THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safest. Orr Pags IS Finalists in The Capital Journal-Capitol Lanes Boyling Tournament Saturday. November 28. 19SS . 111 as. i i .c, raw.w..ii- n' m n i iswiiis i Hw irti . fw7.a: " n p1 '' II . : ' l n , 3 a -ll I ( Mm P V 1 f I ,... i , .. .U V p f. U .1-1. -x. I faT,- , lr mm BILLOSKO PINKY HARTWELL -' TONY BIGLEE . BALfH 80MMEB ' MOBBI8 CAM r ri 'f rn fp IP - s 1 h A ;1LA Z-J dottie cocdare marie lindblad mildred cuthrie marie bradley shirley lairp aBgnagaBaBB ImBoMMw fc.x.. 111 urn il ajmwa BOB LAWLESS JOHN UNGQCI8T BOt FARLEY Valley Fruit and Berry Men On Horticultural Program PIN PATTER By BENN TALDEZ NOEL TEAM SCORING SYSTEM f - Had to make a quick trip to Wenatchee, Washington, be cause ot Illness this week but when I found out things weren't too serious took a look around at some of the other bowling centers in the area. Found the Wenatchee Major League (6 teams using a novel scoring system. They do not operate on a games won and lost basis. Instead, they use a S, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 point system, the top team each game getting 5 points, the second best team getting 4 noints. and so on with the bot- n torn team each game getting P"-" " fc' 0. Each week, th top two tew S 1 innu bowl each other, the fi next two and so forth. N W Conference Tightens Aid Limits for Athletes n II elf Portland () The North west Conference tightened its restriction! on the award of athletic scholarship by mem ber schools Friday night and uamed Avard Whitman of Llnfield college to head the circuit for the coming year. A spokesman for the rep resentatives ot the leagn meeting here said enroll ment factors will determine the amount of cash each school can use to entice ath letes its way but that each PINKY HARIWELL . . . won by four pins Under this system, a team which bowls against a team which is "hot" can still come out with some points. Under the system which we nse in Salem, It's possible to bowl yery good Indeed and still lose four points. They call it the "Merkle" system, or that's what the man said he thonght It was. Sounds like It might prove interesting as a trial some time. NO HALVES OF SEASON AT YAKIMA In Yakima they are still using the straight 3 game svstem without ' the extra point for series and they bowl straight through the season without splitting it into two halves. Under this system, the team which comes through the grind on top is truly the cham pion. Of course, there is the chance, which Is happening in Yakima, of one team making a shambles of the race and the rest of the teams losing interest. . The ever strong Pak-Out team there Is leading the race by 13 points at this stage and are increasing It every week. Something like the Timber Structures team in the Portland Intercity Classic League last year who had the champion ship all wrapped up by the two-thirds mark of the schedule. OLNEY STILL PILING UP PINS Our topper is off this week to Jsck Olney, affable aa- ehor man of the Stevens Jewelry team In the Capitol In dustrial No. 1 and Shryock's Clothiers in the Capitol Mercantile No. 1 who Is continuing his heavy pin spilling after wrapping up the city Singles trophy in the recent city tournament. Last Friday nite Jack came In with a big 154 series and a nice 252 high game. Gave him high series for the league and second high game. Alas, though, it only lasted one week as Larry Stanley came through with a 618 scratch last nite to take over .the handicap series in the league 700 to 678. Jack maintains his high average in the league, a 183 to go with his high 184 in the Industrial. Looks like efter all these years of being kidded about his nothing ball, Jack has finally got mad at avery one. SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOKE - Another league has finally broken the monopoly held on the Chesterfield fag bonus by the Classic as Dyer & Son Insurance of the University Mercantile League came through wit', a 2982 series last Tuesday nite to win the smokes for this week. They checked in with a series sweep along with it to stretch their league lead to eight full points. Looks like we might as well start the second half before they get out of sisht. Because Thursday nite was Thanksgiving, the University I Commercial No. 2 League decided to take a night off from TLs. ("-' bowling for this week and the decision was announced at the , 1 1 QUCI 1 361 XQS 1--. 1 1 1 J .1 LIU C..M -HA.. At. I ' the members who was practically standing on my corns whf,ni Will Nftt R0U!1(fc i mid. lh ftnnnunremnt forffat and showed UD to bowl. II llvl WWIIU I won't mention his name. Bob. CAPITAL JOURNAL FINALS SUNDAY ' Tomorrow is the big day for the 8 men and 6 women who will go in the finals of the Capital Journal Singles Classic. women will take off at 1:00 o'clock and '.he men at 4. Don't forget to come down if you're not doing anything and root For your favorite. ; Wednesday nite Larry Oslnnd snd Pinky Hsrtwell pnt i on a thrilling prelude to the finals when they bowled off for the eighth position, both having tied for the last spot I In the third qualifying round. Bowling In regular match game style, they came right down to the final frame tied almost to the pin. Thry opened the last frame and Hart : well won by the margin of fonr pins. 111 to 1(7. Pinky will have a tonga row to ho la the finals as he will ! be spotting some of the finalists as much as 35 pins a : game and that's a lot of wood, brother. NOT READY 'OR MINOR LEAGUES YET Yuk of the week is on the number four man of the Mea dows entry in the majors who is known as the Silent Scan dinavian, Deadpan, Henhouse, Etc., and who is the only man on the team without an 800 series to his credit this rear. Well he started out like a house afire Wednesday nite with a big 363 gam then unkind things started happening to him such as the necessity for picking spares, getting tapped on good hits, etc, and poor Swede wound up the evening with 798. Never mind, Swede, they still think you're a prospect and the rumors that you will be farmed out to the minors is untrue. school will be able to pass out approximately the same number of athletic scholar ships. In other actions, the con ference representatives (1) ruled that athletes may re ceive free board only dur ing football practice sessions before the opening of school each fall (2) set a limit of IS basketball games each school may play during a season, exclusive of tourna ments, effective next year (3) and banned basketball practice or' games during the Christmas vacation. The representatives also npped to IS the number of baseball games each school could plsy and set these) places snd dates for 154 conference tournaments and meets: track, Lewis and Clark, May IS; tennis and golf, Lewis and Clark, May 14; Willamette relays, Sa lem, April 3. Charles Howard, Lewis and Clark, was elected sec retary -treasurer. Pin Finals Set Sunday At Capitol Eight men' and six women will toe the line Sunday in the finals of the first annual Capi tal Journal-Capitol Lanes sin gles elimination bowling tour ney. At stake are large tro phies In each division, plus cash prizes. The finalists are the survi vors of three rounds of elimi nation which started with about ISO entries. Women will start bowling at 1 p.m. and the men at 4 p.m., the men to roll eight games and the women six. The men are Bill Osko, Pinky Hartwell, Tony Bigler, Ralph Sommer, Morris Cady and Bob Lawless, all of Salem, and John Ringquist, McMinn ville, whose 944 was the high est score to date. Hartwell won a playoff from Larry Oslund by a score of 811 to 807. Women finalists are Dottie Coudare of Lebanon, Marie Lindblad of Albany, Mildred Guthrie of Woodburn, Marie Bradley of Salem, Shirley Laird of Salem and Mary Po linsky of Salem. Mary Polinsky was ' not available for a picture and hers Valley Boys Win Top Awards State Corn Show Hermiston P) Ronnie Lar son, 17 Hermiston, won the high grade yield competition in the 12th annual Oregon State Corn Show here Friday witha record of 204.5 bushels per acre. The previous high was 186.7 bushels in 1949. Larry Faist, Canby, won the 10-ear exhibit competition with a 184.6 bushels yield. This gave him victories in the FFA classes and sweepstakes wins in the open classes and 4-H entries. He also was run nerup to Larson in the sweep stakes. Jaist's 184.6 won the West ern Oregon district yield con test. It was a new high yield forthe western district in the irrigated crop class. Oscar McCarty, Echo, top ped the open class in Eastern Oregon district yield competi tion with an entry of 16S bu shels per acre. Verl Pratt, Stanfield, won in the 4-H class with 114.1. Ivan Hanson, Canby, took first in the open class fori Western Oregon irrigated crops.. He had a :51.3 entry. For Western Oregon non irrigated crops Al Penne, Woodburn, was tops with a yield of 98.6. J. B. Massey, Mollala. was first in the FFA class with 93 8. In district one competition Louis Heinz, Canby, won in the open class, Faist In FFA and Harold Kranberg, Canby, in 4-H. Ray Werner, Silvertorr, top ped the open class in district 2. Roy Pittman, Albany, was first in FFA and Steve Glas ser. Tangent, in 4-H. In district 3 Margaret Strit-1 zke was first in the open class. Dean Bimyard, Grants Pass, topped the FFA and Wade Worthington, Canyon vllle, was first in 4-H. and from five feet two inchel! Ine now "" up saiur to five feet seven inches in "v w'lh 4 " nd. FFA Jud" h.iM Mxlmurn weieht In g ana a oiscussion on corn does not appear witn the otner proporUon to height is United Air Lines To Add Stewardesses United Air Lines during 19S4 will add 400 newcomers to Its ranks ot blue-clad steward' esses. Minimum qualifications for applications for the position ot stewardess are that applicants be of good physical condition. have a vision of at least 2040 without glasses; be unmarried citizens of the United States between 21 and 26 years of age Mid-Willamette valley fruit and berry growers will be pro minent on the program at the 68th annual meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural so ciety st Corvallis, December 3 and 4. James S. Smart of Salem will be member of a panel which will discuss "Irrigation, ferti lizers snd cultural methods with stone fruits" during the Thursday afternoon session. Harold Elbert, Salem bean grower, Is to present the grow ers viewpoint In a panel evalu ation of Blue Lake strains and varieties of beans. Also on Thursday afternoon Leonard Larson, Woodburn, will be one of those discussing "Cost of Establishing and Maintaining Cane Berries." On Friday afternoon Bernard Smith, Woodburn and El wood Faist, Canby, will be among four growers to discuss "How to Raise Five Tons or More of Strawberries Per Acre." Britt Asplnwall of Waconda is to be a member ot the peach culture panel. Several local growers will display equipment of their own design and manufacture. They include: a strawberry runner cutter exhibited by A. s. Howe, Silverton; blackberry thorn re moval device by Leonard Lar- sen, Woodburn; strawberry cover crop seeder equipment by Alvin Van Cleave, Salem two - edged hoe by B. Braucht, Salem cane berry chopping device and small fruit culture exhibit by Kenneth Ashland and Charles Wyftel of Woodburn. Gordon Walker of Indepen dence is chairman of the cen tral Willamette valley program committee. Members are: Ken Elliott, Rickreall; N. John Han sen, Polk county sgent; Floyd Bates, Arthur Sprsgue, Paul Willard, H. L. Pearcey, Ed Zielinskl and Don Rssmussen, all of Salem. Rots Clark of Salem Is one ot the trustees of the society. The meeting is usually attend ed by about 600 horticulturists. Detailed programs can be obtained from Don Rasmussen, county sgent I or nnuaotB nana BAKERS FIELD WINS Taft, Call! () The Bakers field Junior Collene Renegades stayed in contention for the Western team selection in the Little Ro- Bowl gsma in Pas adena Dec. 12 by routing Taft Junior College 67 to Friday night. . . The American H o e k y League has three plsylng coachea Frank Eddolls of Buf falo, Murray Henderson of Her shey and Pat Egan of Providence. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITfD REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY ' ' Authorized Repair on Al Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Clsus, Owners CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 3053 FAIRGROUNDS RO. Specializing In Chines & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" . Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dlntiert and Parties CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND & GRAVEL At Wheatland Ferry , Rt. 1, Gervals Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock . Prompt. Courteous Service finalists on this page. Melbourne, Australia ( Things looked up for the U. S. Davis Cuppers in the Victor ian tennis championships Saturday. Tony Trabert, the U. S. champion from Cincinnati, gained the quarterfinals by trouncing Ian Ayre, 6-8, 6-4, 6-0, and Vic Seixas, the Wim bledon champion from Phila delphia, demonstrated his in- lured knee was on the mend by whipping Bill Giimour, the Australian junior titlist, 613, 4-6, 6-4. 6-4. Arthur Prudholm, who won the middleweight boxing title at the 1920 Olympics, now is a cook in mining camps in north ern Ssskstchewsn and Mani toba, Canada. pounds. Educational requirements are that they have either a register ed nurse certificate or two years of college, or a combina tion of one year of college and one year business experience. High school graduates with three years of business exper ience slso sre scceptable. Before beginning their car eer as a stewardess successful applicants will be flown to Cheyenne, Wyo., for five and a half weeks of training at United's stewardess school. Tuition, lodging and other ex penses are paid by the company. Details on the openings sre available at United's personnel offices In Seattle, San Francis co, Seattle, Los Angeles, Den ver, Chicsgo snd New York. Fathers of two Brandeis Uni versity basketball players are police officers. Bob Sheridan's dad is a policeman in Boston. Don Healy's father is a lieuten ant in Manchester, N. H. in! growing led by Dr. R. E. Fore, an uregon auiie ourgc agron omist who heads the State Corn Show committee. That phone number ts . . 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel '895: LARMER TRANSFER nd STORAGE 89 No. Liberty "Our reputation Is your security" CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 , MORTARLESS BLOCK CO. 14th 1 1. HOYT Approved - Reinforced Reetannilsr Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks , In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Safes-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Pslnt Sprayers Air Com pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools - Pover and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on AH Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS. Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 1. HIGH ST. Armstrong it Congoleum-Nslrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Glvenl j- ' IRRIGATION : PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip. Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTTNO Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., S31 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND Football Scores IBr Tba AwotuttS hw) riMLN CtoM I-A Cratral CatbMU itatuaei 1 OrtaU Fua IS. tun t-a rrtanliu II Smm4s it. DONT Tkrw fur WfOcb kwf Wt ria T ! WftkM Otr. Ctal THE JEWEL BOX 44a aula, hta, Otmm SM rrl KM tH t $795 T. V. Table MOOEl 300 Only ITO. If HI Sturdy Blade - Wrought Won V-leg Open Frarr Top for IMPORTANT VENTILATION of set. Made To Orderj Each utV "custom" but to frt your own eabirvejt. Give your T.V. Dealer the width and depth of your cabinet (at the base). He will order for you. Or: tend check or money order direct to wt and your table will be sent freight prepaid at once. LITTLE IRON WORKS 1eV4i Olflff fTVOTT SALEM, OttOON OIL TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater SL WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-57 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMIING It HEATING Repairing 155 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUR jama We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-31 S7 110 1 Ufctrri 310 Csert. Dswidewi 2440 trw, Mtdkal Casta 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 110 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 PJd. to 0:00 PM. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair W Ph. 3-7577 MITCH ELL'S Radio-Television 1 880 State Motorola Dealers for oW General Electric Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION ssERvJal0 Ph. ws'?o?i VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2301 Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn st 171 Grsnt St DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN