Pact IT - Monday, November 30, 195J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salts. OrtfM DENNIS th MENACE ByKitcham Ickes Diary Reveals Criticism of Rootjevelts Dennis give you a rouqh time tdwy. honey? Seek to End Political Tax Laws Meddling Wuhlnctoa () Harold L Ickes, who Beamed iiever to hold hi tongue for any man while b lived, haa com up with tomi tart opinion! of th New Deal and Franklin D. Roosevelt T h "0 1 d Cunnudaeori" found theTsew Deal, of which ha wai a moving spirit, apend thrlft with the taxpayer' mon ey and beaded tagr a man he felt he couldn't trust Roosevelt's aecretary of the Interior wrote in 1S36 that he had been "told down the river j by the Preiident ' . Ickes regretted, In tact, that he hadn't walked out of nooae velt's cabinet year before. He felt there wai a "very real chance" he could have been nominated by the Repub lican! to run against Roosevelt And be thought that. If nomin ated, he probably would have won. These opinions sharply challenged by one time Demo cratic National Chairman James A. Fsrley. among others :ame to light in "The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes," of which a first, 705-page install ment will be published tomor row by Simon It Schuster, $6. Ickes reveals that, tor aU hie misgivings about Roosevelt, the rresiaenis win ana chief aides, and In spite of his own secret presidential hopes, he stayed on as a Mew Deal stal wart because he feared the Re publicans would deliver the country to big business if they got the chance. Ickes died early last year and the six-million-word diary he kept under lock and key Is only now being released piecemeal by his widow censored, at that, to spare the feelings of the living from some of Ickes' more sulphurous comments. ' Washington W) 4-Hard and fast laws to prevent treasury department favoritism and po litical meddling in federal tax collections was demanded to day by house Investigators. The ways and means sub committee, in the fourth in stallment today of a final re port on two years of investi gating tax fraud irregularities, recommended: 1. Enactment of changes In the internal revenue code to curb authority of the secretary of the treasury over actual ad ministration of the tax laws to "prevent political meddling in the future." 2. Giving the internal rev enue commissioner direct au thority over tax collections in HOUSE TRAILERS tl roOT trillcr bouM. 8ft site IS a.m. 114t Oxford, acroaa from Paului cannery. . tall MARKET QUOTATIONS duw uun: rrtmtta AUttr. bu OI OM Hf MM1( .ltdrl la Ptrtiol H-1U IB. I fim tuvi lit, U-9. M4 nliir. aa-dH. tailor 104100 U4 MUSIC? WMK. I 4NU ta llMfWbMMN I.O--0-. PUM mum M 99 IteTI. 999i erasM. tl a, tUkt B. Mhll O, 99 t airlclj tJIIWI MlOfll fsTIOT W rwuin baUtMn. OrtttatS eiatlaa, Ot9 fc. Wt diW-Olw,. Mid-Willamette Obituaries STOCKS iMr TbO aimHIH Pt9U Advtr' corporauoa, U Aiuod Oumtcw US UUa Ctuimera . 444 iHNKM AtrllBM 11H Anertcan Power B Ufa AmetMaa Tti. Tot .....IT all matters not Involving nat ional fiscal policy. The report observed: "Corruption, of course Is possible at any level of govern ment, but political influence conceivably would be less strongly felt by career em ployes of the bureau than by politically appointed treasury officials. "If the treasury no longer has ultimate control over per sonnel questions or like mat ters personally affecting bu reau employes, treasury offi cials will possess less power to influence what should be im partial administrative decis ions in the bureau.' BUT TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Reni LAMA LA HI TRAILER PLAZA IMO Lana Av.. 14315 MACHINERY A.C. CAT. JL 59 ATOM and Blade. A-l condition Sl.t00.00. Phone Dallee MM. A. If. ftuudfttrom. Monmouth Ore., R. 1. Boa W. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make uacd machloea Bold, rented, repaired. Roto, 4M Court. Pb. i-77i. KniidiMini. ram-da. dearlni tooth. Vir al! Hukt7g 1010 Fainlaw, phono S-S14I. COMMERCIAL TYPING Alto direct null advertUini. NATHAN SWAN, 1366 HOlCatt. KXCATATING Ben Otjen Son. excavattnt i raJlnsi. Land dear In. Pb. 2-3080. 0214 Tnanl.tlon WaatharatrlDa. atORB a a lb. Pre utlmotaf, T. P-llmaa. Phone ISMS. OMV MATTRESSES Capitol renovates. Pull line new mattressee. Ph. 3-4061. OFP1CI FURNITURE eft SUPPLIES Deak chair, fllea, Mini auppllea, eafea. duplicator, auppllea. desk lampe, type writer atanda. Roen, 4H court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike s Beptlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter deans sewers, drains. Phone 3-6466. o2 fwr. arotle tanks, drains cleaned Roto-Rooter Sewer Service). Pnoae 3-S127. SEPTIC TANKS , Haniel'a septic tanks service. Ouaranteed 3-7404. 3-6774. cleaned, line rork Phone 03 10 TYPEWRITERS Smith. Corona. Remlntton. Roral. Un derwood portables. All makes uaad machines. Repairs aft rent. Roes. 4M Court. 3-77J. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxim. nouseclsanlns. Phone 3-3317. 347 Court. LODGE A Salem Lodge No. 4, AF k AM Wed., Dec. 2, Din ner. 8:30; Past Master's Night and Stated .Communication witn election. 7:30. 287' Funeral Tuesday for Franklin Parker Newport UJ9 Funeral serv ices will be held here tomorrow for Franklin Orville Parker, Jr., 19-year-old victim of an auto accident that claimed two other lives last Wednesday. Young Parker, son of tha Lincoln county coroner, died in a McMinnville hospital Satur day. He was a sophomore at Willamette university In Salem and was affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity. He was a past master counselor of tha New port chapter of DeMolay. Private committal services will be held in Portland Wed nesday. FUMES CLAIM LIFE Portland (jpi Carbon mon oxide fumes from a coal and wood-burning stova claimed tha life early Sunday of Mrs. Minnie Mulberry, 7. Her son, Albert Mulberry, 47 was overcome by fumes and was taken to a hospital In seri ous condition. Another son, Jo seoh Mulberry, discovered tha mishap. . HITS PLUNGE KILLS Peshwar, Pakistan iff) A rrowdrd bus Dlunged off a mall riontoon bridge into the muddy waters of the Indus riv er Sunday, drowning JO per sons, ine oeaa inciuucu iv women and three children. WINDSORS IN LONDON London, ()--The Duke and Duchess of Windsor arrived unexpectedly from their Paris home today for a short visit in London. They aid not an nounce the purpose of their trip. Frank Broyles. backfield coach at Georgia Tech, played for the Yellow Jackets four years and has coached them two years. Each of the six years Tech has played in a post-sea son bowl game. Mrs. Meissner Dies Saturday Death Saturday claimed Mrs. Henrietta M. Meissner, resident of the Lincoln commu nity for the past 10 years. She had been ill for about two months. Born August 28, 1909, at Marshalltown, Iowa, Mrs. Meissner wss married In 1933 to R. Julius Meissner, who sur vives her. The couple moved here In 1943. Mrs. Meissner was a member of the First Christian Church and of the Lincoln Goodwill Club. Surviving besides her hus band, are a son, Allan Wayne Meissner of Salem: a daughter. Mrs. Judy Frances Meissner of Salem; parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.,Starnes of Halsey, Ore gon: sisters, Mrs. Esther Al- bertson of Halsey, Mrs. Hattie gon and Miss Kathryn Starnes oi roruana; ana a Dromcr, Aaron B.. Starnes of Culver, Oregon. Funeral services for Mrs. Meissner will be held at the Clough-Barrick chapel Wed nesday morning at 10 o'clock with the Rev. Donald Payne of ficiating. Interment is to be at tha Willamette Memorial Park at Albany, Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. An.cDdi Coppr . stchuor aUMS Bttbllh.M SMll B0.1M C .. Borg w.rntr Burrow Atifilnt utenw Ctltlorai. Ptckln. und).a P.C1IM .... u.urpiu.r iT.rtor .... CC.uiti Corpor.tiM .. Carol" CrrMr.tM citu. a.rvie Co&MUdtua BoMsa ... conMhdiud Vtiltt. ... ctowb Mlltrbiea CurtlM frrlini DMilM aircrtfl Ua Pool a. lumaun .. , B.atn.a K0S..S BatrM Sifl. Utn.r.l EJMlrto Ota.r.1 rood. atrf Moiw. ........ a.onu pm. timot .. OoottMi Tlr. Homui.k. Umlni Co. . Inuru.uon.l H.r.l.r Xat.rn.uenU Pmot .... John, mnvtu. K.u.r Alummnm ...... KconMOlt Cppw Llbbr MeRtn LockhM. Alrer.ft Lom XneernM. ... Loni S.U uonuom.rr win Nun K.U10.I0- NX T.rk cinlrnl North.rn PMllt. p.etfl. Antrlc.B . PWUU Oh SiMUM . PMlfl. T.l T.I. p.ek.rtf Motor ctr .... P.D0.F. i- C- ...... Pcnn.TlT.Bt. a a. .... Ptpd Col. Co. . Pblloo a.oi. fttdll CorporottOB R.TOOt.r Xncorp ..... R.Tonl.r tnp.rp Pfd. . RepuHI. at.H Reynold. U.tBU RKnli.ld Oil s.i..t atom. Inf. ... Scott P.pcr Co. ... nf.r. Roeback a Co. , SoconT Voeuuin Qll .... Nouthern Pielfle Stndirc oil CHI M.nd.rd Oil N Studbk.r Corp Sumnln. uiBlm .....I. Swift a Oo Tr.Bi.m.rte. Corp. . . . Twontitta Cnturp Fps Onloa Oil Corapnap .... Ubijb P.C1I1. Uniud alrUnu uatud Slrcr.fl 0nit4 corpor.tloa .... Onlt.4 at. ton Plrwood . Unltoo stMl ... Warner Plcturu WMtern Onlpn T.1 Ww)tln.boaM Air Brtka W.itinrnouM S3..UI. . . us . ts '. . u . . ns . UH . 11'. . u . Stv. eraulalas aa koM. mM raeludS f.a. Pwrtlaad: a sr-da tart. SH.-41!.: a lr.d. atMUara. mt-Mt. A srad. abmU. UVItl. trada Ursa, Si-SSVa. PVtitud Barn SUlM SUM-Prlc t. ntauaw nraaa AA prut. ui A cartaa. i 4 sttau, ta.: aartoa. TMl B atiata. SH. Sin ta ptnarar. - Caaalaa Poruud: Dnralo4 Urea, a-tl. : trad. AA Urea. dap.: 4 Ursa, dl do..: AA awdlaat. SU daa.1 A sr.d. pMdlnra, u-ua 4aa. a staoa aauu aoailaal, U-1U. Em la urior. qr.a. i.u. a )..- njiii AA atadtura. SM; A aiMrara. tl.i A wall. 41-4M. canaa. I mbu addlllaaaL , caoaai rria. pp Tpauj. Oraiaa ala.Ua, ttH I Ua Uarra. II.UW: UI.1.U. It., lata ibab .u- tla.. rrtainr. aranoa nai la. lap .M.U aaaau MM. ruarappS Aaf rleaa enana, t-la. Uarai la retail, altp. la. ajHn ii.. r.idM.111. I aaalltp. 1.. pUau): Pimk SH-S lb., SS-SMi - la... Pk-nei roail.xa. a, w. ana w m-jii; im.ti km .n uu;J III tit Ben, au waiania, .--'- racure. 14-lae. . . . Ur.rt.4 caiekMt. - No I drciad U rauilen Prrert arallerr- l-4t . roulera, .11 mu. .i turn Bona It-IX; he.Tf hen.. 11-lle. tol-op lr;. .ri. ll au. M-ua n : wbal. arawa. aS- No'ra Ellen Chambers Albany Nor Ellen Cham bers, 72, resident of Albany for 12 years, died at a local hospital Friday following t sudden illness. Sha wss born In Putnam county. Wast Va., and since coming to Albany bad owned and operated a beauty parlor, Mrs. Cham ber! la survived by sifter, Mrs. Anna E. Grant of Al bany: a brother, Andy R. Moorhead,. Minneapolis, Minn. Tha funeral will be held at tha Fortmiller Frederlcksen Funeral home at a time ta be announced. Burial will be in the WUlametta Memorial park. S. I. Richardson .. n ..IMt ... n .. i ,.. it ,.. ,.. it ... 10 ,.. u ... J1H ... 11 ... alt, ... all. ... US ... II ' ... nit ... ... Kt ... 11 ... w. ... ... a ... ...11M. , 111. i 111 . 1H Drn'iad Tprawr-Ta rettiurs: A tra nlter.ud bona. . U.l elMr.tad torn.. U'14. IS.; .ccordini t. iarnx. New Tort dtooad toma lc r . H.a York drauaS Mna W-aW Ta produe- Qr.d. A yoanp B.U, pp. w. . Iiim: A Un, He lb. B.kMU - Av.r.1. W prpwvrsi wan wnitwi. IVk-l Ua, -ll: S- loav, IJ-pm ih , am do. 10.11c few BltMr Prath draiaed Irrer. U reUIUrr. U-Sldl aal U-IK v..l Top auautp. ip.i. m i r.. B..T1M. lo-lae. H.n-Uane. klockerk. M-lla n.l aowa, lUhL ll lle. L.raka But, Sl-lH 1 Tnrtnua. "iaatlia Belt. U-l. IB.. auU-atllllr. ..iar Beef OtllltT cowi, N-. U.l e.nn euttera. l?-lkc. etieiu down la Ua. Pro DreeeH He.u Wholeulera to r.ull.r. OolUr. pr WBef-atMre. choke., pot-lod lae, Ul 41: lood. Ill-IP: ootnnrcl.l 11114: utultT. $1111: eonmercl.1 cowi. 113-11: ..tiiii. tTt.H: tenner .cutteri. I1P-33. Beef C.U Cbole. .teert bind au.rl- eee.U; rounde. 143-41: full lolna. ..imm-. B7k.a9: trl.nilei. Ill-Ill fore. .u.rtera. Ill-Sl! anuckr, 131-411 rib.. ra-ii. . Perk Ct. Lolne. choice. S-ll Iba. 144-kl: khoukler.. 14 Ibe.. 131-11: pr rlbe, IH-H; treih harna, 10-14 lao, ta- Albany Stewart I. Rich ardson, 83, died at 1ha home of his daughter, Mrs. Rex Casey, Frldsy. Services were held at i p.m., Monday at tha Fisher Funeral home with private committal services at tha Salem crematorium. Mr. Richardson waa born in Du luth, Minn., and hd lived also In New York, Pennsyl vania, Denver, Colo . Casper, Wyoming, and Seattle, .Wash., before coming to Albany a year ago. He married Marie Reeka May 28, 1008. at Wau kegan. 111., who survives as da a daughter, Mrs. Casey, Al bany, and a brother. George F. Richardson, Retsel, "Wash. Lewis F. Keil Aurora Many friends at tended funeral services Satur day afternoon at tha Everhart and Kent chapel in Canby for Lewis F. Keil, resident of the EE The tournament sanctions department of the American Bowling Congress processed 2,811 tournament sanctions during the 1952-33 season. This la 367 more than the rec ord 2,444 of tha previous season. . it '. . .. 41 .. kl .. II .. '4 .. '- .. 14 VtVt .. 11 .. S3 .. 4'T .. 41 .. SI .. SP ..Ilk .. 11 ... 41 ... I ... MH ... 11 ... 11 ,.. 41 ,.. 11 .. II .. 43 all Aurora area who died at his homa November 24. Mr. Keil is survived by his widow. Bertha; one ton, Leo H both of Aurora, and one daughter, Mrs. Alvina Burgass of Canby; one brother, Henry Keil of Aurora, seven grand children and nine great-grandchildren. Interment waa In Zlon Me morial Park, Canby. Victor Launer Unlondsle Victor Launer, SS, a lifelong resident of tha Unlonvala district, died at the McMinnville hospital Thurs day, November 28, following a stroke Wednesday. Funeral services wera held at 1:30 pm. Monday, Novem ber 30 at Macy and son at mc Mlnnvllle. Burial waa at Evergreen Memorial Park, McMinnville. Ha is survived by hit widow of Carlton, Ore.; ona son, D vld of Portland; three daugh ters, Mrs. Clarence Smith of near Amity; Mrs. George Mt Brlde, McMinnville; Mrs. Eu gene Bauman, Rosa Lodge; his mother, Mrs. Carl Launer, 85, Unlonvale; four brothers, Charles. Unlonvale; Fred Am ity; Clarence, Plasantdale; Art, Unlonvale; three sisters, Mrs. Walter Dlebel, and Mrs. Carrie Kirld, Unlonvale; Mrs. Robert Smith, West Palm Beach, Fla. , Mr. Launer -was a veteran of World War I, having serv ed with the U.S. Marines. He was a member of the Ameri can Legion Post at Dayton. Patricia aUIataoa. aa at aalami to-at ere. Sari La. atclnuab. O. a. arrsp. -Letter Bell afclBlaea. kata at aa. Uta. i BB.nniiir.iBk af atv-rkeas ami aa ktaea la tar av I Brau P. SUB. at Pb. tatlSpaaa, Ut . lit aa. Baa. SS. avarenad bp wua, MtaaU a Ball, aalaai daaaotere, Mra. o. Tour, pi on. e, iw. -are. BktTla Memmaa. idaafora: aaa, Mr-tea a. a, MTTUacrata. ore.: Matar. laua Harp 8. HaU. Alplaa, Oca. aantapa will a. Be Id Bl tha VlreU T. C-olaaa ahapal WeaaieUp, Daa. t, al IS B4B. ntlaiuaal at uaiaa tuaiiirp, Aipiaa, on, AMIaaai Panoa. lau rat Ideal at SO Artfauaa at- Bat. SS. al tap al. at SS paare. aarrlTad rr aiet her, aln. natarta Ponaa, Tuapaa, Maalaa; aaak, Mra p- ncltae oarela. B.leail paaala. am. mta Daraal. aakta. ABaaana.a-a.1 af arr lee. win ha Mad lata, bp im suvalt. atward. Oa. SUek klerket New Tork Itv-Th. itock n.rkct eon Untied Ito krond.T with rlelnc price, found In .11 eectlone af the U.l. Prld.T'a adv.nce w.. th. .tromeit af the month, end th.t forward moraentnm c.rrled throuch Mood.r. Price, w.r. op between 1 and S polnu t th. bast. Tb.r. wer. few loor. .nd decline, of a point were r.ra Volunt. .Kp.eded an tb. rip. .nd cara. to pa at.tlm.ted l.POO.OOf .hare., on. af th. batur of thta star. Jtldkr'a total wm 1,100,000 eharae. Chlcapa Chlea. UPV-A l.u rallr In 1113 Mr contrMU .ubatltuud plua for ntlnua .lane IB bean, an tb. Board Iran. Mond.r. Other aectKma af th. m.rkot vera aided bp th. Mrbc.n rallr, redueln. and in aome e.eaa ckncellln. ..rlr Meeea. An advance In aoTbeao meal to 171 a ton aa.lnat 17. let. laet week apurrad aome of tha l.t. burial IB eoroeans. Barller, alt .old off on proa pecu of falrlr uhat.ntl.l dellverlea of caik an December future. Tuea dar and healtancr r.l.rdlnr propoe.1. af S twa pile. ariUra for wha.t and ..:njtlnn af . modrmiren rormui. lor cftlculklini pnrltr In .upporttna leed train prlcea. Wheat clolfrfl lower, uwc. i.e-e- S: corn 1 lower U hither. Dec. l.aa-: aau S kraor U hllber. Dec 7S-7I'I rr. -l blihar. Dee. 1 11'. 1.11: 14 lower ta t centa huh- er. Jan. I.10-I.l0, .nd lard . to a cehU a hundred pound, lower, Dec. 1VII. Ve.1 .nd C.Itm Good-cholra. .(.ki. tee.-.: Mmmerciale. .33-33 Lamb. cnoiec-prime, Mfiini ew. t raepea aa.m-oainneo "' ..: lined l.rd U drum. 114-ll.Mi .lab tKOB. $.3-71. a-rti.nd ftlleeell.Be.aB Onl.aa 30 lb eftcka.. ween., re. low -.un,,-.. Iftree. kl.n-l.40: Idaho r.llo... raid.. 1133-l.M. leiee II f.l.11: whiu. U-1H Peteleee Deectauut Ruaata. O. 8. No. 1-A. 10.1.71: .It. 13 11-l.aa, lew II.SI: oa., siii-.M: 10-11 a... t oo-. is; 31 lb ti. u-ltc: It lb. ll-lac: No. S. It lba, 70-ua: Weah. Ruatttt, ll.7t-.PO. Idaho, a-.eo-.i-.. . ., ,. u..ti. a Me I btmb alfalfa. . Urered cat low I...B. Parkland and Be anie iaio. Hui-nniu hftata. Wlllametw t.I l.r medium. 11-11. Ib.t S.itern Oreson line and half-blood. -. pVUIamelta V.ller Umb wool 43c l u-month aooL at-oe. ra. aa i.-mon.n th. f.o.a countrr ablpplnc polnu. .i..,MlH,ri Bpylne prlc f.o.b. Portland, salt aklnA It-llo la., aceord-Inr-to condition: iroen klpa. ll-l,8 lb.: areea cow hiaea. t-w i... i". to welaht and qu.iiir: "un ni.- .-.v .: .lu. hldea to per cent awiow fi--c .sot. claetea rilberu Whole..!. ..ulna prlca l.o.a Oreton pl.nte No 1 lumbo Barcelona, sac: l.ra. 37 lb.: medium 33c lb.: la arowera f o b. plant: II U. tor Bftrco lonfte. DuCBUlr. h.lf e.Bl leak ffaUPta WDeiee.M "...." k nr.! .U.IIIT l.rea.PrtnOu.ttea -Uo lb.l abelHd, Uthl Wta b.lvea to-tic Ib.l llkht h.lvu ll-kle tk 'tree Pr.n queltea. ll-lpe Ib.l M.T.tUa, Ho U.: uedlUH. 11-1-c lb- New Pastor Arrives Here Dr. Julian J. Kelter. new pas tor of First Congregational Church, and family arrived late Sunday from Chicago and Dr. Kelzer will begin his pas torate here next Sunday. To accept the Salem pulpit he left the pastorate of War ren Avenue Congregatoinal Church in Chicago. Dr. Kelter Is a son-in-law of the late Dr. Seth R. Huntington whose death several months ago caus- terment de ckle... Oalaa. Chlcao 0JB aupplle. moderate, mend .low, market dull. Truck aa!e to Iba.: U. a. t unleea acted- Idaho Bpanlah S-lncb pad ar IJO-l.aito: coicraoo vpaaian end lereer 1.30. Whltea med UB l.Pt. atreel aalea pt lb..: ld.ho Bpanlah l-lnch and Urte- I.H-l.nB. Whit. Olohei 1-Inch and l.rter 1.00-3.40: Coloredo BpanUh l-lnch and Uraer 1.30-1.15: Mld- weet Yellow Olobee medium email M- 71: Bed. medium 1 11: Wmtet medium S II. rente. 4 Uatek Portlsnd al.TJ TradlBS WU acUTa to all claaaa. tod.r. C.ltl. lioa: m.rkot actlTO, .round toe hlahar on aowa and fed atetr.i other .tar. .nd hellera etrona: .rouad t loadt choice al-117a lb. led aleera 34; few IomI. cood-cholc. aleera 3S; cood aratl .leer. 30: ntllltr-cotam.rcl.1 steer, II: utultr-commrcl.l hell.r. lo.ko-ll.M: eann.rutter cowa moetlp 7.50-1. U; utllltr cowe 10-11: few commercial II lt.: routvc cowt held hlsher; tew attl Itr-coramerclsl bulls 11-13. to. Ctlrat 300: ratrlel actira, atronal tew aood Te.ler. 17-11: chore, to la and above; .ood-chok. .I.u.hter cftlvei 15- 13 50; tood-cholco atock calTcs 11-17, oral held htlher. Hoe. 3000; m.rket actlTt. around too hlahar than Let Mondor; a.ver.1 lead, choice lao-33! lb. butcher. 14.71; chole. truck-lBB 34.31-34.71; shale. 3S0 lb. 13; choice 3aatlt lb. saws St.lo-13; sa. choir. 430 lb. at.f 17. Bheep 1500; market .ctlT., atron.: cholce-prlm. pooled lamb 11-11; lew ed the vacancy at the Salem church. Dr. and Mrs. Kelzer and their four young daughters drova from Chicago to Salem. Temporarily they are at the William R. Berndt home, 890 Cunningham Lane, but will in a few days have residence at 789 Shewart Street. Emma E. Bloch Silverton Mrs. Emma E. Bloch, 78, died Sunday, No vember 29, at her home, 1212 North Water street. Mra. Bloch was born March 11, 1877, In Wisconsin and had lived In Silverton since 1944. Surviving are her husband. C. Herman Bloch; four sons, William, Silverton; Henry, Eu gene; Herman, Grand Forks, N.D.; and Ernest Bloch, Sa lem; two daughters, Mrs. Em ma Drees, Grand Forks, N.D. and Miss Lillian Bloch, Sil verton; 12 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Trinity Lutheran church at 2 pro. Tuesday, De cember 1, with the Rev. Jos leph A. Luthro officiating. In- will be in Valley Mra. Otfra Alrerta VrOsaa. at tb. nat. Ssass. sea a. nth aa. aw. St. at tha aaa at a re art. But erred ay .net, wo. Jama. W. WUsafl. aaiaau daaahLee, Mre. V.lata Brantur. Salmi dona, Mwraaea Ball or, BTearetl, Wub, Hat Bar. Plapd a. Bailer, aUaaat, Calif, aevd ArtbBT BaUer. aaktml uatar. Mrs. Ida A. atUlar, Lo. Anaelssi four araBckblklrai and ui treat irfthdchUdrea. ersrrlcai Wsdaeeaar. Das. 3. al t p.m. al lbs Vlrall T. ookdsa Cbapsl with lha Ree. WUtord Xaaimaaai ottuieuaa. laMrmeal al Balcraat Mem. rial Para. Mre. aaart-eia SL maiaar lira, anrima H. keeteecer. lata reei- aeat at Salem aaata L aaa 417, al s Va. eel hospital Bar. aa. snrnraa aw aea banS, K juiiaa Melaener, aalami sob, AUaa Wera. MeUMaer, aalsm; aanaktar. Jadr Prtnoaa ISaUanar, aaisml patsatt, afi. and Mra . A. AUamee, Balaar. Or. etatsra, lire, abthar Alkerteoa. Rauar. Mre. H.tlie r. Lanadnv BftrrUBura, ure., and Kalbris M. auraas. Portland: brother. Urn S. eMarasa, (Mirer, Ore. awrlsaa Wedneedar, Dee. a al IS a-m. al tha Clouth-Barrlek Chapel with tb. Bar. Donald raraa .nieieuas. inter ment al Willamette Memorial ran, eu- Sre. A.drer Bteateaeeela '. Mre. Autrer Biumr-eteut. uta raataaai list a oaat au. caauaita, waatt-, a. - Sol.h, tub., Hoe, SI. aurTlraS br hut- aaaa, traaaiB. aivm-rn.-.-., danabtara oarfm woaa aaa f-ve Wead. both at Btbd. Wsah.1 aoa. Sen- - nela wood. ItbeL w.ah.i Mr. and atra V.ttjha Jtckaon. ladspondaBeai tlaurs, kfra BT.rett T.iima ana eeia. Taddr Pile, both of a.leml broUtoTa, AubroT Ambara.r. rianutai. waan., aaa aoaford Amburtar. IBdaiisridlatica. Barr. less Tuesdsr. Doc 1. at 1:M p-ra. ra lha Claash-aatrtek Chapel with Dr. Uord T. Andaiaoa efllct.Uns. tMarmaat at CUP VI. Cemetarr. . ' Mrs. CkarlMt. t Ward Mra. Cbarvatt. 1. warak at ana - deoce. 701 N. Cspltsl avu. Mar. St. Bur- Tlead br Biubsnd. star warn, aaie-ai d. ashler. M1M Bin Victoria Waco. Ba. Ismi motnsr, atra. dame. a. teaaa, rwm dleton.l .utart, Mra wall KnolL Bna Brana. call Mre. Bra awweu. aeui Calif, Mra, Oar Carp, Boot airar, Onv, Mre. Marr McRW, Panowton, mra. Osorta Smith. Tenstasas: bratkar. James ltaaa, Jr, Pendleloa. Berrleaa Wadaap. dar. Daa. t. at 1:M p m. at St. Paul's Bptecopal Churcb orvoer tn. enracttes ca the ciaath-a.moa oa. tha kit. Oeorea H. Swllt cllleleuns. - , View Cemetery under direc- tion of the Ekman Funeral Home. , . DEATHS At tht rtldnct, Rt, 1. Bot fH. Illto, NoTtmbtr . tt ih tvtt of rttri. Bur rtrod mr wnn. Mr, ud Urt. Bar Uc- initMt., tfloitai; outori, coutMa, laiuu, Un. OMtM SsUU BimU. Ulo mUtm of IM M. 4lb 4V, tt m l0C4V hoovlUl HOT, N II IM Mi R Ttm- mitit br kuabual. H. U. Buoll two dotuhtoM, Htm. Araml mlth u4 Kn. Aruur uou, oirvpi wouia clro Buoll, UoiaielaiT, M. J., Mothu BinU. rortloMt 11 franooniMTtB sum is frtot-crutaoiiuam. mam wm Mtaniwr tha ririt Bapiut cnvTon. aanricta will b HaM Tuaadar. Dae. 1. ftk 10 : a.m. ta iba Clout b-Btnfck Ciiapal, Vt, Uor4 T. aliptltravon offuioUM. la tor tat u cur tii comtun. Mrs. rroaooo Bat. BoHmm ,: Mrs. jtraneaa Ruin Haidman, lata Tful. dtnt oi UN B. Comnartbl Bt. la tall city Nor. U. Burvlvod br tlattr, Wro. Olaunor BTuirfpdit, Balon. and lira. waiUr Hardinaa. afort Ore hard aiotbor, Mra. Jacob floor, BUoaiborfl brotbar. Praaklto Whitt&ead, KUaaaburr. Borr-s icaa Wodoaadar. Ooo. S at 2: p.m. ta tbo w. t. Bitdea ObaMt. Zatamaal a$ Bathaor Ctnttarr, BUrartoa. SALEM MARKETS Ooaill- Iraa rtptrta of Salaaa daalara lor tbo laldaoca of Caotlal JoaraaJ raadara. :Balaa dUr. B'tall Faad Frleaai Babbit rollata M (M-llK bai). i-t,oo uoo-ib. ban. Eat Maib 14.45-11 . Dalrr Vaod - lltMN -lb- bM: U HOI 1100 wt.t. raaltrr Bivhit rrlaoo-coiorfd Irrm. fit! old TooaMri. in: eoiorad fowl, Vic: iMhorn lowi, iac: rcaiwi-, Baiar rrleta Efia, aa. mc. ir- -!!-; a.dluia AA. 47e; medium A. itsv .mail. 13c. Baai wholMala priru tfnerallf 1-7 erau hllhtf Ih" J priraa at7urw, -ww auotad at 17c: medluma at lie. Bur, Battarfat Battarlat Buyina brttfa: rramlum. 1 Tl cinU; Ho. 1. lota .U; lartf lot aarly thorn U lb. !td j "artlaod Grata lamb 19, few lood-oholca lamoi 14 17 SO; no fpfdera aoM carlr; aood-tholee iradaa hold abova Hi law cull-ioed alauihtcr twa 3.m-. i 1 -IIM.IMII nioa.' tiiyp- mi-MuvmmtDvmu min,. w w ' : T lr-- ' " ' "-4 " '"' ijf '"r'ia ik-a?v T ' T imaimmmr'-'' --asr.aClti Urn 1 mtmd .itiuMrm. - . Cbicaao LI-aMtoob ,( Chlcaao 0 Mot vrtcaa dropped Moo-' dar as tht heavlaat run alnca BtdJaa- uarr bit the narket. Salable receipt! totaled 1T.OO0 head aaaltut 13.000 a week aro. Blmllar aipaaaloa waa abova at other market. In vie oi tna lane ormaia, natural rtaauit of laat ttek i aoarloc markeU. tha prlt-e atructure did aot dlaplar ua- uaual eakneva. Birrowi ana auti loat to 0 cents while aowa war oil 00 crnbi. Top wu 121 U. Baiabla rattle receip-a or if l ooo wera In Una with ttpactatlone but there waa a aubatantial carrrovar from last wtk'e draair marfcfi. in a aiow traoo sieeT held ateadr while helfera wera aUadr to M rrnta hither. Other aoettoaa of tha rattle trade held ap well. Top wu ill M, off M cento from laat week i blah, for prima atoera. fl.aufhter lambs, retrltnta and aheep held aUadr la a aiodoratalr aetiva trad. Onod to prima aiauibtor lamba so in at ti M to 111 M Other a liable reeelpw Wera astlmated nt 704 calfea and I-S04 aboep. wiartiand Coarse train! unquotaa. Wheat bid. to arrl market, basts Ho. I bulk, dellvarod ooaat: Bolt white 1,34'aJ aott white ieicludlna Ben J-14S; white iub IMS- Hard red wmtar: Ordinary 1.144. Moadar'a car recelpU: Wheat 44. bar 11 I. Hour I; corn . oete IS; mill feed 4 m 4fnife&t Or Y 1 urn. ID Or o ChBn. N.D. nKH. t HAN and LAM CHINESE NATIROPATHH rpsUlra. Ml Nnrth Liberty Office op-n Bat.rd.r anlr 11 ta tolpmillaTpm Contallotlon. .land preteure and artn. uiu .r. free of rherie l-r.eU-d Bne. Itll writ, tor .ttractlr. a:ft K. abll-a.tiea CONCRETE SOLUTION Wall af rVm.l C.L Kan Franciar.. Cal .nre a searre ef tlaaf cr ea acceaat at! Btinar rack stl4a, WU Meae aa saere aiaca is was sssrta cnxat. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shelters CtHsot ll MR SI personm !actfc v.b rTjaca'jvvs-sri 32 doaWHAlfofaiob! Efficient, effective and really economical Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whals of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . '. . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 (or Capitalournal t