Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 28, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Par 10
Saturday, November 28, 1953
Church Groups
The circlet and guild ef the First
Presbyterian, church will meet thi com
ing week.
On Tuesday the Crows fuild will
meet at the home of Mrs. Ralph Wlrth.
2215 Harden avenue at p.m. for
dessert Mr. T. J. Ferrlstel. Mr. Br
vln L. Peterson, Mrs. Eugene Crotheri
and Mn. J. Karl Cook will aiilit.
Westminster guild 1 planning a dee
art luncheon at 1 o'clock en Wednes
day In the social haU.
Officer! for the coming year will be
totalled and the Madrigal cborua from
Willamette will preeant the program.
Mrs. Wayne Allen if tea chairman
and will be assisted by Mrs. Merle
Brown, Mra. Cordon Don kin, Mra.
Harry Throp, Mn. I. A. Bo 1m, Mn.
Ralph Dobbe and Mra. Donald Oleckler
will pour. A nurtery will be provided.
The circle meeting! are all act for
Wednesday aa followi:
Circle 1, with Mra. W. O. Wtddowa,
1885 N. 18th for a 1:18 p.m. dessert;
Mn. Clyde McClung, leader.
Circle 3. at the home of Mr. W. W.
Boeebraugb, 490 E. Miller, for 1:18 p.m.
dessert, with Mn. Harold A. Rosebriugh
aifiiting and Mn. J. J. Fitxsimons,
Mn. Nettle Robert! will be horteu
to circle I at her home, 872 Belmont
street. Mn. Jamei M. GUM will lead
the group following the 1:18 dessert.
Circle 4 will meet with Mra. Robert
Hutchoon, 1088 South Liberty for a
1:18 p.m. dessert, Mn. William H. Wil
eox, leader.
Circle S ia meeting at the home of
Mra. L. O. Clement, B8T N. 13rd itreet,
for a 1:18 p.m. dessert Mn. George
LeBorde i auliting and1 Mn. Leo V.
Reed ii leader.
Clrclea 6 and 9 plan a Joint icaiion
at the home of Mra. Roy Smith, 870
Kingwood at 1:18 p.m. for deifert. Mra.
Herman Lafky, Mn. X. C. Vou, Mrs.
Helen Relff, Mn. Arthur Holden will
aMlit end Mn. Wllllim Hartley will
leid circle and Mn. Edward Majeek
will leid circle fl.
Circle T la planning 11:80 p.m. no
hoit luncheon In the church Fireplace
Mn. Chtrlet A. Sprague, 418 N. 18th
(treat will be hoiteii to circle with
Mn. Carl J. Wendt as ltider. The
deaiert meeting will begin at 1 o'clock.
Circle 10 will meet with Mri. Everett
Booiter, 2843 D Itreet for a 11:10 no
hoit luncheon. Mn. E. W. Rlchey, Sr.,
wiU assiit and Mra. I X. Barrlck will
be the leader.
tor Hi-Y Mothert club Tuesday aooa at
the YM.
A muilcal event of Interest for Best
Tuesday evening. December 1, la the
recital to be presented by Willamette)
university Chamber orchestra, the pre
gram to be at 1:18 o'clock In Waller
hall auditorium. Dr. Willi! Gate If
The public is invited. The program
tl u followi:
Overture to D Re Paitore .... Mozart
Brandenburg Concerto No. ( in D
Major Bach
Lilbeth Shield!, piano
Silly Bolliger. violin
Marie DeHarpport, flute '
Dido's Lament Puree 11
Lolllo Coffey, soprano
H mio Tesoro lntmto" from Don
Giovinnl Mozart
Herb B rower, tenor
Symphony No. 104 in D Mijor. .Hiyda
Adagio; Allegro
Menuetto: allegro
Allegro iplritoso , '
Orcheitra personnel Ineludei:
Vlollru Lawrence Monk, Marilyn
Hanthorn, Sally Bolliger, Lorene Ro
berts, Grtce Oitet, Margaret Hall,
PhyUil Muhi, Elizabeth Hen, Roberta
Oraham, Betty- Waller, Dorii Hale,
Kathleen Houlder.
Oboe Jesn Thomas
Clarinet Ronild Bartlett, Barbara
Freitag, Amaryllli Lillei.
Flute Marie DeHarpport.
Vlolai Carolyn Crane, Diane Me
Intoih, Caroline Matter, Martha White.
Cello Margaret Huion, Louise De
lano, Louise Putman.
Bass Lois Monk, Thorns! Beckham.
Bassoon George Hewitt.
Horn Charles Peter, Joyce Meiler,
TrumpetKeith Miriek, BiU Covert.'
Timpani Stanley Vanderwal.
room at am, December 1. Mn.
Harold Judge and Mra. R. M. McOrew
will be hostesses. Articles represent
ing Mexican culture are to be brought
to this meeting. "Spanish Speaking
America hi" the book being reviewed.
The Woman' Society of Christian
Service. Leslie Methodist church will
meet for 11 JO o'clock co-boat lunch
eon on Wednesday at the church. Mn.
A. W. Metis er will bo devotions lead
er. Mrs, W. S. Aakney wul lead the
program. Edna Holder circle Is to
charge ef the luncheon.
Hostesses for the tea hour following
the meeting include Mn. T. D. Trick,
Mrs. George Hendrlckson, Mn. Clyde
French and Mlm Frieda Schnider.
' Young People's Fetlowihlp of St.
Paul's Episcopal church will iponsor a
spaghetti dinner next Wednesday, De
camber 1, in the parish bouse, between
8:10 and T o'clock. .
Proceeds will be used to buy almi
basins (collection or offering platea) for
the new church. Ticket! may be purch
ased from mem ben or from the church
office. Reservation! may be made by
calling the church office. 1-8184. Chil
dren and adulu and the intereited pub-
lie are Invited.
Mrs. Harold S. Boeer is the adviser
to the high school group, which meets
each Sunday In the hemei of members
General chairman Is Phillip Cbsdsey,
president of the group. Evelyn Parker
is vice-president; secretary is Carole
Warren and treasurer is Robert McDowell.
Committee! for the benefit are: pub
licity. Sue Wilson; tickets, Carole War
ren; tablet, Sondra Jochlmien and Ann
HelUel; food, Frank Sbafer, PriscHls
Payne, Kay Knickerbocker, Dave Kro-
mer, Zllzabeth Bhafer. Pat Gilmore,
Diane Clough, Pat Edwards, Mary
Rooker, Phillip Goulet, Evelyn Parker,
Jane Barlow, Ann Berger, JoAnn Hoo
ver; telephone, Robert McDowell and
Connie Hammond; posten, Roberr Mc
Centralis temple, No. 11, Pythian
Blsten, will elect offieen on Wednes
day night at Beaver hall.
The Copettei club will meet at the
home of Mn. Leland Weaver on Tues
day evening to make Cbrlstmai tray
favon for the state hoipttal. The club
will also observe their Christmas party.
The annual homecoming event end
no-host dinner will precede the election
of officer! for Barbara Frietchle tent,
Daughter! of union Veteran! Friday.
The meeting will begin at noon.
Frink Waihburn, Gui Moore and
Douglas Chamber! will ipeak at the
luncheon meeting of the Hi-Y and Jun-
Evening circle of Jason Lee Meth
odist church will meet In the Klrby
Mra. Earl Kasson, 681 Center street,
will be boitesi to the annual Chriitmai
party and gift exchange of the Missouri
club, Tuesday. Mn. Ethel Davenport
will ba co-hostess. A no-hoit luncheon
will be served at 12:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Provides
Profit to Turkey Growers
A turkey industry free of
support prices enabled Oregon
growen to have a fairly prof
itable Thanksgiving e a i o n
trade, L. C. Jenien, president
of the Oregon Turkey improve
ment association, told an over
flow gathering at the annual
Fall Outlook meeting held last
Bight at Mayflower hall.
Voluntary lnduitry control
of production in the U.S. result
ed In a alight decrease Initead
of the IB per cent Increase pre
liminarily estimated io that
lupply and demand were kept
pretty well in balance, accord
ing to W. T. Courts, manager
of the Oregon Turkey Growers.
Geurta reported an excellent
clean-up on hem and light
toms. "Heavy tomt are like
gold in the bank," he aald, but
predicted that peak of market
ing for dressed toms would
come earlier' than usual in
Panel discussion of the 1854
prospects luggeitsd that a
I slight Increase in msrketlngi
could be handled profitably but
the ta per cent greater num
ber of light breed! luch ai
Beltaville Whitei forecast by
puuorum teiungi could be dis
astrous to growen. Heavy
breed pullorum testing Indi
cates a one per cent decrease
in the U.S.
Hatching egg producers on
the psnel were: M. Van Bus-
kirk, Mt. Angel; Maurice Bux
ton. Molalla and Byron Hylton
of Portland. Walt Schwedler.
Portland; Clint Hartman, Eu
gene; and J. A. Ellison, Mulino
represented hatcherymen.
Bronze egg prices around 36
to IB cents each were suggest
ed for the coming season. Belts
vllle prlcei of 17 to 19 cents
were indicated.
Noel Bennion, Oregon State
college poultry specialist, pre
sented charts indicating that
the number of turkey breeder
hem in Oregon next year will
be about 202,000, which Is one
1 QofedOfra"
Tuesday, December 1st
. . . featuring . . '.
Exciting New Lingerie
-A- Glamour Holiday Costumes
Special Gift Suggestions
Luncheon 12:15 to 1:30
Fashion 1:05 to 1:50
CALL 3-4123
per cent under 1(93. He esti
mated about 2,133,000 turkeys
will be raised from these hens,
which will give two per cent
above the 1933 figure.
The turkey-feed ratio for
1054 will be somewhat less fav
orable than during this season,
Bennion said. There are about
900 turkey growen in Oregon.
About two-thirds of these keep
breeding stock on a year around
basis with the present tenden
cy stronger in that direction.
Per capita consumption of
turkey in the U.S. is sround
five and one-half pounds Be
tween 99 and 00 million bird!
are grown each year.
Oregon turkey hem produce
an average of B0 eggs per veer.
from these between 23 and 30
poults are reared. Thii la con
siderably above the national
average of 17 poults per hen.
About one-ball of the poults
produced in Oregon are ex
ported to growers in eastern
A "Random Samnl Turlr.v
Test" to check feed conversion
and rate of growth and thus
find sunerlor strains nf turlr.v.
waa approved. The birds will
oe wetgned at 12 weeks of age
alter feeding trials on owners'
farms. Price Schroeder nf Mil.
waukle outlined the program
to tne group.
Portland () Highway 98,
closed by a washout, was open
ed for one-way traffic Saturday
morning. The wathnnt K,a.un
Oakrldge and Odell.Lake, was
vmusu u issi weea-ena a
New CkrbJiM Seleses Utah
KIM (I J90kc) Sonder 5J0 ..
Lot of Things
Happen to
Bear Hunter
Bloesnarg, Pa. ( Rob
ert Mllhelm, 13. of Wood
ridge, N. J, didn't shoot
anything on his bear-hunting
trip, bat he:
1. Became separated from
his companions and got lost
In a dense fog.
2. Wandered to the edge
ef a 20-foot cliff and top
pled over.
3. Lighted a fire to get
warm and his trousers
caught fire.
4. Was found by his
friends just as he waa about
to step into a bear trap.
Coming Events
Dm. 14 TMlfM Turk exhibit, u.
Dm. 1 Mtrif'b Mantv Llfutsxk fuse
tUtiea Mauai aMMai. ftftcii,r, ix
Dm, 1 Ukrttm Count 7 D.lry Braton
utocl.lM wa.rU mtttlni, AUveriaa,
urju a-.m.
Dm. 1-4 Onion Utt. Horticultural
ocltir annua) ntattot, Corvallli.
um. onion Jtriij Oattla club n
anal MMttac Senator bottL laltm. 10
Dm. t-H Onion sd tatu. annual
BHUDf. Multnomah bout, Portland.
Dtc. T Marion County Hrrd ImproTf
men. auoclatloa annual tn to ting, Mtr
flowtr ball. Salem, it 10 a m.
Dm. Ortcon OrjernMS' Braodtra an
nual aieaUDi. Euieoe.
um. it-ortoa Purebra! BhMDbretd-
tr aaiMlattoo annual aiMtiDi, sa!m.
Dm. lO-ll-Nui Orovtre Sot-tot of
Ortaan and Waahlniton annual iBMUng.
Maitnosnaa noiti, roruana.
Dec. 14-11 Annual urMultu rail etna..
fertnet, OrAr stata eolint, CorrallU.
ja. i-i orwon L van tack Uaot
Mnfaranea, Otmos StaU eollMa, coo
Jaa. H JI-WitUrn OtMon LlTMtock
aaaociatM annual gnMUnf. salata.
When the planet Mercury
DSUei betwMn th nrth mnA
th sun it Is lnviiihlc in th
naked eye.
b Tele-Views
t 15755 Rodio-Television "
On Television
ATvaoAT raooaAMa
4:M rthn Laurel and Hardy feature:
1 aaa. MeSaliieai Taestre -Dear CynUua" starring Jaaet Qeynor
in IV debui. . ,
U sua, Geerm iaaitl QqeaU tnclude: Louss Jordsa and his
tympany pin; Tor Stevens, brie eoloratura, and Mck ITallman.
banlone. . .
Is le am. Bay Belsw Shew Ray Bolter lands-tn Jail when he
destroys a stannous thinking It Is a "gag." Bolr sure with AUyn
Joslyn. o e ' e ,
The Leae Kaacer, t:MTf Pledfe A young man Is released
frdm jail and teams that the sheriff that reieaead him has bean
Sole Service Inrtollotioa
Opea frees I am te I sm
Ph. s-lall ties a CetaL
Bala's rwet Telerbiea Sure
8:00 P.M.
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Allcock
01 Edmonton, Canada
Sundoy School, 10:45
Morning Worship, 1 1:00 Rev. Allcock
5th and Gaines
CaiMMt FUek. I The Oolonel encounter! a crooked Investment
operation fronted by an innocent girl. Stars Alan Mowbray ana
Ithri Jln Albwt, l:le rthel and Albert decide to paint their
kitchen and hurry to iel It done before bouse guests arrfye the lol-
ihew ef Shews. Starrine aid Caesar and Imogene Coca
m SO mlnVitea of comedy, alnglns and dancing with guest atari.
T.ur Hit farade, 1:M DramaUratloni of the top tunes of the
wrtL . . . e e
Oresteet Pfshle 1 the Ceatary. KPTV, 11-BlghllghU of the Kid
OavUan-Johnny Sratton bout of May it, 181. . .
. . . . e
Premiere Thralre, KKTV at Uil5 ""Mlty-Seeond Street" atsrs Tan
Hunter and Kenny Baker. Story of Itad street in it 13 and the people
who live on It.
-Dead Men Ten KOIN-TV at IK-A Charlie Ohsn mystery.
. e . e e
t p.m, Omalkas Alislaire Oooke, master of ceremonies on to mm.
program. Jack Benny, guest.
I:M Lamp UnU My Feet Dramatic playlet, -ResponsOjillty
RaUl Jacob K. Schankmaa of Temple Israel. New Rochelle, N Y.
diK-nnfs religion and education with Dr. Lyman Bryaon, moderator.
4:JS ta. Adeentare Series preeented in cooperation with the
American Museum of Natural History. Subject: -Animal life on
the Desert."
hands In World War H, guest of Oeorge Jessell. Solo is building a
new life as a singer.
m.. Yea Are There "Michelangelo's Recognition" Jan. 39, 1504, 1
a thrilling moment in art when the creative giants of Renaissance
Florence bowed to Michelangelo Buonarottl ai helr peer.
:SS p.m. Pride ef the Family Mr. and Mrs. Morrison celebrate ,
their 30th anniversary with a second "Honeymoon." I
1 re, FriTSte Secretary Susie and her boas debate merit! of two
S items for furthering romance. A willowy blonde ateps in and
angea both systems.
I p.m. Toast ef the Town Kid Oavtlan makes dancing debut.
t pm, G.E. Theatre "Atomio Love" stars Dennis Morgan with
Joyce Holden. Marjorle Rambeau and John Hubbard.
: p.m, Man Behind the Badge Authentic case histories from
files of law enforcement agencies. The Hoiaton Case" Sherff Bill
Isabell of Houston captures a swindler lirlng under protection ol .
Mexican laws.
IS pm. The Web "The Leech" is the story of an impoverished
woman literary agent faced with losing the love of a washed-up
autlyr. She attempts to plot the perfect crime of plagiarism.
What One Person Can De, t Father Keller discusses the Chris
topher movement. ,
In Search ef the Northwest, 16 Mr. Perrow oresenta his impres
sions of the Pacific Northwest. .
rrafeeatenal Football, 11 Chicago Bean vs. Los Angeles Rams
at Chicago.
Wedding Belles, 1:M Gene Brendler emcee on show for brides.
How Does Your Garden Grew? 1:10 African vtoleu.
Hall ef Fame, S "The Last Voyage" atsrs Sarah Churchill and
Maurice Mason. Story of the aging Benjamin Franklin's trip to
Paris during Revolutionary wsr.
Victory at Ses, "Beneath the Southern Cross" Naval warfare
in the South Atlantic. Film Includes the scuttling of the battleship
Graf Spee in port of Montevideo, and the destruction of the Atlantis
the masked assassin of the sea
The Paul Wlnenell Shew, 7 Peter Lorre, guest. Loire and Wln
chell appear in dramatic sketch aa espionage and counter-espionage
agents during tjazl occupation of Belgium.
Mr. Peepers, 1 :30 Marge Weaklt goes to the doctor for a check
up. Later at a Thanksgiving dinner, she makes an Important an
nouncement. Colrate Comedy Hear, g Eddie Cantor atsrs, guests Include:
Bddle Fisher. Brian Don lew. Connie RusselL Frank Sinatra, and
The Debonalres, dancing group.
Television piaynouee, s Tne eixtn Year.
Le Iters te Loretta. 1! "The Bronte Storv" stars Loretta Young
with Hutrh Beaumont. Story la based on the fife of Charlotte Bronte,
the author of -Jane Bvre."
Texas Rasslln'. 11:15 Irish Jack Kennedy vs. Abdullas Bey
'matched for one fall or 15-tnin. time limit). Dick Raines vs. Andre
Drapp are matched for one fall or 16-tnln. time limit. The Texas
Heavyweight Championship Match: Dick Keomuka (Champ! vs. Ray
Ounkel, matched for best two out of three falls or 80-mlnute time
limit. ,
KPTV: . . . .
Ding Done School, . IS Nursery school or tne air Maturing ur
Frances Horwlch.
What's CooklngT 10:30 Cooking ahow with Barbara Angel,
Friend ef the Family, 11 :3o Mike Davenport will present as his
guests, Eugene Fuerst. conductor of the Portland Symphony: also
Clair Hortgktna and Hope Jaquith of the Portland Chamber Orchestra.
Matinee Theatre. 1 "Olrl of My Dreams" starring Mary Carlisle.
Arthur Lake and Ed Nugent.
The Tovmaaer. e:30 A visit to the Tovmaker'a snop with Frea
O term an as the "Toymaker."
Bar Z7 t orrai, 5:30 Features wecg Harper.
Pontlse Flrhts. 7 Prelim norrton Ferrer vs. Jehnnv Kock in
4-round 137 lb. bout. Main: Russel Tague vs. Milton Scott in t-round
bout . ..
Arthur Marrsv Dance Party, 7:10 Oroucho Marx will oe tne
guest of Kav Murray.
Voice of Firestone, : SO Show celebrates the 25th anniversary
of Firpstone. full sour orocram features Rise Stevens. Eseanor Ste-
ber. Robert Rounsevllle, Jerome Hines. Brian Sullivan, and Thomas
L. Thomas. .
Robert Montromerv rresenu. I: jo "Tne Deep oix stars jonn
Payne wlih Scott Forbes In an all-male cast.
Nile OWL Thestre. 11:15 "Duke CAmes Bacx- larrmg Allan
Lane. Heather Angel and Oenevieve Tobin.
KOIN-TV: . t
3 p.m.. Garry moore nnow eieve Alien nHjeuvus iw
who Is on vacation. , ,
3.15 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "The Cheaters" starring Joseph
Schlldkraut, Blllle Burke and Eugene Pnllett.
1 om. Rtndlo One -A Bargain with (Kxl stars Hiram Sher
man and Estelle Win wood in a story of priest and his flock and how
they met a crisis.
I Dm- Burnt and Allen Oracle assumes Harry von zeu is nrote
and call the welfare department to look Into his sad Plight.
g:30 p.m.. Adolph Menjon -strange journey- suus vonn iipiey
and Helen Horton. Story concerns a clerk who steals 6.000 pounds
and ends un victim of an ironic error.
p.m., I Lave Loey Suspicion points to Lucy as the mysterious
burglar. "Madame X" when she and Ethel Merta .jlay amateur sleuth.
1! p.m, American TV Theatre "Westward the Sun" stars Jackie
Cooper and Brenda Bruce with Richard Ney. Story set tn war-time
London concerns American private and London shop-girl
11 pjsu Shewthne en tlx Thunder Pass" starrine Charles
Bickford. Marsha Hunt and J. Carroll Natoh.
SrM S SL KTTV-Do. mm
I N P.K. KFTV Ble ruisi.
i n rm-tHa rsttd
IS m. KPTv amnios as
s te 9-m. KFTV TU
I is . KFTV-atisatn rasa nettea
IS y m. stFTV Loo. asagfr
S et .sl SPTV Johaar JiDlMr
4 M II. KPTV-Cspt. MlaaUU
:te SJB. KFTV Tslnl TMt
KOIlf-jAud sac Barer
l:M sst, KPTV Suprsua
Kont Uartl as! Raidl
set aa rrrv coii rues
KoiN nisue atsuiea
l:lf PJa. KPTV TraM.r. Hual
SOIS-Sul Us Clock
: M. KPTV Uls .1 Rllar
KOIN Utdsuloo Thtat4t
t:M IS KPTV Iinal aMI Alom
KOIN Mtrrw Tbsstvr
l:M SSL KPTV Sob la.
l:N U KPTV AmUr Hour
Kom jwm ouu
rors Tw. tot ta. Montr
l:N la KPTV AU Sttr Rruw
XOlM Mr Pavsnu Huibaad
1:M f.m. KPTV All star aatlr
KOIN Cortt JttMl
lt:U ask KPTV Hit Ptrufe
KOIH Soy Eolsar Ihow
11:0. SB. KPTV Ort,,t Plinu
XOIN-Sho.tlma oa Sis
11:11 SSL KPTV Pr tuner Totattr
Does TV Hurt Your
Eyes! .
PHONE 1-1311
Valley TV Center
2303 Fairgrounds Rd.
Sales - Service Installation
Open Till 9 p.m. Daily
Sunday from 1 to pjn.
t:M ie KPTV W bat 1 frta. Cu Do
:laV s.m. rPTV Rtavdinc Piuuilai
i.e KPTV Wh-u Tout Troablo
1:46 . m. KPTV IntluJtTT Ptrd
10.00 a.m. KPTV DeeklDi Morthwwl
10:1ft ft.m. KPTV RcligloUf PUm
11:00 .m. KPTV Pro Football
1:00 put. KPTV Bob CouldlM
KOUT Omaibui
S:1S ra. KPTV Art UaUttiw
KOIN OmolbiM
1:10 9 m. KPTV Wodd lac Milt
KOIW Omnlbui
I 00 9M. KPTV Lift Eeclu tt M
KOI If Omnlbui
l: p.ta. KPTV How Dow 0rL Orow
KOIN Lfttnp Onto Uf root
4:N p.m. KPTV Roy Roitrs
KOIN Quick u nub
4:10 p.m. KPTV Xoo Porftd
KOIM M vco turo
I 00 i.m. KPTV-Hull f pnt
KOIN Oent Autrtr
p.m. KPTV Hll or Prat
KOIN Coraibttck
M p.m. kptv vi t ton t at
POIN You Art Thrt
0:10 p.m. KPTV Tltni Patrol
KOIN -Pr Kit of PtmllT
f :00 P.m. KPTV WlnehtU MhootP
foin PrUfttt Stcrturr
T:10 p m. KPTV Mr. Peepri
KOIN Whftt'f My Uu
1:00 p.m. KPTZ Comerlr Hour
KOIN of Towa
1:00 p.m. KPTV TV Playhoui
KOIN o-I Theftttr
:S0 p.m. KPTV TV PltThouM
KOIN Man Bebloei Bade
11:00 p.m. PPTV Lctur to LoxtU
KOIN Tht Wtb
1 10: 10 p.m. KPTV Man rt. Crlat
KOiN ppttr potttr aoow
11:00 p.m. KPTV TEA
11:11 p.m. KPTV Ttiaa Rftjtlla
Holy Ghost Roily Mujie by Gospel Troubadours
SUNDAY, 7:45 Evangelistic
Bible Standard Institute Musical Team
Sundoy School, 10:00A.M.
Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. Sermon by Postor
Foursquare Gospel Church
Bev. William B. Ceake, raster
120 Miller Ave. Dalles
Albany Approaches
United Fund Goal
Albany It all campaigners
complete their assigned tasks
by Monday the Albany Area
United Fund goal of $30,187
will be reached. Chairman
Ralph Senders ssld Friday.
With United Fund at the te
per cent mark, a last push by
still active solicitors Is all that
wiU be required to close the
campaign Senders said. Total
cash and pledges received by
Friday amount to $29,000, he
Senders said that percentage-wise,
Albany Area United
Fund is ahead of Portland,
Corvallla, Lebanon and Sweet
Home drives. The Albany
drive, the first to be held here,
began a little more than a
month ago.
St. Mark's
143 N. Church
lev. Jeha L Caabks. raster
S OO Ul Communion Service
I M Alt. Sunday School
II 00 Alt. Holy Oommunirei
00 PH. Intermedials Lea
g: PM. Br. Luther
arsaeeealaej A
1 f eIrtMHaseea
C 0 jr leckweed Heese
aasaV $et, a Sea. i
Na ISev. It-1 J
sts sauars ssaexsT nom vauii
SIIMl mtf SI0O am. ear ie a.
m Kai :
Wet Im SmM
l SriM. aeee 1471
Factory Trainee 8ervles
and Installation
1880 Bute 8t Ftaone S-7BT)
Postmen Walk ;
Nets Over $900
Salem mall carriers who re
walked their routes Fridsy
nignt in tne interest of the fi
nancial ca.npalgn of the Muscu-' i
lar Dystrophy Association of'
America, received eontrlbu-
tlons which will total tn excess
' of $800, according to slims tee
lot Richard S. McKee, general "
j chairman for the local effort. .'
The 40 earrlers who donated r.
their time early Friday night
reported $835.58 had been glv-.
en by householders living along
tneir routes, uowevcr, it Is be-,,
lieved this sum will be auf-'
merited considerably.
No stops were made at homes ..'
where the porch lights were .'
not burning. In many instances, '
it li presumed prospective don .
ors forgot to I witch on their '
McKee expressed his pleas--ure
over the response of the
public. He said the original col
lection had been augmented
early Saturday morning by an
additional $3.
Person! who were not at
home when the carriers made
their tour or others who wish
to contribute to the fund, may
do so by mailing their dona
tions in an envelope addressed
to Muscular Dystrophy Asso
elation of America, Inc., care f
of postmaster, Salem, Ore. No
stamp is necessary.
The association hoped to
raise $5,000,000 on a nation
wide basil. The money would
be used In connection with
program of research looking to
ward a cure for the crippling"
and fatal disease.
Frank Wiens J
Dies Thursday -
Frank' Wiens, 54, who was
formerly in the restaurant
business in Salem and Dallas,
died Thursdsy in Providence
hospital, Portland.
Funeral services will be
Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock
at the Little Chapel of the
Chimes In Portland.
Mr. Wiens was born at
Mountain Lake, Minn., In
1899. With his family he',
moved to Idaho in 1908 and '
came to Salem in 1921, fol-'
lowing the restaurant business
here and in Dallas for nearly
20 yeari. When World War-,
n came on he moved to Port-n.
land and worked on defense
In 1927 Mr. Wiens was mar. . .
ried to Eva Mae Sills, their ':
marriage being the first held '
In the Pratum Mennonlte ..
church of which Mr. Wiens
was a member. He was a -member
of the Eagles lodge
in Salem.
He became 111 about a year
ago and never fully recovered.
However, he continued to
work until three weeks before
his death.
He is survived by his wid
ow, Eva May; two daughters,
Shirley Lesowske snd Janet
Wines, both of Portland; a
son, Gerald of Portland; his '
i mother, Mrs. John Wiens of
Salem; two sisters, Mrs. Lillyer
i Unruh and Mrs. Margaret Po- '
Ianskl. both of Salem; two
brothers, Johnny Wiens of Sa-
i lem and Robert Wlem of Pay
ette, Idaho; and by three
t i
0 00 I
10:10 I
11 0.
1:11 I
1 10 I
1:41 I
1:00 I
1H I
1 10
KPTV Klddl. Coratr
KPTV Dlot Ooot schaal
KPTV What's Cooklos
KPTV Hawkins Fails
KPTV Tltt Bnnrtu
KPTV Friend .1 Famur
roi!l Blf Payoff
KPTV Thll 11 tht Lift
KPTV UatlriM ThiaUT
KOIN Lot. .1 Uf.
KOIN Search Tomorrow
KOIN Ouldlrts Lllbl
KOIN ldr
KOIN Ooubl. or Nothing
KPTV On Yoar Account
KOIN etrlko it Rich
KPTV Kilt Smith
KOIN Otrrr Moort Show
KOIN Arntchslr Thtstw
KPTV Kttt Smith
KPTV Kttt Smith
KCIN Arm CbUr Tbt.ter
KPTV Wtleomt TrsTtltrs
KOIN Am Chair Tht. MT
KPTV Tht Tormastr
KOIM Mr. Mooo
rom strfidit rtit
KPTV Bar 11 corral
KOm Laortl ane HarAr
KPTV Wild BIU Hlckok
KOIN lilt ttr wtathtrraaa
KPTV 11111 Khda
KOIN Dotal Uwaros
KPTV Northwt.t OKMt
KOIN OrMlttt Drama
KOIN ettdlt oa.
Marion Farmers Will
Hear of Brazil Trip
Marion county farmer! a
lend the Livestock Association :
llnner at Macleay Grange hall.'
Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. willj!
aear Harry Tavener, Klamatll"
Falls, International Fiim,
Vouth Exchange student tell ot
Sis trip to Brazil. Tavener now;
i student at Oregon State col
lege worked and lived with
people of Brazil for threat
Tionths last year. 1
Livestock Association presl-1
dent Henry Ahrens said all.
folks are welcome for the roast
beef dinner at 0:30 or the pro
gram at 8 p.m.
Til p.m. KPTV Arthur lenrrar Daac.
KOIN-StiHll. Ont
t:4S .rs. rPTV Newt Ctraraa
1 M 11 KPTV Ntmt Tht Tan.
KOIN Burn. u. Allta
S:SS P . KPTV VoMa tt Flrttuaa
KOIN Ado Iph Union
S:SS la KPTV Vole, PlrMUas
KOIN I Lot. Lacy
I N ssl KPTV Robert MoBtevatny
KOIN Htd BattOD.
IO N IS. KPTV Robert Ifontsetnnv '
roiw Amtrtcan TV ThMtar
II to a a. kptv bis pietar.
11:0. I.m. rPTV llth How ltl
KOTN Sho.Ua. m SIS
11:1! p.ta. KPTV Wttthw Vsa.
11:11 aa. KPTV KIM Owl Trallf
sundoy evening.
. 6:30 KGW