Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 27, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Par I
In The
Grand Island
Grand blind High water
from the Willamette river
changed procedure for achool
children and Thanksgiving din'
nera in the Grand bland dis
trict. .
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will,
Kenneth and Larry, have the
family car on the main land In
Unionvale. They came out by
boat and motored to the home
of hia brother-in-law and ail'
ter, Mr. and Mra. George Jen
sen, at Milwaukie, to loin the
annual family gathering. Hia
grandparent. Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Will of Dayton, alto
Mr. and Mn. Curtii Douglas
of Grand bland entertained
his mother, Mra. Susie Doug.
las of Grand bland, and two
of his brothers and their wives,
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Douglas of
Portland. The dinner was held
t the home of the parents of
Mrs. Curtis Douglas, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich, in Day
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wivel
of Shelton, Wash., ware
Thanksgiving guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fln
Bicum. "
Miss Lavonne Finnicum,
Dayton high school student, is
staying with the Russell Teach
out family In Dayton during
tha high water, and Norman
Finnicum is staying with his
uncle and sfunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Caldwell of Lafayette.
The Raymond Palmer family
had planned to spend Thanks
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Clow at Waldport, but that also
bad to be cancelled.
Patricia Palmer, a Junior In
Dayton union high school, and
Leon Palmer, a freshman, are
both staying out of school for
the two days.
Miss Marcena D. Fowler and
Robert' Monroe, OSC students,
are spending the Thanksgiving
vacation with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler,
at Grand bland and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Monro in Unity
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Wiley
and his mother, Mrs. Etta Wi
ley, were Sunday guests of his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Wenger in Port
land. Mrs. Etta Wiley re
mained to visit until Thursday.
The little 22-months old
-granddaughter returned home
with the Wlleys and remained
until Thanksgiving day, when
they attended a Wiley family
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mra.' Warren Hein. Mrs. Hein
was Miss Mary Wiley.
IfeTd AVfTe
coexia pick Mi its.
Sweet Home
Sweet Home Mrs. Ray
Yarbrough, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Burnett, was a
guest in her parents' home this
week where abe recuperated
from a virus infection.
The Bible class of the
Church of Christ held Its
monthly dinner meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Thompson, on 12th Ave.,
Mrs. Roy Clover is recuper
ating from a painful bruise to
her leg when she suffered a
fall Sunday.
The Fire Department and
the Firemen's Auxiliary en
joyed a pot-luck dinner in the
fire hall recently with bingo
being the entertainment of the
Toys were the prizes for the
game and at the end of the
evening the toys were given to
the fire department toy supply
for distribution at Christmas.
Mr. and Mra. Don Surry and
Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned
Saturday from a week's elk
hunting trip. One elk was the
result of this expedition.
Mr. and Mra. Sheridan Ar
nold and children have moved
to Sweet Home from San Jose.
Mr. Arnold will make Sweet
Home his headquarters while
he seeks a pastorate in the
Church of Christ or Christian
church in the area.
The Arnolds are former res
idents of Eweet Home and at
tended the San Jose Bible
school in San Jose five years.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arnold
returned from a week's vaca
tion at the home of their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dew
ey Arnold and son, In Tulelake,
Richard Meacham, who is
stationed at the naval base in
Astoria, was a weekend visit
or at the home of hia sister,
Mrs. Clare Mclntyre. He also
visited other relatives in the
area Including his mother, Mrs.
Gordon Scanlon.
B. Ross Evans, minister of
the Sweet Home Church of
Christ, reports 20 conversions
in a two-week revival held at
Vaughn Church of Christ
where his son Fred Evans Is
Mrs. Evans led the music for
these services and Vivian Trip
lett furnished piano accompan
Hubbard The St Agnes
Altar Society will meet at the
home of Mrs. C. R. Suit Tues
day, Dec 1, 2 p.m. The annual
Christmas exchange . ofA gifts
win am neio.
Saturday and Sunday start the GRAND OPENING days
of the new Famous Lockwood Home. Our new model
home is finished and ready for your inspection. We want
you to drive out and see for yourself why the Lockwood
Home has created such a sensation in this city! As you.
inspect the model home, visualize your own being built
on a similar lot of your choice. . . Only the best of mate
rials are used in the Lockwood Home and the actual con
struction is far superior to most homes of today.
The home is now being purchased by families of both
high and low income brackets ranging from incomes of
S275 to SI 500 a month. This in itself speaks very highly
of the appeal and versatility of our famous home. We are
proud of our home and you will be proud of your new
Lockwood Home TOO!
and sit for Youtsriri
-i t hi gfaaar ejaBaaaeai
J Ph. 20971
Union Hill
Union Hill Mr. and Mrs.
Marion Hunt and grsndaugh
ter Linda Hunt, left on Mon-
dsy for California to visit
their daughted who has been
in a San Francisco hospital,
suffering from sinus trouble.
A hot supper was enjoyed
by members of the Union Hill
grange on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mra. A. N. Doerfler,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darren,
Mds. Myra Fischer and Mrs.
John Doerfler served on the
supper committee.
Election of officers resulted
in Robert Humphreys being
elected as master: Henry
Peters, Overseer; Mrs. Robert
Darrah, Lecturer; Mrs. Henry
Peters, Chaplain-(re-clected);
Keith Scott, re-elected Stew
ard; W. M. , Tate, assistant
Steward; Veiny Scott, Treas
urer -(re-elected); Mrs. J. C.
Krenx, Secretary-(re-elected);
Byron McElhaney, Gatekeep
er; Ceres, Mrs. Robert Hump
hreys; Pamona, Mrs. Byron
McElhaney; Flora, Mrs. W. J.
Lensman; Lady assistant
Steward, Mrs. W. M. Tate;
Executive committee, Mrs. A.
N. Doerfler, W. F. Kreni, Hen
ry Hansen.
Juvenile Matron and assist
ant matron, Mrs. Donald Ja
quet and Mrs. Robert Lierman;
Juvenile grange officers, Mas
ter, Jimmie Heater; Overseer,
Butch Martin; Gatekeeper,
David Doerfler.
Guy Scott, who Is a cook
in the army at Ft. Eusais.Va.
with Mrs. Scott visited in
Washington D. C. over Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. Ray Johnson was hos
tess to t h e members of the
Union Hill Woman's Club
members at her home last
week. Mrs. Marlon Hunt, pres
ident presided during the
business meeting of the club.
A Christmas box of aprons
and chlldrens tox will be
packed for the Children's
Farm Home at the meeting at
the home of Mrs. Donald Pet
ers Dec. 3.
The program chairman will
be Mra, H. H. Peters.
Refreshments were served
by the hoitess, assisted by Mrs.
A. L. Kostenborder.
Mrs. Verny Scott entered
ttfe Physicians and Surgeons
Hospital on Sunday where she
will undergo major surgery
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Tate who hai
been In a Salem Hospital for
some time, suffering from a
heart ailment is greatly im
proved. Plenty of shade, water, and
a balanced diet are musts for
growing pigs in the summer
time. Neglecting the pig crop
now can cause trouble this fall.
The pigs will not be ready for
the early fall market.
71 -
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. Hartley, both B4, celebrated
their 78th wedding anniversary at Sagle, Idaho, (Nov. 24).
The Hartleys grew up on adjoining farms in Eastern Ten
nessee and were married in 187S. The family there
are 18 descendants Including 31 great-great grandchildren
claims the Hartleys have been married longer than '
any other couple in the country except for a Texas couple
who have been wed 80 years. (AP Wirephoto)
Idanha The Henry Heiberta
and sons, Harold Ray, Jimmy
and Jerry, are enjoying . two
family celebrations this holi
day. On Thanksgiving day
they will share holiday fare at
Dallas with Mrs Heibert'l un
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. T
Wiens. Also attending the din
ner will be Mrs. Heibert's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ed
iger and the Ediger family.
The Helbert family dinner
was scheduled for Friday at
the home of Mr. Heibert's
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold Helbert, near
Guests at the Noyes Whitten
home recently were Mr. and
Mrs. Milo Harris and son, Ken-
'neth, who joined Mr. and Mrs.
Whitten and children, Caralee
and Charles, at their Thanks
giving day table.
Mr., and Mrs. E. P. Howard
left Idanha recently for Scap
pooie, where they will spend
the holiday at the home of their
grandchildren, the H. C. Mar-
snails. From there they will
travel to their home in Port
land, where the family Thanks
giving dinner for 18 will be
served on Sunday. Mrs. How
ard plans to remain at her Port
land home for the coming week.
Turner At the recent meet
ing of Ideal Rebekah lodge the
following officers were elected:
Mrs. Lloyd Sidwell, noble
grand; Mrs. Manuel Keene,
vice grand; Mrs. Robert Mitch
ell, treasurer; Mrs. James Ver
steeg, secretary, and Mrs. Al
bert Robertson, financial sec
retary. Dennis Robertson arrived
home Wednesday from Cave
Junction to spend the Thanks
giving holidays with his par
ents, the Albert Robertsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
have returned from Pendleton
where they have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook.
Elk hunters returning this
week are Bill Ball and Chet
Anderson who have been hunt
ing at Lehman Springs; Char
lie Standley, who hunted near
LaGrande, and Ben Wipper
who hunted near Enterprise.
Friends received an an
nouncement of the birth of a
daughter, Marlene De Neice, to
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Grant
(Birdie Miller) at Coos Bay
Nov. 8.
Mrs. Fred Pierce, Freddie
and Patricia Ann. are confined
to their home with the mumps
Sunshine club will meet at
ihr home of Mri. L. E. Peter
son, Tuesday, Dec. 1, with Miss
Mary Disbrow as co-hostess.
Members of the Three Links i family, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
club met in Odd Fellows hall : Bunse.
Friday and tied a quilt for Mrs. i Paul Taylor was dinner guest
Harry Barnett. Officers elected i Thanksgiving at the home of
for the coming year were Mrs. his sister, Mrs. Lyle Rae of Sa
Brutus Ashcraft president; 1 lem.
Mrs. Albert Robertson, vicc Mr and Mri Ray Heckart.
president, jid Mrs. Robert MrI Bertha Heckart Mr. and
Mitchell, secretary-treasurer. Mrl. Elton Coon Albert Chand-
Mrs. Ben Wipper will enter-,
tain the club for the Christmas
meeting Dec. 18. This will be
the gift exchange meeting.
Fairview AD3 Robert Watts
of Fairview, stationed at Whid
by Island naval air station,
will be on guard and unable to
spend Thanksgiving with his
parents in the Fairview district
Mr. and Mrs. John Allison
will be Thanksgiving guests of
her mother, Mrs C. B. New
house in Dayton, where a fam
ily dinner will be held, with
12 members expected to attend.
Mr. and Mra. Carl Wood and
sons will entertain her mother
and brother-in-law and sister,
Mrs. Clarence RockhUl of
Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
net White and son, Larry, of
Toledo, for Thanksgiving. Mr.
and Mrs. Wood attended the
firemen's dance in Amity Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lemb-
kie and aon, Freddie, and
daughter, Virginia, of Sweet
Home, were Sunday guests of
his mother, Mrs. Leonard
Lembkle in the Fairview district
- M
Amity Miss Barbara
Bailey of Nampa,- Idaho, is a
Thanksgiving holiday guest of
Mrs. Richard Crader. She is a
sister of Mrs. Crader.
Rev. E. A. Hobbs, who suf
fered a fall at his home re
cently, is improving slowly. He
observed his 73th birthday on
Sunday, Nov. 22.
The Baptist Women's Mis
sion circle wll lhold its No
vember meeting at the Harold
Pickett home Friday, Nov. 27,
at 2 p.m. Mrs. L. E. Burgess
will be the leader.
Miss Delrdre Chase, Linfield
college junior, one of Oregon's
delegates attending the fourth
Baptist, youth world confer
ence this summer at Rio de
Janeiro, will show slides and
speak of her trip Sunday eve
ning, Nov. 29, at 8 p.m. at the
Baptist church.
Sunnyside Recent visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Dutoit were Mrs.
Dutoit's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Pinkton of Havre,
Mr. and Mrs. Gosiak of Bow-
lus, Minn., are visiting at the
home of their son. Leo Gosiak.
The Friendly Hour club met
at the home of Mrs. Swope,
club president. A no-host lunch
eon was served at noon, and
plans were made for the next
meeting, wheh will be held at
the home of Mrs. Husted, Wed
nesday, Dec. 2, when they will
sew for a needy family.
Present were Mesdames
Klock, Mortar, Nelson, Hustad,
Bunse, Langford, Neuensch
wander, Cowman Neuensch
wander, the hostess, Mrs.
Swope and guests, Mrs. Allen,
Pat Cowman, Mrs. Spillworth,
and Mrs. Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neuen
schwander and Mr. and Mrs.
John Neuenschwander and sons
were guests of Fred Neuensch
wander and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Vasek of Jefferson for Thanks
giving dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beckley
had a family dinner at ineirlry ,nd fon Emmett Terry, en
home Thanksgiving day for ..rtained with a familv Thanka-
their children and families, Mr. giving turkey dinner. Guests
and Mrs. Dick Luthy and chil- were Mr Bnd Mr5 Roy Terryi
dren of Powell Butte, Mr. and Mr and MrI. Verl Terry, Wil
Mrs. Earl Johnson and children liam Hausman and Miss Thel-
of halem, ana Mr. na trs.
Eric Fltzsimons
of Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coon
and children were guest. afshe wa, cooltin. ' 't in
the home of Mrs. Coon's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sny
der, for Thanksgiving family
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bunse
UBU umiier iui men svii iiu
- 1 J!-. , Ik.!. n mA
er Mr and Mr, Frank Bar.
nett of Rickey were guests for
Thinkairivinff Hinnep nf Mr.
and Mra. Melvin Chandler of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor
of Roseburg and Craig Taylor
were guests of- their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Taylor,
for Thanksgiving dinner.
Webfoot Mrs Clyde Me
Klnney of the Webfoot district
is a guest of her son-in-law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney
Clark at Newport She Is there
to get acquainted with her new
grandson. Craig Allen, born to
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Clark on
Nov. 18.
analTsls i
your NORMAL handwrit
ing W1M1 w
ro s roa.
tUm4 a, Ormmj
With a hand-
1 wriung anaUrUs. f.
f Fnr a character
r analrsls mall a sample of
Lyons Giles Wagner was re
elected master of Santiam Val
ley grange for another year at
a meeting held Friday evening.
Other officers elected were
Gilbert Myers, overseer; Jerry
Coffman, lecturer; Albert Ste
vens, steward; Frank Basl, as
sistant steward: Mabel Bui,
chaplain; Bob Draper, treasur
er; Fern Sletto, secretary; Cas
per Gerath, gate keeper: Dor
othey Draper, Pomona; Blanche
Wagner, Ceres; Melvina Frank
lin, Flora: Bertha Basl, lady
asalatan steward; Lorena Ste
vens, musician; Lloyd Sletto,
Elmer Taylor and Wilson Ste
vens, the executive committee.
Lloyd Sletto gave an agricul
tural report; Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Morris and Mrs. Rachel Olm
stead of Mill City were elected
members and will receive the
first and second degrees the
first meeting in December.
Plans were made to have the
annual Christmas party on the
social evening Friday, Dec. 18.
The display table arranged
by Leora Stevens, home eco
nomics chairman, carried out
the Thanksgiving theme.
Blanche Wagner was elected
chairman. She will appoint her
committees later. At the, close
of the evening a po(luck supper
was served.
Members of the Lyons exten
sion club held their November
meeting at the Rebekah hall
Friday, Nov. 20, with an all day
meeting beginning at 10:30,
with a planned luncheon serv
ed at the noon hour.
Mrs. Leo Cruson and Mrs.
Donald McWirk, the project
leaders, demonstrated making
wreathes, door swags and table
Plans were made to have the
Christmas party Dec. 18, at the
Ivan Smith home, with Mrs.
Donald Huber, Mrs. William
Hargin and Mrs. Earl Thayer,
the luncheon committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen left
Sunday afternoon for Taylor's
Landing near Waldport, where
they will spend several days.
He will spend the time fishing
while there. Dorothy Draper
will carry the mail while Al
len is away.
Congratulations are going to
Mr. and Mrs. George Nydegger
upon the birth of their first
grandchild, an 8 -pound girl
born to their daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Primus of Salem, at the Salem
Memorial hospital Sunday.
Glen Julian was honored on
his birthday anniversary when
friends and neighbors gathered
at the Julian home Saturday
evening for a potluck supper
ami social evening. Attending
to help him celebrate the oc
casion were Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Weidman, Hazel, David and
Kathryn; Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mohler and Jerry; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stienfelt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kunkle, Judy, Juanita
and Johnnie; Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Cruson, Michael and
Nikki; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Cruson and Bonnie; Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Cruson, Mary Jo and
Buddie; Mrs,. Emma Forrest and
Raymond; Mr .and Mrs. Ralph
Downer, Lonna, Carol and
Dwight; Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Scott, Lynn and Joyce; Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Julian, Glen, Jr., and
Grandma Julian and Mrs. Hud-
I t mi valeMr. Rnhert Ter.i
m, Xerry lU of Portland.
Mrs. Robert Terry recently
...i.i. i :a ,
1 """" ' i nf.
She was cooking ,meat in a
stewing pan having a handle
that her apron string caught
on, emptying the boiling con
tents on her back. Miss Thelma
;T. wa. ., h ' ,u.
I "
and cared for her mother, who
is recovering satisfactorily.
The Lehman-Rutschman fam
ilies had a family Thanksgiv
ing dinner held in the Union
vale Evangelical United Breth
ren church parlor, with about
50 present.
Royal Hibbs of Unionvale ac
companied his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Tech n ie ol ar
il bert Taylor, Aa Gardner
Daa Dailey, Anae Baneraft
Hollywood Kids Matinee
Tomorrow 1:M te .et f.M.
Special Matinee Feature
ay Raters, Dal Brans
Teddy Danes, Jahn Danes,
Card Boehm, Kathleen Mc
Carty. Jeffrey Brandos. Des
Bla, Kllehle, Monty Farer. Den
Bio McKea. Vernon While
hant Kenneth Keene, Joas
Mann, Sharoa Panier. Donna
Strasrn. Billy Shepara, Caro
lyo Ndnart, Sandra Carol,
Beaolo Baker, Karea Me
eaaae, Roberta Meaner, Bar
bara VanDeMark, Aretta Me-Nasrht.
Becker, for Thanksgiving with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker, par
ents of John, at McMinnville.
Sgt Ray Hibbs, son of Royal
Hibbs, is advancing fast with
his air corps training at Camp
bell, Ky. He is employed with
office work and is working for
three parachute jumps per
week to reach the required 33
for master sergeant
Thanksgiving day dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. T.
Kidd of Unionvale were their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Yungen, and
their son, Walter Yungen; Chris
Yungen. father of Arthur; Mra.
Rose Watkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Yungen, all of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker
and three daughters, Carol
Ann, Lynda and Laverne, were
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, in
the Wheatland district. Vernie
Jones, brother of Cecil, was an
additional guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holt of
Unionvale were Thanksgiving
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Marion J. Stoutenburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Ersel Gubser
were Sunday guests of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lynn
Gubser, at their McMinnville
home. They were Thanksgiv
ing day dinner guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Dickover in Dayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clow,
Janet and Charles of Unionvale,
were Thanksgiving day dinner
guests of her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Hale
Hendrickson and family in the
Webfoot district
The PGE recently topped the
large black walnut tree at the
John Hibbs' Unionvale farm.
The huge old tree was just a
sapling when David Robertson
and family purchased the large
farm in 1874. The farm has
later been subdivided Into
many imall acreages.
Smithfield Mrs. Lando Wall
and small son of Montana, to
gether with Mr. and Mra. Jake
N. Thiessen of Greenwood,
were Wednesday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wall.
The company that has been
doing the ditching below the
Fischer Hill area has been
caught with the job unfinished
when the rains came last Fri
day. For a while the machine
was badly stuck but it is now
a little farther from the flood
waters. ' Since the Fischer Hill
has been rerouted with the new
road that was made this sum
mer, the flood danger across
the Perrydale road is now gone.
Joyce Ediger and Deiores
Wall, together with Verla
Harms of Dallas, attended the
matinee of the Dallas high
school play last Thursday af
ternoon. The three girls are in
a similar production, which will
be given at the Salem Bible
academy Dec. 8.
Miss Elsabeth Remprl of Dal
las was the dinner guest of Mr.
and Mrs. David Reimer Sunday
Little Wayne Reimer, son of
the Herman Reimers, is again
on the road to recovery after
a bad cold that almost de-
1 "'VT" .
i er" , Vj? . .... .. ...
1 1 i.t. : -
Da.. WUlu H run..
iter, mfiw nicuG ui iiav, leu
by Greyhound bus Friday eve
ning for Reedley, Calif., where
they attended the Harvest Fes
tival of the Evangelical Men
nonite Brethren church on Sun
day and will continue there for
a two weeks' evangelistic cam
peign. Sol also plans to pay a
hurried visit to regional head
quarters of the National Child
Evangelism Fellowship at Los
Angeles, as well as seeing his
relatives, the Nathaniel Elrich
I arnily at Bakersfield, and the
iJonn . td.gers at Mt Her-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stouffer
are among the people of the
Salt Creek Baptist church who
are attending the two weeks'
evangelistic campaign.
Mrs. Sol Ediger and Joyce
entertained at dinner Sunday
for Mrs. H. W. Wall of North
Dallas, Mrs. J. S. Ediger of Dal
las and Miss Deiores Wall of
the neighborhood.
"Pusut. Mac," puMstd this
' character.
I wasn't sure he meant me. I
didn't look up.
Hey. You. With tha funny
face." said thla character.
: He couldn't possibly have meant
I me. I shuffled some papers on
my desk.
i'You. Hey. Mac. Lookie.
j PsaoMt," Hit voice broke. -My
' wife wan to me to make a reser
; ration ..."
I pointed to the desk
I "... for the Xma Fashion
; Luncheon ..."
; I looked up quick . . .
I7v' ', Tuesday, Dee. lat In
the Odd Room."
I leaped over the deak . . . grab
i bed his hand. Shook it heartily
i Welcomed him to the hotel Ad-
mired his tie. Banded him a
card. Which said.
CALL 3-4123
I With Fashions from
i Johnson's
PHONE 3-4123
Friday. NoTembtr 27, !iss
Pedes Mr. and Un ui.T
Ham McCaw of Salinas. Calif I
Mn Leonard MrT. ...
of Jefferson attended k,lll
services Sunday and wen. j.-T
ucr sucoio u mra. sum V 1 S
i m .. r T
uw. w i-wi lived
Pedes about 24 years ago.
Mrs. Frank Sheythe waa hos
tess Tuesday to the Woman's
Society of World Service.
Miss Noia womer gava the
lesson. Mrs. F. M. Dyer. nmi.
dent, had charge of the business
The Christmas meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs.
Jack Wells. After no-host
dinner Mra. Wells led the rie
votions. Two visitors, Mrs.
Sara Bush and Mrs. Retha
Simpson, were present.
Arthur Ronco of Newberg
spent Monday at the home of
his brother, Paul Ronco and
family. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Jahn and
grandson, Chester Jahn, are
spending the week in Portland.
I, C V I
mn. ncrwr, Mrs.
Therm Wnmr Miam Mnl. ur -
er served the potluck dinner to
the group working at the new
church Saturday.
Susan Kerber -waa honored
with a party on her third birth.
day by her mother, Mrs. F. C.
Those wishing Susan manv
happy birthdays were Mickey
and Christy Hanna, Robin Mc
Cormick, Greata Dyer, Marcey
and Sherrel Dow, Charles Ben
nett and their mothers; her'
grandmother, Mrs. Rittie Ker
ber; Iris White, Rev. and Mrs,
Dow, her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
F. C. Kerber.
Kathryn Grayson
Howard Keel
- la Technicolor -
Comedy Short Subject
SOc Till 5:00
Dean Martin
Jerry Lewii
Glenn Ford
HOMI S.S4S7 c-
B0YS' and GIRLS'
Tomorrow at 12:30
Kids' Show
See . . .
Dean Martin
Jerry Lewis
"The Caddy"
Glenn Ford
Great 3 Unit Show!
Regular Prices
iik in n
World-Famous Hypnotist
Mental Marvel
2 Hours of . . .
Hilarious Fun! !
On Screen
2nd Big Hit!
umil "r asMBBtaBfastastastaMaS
"Mr. Van Stag
At 3:15 9:30 Thurt.
and 9:0ff Friday
I t
I 1
t 1
I .
t t
I 1