Pag IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Balm. Orwfoej Saturday, November 28, 1553 SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS LEVITICUS XIX 3: Y ihall feor overy man hit mother, and hii forhcr, hot tobbatht; I am th Lord your God. e t W. T. KIGDON CO. Funeral Director! SOS N. Cottage. Phooe I-S1TS BRADLEY'S BICTCLI SPORT SHOP Formerly Moore EST N. High Ph. S-M44 BEUTLER-O.UISTAD LBB. Co. "Everything to Build With" 483 Wallace Rd. Ph. Mill ROBERTS BROS. Department Stora 51 SI RUSS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TBANSFER Movlnf - Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Mover! Phone 2-2438 230 So. front St capitol omci EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriter! . Adding Machines Accounting Machine . Calculator! Letter DeLapi Transfer-Sterafa "Local and Nation-wide MoTen" Ph. 217S0 HIS N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 183 Highland ?b. 1-4821 B L. ELFSTROM CO. 360 8. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AOENCT Insurance Ail Type SSa M. Capitol Ph. 42201 r. I. GOLDEN MORTUARY OS I. Commercial Ph.42287 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thingi Photographic ' 4SS SUta St Ph. 2450S HOTEL MARION Coffee Shop Open 7 ajn.-B p.m. Special $1.50 Sunday Dinner Noon Till S pm BO WELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME Acrou From Sean S49 N. Capitol BUTCHEON PAINT STORK Paint- V arnlshes- Wallpaper Ph. 3-887 182 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP PAPER CO. Quality Material Court eoui Service Front & Ferry Ph. 2-2421 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1773 Una Ave. Ph. 3-4838 c ffiffTEV81117 THE CHURCH FOR ALL... 1 'SJxfsSS FOR THE CHURCH lyS vOrX6&$$c 6011 ,UTiv There are tour sound reasons why $Qs l!Qlfll$QC)rSSiSo' VCVSw8cxxVVV! 'e!7 Pon should ull.nd union regularly QS o8ow?8cS?VVXcSjvS?8oo yO0)JJfVOvXVW own sake. (2) For hi ehildren'f lake. (3) For the yQ 5qqXaSXXxS& ,ak ' ni community and nation. (4) For the lOQs 5q?x5xxSVV ak ol the Church lUelf. which needs hie moral lOOs V and material support Plan to go to church regu- X?x R. E. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Construction-Commercial Residential Phone 4-2543 Rt. 4. Box 309 SEARS ROEBUCK CO. Senator Hotel A Coffee Shop SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL B P.M Court Si High Sts., Salem Ph. 34151 SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Owned St Operated by L. H. Campbell 3650 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1886 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Oil to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewater West Salem THE VIST MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3045 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Klslnore Capitol Grand Liberty - State Drive-la MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give JMf Green Stamps Phone 3-7377 1880 State MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store MAYFLOWER BULK Phone 38205 LES NEWMAN'S Men's Wear and Shoe 178 N. Commercial ALLEY .TELEVISION CENTER Salem, 330S Fairgrounds Road Woodbura, 171 Grant Motorola. RCA-Vlctor, Dumont Hoffman Television Complete Sales and Service) PAT L1SS DRUG STOKf Tay Lees Baa Iverything" S4 State St Phone 3-3854 VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Sales Service) 3333 Silverton Rd. VALLEY PACKING CO. The Home of Famous Cascade Hams, Meats, Bacons" 1803 Valpak Rd. Ph. 3-4153 OTTO J. WILSON Ca Authorized Buick Sales-Service SSSN. Commercial Ph.3-3821 THIS SERIES OF ADS IS BEING PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES. AND IS SPONSORED BY THESE FUBLIC SPIRITED, CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS I rr, - f . ... 1.. ...... .J.--. MAaNMihSWMeM.