ldence nursery in Portland. The nursery provides for chil dren up to five yeara of age, re- gardless of color, race or creed, in the state ol Oregon. i Mrs. Andy Kintz was chair- Mr. and Mra. John Anderson man ot th ,0?ui, P?' and baby had Thanksgiving Bethel Park Bethel Park Miss Winnie dinner with her parents, Mr and Mra. H. G. Young in Seat tle. Wash. Mr. and Mra. Ivan Lebold visited her parent! last week end, Mr. and Mra. R. L. Seavy In Albany. Mr. and Mra. John Freeborn entertained her parents, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Sargeant; her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Ser geant; her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sergeant and fam ily; hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freeborn, Sr. of Salem; hia cousin, Mr. and Mra. Frank Dackhousen and family of Sa lem, for Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. Goldie Fisher and fam ily apent Thanksgiving with ber daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gregory at Roseburg. Mr. and Mra. Clark Foster and Eunice and Iner Morten Foster and aon, The aenior class play, "Head-1 in' for the Weddin " will be presented On December 4 at the Dayton Union High School. The play a a hill billy presen tation, with a little drama thrown in for good meaaure. The cast, under the direction of Mra. Francla Zoael Includes: SUES OVER NOTE Albany A auit haa been filed in circuit court here by the Edwards Bros. Construction company against the Tucker Lugging company asking a Judgment for $2.388 31, the amount allegedly due on a $3000 not . Beaty. Yoncalla, Ore., la visit-' ,., n....-.i-. j, ln " t" Gardner Johnwn w of Mr and Mr Vefnon Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson were Thanksgiving day dinner guests' in their daughter'a home, Mr. and Mra. Dick Hudson, West port, Ore. The Nelson alto vialted In their eon's home, Ray Nelson of Westport Many park folk attended the Thanksgiving C. A. convention of the Aasembliea of God at Springfield. Among thoae attending were Rev. and Mra. R. L. Caaselman. Miss Janice Caaaelman, Mr. and Mra. Gardner Johnson and aona. Harold and Mark, Mra. Laura Gotfrier, Miaa Mary Goffrler, Rev. and Mra. Edward Edmond. Donna and Duane Ed mond, Rev. and Mr. Robert Plrtle. Mr. and Mr. Harold Fite and daughter, April. g-agCTiiae.'iaiiga.a a NOV. HOMING Open t:ti "LATIN LOVERS" Teehnltalar Lana Tarner Richards Maalalkaa Celar Cm - Hit "THt UDT WANTS MM" Dennis O'Keefe. Bath Rossey DINE and DANCE AT RUNO'S RED LANTERN 4818 . Paetfle Hwy. ry Martin, Jr.. Ceses; Mrs. A. J. Mader, Flora; Clarence Johnson. A. J. Mader, Lloyd Keene, executive committee. The remaining officer will be Installed at the December meeting of the local grange. tec Till l:t alhrra Ofayaaa t "SO THIS IS 10VE" Ah Jeseaa Cetlea ta BU trWNT FOK MURDER I -TM Kathrya Grayiaa Reward Reel "KISS ME KATE" la Teehniealer e Cameey 9hart "Dea'l Forget ta Writ'' Now Playing! LAST TWO DAYS Previous Commitments Prevent Him Staying Any Longer! HILARIOUS STAGE ATTRACTION! $aving Centers 4f the Foot of the Bridge W. Salem 14 Mile Nona of the Underpass Salem' OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD MOKDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MULLIGAN STEW! Here's the Fixin's BABY BEEF SHORT RIBS. 15c PARSNIPS TURNIPS CARROTS CABBAGE Limit Hungry Jack PANCAKE FLOUR Sunny Jim SYRUP 40' a Dor, atll II IIV 4 lb. sack 55c Regular 35e Save 25 c ioh for 65 c Limit Sunshine Crackers HI-HO 'j; 29' Limit VANILLA ICE CREAM Quart 25 NOW! SAN SHOP PIES AVAILABLE AT SAVING CENTER SALMON JV, 29 Limit DANISH A pre-Thanksgivlng dinner, honoring Jamea Reiser, was given Sunday at the home of 1 1 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mein-1 rad Reiser. Members of the family along with the Fred Rohweina of Jordan and Mr. i and Mrs. Henry Holzfuss of Lyons, were In attendance. Reisre, who had been sta tioned with the U. S. Army at I Fort Bliss, Texas, has left fori his new assignment in New Jer-: aey. SQUASH each 2V. LIMIT ASSORTED Lunch Meal ,b. 39 , 35' COOKED SALAMI T-Bone, Rib, Sirloin BeefSleak lb.37( Swiss Steak . 35' Beef Roast , 27' EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF 25',, Half or Whole LOCKER BEEF EEEEpllRing Bologna, 25' THE AMAZING "MR. V" Hypnotist and Mental Manrel ON SCREEN