Friday, NoTeraber 27, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJem. Ortioa PattT Duuib ana opurs By SUSAN YOUNGQUIST About thl time, in many I Speaking of the Seamsters, Saddle club homes, people are they and tha Denver Youn aittinc back, remember inf all; went bird bunting in eastern Vie many uungs mat go into.uregon about two weeka ago, a Thanksgiving dinner, yet en Wing that big turkey sand' wich that follows tha holiday feast. Moat of the club membera were at family dinner, rang ing in aiza from five people to people. The Earl Hurraya traveled over to Scio for a re union with their aon-in-law and daughter, and of course, the grandchildren. In the Roy Etender home, 13 were gath ered around the table. , It wai really "over the hill to Grandma's house" for the Bart McKinneys and the Willis Clarks. Marie, Bart and their daughter Teddy have been at Alanzanita at her mother's home this past week, and were Coined by tha Clarks and Olive and Marie's grandfather yes terday. Esther and Ervtn Jtfard threatened to have a sauerkraut and sparerib din ner "just to break tradition," quoth Ervin. The Seamsters were another at home" couple. But what with Judy, their daughter. Bob and Pat, their son and daughter-in-law, Gladys sister from Gresham, and also her folks, it 'was a large group, who gath red. and brought back greetings from Doris and Roy Shannon at Ruby Ranch In the Jordan Valley. Roy was ona of the club a original membera. The Youngquist home wain t exactly empty either. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sherrett, and son Gordon were here from Eugene to make it really a nice day. They are the aunt, uncle, and cousin of Mrs. Youngquist. A new policy has been adopt ed at the barn concerning the younger set. On Saturday aft ernoons, from S to 4, the arena will be strictly for the kids. They may ride or drill, if they'd like or do practically anything else within reason. Either Glenn Conglin or Bus Youngquist will be there to su pervise the activities. If par ents of the youngsters are members of the club, he needn't Join the club Just to ride on Saturday afternoon, President Ivan Sutton, la now minus one horse. He sold his sorrel quarter-horse, "Red," to Glen Struckmeier. Another Saddle club dance is coming up. More details la ter. Shower For Bride ; Silverton Mrs. Harold jktires of Silverton, bride of early November, was compli mented at a miscellaneous .postnuptial ahower Wednes day evening tt Silverton Hills .Grange hall club rooms. Host esses for the occasion were ,Mrs. Marlon Miller of Victor Point, Mrs. Lloyd Oveross, Mrs. Oden Johnson, assisted by the mother-in-law of the -bride, Mrs. Josie Mires. - Others present were Mrs. -Laura DuVal, Mrs. Maurice -DuVal, Mrs. Ray Elliott, Mrs. Wallace Satern, Mrs. Melvin Brenden, Mrs. Bill McBrlde, iMra. John Mauldlng, Mrs. W. 7E. Parrish. Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. Alvla Hartley, Mrs. A. II. Sacher, Mrs. George Ben Ion, Mrs. Maurice Benson and Verne and Ruth Benson, Mrs. Carrie King, .Mr. Ed' Martin, Mtm. Clarence Herr and Pam, 'Cindy, Annette and Bruce herr, Mrs. Lloyd Jacobson and Donna, Mrs. Rosa Brandon, Mrs. Melvin Kaser, Mrs. Dale i,Hlllr, Mrs. Anton Sacher and pLiBda and Lore, Mrs. E. A. ;jfeeugll, Mrs. Lewis Bailer and tIrs. -WiUard Benson, rfl! .Greens Show at 'Stayton Dec. 12 -3 Stayton Mrs. W. A. Inglls was hostess to Stayton Garden Vclub in her home recently, with -"Mrs. Fred Bercer co-hostess. jS'inal plans were made for the veomlng Christmas greens show, ""Winter Wonderland," Decem- :&er 12. n Mrs. itaieign naroia ais eussed in detail 12 most desir able groups of shrubs to make jThe Frame Around My 3louse." i The club will meet December :J$0 t 8 p.m.. In Mrs. A. D. Gardners' home. Election of officers, corsage making, and gift exchange will be featured. "Members will dress in garden attire, a prize to be given for the most comical garden cos tume produced. The coming "Winter Wonder land" show, open to the gen eral public from 2 to 8 o'clock, "December 12, in the Woman's club house, will be Santiam ' valley's floriculture highlight of : 1953. From "Greetings and i Bells" to "Mood in Silhouette" 'many floral interpretations ! popular for Christmas holiday ! decorations will be displayed. - Horticulture division classes ! will also be exhibited as well las arrangement classes In the j junior division. Mrs. W. A. In i glis is general chairman. !Plan Bazaar i Silverton The Loyal Ber i ean Woman's Sunday school i class of the First Christian church will sponsor its annual l bazaar and merchants' lunch . eon, from 11 o'clock until 2, ; Friday, December 4, at the church social rooms. Also feat i urcd will be a candy booth and a country store. The class president, Mrs. Ben G if ford, will serve as general chairman. On the kitchen .committee are Mrs. I. L. Stew- art, Mrs. George Kirk, Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre and Mra. E. Z. Kaufman. Serving in the "country store," wlU be Mrs. Carl Specht and Mra. Steve Enloe. At the candy booth will be Mrs. L. R. Saw. er and Mrs. Mac Houck. In charge of aprons and fancy work will be Mrs. Dan Geiser and Mrs. Lydia Dawes, Publicity chairmen are Mra, Verna Bailey and Mrs. Gus Herr. BACK IN STATES AGAIN 1 1 I mi I i Fathers Honored At Rainbow Event Woodburn Following the regular meeting of Evergreen assembly. Order of the Rain bow for Girls, Wednesday night at the Masonic temple, the fathers of the girls were hon ored. . About 25 fathers were present. A program was presented, which Included two skits, the first one with Miss Linda Pet erson as chairman and the second by Misses Jane Mc Grath and Sharon Guthrie. Other numbers on the program included accordion solos by Miss Shirley Moore, and a vo cal solo by Miss Sue Paulson, accompanied by Miss Jane Mc- Grath. At the conclusion of the pro gram, the girls escorted their fathers to the dining room, where refreshments and danc ing completed the evening. At the next meeting, Decem ber 9, the girls are to bring fruit and vegetables for the Masonic and Eastern Star Home, and the advisory board will be entertained. Tuesday night, Mrs. Tom De- Armond, mother adviser, took a group of the girls to Salem for "friendship night" of Chad- wick assembly. Making the trip were Misses Linda Peter son, Sharon Guthrie, Sue Paul son, Jane McGrath, Phyllis Roberta and Dorthy Baxter. SILVERTON Mr. r.nd Mrs. Kenneth Hen urn and Bob, Don and Dick entertained at Thanksgiving day dinner for Mr, Henjum's family relations. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Henjum, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henjum and Mark and Deane and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jorgenson. Ad ditional guests In the. evening were, Mrs. Henjum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jorgenson. This Is Staff Sgt- Thomas D. Leavines, 37, and his family of wife and six children, all of whom arrived In Seattle from Japan Wednesday, and passed through Salem by auto today an route to their home In Mew Orleans, La. Sgt. Lea vines has been In the service 11 yean. He was In the Korean effort, and, stationed In Japan, waa with Supply Support, 313th Carrier Wing of the Air Corps. He is now assigned to MeDlll, Fla., and expects to make the army his career. All of the Leavines children were born in the states. In the picture, from left. Staff Sgt. Leavines; Shirley Ann, 9; James and Robert, twins, 4; Tommy, 5; Charles, S; John Eugene, 2; and Mra. Leavines, 27. They stoped In Salem for breakfast at The Grill. Lea vines says the Air Force is the finest of the services U.S. Flying Boxcar Crashes, 5 Killed Paris (fl Atl.S. Air Force C119 Flying Boxcar from Don aldson Base at Greenville, S. C, crashed near Orly Field Just outside Paria Friday killing all live occupants. The plane had flown from Greenville via the Azores on a ferrying mission en route to the Rhine-Main base near Frank furt, Germany, Air Force offi cers at Orly Field said. Those aboard included the pilot, co-pilot, radio operator. engineer and navigator. All five bodies-were recovered. LEGALS ADMINISTRATOR' I NOT ICS CO CSEDITOM HOTTCB IB HSR KB T OTVRM th.t FiooMr Tru.t companr hu ton ay ordtr Ot th. circuit Court t U IUU or OTMoa for at.rloa Count, appolaud ftdmioMir.ler WHh aba will aanosod of in. HMit ar Jonn a. NhI, Doeoatod. Anr pomou -having alalma aaalnat aM wtata aro roqutstod to present th.m, with propor vouch., te tala admlola trator at S10 Plontor Truat Bulldtni. Saltm. erieon. within tlx south, treat lb, data of Uila nolle. Oatad tbta mh day f Mot., mi. PIONIIR TRUST COMPANY Administrator with tha will an. . nexed of tha Ettate l J ona H. NhI, Dtcaawd. KHOTBlf. hHOTXN At l Ploar Truat BuUdlna 8al,ai. Otobob Attorntra for Adnuntttratar It Of. II. SO, IT, DM. i. 11, ust. MIAMI COLD Miami, Fla. UP) The tem perature dipped to a cold 47 degrees in Miami Friday to make It the coldest Nov. 27 in the 43 years the Weather Bur eau has been keeping records. The previous low for the date was 49 in 1938. 2tC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY OUWUNDKUenOK 140 Candalarla Blvd. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY t KJU.IYS IUUTY CBtTO bpttsl UwpoJuf Ctatar Journal Want Ads Pay JUST ARRIVED Lovely Holiday Dresses for Your Young Miss Ma rg wen's Capitol Shopping Center MISS SHTRLET WEEDEB Betrothal Told Mrs. Grace Weeder of route 1, Sclo, announces the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Shirley Ann Weeder, to Wil liam E. Albeke of Albany. Miss Weeder Is a graduate of St Boniface high school and Is now employed at the office of; sell da uevers, BUtyion. cut. Albeke Is a graduate ot Albany high school and is now em ployed with the Southern Pac ific railroad. The wedding is planned for June. Miss Sellie Is Bride at Lebanon Lebanon Miss. Ruth Sellie, daughter of Conrad Sellie ot Fessenden, N. D., was wed to Donald D. Cox at a candle light ceremony on the evening of Nov. 14 in the Mercer Is land, Wash., Holy Trinity Lu theran church. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harl V. Cox of Lebanon. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a white French imported paper taffeta dress and carried white roses and stephanotis. The bride chose as her at tendants Miss Reta Baker, and her sister, Mrs. Enoch Haug-seth. Going north for the wedding i were Mr. and Mrs. Harl V. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cox, the latter pouring at the wedding reception. The couple went to Palm Springs for their honeymoon. They plan to make their home on Mercer Island. woaaiag A I 7 TV efHufsmaet I V - J Uckweed Hera . VSoiwX Strt.tS. ltev.n-W j J t&tf only, em SRPPY -IT0PS IN QUALITY! Ml SaUM'f StOOfST HOAM VMM 1IJSO, r awly tsoo dw-.. Wia t, fwl B fcsVsJaavxw)hk .m aVxM Mo-. AaMrau. aanar ) Pwca aaaod Mori sn. a rka MamiaeiM av. rtcl 1. Sowlw Scdaa. Mra. 1-071 es sat . a I ga tlal . . 1 1 iJ5.. iEaWl II '"T.M' I .S!0 PAYLESS v p g r 'mi i in '. -.' 1 Aturn a mwus ' 17-JEIVELS FINEST QUALITY JJliJ ajj ttit I - SIMPLY SET THE ALARM FOR WHATEVER TIME YOU WISH . . . AND YOU'LL NEVER BE LATE AGAIN! IDEAL FOR BUSINESS MEN, NURSES, DOCTORS, STU DENTS, HOUSEWIVES OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS A DATE WITH TIME! JEWELRY DEPARTMENT TALLMAN'S STARTS TOMORROW! BIG CHRISTMAS Si $10 HOLDS A PIANO FOR XMAS DELIVERY, ERY PIANO REDUCED IN PRICE 300 PIANO BARGAINS! Daring Tallmsn's big Christmas sale, sweeping redactions America's finest and best kaown pianos make It possible for yea to awn the plane yea have always wanted. We nrge yoo to visit the Tallman Plan Store new, while Tallmsn's hare atoft ts still intact. Choose from 104 new, used, reeo attracted, tt, 71, II nets. More than II different styles ana iinisnes. BRAND NEW SPINETS 393 AS C LOW AS . Nationally Known Nationally Advertised Compare tha Prica 40" Mahogany Spinel '38 Dart sos-om! mia tixs. $35 lesri, 1 fears Is HT- $745 New Hallett & Davis Spinet 5R751 k taitihMiS towt, fain te py. 1 w $887 New Betsy Ross Spinet 'RR ActlhMtilsd , . . MBMtl N Cold til'l Mm R. Small Mahogany Spinet ...... IM Stndle Spinet MT Mason aV Hamlin Console Spinet IM Bach Spinet 4S7 Heller Spinet 4M l New Mahogany Spinet Stelnway Console Spinet St7 1741 New Blende Spinet StS I74J New Betsy Boas Spinet... 171 New Limed Oak Spinet. 1. ST $141 New Betsy Ross Spinet. . . till New J. C. Fischer Spinet. .- TSt III New Betsy Boss Spinet. . . 7t l,m New Kubl Spinet HT 11,145 New Betsy Boss Spinet t,MS - ' ' ' Many Others . EASY TERMS - WE CARRY YOUR CONTRACT Nama your awn terms ... any reasonable terms accepted. Buy with no down payment with trade-in. $10 holds piano for Xmat delivery . , . Payments begin next yaar. I NEW AND REBUILT GRANDS AS LOW AS Choose from a large variety of aiiea and finishes. Lowest prices yon will find anywhere! Knob Lester Chickering Starr ' Ariol Geo. Stack Ererert Hardman Vosa I, Son Hallet A Davit J. C. Fischer Webar Gulbranson Stager MANY OTHERS UPRIGHTS SALE PRICES. TALLMAN'S EXCLUSIVE PROTECTIVE CERTIFICATE Provides a, 11-year guarantee; I months' trial exchange privilege; extended payments la event of Illness or unemployment, and other benefits. . $89to$497 Small Profits Large Volume Low Prices Tallmane are plane specialists, backed by It years ef piano selling and building. Tn that time they have sold almost every make of plane built The lines ef pianos they offer you war are uie am uiai money can ouy in tneir respective grsaea. visit our factory store ee for yourself why we have thousands of satisfied customers. OPEN EVERY EVENING PIANO STORES I I LOW IN PRICE Portland Slore 915 S.W. 9lh St. 395 South 12th, SALEM V