Fast THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Bale. Orefea Saturday, November 28, 1IS3 For Sunshine Comfort ELECTR I GLAS RADIANT HEAT l irlerasl Csri Ummkdhmtm RICHES ELECTRIC CO. FORD BIMFSON FHONK "HICK" KEEPS THINGS MOVING Tlx THINGS are freight and men." That's because Hlek (Hone Hickman) is our dock foreman here In Salam. Ha haa chan of freiaht handling operauona, supenrues pick-up and delivery route and handles our dupe. tc hint A la-year Freight er veteran. Hick baa (pent a onf time behind the wheel of ConaoMdaled'a oyer-the-road truck. Jaz hobbiei. Hick collects (una, lutes to hunt and flan. COMSOiMTiD mGfTMYS 1415 E. Hort Bt Telephone 1-I117 Rawlinson's Capital City Laundry One of the Best . Equipped Plants in West Proprietor Indewrified wrrfc Industry Mot efHi Ufa; Ma chinery ef Latest Design; Employes Loyal, EfHciant arte) Industrious; Working Conditions Ideal. Wy B. KENNETH EVANS Salem' outstanding growth pick-up and delivery routes EXTRA EARNINGS SAVINGS EARN SAFELY Your Savings org Insured Sofa to $10,000.00 by tha Federal Savings & Loon Insurance Corporation Open yoar Inrarcd Savior Aeceant today with Salvia Federal Salem Federal Savings & Loan 3 540 State Phone 2-4139 - I-T r ick Meyer Lumber Co. Reliable Lumber & Building Material Service One piece ora truck load Located two blocks North of Salem Underpass, East 1 block at . . . 1775 Lana Phone 3-4939 -I.1U--SJ-S.-I.II. LI . Oil U Surn 4 Tveedie Fuel Oils STANDARD OIL DEALER 1174 Edgewater Phone 2-4151 r MT. CREST ABBEY Mausoleum Crematorium West End Hoyt St. Setem Vault Entombment and Crematorium Service Cryptt-Niehes-Urns "Indoor Memorials in Marble and Bronx" The Two ettaf Vfaya Under Direction LLOYD T. RIGDON, Pres. Salem Mausoleum & Cremator! um Inc. W. Hort . . Phone 3-5484 WELL DRILLING MARION COUNTY'S OLD RELIABLE "IF THERE IS WATER WE WILL GET IT" Residential Drilling Route Studebaker Bros. Industrial Drilling Phone 2-2120 In population during the last decade created a demand lor service Industries and com mercial Institutions which were capable of meeting in' creased demands for service. ' R. A. Rawlinson, who has been Identified with the laun dry Industry in big wsy all his lifetime, recogn.'zed this fact when he acquired by pur chase the Capital City Latin- dry in KM. He spared no expense in adding the latest designed machinery, eon. structing new additions to the building and, installing a per sonalized system of laundry service. The result has been that, today, Rawlinson's Capi tal City Laundry is recognized as one of the best equipped plants in the entire section of the nation. This statement is suDoorted hv th (minion nf I leading laundry executives in the United States, who have Inspected this plsnt He surrounded himself with loyal and Industrious workers who are Intelligent and interested in doing their indlvidusl work ' well. Sixty per cent of the personnel of the Rawlinson s Capital City Laundry are Salem home owners and, as a group, ex emplify refinement and cul ture. Rawllnsoa Gives Due Credit "Much of the credit for our success In Salem csn be given to our personnel and the In- dividual Interest they have displayed and put into their work," was the proud state ment of R. A. Rawlinson. It Is almost a revelation to view the interest displayed by tne workers In this plant all going about their Jobs with smiles on their faces, fittingly dressed, with no lost motion. Contributing to this, of ; course, is the immaculate sur- ! rounding, and well planned I positioi of every piece of machinery, In this day of commercial I slogans one sometimes looks i with askance at some of their i claims. However, "Customed ! laundered shirts look bet- ! ter feel better fit bet Iter," used by Rawlinson's Capital City Laundry cannot be questioned, because of the way they are finished. It was not too manv veara ago that It required the work of some 20 women to hand finish the volume of shirts done daily by this laundry. The Formamatle Machine This machine is named: "Formatic." It is a Rawlin son product and, universally used by the larger laundries in the nation. The pilot ma chine was designed by George H. Rawlinson and his son, R. A. Rawlinson. It was made in their own shop adjacent to a laundry in Portland. The pilot of the "Formatic" was completed In 1934 and. the i "bugs" ironed out by 1937. It was then sold to the Ameri can Laundry Machinery com pany and put into manufac ture. It actually does, in one operation, what required a few years ago, four opera tions, or, in understandable words, It has 400 per cent more manpower. The Rawlinson's Capital City Laundry is today a Sa lem Industry confining its services to the residents of the city of Salem. Five regular are operated daily. . Walk-in, specially designed (rucks are in charge of courteous delivery-salesmen. These walk-in trucks enable the delivery salesmen to save one-minutes of time per-stop. Making an average of 60 stops per day he actually saves one-hour of working time. The five routes cover the city like a blanket There ere five economical laundry services offered, which include a dry-wash, a pillow-case bundle, (all the flat work .that can be stuffed Into a pillow case): family economy service, the com plete finished bundle, and a linen supply service for the commercial -and- industrial firms ol Salem. . There is an economical laundry service that can meet eny budget end, each aervie haa the feme quality work. The wearing aparel, used In the Linen Supply service, is the property of the laundry and include cover-alls a n d other .suplies. - These soiled linens are changed regularly with clean replacements and an economical charge for the service Is made on a monthly basis. Building Has Been Expanded The main portion of the present plsnt, 1204 Broad way, was built in 1930 and, designed to do laundry work for a population of 20,000 people the total residents of Salem at that tim One of the first moves of R. A. Raw linson was made in 19S1 by adding a warehouse for sup plies embracing 2,000 square feet of floor space. The fol lowing year the dry cleaning department was expanded by 4,000 additional squsre-feet of floor space. This relieved the conffeatlnn rjerasinnft rv fh Increased volume of business ' Mr. Rawlinson has lived In 1 a laundry environment since the days when he toddled around the machinery in the plant operated by his father, George H. Rawlinson, In Port land. Finishing his bssie edu cation in the Portland public schools, he completed a two year course at the Ohio Me chanics Institute in Cincinna ti. Ohio, in 1928. He then joined his father In the op eration of the Portland laun dry plsnt. With the excep tion of the time from 1943 to 1950, he has been Intimately associated with the laundry industry. During that interim R. A. Rawlinson served over three years with .he U.S. Navy as a lieutenant assigned to duty on an APA (advanced person nel attack) boat, in the South Pacific theater. Following his honorable discharge in 1946 he owned and operated a cat tle ranch in the Wallowas, In eastern Oregon until he dis posed of it and purchased the! Capital City Laundry. Mr. I Rawlinson is today president j of the Oregon Laundry Own-1 ers association and has served i as president rf the Northwest Cleaners and Dyers associa tion. Today, there are 42 local people employed by the Capi tal City Laundry, creating an annual payroll of more than $130,000. The nationally known Sanitone system of dry cleaning Is maintained as a major department. Dependable Business Training Pace Acceuatiag latin Administration Secretarial Executive Secretarial Office Machine Selective Subject Merritt Davis School of Commerce 420 STATE 5MiiMr Phone 2-1415 BUY U.S. BONDS FOR FUTURE SECURITY The Worlds Best Investment A. FRIEND GET READY FOR WINTER NOW We have fust received a fresh shipment of NEW GENERAL S. G. WINTER TYPE SAWDUST CAMELIACK. Have your awn tire recapped or exchange them from eur carefully selected guaranteed casings. ICENEBAL Tims A STATE TIRE SPECIAL All Urea anoBnted free and year sane mer driving tires stared antll spring. FREE OF CHARGE Sawdust tires stored daring months. State Tire Service 710 State St. o D A E R B O R N AREA HEAT Can PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCE CO. 3367 Portland Rd. Phone 3-5098 Again Proving Salem's Leading Newspaper Capital Journal 444 Chemeketa Phone 2-2404 FOR YOUR PROTECTION... Contact Any Member of the Salem Insurance Agents Association WE'LL GIVE YOU ,$Sb for your old bsttery when traded irk on a new GENERAL HEAVY DUTY BATTERY WE HAVE BATTERIES FOR EVERY CAR. Allowance for your old battery State Tire Service lit State St. Salem, Or. ' . . f j ' . o 2 ; - qip A J tisni s CO I M i 1 - ' ' ' ' r ; ' ntl III I Illijeasasaaa , ,-.-HS""- L ' "' J ' -' 1 - ' - 11 -t- I