w - Friday. November 17. 1151 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Balm. Ongm Pagt t Woodburn Sermon Topics Feature Story of Advent Woodburn "A King's Story" will be the topic of Rev. Robert E. Vi at the Woodburn and Bethel Presby terian churches Sunday morn Inl Nov. . He apeaka at the Bethel church at 10 a.m. and Sunday school followe the aer vice. At Woodburn Sunday tcbool la at 9:45 a.m. nd the church aervice at 11 a.m. A nursery la provided for the children during thla aervice. At the eveninf aervice at 7:30 o'clock at Woodburn hit topic will be -unrisi ai no. Rev.Hutchinson Back in Pulpit Dr. Robert A. Hutchlnion, uitor of the Hood River Com munity church, will lill the role of guest minister at the 11 am aervice of the First Confregational church Sun Hutchinson was pastor of the local Congregational church during the period 1937-1848. He was largely responsible for the construc tion of the church at Marion and Cottage which is now in the process of being enlarged. Last summer Rev. Hutchin son attended the sessions of the International Council of Congregational ehurches m Scotland aa well as the coro nation. He also visited rela tivea In Ireland. The guest minister will speak on the subject "Four Key woraa in neugiun. Barth Concludes Travel Series Two special evening serv ices will be held this Sunday evening at 5:30 and 7:30 at Calvary Baptist church. South Liberty and Miller streets in Salem, at which time the pas tor. Rev. Omar N. Barth, will show the color motion picture "Journey to Jerusalem." This film was made by the pastor on his summer tour to Europe and the Holy Land a few months ago. Tha film la the last in a series of five messages that Mr. Barth has presented in the church covering the three mnnthi that he and his com panion, John Flank, apent hrnaii. "Journey to Jeru salem" Is the photographic story of Christ from Bethle hem to Calvary and shows scenes of many lnddenta that happened In Hie life. i cordially invit ed to attend either one of these services add to come early In order to see a display and coins and other materials gathered from the in rfiffrrvnt countries that vi.it.d. An Arab cos tume will also be shown and worn by the pastor. Catholic Teachings Will Be Explained Mt Angel An opportunity for learning about ine teacn Ins. and nractices of the Catn olic church will be available to residents of this district when the Catholic Information class begins in St Mary's .school on Dec. 2. The classes, open to Catho lics and non-Catholics alike, will be held on Wednesday evenings from 8 until 9 o'clock. Father Clement Frank, O.S.B., assistant pastor of St. Mary's parish and a professor at Mt. Angel seminary, will conduct the sessions. While the Information class is offered primarily to those living within the boundaries of St. Mary's parish, anyone may attend. The towns oi at Thla will be followed by a "friendly hour" at tha mapaa. The young people meet at tha Woodburn church at f p.m. and the topic tor discussion this Sunday will be "How to Find tha WiU of God." Mid week services are Wednesdays at 7 p.m. The first Sunday in Advent will be observed at the 11 o'clock service Sunday at the Woodburn Methodist church. Rev. Ormal B. Trick, the mini ster, will have for his sermon topic "Highways of Cod. Fol lowing the aervice there will be a fellowship pot-luck din ned. Sunday school la at 10 a.m. nm B.aaaill il VaUea Braaktaa cmh Oeenea eaS SM. a. O MM. UllMf; Be. A. O- MM, eaalaleal. Bu..r icki mil. Mara- iu niui. u ta. Teata Teswens s . B. weraale 1:B S-K- IS First Sunday in Advent Spurs Varied Sermon Topics BL VWeae Be reel Oataeae-Cehue- ete aaa Simla au.au. alaiaei at a. f :M. I IS. ! an4 II la ai. Caefaeateoe aetaMv. 000 a l. lal I H I S faara Saln.nl chanh Cherts ead Ck.aMk.ta Bueeu. Met Ceaaa.ua laa T:J a-B. Faaaily NniM tit .aunrh arbeel I N e-. Pra..r aarvtae m Bu eBartet. U M am. Barter MSaal U ark aaM II :M a ev lildarert Cot Ileal lie .aapall wedneadej T.je aa. Taut reeele'a Fatleaaata I. lab acaeel aalMtoi la aerae at Carat War. ree. 100 Wlaaartaa Dtlta S SJa. lialtertea r.aaaH af Maria Catlasa St, II 3a I.. Silverton The Trinity Lu theran church of near Mt. An gel, the Rev. Joseph Mann, pastor, observed Thanksgiving day with 10:30 a.m. worship aervice. The sermon topic waa "Thanks Giving and Thanks Living." Sunday morning, -Sunday school and Bible class hour- is at 9:43, and divine worship at 11:30. Sunday evening wui feature an 8 o'clock organ re cital by John Koglln. Rev. J. William Carlson, pastor of the Immanuel Luth eran church at Woodburn will speak at the 11 a.m. service on tha topic "Our Advent King and His Kingdom of Truth." Sunday school la at 10 a.m. A social evening and refreshments will follow the meeting of the Luther league at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The Brotherhood will meet Mouday night at o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Olson. Rev. Lowell Holte of Sslem will be gueat speaker. The adult confirmation class will meet in the parsonage Wednesday night at o'clock. Mrs. Melvin Johnson and Mrs. Russell Johnson will be host esses for the meeting of the "Ladles Aid" at the parish hall Thursday, Dec. 3. The an nual lutefisk dinner la ached uled for Dec. 5 at the parish hall. "Book of Life" will be the 11 a.m. sermon topic of Rev. R. Brendler Sunday at the Bible Baptist church. For the evening service at 7:45 o'clock he will apeak on the topic lesus Reveals a Secret" Sunday school s at 9:45 a.m. Young people meet at 6:45 p.m. CfcrtatLa a Mla.tea.rr Alllaa.a CBetek B. Ilk Oelnee. Ha.. Peal Ouatkar. sealer. Beaday acneeU S:tS a.ai. M.roln. eeraea: "The Blele Truth at aanctlltcaltea." 1140. Allleaca Toatk PelleaeBls vita Hum Bale. 0:30 pal. Bream evaMeium. IUm Bd. Biatrial raalb dlrecter. 1:00. Alter ekarc alaaa PUSUak fat aU f .Bf aaaala, S:ll .. Rev. D. H. Scrimbeour, for mer Christian and Missionary Alliance pastor at Hood River, will speak at both morning and evening services at the Silver-. ton church. Rev. Scrimbeour I k I Kaaiarlal Ceetrearetleaal Ckarak MS aaalk ink at. I II a n, Buader Bchaal. U:00 a.,, aianitac var iola, hmm e tha mrautar, "afoua Ulna ead Melehllla." 0:30 am. Kt trial VallevaSlp sravpa tar Molar hlak ana Junta, fcuk r.uai aaaala. Tka Brtkal Baatbjt Ckarak Nertk Cot. I.M and 1 D Btretl. Re. Rudolph Work., pattar. Buada icbeol at I 41 .av Wartblp ll:ao a.a.. paaiara .ub- M "A aaw af a Oraufal Haart." Oaa- pal Haw T M ik. Fular a anaJMl, Cfai'i awwar." CalnrT BaptM Ckarak BMlk LlMrtr at HUlar at. Om.r M. Bank, pattar. I tl Blbla aebooL 11:10 "WbaM Blda r. Taa Oof Braadcaat am kqab ltM K.. 10 tint avaolBB Mrvlc, "Jauraar ta JaraMl.M.M 0:10 all yaalk traupa. T:M aMood avanlof mttim. "Jouroar ta Jtra , JaMpk'a Oatkalla Ckarak-Cka- aiakata at wtotar. Bar. aa. B. Vaodar bck, pattar. Buoday raaaM.: a. T. a, 1:11. I0:M n 11 t. Caolaulau Sat- arday: J:M ta l:M and 1:30 ta S. Sunday school classes begin at 9:45 a.m. at the Woodburn Assembly of God church. Rev. Ernest Ilium will speak at both the 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. services. Young people meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays and the midweek aervice is at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays. A number of members from the local group attended the atate rally in Springfield which ends Fri day night. Okrrrt La Iberia Ckarek atata Btnat at lllk. Bar. T. U. OaabaM. paatar. Buaday MrvacM S:tt and 11 a.pi. Wllk tba Adfaot Haly Connunuo aod aar- boo. auoday achool Blbla claiMt far aaaa, 10 la. Baalar Latkar Lmcim. 1 Oraaa Latbaaaa Ckarak aunoyrl.w aod'LMMiid Avanuai. 0:10 a.ta, auoday athooL 11:00 a.M.. Drrlaa varikla. riadia Bunday. 1 w. Holla, pallor. Ml Ckarak af Ckrlat. Baiaatlat Utaarty aod Ck.ra.k.la Bla. Buoday KOoai at 11 a.M. Marolos Mrvtc at 11. LaHooarmoB lubjact: "ADdaot aod Modara MMuraMaDcy. Allaa Maanarlaa aod Hypoatlaa. Daoeuocad." awantni Mrvlca at I. Laaaoo4rr7ioa lubjact: Anclanl and afodaro Matroptaoey. Alia. UaamirliM aod HypoaUlM. Dapouacad." Army Kettles Placed Friday Kettles of the Salvation Army, receptacles for the de posit of money contributed to the Christmas cheer fund, will appear on the streets Friday and will be in place much of the time through December 24. They will be attended by Vol unteers drawn from the local citadel. National Salvation Army week will be held here Novem ber 29 through December 8, ac cording to announcement by Captain Ben Wold, command ing officer. Services Sunday will also be in the nature of a welcome to Captain and Mrs. Wold, who came here recently from Med ford. They received their train ing for Salvation Army officer- ship in San Francisco and have had corps appointments in Cal ifornia and Oregon. ' Salvation Army week, ob served throughout the nation, has for its purpose the calling of special attention to the spir itual and welfare activities of the organization. has ust returned from Japan, where he attended the congress on World Evangelism In Tok yo, and accompanying a Youth for Christ tour of the Islands. Sunday evening a colored film will be shown with explain tiona of his experiences. Joseph R. Cooper la the alliance pas tor. ' "Spiritual Heartburn," from the Bible text of Luke 24, la to be the topic for the sermon of the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of the First Christian church. Sunday, Nov. 29. The evening, 7:30 o clock eermon by Rev. Bates; la "Written For Our Instruction; C.E. for young folk will be at 8:30 p.m. m m m "The Advent of the King," the sermon for the Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson of Calvary Luth eran church at the forenoon worship hour, and a regular evening aervice at .8 o clock, followed by a 6:30 o'clock Lu ther League meeting. Thurs day, December 2,- at 8 p.m. a talk and film, by Soudan Mis- sionary, Conrad Jorgenson will be featured. Bible study Wed nesday, Dec. 3 will be at 8 c clock at the Lester Standard home. Confirmation class will be Saturday at 9 a.m. Rev. Douglas Han-ell of the Methodist church will speak on "The Church of the Living God," at the 11 o'clock hour following 9:45 church school. At 7 p.m. will be senior Youth Fellowship with Mr. and Mrs Milt Baum, counsellors. St. Mark's Drive Held Success Tha St Mark's Lutheran building fund canvasa which has )ust been completed has resulted In a ma.Tttfictnt suc cess, according to the an nouncement made by the pas tor, the Rev. John L. Cauble. ; The canvasa which has been In progress throughout the congregation during the past five weeks, has resulted In the grand total of $163,056 to date with aome pledgee yet to come in. Of thla amount $22,- 000 his been designated for the 1954 budget of the congre gation. The remainder will go Into the building fund. Nothing la definite to date aa to when actual construction dn the new St Mark'a church and Christian Educational building will begin, but the urgency of the need will make construction of the new church imperative at an early date. The success! ul canvasa waa accomplished entirely by the members of the congregation with the aid of a church fi nancing concern. Chairman of the canvass committee was Mark Gehlar: Initial gifts and training chairman waa Ross Hughes; special gifts chairman waa Dr. Horace D. McGee; teams chairman Alvin H. Ran. dall. The canvasa division leaders were E. W. Hills trom and Paul Rlenache. At 7:30 p.m. the final aesslon of the all-church study course. The Life and Task of the Church," taught by Mrs. F. J. RoubaL will be held. at. Jakai Latharaaa Ckarak (Ma Bv- aa Court a lath all. H. W. Groaa. paatM. Flrat auoday la Ad.ot. SaralcM at utjo. auoday aakoal at 0:10. Caatral Latbaraa Ckarek B. Capitol oaiOM Bt. O. B. ItuodatroB. oaator. Cotral Lutbarao Hoar KOCO 0:10. Buo day aabaol 0:11. Moroloo worahtp 11:00 Briplnt jarrlcM l it. Balm Tralk Caalar 341 Chaawkata. Stmd.y Mhool 14. a.rrlca 11. Topic: wrier. Ara Tea ooloi?" Ray. Ollta Mvaoa. At the Foursqusre ' Com munity church the pastor, Rev. Arthur Goble, will speak Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on the topic "Thanks for Ev erything." a post Thanksgiv ing service. His topic for the evening service at 7:4$ o'clock la "A Nobleman." Sun day school begins at 9:43 a.m. Crusaders and Cadets meet at 6:30 p.m. At the Woodburn Church of God Sunday school begins at 10 a.m. The pastor, Rev. Edwsrd Baldwin speaks at 11 a.m. on the topic "The Cost of soul Comfort" Youth meet ing is at 7 p.m. and for the evening aervice at 8 Rev. Baldwin will apeak on "Right eous Decline and Sinners Fate." Prayer meeting la Wed nesdays at 7:30 p.m.. Services at the Woodburn Christian church begin with Sunday school at 10 a.m. Rev. George Spalnger, pastor, will spesk at II a.m. on the topic oood Advice From an Apos tle." At the 8 p.m. service he will have aa his topic "The Authority, Power and Stabi llty of the Word of God Prayer meeting la Thursdays at a p.m. Jaaao laa Maaaarlal Matkadlal Caark . coroar af Mffaraan aod Wtotar at. sroaat nation oauldar. mlolatar. D1 loa warablp aarvlea at 11:00 a.m. Bar men lubjact. "WaltlflK for th. Dt.a. Cbureb Mbeel at 0:11 a.a. Id TP at 0:00 LaMak Camaaaalt Ckarak . B. of Booha. B.D., paatar. Buoday Mhool at 10 and juoleiB at T. T. P. Boclaty at t:m. rutar praacbM at 11 oo "Pttar'a Vlaloo" aod at 0:30 "aaoaatlooallam Var- bui raoauclaM." Blbla atud. alau Tut, day T:30. Ckarek d Jmm Ckrlat af tailor Day alata imarmaal Ilk aod aladlaon Ola. Jahn B. Ballabory, blabop. Prlc.thood maallne 0.00 a.m. Buoday aohoal 10:M a.B. aacramaot aarrlca T H p at. Pint Splrltaallal Ckarak tag Ho. Oat- taa. circla aod baalloc Mrvlea at 0:00. Hacul.r Mrrlea at 1:J0. Bpcakar, Dr. vioeaot Mau.it. Pint Baptist Chare h Marion aod Lib. my. Dr. Llard T. Aaderaoo, put or. Rev. Tkernton J.aama. aaatatant pallor auoday Mbool 1:40 am. Worahtp, 11:01 era irem Abor.." Feator uoyd Andaraoo. Taulb raMUata. 0:11 p m. Ooapel imlti 1:30 p.m., "Ood'l Chllf Ceromteoa." Alliance Church Singspiration A city-wide after-church Slngsplration for young peo ple of all churches is sched uled for Sunday night at 9:13 o clock at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church located at North Fifth and Gaines. The Rally ia being sponsored by the Alliance Youth Fellowship, whose members also will provide re freshments. Featured leader of the Singsplratlon will be Rusa Reid of Seattle. Russ Reid was formerly Youth For Christ director in Edmonton Canada, but at present is Al liance district youth director for Washingtve, Oregon, and Idaho. He will play his vio lin and lead in the group sing ing. Special musical num bers will be rendered by the group attending from various churches. AU young people are invited. Russ Reid will slso play and preach in the 7:30 o'clock evening aervice at the Alli ance church. "The Kingdom of Truth,? Is the sermon topic of the Rev. A. W. Nelson of Immanuel Luth eran church, Nov. 29, the first Sunday after Advent Specials by both . junior and senior choice will be featured. Luth er league ia at 7:30 p.m. The Board of Deacons meeta Tues day, Dec. 1. Clothing for Luth eran World Relief must be brought to the church this week. Stewardship pledge cards must be brought in by Sunday, Dec. e. $aving Centers Ai the Foot of the Bridge W. Salem Mile Korth o! the Underpin Salem OPEN EVERY DAY ! A.M. TO 10 P.M. Prices Effective Thur., Fri., Sat., Sun. u.ii... n L!- r. idiicy rawing io. WIENERS ik IL Educational Group Sets Dec. 10 Meeting Turner The Marlon County Business meeting of the Ore gon Education Association will be held at Cascade Union high school Dec. 10. A banquet proceeding the meeting will be prepared and served by the cascade fha. Attending will be represent atives belonging to the OEA from all the schools In Marlon county. Dec. T, at 12:20 p.m. rep resentatives from the small In dependent colleges of Oregon and Washington are having a conference at Cascade Union High. They will discuss college preparation with the high school seniors. St. Hark a Latbaraa Barly Com. muoloo errvlc. I a.m.. Surjddy Mhool, 0:10 a.m. Reiular Commuoleo oerrlce, m. lotermadlata Luther Loatue. I p.m. Teuod People'. Leeaue, 0:M p.m. Dr. Eliot Speaks To Unitarians The Unitarian Fellowship will have as guest spesker Son day, Dr. William G. Eliot, Jr., Trinity Lutheran, first Sun day In Advent, Nov. 29, Joseph A. Luthro, pastor. 10 a.m., Sunday achooL Bi ble classes. 11 a.m. Divine worship. Ser mon: "Christ Is Truth." 7:30 p.m. Luther league. James Ohren, Barbara Arrell, Harold Legard and Rachel Mc- Bride will discuss the theme. "Thankful But to Whom'1 Wednesday, Dec. .2, Ladles Aid 2 p.m. Mrs. Alf O. Nelson is discussion leader for theme, "We Beheld His Glory." Instal lation of 1954 officers. Mrs. Ole Moen and Mrs. M.- O. Hatte berg, hostesses. Wednesday. Choirs: 7:15 and 8 p.m. . Friday. Dorcas society, 8 p.m., at church. Mrs. Harold Toft is discussion leader for theme, "We Beheld His Glory." Installation of 1954 officers. Mrs. Melvin Brenden and Mrs. Weldon Hatteberg, hostesses. Saturday. Confirmation classes, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Dec. 6. Holy communion at evening worship, 8 o'clock. Amity Churches Holy communion including the annual national corporate communion by the men and the boys of the church will he held Sunday at 7:45 a.m. at St. Mary's Episcopal church. Litany, ante-communion ser Monitor: Mqu.m "d "d church school will vriii. . in lhe terri- l 1 1 m- ,0T;ol.tPend!ng .re under Luther League Will no obligations, and no kind or Present DoUCjIaS CoC pi rNuic w juiu church will be brought to bear. The class provides an oppor tunity to learn from an offi cial source ust what the church teaches and what Ca tholics believe. I Beptlat Bldiard Crader. pattar. Bud- na.ln mu..B K ft.....!, day afhool 10 ia. Bfarolo. worafllp. 01 i VT i. .u , r .7 j r am. Cranio. Mrrlea, am Deldre COM. ui uur router ill ruruatiu. .prater. Dr. Eliot has served as pas tor for Unitarian churches in various parts of the United Friendly Old Organ To Be Heard Again Silverton The pipe orgsn which for msny years was heard regularly over radio station K O I N, Portland, mm th T-Cob t hm a n Unfal la .w ,vtn. T,ir.ii T...ih...n Father In Portland in 1908 Church of Mt. Angel. Oregon, f "lng "nt;,,.h.i'. rctl"men ln The organ was completely!1934' Dr'E !ot ,"honrry rebuilt and installed by Alex j'rR?e J; umiaicu in afjcuoi actvitc Ckarek al Ckrlet Jam.a UallMw Al ley, DD, mlolatar. Btbll achoot H Morolo werahlp 11 am. Coru Slotea ainre. 1P.0.1 heine- naalnr ooeor. e 10 pre. I.anmi Mr. " ' -. r ice. aacred eon carl. oi ine saiem unitarian cnurcn from 1901 to 1903. He became pastor for the Church of Our The Luther League group on Sunday, Nov. 8 An opportunity will be giv en the public to hear this old BAKED FOOD SALE Silverton The Naomi Soc iety of Calvary Lutheran Hethedlet Bruce MeCloneD. mloUtter. Buoday aehool 10 a.m. Morolo. aieraklp 11 a-m. youth reuowahtp 0:00 p.m Harlan Moe Heads Trinity Brotherhood Silverton Harlan Moe was elected president of the Trin ity Lutheran Brotherhood of Silverton, at the Tuesday eve ning meeting of the group, to serve through 1954. Assisting officers elected are vice-president, W. T. Hat teberg; secretary, orun smed stad. and treasurer, Ssmuel Torvend. The program chairman, Har old A. Larsen, Introduced Dr. L. E. Barrlck, Salem, who il lustrated his talk by showing colored films of Palestine, taken during travels of Dr. and Mrs. Barrlck ln thetHoly Land during' the past year. Lunch was served to the group by W. T. Hatteberg and M. O. Hatteberg. Life of Peter Film At First Baptist A aound 'color film on the life of Peter will be shown at the 7:30 evening aervice of the First Baptist church this Sun day. The film will illustrate the messages Pastor Lloyd An derson la bringing at both the morning and evening services from the Epistle of First Peter. The men a chorus, under the direction of Rev. Thornton Jansma, will aing during; the evening aervice. Oak Oreee Chapel Bruca MeCooa.3. nlplater. Mornlni worship 0:10 ft-M. Buoday prhool 10. tl a.m. aeeemMy at OaSPraafc K. MapM. paatar. Buaday eettoel 10 em. Merolu worahtp II a.m. Youni Peoplea Mrrlea 1:00 p.m. Bveoln. Mrrlea 7:10 p.m. given by John Koglin, organ ist at Holy Cross Luthersn of Faith Lutheran church will ! Church of Portland, Sunday, friend In Its new condition , Church will have fancy work and location. A recital will be I snd all kinds of home-baked conduct the evening service Sunday with Douglas Coe, youth leader, giving the mes sage at 11 a.m. The regular Luther League Loyalty Month Ups Attendance Loyslty Month programs al Bt. Mark's Lutheran church will be brought to a close this Sunday, designated as Grace Sunday. The holy sacrament of the Lord's suppprr will be administered at two morning services in order that all mem- Ibers of the congregstlon msy be accommodated. The early service will be held at 8 a m. Sunday school at 9:39 and the regular 11 am. communion I service. November having been des- Iignatcd as Loyslty Month hss resulted ln the largest church attendsnce in the history of phe congregation, it was ststed Nov. 29, at 8 p.m There will be no admission charge. Trinity Lutheran Church Is situated three miles East of meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Mt Angel or two miles South snd sn evsngellsm service at j of Monitor on the Monltor 8 o'clock. Silverton highway. deicacies for sale st the Sil verton Plumbing snd Appli ance Shop 205 Oak St., Sat urday Dec. 5, beginning at 9 a.m. VESTRY MEETING The vestry of St. Paul'a Episcopal church will meet n the rector's study at 7:30 p.m. Hr,mtwr 1 First Presbyterian Church Cheraeketa at Winter 'THE CHURCH ARK OR ARMY" By pr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 ond 11 A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. Ik CkrltttM C MtarMwr I 46 All, Sunday School 11:00 AM.. "Ttoo Bible Truth of Baippuneatlon . :M , 1:M P. M. RUBS UID and his noun 9:11 FJf. City-wide Inter -church aiNGBPl RATION with RV88 MID Young people from all ehurcbaa Invited. SUNDAY! If 7:30 P.M. SUNDAY! THE LIFE OF PETER SOUND. COLOR FILM PRODUCTION illustrating the Life of Peter to be shown at the 7:30 hour. Also a message by Pastor Anderson from the Epistle of Peter "GOD'S CHIEF CORNERSTONE" 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service "Born from Above" TUNE IN ' - Each morning at 8:15, KSLM, to "Family Altar Time" A good way to start the day with God! Each Sunday morning at 8:00, KSLM, to "First Call" Each Sunday morning at 11:00. KOCO, "Morning Wor ship Time" The Church with a Welcome" FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND EITHER OF TWO GREAT EVENING SERVICES In the CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Liberty and Miller Sunday Night 5:30 end 7:30 , To See ond Hear Tha Film-Message) "JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM (Photographed In Palestine by the Pastor laat svmer.) Come early and seo'Exhiblt of Stamps, Coin and other rememberanees gathered during tear. 1 1 :00 WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?" roedcest Ovar K6AE, 1430 K. MMIT Eastern Oregon Baby Beef locker nm Half Whole Eastern Oregon Baby Beef SiTb, Beet Roast it. A v Eastern Oregon Baby Beef Ground Beef , A Eastern Oregon Baby Beef Beef ifear ,b W Sirloin or T-Bone " RADISHES and GREEN OXIONS 3 !0c Florida Pink or White Grapefruit each LIMIT DESCHUTES NO. 2 POTATOES LIMIT GREEN ' BROCCOLI Bunch HOUDAY $H t Margarine k U 1 11 LIMIT VANILLA p , ICE (REAM fc25' .59' Grade "A" Creamery BUTTER LIMIT ! I lir 1 1 . . a ! t i . I , ! 1! 1' VI ry the pastor, the Rev. John fene. it lieertr Dr. Uoyd T. Andersen. Pastor Cauble. . -..a. J. A. aV k -