' Monday, November SO, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Safe. Ortfoa Pao II tig Tele-Views Radio-Television CHIANG GREETS RHEE Chieaf UmUck Uum. 1:4 U 4:M, TMWay Full hour lire tetscaM by NBS-TV ram International Livestock Expouuoo. VWwi will at display of oris, catue, '"' by th. ludttun of too (rand champion eleer. market pica, lamba and aleers; demonstrations of meat cutting and eooking; Interne with key farm and livestock authorities. Noted farm authorities wUl describe the events. -Farmar lon will be a special program carried by radio KEX between 12:30 and 1:00 pm.. Tuesday December 1. by direct wire from the Chleato Livestock Exposition where KEX'I Farmer Iran Jones will participate In the awardlnc of toe Orand Campion. MONDAY PROGRAMS- ' KFTV: The Teymaker. 4 Sa A visit to tlx Toyaiakert shop with rrcd Oternua a the lioymaker Bar Z1 Corral. t-.M Peaturet Heck Harper. t , renUae Flthts, J Prelim.: Gordon Ferrer vs. Johnny Koek to 4-round 137 lb. bout. Main: Russel Tagu ts. Milton Scott tn i-round bUtArthdr Murray Dane Party, !: Oroucho Man will be the ruest of Kay Murray. V4r. of FlresUne, g: Show celebrate tha Xth annlTenary of Firestone, full hour program features Rise Stevens, Eleanor 8te bar. Robert Rounseville, Jerome Hlnes. Brian Sullivan, and Thome T. Thomas. .L Robert Menlfemery FresenU. :!-" Deep 81" star John rtyn with -Scott Forbea In an sU-male cast. Nile OWL Theatre, 11:1-"Duke Oomea Back' tarring Allan Lane. Heather Ancel and Genevieve Tobln. XOIN'TV I .m'. Carry Meet Shew SWT Allen subsUtutes tor Oarry hS-li0.ra:AriHfhsJr Theatre "The Cheaters" ttarrtng Joseph Bchlldkraut. Bi:iie Burke and Eugene Pallette. T p.m.. Stadia One "A Bargain With God start Hiram Sher man and Estelle Win wood In a story of priest and his flock and bow they met a crisis. S ).n. Burns and Allen Oracle assumes Harry Von Zell la broke and calls tha welfare department to look Into his sad plight. 1:30 un. Adelph Men). "Strange Journey" stars Colin Tapley and Helen Horton. Story concerns a clerk who Ueals 6,000 pounds and ends up victim of an ironic error. p.m., I Lore Lucy Suspicion points to Lucy as the mysterious burglar, "Madame X" when she and Ethel Merta .jlay amateur sleuth. 10 jn, American TV Theatre "Westward the Sun" stars Jackie Cooper and Brenda Bruce with Richard Ney. Story set in war-time London concerns American private and London shop-girl. II pjn Showtime on Six "Thunder Pass" starring Charles Bickford. Marsha Hunt and J. Carroll Nlsh. ON KOIN-TV TUESDAY: S p.m., Garry Moor Shaw Steve Allen Is substituting for Oarry wno is on vacation. 1:15 a.m.. Armchair Theatre "Shepherd of the darks" starring Marilyn Hare ana iranc Aioenson. 8:M ojn. The Vigilantes Western serial. 8:45 pjn.. Jane Freman Show Fran Palm Springs, Jane tings "California Here I Come," "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," 'SWonoerrur' and "sou no of -Lore." quartet ' oilers "rust's au and Peter Birch and dancers nresent the "Broken Record Dance." 1:0 p.m.. Orient Express "Red Sash" stars Paul Lucas and Tala Birell. Story of a concert violinist obsessed with the desire to do aomemlner on his own. 1:1 p.m Red Skelten Red demonstrates how to carve a turkey as Clem Kadlddlehopper. He also lectures on tn art of developing hobby. :J p.m Suspense "My Short Walk to Freedom" tells of fugitive from Russian concentration camp cornered in his Budapest none arm ma gamuie ior a uie outeaae uie iron vUlteun. Start joseon Anuiony ana Jonn Barasrey.. 1 pm. Danger "Towerman" start Jackie Cooper and Chester Morris. A taut drama of conflict between two brothers In a lonely railroad tower. 1S:30 pjn. Make Room for Daddy Danny Thomas wrongfully accuses his son of spending a missing dollar to buy lollipops. Jean Hagen plays Danny's wife and Rusty Hammer plays the -year-old son. 11 pjnShewtlme an Six "Topper" starring Roland Young, Gary unnt sua vuubiwk jxannt, l rs x II il '-' A I Jaycees Initiate At Sweet Home Parent Education Program Tops Silverton PTA Agenda I the "Toymaker." My cmnaiown.' "Carloca," "Inter- series. Is LATER TUESDAY ON KPTV: Tha Teymaker, 4:S FYpd Glermsnn stars I IJberace, 7-Selections tnelnde: "Chinatown, "Come Back to Sorrento." "Cocktails for Two." metro." "I Cant Olve You Anything But Love." Miltan Berle, SWack Webb, star of the "Dragnet' HerV eniaat h Fireside Theatre. '"Hie Alien" stars Don Keefer. Ron Haeertv and Jean Howell. A Polish-American discovers how much hi coun try meant to mm just at ne la about to leave. Circle Theatre. :J "A Little Morning to Sell I Led Three Uvet. 1:S0 Herb Phllbrlck (Richard Cartecnl Is ordered by the Reds to help smuggle a foreign comrad Into the United States. Nit Owl Theatre, 11:1a "Riot Squad" starring Richard Crom w n and Rita Qulgley. On Television KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF MONPAT Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMANevT," PHONE I-191J Yalley TV Center 13 Q J Falrrroonds Rd. Sales - Senrtce InsUIImtlOB Open Till 9 p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to C p.m. I:H 9.U. KPTV ftobtrt llmtf omtTT KOIK- Rtd But tow 1I:M p.m. KPTV Arthur UurrtT Dane KOIK O. . Steal Jhow U:M p.m. KPTV 11th Boar Km Konf uowum m mx 11:1 p.m. KPTV Wtathtr V 11:11 p.m. KPTV Kit Owl Thtittr U KPTV Kltldlt Corntr 10 M a.m. rPTV Dim Dong School l:Jt .m. KPTV Whit's CMklagf ll:0l a.m. KPTV Hawklm PalU 11: la a.m. KPTV Tbt BtnnttU 11:1 a.m. KPTV PrUnd ( Ptmll U 00 a.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Big Parelf U H p.m. KPTV ThU la tha LlH KOIN Bob Croiby 1:00 p m. KPTV Matin ta Thtattr KOIK Lort e( Ula . 11:11 a m. kptv M 1 1 bh KOIN B?irh Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. KPTV MatMM KOIN Outdlni Ulht 1:40 pm. KPTV Ma tin pi KOIN Valtent Ladr 1M p.m. KPTV Matin ta KOIN Doubla Nothlnt fl:10 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN-Btrlka It Kich I 00 p.m. KPTV-Katt Smith KOIN Oarry XJonra l it p m. KPTV Kata Pmfth KOIN Armcnalr Thaatar I M pm. KPTV takta Smith KOIN Armchair ThatT 4 M p.m. KTrV Weleoma Tra-alert KOIN Armchair ThaaUr 4 30 P.m. rPTV Tortnakrr KOIN Armchair Thtattr 4 p m. kptv Torkr KOIN Mr. Moon t ot n m. kptv Howdr Ooodr KOIN Saddle Pa la 1:10 p.m. KPTV Bar ST Corral KOIN LaurtI and Hardr I N p.m. KPTV Wild Bill Htckok KOIN Muter Weatnenaaa SO P.m. KPTV Mill Knda KOIN Dout Edwarda :B p.m. KPTV North weal Dlittl KOIN Oraataat Drama :00 p.m. KPTV Chicago PllbU KOIN huiio Una 1:M p.m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dane KOIN Stadia Out t:4a p.m. KPTV Ntwa Caravan KOIN tttdia Ont I N p.m. KPTV Namt That Tun KUIN Burnt and Allan 10 p.m. KPTV Vote f Plraaton POIN Adolpb Mrnioa I 00 p m. KPTV Vote Ptrtttaa KOIN I Lot Luct MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sale Servic Initollatien Open freas Bai. u a at. Hi. I-Ull 114 S, (L talent's First Tetertslta Stat Salem Heights Three Children Die in Fire President Syngmaa Rhe of South Korea arrive in Taipeh, Formosa, lor a surprise visit with Generalissimo Chiang Kti-shek of Nationalist Chin. Greeting him at the airport are, left to right: Chiang, Korean Ambss udor Kim Hng II and Rhee. Back to camera if National ist Premier Chen Cheng. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Taipeh) Silverton One phase of the vocal instructional programs having to do with parent edu cation regarding both pre school aged children and those in the beginning and intermed iate yean o school, it tne Four Corners Outtmm TELEVISION ) Sole Sarvii O Installation MITCHELL RADIO t TV 1880 Stat St. Ph.3-7577 TUYSDAY I 41 s.m. KPTV KIMIt Conin II M I B. KPTV Dins Doni aehMI 14:3s i. KPTV what's Coeklntl 11:11 s.m. rPTV HiwklM P.1U 11:1 s.b. KPTV Tha BaaBttu U:M . n. KPTV Pt1b4 al Panllr 11:04 li. KPTV Int. Lhailoek ahow KOIN Bit Parolf 11 14 P B. KPTV Dion. Local aha KOIN Bob Croibr 1:44 p.m. KPTV Ma! ism ahav KOIN Lora at Ula 1:14 p.m. KPTV HatlDtt KOIN Search Tomorre 1:14 a m. KPTV Matlnra KOtN Ouldloa Lilht 1 44 P B. KPTV llallnia rOIN Vall.nl LaaT I 44 P B. KPTV Mallnaa Thaatar KOIN I'll Bur Thai 1:14 p.m. KPTV On Tour Account KOIN Htrlka It Rich 1:04 p. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Oarrp Moora I II a. KPTV Kata aalth KOIN Armchair Thaater 1:14 P B. ':PTV Kata Rmlth KOIN Armchair Thaatar 4 44 P.m. KPTV Walcama Trivcl.ra KOIN Armchair Thaatar 4 14 PB. KPTV Tha Torm.krr KOIN Armchair Thaatar 4:44 S.B. KPTV Tha Tarmakar KOIN 1ST. 14000 1:44 p.m. KPTV Howar Doadr POIN eaodla Pals 1:14 P B. PPTV Bar 11 Corral KOIN S.odla PaU 4:44 P B. KPTV Trrrp and PtraUa KOIN Mutar Wratharmaa I II p.m. KPTV Trrrr asd Plrataa KOIN Phete Quia 4:14 p.B. KPTV-ertranl. Aaatare KUIN ucus Edwarda Navs 4:44 p.m. KPTV NW N.wiparto KOIN Jane Proma ahe t:44 P B. KPTV Liber ace KOIN Ranae Rider 1:14 p.m. KPTV Diana Shore koin tan orid mutes 4.44 II. KPTV Milton Berle KOIN Orient Kapreaa 4.14 p.m. rPTV Milton Berla KOIN Rd akeltaa I p.m. KPTV Pi repute Thaatat KOIN Captarad 4:14 p.m. KPTV Circle Thaatar rOIN euapenee I4:M P B. KPTV Judse Pet Teersell KOIN Daneer 14 N I S KPTV I Lad Three Lleee KOIN Make Roob far Daotr 11:44 P m. PPTV Poater a Re.i KOIN-ahowtlma aa lt 11:14 pm. KPTV Weether Vane 11:14 pm. KPTV Kite Owl Theater Four Corners 4-H club completing their projects for the month Include the Busy Corner tewing 1 with Mrs. Al fred Knieling and Mrs. R. W. Clements as co-leaders. There are nine girls in this club. They displayed their completed art icles at the Four Comers school open house. They meet every Wednesday alter school In the Knieling home. Plans were made for a Christmas party. The pins and needles sewing 1 has nine girls with Mrs. Vir gil Lamb leader, and Mrs. E. M. White assistant. They meet the second and fourth Tuesdays at- ter school in room 8. The Salt and Pepper Cooking 1 group also has nine girls with Mrs. Orville Rehfeld and Mrs. Arthur Roloft as co-leaders and meet the second and fourth Tuesdays after school. A Christ mas party was planned. The Rickey Rustlers Live stock club with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stafek as leaders met on Friday evening in the William Vogt home with Larry Vogt presiding. This club has six members, there were four pres ent. Darrel Stafek and Vernon were each awarded a county 4-H scholarship for young breeders with Darrel taking first place. Each member of the club has a livestock project. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pierpoint were dinner hosts on Thursday to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Drakeley, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cochran, Mrs. Clarice Stewart, Donna, Dianna and Everett Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ensminger and Gary and Randy Pierpoint. Calling in the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. William C. Drake ley, Jr., Bill, Janice and Linda Drakeley, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Drakeley, Judy and Tommy of Seattle, Wash. It was a re union of the Drakeley family with the exception of Mr. and Mr. Ray K. Drakeley of New York and Miss Betty Ensminger of Portland. Ore. Mrs. Emeiyn Branson and her 3rd, 4th grade students pre sented the Thanksgiving pro gram before the students, fac ulty and room mothers. Lead ing the flag salute was Roy Gordon. Theme was Thanks giving 300 years ago. In the play Indians for Thanksgiving, the characters were children, Jessie Crabb, Darlene Under wood, Deanna Warren; the mother, Judith Kilgore; father, Allen Trachsel; little Indian, Ronnia Mcllnap; the Pilgrims, Sharon Towne, Aaron Thayer, Larry Carnine, Diane Corbett, Linda Jones, Connie Rehfeld, Nancy Ahrendt, Joyce Meyer. The Indians, Larry Lahman, Ronald Reichenberger, Russell Wymore, Cheryl DeBerry, Marguerite Coop, Lois Marsh, Randy Pierpoint, Mike Smith Jackie Weekly, Wayne Wolfe, Bobby Dinigan, Wanda Cade and Helene Her ri returned to school after sev eral weeks Illness. The third edition of The Echo came Wed-neday. Family Relations" meetings carried on by Mrs. C. B. Cal kins, chairman, and numerous assistants, following special course classes at Salem on sub ject of both parent and child behavior. At the past week's evening meeting, 20 attended at the Eugene Field library room. "Fears of Childhood" a film study, loaned by the Marion County TB and Health asso ciation, was shown, and fol lowed by discussion. Helping the chairman, Mrs. Calkins, officially, were Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr., PTA chair man of the health committee, and Mrs. Allan Brown, 2nd vice president of the PTA. Both assistants have studied the work in Salem, as well as Mrs. Calkins, during the three years of Family Relation studies in Silverton. Methods of Instructional dis cussion in the meetings are of the group dynamic technique, with the topic: "Self Under standing" presented at the last meeting, oy a leaaer, a ream ing and a chalk talk. Mimeo graph copies of the lesson are handed out succeeding the study hour. This committee on "Family Relations" is to be the tea ture of the program of the January Parent Teacher As sociation which meets the first Thursday evening of each month, when Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. Allan Brown will serve as co-chairmen. The speaker on the program will be the state president of the Parent Teacher Association Mrs. Helmer Lindstrom of As toria, who is interested in the Family Relations move. Mt. Angel Collects Clothes for Korea Mt. Angel The St. Mary's school will serve aa a collec tion depot for the annual arch bishop's Thanksgiving clothing drive, conducted this week in all Catholic parishes, to receive donations of used but service able clothing, blankets, and shoes for relief of the destitute men, women and children of Korea, Europe, the Near and Far East. The appeal is part of a na tionwide effort under auspices of War Relief Services of the National Catholic Welfare Con ference, which in the past 10 years has made available for free distribution overseas re lief materials having a total gross weight of more than SMI million pounds and valued at J212. 365.000. AU materials are given to those most in need regardless of race, creed or color. If cash is contributed, checks should be msde payable to "Thanksgiving Clothing Col lection," and either sent or brought to the Rev. Cyril Le- bold, O.S B , pastor of St Mary's parish. Jaycee-Ettes Hold Election Sweet Home Mrs. D. L. Durham was elected president for the 19S4 term for the Sweet Home Jaycee-Ettes, in a dinner party meeting which was held at Virgue's Country club. Elected to serve with Mrs. Durham are Mrs. Larry Dun can, -vice president; Mrs. Mer vin Hansca, secretary; Mrs. Earl McFarland, treasurer, and Mrs. Ron Trueb, membership chairman. Mrs. R, J. Bryant, Mrs. George Lund and Mra, Earl McFarland were appointed to serve on the annual project of the auxiliary to take care of presentation of a complete lay ette to the first born of the year from Sweet Home. Entertainment of the evening Included several vocal selec tions by Miss Sharon Burnett who was accompanied by Mrs. myrtle uaies. Mrs. Burt Amos was winner of the prize during tha evening. Sweet Home Lon CummU- key, Paul McLaln, Dsv Wolfe, Rod Hansen, Roy Pct- ermen. Bill Penny and Wan- dell Crouch, wer initiated in to th Sweet Horn Junior Chamber of Commerc at the last meeting by Don Keltxer of Salem, who it a member of th national Jayee beard of directors. Re I tier also preceded -the installation ceremonies with a talk aimed at pointing out th purposes, aims and ideals of th organisation. Another speaker ot th eve ning was Ralph Cobb of Eu gene, state Jayce presideift. Candidates who wer chos en for th 1954 term by th nominating committee wr Bill BirdsalL president: Dick Durham, vice-president; Mike Fiasco and Donn Bonham, secretary; Frank KlkeL treas urer, and Osburn Shaw Bill Rhodes, Del Ripley, Ron Trueb, Roy Eamea and LeRoy senroeder, board member. Election will be held Decem ber 3. Wayne Roberta, who Is th last active charter member of the Sweet Horn Chamber ot Comerce, announced that his withdrawal of affiliation with the local club sine he It mov ing to Eugene. ' Salem Heights A court of honor was held it the regular meeting of Boy Scout troop It last week t th Salem Heights community hall. Th opening flag ceremony waa conducted by the Owl pa trol. Lane Olson and William Rector war In charge ot th tenderfoot Invest ur ceremony and presented badges to Bill Kanz, Rodney Raymond, Den nis Neils-a, Charles Harris, Jerry Reiwald, Warern Harvey, Jerry Burger, Ed Bacon and Emmett Meyers. Second class) a wards, pre nted by Nathan Steinbock, went to Howard Smith, Kim Clark, Don Miller. Wayn Bry ant, Bill Crandall, Olin Teston, Emmett Meyer and John Meek- Drunk Driver Fined By Albany Court Albany Howard Moore, 31, 21S E. Front St.. Albany, was fined $173 in district court after h had pleaded guilty to a charge ot drunken driving on which be had been arrested Tuesday on the Pacific high way her by a stat pollc of ficer. Sam Looney, Albany, was re leased on his own recognizance after being arraigned on charge of assault and battery, accused of assaulting Kenneth W. Taylor Sunday. Looney booked for trial Monday. . KiKOHUirMlID Accepted by the American Miirai AauYittton Council on Physical Medicine. FLOYD BENNETT Senator Hotel First class awards, presented by E. W. Proctor, Sr., to Gail Wirght, Darrell Rybloora and Russell BarUetL Delbert Rod acker received th Star Scout award, presented by Lane Ol son. Merit Badge went to; Delbert Rodacher, Bob Miller; and William Rector, and were presented by Elmer Thompson, i William Rector was present ed th Roundup award for the most new members in th troop. y Th troop Viewed slides of northwest scene tn . scouting events, many ot them local. Loe Olson showed them. - At a troop committee meet ing th group decided to sell Christmas trees, with Bruce Crandall as general chairman; E. W. Rector, Sr., advertising; Stanley Teston, scheduling work patrols; and Charles Ry- bloom, display. Tha trees will be sold at a lot near th city limits in the South Salem area. Chicago Thre terror, stricken children died huddled in their bed when burning broom spread fir through basement apartment yesterday but fourth tied Into th hall and survived. , Sylvia Guy, 4, who was overcome by smok but .re vived, told pollc ber dead brother, Albert 3, had poked th broom Into th gs heater. Also dead were Philip, S, and Geraldln. month. Th father, WLUard, 13, an unem ployed (teelworker, said ho left the children alon to pick up hit waitress wit. Marilyn, 34. Th average adult cats hit weight in food every S to t weeks or a little mor than Vt of a ton of food a year. HEALTH TO YOU; After Correcting HEMORRHOIDS . :. ; (PIUS) Flttala, titsare, PreUpM aai Other Beclal Dmwotrt. With eat HiUUsaU.B. Stemneh. Clem aad other Difatnw Dawratra. . Writ ar Call far Pre De ad, pur BaweUet Tay. Dr. B. Reynolds Clinic . Natarapath rrsctolulat 1144 Cnter St rhnl-t4M ... Woodbum WCTU Plans Xmas Party Wood burn At the Novem ber meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in Woodbum plana were made for a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Warren Donner on Dec. 18. There will be a gift ex change and members are asked to bring a gift for the Chil dren's Farm Home at Corvallis. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Eunice Cole who was assisted by Miss Rowens Cole, Mrs. J. B. Gay and Mrs. Fred Anderson. lflHfNOW7 NIW,TUMLISS "toyae-l" 3 -TRANSISTOR HIARINO AID CluBami . mania, cm ae ameaBBBa - TU "A" waaarfl Ha "B" f 1 Li t emeu. Oreiwr atamyl JslaamwaSJ (7 Maken of Zentia TV aad kadaot Morrif Optical Co. 444 Stat 8L Phont 1-5513 I OFr DCLMM nCr:3J Don't Miss Our 1 Q! &4fjjtvrJaMec wiaiii TV TROUBLES? Technician on Doty Till t:l p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1413S. 12th rh. 4S51I 65 WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Ueorg Auto-Truck-Fire OSKO INSURANCE , AGENCY 146S N. Capitol St. Phono 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping StS. on Hiway Going North , Bill j ratui 9a. , l&lia jllilllil with any 1954 Philco Tlvitioft Console I Buy during thie 25-year leadership celebration and 8avi1 Offer include thie Philco 4108 with truo-to-lif Deep DirMraion 21-inch TV picture plua Directional irHP-VHF Built-in Aerial! Wide rang of other rnodeea. PRALL will fir ya an amating trade-in allow ance an your aid rsdio, phonograph, combination, r plan. N cash required antli Janaary. Pro s 220 N. Liberty (OPEN EVERY EYENIN6 TILL 9) APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAI CO 2SS N. LIBERTY , Authorized Repair on All Major Appliance and AU Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances v Ivan Royse and wait Claus. Owner CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND , GRAVEL At rVTioHoif Frry Rt I, Gervals Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock , Prompt, Courteous Service . Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 K0WSER BROS 1183 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers Air Coma pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Movrer Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engine FLOOR COVERINGS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 217 S. HIGH ST. " Armstrong It Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Givenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbine Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTINQ Complete Servic on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Mschlnes, Calculators, Accounting Mschlnes SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. S31 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewater St OR S-37 ROAD WEST SALEM ROAD OILING TWEEDIE FUEL OILS i OILINO STANDARD OIL DEALER ' PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING It HEATING Repairing SSS Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 R0UI soviet W glv Penny Sever Stimp THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-31S7 DO I Ubartf 310 (rl Dttnntwi 2440 (raw, Ktdkal Cttttl 14-HOUR SERVICE Servic for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M to 11:00 P.M. 1 130 S. Liberty Stor Open 12:00 to Z 00 P M. and :00 PJ4. to 00 P.M. AU Sundayt and Holidays Radio Repair S.SM: Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S Radio-Tlviiion 1880 Stat Motorola Dealer tor " General Electric Pick up and Delivery - TELEVISION Service0 Ph. JtSlSUSi VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER Z303 Fairgrounds Rd In Woodbum at 171 Grant St DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR HOFFMAN