Friday, Kvrmber 27. 1935 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortcoa PfS '55 Legislature Faces Tough Budget Problem Got. Paul L. Patterson nd his department oi ft Banc arc worried about the state's financial outlook. With income tax receipt! dropping, the 1851 Legislature probably will have a very rough time trying to make ends meet. At this early itage, the itate'i financial brains say -that the people at Oregon either will have to accept a tax increase, or max a drastic reduction In school and public welfare pending. Gov. Patterson issued the first storm warning about this situation in a speech be made last week. , Yea, we know that for the past 10 years, the state's finan cial authorities have been pre dicting whopping budget de ficits that never materialized. The reason the experts were proved wrong waa that income tax receipts kept on soaring to heights that couldn't even be imagined. This time, though, the pic ture is different Let's look at the facts. The 1953 Legislature was able to balance the state's budg et for the current two-year pe riod only by using up all of the 30 million dollar surplus that was on hand. This sur plus will be wiped out by the end of next year. The decline in income tax receipts is alarming. Total re ceipts for the four months end ed Nov. 1 were $16,872,000, which is two millions less than the record total of the similar period of last year. Personal Income tax receipts totaled 111.430,000, which was the same amount as a year ago. But corporation income tax re ceipts were only $5,423,000, drop of two millions. By PACT, W. BAR TIT JR. Uncle Sam will five the state Narcotic Evil Topic Of Woodburn Film Woodburn "The Assassin of Youth" Is the title of the color motion picture to be shown Monday. Nov. 30, at the Wood- burn Free Methodist church, beginning at 7:30 p.m., accord ing to announcement by the pastor. Rev. George Norrwor thy. A second picture to be shown is entitled "Terrible Truth." . These pictures have been pro duced under the auspices of the Anti-Narcotic League of America for the purpose of combatting the narcotic traffic by educating the public con cerning Its evils. The public Is Invited to attend this program. Miss Julia Mae Webber of Ashland, child evangelist, will hold a aeries of services at the Woodburn Free Methodist church, Dec 1-13. The two daily meetings will be held at S pjn. and 4 p.m. Miss Web ber Is a former Woodburn resi dent, having attended the pub lic schools here. She has re turned to Woodburn each fall for several years to conduct children's meetings at the Free Methodist church. All children of the community are invited to attend the meetings. NEW PASTORDCE Hubbard The Rev. Virgil Wolfemberge, his wife and small daughter of East Haven. Conn., are expected to arrive here about Dec. 15. Rev. Wolf emberge has accepted the call from the three churches of the greater Hubbard parish for a minister. a little assist next year when he cuts his income tax rates 10 per cent. The Bute Tax Commission estimates that this federal reliction will have the effect of increasing the state Income tax take by one to two millions a year. But that's only a drop in the bucket When the federal tax Is de creased the state's tax receipts go up, because the federal re duction makes more Income available to be taxed by the state. Some of the lesislatora al ready might well be thinking how they can increase taxes. It s a problem, because the people generally defeat the Legislature's efforta to boost taxes. In Oregon, the people al ways have tine last word on bills to raise revenue. That's because all tax measures can be referred tto the people. When the people first ap proved the Income tax, which first waa levied In 1S29, the Idea was that it should only reduce the property tax bur den. At the bottom of the de pression in 1033, it produced only $1,413,677. But the Income tax collec tions continued to mount until 19?". when it yielded $f5,777, 753. Then it started to lall oft Legislators dont like the idea of having to rely on the Income tax, which now is the primary source of state income. The state hasn't even hsd to levy a property tax since 1940, The income tax fluctuates too wildly to make for sound budgeting two years ahead of time, like the Legislature has to do. A slight change in eco nomic conditions can radically change the best estimates of tax receipts. Some tax experts say that If business drop 10 per cent the state's tax receipts would" fall as much as 50 per cent In October, the total collec tions from Oregon's income tax, since 1929, reached the 500 million dollar mark. Of that total, 65.8 per cent was paid by Individuals, and the rest by corporations. I It took 24 years to reach the first 500 millions. At the pres ent rate of payments, it would take less than 10 years to col lect the next 500 millions. Carriers Will March Today The "march" f 100.000 lei- tar carriers across the country starts today as the postal em ployes begin collection af 10.- 000,000 contribution envelopes in the muscular dystrophy fund drive. The latter carriers, whe dis tributed the envelopes before Thanksgiving; will call on vir tually every American hone, hoping to collect $5,600,00 ta further rs smith into the my sterious disease. The "inarch" I being con ducted under the auspices of the Muscular Dystrophy As sociation of America with ac tive support from William C. Doherty, president. National Association of Letter Carriers (ATM. There ar more than 100,000 known victims of the disease in th United States. Most of those suffering from muscular, dys trophy are children, who are doomed to di unless a cur la found. The disease, called America's "most mysterious malady," waste the muscle of its vic tims, crippling them until they are completely Incapacitated, and then finally kills them. Children afflicted with mi eular dystrophy usually die in their teens. Postmaster General Arthur I. Summ -field la honorary national chairman of th drive, which w-j launched in Wash ington by Mrs. alaml Eisen hower early this month. Ava Gardner to 60 Ahead With Divorce Los Angeles Av Gardner is en route to New York City and Rome, where she will make a movie. A studio spokesman aaid last night she will go ahead with plana to divorce Frank Si natra. Th-t spokesman quoted the actress as saying the crooner's latest visit with her at the Hol lywood home of her sister, Bea Gardner, was merely to a ay goodbye. Red Cross Still Needs Blood; Salem Is Lagging By PAT McLEAN Da yoa wonder why th Red Is stul asking for your blood though th shooting in Korea la over? I'll tell you why. Here are th tacts. From your bleed cornea gamma globulin, our greatest defense against poll. From your blood medical sci ence la able to continue its re search agalsrt discs:. Thus, more blood Is needed for the vast discoveries now being made, and still more blood will be needed to encourage and enable research to continue. Her are more facts that per tain to Salem. The Bed Cross supplies th Salem hospitals! with blood and also has a com-! mltment to the armed forces! for half of the quota which should be 550 pints per month, j This quota I needed to meet the above demands. Why is the Red Cross asking for your btoodT Here are more I reason. Last month 166 (notj 530) pints of blood were drawn. I The Salem hospitals used 200 pints. The armed force did not receive their necessary 173 pints, since we did not meet the 6M quota. Th Salem area baa not met this quota since July, 1952. This month the city only do nated 139 pints and Willamette University helped the quota by making an outstanding draw ing of 133 pints, more than double the amount drawn from th city. 11 th Woodburn draw mg gets 75 pints on November 20th, the Salem Red Cross will its quota for the first Hew Pump for Rural Firemen Woodburn Th as Woodburn rural fir prcta than district pumper arrived this week from Concord, Calif, and is being tested be fore being seat tnt th Wa-eonda-Miasioa Bottom Kid Hedge district The truck la the fourth to be put in servtc in this district. tun this year. The are the facta. New you know why the need still exists and why th Red Croat needs your pint The) pumper, purchased through Kills' Smith of Woodburn, wa built by Coast Apparatus inc., en a 162 horse power chassis. It will deliver 66 gallons af water at 600 pounds pressure with the 4-inch booster lines or 300 gallon per minute with the 1 tack boeea at ISO pounds pressure. The truck I quip ped witlf 200 feet ut booster hose on. two reels and 100 feet of JVmch line. - Other equipment includes a 500- galloa water tank, 14-foot aluminum roof ladder and 24 foot aluminum extension lad der and four pump cans for field fires, a two-way radio is to be Installed. The unit is located in Woodburn at present and will be stationed In the south part of the district as soon aa quar ters can be arranged. V. . IOLDIKR FLEES Heidelberg, Germany () The U, 8. Army's European headquarters here said Friday a Polish-born soldier who th Communists claim fled to Bast Germany baa been absent with out leave from his unit la West Germany since Nov. 1. Th sol dier is Pvt Stanlslaw Zdanow ski, 23, of Bataria, N. Y. AMERICA'S CAPITAL Jvisujmyes)4a 111 N. High SANTA GLAUS Linoltum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 8. High Ph. ttlll F. E. Marvin y New Manager GILBERT BROS., Inc. ' Announce the new branch manager in Salem F. E. MARVIN Gilbert Bros. Inc. 36) Ne, High Ph.3-3403 OFFERS A New World of Cooking Magic Mi IN PERSON WILL BE AT ers Toni ght With FREE Candy Canes For Little t Tots ORIGINAL i A gaggle is a flock of geese ' on the ground, if they are in flight it is a skein. . ! . . . t Easiest Spreading A : EVEN BLINDFOLDED, YOU Can't miss its fresh Milk ' -flavor! "j KMtaMlM mi rw mt.m. tm ml MtarUa, VI. at SAFEWAY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DEEP FRYER Get our special offer on the original Dulao JRYRYTB the deep fryer thit does EVER YTHING better. Deep-fries over 100 delicious dishes in 2 to 7 minutes. PLUS: roasting, (only the FRYRYTE can do a rib roast!) biscuit baking, stew ing, braising, simmering. Exclusive Dulsne Drain-Lolsicon verts unit from Deep-Fryer to Or en-Kettle in 14 secoods. Dial shows correct heat in colored lights. See special osTsr at right W I - in ivi,s, 1 L H EXCLUSIVE Stftty J M44-PAM tmmx,,s COOKIOOR ' '"" ? '" f sansdid wM as " " - PEz :. C&33 ion V.1-M.J T.WW 1 CD (ED mm 14 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL buulm rtrtm Downstairs OPEN TOHICHT HI MO YOU ARE INVITED! -Downstairs Until 9:00 Tonight Miller's Will Be Open Tonight v 'Til 9:00 IS READY! ALL THE NEW AND WONDERFUL TOYS! YOU'LL BE AMAZED! REMEMBER, A FREE GANDY CANE . AND MEET SANTA JMkk Open Till 9:00 Tonight -.. . .., i