Pas 16 THE CAPITAL JUl ivAAL, Salem. Ortfoa Monday, November SO, 195 J FOR SALE HOUSES MOAT BI BOLD TKU Wm Waal l Miwa km, aa hftiut U. Duunt .n.r radocad doaa Fr ll I 4t. atoalalp hiiiih 4. CaU lira. Of !bM ,,, I4ITI. ajat OWNEB 4 aadreaana, llvtoi rfxwal lara. iiKBcn ua mm, dtuilr. ia4 rad. laaialatad. attacaad itrui Mr, aouth T s. liadraea. raaaa t ug xit it a . 4 . ! f0 UWwi oWra aoa. X..l BataUd. Located TM B. lath, -rtaa M.tM. w On. Can mn. Mr As. daraoa. -44M M CaUVath UU C aU4 NEW HOME TOR CHRISTMAS Triad f elL Maw t-btrfrMtm. Out- eundtaa kltcbea. double terse a, oscel Uat loeUoa. Ur diewa pnval. Will test toi ar ear. Phon 2-1511 w l-mi e3tt COULD WRITE A BOOK About IBM piece, hero ere ft ftw of the hub ilia. BOt III BO Aid, 1 Itedrme. I up I down, reel Bic If kitchen cb Book. It. dining rm., full dry kuBl. with Inside outside ent. Oirui. chicken hi. e, bw 404 well eb pump (ell buildings art to excl. eoDtf. all kind of berrl, (in ve rt ir tf dwarf fruit tree. Just a tn In I store farm or nan like ft perk. UittM tot with reel food drain, located Just flub. East oo pvd. R4. Bice surroundings. II,TU, Consider aomt trade oa Lebaaoa property. Ph. 1-4840 ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR 411 N. Hlta Cra. Call Bar Carta .M1I Id MM aja" Only $800 Down for thla 3 bedroom DREAM HOME! Sea the famous .Lock wood Home that hai all of Salem gasping with ad miration. IT a. n. t bedrooms 4) Larta llvint room and dining area with bit picture window 45 Beautifully designed kitchen with natural birch cabinets Both shower aad tirb 4) 4 ft. ward robe aleuta la all bedroom a) Hard-1 wood floors B) ThoraoOBtrolled all or taa furnace 4) Inauialod and w atb tr stripped 4) Larta atorua room Tour cholca of eatarlor and Inttrtor alert Ma dowwepeymect if row owa lot A ppt or. 899.00 par mo, Inelud taa la tercet. Uses, Insurance, ate. - ALL THm WObfDERPTJL faaioraa for fair M3M.M OROCRJI AltS MOW ' BBINO TAKKN, BO MB THB MODEL HOMK TCDAYI PUONB I MU UU SOHK t kadroom fcoaa. 1 A. iMfn lifMl. nMisUdlnn. Itt Bllw ul SotiUiwaat atuaa. rrk iith. O. W. RETV1. lUAUTOK ltat yuatim tt. n. i-N ra. -tll alM JfAkra TOCE dowa paraaoi. Brtncl oav. T badreonuk lnalda WlUtT. Lota o( tarata apaca. r.H.A. kutlt. Phona t-tnl. aw FOR SALE LOTS lft DOWN. 212 month, with water, elee ttlcitr, close to school end stores. OEN BRAL REAL, ESTATE, 3 St Center, Phone 3-13RB. aa3K REAL ESTATE HIGHWAY AND RIVER FRONTAGE SI acres well located on hlthway. Oood 1-room homa, 2-car tarate. Approt I stately 30 aeraa flvtr bottom land. 4fttM atora bulVdlnej la tood condttlnn. fliturts. Ideal epot to develop a trailer park. Owner WanU to take In Belem property. A wonderful opportunity for the aiaa that U looktnt toward the future. HOME IN THE COUNTRY H arras located apprexlmataly 11 milts Bast Lane 1 -bedroom home that ta IB very tood condition. Clarice end workshop. Larta chicken house, barn. ApproitmeUir 10 acres 1b cultivation, balance in paatere with year twound water, bua. milk route, end mall past door. Pike lfl POO. Terms. CALL O. V. HUME or in AN LEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS IffT B Hlfb Rt Ph. 2-4121 Evca 2-11M ar 2-PM1 CUT Trade for Farm N. Pine ranch type home IR. 14 a 12 TMn. 12 X 14 larva kitchen, Insulated, lot 12 l 10, p:uterd, 1144 at- ft. Wanu 10 ta IM acre with cood l Bedroom hnm Must be ill drained, prefera Hubbard AM. M at have at least 40 A. el-aretj. Bea Dob Wall. Eva. phone 4-47. E. of Pratum 132 acre with 1Q A chared, eome rain, soma cress, balance peiture. mod well and 2 eortne. Ttrm 4 rm home, a larta tood barn, fins view, a paved rd. A tood bu at J Ooe. 40 A. to Trade Will take cattle, trior ttaie r cos tract, bouse tn Ralem or rash, or food term to the riant partr. Mas new V rm. Windern riAie. totwt bam and other bids. About 3d A. ct-eied. Balance peeture, tood well end lrr tump. Located aboU 13 ml. B B of Balem. Thla U not hill land. Make us a offer. Price nnlv ;ec4). RFHt BURT PICHA 17, tl. Hlab at. Ph. i-MII flalan 4-mi nit' Journal Wont Ads Pay ClAMIPIED ADTEBTItlva Pot ..1 tiaia. lii Pa, W r 4 1 Twr Ward. I Ihaaa la. Par Ward, t aiaalk aa. Na Bafaada Mlalaaa 14 Warda BBADERA 4a aaal Maa Calama Oalp. rar Word 1 MlalaKBj M Warda T. Plae. Aa I aav Par i Pattrr. rhoiw l-4 Brfara 1, avoa. fLJfl I u REAL ESTATE IMS WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES IF YOU CAN PAY RENT Taa caa Bta ta Uta oaa. Tt'a Blca. Haa waU-ia-waJl carpal. Baa. 111111 raoct. laauiatad. Baua laraa U anapod Uvlod and din lot roaaa. Bkclal floaara and atarua. TviX ariaa aolj 1700 Tarau. CaJ for BAT OBlaC- urrr. a. pb. aim LOTS OF BUILTINS la ibu ftBO hama, Srd baaaatat. Aatonatta OU haat. 1 B.K. ta bo. Oolr rta. aid. II kr lit wt. 1100 at. ft floor apaca. InmlaiM. Juit tbiak, tha full priea u anlp VMM. (Call for MR CBAWrORD. aa. ph. 4 -MM Bist-I AUTOMATIC WASHER AND ANTENNA Ineluoxl la tha aata of this atodani homa. Oworr laavina. Firvplaca. Oar aaa. 1 Blu. ta aclioal. Bu br door. Bap. utility room. Daap lot Full prica aaiir MVM VERY CLEAW An4 attractlra. Oolr S rra. aid. Pvd. St. lojulatad and wtatiiar-airlppad. Bua br door. aVfioul 4 blk. la tha bait of rrpair. Jail think, tbo prica U onir I71W. (Call for ItR. CRAW rORD. ava. ph. 4 -SO J0 aim FAMILY HOME With full baiamrat. 1 Una bad rootnt. ruraaro. Extra food cornor lot. Pvtf. at. Both aMiaa. Savaral fruit trtaa. Oaraat. Mead paint but tha bariala prica af wm oaaUr lua- tlfT tho minor cost. (Call for RAT OarMMETT, tva. ph. 1-7470 81B1.) TRADE FOR ACREAGE OR HOME 4 Rantal unit plua 1 bodrooai llvinf auarUra. ThU could bo uaad for althar a Motor Court or permanent rant a La. Approt. 3 acrai bun war froataie. i of tha unlU aaad aotna work dona, If ron arc a flttr-uppar thla ta tdaal. Bartaia prio iid.OM. (Call ror n. o. "DAN" IAAAK, aa. Ph. 4-14M Bin TRADE FOR FARM OR RANCH An exception ally well eatebllahed man ul taurine plant. Thla plant haa been a laraa monar maker for man? rn. . Ia a lotatloft where labor ta plentiful Equipped ta handle a larce volume of buatnoaa and It U available. Bvarr I thine foeo for (Call for N. I O. "DAN" JBAAK, 00. ph. 4-lftSl TRADE FOR LARGER FARM Thla choice 21 ftcrea of Will, allt eotl la Ideal U you don't want too much work. Haa ft food modern home. I atanchloa bora. Machine ehed. Chick en home. Ho house. No waste land. Deep weU. Fuff price onlr lU.ftOO. 'Call ' for MR. CRAWFORD, ova. ph. 4-5020 EXCELLENT SOIL Ta tha Cheat a wa DUt. This farm has been ft monar maker for many yri. 9 serfs. No waela land. IrrttatloB - well. Modern eleaa 4-bedroom home. Battlna in I rove. One bara witb drlnklne cupb. by 21. One 24 by 2d. 1 larta machine abed. I larta chicken houses. 2-car tar ate. Lota of flowers and shrub. Owner forced to sell, full price 138 WO. Terms. -Call for MR. XaKAVBHB, eve. ph. 1-4.3S Mm.) CHOICE 40 ACRES Ma waste land. Msar Balfin. Oood mod ern bed room house. 40 by 40 barn. Hot bouse. Chicken house. Machine ehed. Oarate. 1 tractor on rubber. Oerdea tractor. Mower. Rake, t discs. 1 harrow. Flow, drill, 1 cow. Every thine toot for only I1S.IM. Owner may aomldrr esxtunte for city property. (Cell for MR. LEAVERS, eve. Ph. 2-7 Blm FHA at CONVENTIOIf IktTOdl , 2 TEARB FEDERAL OI MTO0., 20 TKAKS3 ZJCBMBED ALSO 1st WASH. IDAHO AI Isaak & Co.. Realtor Off. Phone 4-2211 or 2-7IM Bta. I-4H1. 42212. 4-2020. 2-7878. 4-4M7 U bo answer eau ea till Wanted a tood homo up to 129,000 In trada for ft tourist court or a tood piece of lntjome property on Portland Toad. Court has tood 1-bed room home with baseman t. anIU all oa tood corner lot. Income property has taraea buHdiat. abw triplet, duplex and one-bedroom oottete. Room for aipao aioa. Wanted a 2 -bedroom homa la town up to 111.000 In trad for lovely 2-bedroom homa outalda of city south. Beautiful llvinf room with fireplace. Extra lares wardrobe closets, Larta well-land-ecsped lot with variety of fruit. v eluded. eulst neiihborhood. 2 10, W0 with 14000 equity for tradini. Wanted a smell house that U over crowded In trade far a lerie 3-bedroota home with double carat a. Not Just an cm in err 2-bedroom home but en out etendlnt and distinctive home with style to meet tho most dlicrimlnatini of tastes. The moat beautiful hard wood floors you will ever see. Plenty of space for outdoor llvlnt. 201 aouth Hith Phone t-1302 Beleimen't Phones; BveaiBta and flu ruler a 4-1171, 2 JIM 4-13U. 4-Ult. J-1144, 2-427d $500 DOWN Fit 1-bedroom home nar rtenlor hith end Parrtsh Junior Msh. Dandy kltchfo. Larsa tarate. 11,000. Far menis tike rent. Unfinished Home'v new 2 bedrooms with ta rate. Occupied now. Takes litis wort to complete. Only t MO, Will take .Teller lor part. RAMSEY, REALTOR tnaa Nnh commarrial offlr. 4-4111 Eva. l Raartrr. aal.,man I-744, a-a. Jim Raatwr. 4-1IM WANTjrREAL ESTATE NnTKI: It your property for tale, r-nt or exrhanxe, llal It with us. W bave all kinds of cash burets 0TATS F1MANCK CO. REALTOR 13 A. HUh St. ca LOTS NOTifiT then 00 foot wtdth with water. Rea-onably priced. 2-3207. After r m .. 2-0411. tfc3M! Kl .RE tn need af tood boo tea to aell. n r near Balem. If you aiah ta Uat Tfltir property for sale, are QRABRNHORrvT BNOR . KEALTORB 114 8 Liberty Ph. 3-2471 r EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HtfcDv tRK-rt BNITI RE store. Trade for home. Mann e Hardware, Delake. or-ton cbiei WANTED FURNITURE da I REAL ESTATE ITS I bod-teea Bejaaa, tlaat ta wttb hardwood Oaara, fire pi aaa and baeo teeat, aztrft larta kUcnaa. eaaveaieai floor piaa. all far teem will aoa etaot oflar Call Balpfe Maddr. La. okwrt IF I WERE BUYING A HOME!'. 9 Yea, f would fUst laoft far ft ahaiae tocaUoa. such aa Seal Merc land, than I would pick aaa af tha aleeet leu there par ha pa with base tree or two. The X weald cheese ft been that fit lb lot and showed aff weU. such as a reach Up with double terete, af eaaraa I would want all the) fUlnssUrie ttvtaroeas. torteoue fireplace, full dinlat room and ft beaatlful kltchea with disbwaaher. I knew the wife would want aa estra aloe utility ream with a pco t iroa an. thea af aaura II would have ta fit mr Bocketbaak ar around 111 aa As a matter af fact, we lust happea to have eae listed Ted Morrises wm aa gLa4 to show row annusa day or aitht. GOOD FAMILY HOME FOR $10,000 t bedrooms with basement and economies! aswdust furnace, fire Piece, tocatad close to Jr. and Br. Ml fceole and Capital Shoppina Center, OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS" 45T CntI m. phaaa l-ll-1-lli f CalaaBra Ha.rr Tarra. Iltll-Raich uaddf MUI Louta Laraos Ism Tad afarrlaoa. MM IDEAL RESIDENT-OPTIC" LOCATION-LocaM ta Bu.laata Ion,, l drou., rm.. dla. rm.. kluhaa di rkf. dooK. Waplaca. luu aaamt aawduat furaaa. Fried II7M. Taram. CALL H. K. LAYUON. A OOOO BOT TODAT Badaead ra 111 Ma u utu I adrma.. Lm J""1"- ' "a. llllti. Ml aad aui. aldclrla .at nllaa UUuU. Aluchad (araaa. laa. lot. Prtracr. CALL i. B. LAW. LOCATED MORTH AT CLSAKLAKB Nlea aaat 4 rra alailarad r..1 !. aaraaa and alea laacad la jard. Prica IUM. CALL O. H- C-RABENHOR8T, JR. rAIRlioOHT HILL 1 bdrma.. aw. If,, let. lou af fruit, data. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS U4 . Llbartr AW. rh. ,.,, . Braalaia aad Buadara aU Baleiaaa o a Pam. I.aoi. . j. g. Uw ,. . H K Mm For Your lnsurince Need, Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3363 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB LEASE, major oil company service station, xstaaushad buslneaa. tood intonate ci!l 44a. txS79 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Win Every Week! 12.00 on proeesslnc of Rot or Beef. Hois killed Mon., Tues. Beef anytime. Kltllnt. cuttlnt, wrapplnt, c urine, lard (fOQcrua. BEST PRICES DAHL'R aLAUOHTTR HOURB 1MUEPEKOEMCC OREOON 317 LOCKEB BEEP Wrilta taa Uaralord. aoe. Nothiaa dowa, nontha ta par. Ciislora klllloi. Trallar loanad frra. alrrn Haat Co, lia a. Jtia. Ph. 1-4I&I. c. FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIS OPEN FRZDAT MONDAY EVENT? OB d3M AUCTIONS AUCTION of FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4440 CENTER BT BALEM 4M322 FETS PARAKEETS Young and breeders. Put your ChUtma order la now. Merlin Marsh, 1414 Cheater Ave. (off Lanslnt . OC222 REGISTERED Dalmatian puppies. Price 124 end up. Fhone Monmouth 4211. ecllj EQUITY IN beach home for trallar house. Write Boa 94, Olenedea Baaoh, Oregon OC321 TO GIVE to good home, two fluffy Persian kittens. Also, mother cat. Ex cellent mouier. Phone 4-24V ec28la PARAKEETS, choice young birds. Xmae tilts. All colors. Reasonable. Cases, fred. toys. 34 hour ear Ice. Open Xmas. Bird Paradise, 2120 U vines ton, 2122. ec30 ABC REGISTERED collie-pupa. R. C. Ademe, IS miles eaat of Shaw on Silver Creek Falls hlwey. ecSIC BLACK MRRADOR RETRIEVER for sale, reasonable. 1 year, 1 months old. Very alee pat. 4214 Auburn Road. Ba lem. ec3tla CHAMPION BRED Boter puppies. Moores Tropical Fish Equipment. Parakeets, Pets. Mtcleay Road 4-3TT2. Closed Wednesdays. acl It Will. GIVE away to rltht party a seven months female rat terrier. Manuel Keene, Turner. ec382 GLOVER'S SIAMESE kittens and cats. Beauty, centime, Intellltenre, devo tion. Priced rltht. 1-06J2. eel 10" FOB BALE, my pet doca end pups at apedal bartatn price this week I have )ob in eastern Oreeon. Mts Boaters, 2 mile west of Monmouth, nesr Antiorh School in Cooper Hollow. ecll WElMARANtVR ri'F!4. tood hunting stock. Kea.onable. Retistered. C. J. Brlect. Carlton. Ore. c3M CANARIES. FINE CRRt-lTM 4B ttft. Bmall deposit. Phone 1-4JRS. utt rie mfkete. ecltl BAnY FAB.Krrri. tintsr canaries Home cetes. Mrs A. B. Power, Til Bellevue. Between B Winter and Cot tat. -! FUEL ANDERSON'S tl tRWOOD, 2 eorda ti4M. delivered. Phooa 1-7711 or 4-41M aaltr SPECIALS! Oak. Aih. Map:, VIooA. oraana'.aba Wa bar, .n-k plan.r and, WEST .ALEM FVEL PH. i-o!l FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE ta"-fnnt Xea Hamp.ire Qdld en Broad and Arbor Acres White Rock. eery wek. St-ial pncea to ysar around ftrvr crevrs. Foi s Hatch rv 3110 State At Phnna 1 4t t PRODUCE good Worm -free Appi ta tui box 343S Monroe Aw. Ptiooe 3-4214. 11324' W4I.NIY; LtR'.E quettes Fine euslll V. rommfrctallv dried. Wr. No 1111 Jt P'inn s-iaje EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOURJOB?" F -Hat . 8 da .. P-Vn of Beer. da P. Ft v , ft u , O'H . . r-Bupr Oep. ledaer F-D'c ts;' opr. . a.tlM ..8129 ..IIM ..IJJi ,.1704 j)4 F-ifr:., -. M-I-u under at' .800 up tA tie Rf.t Jao COMMFRCML PU-CEMfNT AOENCY 414 State St. tore on Bide J 4-13M ttm REAL ESTATE TRUE Budy Caiabft WANTEDPOSITIONS CABPENTBB 2-14. s REFA1B work. FAINTINO, F API Rff ANQING, day or contract. Bmall Joba welcome. Phone 21083. nM1. FA PES HANOINVJ. palnttnt. Fre Mtl mataa. Dan Lucero. Ph. 22512. h223 LIGHT CBAWLEB doitnt. level hin Int. tradinc. Phone 2-2332. DBK!I8 MAKING. alUretlona. bride. bridal town, Helen Lovatt. phone t-Hll. h3IB. RELIABLE BASF IITTEE- -Will to days or nitrite. Phone j-sm. h20t( LANDACAFINO, tractor and tiller work. ocrvice wenter. mono 41 S7 J. h I TREE WORK. Topplne. trtmmlnt. re- w.ovint. Insured. John Fame. Phone 2-32. h2Bl WOMAN WANTS baby sltUat day or eve in Phone 21222. hist RELIABLE LADT wants housework, ooild care, baby alttlnt anytime. 35313. b3St CARPENTER WORK New construc tion and best of repair O' remodeling. Oaietee a tart at tean. Fhone 4-2231. . - hatr M ICKKN RAira niv enoirav State Licensed Inspected. Fb. 2-T2M D29V MIMEOGRAPHINQ and TYPING. Quality iveasooaoj rates. Mrs. Poe, 462 N. Hth. Fhone 2-1443. h3fll WIEMALB Day nursery. Licensed and m.mvm lUIiRICMIa. aHOHO J-SOIS. BJ9i PAPER HANGING. By the hour. Phone -jiji. hsoa CHILD CAB In mr home. Dsya. Phone 2-441T. 192a s. Commercial St. h28l CABPENTEB Repair, remodel, cablneta and caraera. Small jobs welcome. Phone 4-4380. h303 CHILD CABE la my home. Phone 2-4360. h287 CHILD CARE. dare. Reasonable rates' -none a-iast. h3B6 HOUSEKEEPING JOB la motherless home. Fhone 4-8111 after 4 24 p m. h33T FAINTINO AND DECOBATING. 34 Tears eaiem experience. Free estimates 3-7153. hM1 FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or leese. Cement floors, brick bulldlnt. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-9in. j WANTED TO RENT SI BI RBAN HOME with beiement with option to buy. Writ boa 301, Capital Journal. )alM FOR RENT ROOMS NICELY FUR VI SHED room la basement. Cooking facilities. 232 M WinUr. Ik340 GIRLS ONLY. Kitchen priviletes. Use entire house. TV. 844 M. Winter. Phone 2-4212 or 1-1480. JK30O SLEEPING ROOM for 1 Church. Phone 1-4312. 2. 190 N. jk:90 Bt!tINEHS DIST., warm. Blcaly fur- nlshed Jleeplnt room. Hot and water, lis Center. PLEASANT Bleeping room for gent If man lObO Norway. Phon3-4i4l. jklo TELEVISION, sleeping room, kitchen prlvtletfs. friendly home. 830.94 mon'h Phone 3-1430 Jk: R00M410ARD BOARD AND ROOM for your ated or d Wealed dependant. Frione teormnij 2 -0072. Jil 89 BOOM AND board with packed. lunchw tJt N. Winter. BUSJNESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse Sep arate unit, 44 t 20'. Oeorte Dill. 421 ttb BL, Weak Balem. Phone 14121 ieJOl WAREHOUSE SPACE. New building with lerte parkme area, with ar without of fice ferllltlee. Rail aiding. Drtve-ta and truck dock. ForkUft trucka and pel leu. Capital City Transfer Company Phone 2-14J4. JoJftl FOR RENT HOUSES NEW t-BEDBOOM bouse. Na Children ttft per month. Call 2-2424. i"3"" ONE BEDROOM. Knotty pine kitchen Stove, refrlterator. Phono 14471. jmltt iNl BTd R OOM fura Ished. Fireplace, hardwt.'d floors. Fhone 2-4411. Jmltt 4 BEDROOM house with terete. i. Call 20294 i ONE FOUR room, one rive room. All electric Both red-oretd. 4rden space. Inquire 1244 S. 131h. Jmltt TO BESPONSIBLB people. Newly deco rated 2 bedroom hosae. Mtiy fur B'jahed At 2244 DuBcaa Ave. Capitol a DutrleL 274. Apply at 2104 Duncan Ave. Fhone 11944 )?24 TWOBSDBOM feraUhed bouao. Al. electri. Cloe-ia oa North 41a. 871 Inquire 44M Sllvcrto. Rd. IwUtd SM l.lTt RBEC BOOM house. Complete ly furaWrtad. 24. Also, trailer apace. 814 month. Children welcome. Me peta. 174 Oaferd Fhono2 -ttt9. lmtt l3eaCOI T Hot water heat with new oil burner. I2 Ph. 2-843, Wall eVi lafaty, Real BMtlft. imlkt FORRJNTHOUSES t-HOaOOM ..piu. oumi 11 jctrM ..,. ra. t-iut TWO UDKOOH mtZZ ZT SSLJ'iS!'"-l - tmtrf , ' ". allHwall -oa nui as JatfM1 m m caaur t. - Jauat' . kacaatai aaan- "att. AatMaaua aaaaar. wh aaudlaaa aad aaaa Ha. caaur. a H. WlaWf. taud "if, .V."11"100" . frauhl " ana aa. ar aaaa. 1-1TU. JatfM' MALI. TWO kadrMB kaaaa. 4111 laa caaur ur. l.lit . . "'" .aa Mnaa aauaa. rat forUMt laierautlaa raan. ,-dTli. Jaual "Iw TWO kadrooai lunua. Ooad laea Uaa. taaulr. Mt atoaroa Aaaaaa. i-akoBOOIt aiMara bauaa. Bat witar aaraaa aaian BaHBU du trlct. M puona l-asll jaUU I ONI Uninnif fa.rn.hLt ..., apnit iuuusj. aaauuo ssea Portland Rd. Imltft" FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLOflB TO CAPTTOL d raL partly fura., . arlr.t. aatk, aiala fir. Ml M. Su Burt plena, Bltr.. 17, pi. Htaa at.. i-mt. jpiu VERT NICE aparlmaat. klkbaa full alia. aiaiac room, una, raaai, aa. bad raom. prlrata bath. Puralabad r ua furauhad. 1114 Trada. JpUl COZT l-ROObl, flrat floor. Capital caa- tar. Qulat woataa. S-741. lpn CLEAN APABTMENT. furallhad ar aa- lurniirMo. nrapiaea. atllltr, , atacka ia Holljaaod and Liaam UUL Phoaa " 1PJI4- LEE APTS. Balem't Most DUtlntu Lined Addreu Thorauchly modern. Ideally located, for tbosa dealrlns batur llvtat. One bedroom uniu from; bachelor umu aa low as lot to. inspection ln vlted. in M. Winter. jp3. n BNIMUtD COL'BT apartment. 2 rooms aarase. i.ioao in on north Commir elal. S1. Phone 2-2042 or 2-4444. )p CLEAN S BOOM furnished apartment, with tarate. Rant a, rat r It era tor aad laundry. Utilities furnished. 2M. Fhone 2-ot4. 2141 Haiti Ave. JpIM- AFABTMENT for 3, 2 -room apartmeat, partly furnished. 33T.M. 4 room aparU meat unfurnished, 2.00. Office space, 230.00. 210b Portland Rd. Call at 1st trailer home west. JnStt CLEAN. Of) irT.-i . ... .STZT mem. vwee in. udy preferred. 442 Ferry. JpMb. FURNISHED one bedroom apartment. Close to CapltoL 117 M. 470 M. Winter Phono 2-2242. Jp324 BEAt TIFL'LLT decorated court apart ment. One or two bodrooma. stove, ro frlterstor. automatic washer furnished. 207 S. 12th. Phone 4-2232. JpltV THE BEST three room offer tn town. Clean, modern. Close to business dis trict. Partly furnished. 1041 Edce water St.. Wast Balem. Ip2t2a NICE THREE and five room famished penmen ls. .lose in. azo and up Adults. Fhone 3-3332. Jp222 BACHELOR APARTMENT, ranee and re- irureraior. n Fa I rt rounds Rd. Phone 1-7264 after 4 p.m. J pits GIRL (Sfti, WANTS employed girl to share apartment. Near state offices. Phone 2-3M2 after 1 p m. jpin SEVERAL 2-RM. Ft'RN. apU . with prl vaie bath 122 .50. Bee Burt PlCha, Rltr. 27t N. Hith St.. 3-4047 JpJtt CLOSE IN. furnished 2 room. 220. One room, si i.M. -ient housekeeping, 132.00. Private baths. 429 N. Winter or i w. winter. Phone tlltl. Jp22T BOOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elec- miiifiiiqr. water, neat, furnished. 244. 2190 S. Commerclel af. tor 4. Phone 4-1492. Jp294 in.iinmu i-iuub, eiectne Tans a. iwiiicwiaaor, esa.ow. rnone 3-TOUO. )PlS' BEAUTIFULLY furnished, coar one bed. room aupiex. Larte rooms, close to oue. west Salem, Rent 882.00. 1311 EOtewtter. ISlOt. Eves. 29231. Jp285' CLOSE-fN nice modern furnished thre room apartment. Adults. Phone 1-2490. . JP284 FURNISHED APARTMENT, t rooms, bath, 4i0 04. Adults. 2-2331. 314 a. 14th - 1P38T NEWLY remodeled 1 room and bath. Alto warm basement apartment. 230 lP2.r0 BUSINESS D1ST.. warm and cleajT nicety furnished apartments, 2S4 Cen- - TWO BOOM furnished apartment. Al leclrla. t Oak St. p387' THRFE L.4.RGE rooms furnished, bath. Private entrance. 837 20. Phone 4-8591. 1310 Lanslnt A'tnuo. JpltO HERB IT 1st Clean, convenient, private. 3 room, bath. 13. Includes part utill- tles. Phone 3-4K3. p389 CLEAN rurntshed apartment. Close in Phone 2-7141. JpJM' NICETCLEAN. furnished apt, CVos la" 444 N. Collate. Jp SEVERAL furiAlahed apartment tood location Inquire H L Stiff Furniture Phone 3-iUg5 Jp 2-ROOH APARTMENT. 3110 Falr.-a.inrf. Rd. Ranse and refrlterator. Call 2-7V44 aner a p.m. JpJBS1 2- to 2-RM. Ft'RN. hou.ckeptnt apt.. close to do Mown north prlt en trance, see Burt Fiona, Rlir 272 N. HUh St . 1-4C17 jplta cold COURT APtRTMENTS. utilities fura ; Ished 232 end tSS Trall.r hanat lop rent ar aale, 3319 Portland Rd. jploi 1-BFDBOOM unfurnUhed. larte lower floor. Phone 3-7499 or 2-0901. Jp29 Ttt O THREE-BOOM f uTr 1 hed a a7l I mfrtt. Private bath, entrance. TO. N ) Liberty St. 3-447. jp-ga VERT NICE 1-bedroom furnished end unrurntehed. Innulra at ltM s. 13th. I JpiS F1R.N1,HFD AND t'NTt'RNlSHED 1 and 2-bedroom apartment. Stove, rsns od refrlterator furnished. Fh ipJtt" MISCELLANEOUS REE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DFirVB MOVE TOURS ELF PAVE S CAR PENT ALB - STAKES TANS TTXACO STATION 419 COURT ST. PHONE 1-1811 FAOB STSVENAOP and AL MEFORD m DENTM. PLATE REPAIR 2 mr szn-.Tct ! Muerr caaen DH. HARRY BSMLXR. DENTIBT AdolpM Bdi Bta: Coeimtrdal SU. S 11 EM PH. 2-3311 m JOE PALOOKA 7T CatV SOU S I rVMfwi. THfSt T THAFS PJ6MT. LAOC . W. frVWO M tPlMO AU. VOVOult0eetn. . 1 TWe AUSS rMVVWtWT, ABrCAWS ABfMT I ALMOST HATE TO TAK1 I TVT OCUGM FWW AL, THE TV1N6S TMEV I OOGEX A.C PARLANC ... HE VS WOT WE THOT, THE TITLI AVrAV fBOt Jk faECEPTIOJ AFTER TH DC) FOB! US. Ed A ' I R5CE1VEO SV TH AiAVOB AT AS. fv ,- -ft MOV. T "Tt 4aAADE TH LUNCN AUSTRALIA. TWfJ 1 laZl V CiTV HALL. ..AND A TtCKE. TAPS CWfr. S. ) CJk MUST OB COST B(V WAS A SMALL TOM ; I ITS "rRKEPTlON ON aWOOWV. !qEu0 ) EaaT ". jLa MUMOfdtp aVOf.... aj RETUWN. -p MISCELLANEOUS BAND ORAVBL CO Contract Verb Bead Claartat DiUbaa ewer aad Base meat Baulpeaeal Raatal DtKamc by the Fee Phoao Dart 2 -teat aae. 24411 Of 1-1411 Balem, Ores en BUILDING MATERIALS SALE Oerse daere aaeepleto with bwd 242 M Ovarnaad tea. doora. bwd. .... U tt 4at wa urproaf w aJlbd. , 1 T2 Nails, a it, kacs at 2-22 Maw picture windows at ap Maw oataet atnpped wladowa 14 20 New deBsra, aB alsee AM led wd deore fnsaaa Dapaiatad ceaer sbssea . 0 Ot raiaud ahakaa with undafconrat 10 4 AtaesM akdlne. per a , IN Fiberelaaa rail blanket lasulaUsa, New shake motiidLaa Me Cedar faaoe poaU 20ft taL eepUa tanU 4" east trea sail pipe Ball rooflat. Urta suppiy ,.. 4" solid oraacebura pipe ... t tab eomposltloa roaflat ... Cedar ahlng lac, 4 tradat , Mew tolleu wlU seat , Mew bath tuba complete Double klichea ttaba eoaapleto 40 gal. elaa. water hire , Bil ehawar cabinet eoaipleto 14-2 Elecirla wirlm 12-2 Electrla wlrln . Cheap ... J M ... TM ... 2 22 ... 2s ... .Cheap .. 34 m .. 47 bd .. 41 24 .. .10 .. 41 24 ... 3Se . 24iC Lauadry Uars, pipe, wash baalaa, Bala v. u. Msu at aorta, fa. eMl 1 asL M. of Kerser ata Boon NO. INIULATION, Venetian annus, cau western Auto Bupply Co. for free eaumeto. 2-2111. ma REM ODIUM O db 1MPROVEMCENT LOANB 22 MONTHS TO FAT NO DOWN FATMENT EST I M ATI NO BERVICB ADD AN EXTRA BEDRM.. OARAOE. BtC- ALald UXTTAlLaB HANDLED AT OCR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1111 Lena Ave. Pb. 1-4222 MO PARKIN O PROBLXM ma2l NURSERY STOCK QUALITY ROSES Sturdy, hand select' ea Plants. Middle Or ova Nursery. 4224 suvertaa su. Phono 4-4422. mbllv SHOP FOB SHBDBS AND SAVE. Bpreed- lat Junipers 12-14" and mora. lit. Heathers, 22c Middle Ore a Nursery. UN Silver ton Rd. Fhone 4-4412. mb - FERTILIZER Rotted manure. Weed free. Dellv. ered enyhere. Phone 2-4T74. mb3t)34 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS tilt problemf Handmade tuts talore at Homecraft House, 2001 Pelrtrouadt road. c3t1 USED PIANO, easy terms. 2142. Bros. Used Store. 121 S. Coral. MAYTAO washing machine. Excellent condition. 240. Phone 41240 after 12:00 P. M. n324 USED 4 PC. dinette set, 824.44. Hoct Bros. Used Store. 131 B. Coml. D386 2-PC. HARDWOOD dlnlnt set. 158 M. rworth I10O, Olea Woodry'a. 1404 N. Summer. n2U METAL FENCE Permanent. Na upkeep. Free esti mates, is aaoa. to pay. BORK1AAN LB A. 2420 Slat Bt HDW. CO. Phone 1-2101 n3R ir FBIGIDAIBE, rofrlg. Like new. 8132 20. Automatic 92 mdl. washer. Perfect 8B8 W. Olea Woodry. 1404 M. Sum- mer. n285 USED a nn. Coml. PC. drop leaf breakfast set. hoc c Bros, used Store, 127 8 B340 BEAUTIFUL maple corner hutch. 433.20, Lara china cupboard, 222 24. Olen Woodry. 1402 N. Bummer. Xt2lt USED s PC. chrome dinstt set, 834. Hoct Bros. Uaad Store, 121 8. Com!. n2S6 FBIOlDAfRE Deluxe al. rant. Xxua nice. Only 229 90. Term e Trades. Olea Woodry. 1802 N. Summer. n222 USED DAVENO velour upholsUry. 232.72. Hotg Bros, Used Btore, 137 e Coml. BADIO table. mdL Like new, 1911. Olen Woodry, 120ft M. Summer. n28V SEASONED CEDAR hop posts 20 ft. or cut ta order. Also fence paste in lerte ojuentltleo. Can deliver. B. U Bells r. Banks, Ore., Rt. 1, Phone 193. n2t9 TWIN BEDS complete 811.12. Olea Wood ry. 1801 N. Bummer. n384 PUSH BUTTON car radio. 8 tube Mo torola, 839. One year old. Phone 4-3M0. nUt NEW SPOT LAMPS, 84.88. ry. 1808 M. Summer. Olea Wood B3891 WASHING MACtL. 49.90, apt. SU clec. rente 123.94. desk 17.50, chest of draw ore 22-90, radios 87.60, cast Iron wood circulator 8 J 7.60, 4 pc. dining set 838. hi the hair 1140. trike 23 W. portable phono. 28 00. vacuum cleaner 84.20. laa heater 13 00, thousands of Items all underprlced at Snooks Bertain Center, liM Btata. n28i' USED platform rockers 12 to 113.20. Olen woodry. IBM m. summer. B3t2 CLOTHESLINE POSTS, iron lexa for tables, furniture, railings. 1144 M. Lib erty. n399 NEW Btaelow IMnford 2 X 13 rut. Reg 2118. Soe. 878 21. Limited stock. Hurry to Olea Woodry'a, 1404 N. Summer. nati BATTERIES ALL Cars 44 98. 81-82. Ex- chant 13 months tuarantee. Open till 8.44 dally. Lrtls'a Tire Mert. n383 J PC. purchase mattress, box spring act. Better quality. Only 238.82 complete. Olea Woodry. 1403 N. Summer, nltft DEEPFREEZE HOME freezers. Yeater Appliance Co, 372 Chemekete Phooa 1-4311. a SPEED QUEEN washer, pump. Only 239 54. Woodry'a N. Bummer, nlli STUDIO UPRIGHT. Only 44" hith. Re- linisneo. only siss. just one of the many fine buys et Tallman'a Bit Xmas Sale. Teaman Piano Stores, 395 S 13th, Salem. n387 TYPEWBITEB Standard keyboard. It works OK. 44 54. Also nice portable Noise! ess, 824 24. Olea Woodry's, IflOb N. Summer. n22ft 224.0ft ALLOWED for your old water heater. Rcttrdleu of condition or make, oa a new Wastlacbouse auto mat electric water heater, with a 14 yar tuarantee. Teeter Appliance Co., 272 Chemeketa Bt. Prion 2-4311. a BRtss curtala type flrt ecreena eale. Ill 98. Olea Woodry. 1404 M. Bummer. B38ft OOOD UBD washers, 212 02 v up. Teat- er Appliance Co.. 272 Chemeketa St Phone s-4111. . a YOUTH bed complete. Ill 50. Olea Wood ry, im M. Bummer. bus SAWDUST TIBEB. 474-15, 44 94- Tirt Mart, 4-4031. NEW wrought Dan 1-pc dinette. 842 50. Olea Weodrv a Bargain. 1402 N. Sum mer. B228 FOR SAL! MISCELLANEOUS otPITAL BED far sa-e at raaL B. L. Buff Furniture Ca. Fnaao 2-tlta. a VELOI'B davena act, I PC- claovout, 24t M. Teres. Daianport 12.sw. Odd chatre . tl 20 each. Oiaa Bummer. BvyU-Trede. OOOD tiBED refrtteratart. 242 44 At up. Teeter Appliance Ca 112 Cheamekie Bt. Paeaa 2-4311. MEW 2all cottoatct mas- Beautiful. ton wear in. Only t4 M. Why pay more? Oka Woadry. 1404 m- Bumawr. su EJKCD ELECTB1C BsntOt. 212 24 A) Later Appliance Ca 111 Cbetatketa Bt. FBma 2-4211. e BUBO ta believe. Mew finished bookcase. bed lac. foot A) ralle. Be It elsewhere at 24122. Bee ft et Olena Woadry't at 432 2. 1404 M. aisacear. Terms Tradaa. aU BACAFtv tea-It. M 24. Open Buaday. Lr lie's Ttre Mart. nz' BABT CBIB HJ. Olea Woadrj's. 1402 M. Bummer. wo PLASTIC - K OTB rMulres a wailBi for your floors or linoleum. Teeter Ap pliance Ce, 211 Cbcmeketa aU. Phone 2-4111. FK. aaeilt tire chtaBi Uke new. tt. Bulck 12" wheel Ur tube Bw, iK. 42224. Olea Woadry, ltoft M. worn mar. B22V EN EI-HOLE DESK. Oak drop leaf desk. 12. Via J in, aaa. phone 4-4144. alts MEW 4-way floor Lamps. 22 24. Olen mil Woodry. M. Bummer. BETST BOSS Spinet Plena. Excellent CaU 2-2424. 1214 M. I4lb a32B TENOR sax Beauscnar. ased 2 years. Mew price 4142. Bargain 2124 ar trade lor furniture or what have uf Olea Wood IT, 1408 N. Bummer. nJIS SCOOP Oct roar Wcstlntbouse cloth drrer bow 8188.28. Ycater Appliance Ca.. 214 Chamakata. Phone 2-4211. n MEW picture developing act complete. 212 44. Movie prelector 813 20. Olea Woodry. 1404 M. Bummer. BJtA SPECIAL! ONE WEEK' Mew Sinter light weight portable aewing machine. Round bobbin, aewe forward and reverse, automata tension, hinged or floating fooL ONLY $109.50 tacludee free sewing lessons. Singer Sewing Center 134 N. Com L (Open Friday evenings) XMAS SPC. Ret. 834.7ft Bilk comforters. Only 812.11. Olea Woodry'a, 1404 N. Summec, nltft TBIKB 24. Also bikes. 214. 2 to 224, Also tied. O. Woodry, 1404 M. Summer. B28 PHONO, records. 12 or 10 for 21- Borne new.) Olea Woodry, 1402 N. Summer. B3 ADDING MACHINES. Used band A) elec tric. Clery Multiplier, 1014 Fairgrounds Rd. 2-1312. B3S81 MEW platform rocker aale. 117 41. Wood rr. 1402 N. Summer. B242 It CD. FT. G. B. Commercial Refrleer ator. Double door. Ideal for farm. home, restaurant or tavern. 2 years eld. Only 1129.19. Tester Appliance Co. 212 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-4311. a ' MAHOGANY record cabins t. Spa. 414 Woodry, 1405 N. Bummer. n222' CASH REGISTERS, from 220 up. Clary Multiplier, 1212 Falrtrounds Rd. 2937ft. B398 F.A. SYSTEM complete 240. Olen Woodry. 1402 N. Summer. n383 TALLMAN'S BIO XUAS PIANO SALE! lit Holds A Piano For Xmat DELIVERY Fanatnta Begin Max! Teart BRAND NEW SPINETS, $393 UP Small Mahoeenr Spinet 1339 studio Spinet 347 Mason as Hamlin Console Spinet 198 Bach Spinet 437 Heller Spinet 495 449ft Maw Mahogany Spinet 48ft Btelnwar Console Spinet 897 8742 New Blond Spinet 2 2744 New Halleit ft Davit Spinet .. 274 2788 New Limed Oak Spinet 427 282T New Betsy Roes Spinet 4 11.204 New Knab Spinet I fttany Othore GRANDS, $427 UP Over 240 Plana Bartalne UPRIGHTS, $89 UP Eay terms We carry your contract, OPEN EVERY EVE. Est. 1244 TALLMAN PIANO STORES 224 S. 12U1. Salem 919 S. W. 2th, Portlend USED bedroom sets 2. 878. I Terms. Trade. Olea Woodry, Summer. 1802 N. n! USED YOBK trumpet. Excellent condi tion. One year. Prion 4-1830 evenlncs. B3A4 LARGE chest-o-drswerB. 812 80. Woodry, 1805 N. Bummer. FREE BIO OFFER Oet the 18 24 West inthousa Steam Iroa FREE with a Home Dtmonet-etloB af a new West Ins house Laundromat or clothea dryer. Teeter Appliance Co 274 Chemeketa. phone 1-4311. B" TWIN .BEDS complete. 219.72, Olen ! Woodry. 1804 N. Summer. nlt5' UK ED PIANOS. Rebuilt and tuaranteed for 10 years. Th lartest selection In th N.W. Save at Talunan'a Big Xmn Sale. Tallin en Piano Storea, 325 8 11'. h. Balem. n327 I DATS ONLY!! Unbelievable value, till! lino. rues. 94 24. Limit 2 to a custo mer. Olea Woodry, 1402 N. Summer B3B9 REDUCED $3 per Day Until Sold STARTINO PRICK NOV. It. 877 14 Electric Thermadore Wall HeMer 1.444 WATT DEC. 1, $53 10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Fhone 2-tlll Front ar Court Street WB QIVB SAtH OREEN STAMPS NEW 4-PC bdroom suites. Beautiful ribbon walnut. Very ope. only 814922. Olea Woodry'a. 1804 N. Bummer. n3ll GR4.ND PIANOS. Sale price aurt at S4:t. tTnocoe rrem N dirierent strlea and f!nthes. Don't mtse Tallmtn'a Bit Xmas Sale. Talimaa Plana Store. 394 S. 13th. Balem. a3tl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD gtrcalatiat aeater. fair Upo. ail ML Qiea Wodry. 1404 2L vusaTr. aiaa BABY BLGOT. portable Bathtaeu. Teeter Bab, all far 813 04. Fb 2441. Bled 4 CTBIO foot DMpira. 1344. 11124. BOSS DAVENO Prsoeve 2221. istt diaetle set. alaw B PC. CHBOMB Untta KttJft. Olea Woodry, 1404 M. susasser bj- ONI FLAT ftlto saxophone with caie, 442 04. Fboae 22233 ar 20444. B244 OOOD I'PBIGHT nan. Tuned. Vb price tsA. Olea Woodry. 1444 JL Summer. airs SECTIONAL DAVENPORT aad eormer tftble. Hallywood Bed. Fhaa 24442 1 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Piano. Fbane 2-8114. ELECTRIC RANGES, woodry'a. Ph. aa 2-Bllt. PERSONAL INDEPENDENT private detective. Civil, social, domes tl. Jtessoaeble. phone 22072 Salem. P FBI V ATE Dl'TY Section RotUtored Mursea Food Salt at Peruana uas at Coke Company office. 104 S. Cm marclaL starting at 14 a m. P.U Security detectTvi aoency Private lavestUallone. all types Fa clil Bids. Phone day or altbt 4-1744. P2H AUTOMOBILES FEftrECTt IMS Chev. k ton pickup with canopy. Asking I MOO. Fhone 4-1104 alter 1 .34 ta, 0,344 1S CHEVROLET coup. Heater. Fair condition. Take earthing la part trade, i 2-2444. 0380 1442 FOBD Victoria, RBH. automatic drive, ether extras, low mileage, real clean. Consider trade of older car. Call Dart on ovenlnta. 20X1. 30X32. 0224 SALE OB TBADE. equity la 1244 Cadil lac. Phone 27304. ens IMS PLYMOUTH Suburban. 1300 mil. Owner Fhone 11124. 0 IF TOO ABE LOOKING for ft clean car that It reasonably priced, try thai an. 1244 Pont lac, Hydramatle, radio and beater. Will aell to best offer before December 1st. Phone 2-3113. e.321 1244 fobd 4-door. Radio, heater, over. drive. 3104 La St. 4-1430. 32ta AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co., expert will eolvo your prob lem aad tftvo too money. Free et! mates, apeedy service. Center at Lib erty. K TRUCKS 1444 K1 1NTEBNATIONAL 4-yard dumb. good condition. Edwla Honor. Rt. 2, Box 42, Be lo. ed3tft HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-7 CAT FOB HIRE. 'Phone 8-4444. Wil liam Phillips. 33SO Abremj St. qe3t FINANCIAL Lie B ill end M)3t and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear - "Top Trades" 12 05 Dally KSLM 1390 K. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS lit Bo. Commercial BL ' Tel. 1-9111 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Bitnature, Furniture, Cer AT PERSONAL. It'e "reB" promptly to emplored man or womta. 1 -visit loaa . . phone first Vou select best pa 7 meat data Between payday loans Phone, write or come la TODATI Personal Finance Co. 148 S HIGH BT, SALEM State License Not. IV 131. M-14S Loans over 2204 up to 21400 and UP to 20 months to repay made by Personal Plnanc Co. of Marlon County under th Industrial Loaa Companies Act of Oregon. r285 CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 BEB FRED SCHOTT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS SEX US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAGE IdUAna BUT OP TERMS WE BUY Real aateta Mortgagee at contracts, State Finance Co. 161 So. High St. Ph. 2-4121 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. S04CRT W 4 OK MS EN pais $87 Court vac 4-22SJ WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us All t'pes of personal leans. Terms to an it. Na 'lavaetltatloa charges. AU dealing a Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. Ill, ralnmoda ftaad (Kan Daar ta Baat) Praa Farklo, Lot CaU s-TMt AUTO LOAN. WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO, 141 aouth Cnarca Parkla. o--laatp n. I-Ml Ua. Ma. It-Iaa, U4 TRAILERS TWO-WHEEL TBAILEB Tar I ehanaa! fraaia. Pboaa I-S4IT. By Ham Fisher