Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Saturday, November 28. 1953
Local Paragraphs
Turkey Miami About 500
turkey were stolen from the
G. H. Watt farm, Route 2,
Woodburn, recently, it wai re
ported to the Marion county
aheriifs office hia week. The
farm ia in Clackamai county
,near Monitor and wa reported
to the sheriffs office at Ore
fan City, which notified the
.sherifJ here. Watu aaid the
turkeyi are believed taken sev
,eral weeka ago. He had a flock
of about 3000 at the time be
fore killing most of thera for
Thanksgiving sales.
Cancht In Wrtnrer-A lacer-
. ation at the base of the -thumb
requiring several stitches was
suffered by Mrs. Charles Ram
sey. 3630 Hollywood avenue,
Friday when the caught her
hand in a washing machine
wringer at her home. First aid'
'men treated the wound and she
wis taken to a doctor for fur
ther treatment.
De-Capped A set of four
special wire type hubcaps were
stolen from the wheels of
11)53 Oldsmobile owned by
Leonard Rowan. 1121 Fir
street, while the car was park'
ed in front of his home Thurs
day night, he reported to city
police Friday.' They were val
i ued at $127, he said.
Scout Dinner Cherry City
district. Cascade area council.
Boy Scouts of America, will
hold its annual dinner for all
registered persons in the scout
ing program, the night of De
cember 8 at the First Methodist
church. Principal speaker will
be Seward Reese, dean of the
law school of Willamette uni
versity. The program will in
clude recognition of outstand
ing scouters and veterans. Dis
trict chairman is Wesley Good
rich. East Salem Lions The prop
erty tax situation in Marion
county will be explained to the
membership of the East Salem
Lions club during the weekly
luncheon at the Senator next
Tuesday noon. Jack Schlmberg
of the county assessor's office
will be in charge of the pro
gram. Square Dance Party In
celebration of the first begin
ners square dance class of this
season, a party will be held at
the YMCA next Wednesday
night It will be open to aU
square dancers who wish to
attend and activities will be
gin at 8:30 a.m. Lucy Kieft
will be master of ceremonies.
Partner are not necessary and
single will be welcome.
Building Permit Emll
Lamb, to alter a one-story
dwelling and carport at 303S
Evergreen, $150. Roy M. Loc
kenour, to build a store at
144 South 13th, $150,090.
(Continued from Page 1)
else of the emotion through
religion, ethical and cultural
activities. In this respect Sal
em has planned well and the
reult of thij planning is evi
denced in its outstanding
growth in population, its mod
ern business and industrial
structures, economic stability,
successful business men and
its importance as the capital
city, commercial and indus
trial marketing and supply
center. Underlying this over
all structure are the nigh
moral standards, environment
and major Influences for right
living that exists here today.
The churches of Salem and
other major influences have
been responsible for creating
this environment which is
conducive to right living. The
church pays big dividends. A
life of religious service ex
emplified in the home, the
business, civic pride and en
terprise, are the dividends on
this investment.
Manila W The eighth Pa
cific Science Conference clos
ed today after delegates chose
Thailand for the next meet
ing in January, 1958.
Sixty-three foreign dele
gates and 1.000 local represen
tatives participated In the two
week session.
The United States has admit
ted more than 40 million aliens
since the end of the Revolution
Monday Nateuiker M
Company B. 162nd Infantry
regiment, and headcuarter de
tachment. Oregon National
Ouard. at Salem armorv.
Organized Manne Corns reserve
Unit at Naval and Marin Corps
Rewrve trainlnc center.
414th VAR t U8AR armory.
Oregon Mobilization Designa
tion Detachment No. 1, at USA.R
McKNIaHT T. Mr. B4 Mn. Clt.
Mrratiht. TULmonk. a tlrl. Rev. 17.
Klla To M. na Mrs. Kobtrt WIM.
ts Vuu 0t.. . sot. Nov. J7.
HODOeON T. Mr. no Mn. Brron
un. at. a, St i ut, COT.UU. a
hOT N9T. 17.
TROTT To Mr. tn4 Hit ArehM
Troll. 13S Pov.U m. Monmouia. a lit!.
aCX To Mr. sni Mr! wujttra Rt.
at. l, oi ni-c, TUiUMfc, a oiri an.
Officer Elected The Sew
So Easy Club of Englewood
School had its first meeting
Friday, Nov. 27. Officers
elected were: President, Lynn
Jo Buswell; vice president,
Jan is Albada: secretary, Sus
an Sarick; reporter, Cheryl
Simmons. The next meeting
will be December 7.
Hem from Earepe Mrs
Cheater M. Cox, Salem, was
among passengers who ar
rived In New York City thii
week aboard the Queen Eliza
beth following an extended
trip to Europe.
Will Enter Hospital Mr.
Henry Baer. 1S7S North Filth
will enter Salem Memorial
hospital Monday for testa and!
possible surgery.
Gaa Stolen Someone stole
about 50 gallon of gasoline
from the tanks of two trucks
parked in the Stevenson-Mef-ford
service station Sot, Court
anr Church streets, sometime
this week, it was reported to
city police. The trucks are
used for rental purposes.
Army Defeats
Navy Score 20-7
PhUdelphU Pit Uebel,
10-year-old sophomore from
Bellevue, Ky., scored three
touchdowns, one on a 70-yard
punt return, as the Army end
ed Navy's three year winning
streak on the loot bill Held
Saturday with a 20-7 victory
before' 102,000 at Municipal
Stadium. Jack G arrow scor
ed the Navy touchdown in the
final minute of play.
flrrt PrM:
Tb kv wm tiuvllr avtrcut u Tti
Mum kicked off for ttw Armr. Job.
RtUUr fumbled tbt kkkorr on luvri
37, Lowell AlMon rfovtrtnc for the
CavdatU. TtM Armr pTomvtlj narehad
for toutftdown lolfit yard In
Uiroo plan nd Pat Ubl bueklnk tr
from tat fit. fUlpa CbWDttukM add
d the xtr point.
Uur la too period Pst Uttol taUr
eeptod ft fw on Army's 4 tad roc4
bock N yord. But Jack Pcrktiu, Mory
tackle, etole the ball from tbe Army
back f.tvd duhid dowa too atdtUaaa W
tho Armr nine befort ba vaa abOTod
out of bouoda by Bob Mlachak. Tim
threat tndad wbea Tom EU laureeptod
oeorao Wtiah'a .ptia oa tho om.
toeead Period!
Neither team ae able U fei aa f
fiDM rolllac tbrouca th ftm half
of tho oocooel period. Tbe ktokinc erf
aiuoa kept tho Hiddlsa Stp in ttutr
A 7-raxd paat from Vana to Dob
Holleder put tho Army oa tho It mad
tho Cadets promptly west for another
cor with Uebel daabiac off Ttcht tackle
for tho final throe yarda. Chesaauakaa
mtsaed tbe try tor tho extra point. Nary,
with threo lt-rara runs, cam back
hut Oorrr Lodao mtsrotptod on of
Webb's aerials oa the Armr lb and
returned tl yards to tba Narp 8. Ten
Middles held aad Chesaauakaa alaiod a
field real irom in is a wane twon
the half ended with Armr leading ll-i.
Third Period:
A JO-yard pais from Vana to Mlachak
ato up moat of tho around as Army took
the operator ktckoff of tho second half
and nioTed deep Into Nary territory.
But this tUne tho Middles lntcrcsptod a
pass wtla Bob Crals ruanlnt the ball
back 14 yards to Navy's 41. Unable
to gain. Navy mated and Armr started
anouer dmo wim otoai a 3rara
turn of tho kick to tho Cadets'
aettlna up aa attack stopped by Mary
on ita IT whoa tho tatddiea heM for
Poorth Period:
parked by Cralt'a 11 -yard run throuth
the Army line, and a IS-yard pass from
Walih to Don Pull am, the Mlddlea mor
od to Army's 34 before loslna the ball
oa downs.
But Army's Lodto fumbled aod Kstt
took orer at tho earns spot they had
loit tho ball. This time tho Middles
want to tho air before Welak was thrown
for an l-yarn loaa. Tho Arm took error
on tho IS
The Middles opened up soother drtva
from their and wont all the way with
Jarfc Oarrow carrylna tho ball the last
sevea yards after a pass from Otorso
Knotta to Cralt had placed the oval
within atrtklna dlatones. Oeorgo Tester
added the sitra point to make toe jiaal
Korc Army at Mary r
Othtr fMtWH liaals:
Bojtoa Colleit f, Hair Croi I.
Btutoo U. 41, William and Uarr 14.
VUtaoova 20. PoMham IS.
New Havca Taaehtr 41. Miw Brltaia
Trnaaacat II. VaiMlarbUt
Duka IK North Carailn M.
Circuit Court
Earl W. Harrr rt. Arthur If. Brkkiaa,
dba Krkkion'a Soptr Marftat: Ordar
dtnrlnf cartals acHttMa ( Jtftttdant
and allowtng etnara w hi eft rcaulra plain'
tiff t maka portion at Um aemplaiDt
mora dcnoita aod caTUitu
Merla and Kttwl Loll va. David S. and
IdaUa if. Croabaw: CemBlatnt aaaklac
foraclMur of certala urainunt and
doelarlnv alalntlfla ncra af raal
proptitr Involiad.
Rudolph It. Urack . Thtol lfarfaar
1U Wakan: Ordar of duniual Vila pra
judlca aa fully atttlad.
Trot W. OUIaspla va. C. . Looalar:
Order daarina motion of dfedaat
t tender bill of aacapUooa aacauta af
tlma limitation.
Prank L. and Ruth HCav IferrlU
Carol D. and Roaa C. Willi : Order of
default en if red atalntt dafandaata.
Paul Becker ft. Patricia Laa Backer:
Dtvnrr complaint, allealna cruel and
inhuman treatment. Married tl
tan. Calif.. Octobar 11. ItU.
Marrioa U-.nMt
Oaorto Robert Teicer, IT. elerk. 1JT
Worth ith etratt, Salem, and Ulea jf.
Barters II nurea, Cornellua, Ore.
Heraerl W. Oraaa. . truck driver.
Manama, and LaVera Ruth Wilton, It,
tudtnt, MlU Cltr.
O. a Lraa. laathor vorttr. MM North
Fourth otroot, one Tore Boa.r. looiL
rtoui.olfo, SOS aorta 17th itrral. aolom.
Home , photo Xma gifts?
Days, call J -5470. Page "L. V."
Nights, 1620 Ferry St., apart
ment (. 284
Marimba and Accordion Con
cert, December 1. t p.m.. Par
rish Jr. High. Wiltsey Music
House. 284
Marimba and Accordion Con
cert, December 1. 8 p.m., Par
rish Jr. High, Wiltsey Music
House. 284
Learn knittini. 241 State St.
3-S6S4. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 1:00 p.m.-4 p.m. 102
Rhee, Chiang
Call Parley of
Asia Anti-Reds
Talpeh, Formosa (at South
Koreas President Synfman
Rhee called Saturday for a se
curity conference of anti-Con
munist South-east Asian na
tion and hinted that hi gov
ernment and Nationalist Chin
may sponsor such a conclave.
nnee addressed a Joint ses
sion of Nationalist lawmaker
shortly after be and Chlanf
Kai-Shek announced in a Joint
statement that they ".stand
firmly united" in the fight
against Communism and called
for a united Asiatic front.
Unless we are united and
organized lust as our enemy la
united and organised we can
not be as strong," the South
Korean president said In hi
speech. "The only way to fight
it as you would cholera, small.
pox or any other contagious
disease." i .
Joint Statement Issued
Rhee pleaded for - unity
among anti-Communist nations
and proposed a meeting of anti-
Red group to work out ways
and means of starting a popu
lar movement throughout the
The joint statement issued by
Chiang and Rhee did not say
flatly that a formal alliance
had been agreed upon.
But the statement Indicated
clearly the two bitter foe of
communism have joined forces
and hope their alliance will
serve as a basis for a united
front of Democratic nations in
the Pacific.
Rhee arrived in Talpeh yes
terday after a secret flight
from Seoul. There has been no
announcement when he will re
turn, but a 5th Air Force an
nouncement in Seoul indicated
he will be home by Tuesday.
Rhee is scheduled to present
presidential unit citation to
the Air Force at noon Tuesday.
Rhee and Chiang huddled for
several hours Friday, then
went into conference again
after a leisurely breakfast to
gether Saturday morning.
Their Joint statement ex-
Dressed conviction that "vic
tory over communism in Asia
is the key to world peace and
The government and peo
ples of our two countries stand
firmly united in our determin
ation to mobilise all our morale
and material forces to defeat
the aggressor is Asia," they
Moaey Mtaslnr The theft
of about SSI from the apart
ment of Mrs. Francis Joyner,
350 North Summer street, was
reported to city police Fri
day.. The money was taken
from a small cash box in
cabinet in the wall and from
two purse in a writing desk
in the living room, she said.
About $4 of the amount was
in the purses and the major
portion in the cash box.
Car Collide Cars driven
by John Franklin, S85 North
Winter street, and Thomas
Herbert Million. 725 South
13th street, collided Friday
ftemnnn at the Franklin car
was pulling out from the curb.
Damage was minor and no
one was injured, police said.
Club ( Meeting Central
Townsend Club No. 8 will meet
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at 239 Court street.
Franklin Parker
i Continued from Pate 1)
The other girl, Joan K.
Curry, was taken to Physi
cian and Surgeon hospital in
Portland Thursday and the
hospital reported Saturday
she continued to show slight
improvement although she
still was unconscious.
Young Parker wi the son
of the Lincoln county coroner..
I S !
) "h
-. , ,. --
Irvln Monroe NiehoUs, 19, left, and Franklin O. (Bud)
Parker, 19, Willamette University itudenU who loit their
live In a traffic accident Wednesday night while driving
to their homes In Newport. Nicholas was killed in the
crash and Parker died Saturday morning from his injuries.
A third death In the collision was Gay Carol Mdropp,
Infant, of Lajigloia, (Art Studio Photo)
Police Seek .
(Continued from Pffe 1
erable noise knocking ai the
door of the wommi cabin.
One witness noted that at first
the woman inside wouldn't let
him in, but after he said he
had brought her some money
he owed her she relented. The
wtness said he thought no
witness said he thought no
Mrs. Hardman had been liv
ing in the three-room Minne
sota Motel cabin since the
middle of September, police
said. She had not been work
ing recently and was in the
process of getting a divorce,
they reported.
The crime investigated today
is the first murder case in Mar
ion county since the murder of
Mrs. Susan Litchfield in June,
1952. . , ,
(Continued from Pace I)
"I believe that it ia very im
portant," the governor contin
ued, "that the people be fully
advised In this particular mat
ter Involving the milk mar
keting act as to the conditions
leading to and the reasons for
this order. I think that all
persons desiring to be heard
should be given ail oppbrtun
ity so to do before any order
becomes effective. '
Asks for Finding-
The governor closed hi let
ter with the request for sus
pension of the order nd said
that in the interim he would
appreciate being allowed to
review the finding of the
commission In the matter. He
also called on the board to
give a full opportunity, after
dft notice cait Im iven every
one to lie heard on the merit.
"After thia hearing and re
view a full and detailed re
port should be given on any
future action, the governor
Compliance Expected
Although the governor said
he was not unmindful of the
dfficulties confronting the
board in administering the
milk marketing act, there is
little doubt but that member
of the board will comply with
the governor a request for sus
pension of the order.
Members of the board of
agriculture are appointed by
the governor and could be
called upon to resign If they
refused to comply with an ex
ecutive request.
it. he
n' A
- Vn
'Vv' V : I
. . aw vNt,j - .
The body of Mrs. Frances Hardman lies across the bed
in three-room Cabin IS where she was murdered Saturday
morning by an unknown assailant. Police are checking
on a lead for the strangler of the attractive 28-year-old
brunette. The body was found about 10:20 by her room
mate In the. Minnesota motel cabin on South Commercial
Marshall Talks
On Nobel Prize
New York (A Gen. George
C. Marshall said Saturday he
regarded the Nobel peace prize,
awarded him, as a tribute to
the "whole American people."
He laid tha bi-partisan poll
cies of the late Sen. Arthur H.
Vandenberg (R., Mich.) wen
responsible more than any
thing else for the success of the
European recovery program,
known as the Marshall Plan.
Marshall, who la convalesc
ing from a flu virus, sailed Sat
urday for Europe to accept the
Nobel award in Oslo. He flew
her from his Plnehurst, N.C.,
winter home and boarded the
Italian liner Andrea Doria for
Marshall said he hoped eight
day at sea would be a "very
fine convalescence" for him.
He said be got up from a sick
bed only two day ago.
He said he planned to fly
from Naples Dec. 7 to Paris for
a brief visit with North Atlan
tic Treaty Organization Com
mander, Gen. Alfred M. Gruen
ther. He will fly from there
to Oslo, then back to Naples,
and return aboard the Andrea
Doria In time to spend Christ
mas in the United States.
Big 3 Seek
(Continued from Paae I)
But Informed observers talrl
that when President Eisenhow
er, Prime Minister Churchill
and Premier Laniel meet with
their foreign ministers in Ber
muda next Friday, the United
States' spokesmen will call for
tight arrangements to be made
against Soviet disruptive tac
Pre-conference arrangements
could be tightened up either by
getting the Russians to adopt a
somewhat more limited agenda
than they have proposed or by
getting agreement among tbe
Western powers that if the Ber
lin meeting developed as a mere
propaganda battle they would
wind it up after a reasonsble
time and get back to the busi
ness of building Western de
fenses. Berlin is were the Soviet
suggested the meeting take
place, and first Indication from
Washington were that the
Western Powers could accept
that location.
Opinici far only IV a
month imietcj of IV to MM
4aj for olJ-(yp vtajimt
tut-M ikJi!
LilVlrkt tOMtitf. truor an4
Th AM bttiery lufi a
full month ... no bi
ttry . . . fwtf btrttry tht nt I
tUmt CiilwlM Immtmtf. tt CaaQ
AcaTtfJ lay iht CfMMKtt M fftml
Mad act fM V4 KtuNlitMs f
Mat AarktOCM MlKl AjMCMIkoal
iWryf OroVt urn to UM
444 Stat St. Ph. 3 5528
! mil
4 ' , ..v; . I
Truman to Top
Israel Drive
Chicago VP) Former Pres
ident Truman planned to -top
off a busy visit to Chicago to
day with an address at an Is
rael bond drive rally In Chi
cago itadium. -
Truman will be honored at
tonight' program for the help
he extended to Israel when it
was founded during hi term
is president. The rally, expect
ed to attract 22,000. also will
mark the 2,000th anniversary
of Jerusalem, and tha sixth an
niversary of United Nations
partition of Palestine which re
sulted in creation of the state
of Israel.
WM aai Rbarl Cnckia
rttftCtaJtWft. .
Aumarflle, Ore.
jjpS Ci Hill i i-iui
I COMI etca 4 Naaii tta M
Washington CI Secretary
of Agriculture Benson yes-
Holly Is
Crowing Again
"Merry Christmas" all you fin people and a Merry on
It will be If you will com In and let ma help you. Yes,
I mean you really need help.. Take the snoopy old
"bucks" for Instance, they wait until the little lady oaa
out of the house and then they tear Into everything, go
through every drawer and closet and clothe basket and
wood pile trying to find out what they are going to gat
for Christmas. What chance doe a little defenseleea wit
have with these buzzards? It' easy, uat take advan
tage of my "keep it for ma In your aaf ucitfl Ctu-Mmaa
department Just com In any time and maka your se
lection. Pay part now and
or pay the whole work,
keep it out of hi tight and
V , . "HOLLY"
221 N. Uferty Sr.
Saturday and Sunday start th GRAND OPENING day
of th new Famous Lockwood Home. Our new model
home is finished and ready for your inspection. W want
you to drive out and see for yourself why th Lockwood
Home has created sucb a sensation in this city! As you.
inspect the model home, visualize your own being built
on a similar lot of your choice.,.. Only th best of mate
rials arc used in the Lockwood Home and the actual con.
struciion is far superior to most homes of today.
The horn is now being purchased by families of both
high and low income brackets ranging from incomes of
$275 to SI 500 a month. This in itself speaks very highly
of the appeal and versatility of our famous home. We ar
proud of our horn and you will be proud of your new
Lockwood Home TOO!
Ph. 20971
aSanfa Coming
With Reindeer
Santa Clan will drive hi
reindeer and sleigh through
tha (treat of the downtown
Salem business district Satur
day morning. Dee. , startin
at o'clock.
Tha Downtown Salem Mer
chant Association baa made
arrangement for Santa Claue
and his reindeer to visit tho
children of the downtown Sa
leb busineas district. . . ,
Santa CI us will have candy
for all tha children and then
they can go to a apodal free '
hw at ttv Kliinore theater.
Tba theater open at 10 a.m.
and tha how will Last from
10:10 to approximately noon. ,
Thia is the first time Sarur
ha aver brought hi reindeer
to Salem to visit tha children
before Christmas. On this trip
hi sleigh will be pulled by
Dasher, Prancer, Donner and
In order that all tha child
ren may have a food chance
to sea them and get their share
of the candy Santa will ba
carrying In hi sleigh, he will
drive his reindeer through all
the main streets in downtown
Salem ending up at tha Elal-'
no re theater about 11 o'clock.
terday named Donald A. VQV 1
llama aa administrator .. .
Soil Conservation Service. A ,
natitve of Clark County, S.D, '
William ha held tha pott in
an acting capacity since Nov. .
string the rest out if yon Ilk
but in either event we will
away from hi 'shaky hand.
i . .