Saturday, November 28, 1953 V TAX CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Ortna Pact 11 i i Free Turkeys For Woodburn Wood bum Winner of the 10 Christmas turkeys being liven away by Woodburn mer chants will be determined at at 7:30 pjm. Saturday, Nov. 28, on the front steps of the Wood burn city hall. Reg istratioo of contestants is now being eon ducted by all Woodburn stores and will continue until 6 p.m. Saturday. Anyone may become eligible to win one of the turkeys sim ply by registering his or her name and address with any Woodburn merchant prior to the Saturday deadline. Par ticipants are not required to buy anything In the stores and need not be present at the 2738 h SOB - Jumper Ensemble! What's bet ter than a lumper (or one thing. jumper with its own wesklt and blouse. This ensemble idea brings true grown-up styling to school iris: is an easy way to enlarge a wsrdrobe. No. 2738 Is cut In slaes 1. 4. (. I. Size 4: Jumper, 1', yds. 15 !d. Weskit, S yd. 35 or M-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address. Style Number snd Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal. 862 Mis sion street, San Francisco 6, Calif. time the "awards are Winners will to liati i k Woodburn Christmas Opening circular to be distributed throughout the trade area Dee. ana in tne local paper The purpose of the contest is 10 advertise the Woodburn Christmas ooenin on rw. a and acquaint residents of the norm Marion area with the local stores and busin houses. All Woodburn stores will nave Christmas merchandise on display tor the opening and city streets will be decorated A feature of the occasion will be a free show for children 12 years of age and under at the Pix theater here.' and Santa Claus will be at the show with a treat for each child. Carol Curtis Pattern &&&& A Queen's Teacloth. Presented to Carol Curtiji In TArwinn bv famous Jean Kent of Brotaln's stage and film world, the filet lace edged "Queen's Teacloth" Is a token of friendship Irom Brit ish needlewomen to Amejicsn women In Coronation Year. This lovely "Coronation" cloth measuring 49 inches aouan In cluding the 5-inch border Is cer tain to use many needlework prizes in wus country I , Send 30e for trie QUEEN'S TEACLOTH l Pattern No. 114) filet chart, all instruction, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL uuki is. capital Journal, au Mission street, can rraocwco Calif. HENRY By Carl Andersen ' ' mn-w, . .T.i. i. litoUl'li.Tfil (faftSH r eTs al ehno ven a1 ACROSS '1. Open court I. Notion 0. Behave 11 Shaped like a scythe 14. High pouted hill ' ID. Dent 15. Short sleep 17. Impersonal pronoun la. Note of the scale H. Real char acter of a thins 31. Two-toed loth 34. Tiny 25. Scotch river 18. Narrate 3. Therefore so. Sun sod 32. Nimble 33. Unaccom , Denied 38 Behold 37. Plural endlnf 31. Mouth of a volcano 40. Summit 43. Exist 45. Buffalo Biiri real name 48. Corrupt 48. Italian river 49. Devour 50. Paitture 51. Aromatic teed S3. Creek god dess of mischief 58. Used for cure 58. Gaelic sea pod 59. The herb dill 60. Placid DOWN L Toward the back of s boat 3. College cheer 3. Biblical high Driest a r, a i mT IHffgrf E7 cIqIm'B I NDHNFff A L I NiEllR I PENS IrIaItIeIsIIeicIairItIeI URiEINITIElDI TiRIEIr-IT telutlan et Yeatertsy'i Puzzle S P 4. Accumulatfoa of interest 8. On eondiu'on that 6. Recipient of a gift T. Rube out t Units of electrical current coUoq. ' r I r I' C id , V K V 3 n V Bi W I" a 55 T X 5? JT 5T jT JT 5T ' " T-iTSTj sr jrtrjv va " if 3T r sr r-srfifr sr fv -sr A)rrMw Mtkt amtcda 10. Anxious 11. Family record 13. Our President 20. Ending of th past tent 11. Bum i an mountain ay tem tl Treat for by conference n. -- - Biba 24. Ourselves 27. Golf peg 28. Rowing implement II. Heat of a bird of prey: variant 14. Expressing much in few wordg 25. American Indian Si. Clotty fabric M. Engineering degrea 41. Aquatic animal 42. Jumbled trpd 44. Englinh author 44. Deshof calvM 47. FeminizM name 48. Moccaiin A2Temuu ufflx M.S. It M. Tree 17. Pronoun "V vou beauv oontI ErV1 Tvftfi eo A coupa c JKexusc M.' ih A Yl-KOW " 'fcia-T f KNOW. IVL KEVEft TU. mL MWTY 6QQO UTTtC 6508' FUNNV 0CANO OP HAV 4 WHAT VOU J WHAT 3 TVHS 6G VOJ. MQ. eOP8.'-LCrS f& .--WHO COT TMROU6H &OM FEVER IT GETS BAO Y MEAN V OU KEEP VaN6 i c0, OffK&R Yrrrrrl Xl(4 MAN0UN5 ALU IN ONE I IN NOVeMBt Y ir CHIEF J i "w""""J arr'-nl-KrwJialr TrMtofaxaMfaIITBST LIL ABNEE . LVN HOPALONG CA3S1PT fjl M""M V'oi nrn-nr I I Twcrts kit nticeoLY of yw, N I auesa iu Be A A th' 1 r ve ovVEMwa.urr.6UNP0rVN.iF kaj?o ox. Amy k rue a arwtx.ii m way is th' ) lo&r M5U RER 6K0W TKEO OF rftrcrW6, I HOW ABOUT THI6 AREA JUST AtVVCV OFPCET V I THEttU. ALWAYS BC A PLACE FOR fT,OCD- LOrVS EN0U6H T' f uyelW t3TI w 5, ! 7 JsjaaaaCl ii ygnwm f i r i MCTTAJEFF fVr A laV i mmk roM nertz. I u set mv tongue V'l.Ml vrJj. MI MORGAW. M.D. l& A. - i.' DONALD DUCK ' I I ' f30TCHA U "J I (" ' (iH'JI I I K'SN'TtTCUTE I Wlm xpw 4 A-rTL-r- I I . . .'vl i . : f-''.ir.j''' y. ft -t 1 rtm 11 I " - ii r . . . ' I l; i i i jfeH- ii i i S . " - - ........ . . . . .. I II I I I 1 1 Si I a IB I I.IM MARJ WOBTH RSii;, J X.-rJV"LENi... i IIHJ7 I IL isaajvi . i i?a4D0 Pi?0G?a4MS MONDAY F. M. I KGW IK0IN KEX I KSLM KGAE K0C0" ac m cm turn sac I Mas use lias ao ustao ' f:asNt rut a.nn fi mas. N.n sisiu :naMSiuai dw cm ttn aauiwKn. .msm ! t:l in rwtr a..M. mmi. sm uw 1 : siMt wis. state Bm. a, mm mw uw.x,. h.. ' :S Wia. Bran (MM. I Wo. Itkf g Jsa sua i: nasi stu owfro a cwi La m austs ' n. r. ram otnv out. aMamt astsv sums I :V l Jmm bam dm r..wi .m.. " sxaw kms l: t. msht cm mmmm run u. (aaia s.s Htor I:M ilni Wh. W OM lat Km Mute nm sust, :1( Tranten a. Wtea ra aHtea Mute BHSW ssm, JM "" sM Stoit r uh ouklam i.w . atuu -J! CIIW.W Twrfdli Si. Ute OSfSf Mwam ans.r Mriav i:MU. Bai, ' aatkw Saate CteM rute IM buk Hull :lf livklM hMmltwfSwtamF ... u Wm. :!ar Mi ttea aufcku . SaMrnlCwaCwt M.M.) MteSI Null :ti Art ate airtfc.M aw Tl. Isai . II.. on i) sal J:S aiu Sun s atam ci. au NuM a.fte- Nm tOl II IwSnK u Wu k Ma mk ckM am.ii, nu ais n, :isw.w lr a o. O aufca ij sim :ST amis. MM A.SI. llfMia.rmu u. lulu ' ICu.ltUtht" :1S a i ate Ttate. in sail', ram Cm ' c.uiikm ' :M it tu . Baste a. a.n-i r. k. wwii hi, :4 ar.M ' timm. am tui. s.m am u Km IM n. MM Caul IMwt Th. rate.- BaMr. "" 7:1S Atea Bnte. CMnraa Utekuw Th. FiImm aiara Shw ' J:K B sum. Mia aii c.ia Tku h.. T:l ak . ts sa a a. tt tun at.. !;ff M..'i rls Martetewa ImteMU " " Tru. lisa"" . :1! WI4 Nni 1M. . Inw w Bm Tnuk m :t aia u n a - --. rua tu. . :f Samlteai H P. B trwtk laa Tl.tai Bn B HJ-u4 Ola " " " Ti.e UM ' :1' Iw Inter KM Tkulw M- Kim Trk lis. t ;t MiwtefMl liimw rwurUS Imiton v , Track UN ' "-te '-te Haate B..... r,.t m lS:f Iwrw I SUi fal nasi sau . r.H.. I rta NWum ' 10:1 SMrter al c. tw B m. tim. fimu. rar. !. ( K Barrk Crsl. I ' D w. Ttete N- NMara . '. lS:4r BarH. CraU T a Wwti DuwTlw rialtef tu. NMIarm. II :M Ntv, Iwrl UhdwhtIm Caate " MMIanu 11 1' MI SMWl IMIUMTM a. 7 . NMl.ra 11 -f Cttr Canal mill a a DaaMM Tla HateSIa Naalara jl;.'i CTIr Caul BterS ...w Bimttat MateStea ' Waelara. H'.MSt Oft IsUwt Ibaatetlaia Ma. I l 0i TU Mm.i KOIH la KSX SI.S. S te S s-a. . . TUESDAY a5 A.M. T0 11 :45 A.M. J:Sl D.v. Wtel an Onra rtm Bw p - jaaaatlaat Wart. H :15 Daa. Waat SOW SkM. hcaSan Tl ! Ka w :3S Daaa WaM SOI- Ik ram Man Bfaaktaal Sua Im g:45 paw Wui aom atea r u-tataa iiaafc a. 1:r cm as. com UmS rtra laaiuaa Ka Nan aoco (teak f :15 l.ha WSIa Na M. Aaraaakr S iktaat Braa-tMl twlhat j: srai " 0M araaklM. laa ateaB j:4f a-Mwi-s rartatm art aw h . tu.aiu S:Sf OH Bnaa a Baakaa CmB mnwm m liailkat STiOM Bnaa t- aaa B-aklM racrSt AHH (.law ' : I lis? on fcw 1l"!1- sal J t'CXHan WaM Win BiH. Nnr. N,. a. 15 Waal. SJas Aral Jnmr nn lakr kMr S.Mar Bteara- ' i.u Fr Sam Hatea Tml Daakla te rMte CaB SaUte , Ban j:45 p. s. S. Gal WMkrat Ban. CaataHaiaw s.aaili la. or BraS ImI Ufa 0. aaaUar oto Bm Mr. Sank ' ia i BaraalSa Ma rarklaa T. Mania Tala Tm Mr. Bar BmwSs ' M:SfSIHk.ll Oi. Mstea. Iraa Mta Mr. Saitk tan 10:4f auk O.U. U.H Ste- Mu Mr. Sana aara. 11:( Bk Baas Ha Bartam hli.,rr.. iaia Filr Mm Bar. 11:1" aS rat Mum a Hulk- Lasia. ralr UM BaMHs f li:3f Fkrite rara Narak Did. Bm Barai ) Fw bite Kara 11:4. r. riaaatekiBrtefcte. Pa Baa. Baa Day Wyiaar BaearS. Ii Eon M U, aja. te IS fm. asx sij, s la S DIAL LISTING KO AC, 85( IfftAr "at . .-l. State Fir. I IrrnAr aaa. a. M-1S. Baa awr-i. fl 1. M MMtel t '.te. I w ' " ' oraaaa Baaatai s:aa, chMna'a Thaa tan ma. r.ra Maa.1 S:aa, HER PRIDE IS EVIDENT vr ; , 'a J.' j if ; - -' .i .-..: v. 1 ' 11' i,t - -' V . 1 I (1 i 1 v r ' Vetersn movie actress Irene Dunne, right, looks ad miringly at her daughter, Mary Frances Griiiin, while helping the attractive 18-year-old adjust her gloves be fore making her debut at the annual Gotham Debutante Ball in New York City. The affair benefits the New York Foundling Hospital. Miss Dunne, In private life, is the wife of Dr. Francis D. Griffin of Los Angeles. (AP Wire LIVED UP TO NAMES Milwaukee, Wis. u A couple named Boos were fined $50 each here on charges of stealing a bottle of boor. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Boos plcsded guilty in district cour yesterday to a charge of taking the bottle from liquor store. BOOM BOARD In 19S2 the United States produced about S3 per cent of the oil In tht free world. By Ahem LOOK. MATE " ONE OF THE TREASURES OF MV DUFFLE BAG IS THIS FINE RUBY RING.' I BOUGHT IT FROM A BANKRUPT PRINCE IN INDIA WHO WAS DOWM TO HIS LAST ELEPHANT BEING IN NbED OF SOME RUPEES. MYSELF, IU SELL IT TO uu FOR p 100 V JJj" "" ' l.JVtt I al LI SORRY. FOGHORN,' BUT IM FLATTER. THAN THE BOTTOM. PANCAKE IN A STACK IF THAT'S A ' Ruby, there are millions of 'em DOING DUTY AS 1r.1.1l7M I ! ,t JO. A BARGAIN,. FOR. 19 CARATS f f. ' i . 1 i. it : i ' J 1 r ; I ' 1 ! ! II.? I 1 1 1 i :!! 1 1 ' 1 t iSi. ! It :0 I 1 :..;.x