Saturday, Novaaabar 28, list THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, gate, Oregoa Pa 7 A Complete Lint of PIPE & PLUMBING SUPPLIES at room Fixture . Appliance . Hardware . Mill SaefJI ' Saffron Supply Co. 225 N. Caasmertiol Ft 2-41 W. Mmmm, dial 2-4471 r 2-49 14 MODEL 33 CHAIN SAW ir 2.1 Actual Horsepower . , M . . . ., 20-ibs. Actual Weight 2 MoiWj AMb, IMnch Uode - lUnch Had 1 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. Makes Many Major Metal Heating Installations in Area St. Faiil Episcopal Ckarch Work UrWor Way No Esrefc HshW la 1944, Tfcls ladatfry Hat lacama Straaf Faa- tar Htrt; Canaral Motors Doks Haat tecem ciolty. . , 1 By K. KENNETH IVANS Juit now tha Salem Heating A Sheet Metal company, 108S Broadway, la completing the sheet metal Installation! in the S t . Paul's Episcopal 909 Edoewator Towne Equipment Co. Dior 4-1541 jjWNEsj CAPITAL DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTIONS 405 State Corner of Liberty WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS TANKS GASOLINE - OIL - WATER - STORAGE SEPTIC TANKS VV. VV. Rosebraugh Co. 680 S. 17th Metal Products That Lost Sines 1912 Phono 3-7609 SPECIAL PRICE MEN'S SUITS 33' 100 Wool Volues to $60 Only 100 to Sail at This Prica Altsrotlont at Cost KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE 260 SOUTH 12th ST. CUSTOM LAUNDERED SHIRTS LOOK BETTER FEEL BETTER FIT BETTER Home of Sanitone Dry Cleaning Only ZD C so. , &at&FliZZ27f Daiivary 1264 Broadway c 3 . Phona 2-3165 new church on South High street in Salem. This is another of tha many home, new church and commercial sheet metal and heating installations made In tha Willamette valley by this servica Industry tines its establishment In 1946. Other completed jobs Include tha heating and sheet metal instal lations in the new St Joseph's Catholic church, the new Luth eran church at 14th and Court streets, tha power-housa sheet i metal and ventilation at the Detroit dam on the Santiam river and many o( the new homes in Salem, as well as other public service buildings and commercial structures. The ttalem Healing & Sheef Metal company was established In 1948 by Wesley E. Cladow and H. W. Lewis as a partner ship. Tha fine building, lo cated at 1083 Broadway, In Salem, was designed and built by this partnership in 1947. It was especially planned for the consummation of sheet metal work for major short jobs and, as the sales room and service for heating systems. Well dis played on the floor in the sales rooms are General Motors Delco-heating furnaces and auxiliary equipment where the prospective customer can vision their appearance. Service Constantly Expanded Since its establishment it has been necessary constantly to expand the facilities and serv- ice operations ot the company in keeping with the fine ac ceptance which has been given It by individuals, contractors and public service organiza tions, such as the churches. Indicative of the satisfactory installations that have been made is the volume of increase in the business which has been experienced year after year since its founding. This has established an enviable reputa tion for the Salem Heating ec Sheet Metal company as to re liability, honesty and integrity. Tha interests of H. W. Lewis in the Salem Heating & Sheet Metal company partnership was acquired by Wesley . Oladow, through purchase, in 1950. Both members of the partnership came to Oregon from Kansas. Mr. Lewis decid ed to return to his native state, sold his interests, and Invested in a livestock farm at Valley Falls, Kansas, where he is en gaged today in the raising of beef cattle for the market. Following his employment as a civil-service sheet-metal in structor to the navy personnel, located on Pearl Harbor, Hon olulu, from 1943 to 194S, Wes ley E. Gladow returned to the states and located in Salem in 1946. This was after a thorough investigation ot proposed loca tions for a heating and sheet metal business in other Psclfc Northwest commercal centers. Both Gladow and Lewis de cided that Salem offered an un limited opportunity for success in this line of work. The ac ceptance that has been given this effort shows that their judgment was good. Gladow Also a Native Kansas Wesley Gladow is a native of Kansas and secured his basic education in the public schools I MAKE DAVIDSON'S YOUR AUTO CENTER L ' 11- ( J AAA 24-HOUR TOW SERVICE 3 DAVIDSON AUTO SERVICE 120 Chataafcatsi Sttrriaf Sales 33 Yaars Phona 3-t95S of Alma, Kansas. Ha than at tended Kansas State college at Manhattan. Following this, he secured a Job as a heat ing and sheet-metal apprentice with a. well- known firm in Kansas City, Missouri. So thor oughly did ha learn his chosen work that ha was passed by tha civil-service board to act sheet-metal Instructor with tha U. 8. navy. This alone is one of tha best recommendations that can be given as to tha ef- ficinecy of Wesley Gladow to make satisfactory heating and sheet-metal installations, which will meet tha most rigid toed ficatons of both state and fed eral governments, contractor or architects. Todsy, tha Salem Heatlne & Sheet Metal company Is mak ing a specialty of home heating systems used as tha basic fur nace Delco-heat. a General Motors product In this con nection, not every General Motors product needs a key to make it go. but tha Utters GM" still stand as a symbol for value. The reason is simple. No matter what the product is it benefits by the same GM fundamentals. Better research for long-range improvements; better engineering and desicn. and better production at lower cost Therefore, according to Wesley E. Gladow, for clean, dependable, economical auto matic heat, for all type of systems, General Motors Delco- heat combines greater value wtih greater comfort to bring about better living. KSurvey and Estimates Mad "We are always pleased to consult with prospective cus timers for heating or sheet metal installations and, snake estimates of costs, without any obligations," slated Wesley E. Gladow. He also outlined that a survey will be msde, on the basis ot a heating engineer, to determine the range of the area to be heated, the volume ot sheet-metal needed and - the type of furnace that will do the job. This will be done, on the premises to be heated, which will be followed by cost esti mates. All of this service is made without any obligation to contract for the installation. Nothing could be fairer, and proves the confidence that Wesley L. Glsdow hss in Delco-heat he believes. . The Delco-heat oil-fired con ditioners represent a complete line of automatic home heating equipment that Includes units designed for use with all fuels. in all types of heating systems, in homes of all sizes and types. According to quoted statements msde by General Motors Delco-heat executives: "Delco heat users may know that they can depend not only on the product Itself but on its proper installation by Delco-heat factory-trained experts. The Delco-heat representatives in Sa lem, the Salem Heating Ic Sheet Metal company, has been appointed to serve tha com munity becsuse of the estab lished reputation for exper ience and specialized knowl edge." In support of these efficiency requirements, set up by the makers of Delco-heat units and auxiliary facilities for their use, the Salem Heating at Sheet Metal company employs only Journeymen sheet metal workers. Haydlfe I Blocb Fireplace Materials Water PfcoflnjCcir pounds Excuhlve Modemfold Door Complete lathing 4 Plastering Spacemaster Doer Supplies Ra-lox Folding Door Pumilif e Block & Supply Co. 1690 Dallas Ra. Phona 2-2445 W. Ta Rigdon Co. Funeral Directors One family serving Salem and surrounding community for 62 years. 1 299 N. Cottage Phone 3-3173 Across the Street or Across the Nation Capital City Transfer Co. 230 S. Front Phone 2-2436 THE ELEGANT NEW '54 DODGE MOM TO It - MORE IX II - HOSE OF 11 Stan Baker Motors S2S CHEMEKETA PHONE 2-24o mm Sheet Metal Contractors FOR COMFORT AND HEALTH Call 3-8555 , 1085 Broadway Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. SERVING SALEM AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY SINCE 1910 urdDemigm Dru).r kcciiiuu I iU I Ubwtf- Rossi tela, iatlssa amrhsaah. Frsosrrf Hiwsaaiat, tarsac. lam - Una 22471 (Si Automatic 1 ni COHFOtr SHEET METAL m Phone 3-8555 1085 Broadway 9 FREE ESTIMATES 0 ENGINEERED FURNACE INSTALLATIONS 0 CONTRACT SHEET METAL WORK 0 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED O i i