c P d)Huiil 5 tr r-- i- 1 1 Ex-Vancouver Pilot Succeeds Hugh Luby By C. A. JONES The signature of Harvey Storey to a contract as play ing manager lor the Salem Senators was applied by the deposed Var.rouver pilot in the cool recesses of. Waters lield Sunday afternoon. ' That made it official that the Salem board of directors had chosen the bat-swinging third baseman to succeed Hugh Luby, retiring from 22 years of treading the base paths. Storey, 36 years old, hit .343 while managing Van couver last year and led regu lar third sackers in fielding with a .939 percentage. Storey's stay at Vancouver after starring for 13 years in the Pacific coast league was even more remarkable becuse with a team which was last in batting averages, .259, Van couver finished fourth in the tu-Bi. nou buu uwiu mi uit c-. ond nail, just 2Vi games oui great future for' him in Spo of first when September roll-1 kane " said Hotchkiss, who will ed around The new manager was chosen over other prospects who included Bay Perry of the Bakersfield, Calif., State league team and Mike McCor mick of Wenatchee. Entered Ball in 1936 The friendly Storey entered pro baseball with Portland in 1936, five years after Luby had broken into .baseball in Nebraska in 1931. Storey went to Tacoma in 1937, to the San Francisco Seals in 1938 as shortstop for three years, then to Los Angeles as property of the Chicago Cubs in 1941. The season of 1942 found him with Milwaukee and Tulsa and he spent three years in the Navy, coming out to play at Portland In 1946 to lead the PCL hitting circle with .326. The San Diego Padres had his services for four seasons from 1949 to 1952. The Forest Grove resident is married and the father of three children, two boyi and a daughter. Man Mountain ' Jr. 'Smashes' Dan O'Suljivan Silverton Man Mountain Dean, Jr., threw his weight around a little too much here Saturday night In tossing 225 pound Irish Danny O'Sullivan in the feature wrestling event. Not only did the giant 371 pounder pin O'Sullivan but fell on the lighter, prostrate man after the deciding fall, much to the dismay of the capacity house. Dean won the first .and third falls to remain unbeaten in the Northwest. Gerry Hunter, said to be women's middleweight cham pion, defeated Ruth Zbyszko in the best two of three falls. Delia Menning won from Jerry Adams with a full nel son hold with her legs. In a special tag team etent, Miss Hunter and Miss Adams were disqualified for rough ness, using a strangle hold on one of the girls tied uP In the ropes. ON TV TONIGHT New York U.R Brian Kelly, clam-bang lightweight of Ni agara Falls, Ont., was favored at 7-5 to beat Freddie Herman of Los Angeles tonight in their televised 10-rounder at .the Eastern Parkwayjsrena. . Basketball Scores ' COI.LEGS BASKETRTLL By The Associated PUreae Sandar'a Keeelts Ntaiara Sf, Assumption Oct. 64. St. Hull Minn. 83, Lorae 84. ''Saturday's: Resalts IA8T ' DiTton 71, Canlslus S3. Bolitra N. Tilt II. Murray. Kr , 68, St. Bonaeenture 60. Syracuse 86. Ithaca 66. CCNY 67, Hunter 64. 8(11 TH Western, Kentuck. 86, Kentucky Wes ieran 74. Eastern Kentucky 136, Johnson Bible 74. MIDWEST Chlcato Loyola 74, Rlpon 31. Wayne. Mich.. 76, Valparaiso 68. Wabash 81. Hope 68. Oklahoma City 18, Ada Tex. Oilers II. Peru. Neb., 76, Simpson 17. Belolt 81. Wheeton 76. FAR WEST Dickinson. H. D, S3, Rocky Moun tain 66. " no BASKETBALL By The Associated Press Sandar'a Kesalte Syr acute 101, Baltimore S3. Port Wayne 63, Philadelphia s. Minneapolis 86, Boston 83. ' New Tork 69, Rochester 64. Saturday's Beialts New Tork 85. Rochester 0, overtime. Port .Wayne 83, Baltimore II. Boston II, Syracuse 80. Milwaukee- 71. Philadelphia 68. FAN FARE Spokane Says Mize to Be Offered Job Spokane ) The owner of the Spokane Indians said Sat urday he will offer Johnny Mize a job as manager of the class A Western International League baseball club. Roy Hotchkiss, who has said he is ready to get out of base ball, said he will also try to interest Mize in buying a part or all of the. team. Mize was made a free agent by the New York Yankees on Friday. The- veteran major league first baseman has indi cated he is interested in hook ing on as a minor league man ager. j ueiieve mere would be a leave for Atlanta Sunday to at tend the National Association of Minor League's meeting. Mize will be there. Spokane, once the best draw ing team in Class B baseball, hasn't supported the game well in recent years. From a peak of 287,000 in 1947, the Indians dropped to a low of 80,873 in 1953. . , - -- The Indians had a former ma jor league first baseman as the manager in 1948. Dolph Cam- illi took over in midseason when Spokane was nine games out of first place and won the pennant. Don Osburn managed Spo kane last year but has said he won t be back. Hotchkiss has been willing to sell the Spo kane club but there haven't been any firm offers. SMU Boss Says Mustangs Able To Whip Irish Dallas, Tex. () It would be an upset if Southern Meth odist beat Notre Dame but more far-fetched things have hapuened in football, Woody Woodard, coach of Southern Methodist, said Monday as he opened the final week of train ing leading up to a clash with the mighty Irish at South Bend, Ind. "I always think we have a chance to beat anybody," Woodard declared, "and we'll be going up there with the idea of winning the ball game. Our record this season hasn't been up to expectations but we real ly were overrated in early sea son. But my boys never have let down and I think they have done well." He admitted, however, that for some reason the SMU team never had been "fired up" for any game this season. Maybe they will be for Notre Dame, he mused. . Methodists always have reached that state when they play the Irish. Four time Notre Dame and SMU have met on the gridiron and some of the best teams the Irish ever had couldn't score a convincing vie tory. Oregon Preps Limited to Eight Football Games Portland (P) The Oregon School Activities association Saturday approved a new rule to forbid high school practice before September 1 and games before September 11. The meeting also limited the number of regular season games to eight. Henry H. Hartley, , Nyssa, was elected to a five-year term on the board, and Lloyd A. Gooding, Gaston, and E. A. Carleton, Salem, were elected to positions on the board which they held by appoint ment. Members rejected proposals which would have: Changed the title of the class B division toA-3. Required a team to play all other teams in its district or forfeit playoff rights. NAMED TO BOWL Jacksonville, Fla. (P) Au burn and Texas Tech. were se lected Monday to play in the Gator Bowl football game here New Year s Day. vj t ' r-4H V?. at 1 O v k '.i;,;j' ; . It's Official the Salem Senators as Hugh Lnby (left), general manager, approves. Storey comes to the locally-owned baseball club from the Vancouver WIL team where he hit .343 last year. He replaces Luby, who resigned after 22 years as a pro. , Light Draft Choice Seen As Baseball Officials Meet Atlanta, Ga. VP) Weathert mild . ', . talk windy . . . draft selections slim ... trades brisk. That was the forecast for the business at the 52nd an nual baseball convention of the minor leagues that got un der way here Monday, One of the lightest draft selection in years was expect ed as the major leagues pre pared to pick out the nuggets in the list of 4,140 eligible minor league players. It was one observer's guess that no more than 10 players would be picked. Orioles Get First Pick Baltimore, which inherited the last place St. Louis. Browns, had first pick, who the Orioles would choose was a mystery but Art Ehlers, the club's general manager, indi cated he would be either a third baseman, an outfielder or a pitcher. Royce Lint, who won 22 and lost ,10 at Portland, could be the pitcher. Manager Casey Stengel of the New York Yankees, the first of the big league man agers to come to Atlanta for the meetings, was pessimistic about closing any deals for his Yankees. "Nobody wants to trade with us," he moaned. "They are afraid if they do the league will blow vp. ' I guess they want to penalize you for being successful." Stengel, in an angry mood because of what he termed an "anti-Yankee" feeling around the American League, sug gested an, investigation of the general managers who he claimed were running their clubs into the ground. The real business of the convention does not begin until Thursday at a closed ses sion when 30 proposed amend ments to the major-minor league codes will be discussed. To Discuss Draft Unrestricted draft, drafting of first yeaf players, and tele vision will be discussed. The minors' player draft will take place Tuesday and Wednes day. Also on Wednesday Commissioner Ford Frick will meet with, representatives of the 16 major league clubs to discuss the pension fund and reform demands made during the all-star meetings last sum- mer. ly Walt Dirxcn -s-: I - ' r I Harvey Storey (right) pens his signature to a eontract as new playing manager for Football Scores (By The Associated Press) COUtHiE FOOTBALL Satarday Fay West Notre Dime 48, Southern Cal 14. University of Mexico tS, Badlands 14. East Army 86. Mavy . Boston Colleie 6. Holy Croat 8. Vlllanova 80, Pordham II. Seath Mississippi State 1. Mississippi 1 (tie). Florida State 13, Mo. Carolina State II Alanama 10, Auburn 1: Boston U. 41, William and Mary 14. Duke 35. North Carolina 13. Oeortla Tech 98, Oeorala 11. Tennessee 13. Venderbllt 6. Miami 14, Florida . Saatfewest Arkansas 87, Tulsa T. Rica 41, Baylor 16. Oklahoma 4, Oklahoma AM I Colorado II, Colorado AAM T. Texan Christian 11, Southern Metho- oiss w. Texas Tech 46, Bar din -Simmons It. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LCAGTJI By The Associated Press Sundsr'a Results Cleveland 17, Chlcao Cardinals II. Chlcaao Bears 14, Loa Anteles il. New York 37, Philadelphia II. San PTanclico IT, Plttaburth (. Look's 22-Man All-America Has Huskies' Bohart New York () Look maga zine's 29-man all-America football team, announced Sun day, includes five players from the West Coast. They sre: Milt Bohart, Uni versity of Washington, guard; Paul Cameron, UCLA, and Bob Garrett, Stanford, backs; Matt Hazeltine, California. center; Ken Buck, College of Pacific, end. Grantland Rice, in selecting- the honor team, named two men for each position, wjthout any attempt to rank one above the other. Other backs named to the honor team were: Alan Ame che, Wisconsin; J. C. Caroline, Illinois; Paul Giel, Minnesota; David Johnson, Rice; John Lattner, Notre Dame; Jackie Parker, Mississippi State. Hobbling Seixas Loses to Aussie Melbourne, () The United States Davis Cup hopes were shaken again Monday when Wimbledon titlist Vic Seixas, hobbling from his knee injury, fell before Australia's George Worthington in the second round of the Victorian Tennis Championships. The Phiiadelphian, playine cautiously so as not to risk fur ther damage, was cut down In a stoutly-fought, five set bat tle 8-3, 6-0, 4-fl, 8-8, 6-1. OPENER Tony Boss ts. Don Kindred MAIN EVENT Luther Linda- ys. Frlng S to jack SEMI-FINAL -carl Engstrom nd Danno McDonald . Red Vatnone and Jack O'BUey . SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. fymtni ky km. Ites t. f js; 7' " ,! Browns First Again, Whip Cards 27-16 By EARL WRIGHT New York, U.R)The Cleve land Browns, who may some day pop up in the dictionary as a synonym for success, have won their eighth straight pro football division title and their jinx opponent, the Detroit Lions, leads in the race for the other berth in the Na tional League's 1953 cham pionship game. . The Browns, victorious In the 10 games they have played this year, have won a division title each season since they were organized in 1946. After sweeping four championships in the ail-American Confer ence, they entered the NFL in 1950 and won its Eastern Conference crown yesterday for the fourth time by de feating the Chicago Cardinals, 27-lB.x Detroit VP One Game Detroit posted a 34-15 vic tory over the Green Bay Pack ers Thursday and boosted its Western Conference lead to a full game yesterday without moving a muscle. The Los Angeles Rams had a chance to cut idle Detroit's lead to a half-game but were upset by the Chicago Bears, 24-21. The Rams now trail by H4 games. The San Francisco Forty Niners moved into second place by defeating the Balti more Colts, 24-21, but the Bear triumph allowed Detroit to increase its lead. Detroit is the only club with a per fect record against Cleveland, beating the Browns during the regular 1952 season and in the championship game. New York Giants warmed up for its next Sunday "spoiler" role against the Browns yesterday by snap ping the Eagles' six-game winning streak, 37-28, while the Washington Redskins beat the Pittsburgh Steelers, 17-9, in the other game. TIDE TABLE Tides for Tsft, Oreron nereoiber, IftM (Campllrd by V. S. Codst (leedrtle Server. Portland, Oresen) Huh Waters Low Watera Hlih Waters Low Waters Time Helaht 1 06 a m. 11 December Time Hettht 117 a.m. 147 p.m. 611 a.m. 10 48 p.m. 8:47 a m. 11-41 IH. 10:10 a.m. 6 4 4 4 66 4S 6 7 4 1 6 1 113 p.m. 161 am. 4 16 PH. 1 .36 a m. 1:13 p m. 4 II a m. I ll p m. -6 3 4 S7am. II 8 36 p m. -0 6 1 .16 am. II 7:04 P I. -01 I II a.m. 1.6 7 41 p.m. -0 6 6 67 e m. II 8 30 p.m. -0 6 7:46 a.m. It 6:00 P.m. -01 I 31 a.m. 14 I 41 p m. -0 1 6:46 a.m. II 10:36 p.m. -6 1 10:66 a.m. 1.6 11:10 p.m. 6 4 13:38 a m. 4 10 SS a m. 7 1 1:11 a.m. 11:17 a m. 1:64 a.m. ID 11 SI 13:04 p.m. 7.8 1:34 I 1 11:44 p.m. It . 1:11 a.m. 1:38 p.m. 1:93 a.m. I ll p.m. 4:34 a.m. 1 7 1 II 68 16 41 8:11 p.m. IS 1:11 a.m. 6 4:16 p.m. 6 7 Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fall, we oar Chines remedies. Amaiint euccese (or 1004) rears in China. No matter with what ailments ron are afflicted, disorders, sinusitis, heart, land, liter, Sidneys, ras, constipation, nlcem. dlabete rheumatism, (all and bladder Jeter, skin, female complaint. CHARLIE CHAN CHINE'S HEIB Ce. Offlte Boars a to S Toe, and Sat. ealr 714 N Cemmereial fhene 8166 SAI.F ORE A ' LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Monday, November 30, Salem Schools to Launch Salem educational Instil,, tions wade from the gridirons to the basketball courts this week. Willamette university will entertain the University of Hawaii Rainbows Thursday night, the first action of the 1953-54 season for the Bear cats. . Salem High school will be host to Roosevelt High of Port land Friday night. Sacred Heart academy will play St. Boniface at Sublimity Wednesday night, then go to Eugene to meet St. Francis Fri day. Salem Academy will have as its Friday nisht then will rest a week before going to Waldport Dec. 11. i Wf? innni7iwf5,r?i? V IVOULD DRIVE IT fJOlV? .;-'' IS YOUR AUTO INSURANCE AS OUTDATED? NOT IF YOU INSURE THE SATO nmm. SALEM'S SAFECO I Play This Week The Oregon School for the Deaf will be in the jamboree Saturday night for the Marlon Couty B league of 10 games. The annual event will be at Willamette university. OSD will open its schedule Dec. 8, entertaining Detroit. The Capitol league jamboree has been scheduled for two weeks away. The schedule: COLLI OS Taasday Oreios i. l0Ttuud V at Coos Bay; OCX at Pacti'to; WftC yi. Eastern Washlntton at Clwney. Wednesday Llnfleld Ts. Clark Jueo at Vancouver; Whitman va. Eastern Ores on at LaOraDde. . Tharaday Hawaii it Willamette; Lew Is A Clark vs. Portland State. Friday Washlntton ts. Stanford at Seattle; Idaho . Contain at Moscow. HIGH SCHOOLS Tuesday McMlnnvllle at Corvallla, niwmre; noououra. ouTerion as cas- WAV YOU ARE RECOGNIZED AS A GOOD DRIVER under Mia SAFECO woy which Insures cartful drivers only. AS A SELECT RISK, YOU HAVE THE VERY BEST IN SURANCE COVERAGE AVAILABLE. " . YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by SAFECO'i plan of insuring careful drivers only. Availoble to you, night and doy, is a nation-wid claims ierv Ict roady to serve you when you need it most. A General of America Company, SAFECO Is member of one of the nation's largest ond strongest capital stock insurance organitations, recognized at leaden in broad coverage In surance at lower cost to its policyholders. Selective's 6-Month Premium Plan with premium notices en ables you to keep your insurance continuously In force, es with your life insurance. REPRESENTATIVE NEWS AND FEATURES 1953 Page U ft&rfa. TWvtAM k - . Candy, Molalln at Wast Linn, WlllamlBi - srownsTitit, Toledo at Philomath, PerrMala at Palla City, Oatea Ts. AlumnL Wedneailay MtermA Iiirt t a. J.ut. ty, Mill City at ejtayton. Thuataylstacada at at. Ealtu. Friday Koonralt at Salem, Worth Marlon at Woodburn, Oervals at Balem Aoademy, Dallas at Stsyton, Chemawn at Cotton; district Jamboree at Sweet Hotna t Alhkn rnrHI i Lebanoni, Canby at JaUerson. Casaada at Silverton, Orant at liuena, Sacred Heart at St. Francis of lueena, Central at enariaan. Saturday Marlon County B lamborea at Willamette wnlvaralty (Oerrau, St. Paul, Sohool (or the Deal, Sublimity, Chemawa, Jefferson, Detroit, Oatea. Sola, Mill City): Amity at Perrrdale. MeMlnn. villa at Albany. The Detroit Lions have on their roster IS men who for merly played with other teams in pro football ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP FOB... EVINRUDI 1201 So, Commercial our 17..0 PHONE 3-9119