PItH THB CAPITAL JOWNktZ tiSmi Or.fi' Friday, Korcmbcr 27, 1953 TlnlDiP S OS plain Axminster "Green PwnA instcr R'tae KAoresq .i- . Textured t;- Textureo - l0.50 A "Grey Axminster us Q J0 Grouna - . xxi;ton 139 n cA Beige toop -y-Wet -0 SS Ron V. Type A ' l n cinnamon jc.dV.4lon ?5 "Green SeulpW' , . . n r.,ev Textuteu . 1 Beige Tone on p. 1 Green Tone on Green Tone xxmin. 1 .'. Beige Toneon MANY OTHER VALUES NOT LISTED ALSO ON SALE f STWOUHO 1 I Bidiabt V ween T . ir. iJ" inn ai 1a I -Be;9erl;:Trn,onx. Green e Xm"ter Green C ?en P.: 1 ri 19.95, '.95 .95 CIS?-. Green T 1 "MC I Awl. . I.ti O a 1 I9a Da a . r"nomo Tex. r Be'Corvedl:re' 50 69.951 '00 99.951 B'ge CorvA-l a 07.rrt a I g .."""WIT. . y l ex.Coffo USE OUR CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIAL 12-ft. Gray Floral Axminsfer Reg. 6.95 SALE $375 jam 99c YOUR CHOICE 27 An. x 27-in. Wool Throw Rugs Values to $1 0.00 SHORT ROLLS SIZI REG. SALE 12x22- Green Sculptured Wilton $i9.V 12.24 6- Woodtone Floral Axminster 8.95 i2u Green Tone on Tone Axmin, ts.) s.95 12,204" Grey Selftone Axminster 10.50 1220 1 Green Textured Wilton 12.9s Beige Textured Wilton 12.93 122110" $15 95 6.75 4.75 9.95 8.95 9,95 SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE 2715 S. Commercial 41 rnr SI SffQUSt DRAPERY CLOSEOUTS 36" Chintz 75' 36" Prints (.. 60' 48" Sailcloth ,,T 48" Hand Print J2M OFCABPTS BUY ON EASY TERMS! Phone 4-6313 15 ONLY " 4'6"x6' Throw Rugs $1195 Values to $50.00