Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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Being announced thU week-end Is the enrafement at Miss JoAnn Neuman, than,
daughter of Mr. and Mr. Louis Neuman, to Bill Johnson e( Lot Angeles, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Johnson of Ball Lake City.
Holiday Time Calendar . . .
December t
Firit Methodist church women's bazaar, it church.
Soroptimist club bazaar, 156 South Commercial.
Town and Gown club tea, First Methodist church.
December 4 -
Bazaar of women of First Presbyterian church, at church.
Bazaar of women of St. Paul's Episcopal church, parish house.
Bazaar of Soroptimist club, lit South Commercial.
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. Valley Motor company.
Bazaar ofFirst Congregational church women.
Panhellenic luncheon, China City.
December 5
Bazaar of Soroptimist club, 136 South Commercial.
Tillicum club dance.
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae, Valley Motor company.
Annual Christmas party of Sigmas, Fred Rawlins home.
December 6
Hadassah's Fun and Food Fair, Temple Beth Sholom, 7 p.m.
Federated Music clubs' silver tea, State Blind school.
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae, Valley Motor company. -
Community Concert association concert, Salem High school, 8:15 p.m. , . ,
. . December 11 .-
Wisteria club dance, Veterans of Foreign Wars hall.
Tuxedo club dance.
December 12
Holiday time tea planned by Mrs. James R. Linn and Mrs. William H. Lytle,
Marion hotel, 3-6 p.m.
Cams club dance, Knights of Columbus hall.
December IS
Christmas musicale of American Association of University Women, First
Methodist church.
December 15
Greens Show of Salem Garden club, Izaak Walton league club house.
December 16
Greens Show of Salem Garden club, Izaak Walton club house.
December 18
Christmas ball of Order of Rainbow for Girls, Crystal Gardens.
December It ,
Waverly club dance, Senator hotel. .
Spinsters club Christmas Charity Ball, Marion hotel.
December 28
Junior Catholic Daughters of America Christmas formal dance, Catholic Center.
December SI
Town club New Year's eve dance, Marlon hotel.
Cirque club New Year's eve dance, Senator hotel.
Tillicum club New Year's eveydance, armory.
Carousel club New Year's eve dance, Izaak Walton league club house.
Cama club New Year's eve dance, Knights of Columbus hall.
A business meeting Tuesday at 2
o'clock is set for the American War
Mothers, at the Legion club.
WOMEN ef the First Methodist ehnreh are boss-with plans for their annual bataar next Wednesday. Derem
ber t, at the ehurrh. Amenc workers these four abore, left to rifht, Mrs. O. V. Hume, Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mrs.
F. A. rnrate and Mrs. a D. McMUIia. "
Degree of Honor will elect officers
. on Wednesday night at the Woman's
club house.
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Miss Neuman
Tells Betrothal
Announcement U being made this
week-end by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neu
man of the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss JoAnn Neuman, to Bill John
on of Los Angeles, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Johnson of Salt Lak' City.
No date Is set for the wedding. '
The bride -elect attended Salem
-.schools and Oregon State college, and
Is now In nurses training at Good Sa
maritan hospital In Portland. Mr. John
son attended schools In Salt Lake City,
.college at Ogden, and u now com
mercial artist in os Angeles, .
One of the large church bazaars for
next week wil be the annual one ipon- ,
sored by women of St Paul's Episcopal
church, Friday, December 4. -
The affair is to be In the parish haft,
opening at 10 a.m. and closing at 6:30
Luncheon Is to be served st 11 a.m.,
also at 6:30 p.m.
The guilds sponsoring the event, with
Items to be sold by each group, are as
St. Paul's guild, Mrs. Richard Barton
president and bszair chairman, cooked
foods and knit slippers to be featured.
St. Anne's guild, Mrs. James Walton,
president; Mrs. J. S. Lochead and Mrs.
George S. Hoffman, cn-chairmen for the
bazaar, this group's bazaar projects in
cluding picture plates of the old church
and parish house; English pastry shop; .
cooked foods; tarleton wreaths; Christ
mas socks; candles; a grab-bag; spray
ed greens; Christmas decorations and
other miscellaneous Items.
St. Agnes' guild, Mrs. Hazel Johnson,
presidrntMiss Freda Cherrington, Mrs.
Hope Edwards and Miss Irene de Lisle,
co-chairmen for bazaar projects that
will Include tea towels, pinafores, chil
dren's toys, Christmas cards and note
paper with pictures of the new church
on them, and other miscellaneous gift
St. Elizabeth's guild, Mrs. Philip W.
Allison, president; Mrs. R. H. Baldock,
Mrs. T. W. Creech, co-chairmen for the
bazaar projects, including pinafores,
doll clothes, baby clothes, girls' hoods
and dickies.
St. Helena's guild, Mrs. Robert G.
Brady, Jr., president, also chairman for
the bazaar, with Mrs. James Mount co
chairman for bazaar projects to Include
dolls, candy, animals, lapel pins and
St. Cecilia's guild, Mrs. H. B. Collins,
president; Mrs. Hubert L. Williamson,
bazaar chairman, the projects of this
group including cards and wrappings,
placemats, buggy dolls, hand -painted
cans and piggie banks, boys' shirts tor
smaller youngsters, sleeper slippers,
bun cozies, can goods, match holders
and play aprons.
St. Mary's guild, Mrs. S. D. Wiles,
president; Mrs. Vern Shay and Mrs. Ed
. Lewis, co-chairmen for the bazaar proj
ects to include kissing rings, pillow
cases, placemats, luncheon sets, Christ
mas aprons and copper Christmas dec
orations. Mrs. John A. Dyke Is the general
bazaar coordinator.'-worklng with rep
resentatives from all guilds.
Each guild is sponsoring its projects
for the benefit of the new church build
ing and furnishings, the edifice to be
ready the first of the year.
Chapter CQ of P.E.O. Sisterhood
will meetfor dessert at 1:15 p.m. Tues
day, December 1, in the home of Mrs.
I. T. Kvali, 549 N. 22nd street.
Mrs. William C. Perry will be in
charge of the program.
''The Wise Choice of Toys for Fun
and Growth" will be discussed by Mrs.
Robert Miller at the meeting of the
American Association of University
Women's pre-school child study group,
Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Stanley
Butler. 245 Hansen avenue. The meet-
ing will be at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Miller is equipment chairman
for a nursery school at the First Chris
tian church, and has been responsible
for selecting toys and taking care of
supplies for the school.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Butler for
the meeting are Mrs. A. G. Larson and
Mrs. C. V. Ward.
American Amateur Artists associa
tion of Salem will meet Monday at 8
p.m. at the Gleason-Simpson studio,
162 South Commercial.
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AMONG committee worker- planning the annual tjrter tea ef Salem Federated.
Music clubs en Bandar, December 1, are these tour a bo re. Seated, Mrs. Clyde C. Oil
' bert, at left, president of the croup, Mia Marraret Host, and itandlnr, Mrs. Walter P.
Weathers, at left, and Mrs. Warren Baker. The tea will be at the state school for the
blind as a benefit for the Mrs. Walter A. Denton memorial fund. .
. , , T ' , ' " ' ' ' .
Alpha Chi Omega ,Greens Show
Among the benefit affairs of special
interest this next week will be the an
nual greens show sponsored by Alpha .
Chi Omega alumnae of Salem next Fri
day, Saturday and Sunday, at Valley
Motor company building.
The event will be open between 7
and 9 p.m. Friday; between 10 a.m.
and 8 p.m. and between 7 and 8 p.m.
on Saturday; and between 12 noon and
8 p.m. on Sunday. The public is in
vited. .
Thirty-one mantel arrangements and
a large Christmas tree will feature the
event especially. On ' Friday only,
starting at 10 a.m., candles and cookies
will be sold.
Another feature will Include special
table arrangements. Stevens and Sons
is setting a buffet dinner table; the '
Gift Box will arrange a luncheon table;
Fir-Cliff e Shoppe, a breakfast table;
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae a children's
table. ' . .;',
Mrs. Lloyd Myers, educational chair-,
man of the Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club, will lead a discussion
on "What to Do and What Not To Do
in Letter Writing," on Tuesday at the
7 a.m. meeting at Nohlgren's.
Monthly meeting of the Woman's
guild of the - First Congregational
church will be in the Mayflower room
of the church, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, De
, cember 2. Mrs. C. M. Collins will lead
the devotional services. Christmas mu
sic will be given by Malcolm Bell.
Dr. Thomas Bennett, heed of the
philosophy department at "Willamette
university, will speak on "A Modern
Approach to the Christmas Message.'
Heading the hostess group are Mrs.
Raymond Walsh and Mrs. Prtscilla
Shattuc, daughters of the late Mrs. D.
J. Fry, who for many years entertained
this group in December.
Royal Neighbors of America, Oregon
Grape camp, will meet on Wednesday
night at the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Kingwood unit, No. 81, American
Legion auxiliary, will meet at the West
Salem Legion building on Thursday
THE QUARTET above are
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Halpa Bchlesinter, Mrs. Jules
(.Mn-liUltt studio pkturti
Among those arranging mantels for
the display will be: Alpha Cht Omega
patronesses, setting up two mantel ar
rangments; Mrs. G. F. Chambers and
Miss Dorathea Steusloff; Eugene alum
nae of Alpha Chi Omega; Linas Simp
son and Mrs. Mary Thomas, Interior
decorators, each one; Mrs. Paul Heath;
Alpha Chi Omega Mothers club; Alpha
Chi Omega active chapter; a group of
Dallas friends; Mrs. Ralph Smither.
. Mrs. William L. PhiUips, Sr., is gen
eral chairman for the directorate ar
ranging the show, the executive group
assisting Including Mrs.- James B,
Young, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. John
Minto, Mrs. Roy Rice, Jr., Mrs. Robert
E. Shinn, Mrs. W. E. Kirk. t ,
Other chairmen assisting are Mas.
Gordon Cooley, Mrs. Rodney Fety,
Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. Lloyd
Griffiths, Mrs. John Larwood, Mrs,
Burton A. Myers, Mrs. George Haneu
ska. '-,.,.
. Dr. L. E. Barrlck will be guest speak
er at the monthly meeting of Chemeke
ta chapter, ' Daughters of American
Revolution on Saturday, December S
at 2 o'clock at the Woman's club house.
. Serving on the committee for the af-,
ternoon will be Miss Ruth Rulifson,
Mrs. G. I. Putnam, Miss Vada Hill, Mrs.
R. W. Davis, Mrs. John Raphael, Mrs.
B. E. Braucht.'Mrs. H. M. Broadbent,
Miss Helen Litchfield, Mrs W. H. Byrd, -Mrs.
A. E. Austin, Mrs. H. W. Thielsen,
Mrs. Clarence Mulcahy, Mrs. H. D. Lan
gille, Mrs. Lottie Pound Gilbert and
Mrs. Winston Williams.
Mrs. W. E. Hanson will be in charge
of the annual Christinas "bring and
buy" table with proceeds going to the
Champoeg fund.
The feature of the 6 o'clock dinner
meeting of Chemeketa Toastmistress,
Thursday, will be a debate. The din
ner will be at the Golden Pheasant,
Debaters include Mrs. Emms Brown,
Mrs. Eric Nelte, Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom
and Mrs. J. A. Johnston.
Salem Firemen's auxiliary will meet
at the home of Mrs. Gerald Hall, 3150
Jack street, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Co-
hostesses will be Mrs. Ronald Ruch and
Mrs. Raymond Tompkins.
amon- those nrefMrlnv ommII-s f n ih
T "- Temple Beth Bholom. Left to rlthl: Mrs. Max Williams, Mrs.
Jaeabaon, president of the trap, and Mrs. Daniel Gassner, general -''nri-i,
Clock Benefit ;
Bazaar Due r n
The "Clock Baxaar" of Salem Sorop- '
timlst club is on the calendar for next
week, the group planning to go long
ways with funds from the benefit to
wards its goal of 82350 to finish paying
for installation of the old courthouse
clock ia City halL The club voted the
clock installation as one of its big proj
ects of the year during the summer.
The bazaar will be set up at 138
South Commercial, . December 8, 4
nd 8. .... .... . : -
The event opens Thursday morning
at 10 o'clock. Hours for the bazaar '
are between 10 ..m. and 8 p.m. each of
the three days.
Featuring the three-day event will be
coffee and sandwich booth,. Mrs. G.
X. McCormlck in charge. .
There will be booth for hand woven
articles, Mrs. Fred H. . Thompson in
Another booth will feature Christ
mas greens, Mrs. Marjorie Charbonean
in charge.
A highlight will be the booth display,
ing discarded parts of the eld clock,
Including many brass and steel pieces,
that can be bought for souvenirs, many
of the pieces being ones that can be
made into paper weights or other nov
elties. .
Many aprons, dolls, doll clothing, tea
towels,, Christmas .novelties, door
. swags, tree ornaments and decorations,
Christmas wrappings and boxes are
among other Items to be displayed.
Mrs. E. H. Kennedy is general chair
man tor the bazaar and an assistant in
making and lining up many things has
been Mrs. Maria Ling. Mrs. Donald
Reinke is ways and means chairman, '
Mrs. Henry Ksyser, president of the
club. -',.'....
Big event for Salem Hadassah group
will be the annual food and fun fair oa
Sunday, December 6, the event starting
at 7 p.m. in Tempi Beth Sholom.
All funds raised at the affair go to
the various social welfare and medical
projects in Israel, projects sponsored by
. Hadassah throughout the country,
Mrs. Daniel Gassner is general chair
man tor the event. , ,
Mrs. Sidney , Schlesinger heads the
tlcjcet committee. ' Mrs. Aleck Cohan
and Mrs. Sydney Levene are on the en
tertainment committee.
. Mrs. Sandy Cowan, Mrs. Morris Ull
' man, Mrs. Jacob Welnsteln and Mrs.
Martin Chessman are on the decora
tions committee. . .......
Mrs. Msx Williams heads the food
committee, assisted by Mrs. Michael
Wasserman, Mrs. I. Saffron, Mrs. Ber
nard Sokolow, Mrs. .William Harris. In.
charge of publicity for the event is Mrs.
. Maurice H.. Saffron. ,
. Mrs. N. Zdwaft Shaw will be hostess
to the Woman's Society of Christian
Service, West Salem Methodist church,
on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. The theme
. is "Gracious Gifts are Given." Mrs.
James Best will lead devotion and Mrs.
Lawrence Walworth will lead the pro
. gram, ; v, ...
Manbrln Garden , club is meeting
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
Silas Galsez home, 424 Manbrln drive..
The group will , work on Christmas su
rangements. i ;
.. . . .
Miss Marjorie Howard, 8240 Brey
man, will be hostess to the social meet
ing of Pioneer post No. 148, American
Legion, on Friday night.
Capitol O Square dance club Is meet
ing next Thursday at the Catholic Cen
ter. The program is arranged by Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Robinson and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Riches. Dancing begin! at
8:30 o'clock. , .
Town-Gown Club
The Willamette university a capella
choir under the direction of Professor
. Donald Gleckler will present Christmas
music at the meeting of the Town and
Gown club on Thursday, December 8,
at 2 o'clock in the Carrier room of the
First Methodist church. '
Mrs. Vine Buchholz and Mrs. W. C.
Dyer, Sr., are the co-chairman for the
tea hour following the program. .
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