Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Dance Saturday
A dancing party for next Saturday
evening. December 5, will be that of
the TUlicura club, the formal dinner
affair to be at the Marion hotel, start
Inf at 8 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening
are Mr. and Mn. Claude Bulman, Mr.
and Mn. Dave Hon, Mr. and Mrs,
Everett Day.
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae are to
meet on Thursday, December , at the
home of Mn. Gilbert Grolf, 71s Till
man. Invitation if extended to all
alumnae of the aorority in the city to
Alpha Chi Omega Mothen club will .
jneet on Tuesday evening, December 1
at 7 43 o'clock. Mrs. T. R. Hobart and
Mn. A. A. Spelbrink will be hostesses
for this meeting, to be at the chapter
house, old North ISth street.
' Chapter C of P.E.O. Sisterhood if
meeting next Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Melvin H. Ceist at 1:19
o'clock with Mn. Charles Paeth and
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs as co-hestesses.
Mrs. William C. Crothen and Mrs.
Harold O. Schneider are to entertain
Sunday evening at a buffet tupper at
the Crothen home for members of the
' YWCA cookbook committee and their
husbands. In the group will be Dr.
and Mrs. Maynard Sniffer, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Campbell, Dr. and Mn. Morris
Crothen, Dr. and Mrs. Harmon Harvey,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Nunn, Dr. and Mrs. Harold
O. Schneider and Dr. and Mrs. William
Crothen. Mrs. Crothen was editor of
the book and Mrs. Schneider Is imme
diate past president of the YWCA,
Mn. G. F. Chamben and her sister,
Miss Dorathea Steusloff, are to enter
tain the cookbook committee on Mon
day at luncheon. Both the hostesses
bsve been active in YW work.
Theatre Arts group is meeting on
Tuesday for dessert at 12:45 o'clock at
the home of Mn. Morris Crothen.
Mn. Melvin H. Gelst is to play Christ
mas music and Miss Alice Crary Brown
will read a one-act play by Norman
Mn. John A. Jelderks will be host-
ess to the Alpha Delta PI alumnae meet-
lng on Monday night.
Phi Mu alumnae are to meet on Tues
day evening at the home of Mn. George '
A. Brown for the pre-ChrisUnaa party
of the group.
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom, state organ
izer for P.E.O. Sisterhood, concludes
her two-month visitation schedule
throughout the state this next week. :
On Monday afternoon she will visit
Chapter CE at Newport and that eve
ning will be with Chapter BZ at Reeds
port On Tuesday afternoon she goes
to Coot Bay and will be present for the
'installation and organization of Chap
ter CS at Coos Bay that evening. On
December S she is to visit Chapter CC
at Coqullle.
Peg in Washington
Washington, D C, Nov. 33.
Dear Marian:
An Interesting tradition of the Navy
ships that past Mount Vernon on the
Potomac waa noted by Secretary and
Mrs. Douglas McKay Saturday evening
when they were guests of Secretary of
the Navy Robert Andenon and Mra.
Andenon at a dinner party on the "Se
quoia." The Andersons were enter
taining at Potomac dinner cruise in
honor of Mr. and Mn. Antonio J.
Barmades, of Mexico City. He is a
former national senator of Mexico and
now serves as petroleum administrator
for the country. The special observance
that the guests watched from ship tide
waa the 21 -bell salute from the ship as
it passed Mount Vernon, with the men
standing at attention. A recording of
"Taps" and "The Star Spangled Banner"-
completed the ceremony that hon
ored the home and final resting place
of the first President, and the McKays
reported it an impressive moment. The
group of 26 enjoyed a buffet dinner
folowing the brief ceremony.
Prior to the dinner, the McKays had
called at the Cuban Embassy where
Senora de Batista, wife of the Presi
dent of Cuba, was the honoree. The
Embassy with its beautiful white
marble stairway and crystal chandelien
provided an attractive background for
the vivacious First Lady of Cuba. Par
ticularly striking Is the dining room
with its bright red carpet and draperies.
Ambassador and Senora de Concheao
received with their guest in the brown
and gold music room and more than
600 guests called to greet the visitor.
Both the hostess and the honored guest
wore ballerina length dresses of black,
with diamonds glittering a contrast.
Incidentally, the exterior of the Em
bassy is architecturally similar to the
famous Morro Castle in the Havana
Harbor. Yellow, bronze, and white
"mums" were used lavishly and were
especially effective in the blue and
gold drawing room.
Custom or protocol in Washington
calls for the ladle of the cabinet to en
tertain at some type of function In
honor of the President's wife. A lunch
eon at which Mn. Herbert Brownell
was the hostess Friday noon was the
, event chosen by the wife of the At
torney General for her part in the series
of parties that are being held through
the fall and winter months. Mn. McKay
enjoyed folksy conversation with the
First Lady as the group aat about the
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BRIDE st a ceremony In the Immaculate Conception church In Burton this
morning w" Mrs. Walter Thornae Dairy (Patricia Ann O'Connor) above, daushter
of Mr. and Mrs. FrancJi John O'Connor of Stayton. 14. Davey is the son of Mr; and
Mrv w- 1"7 "
N event of interest to a large
group of the teen-agers will be
the semi-formal dance planned
by Ann Guthrie chapter of Tri-Y, on
December 12, at the Marion hotel Gold
room. Dancing is to be between 9 and
12 o'clock.
' Miss Relta Gilman is president of the
chapter. Committee chairmen for the
event include Mis Nancy Snider, re
freshments; Mlsa Elaine Morrow, pro
grama; Miss - Connie Hammond, pub
licity; Miss Gloria Andrews, decorations
and clean-up; Miss Marilyn Harland,
music and chaperon.
Hostess to her bridge club on Thurs
day for luncheon and afternoon of
card will be Mn. BJarne Ericksen.
porch where the first course was serv
ed. She was Interested to Kt the
President's recent birthday present to
his wife, the bracelet with the attach
ed medal bearing on one side the presi
dential seal and on the other the date
of 11-14 and the inttiala "DDE" and
"MDE." By a coincidence the day of
Mrs. Brownell's luncheon was a first
anniversary of the day when Herbert
Brownell called Douglas McKay on be
half of General Dwlght Eisenhower
asking the Oregonian' if he would ac
cept the Interior appointment. Both
Mn. Eisenhower and Mn. McKay
agreed that the year had gone rapidly.
Mn. Eisenhower's auit was of heavy
black faille with wide bands of black
aattn encircling the skirt. With It she
wore a white petal hat.
Visftort here this week have Includ
ed Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Moore, of Grants
Pass. Mr. Moore, a former state repre
sentative. Is well-known in Salem, as
is his wife, and raany there will recall
his ability as an accompanist for infor
mal singing groups. It is the first
Washington visit for the Moores and
they have been taking bus toun and
visiting all the spots of Interest. The
Ben 8. Flshen entertained at dinner for
them and Ralph Moore and Secretary
McKay had luncheon together In the
letter's dining room at Interior. Mr.
and Mn. Lee Crawford, of Salem, are
in town for two weeks. They are en
Joying the opportunity of a visit with
her son. Staff Sergeant Roger L. Mid
dleton, who is stationed here, while Mr.
Crawford attends to business atfain.
. David Robinson, Portland attorney.
Is in Washington and attended the
B'Nal B'Rith dinner Monday evening at
which President Elsenhower was hon
ored. Secretary and Mrs. McKay were
in the dinner group. Bl'hop Francis
P. Leipzig, of Baker, visited at the of
fice with the Secretary during the past
week, as did Ralph Cake, of Portland.
All of the Oregon visiton to In
terior from now on will see some Ore
gon scenery, as the Secretary and the
rest of us Oregonians are pointing with
pride to three pictures that hang in the
private office of Secretary McKay.
Through the courtrsy of the State High
way Department, the Secretary receiv
ed color photographs of Crater Lake,
Mount Hood, and an Oregon coast scene
and the beautiful framed views of our
own Oregon have been given places of
honor. It is a wonderful touch of home.
Sincerely, Peg,
(SttlmoaU ihitl ytetart)
Engagement Told
At Friday Party
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Taggart are an
nouncing the engagement of their eld
est daughter. Miss Shirley Lou, to Roy
Leo Christiansen, son of Mr. and Mn.
Arthur P. Christiansen of Sublimity.
The news was revested at an inform
al coffee Friday evening at the Taggart
home on Rose street. Catching the eyes
of the guests as they entered was a pink
Cheshire cat arranged on the piano,
with candles snd ribbon lettered with
the couples namet, "Shirley and Roy."
The table waa arranged with pink
and white chrysanthemums in a silver
compote and flanked by silver candela
brums. Pouring were the bride-elect's two
aunts, Mrs. Weldon Looney and Mrs.
Elmer Heman of Salem.
. Bidden to attend were Miss Taggart's
school classmates of Sacred Heart and
Mt. Angel: Misses Patricia Cameron,
Betty JBnes, Mary Suing, Shirley Ton
men. Barbara Snook, Deloret Schmitx,
Mary Roeque, Juan FoUtet, Pal Acton,
Mariam Meier, Donna Lenninger, Don
na Lebold, Jacqueline Larson, Donna
Kircher, Meredith Hayes, Pat Gillis,
Shirley Etzel, Beverly Deggeller, Kath
leen Dardis, Shirley Coffey, Sandra
Blinen. Kathle Bishop, Teresa Bello,
Anita Becker, Margaret Bach, Marilyn
Palmer and La Vata Christiansen; Mrs.
Arthur Christiansen, Misses Betty
Looney, Mary Rauk, Elaine DeJardin,
Delores Wolf, Carol Taggart. Josephine
Schlagter. Shirley Lou Taggart and
Mrs. Jack R. Taggart.
Miss Taggart is a graduate of Sacred
Heart academy and Is attending Mt.
Angel college. Mr. Christiansen is a
graduate of Sublimity schools and at
tended Oregon College of Education at
A second daughter was born Satur
day morning. November 28. at Salem
General hospital to Mr. and Mn. John
F. Steelhammer. The older daughter
is Jan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mn.
Gene Vandeneynde and John F. Steel
hammer, Sr., all of Salem.
Winter corsages, greens, cooked
foods, fancy work and novelties are a
few of the items being made for th
bazaar that the women of the First
Methodist church are planning for Wed
nesday, beginning at 9 a.m, at the
A luncheon and dinner are planned
and Mrs. Preston Doughton la chair
man. The members of circle 7 have
been specializing In infants' and chil
dren's clothing and stuffed toys. An
other project Is "parcel post sale" of ar
ticles received from friends in other
At the Country store, a variety of
food wll be sold. For children attend
ing the dinner a motion picture, "The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer," will be
shown at 7 o'clock.
Other chairmen include Mn. E. B.
Millard. Mrs. Herbert OsUind, Mn.
Glenn Barge. Mrs. P. A. Fugate, Mrs.
Joe Seal. Mrs. Howard Jenks, Mn. L.
D. Waterman, Mn. John G. Marr, Mn.
George Bell, Mn. John Frazier. Mr.
Howard Gardner. Mn. L. C. Taylor,
Mrs. Gordon Carl. Mn Scott Foster,
Jr.. Mn. J. Edgar Purdy and Mn. Ralph
Miss O'Connor and Lt. Davey Are
Wed at Stayton Ceremony Today
Immaculate Conception Catholic
church at Stayton was the scene for a
beautiful wedding this morning when
Miss Patricia Ann O'Connor, daughter
of Mr. and Mn. Francis John O'Connor,
Stayton, was married to LL Walter
Thomas Dsvey, Jr., son of Mr snd Mrs.
Walter Thomaa Davey of Salem. The
pretty brunette bride wat one of the
queens of Salem's Cherry land Festival.
Baskets of white and bronze chrysan
themums decorated the church for the
10 o'clock service, snd the pews were
marked off with white bows and bells.
The Rev. Mathias Jonas officiated. For
the music, Gerald Neitling and Dolores
Gottfried were soloists, Marilyn Min
den playing the organ. The altar beys
were cousins of the bridegroom, Jimmy
and Allan Gillis of Gresham.
Given in marriage by her father the
bride wore a wedding dress of lace and
nylon tulle. The bodice, with Man
darin collar, and the long sleeves were
of the beautiful lace, a row of tiny but
tons down the front The skirt of the
nylon tulle waa designed with tiered
lace edged ruffles that cascaded down
the back and into the train. The short,
two-tiered veil of silk illusion was
csught to sn open crown cloche that was
trimmed with white flowers. For her
bouquet the bride carried a caicade of
white spider chrysanthemums.
Six Siaten Attend
A striking contrast to the all-white
costume of the bride were the dresses of
the six attendants, all attired in hum
ming bird green frocks designed with
velveteen bodices and full, ballerina
length taffeta skirts. Their headdresses
were styled identically to that worn by
the bride but were of green taffeta with
yellow flowers.
The six sisters of the bride were her
attendants. Mn. Robert Krechter of
Pasadena, Calif., was matron of honor.
Miss Csrol O'Connor of Pssadena, Miss
Lois O'Connor and Miss Marjorie
O'Connor of Stayton were the brides
maids. Misses Maureen and Peggy
O'Connor of Stayton the Junior brides
maids. Each of the six carried a wicker bas
ket filled with yellow and bronze
chrysanthemums arranged with mixed
autumn leaves and wheat. Each wore
green opera pumps matching her dress
, and each wore a pearl choker, a gift
NNUAL Christmas party given
by Sigmas for Sigma Chi mem
ben and their wives is calen
dared for next Saturday evening, De
cember 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Rawlins, 2670 Sunrise avenue.
The affair Is arranged between 7:30
and 9 o'clock and will feature holiday
Mn. Gerald Holland, Mrs. John Wil
liam Stortx, Mn. Doraey Moore, Mrs.
Sam Haley, Mn. Thomas Gabriel, Mrs.
John Martin and Mn. Robert Sprague
are the committee arranging the party.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Carson were
at Seattle over Thanksgiving to visit
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mn. Robert Havenick.
St. Agnes guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, plans its Christmas dinner for
next Tuesday evening, at 6:30 o'clock
in the parish house, the affair to be a
no-host one.
Salem Writers club will meet at the
home of Mr. and Mn. Robert Hutcheon,
1069 South Liberty street, Tuesday eve
ning at 7:45 o'clock.
St. Mary's guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, it meeting Monday afternoon at
the home of Mn. Sam Haley, 1915 Sag
inaw, Mrs. S. D. Wiles as co-hostess.
Final plans for the group's part in the
all-church bazaar next Friday will be
Arriving home this week-end from a
trip to Ireland and Scotland to visit
relatives is Mn. Robert Price.
Due home the first of the week from
a visit with relatives in Illinois is Mn.
Willis Moore.
MEM II CM of Ana Guthrie
Marten hotel Oa the naaliai
soa. Miss Best Clunaa, Miss
from the bride. '
Diane O'Connor, daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Robert O'Connor of Stayton, niece
of the bride, was flower girL She wss
dressed in a humming bird green frock
matching dresses of tht other stten
dants. Dickie O'Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard O'Connor of Coqullle.
nephew of the bride, wat the ring bear
er. ,
Tony Davey wat best man for his
brother. Ushering were Robeit Krech
ter of Pasadena, Lt Dan Hrgler of Sac
ramento, and Donald O'Connor,
brother of the bride home on leave from
service with the Seabees.
Reception Follows
The bride's mother wore a purple
crepe dress with soft pink hat and
gloves and gray accessories. The bride
groom's mother wore a cocoa brown
crepe dress with matching velour hat
and dark brown accessories. Both
mothers wore corsages of white orchids.
The reception was arranged in the
Women's Community club. Cutting the
cake were Mn. John Davey of Lcb-
anon and Miss Madeline Davey of Port
land, both aunts of the bridegroom. At
the coffee urn were Mn. Frank Sutton,
Denver, Colo., sunt of the bridegroom,
snd Mrs. Thomas B. Toohey of Salem.
At the punch bowl were Miss Marjorie
Davey, sister of the bridegroom, and
Miss Mary Toohey of Eugene. Miss
Mary Ellen Davey of Sacramento was
in charge of the guest book and othen
assisting included former classmates of
the bride in nunes training, Miss Shir
ley Cameron, Mrs. Lawrence Schmidt,
Mrs. Robert Cook, Mn. Loree Keister,
all of Eugene, Miss Virginia Shorey of
Klamath Falls, Miss Eleanor Starr of
Oakland, Miss Rosemary Tarran of
For traveling, the bride wore a heath
er gray auit, a black and red velvet hat,
black accessories, and a white ascot on
which was pinned a rhinestone pin, the
pin and matching earrings being gifts
of the bridegroom. For her corsage
, the wore a white orchid.
Following a trip to southern Call-i
fornis and Nevada the couple will be
at home in Sacramento, Calif., after De
cember 8. Lt. Davey is stationed at
Mather air force base.
Panhellenic Sets
Annual Luncheon
The annual open meeting and lunch
eon given each December by Salem
City Panhellenic will be next Friday,
December 4, at 12 o'clock noon at
China City.
Mn. James T. Brand is to be the
speaker. Special music is to be pro
vided by the Pi Beta Phi trio. Miss?
Yvonne Bowles, Judy Mortz and Cath
erine Kennedy.
Alumnae from all Panhellenic Greek
sororities are invited to attend as well
as the designated representatives from
each alumnae club.
. Reservations for the luncheon should
be in by Monday, telephoned to Mrs.
Allen Gray.
Mn. Robert Siddoway is general
chairman for the luncheon. Mn. Robert
Nelson is chairman for decorations,
Mn. Glenn Stevens, chairman for the
Yomarco group of the First Methodist
church will meet at the Court atreet
home of Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding on
Tuesday at 1:15 p.m. for dessert. Mrs.
Brown Sisson, Mn. Glen Barge and
Mn. Merle D. Travis will assist
Annual Christmas dinner for the In
dependent Order of Foresten is slated
for next Friday evening, December 4,
at the Veterans of Foreign Wan hall.
The affair will be at 6:30 o'clock, fea
turing turkey and ham.
Entertainment will include a musical
show to be put on by Jean Worth and
her 25-voice girls chorus, the Chanso
nettes of Portland.
Mrs. R. S. Mason is general chairman,
for the dinner and others on the com
mittee for various tasks Include Mra.
E. T. Pierce, Mn. Letter Evans, Mrs.
E. N. Ingram, Mrs. Hazel Johnson.
chaster. TrI-Y. an
spomorlnt a oral - formal aance on Perembrr lt at the
, Ml to rlrht: Mia Elaine Morrow. Mlea Coanio Bam.
are tbeae tnis, above.
Gloria Andrews, Mm Marilyn Barlaad.
ELECTION of officers Is set for
three chapters of the Order of
Eastern Star this coming week.
Chadwick will elect Tuesday night
at the Masonic temple.
On Wednesday night at the Scottish
Rita temple, Ainsworth chapter is plan
ning election.
Friday night Trinity chapter will
elect officera for the coming year at
the West Salem City building.
The monthly fashion thow and lunch
eon at the Marion hotel will be Tues-
day, December 1. "Holiday Gems' be
ing the (heme fof this show, presenting
holiday fashions and gift suggestions.
The fashions are presented by John
son's store.
The luncheon will bo at 11 o'clock,
the style thow at 1 p.m.
Mra. Thomas Joseph will be a guest
model, and the regular group of models
includes Mn. William R. Shinn, Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mrs. Jsmes R. Phillips,
Mn. Willis Ross, Mn. S. D. Wiles, Mrs.
C. A. Schaefer, Mn. Jack Schimberg,
Mn. Harold Schick, Jr.
Mr. and Mn. W. A. Heater, Sublim
ity, route 1, life-long residents of Ma
rion county, are to observe their golden
wedding at a reception on Sunday, De
cember 6.
The anniversary is on December 5,
but the open house is plsnned for the
following day.
The open bouse will- be at the home
of the couple's ton and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heater, near the
honored couple's home. t
Guests are being invited through the
press to call between 2 and 5 o'clock In
the afternoon and between 7 a n d 9
o'clock in the evening. The honored
couple also have requested that gifts ba
omitted. '
The couple were married in Salem on
DecemDer 8, 1903. Both are natives of
Marion county and have lived all their
married life in the Sublimity area.
There are four children, Dolph Heat
er of Sublimity, Douglas Heater of
Stayton, Maurice Heater of Sublimity,
and Mn. Byron Royce of Portland.
Also, there are 10 grandchildren and
seven greet grandchildren.
The women of the First Congrega
tional church are planning an all day
bazaar at the church next Friday begin
ning at 9 a.m.
Mrs. R. D. Byrd and Mrs. Paul W.
Harvey, Jr., are general chairmen. As
sisting them are Mrs. P. L. Calvert,
hostess: Mrs. K. H. Waters and Mrs.
Ralph Jac.tson in charge of clown dolls
and toys; Mrs. J. E. Sauressig, chil
dren's smocks and pinafores; Mrs. F. E.
Neer, cooked foods, including mince
meat made by the recipe used by Con
gregational women for 40 yean; Mn.
HJalmar Andenon, aprons; Mrs. Ben
jamin Little, miscellaneous articles;
Mn. J. S. Beck, hand made bags from
Marathl Mission, India; Mn. Harold O.
Schneider, Salem YWCA cook books.
From 11:30 s.m. on, a lunch, featur
ing chicken pie, wil be served under
the supervision of Mn. L. K. Lawrence,
Mn. E. J. Donnell, Mrs. John T. Ed
wards, Mrs. A. H. Nohlgren and Mrs.
Max Flohrer, with Mrs. Mem Fearc
in charge of the dining room.
Through the afternoon Jean Hobson
Rich will present pipe organ music.
An event of Friday will be the an
nual church bazaar sponsored by tha
women of the First Presbyterian
church. The bazaar will open at 9:30
a.m. Emphasis is being made on Christ
mas decorations and gifts. There will
also be Christmas foods and jellies for
sale. .
Nursery for all children will be
available until 5 p.m. Coffee and rolls
will be served by Mra. Robert Stutz
man and Mrs. William Bush from 10
a.m. to 11 p.m. and in the afternoon
Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs. George
Scales will be in charge of tea between
the hours of 2:30 and 4:30 o'clock.
Lunch will be served from 12 to t
p.m. and beginning at 6 p.m. dinner
will be served. Mn. Tom Hill, Jr., is
in charge of the luncheon and Mn. Lee
Hunt will have charge of the dinner.
Mn. J. E. Morgan is general chair
man and additional information may
be obtained by calling her at the
church office.
(Jntra-ituur otoai wnnl