Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 27, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    At left ii ont of the picture! illuftriting the cookbook
mod on Hi by YWCA volunteer!, the drawing belnf
ont of IS pen and ink sketch don by Mr. Morrl
Crothen for the book.
It's Art in Cooking, But a Bit of Real Art,
On sal next week goes th
fin cookbook Issued by a large
group of volunteers In th Sa
lem YWCA, th project being
sponsored as one means of rais
ing additional funds for th new
YW plant to be opened, early
next year.
"Y's Cookln'" is th titl of
t - th volume, an unique volume,
not only for its many prized
recipe but for th beautiful
art work featuring th book.
' - Soma 2000 copies are to go on
sal th first of th month, and
it is th bop of th aponsor
Ing committee to raalli $3000
from th sal.
Auxiliary of VFW
Reports Meeting
Sllverton At the Wednes
day night meeting of th Vet
erans of Foreign Wars aux
iliary, No. 1004, Mrs. George
Mason wss in charge of th In
spectlon of officers. Mrs. Oar
ence Quirtler acted In th ab-
emee of the president, Mrs. Boh
A two-day rummage sale,
December 4 and S has bean
planned to b at th former
location of th Potnlac dealers.
A patriotic essay contest It
being planned.
Mrs. Iwla Thomas, presi
dent of District No. 20, read a
brief on civilian defense. In
structions on what to do in
Today's Menu
Get out of th usual-way -to
cook-hamburger rut, and try
this snappy new recipe!
Mediterranean Hamburger
Mashed Potatoes
Broccoli Salad
Bread and Butter
Fresh Peara with Cream
Mediterranean Hamburgers
v Ingredients: 1 pound ground
chuck beef, 4 pitted green ol
ives (any size), 2 flat anchovy
fillets, salt.
, Method: Divide beef into
even portions. Flatten each
portion ao it will be SVi
inches across. Chop olive and
anchovies and sprinkle over
of the patties. Cover with re
maining 4 pattiea and presi
edge together. Heat a medium
size iron aklUet until very hot;
sprinkle lightly with salt; ar
range hamburgers In skillet
and cook over high heat for 2
minutes on each aide; turn heat
very low and cook another
minute if you want hambur
gers rare in center, longer for
medium or we 11 -done patties.
Serve at one. Cooking the1
hamburgers this way will get;
th kitchen amoky, but It's'
worth It because they taste sol
Note: Use anchovy filleta,
from a 2 -ounce ran for this re
cipe; put th remaining an
chovies snd their oil In a small j
Jar, cover tightly and refriger
ate. Use some of th drained
anchovies in green salads or In
a cream-cheese spread.
mm Rues wo
Furs Exclusively
For 25 Year
1141 Ferry St
There are soma wonderful
recipes In it, gleaned from
soma of Salem's most noted
cooks including, of course,
th famed angel food cake of
Mrs. Douglas McKay, now in
Washington, D. C, with Mr.
McKay while he is serving as
secretary of th interior in
President Eisenhower's cabinet.
Zacb recipe is band lettered,
making it clear and distinct to
read, in addition to adding an
artistic flare, and each recipe
is autographed, in th hand
writing of the author.
In addition to prizing the
cookbook for its wonderful rec
cas of an unfriendly air raid.
Mrs. Quartler, presiding of
ficer, reported 39 hours of com
munity service In sky-watch.
Mrs. Frank Rocmer, chairman
of youth activities, told of
flag for us in th kindergar
ten school room. The aux
illary will place a flag In the
room in the near future.
Th program honoring of
pact preakfents ot th auxiliary
ha been postponed until the
January meeting.
Helpers named to serve at
the noon dinner, Wednesday,
December Z, at the armory for
th Dairy Breeders association
matting, include Mrs. Clarence
Quartler, chairman; in the
kitchen, Mrs. Olaf Tokstad,
Mrs. L. M. Elliott, Mrs. Carl
Specht, Mrs.. M. Pierce, and
chairman of the dining room
electing her own committee
personnel, Mrs. Lewis Thomaa.
A delinquent dues commit
tee was named to include Mrs
Emll Grant, Mrs. Olaf Tokstad
and Mrs. Tom Lynch.
On the social committee were
Mrs. Harry Walker and Mrs.
Howard Hatteberg.
At Elfstrom Home
Hosts for a week-end house
party to a group of friends who
went fishing together this past
summer at Ta-Weel lake, Can
ada, will be Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert L. Elfstrom. Guests are
arriving tonight to remain over
until Sunday. Picture of the
trip will be shown aa a feature
of the party. Guests will be
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Brundage
of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Blegger ot Coos Bay, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mercer ot Vancou
ver, Wash.
AMONG SALEM folk to be
In Portland for Sadler's Wells
ballet Saturday will be Miss
Elizabeth Lord and Miss Edith
Schryver; Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler
You and Your Hearing
Mtro rwvDiru
ACCOrtTIC i n -
Tar mint ro
rANT ov minwi
Arouit rftn tm tt lat
est Ms tlBt tF Pt
rowT httrtef
) IHraianaal
fit Vilfe ttatl
ItlM total'
U (aa Ttalli
01 um wtwmm4-fUrrm) BroncH
ta aoMMttiat. rrs trial aanait
M aa Imb at aaaamrattaa and
artrtaaa apttiaaaa vita hstnni
aldf. Baa aanraeielra sailv
what Is avalsskto m aarta vtia
rr haarlnc arabton u4 th raaalu
yaa a iptt Writ for tfm
M aa "Whit aTvtrr HtaHnt AH
OMf Phou.4 Kam a pbaat (ar
Mftlra Hoarirtf Brrrtca at JM
fttmatar tUtal BM(.
sfanuatDi ffto
Offla feaart I N I ny ama
ertN utvuit Tn. t tm.
mm. tetortvs at aa vum av -a
aalalaiaat vitaaal atwl ar aaUaalta.
Call evtsa
Salcm't historic lint Methodist church, t right, la
another of the beautiful Illustration drawn by Mrs.
Crothers for the cookbook, entitled "Y's Cookln'." Soma
2000 copies are being sold.
ipes, on would like to own it
for th beautiful pen and ink
drawings by Eunlc Crothers
(Mrs, Morris Crothers) used as
. lustrations, Mrs. Crothers has
don 13 of these sketches, some
fictional to illustrate a section,
others treasures of historic and
outstanding buildings in Salem.
Th cookbook will be on sale
at Needham's, Cooke's, Com
mercial Book store, Better-Bedding,
the Gift Box, Stevens and
Son, Miller's, and at th YWCA.
It was a mammoth task for
the committee sponsoring the
volume, but results are most
gratifying, th worker say.
Circles Set
Exents Next Week
Sllverton Four circles of
Immanuel Lutheran Woman's
Missionary society are meeting
next week and one will meet
the following week.
Circle 6 will meet on Mon
day night at the home ot Mrs.
Kenrfeth Henjum with Mrs.
Charles Hopkins and Mrs. Ad-
ney Tokstad as eo-hoateases.
Circle 5 will also meet Mon
day and at the home of Mrs. R.
J. VanCleave. Mrs. Aage B.
Anderson is th assistant.
Brown and their daughters.
Misses Plum and Roxsnnel
Brown; Mr, and Mrs. Merrill
D. Ohllng and daughters, Mrs. 1
Donald Wells and Miss Alice
Louis Ohllng, th latter of:
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. James
Wslton and son and daughter,
Jeff and Elisabeth.
525 Chemeketa St.
Mrs. William Crothers edited
the book.
Mrs. Maynard Shilfer and
Mrs. Charles Campbell were on
the committee to select and tost
the recipes.
Mrs. Morris Crothers did the
historical research for the book.
Mrs. J. A. Nunn did the
hand lettering.
Mrs. Harmon Harvey and
Mrs. Robert Spragu served as
th business managers and
chairmen directing the selling.
For many, this cookbook will
be treasured Christmas pres
On Tuesday, Circle 1 meets
with Mrs. Conrad Dahl at 2
Circle 4 will meet at the
Carlton Hande, Sr., home on
Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Mrs. W. A. Satterlee
will be co-hostess. Circle S will
meet in the fireplace room of
the parish house on Wednes
day and Mrs. Olaf Tokstad,
Mrs. Eric Walen will co-
On December , Mrs. John
Overlund will be hostess to
Circle 2 for a no-host luncheon
at 1 o'clock.
I i I I r I II ! II 1 I i
, II 1 av I IS III I I
UMom-naae wanes 1 1 i . -t 1 1 i 1 1 i i '
i mm i bt
fnlfiilrl? ' 7V mm? v-
Recital at
Waller Hall !
The college of music at Wil
lamette university will peasant
a chamber music recital to Wal
ler Hall auditorium on Thurs
day, December , at 1:20 an.
The piogrm will include two
ccenpoat'na: The quintet far
clarinet and strings by Mozart,
and a string quartet by VUla
Lobos. Th clarinet quintet, K. SSI
by Mozart, 1 on of th most
aatiafying compositions ever
written for clarinet and strings.
On th whole the clarinet
seems to predominate the
beauties of its ton qualities al
ways cam through, and yet th
other Instruments are in no
sense alighted. Th them ere
usually presented alternately
by clarinet and first violin; but
the others always have an op
portunity to participate in sub
sequent statements. This quin
tet was composed in 1789.
Mozart called it "Stadler'a
Quintet" in honor of the clar
inetist for whom H waa wrlt-
Lee Mack, th clarinetist
who will participate with the
ensemble in the performance of
the quintet, is a graduate of the
Cincinnati Conservatory . of
Music. H is now teaching at
Clark College in Vancouver,
The string quartet No. 6 In
E Major by Villa-Louos, will
conclude the program. Villa
Loboa is a contemporary South
American composer (born at
Rio de Janeiro In 1887). Al
though he lived in Europe for
a short period ot time during
the 1920s, his works have re
tained a very definite Brazilian
character. He has had a strong
Interest in Brazilian folk music.
Seemingly thia interest has re
isulted In the adaption of popu
lar idioma into his style. He
has been an extremely active
composer his compositions
number in the thousands. The
6th string quartet waa pub
lished In 1948.
The public ia invited to at
tend the Thursday event The
concert la given without charge.
GOING TO Portland on Sat
urday to take in Sadler's Wells
ballet will be Mrs. Jerry Stone,
Miss Barbara Belt, Mrs. Wil
liam M. Tugman of Eugene,
Mrs. Stephen A. Stone and Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Stone.
Serve at Museum
Regular visitation day at Sa
lem Art Museum, th formes
Bush House, will be Sunday
afternoon batwaeu S and 4:10
Hostessn for th aftarnooei
will include Mis Elizabeth
Lord. lira. Frank B. Sneara.
Mr.PrincW.Byrd, Miss Betty
Byrd, Mrs. Russell Lafontalne,
Miat ataoei p. Robertson, Mrs.
W. C. Dyer. Sr. Mrs. H. J.
Hjort, Mrs. Glenn Robert of
Dallas, Mitt Edith Sehryvv.
Mrs. Archibald
To Be Honored
Mrs. Don Archibald (Mary
Lou zumwalt), recent bride,
will be honored at a party and
miscalls neoua shower for
which Miss Judl Foreman is to
entertain en Saturday at the
home of her parents, the Clay
ton Fore mans. Th honor guest
is horn from Lewis and Clark
college for the Thanksgiving
Honoring th bride will be
her mother, Mrs. Chester Zum
walt, Mrs. J. N. Archibald.
mother of Mr. Archibald; Mrs.
Luther Jensen, Mrs. Clayton
Foreman, Mrs. William Wood
all, Mrs. Billy Joe Van Horn,
Mrs. Keith Farnam. Mrs. Ron.
aid Cross, Misses Bailey Grelg,
Julie Miller, Clarice and Clau
dia Waters, Roberta Sears, Joan
Seamster, Barbara McMullen,
Carol Strebig, Margie Barge,
Barbara Franzwa,- Louis
Lamb, Fat Cameron, Sandra
Anderson, Beth Proebstcl and
Barbara Culbertson.
BPW Club
Lebanon A candlelight
ceremony marked the Business
and Professional Women's
formal initiation dinner recent
ly at St Martln'a pariah hall.
Mr. DeNic Holme direct
ed the Initiation, organ music
being provided by her daugh
ter. Mis Dlantha Holmes. As
sisting were Marguerite Olm
sted, Violet Olin, Adeline Vo-
geL Jessie Piper, Barbara Ma
son and Grace Scroggln, presi
dent of the group.
Presented by Mrs. Thelma
Stewart, girl of th month
chairman, waa Miss Barbara
Elmer, high school senior.
Several guests were intro
duced including tlx Albany
BPW members.
Enjoy Short
University est Oregon, Eu
gene (Special) With th big
week-end here, Oregon students
are spending the three days of
Thanksgiving vacation planning
what to do for th long, lux
urious vacation in December.
Sean carrying tultrasoa and
boxes through th Canon hall
lobby war Pat Denney, Julie
Miller, Judl Burdette, Eunice
Peckenpaugh, Sally Greig and
Gloria Stalk. The anas-migra
tion out eg town began early
Wednesday morning, reaching
ita peak at about 2 in th after
noon and continuing until early
According to th student
who know; th various chair
men for events of th week
end. Homecoming was a huge
success this year. The noise
parade waa very noisy, the
signs all large and beautifully
done and th variety show and
dance well-attended. Th
Homecoming luncheon, too, was
attended by many alumni and
friends of th campus.
Winners af th sign contest,
first part of Homecoming to be
officially Judged, were Delta
Tau Delta for the men's bouses
and'Delta Delta Delta sorority.
Salem Tri-Delt pledge Judy
Carlson and Judie Burdette
proudly showed their house's
sign to their friends.
Flaying many variety num
ber and abort-in termlsslon
specialties waa Dick Schwary,
bandleader, who playd for th
danc last Saturday night
Many people expressed the
opinion that the danc was the
best-attended of any in the his
tory of the University for all-
campus dances. Salem students
seen enjoying th music and
dancing were Eunlc Pecken-
pauh,g Helen Callaghan, Glenn
Benner, Scott Page, Julie Mil
ler, Jeff- Walton, Sally Grelg,
Dorothy Pederson, Judl Bur
dette, Ernie Drape la, Judy
Carlson and Norma Stewart
Disappointing both because
final score and because of the
constant rain waa the Oregon
Oregon State' gam last Satur-
' Tasted
ivn MitBja
425 Setrik 12ft
You H lav th tang of the crisp bis
cuits, the way they tats to milk and fruit!
Look for Mabbco Shkedded Wheat In
this new package, or the regular 1 2-ouaca
package, at jour grocer's now.
Frlaar, November 17, I95S
Sisterhood Meets
tv. nwnla Bath fiholom
Sisterhood net recently in the
Tempi vestry loom. Th vie
president, Mrs. Carl Bandetedt,
presided. A prayer for Thanks-
aivlng wss given cy we pre
siding officer,
u pkilin Stelnbock an
nounced the date of her tea
which will be en Sunday, No
vember 2S. at S pjn.
Un JhIm Jacobean, pro
gram chairman, read a report
to the membership.
Cnanukah gifts will Be ex
changed by the members at
the December IS meeting.
Refreshments were served
hv Mrs. Daniel Gasaner and
Mrs. Leonard Goldblatt
uncus Jaan Lanktree and
Carol Meftord ar to be hos
tesses st the home of th form
er for one of the parties being
given Friday evening preced
ing the Job's Daughters
Queen's Ball.
Guests will include Misses
Judy Bone, Phyllis Grabtr,
Nnrv Weeks and Jim Law
rence, Johnny Gardner, Pete
Lindsay, Wluard Bone ana won
SILVSRTON Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Jorgsnson were Thanka
givlng day dinner hosts at their
suburban home following
special ehurch services. Their
niMti mMvm Mr. and Mrs. Ger
hard Jorgenson, Miss Thelma
Jorgenson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Jorgenson snd Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Overlund.
day afternoon. Despite this,
however, the stadium wss filled
and spirit ran high throughout
the game for this traditional
clash between the teams of the -rival
schools. When Oregon
State scored their first touch
down, which proved to be the
winning one, their cheering r
section exploded exuberantly
and a shower of black-and- .
oranae nailers filled the air aa
'each student threw his hand- '
After the game, from about
4 to S in the afternoon last
Saturday, open house for
friends and parents waa held
In all th living organizations ,
on campus.
1 pur. crania
NEW I SAftl M"
Pi nun ihi inn ot mumi
la popularity mfmmmmmmm.
lira or af I Aspirin I
top. tec- I rMiio'Vt I
New, handy, 6-ounce package fits into even the
tiniest cupboard. New tuck-in top makes it easy
to reclose, keeps the golden biscuits ever-fresh I
Yon set six M.
cuhs of honest food, 100 whole wheat, in
cluding bran and wheat germ! At a small price,
to you need never skimp on nourishment!