chtarday, NovttaW 28, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales, OnM Fac It AUTOMOIIUS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOIIUS GREEN STAMP ' BONUS SALE! NOV. 27 Through DEC. 5 linui WHAT BARGAINS YYUYY! WHAT SAVINGS! HERE'S A WAY TO HELP SOLVE YOUR XMAS SHOPPING AND PROVIDE YOURSELF WITH GOOD TRANSPORTATION AT THE SAME TIME. . ' DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES -WITH EXTRA BONUS 553P '50 BUICK SPECIAL SDNT..R&H ......$1095 10,850 S&H GREEN STAMPS . 489P '51 CHEV. FLEETLINE TUDOR, R&H, PG 11195 11,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS 503P '51 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN, R&H, PG ... .$1295 12.950 S&rf UREEN STAMPS . ... 540P '51 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK SEDAN, R&H ....$1165 11.650 S&H GREEN STAMPS 664P '50 MERCURY MONTEREY, R&H, OD $1345 13,450 S&H GREEN STAMPS 665P '52 FORD VICTORIA, R&H, FORDOMATIC $1895 . 18,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS 568P '49 DODGE CORONET SEDAN, R&H $995 9,050 S&H GREEN STAMPS . 5Y0P '51 CHEV. BUSINESS COUPE, R&H, CLEAN . . . .$1095 10,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS 604P '49 FORD CLUB COUPE, R&H, OD $795 7,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS 606P '51 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN, HEATER $1395 13,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS 698P '51 NASH RAMBLER STA WGN, R&H, OD $1295 12,950 S&H GREEN STAMPS MARKET QUOTATIONS ilUrftl-TMtatli, wkjMl it neiiaie tbuui: Frennsni ouaUtr, nuu- mm - m ana ft cent cwuty de livered ta Pari.&a4 Oe-Tle Lai lint auel- nr. 04 40c eacoed outlay. 04-4U. Valler naM mam tmmmn noauta. 1 eonte mm. Bir Wnolesnlo Lee. talk cubes I BUM1, (Tftd AA. N 0000. Ui A ifMi tl acoca. MSo. ft. N Mar. tCi C. Kill, tiU AOVa KNN sincm nominal. Cimh AWl&ni ones to Portland wholesaler. Or etna lee. tttHk; OrCtt sV lr. 41-4mo. Esse to WnaiesoJer ClUM 04U tMtaialag no taw. cum tncladed f-o-n. Portland; A rMl Una, II rede niediuB. MW-M'ie; A trade aatl 414; B rede Urn, 41-M, Portland Oairy Mukii altar Trie ta reuileret Orede A rial, 1e; A cartas, 13c; A anal. T2. carton, fie; print. 40c. Bees to HMMtn Candied f ab. Portland: Ontrndad terta, 44-dle tea. trad AA lane 4 4m. i A larne. U doe.: AA medium tin aaa-) A rede Mtftian. 44 tt Asa. A aAa email nominal. U-lec Una to BatoUara Orado AA. larta. to; A una. tt; AA medium. Wc; A medium. ITct A email, 41-44. Caftan mbU additional. Ctim Price la retailer. PortUad. Oaten Huiu, 44V44; lb, loaves, ftlUc; trtoleia. 14c law than aid- la, premium rano. aiaiiaa, ni ta. far stncla wheels do. Processed Am erican no, 4-la. leaves to retail, ilta w n. rHrw Lie Caum a rwa. l avautr, 1-o.e. laaU): mere, laa. lie; lhe Ilei roeeur. 4 So lb, and M; heavy hen, an welihte, le: Hint hen, ail vaiaaUi le-l M ratoiara. la ne Draaaai Catafeaa Pa. 1 CraaM retailers Prrcra, broiler. 4W4Sa roaster, all tu. 41-Jei light i 31-Mc: biavr bens, 11-c; aut-n try ara. all u, U-Ua lb ; vbato Arava, U- A BffaA nattatai haaa, aft-4Ja B).i avtMtalatl U-aaa la.: aMafalag to valghu; tart AnaaaA toau. U B ; Ma Tart Araaaaa aaaa. aV Ta ayaaaa. an: Or aaa A MHtrj Aaa, ato la. t. laa: a taau. na a. Afcraca to travtrat ua vbiua. 144 Ibe. ll-aii; - las la-M la. i al4 Aaaa, la-lla, ft fcUnar. Frttk draaaad fryais to yataUafa, aaMl ml ua. ta-Oc. Cmlff ABM ) vaa Toa uailU .t tlaAB baaviat, N-ttc 1? VALLEY MOTOR USED CAR MART a Personality Used" Cars with CENTER AT HIGH PHONE 3-3147 4Ut (HU tt 11 Bl. la-2Ac BmU n-tto avi raartiBAa, S-9to La. Mum BuL l-la AV. aou-auuiy. UK. Baf Otrntr cave M-tto B i cajuar- cntMra, 11-lie; ahalU Aaaa to Ut. rmi Praaaa MuU Wbalaulary to rtiatlara. DaUatt aar l.: Biaf Hurt, chalca. toa-tto Iba.. t4t 41; laad. $34-41; aaaiBMrMal. t1S4; atuity. AXI-tl; aaaiaittciai aaw I3VM; ttH'tu. Ut-U: caaaara-caUara. Ill-O. Baaf Cala Cbatra auatt alaa aaarl- arc. M'U; rouaaa. ai-a: luu Ulna ad, TVM. utaactai, III -IS t fara. auarort. ui-m; auEA w aM-a. rare rata unu, aaaiM. a-u 44-ftl; abouldan. 14 Iba.. 1M-B): aaara- aa, IM-M; Xiaab aaau. 14-14 Iba, aU Vaat aa4 Carvaa OaaA-caalea. iifhU. tll.ll: aaammlala. all-SI. Lamto Cboiat-ariBiA tu-Ji-Hi a aaa. all-It. BaiMM aiaia aiaiw u-ia a.; (laad Ur4 IB Aruau la-14A4l 4l4b bacao. M-n. MACHINERY A. C. CAT. K. 44 Armor and BUda. A-l condition. I1.M44. Pboac Dallaa t&U. A. N. Buadctraak Moaaiowta. Ore. R. U Box at. M DIRECTORY ADDING MACRINKS All BtafcM OMd machtaai told, rantad, rcpairad. Bmb, 4M Court. Fa. Mm. 4 Bt'LLDOZWQ Build oxl m. roadf. clcartaa totth. Vlr- U Hutkay. ill Palrvlcw, pbaaa 11UI O104 COMMKBCIAL TTTINO AIM direct Kill adwUataj. KATHAN WAN. 1149 Holiata. elll1 BXCATATINO Ben OUcs A) Boa. axcavatlnt and radlu. Land claarlai. Ph. 1-S0M o3f4a tNIULATlON Inaulauoa. voatacratrlM, atom aaab. Prra Mtloutaa. T. PaUmaa. Phono 1-1441. o I MATTBERSEfl Capitol Bedding renovate. Pull lloo new mittretm. rn. 140S. OFFICE FX'BNITL'BE A SL'PPLIEt Deak chatra, fllct. Mint supplies, safes, duplicators, suppllea, dask lamps, type- rlur stands. Roen, B court. REFTIC TANKS Mike's septic Service. Tanks cleaned. D'roottr deans severs, drains. Phone 1-V444. 0397' BAMEL'S MPT1C tanks clcsned, Una service. Ousranteed work. Phone 1-704. 0314' Bewer. septic tanks, drains cleaned. Roto-Rooter Sewer Senrtea, Pbona l-UJT. TTFEWKITEBB Smith. Corona. Remlnstoa. RoyaL Un derwood portables. All nukes used mschlncs. Repairs A) rent. Roen. Court. 3-4711. WINDOW CLEAN1NO Oalaaa-44 lb. sacks Waah Telia medium : urge. Sl.y-1.M; id aba yellows, gaea, Mt-i.aai sarga kl M-LTI; white. -l 40. rautaaa oaacnutM Haasaa, v. . 1A. Sl Ct-TI: alaa tl.Ta-l.4t, tt AS M S-lt aa U H- M: 14-14 M-. I444-J4; e; iw in. -nc; no. a, to laa It-aac; Wasb. BusmU, 43 Te-.M Idaho, I3.44-.M. a o. B. NO. 1 Braea auaiia. UteraA car loU f e.b. Par Land and Se attle. -. Waal OraaM bacla. WlOagMtto fal- lev anadlum. kl-kba la.t Uii Omen fine and half-blood. M-fle; wuumaua Valley lamb wool. 4Sci U-ateath wool U-40C Mohliwam-41 a m li-moBtn tro- tk !k cauBtrw aalDotna POlOta. Pradaeera aaytaf prua s.a.a. PorUand. calf aklaa, U-llo lb accord- Inm ta emMlltlaB: oraaa kiPa. 11-14 lb. araaa mow hides. T-Ae lb- MCOrdlU welch 1 and auallty; uu awaa, ib.i glue aides, 44 par seat belew price sec above ciassM. mtertaWhalaaala aalllaa arlM l.ab. Oragoa plants Ma. 1 lamb Barcaleaas ltc; Urge HVtt isvt maaina ssna ia.i tM ktb van f.a.b. alaat before MOT. 1 II lb. for Barcelona Dwcniuya nv Walaau Wholesale aclllu prices. first auallty largo PranejuettM 11-11 H Ib.t abeUad. Us hi amaar aalvaa. T4-7M lb.: lis hi halvM It-We lb. Una Praa ouettes. l-34c lb.; glayaUUa, laa lb.; sceanni. u-ia io. SALEM MARKETS CaasptUd from yoaort at Balaca oaaJan lay laa riMsaee ac uaaiiai jawrwai raadara. (Aertaad aalty4 Btl hte PrlMai gubbii Panau as.w tM-ia. aai;, I4.14-40O UOO-lb. bag). ECC Hill l4.tS-B3.Z0. Dairy Feed 43.24-1.41 (MHb. bag) I1.H.4 SO MOO Wt.l. raaltry Baviag rricoo coioren iryera. e; old rooaUra, c; colored lowi, zoci Uaharn fowl. 14c: route i. 270. Baying Pricaa Rts AA. asc; largo a. 51-eoc: medium AA. 47c; medium A, 4i-7c: small. 11-llc. Eggs wnoiesais price generally 4-1 cents higher than pricM above; lane grade A. generally quoted at lie; mediums at Ua. ttr. VtatLerfat Bauerf at Buying pneet rremium. Te ll cents; No. 1. ev-eo ceaui no. A oaa, VvWt iXiir MAKE SOMEONE VERY HAPPY WITH A GOOD USED CAR THIS CHRIST MAS AS A SINGLE GIFT OR A SECOND CAR FOR THE FAMILY. SEE THESE WONDERFUL PRE-CHRISTMAS BUYS THIS WEEKEND WITH THE YEAR'S LOWEST PRICES! '49 MERCURY CL. CPE. ??7 OlUtenlng let black finish nlihllihted with whlt smwiui wM 'M iufi Completely rebuilt motor. 411 down, 144-41 mo. M6 NASH AMBSDR $495 Club coupe with good msroon paint, clean interior, weather-eye heater, ex cellent tires. sDortllfht. overdrive and a paeilni gear. Convertible Closeouta I TO CHOCK E FROM UAKX US AN OrTKR '41 Ford, '47 Bulck. 41 Chevrolet, '41 lulct, '41 Plrnttoth CAPPS USED CARS 51 CHEVROLET 4 DR. .$1360 SnUu ..u tuii, ovirosiers. taro naU. seat covers, ell J liter. It's aharp. And It has POWKROUDBI 49 PLYMOUTH $895 SPMlsl deluxe 4-door aodaa. radla, healer, seat covers. 52 CHEVROLET $1595 z-door sodsn with power slide, heatat, defroster, turn signals, aest covert. DOUGLAS McKAY CHKVROLBT CO. 1 N. Commercial Bt 46 CHEVROLET $550 fleetmaster 4-dr. sadsn. heater, de froaur. good Uras, original black fla Isa, completely lecoodivloned. '51 PONTIAC $1595 ChlefUla deluis "I" l-dr. original l tone, 1 owner. 11.004 miles, has com plete deluie Pontine equipment with hydra, ns Mt of white sldewaiu. 52 FORD V-8 $1495 j-dr., 1 owner, low mlleMe. alealy equipped and a sharp buyt WESTERN MOTORS lltl BROADWAY LEGALS Woman Arrested for Selling KOIN Stock A woman accused of obtain ing $2,000 from Boise, Idaho, .i ........ . Un Acma Wlnlo Cl..o.ti. floor woman uji i ii.ire.w . wixin.. bouMci.QiDf. prion. I-I33T. mg ner some aiocK in auiiion KOIN-TV in Portland u in tne Salem jail awaiting extradi tion to Idaho. State police identified her aa Jo Ann Roger, 43, Los An geles. They arrested her Fri day night at the home of a woman friend in Salem. She Is charged with obtaining money by false pretenses and is being I held in lieu of SS.ouo oau. The complaint claims she used the money obtained In the transaction to buy a car. Most of the world's Inhabi tants live below the 600-foot level. Tragedy Hits Old Love Idyll Orange, Tex. ) The It. year old love Idyll of Betty McCuddy and Tom Bun tin was shadowed by tragedy today after their second grandchild. girl, was born dead. - Tom and Betty, who became Mr. and Mrs. IV) mas D. Pal mer after they disappeared in 18J1 from their homes in Nash, ville, Tenn., and Ruasellville, Ky., had feared it would hap pen. Ever since their secret love became public knowledge Thursdy, tiny had tried to protect their pregnant daugh ter Elizabeth, from the excite ment of publicity. "Please," Betty, now a eourt stenagrapher, had told report ers, "don't ask me question now. com back In a few days and I'U talk gladly, but not now. "Give us time to think things over, Tom, a television sales. man, had said. Conservation Office Opens Mt. Angel The formal no tice of the opening of the Mount Angel office of the Mount Angel Soil Conservation District has been announced by Jim Jackson, president of the board of supervisors of the Mount Angel district. Melvin Rigdon has been transferred to the Mount An. gel office to take over the da ties of Work Unit Conservation ist The District office Is in the Kloft Building on East Charles St. Working with Rigdon is Truman Massee, soil special ist, who Is making a soil capa bility survey of the district Rigdon has been working in Oregon since August, 1848, when he took a position as Vet erans on the Farm Training In structor at Canby. In December 1950 he went to work fotHbe SCS (Soil Conservation Serv. Ice), in flood control at Pen dleton. In August 1951 he was transferred to Cave Junction, Ore., aa assistant conservation- 1st in the Illinois Valley Soil Conservation district At present the Rigdon family is living in Silverton. They hope to soon locate In the Mount Angel area. Other members of the board Include Joseph Henny, Warren Sybrandt, William Schwartz and Joseph Bernt Anyone wishing assistance of the SCB is asked to contact the office or any of the supervisors. MISSING FOR TWENTY-TWO YEARS n; n I! ,: cm Twenty-two years ago Miss Betty McCuddy, secretary, and her employer, Thomas C. Buntin, member of a social ly prominent Nashville, Tenn.. family, disappeared. The couple officially declared dead, were found living in Orange, Texas, by a Nashville Tennessean reporter and photographer and admitted their Identity. Upper left hows Miss McCuddy at the time of her disappearance and lower left as she looks today.- Upper right thowa Buntin at the time of. his disapearance and lower right . photo shows him today. The latter picture, copyrighted) by the Nashville Tennessean was taken by their staff photographer. (AP Wlrephoto) . LATOFT AT FORD Detroit (JPt The Ford Mo tor company will lay off 3,100 hourly employe when, it shift automobile engins-mak- ln( from It River Rouge to it Dearborn plant shortly. DEATHS M. 04 t:v VJL Bitot tew Portland, under the dlreoUam inn Cloush-Barrlek Co. Maxlaa Marie Mela teen At the mldonce. Hi. L Boi TM. aUlonv Hovambar la. nl the oie of t yeara. ur Tired by parento, Mr. and lira. Barl M Intoch. !; aUtera, Colleen. Llllle. Patricia Mclntoah, aU off ftalerm hroth era. Karl Lao Uclotoeh. O, AV armr Lather Keith MoZBtoah. botb of ea len. Annovnceatnl of omloaa will h nada tour by ah Chwch-rJarrtck Co. "NATIONAL METAL KDOC BOX COM PANY. 140 N. lit it Bt., Philadelphia 7, Pa., has recliterrd a trademerK coomk nt of the word "METAL XDOI" with the Department of State or Oregon, to be placed on cardboard boxej and metal atrip. Wolf Elo Schorr At SolU-Cnhen, Attyj, 12th PL Packard Bldf- Phila delphia 3, Pa." nOT.ll.21.3B "WOLF BROTHERS, XHC, J M. 12th Street, Philadelphia T P . haa rea ti ter ed a trademark conatatim oi me word "HANDELOK with the Depirt ment of State of Oregon, to be placed on boxen, cartons, bate, carton layout, boi. carton, and package covert, and merehandtie envelopes. Wolf Block Schorr and Solli -Cohen, Attya., 13th 71. Packard Bid., rnuaoeipnia a. ra. NotU.II.M atnrk MUaav Mrere Lata ranldont of Troutdole. Ore on. to that oily Moveabay U nt the ace of M years. SnrrlTad by nephews. Or, John Myora, Orayoa City. V try II Myers. Inde pendence! nleees, Mrs. Mabel Hill. Sa lem. Mrs. Hilda HoweiL saiem. enricae Monday, Nov. M at 11 a.m. in the christian Church nt or at on city, mtet aant nt Mountain View Cemetery. Ore- ion city under dlrecUoa af Xowatt dwarda Co. Arnat Dnnean Arnet Duncan, lata resident of lit. 1. Bon Sit, Independence, at the rasldenca rlovembet 21. Survived by wile, Mr. Sflvla Dunean. Independence; sta ters. Mra. WtlSM D. Bvana. lndependtnce. Mm. Than M. Murray, Portland; bro thers. Dr. Af. V. Duncan. Lompoc. Calif., nnn c. k. Duncan, Mcaoinnviue, ore. New Guinea and Borneo are each flightly larger than Texai. servloe WUI be held Monday, November Dr. T. L Lnu n o. Dr. O. Chan. MA DRB. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, t41 North Ubcrty Office open Saturday only. II a.i to 1 n.m.i t to t p.m. Consul tatlon. blood preasuro and urine test art free of charts. Practiced at rice HIT. Write for nttrMUre sift. Mo obit- DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham 51 OLDSMOBILE $1695 Club sedan, hydra. RAH. directional turn elinala. low mlleaie. It s a buyl '51 PLYMOUTH $1395 4-door eedan. sUodard Iranimtailon. RAH, low mlleaae, turn alrnals. It really sharp! '52 PLYMOUTH $2395 Cranbreok 4-dr. ado. house car RAH. Hi -drive, turn slinal. white aldowail urea, I Location To son ron asaiiyi Ui North Hub Ml Cbemekete II 10 Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors 51 CHRYSLER $1695 4-door sedan, n Windsor deluie. !' full r equipped, really sharp and se ine ot a low price! '51 PLYMOUTH $1245 A 4-dr. sedan, a Cranbrook wtth ra dio, heater, and lota of si Ira plue lot of beautiful cart 49 MERCURY 3995 4-door sedan wjth tleamlni finish, scat covers, radio, Another or it in al heater. Salem Automobile Co. B. commercial nt Morton BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER . -Remember-NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Art Brought to You So You Con Look Leisurely Then Buy Loter 'HE rWT OPEN THE DOOR, HENRY UNTll WE GNt HIM THE fV6S WCK?P. SO STOP YHJJNfl. .. UNLESS WGW TU. THE WSSWCCa FINANCIAL CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 en FRED SCH0TT AT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS FINANCIAL an ua ron rAHU. city o acrsaoi LOANa bdit or Tnua 1 BUT tlnX Mt.t. MorUMW Si State Finance Co. 1st a, ano su m. i-iii REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INTESTMENT CO KOIE.T SOSMSCN. f.ll U7 Ceart r, 4-2283 FINANCIAL AUTO LOAKS WILLAHCTTS CRSDIT CO. 1.1 Chwreh rufclBl .-Flt.tT K I MI Lu. H. M-IM. S-IM TRAILERS Two-wmiL TSAiua ir t. Qti.nn.l fr.i... PhMi. tM" HOUSE TRAILERS tt FOOT trailer bowse. eVo after 13 ib, iTte) Otford. ocroeo from raulus ; canncTT. tsm ur twa run homis hn I Tt-sc Kent 3 WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shelters (Iter it hsi si. A. -J c I ill 1 ilIIMIPI (baVUAlEcfoicb! Efficient, effective ond really economical Wont Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for CapitalAjournal rr i i : u : if w n LAMA LA KB TRAtXB FLAXA I 144 Laaa ata. ... . . -.. -: Tz-T T S V':'"' l,,-" .4,i-.omf a faaA4Mi-, .! yF'MW x . ..... ....... r