i . Friday. November 27. 1933 Page 1C THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orft si 1 "i: FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNtE-mr tolliw, I.. kttM. i. flrt.lftctt, pianaam. 46tUi rMt, mm. caax. men r nua Then t-MU. BigQpen House Saturday-Sunday New famoua Leckwood Home completely finished and ready for your peraonal inspection this week end, Don't mist aeeinf this Beau tiful Dream Hone. $800.00 DOWN $8,250.00 SALES PRICE MT M. It I bedroom. Irge living room end dining area w.ah bis picture window. BBtlIul.jr dCSlgOd club with until buea cuuiiu Beth shower and tub. ft. wrd rob closet In all bedroom. Hard- wood floor. Tberaas-contr.... ! r iu furnses. Issulsted weather stripped. Large iWfm nn. Your ehoies of eater lew end Interior colors. No dswn payment U you ewn 101, spprox. iw w rr tneludlac latere., taxes, UsursBC. ots. Comer ! Peck Harris Street la Uu aew Mar bum SUM D -strict. IM- UUBT Bl SOU THIS WSZK KMt 2 tedroM, lumt, en PalrMMat Mill. DUUnt n;r iMlactd dowa par mar.! 1. SMO. Moothlr parmaoti AM. Call Mra. Oaitioaa itu. Jw. All J Builtins Save Two DUferent Types of built-in storage units are combined In this attractive multi-piece sttorage well ar rangement developed by west-coast plywood manixfaeri , lures. Built against one whole wall ot room, Jt enable home owners to get rid of scattered storage-type furniture. "We have no place to put It," Is the famllisr lament 01 home owners. "It" might refer to soma books, a sewing machine, vacuum cleaner or a foot stool. What the complaint bolls down to is this: one of the most common failings of present-day homes is inadequate or incon venient storage space. And many householders are doing something about it. They're fed up with barking their shins and testing their tempers while scrambling through boxes piled high in basements and attics. They're tired of rumaglng deep in the dark recesses of old-fashioned closets, tripping over rusty ice skates and other forgotten psraphernalia. What they are doing Is de msnding something that would Ismene Praised For Garden Use By MARK M. TAYLOR Ol the summer flowering bulbs coming to us from South America and commonly con fused as being a member ot the Lily family or the Narcissi group is Ismene, commmonly called Peruvian Daffodil. It has large fringed flowers vein ed with grern and with daffodil-like cups and long thread like stamens. These are bulbous plants, the bulbs stored In Oc tober or November in a dry location. The leaves of Ismene are long and sword-shaped. The flowers are quite fragrant. Is mene grow well in ordinary, well-dr'nrd, rich garden loam and lend themselves to com panion plantings with daylllies or lupines. Tropagatinn is from offsets planted in February o April for splendid summer blooms. There sre a number of other species of the same genus that sometimes muse confusion. Ismene". sre. botan Ically, hymenocallis. a member Of the Amaryllis Family. While locally we refer to the Ismene as Peruvian daffodil, it is also known as the Spider Lily. True species ot this delightful plant have been found naturalized in wild gardens In the Southern states. A friend of mine Is most en thusiastic over these summer blooming bulbs which he hss grown extensively in this lo cality. He states that improved varieties now in the market of. fer larger bulbs and whiter flowers. For summer bloom, when our bulb beds aerm to be "past their prime" the Ismenes afford a continuous (how FOR SALE HOUSES G. I. HOME MitiiW piaster 1mb with bM. sr. has toU sf iiltu mmib a ftre plso. .ssslated. lis both, luMt ) dee well beeutlfsl Isasmped Mrwr 14. Omranl eepceved lee M M. Cm bo m tow bswb pj- I a. l Nearing Completion DsiXr FHA will -tesmtrt- t-bed-twees feotM with eU. sr. which cu be sold em lew permeat taM ee 9rnt4 ittiriMll iiluUH U,SH CtMwM Iwtu eeief saw. Trades and Financing Ws hsvs worked put bbbvMi f trade ud have M rar fissasins I interest, FHA at fMn. Which 1 herd IB equal anywhere. BiirM W CBS help PO If TPS BT ann PC sash, seed reflaawtng Bf U TPS PPBtUtsBC Is9 tfBdS. L4 BM fcAO yew IMtt. Joe L Bourne. Realtor 11M Marts CpUpJ rs. Bitl SOMETHING EXTRA Mod. RPBCB trpp wllb ibs Bttrscttvp liUu Uil mU aobp i prpud f IPtfatr tlUB JtUl B PlaW IP BBM your bbL Up. Uv. m-, Ub. m- bbo Hulir BPdroom bII bpvp bir piclurp wIbbpvs wllb vpBdtrfsl TirW f U MbusUtBP. UlP ftripiBCP, pv tp4 pttlo, brik(Mt btr, plm-U tp. npac snd Biptir stbtr itrj. AU Ipc 1 11. POP. Vtlb IPBB BVBUBblP. DUPLEX W bfp tvp ppptf DupIps llf-ian. both pr iklf-by-asalp a odp floor. rrtcPw Bt 17 KM bb 1.U. CbU I-4M1 for lafsmBUPs. ONE ACRE Os Auburs Kr. wllb splait vtll-bulU bouM. rutt dPtp, rr bm'l, plppd pU biBl, bwtf. fir, flMplBCP, 11 . rn.. Us. ra.. brppttppt BPfc bu tstewp n tbrp BldM. AIM bp crttk, pthtr bMg, u kiBdp si fruit trap--iU.Mt. OLDER 3 B. R. OldPT, but tolVdJr built bom 1oeiU4 sbtat s "D AU., bl BR.. S coBipiat bPtb. A bprfpls fsr tb frpwisi Ibbi Ur-ps.fHw BURT PICHA XSALTOR lit W. RICH At. Off: -MIT BM1 lit. Cotklll. S). I-H in Space in Two Ways 1't at first glance, seem almost Im possible of attainment m ore storage space and mora floor space at the same time. And they are getting it. Flan for Home Onwera That this demsnd comes while "do-it-yourself" Interest is booming is no coincidence. Petunias for Color Effects By HARK M. TAYLOR What a dull place the garden would be In late Summer and Fall If all ot the petunias were still In Brazil, but these des cendants of a South American flower come into bloom at Just the right time to fill the va cant spots of the blossoms that have finished their season's work. Given any kind of en couragement, they will bloom like mad until chrysanthe mums take over for Fall color. The name "Petunia" comes from a Brazilian word for to bacco. It is a cousin of Nlcoti nia and other variants of the tobacco family. Petunias are usually treated as annuals and are one of the most persistent self seeders, although self-sown seed is almost never true to the parent plants. Seed of Pe tunias should be sown in March. They flourish in good soil and may be seeded by giv ing a light peppering of the seeds. Thus sown, they will transform a threadbare corner of the garden into an August delight. Some gardeners, to a : later regret, weed out volun teer plants in a burst ot June gardening energy! I There are so many varieties iand strains of the common I garden petunia that we cannot , discuss all of them here. Con I suit your seedman for the col 'ors and varieties wanted to harmonlre with your gardtn. ! There is also a perennial spe cies that blooms in August on j two-foot stems, as well as a perennial specie that Is pros trate. The once simple, single petunia has been developed through careful plant breeding ; Into striking, ruffled, colorful blossoms especially desirable as cut flower. There is now a wide range of colors avail able as well as striped or blotehrd blooms, in singles or ; ruffled forms. Starting to bloom In May they continue to work for the home gardener's (pleasure by continuing bloo:n ! ing until cut down by frost if j the old flower are kept cut ' off Am. nf fha. twiniilar vianl 1 - t"'K" - I flowered varieties include Rosy "-;.f FOR SALE HOUSES NORTH $7950 VBBt tw PwBW tt PTttb Bit AftPT ypprp sir MHti bsv apprPa svair psvd 1 a h iupbsp. Mr t bsrppn BS4 BtCP fUPPiBPP B4 hMMII BB4 Ht tu iU bplt piBbp vpi bspwV AbS I pi bpI bpUw lo bpp BtcprBtiMl T s parpsw bpI iUp pprport Ipb. sly 1 bloft to bu tiaw. Wby wBt J a sip tossrf I bps bp tputb fr BT.tM wi lamap. CpII bp W4, rn. 4-npi, ?. Hia. m k. $18,900 CANDALARIA Mpv w-bPdrpowi, blrcb mb. fiatsb. floiitMw bPPPwMBt With sitra bsls and falMU. MB AI1PB. rs. I-1H. BlM BT OWW Twp bPtrPPSl bowss. SmbU pppiir. BpIpbcb pitor Bsmitr, r w Pbonp 4-MB. aJU TRAILERS WSKTIO StBSTSKTUL -wnMl tr.M .r. m ton c.wltr. rn. 4-lM. 1111 HOUSE TRAILERS Bur thajlsh aom an Tt.!. Kaal UUfA LAWS TRAXin FUtXA 1149 U Av. MS9I" MACHINERY 4. C CAT. ML M Araw .&4 SIX.. A-l concuuts. fl.MQ-M. Para. Otlltl IUI. a. auMfctrna. Mraairalk, Or. . a. 1, Sci ts. m REAL ESTATE $500 DOWN Bit bbbip vllb I bpdteosu aad Ian Snrppp. Kaar all pctMolP. Bnp Ipwotfd diitrMt. Full Ptlop pJ.Mt. fanMoUj Uk TPSI, Look at This One FIdp 3'bPdrposi bone Is Wait Wpe. Two bwttropsip dows. fvod buppL Mpbt pcbOPl and bu. Hoops inpulatPd. Apfc lop price 1 10, 500, RAMSEY, REALTOR Ml. North c.mm.rcl.1 Offlc. 4-tall Kit. Al e.Adr. ttalraAD. S-1HS B.. Jim JUpuw, -im on To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 '4 Home owners know the sub' stantlal economies they can realize by building storage con veniences themselves from the many plans now being made available. Eight such plans are now be ing offered by the Douglas Fir Plywood Association and Its member west coast plywood manufacturers. Some of the plans are for built-in units and some are for free-standing ones. All units are made of plywood and can be built and installed by anyone fairly handy with tools. These units are designed to solve the space problems of today's smaller homes, and the! need for them in existing old er homes hasn't been lost sight of. In existing homes, the intro duction ot storage conveniences may take the form of better or ganization ot existing closet space or the addition of new storage units, cabinets, drawer space or vault storage or a combination of all these. ' Built-ins for an older home are usually simply attached to, or built against, existing walls. I One such unit designed by ihe plywood manufacturers ' combines the elements of a hor izontal shoulder-high storage ' wall with elements from an other unit a flexible floor-to-ceiling storage scheme. It Is built from two separate plans. Juigle In Its to Taste By imaginative juggling ot horizontal box, shelf and draw er elements of the floor-to-ceiling portion of the unit, home owners can achieve many vari ations according to individual requirements or tastes. The shoulder - high section picks up elements of an award winning design by a New York architect. Both units offer space for television, radio, phonograph, books, writing equipment, magazines and the like. ! Power tools are not absolute j Iy necessary to build this stor age wall, but a table saw, dado head and router would sim I plify the Job. I The materials would cost 'about $1-5 for this tuuibina ; tion unit, exclusive of paint. 1 Both plans for this unit can be obtained for 10 cents each from Douglas Fir Plywood As sociation, Tacoma I. Wash., or S00 Fifth Ave . New York 18, i N. Y Morn. Heavenly Blue, Fire Chief, etc. For small, gaily colored blooms try the Balcony or Trailing Tetunias In white, blue or pink. Used in annual beds for splendid cut flowers they also have a value as edging plants along paths, driveways or in front of the shrub border. They are also well adapted to pot culture so no one need mis the pleasure of their attractiveness. REAL ESTATE r J9.-500 FAMILY 1 Hpts Ip bb PMollPB 4-bwpsai bomp Vlt full bBMOMSI BBaP BUM. oil fur BBCP. PsOUbiP IfUl BBd blrcb klUBPB, l OOOO ceoctuoa kpaldp BoP putv VHA AfYBOVKD PT PPlilB prtu f pw.MB. JUST RIGHT FOR YOU stall 4wB BBTBiost sspocp tsto UU sttrBcUv rltll r-bOPO bPSW Vllb fsU bPJPBlPPle-fiTPPtOC. BpU blS 14 VUb BU4 WPPS PiPPP ts trasw BCBBSi. BUSINESS PROPERTY ON NORTH CAPITAL Modpni l-bparpoai bosip ts thp Bollywood DUt. Hcrp'p bb wpor bualir ts buy bow 1st future luaincu mi 04 4ai for lU.tot. SPACIOUS SUBURBAN HOME Bofp t1vlBlrwOBi sad cUatsc-rpost llb flrpplBep la pars. 4 bpeV ppowm as4 t-csr bpjbip- br U a plocp ru wiu dPfioiUiy vast ts pop. 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS n Cnrt at. raeu's-ns-s-ii( I.., s.kimo: LmIa Ucul S-MN. It MwtlM I-tM. arr THW4 S-MM. Ulb UMt S I IX . REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Car As Part Payment Tm, ihlt Mrntr will acc.pl a UU atod.1 r as pari parm.ol pa Uu al aiott B.W bam. Locatloa v.rr 4Mlr abl. Quilt jt. laiuLUd. s blsi. ta Sua. PvL at. Laws aa4 ahruka. IS bp 190 lot. Full prtca U anlp S1S,1M. Cast Your Attention Ob fcbl roamr family bom. Wonder ful view. 4 bedrooms, afoicpd Blr oil fursacp. InpulatPd. Coror lot. 2 blk. to but. 3 blk. to tchool. Full prlct only IMftO. I CpU lor RAT OR IM at ITT. pvp. 90. S-7I7I Aim.) TRUE VALUE OalP t xt. aid. Jplaa pa pxcPPtlon ally aicp dUtrkt. Oil btt, Pt.vbL wpII. laiulstpd. In saccllcat condition. Owner leaving city. Atk saraio. Full srlc oalr I7.U0. Tptbu. MIGHTY NEAT And lt'a apotlpu. Tou couldn't ipnd s nickel oo tbu one. Real warmth i- Inc flrcpltcp. flpaclus lltlnp room tor TV. Oil beat, pocloui dlolnx area and pop. utility room. Real nlc lawn. FUA term U daalrod. Full price 10,MB. APARTMENT TRADE For either a farm, duplei or bomp la wr Bear Dallai. Thia property 1 very clean. Well located. PnrnUhed. Needa absolutely eo repair. Good dry base ment. Modern llvlnf (juartere. - Full price only lll.vOO. rernu If desired. I CPU for 1. O. "DAK IflAAF, . Bb. 1-JS1I Sim.) BOWLING ALLEY B new alleyi.. Owner rpporta between 100 end 130 lines ta aa aturnoon. Very ptoitMtrou town. Monthly rant on btdi. only IKK). All equipment Juat like new. Offered for palp to dlatolve partner hip. Loni leaae. Full price 130.000. 88 PLUS ACRES V mllea from Salem on pavement. 00 Acre leaded. 1 Acre fescue, I Aerea Lambert cticrriea, 3 Acre boraenber- rtea. Creek end peveral prlota. Mod ern 4 bedroom home in lovely icttini or a lira tree. Furaac beat, t barns. Shop. AU thU for only 01O.0OB. (Call lor MR. CJLAWrORO, eve. Bb. -30 Mb.) SUBURBAN DANDY ? Acre. Cloe ta wltb a vary food modern I bedroom bom. Att. caraae. Xtce aetttne Soma treea. Lots of flow er and shrub. Full prke 111,000. Terms. (Call for MR. LEAVEN, eve ph. 1-4735 Sim.) 425 ACRES This ta a tood farm. Ha a brand new modern home. 40 by to biro. Good aheap -arn. Garage. 1M Acr under : cultivation, S well. 1 sprints. An ideal stock and grals farm. 00 A, tilled. Only 14.000 down wlU handle. Full price 031.000. Cel Hot MR. UtAVENS, eve. Ph. 3-ITU Sim.) FHA ft CONVENTIONAL MTOS . M TR9. . FEDERAL C-I MTUS., 30 YEARS LICENCED ALSO IN WASH. IDAHO I Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Fhon 4-3311 or :-7tH vt. t mi, 4-1M3. 4-H30, 1-7171, 4-407 If bp answer eaU 4-3341 ell! ROY TODD Real Estate 160 ACRES I An exceptionally good I bdrm. farm home. Large sheep barn. Cow barn witn g stanchions. Numerous other out bidts. 3 fish and duck ponds. 03 acres In cultivation. 4 acre la strawberries. Bal. .in pasture and cu lover timber. Fenced and cross -fenced. 3V ml. to nice thriving tow a. Only 031,000 or will trade for court. SANTA CLAUS IS HERE We have a lovely 1 bdrm. bom 3 yra old. Uv. rm. Ian enough for good TV reception. Large kit. -din comb. Larae att. gar. 00 s 130 lot. Clots to scnocis. transportation and stores. Pr:c on this home lust I". 000. Rea sonable down payment, SUBURBAN ACREAGE CONTRACTORS SPECIAL m Acres 7yr. old 1 bedr. home. Close la south. Wonderful view build in sites. tlO.000. will take car la trad a aay of the abo. Roy Todd, Realtor 3110 St a is St. Office phone: 3-0511 Even ins ea!1- Vandereort 3-470: Simpson, I-0330: Ruth 1-7010; Todd 3-mi. clIJ- LOCATION BUY! US Nsrth 31st Street. S BR., living room, kitchen. Metiers house. Utility room, oaiace, ell dr. goes with place. Tm ta toi'.ti. tasaM, fiosivrs ans tree. Price is 80.000 00. Owed terms. NORTH Owner v selL 3BRS-, living room, ttltchaa. Modern house, wiib unfin ished H Mt airs. Also basement. Oereae. Uiti let. Price I 1 0 ot. 01 040 down. Abrams, Bourland & Skinner 4:1 M IRONIC BIMLD1NO Real Estate Inauranc Unrieeet Loam Ottire 3-0311 Ives. 3-1306 or 1-470 e34 CI.ASSirtID ADVKBT1SIVO Fer Word. limes U Per Weed ... t 4e Pee Weed. I llmee 1e Per Weed. 1 mewtb Ne BelawS Mletmam 1 Words BI4DKRS Iw Leesl New Cetwms Owty, Pee Weed 1 M la Imam U Word. Ts rises Ad Is sm nay's raftrr. I'hon 1-14041 Brfwrt IS b.m. REAL ESTATE LARGE HOME REAL ESTATE NELSON $760 DOWN 4 ACRE WITH CHECK Attractive newly decorated t bdrm. plastered beau with hardwood firs., about 4 rs. old. forced sir furnace. Instil, w-s. garj.ee. Near Mornineside Scbooi. Fries I7.0M. Call Mrs. Wool tea HOOVER DISTRICT Nicely decorated X-bdrm. bom, about yra. old. inaul.. bwd. floor. uuL nn.. la a. saraae, lot 70 s 00, close to achool bus. Immed. pes. Frlc7,tM. Call Mr. Woottm ECONOMY BUY 10,300 IM PER MONTH This completely redecorated 3 -bdrm. home can be your wllb a am all down payment. Near achool at bus. Fvd. street, 1b city limit. CbU Al Weils, -731ft 3 BEDROOMS NEAR HIOH 8CHOOL Do you have s fsmllyT This ta It! Complete wltb lane party rtwm to f place, Ideal for TV. 1 bathe. 1 lane bedroom, plenty of atorage space, full basement, hot water, radiant beat. Price 023.000. Dry Cleaning Business Good, well -established dry cleaning business grossing about 134,600. Own er's health forces sale. May consider trad for 116,000 equity. For more de tails, call Mr. Sohmldt. NELSON & NELSON SPECIAUZINO REALTORS 103 N. HWa FB. 3-3MI C3S3' SHORT ON MONEY? We can help you gat started on home ownership. II you are renting a bom at the present you can be buy ing on ol the loUowug; 1. Cute 1 bedroom home with a dandy kite tun and extra Ian- utility. Paved street and close to bu line. 04750 and your terms. t. Snail unfinished 0 bedroom home on ' acre. itOO so. ft. of chicken house for broilers or hen. Oood locatloa aoutb. 14100 and your term. I. Expansion bam. Is South Salem, c.Of to new high school. Small almost new borne with baaemeat. rfealrned for art dlt tonal room aa nedeo. IJPM and your terms. 101 South High Phono 3-9303 Salesmen's Phones: Evenings and Sundays 4-1IT1, S-36SI 4-13)18. 4 -Mil. 3-3304, 3-4170 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If rour property la fur ,al,, rrot or ,icrianiF. Hit It pith hava all kind, ot cash but.r. Wa TAT riSANCS CO. REALTORS 143 A. Illth St. CI HE ARE In need of good houses to sell. In or near Salem. If you wnn to list your property for sale, are ORABENHORAT BROS . REALTORS 1)4 S. Llbertv Ph. 3-7471 ra AUCTIONS TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY MONDAY EVEN! NO LOOK! LOOK! EXTRA SPECIAL! END OF YEAR CLOSEOUTS NEW USED FURNITURE AT SCOTTY S AUCTION HOUSE 440 CENTER ST.. MAITV SAT. NOV. 28, 10 A. M & 7 P. IM. 150 Zenith Deluxe El Ranee. 1K0 Zenith 11 ft. RclrlaeretST freeicr. Thor Elec, washer. Ken more washer. 0 pr. chrome set. Student dek. O-pc. Walnut bedroom set. 0-pe, Stahosany dining room set. 0-PC. Dinette set. 0 yr. baby crib. Da ervo to swtrtt rocker. 0-al. water tank U-sa. shotgun to decoys. General Ec. cab.net radio. End tables, liStnp tab:. to Coffee ta bles. New, ai .err iow price, floor lamps. 1 horse motor. Elec. water pump. Potatoes, onions, apples, hone. Oandv. LIVESTOCK SELL AT 3 F M Co i, feeders, beef, veaii, bulla, baby calves, fat hoes, weaner rn. sheep, goats, or any thine you wsnt turned into cash. Come, bring It in We set you aood prkes far your merchandise Always a big ral at Scour s. Col. Ernest E. Scott AUCTIONEER PH. 4-6433 JOE PALOOKA Audf CtUpbs 1 1 E3a309BBEF. HON t AHEA SO I r IVt REAO THAI T M VtH. Mi TOO.. I T TMf R S LA 6UA SXA FIFLD, NtlE-T RI6MIf0 . -r ..a iTo..rA LONGS WE WIN THE STTS-SlDRS AR A T EVEN THO' JOC fN. TREWENOCXJS CROWO. KOHDiR 7SAV. THAT urVale; cfarcc ) F'&T. WEXL MEET PRETTY COLO LOT. 7 AN' KN08BVI w WHO THEY'RE W& OFF r VIEW OVER J. A J A FEW OF tut r HWSATT Lirt TF j-y-T) S NOO WE ltS2 BOKrtC CROWD, J- 3 S THAT. SJs AuST Bt X WAS FAIR it'! IT T . i A- aFJ kMmekid vsUAAn m$mma IXCHANGE REAL tSTATI ABDWABJE-rtBNITrBI Ptorp. TrMSa for bPBM. Mbab'b fcUrwwBXp, IMIpbp, Ornot. coin WANTED FURNITURE LAMBS BIT'S PATS CASS tor SMS far ititrt. Bon. S-7SU. dAltl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Win Every Week! M S em srroceauiiu of Reg ee Beef. Reg kilted Mesv, Tuea. Bf nsytlm. Rutin, cuius, wrapping, cur Ing, lerd re ode nag. BEST PRICES DAKL'S SUtDOHTXR HOTJSR INDEPENDENCE, ORBOOM IsOCKIR RE IF Whit face Hereford. mc. jioiDins 4UWB. s month ts pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meal 47, 1Mb S. 30 lb. Iro. 1-450 C PETS BOXER PL'PFir.H. I week old. Res Li te red Arc. Insulr 434 Clark Ave., Ret. ser Dlitrlct. pc34 TO OIVK AWAT very pretty female kit ten, rnon 3-Hig. C3 REGISTERED Dalmatian puppies. Price tn and up. Phone Monmouth 4373. eclOft FOR BALE, my pet doss and pup St special barialB prices this week. I have Job In eastern Oregon. Miss Somers, 0 mllea west of Monmouth, near AjUioch Scbooi 1b Cooper Hollow. ecJU WEIMARANER Ft' PS. good bunting stock. Reasonable. Registered. C. J. Br Ices, Carlton. Or. c3F0 FARAREET. MONTH. Bin. Mai. with case. 130. 003 . Cottage. 4-SOM. ecIOS CANARIES. FINE CHRISTMAS gift. Small deposit. Fhon 0-4300, 1340 Che meketa. c300 CVTE Ft'PPIES (Cocker. Short tall. 03.00. Phone 4-33U. 4Ut Sunnvvlcw Ave. ec2IJ PARAKEETS aalect full fllrht d bablaa. Oraana, Aiur,a. Cobalts. t. .. ... YVIAtlMT"sT (rtuM. Cages, feeds and complete supple. Tour Budgie Xmas Stocking ar now on sal. Buy Now or Reserve Tout Xmaa Buds I While Selection Ar Available. ec304 BOU.TWOOD AQI'AIIIM 10M McCoy, on block east of N. Capital. I blocks north of Madtoon. Ph. 3-489T- ec3B BABT FARARrrrs, alnger eanarles. Bom cges. Mrs. A. E. Power, 730 Bellevu. Between S, Winter and Cot tage. c300 CH4MPIOV BRED Boxer puppies. U sorts Tropical Pish Equipment. Parakeets. Pets. Macleay Road. 43773. Closed Wednendars. ec3l4- BLACK SPAN IK L pups from very small parents. 3 each. Miss Somers. 0 miles west of Monmouth near Aallocb School In Cooper Hollow. ec30 PARAKEETS Choice birdi. Christmas order belrg taken. 9100 Livingston. 3-1841. Pc301 FUEL ANDERSON'S SLATEWOOD, 3 cord 114 00. delivered.. Phon 1-7731 or 4-4353. ee300 SPECIALS! Oak, Ash. Mapl Wood. Oreenslab We hava block planer ends. WEST SALEM FUEL FU. 3-4031 eellW FOR SALE POULTRY WHITE CORNISH GAME CHICKS, ac claimed the true fryer of tomorrow. ana skvatiahla 1a a-sim mrtMal frvr growers. processors pay premium prices i or inn oroaa oouoie-oreaaiea fryer. untitle limited and II ud svallable. try the next beat, our first generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Year-round hatches every Thursday. Also. New Hampahlrrs. LEE'S HATCHERY 1310 Center Street Ph. 3-3801 f384 WE ARE hatching New Hampshire Gold en Broad and Arbor Acres Whit Rock, e-err week. Special prices to year around fryer growers. Fox's Hatchery. 3830 State Pt Phone 3-4R8I, f PRODUCE WALNITS: I.AtMiE Ft an quel tea. Fine qualttv. Commercially dried. 30c lb. ism No. lBlh St. Phon 3-3939. 386 HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO CARE for horaea In exchange for house rent. Olve references and faml'.v il st us. 3 bedroom, elec. atove to refrlaerator. Bos 393 Capital Jour nal. aa383 WANTED SALESMAN WANTED AT ONCE Rawlelgh Dealer In City of Salem, writ Rswlelih s. Dept. ORW-i-a R. Oaklaitd. Calif. ri283 WANTED POSITIONS CARPENTER REPAIR work. Phone 3-l8. h304 PAIN'TINC., IMPERII AM, ING. day or contract. Small Jobs welcome. Phone 3 - 76M h303 PAPER RANGING, painting. Free estl- j. mates. Dan lu eero. Ph. 3-55.1. h3 ! LI O HT "rR AW I E R doxln. dirt level ing, grading. Pnone 3-3330. h3or DRE4S MAKING. alterations, bridal gown. Helen LovetL 4-1631. bride. Phone RELIABLE BABY SITTrR-WlU o dars or mshta. Phone 3-044. b30ir LANlM apino. tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phon 4-3573. b TREK WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured. John Payn. phone 1 04.3. hJ91 MfcKENHAMA DAT NURSERY Stat Licensed eb Inspected. Pa. 3-78H h3l MtMCOCB AmiNG aod TrlNO. Quality work. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Foe, 01 N 16th Phone 1-1643. h33 WIEMALS Day nursery. Licensed and j state in per ted. "Phone 3-0010. h2l I K t I; paaiaMlVa, WANTED POSITIONS FA PCS RANGING. 9W lb bOUX. Phon t-3131. P CR1LD CAR tm my bom. Dave. Fbane a-dtfl. lp4 S- Commercial StL h CASFENTIlt Repair, wmodei. cabinets and erases. Small JMO welcome. Fboa 4-434. bio CHILD CASK. Sara, aauaaal rata,, bits' aot'UKFKrlNO JO bi B.tbarlaa ham, raaaa S-Alll arlal 1 P br TESt Wl DBT boss washing. Fast ete- asssvical service. IJlUMDETTt rasas t-oo ISM Farrr h3l WOMAN WITH t daughters housework, preferably j hem. PBoao 3313. FAINTINO AND DBCOBATWO. SO years Se.em experleaoe. Free sciimata. 1-1953. b301 RAW KA VINO For Up suallty pnone 3-3400. ISM R. Cottaie S4. h303a FOR RENT LARGS warehouse spas fer rest r leaae. CeaatsS floors, brick butMinc. Down lows- Insulr R. U Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone S-01S0. J FORRENTROOMSj MICE. WARM. Uhl housekeeping room. Lsdr. N. Church. ik4 TELEVISION, sleeping room, kitchen privileges, friendly bom. 130.50 month. Fhon S-7030. JkiM PLEASANT sleeping room for genUiman. 1050 Norway. Fhon 3547. lk3H4 BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sep' arate unit. 40' 30'. Oeorg DilU. 030 lb St.. west Salem. Fhon 0-0131. JO3011 WAREHOUSE SPACE. New bultdlng with lane parking area, wltb or without of flee fapultle. Rail elding. Drlve-ln and truck dock. PorkUlt trucks and psl- le is. Capital City iTsnsler Compear. Fhon 3-341. JoJM FOR RENT HOUSES NEW t-BED BOOM house. Np children. 06 per month. Call 3 3U4 jmJSS' S-BEDROOM bom. North, soft. Fhon 4-3040. J1T1.S4 S ROOM MODERN furnished cottage. Phone 3-0811. Jm303 ONE BEDROOM. Knotty pine kitchen. Siov. refrigerator. Phone J-0471. JmSSO irNPTRNISBED 1 bdrm. house, gar. 130.00. Apply Bl J. C Henry, 4740 Lib erty Rd. 1st ha. N. of school. Jm3S4 ONE BEDROOM furnished. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Phone 1-0411. Jm3U S BEDROOM house with oarage, close ln. Call 30454. Jm305' ONE FOUR room, one five room. Al electric. Both redecorated. O a r d e n apace. Inquire 1500 6. 11th. im3S5' TO RESPONSIBLE people. Newly deco rated 3 bedroom home. Mostly fur- nlAhed. At 3340 Duncan Ave. Capltola Dlstrlrt. 070. Apply st 3300 Duncan Ave. Phone 33500. lm3S5 THREE ROOM duplet. Water and -raa furnished. 010, 3000 Center St. Jm3S5 NT.AR THE CAPITOL and easy walking distance to downtown, ts this lane 1 bedrpom horn on f drntshed etcept for electric range and oil circulator. 040. Adult or Adults and 1 child. Jo L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol, Ph. 3-0310. jmSIl S BEDROOM FLAT. 4 block high achool. 01a N. Winter, 3-0047. - Jm3l4 NUB ONE-BEDROOM house, TCdecoraf ed furnace, garage, adult only. 1134 Wilbur St.. or call 3-154 eves. Jm383 SMALL TWO-BOOM house In Wast Sa lem. $21.00 a month. Call 4-3443. Jm283 NEAT MODERV house at Aumivitls. call at 574 St., Star ton. Ph. 3llft. I. A. Ruef. lm284 S-ROOM ROUSE, water and garbage. : 133.00. 1339 N. Winter St. jm2M THE WILLOWS, close In, . modern, un furnished houi. coup. only. Phone 34333. Jm384 t BEDROOM house in Hubbard, acres, fruit, berries, garage, elect, wtr. btr. Oo north on Main St. to sign on hous. Owner. N. Ward, oa premUe St Sun.. Nov. 31 and 30. Jm3S3 ONE BEDROOM furnished cottage. Rea sonable, some utilities. Inquire 384 Portland Rd. JmMS SPOTLESS one bedroom furnished. 043 month. Water paid. Phon 1-1700 or 1-0030. Jm3l3 S BED ROOM house, fireplace. Ian lot, MOO. E. A. McGIauflln, Agent. 1030 Broadway. 3-0611. 3-0613. Jm203 UNFURNISHED two bedroom. 840. 1010 N. Liberty St. Phon 3-1004, Evenings. 3-JS33. Jn.383' FOR R ENT APARTMENTS CLOSE TO CAPITOL 4 rm. partly turn., private bath, main fir. 848.40. See Burt Plena, Rltr . 370 N. Hlcb St.. 3-4047. Jp285 VLBT NICE apartment, kitchen full else, dining room, .Ivlug room, one bed room, private bath. Furnished or un furnlahed, 1110 Trade. Jp3M FL'RNISHED COI'RT apartment, 3 rooms to erase. Close In on North Commer cial. 855. Phone 3-8640 or 3-0644. jp ' APARTMENT for 3. 3-room apartment, partly furnished. 837.50. 4 room apart ment unfurnished. 034.00. Office space. 830.00. 3304 Portland Rd. Call at 1st trailer home west. Jp383 ' CLEAN, Qt'lFT. warm on room apart I ment. Close In. Lady preferred. 645 Ferry. JP385 FURNISHED on bedroom apartment. Close to Capitol, 347.80. 470 N. Winter. Phon 3-3843. Jp383 BEAUTIFULLY decorated court part in en t. On or two bedrooms. Stove, re frigerator, automatic washer furnished. H7 S. 13th. Phone 4-3333. Jp305 THE BEST three room offer In town. Clean, modern. Cioe to business dis trict. Partly furnished. 1045 Edae water St . West Salem. 1P388 NICE THREE and five room furnished apartments. Close in. 130 and up. Adults. Phone 3-3358. JpIBS E N T I R E-G RO fsVTloor of two aparT ment corner home. December 1st. 18th end Chemeketa. Pour rooms furnished, 140. Water, raundry free. Inquire next bouse. 20 N. 18th. Phono 3-0737. JP234 BACHELOR APARTMENT, ranee and ra Irleerator. 3136 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 17164 after 0 pm. 1P185 GIRL 43). WANTS employed errl to share a part men L Near state office. Phon 3-3803 after I p.m. Jp34 SEVERAL 7 BM FI BS apU.. with pri vate bth. ayeajt. rn. Burt Pkhs, Rltr.. 379 N. High St, 3-4047 Ip38l CLOSE IN. furnished 3 room. 3M. One room. 837.40. Light housekeeping, 3:5 00. Privet baths. 424 N. Winter or 010 N. Winter. Phon 3010. IpJOT' ROOMS, unfurnished Mndera. elec tric ran, refrigerator. Water, beat, furnished. 040. 3150 S. Commercial af ter 4 Ptone 4-145J Jp2M FURNISHED apartment. Close la. CtUI tlea furnUhed. Phon 300 U. JpMl I ROOM furol.liNJ apart meet. Alas, bachelor apartment. Ambassador Apartments, 350 N. Summer. Jp283a FOR RENT APARTMENTS CUAN S BOOM taralabad apartmaal wltb sarasa. AO aulltlaa luraUha. SJtM. raaw assss. SMI KAJ.1. rtaxisaco s-book. aiMtna nasi ralrlsantw, wi-aa. raaai. p-mv. IP1S REAR CNIVIRBITT. sirs three-reo a. furs lined bparimsM. vwuw w. m .Ki. 4-421. JP304 BAAITIFVLLT rsrnUbed. sosp see bsV yeops iupae. r bus. WM Salem. Reab 04 00. 13 li vdarewatsr. IftlBO. Bve. tOOXO. fwjv CUME-Df Blcs BMdsra fumUlmd khreb JP3S0 CLOSE. NICE. SMAIX furalehsd BPextV- iea(, uiw.sajn, assassw mwww " meat. 70s Marioa SL J304 FVRNUHED APARTMENT. I tsoaa. bath, M OS. AAUIU. w sain NICE, CLEAN. lursusbsd ape, CMa uZ 444 P. Colts e. JP SEVERAL tunashea BffrtmntA, ssod kPcausB. sneuw e. a Phone 1-0104 1 S-BOOM APARTMENT, SIM Falrtroundb Rd. Rang BBS reiriBCTswx. veau after t p a. Jp' IX. s f-RM Fi:BN. housekeeping apt close ts downtown north private en trance, aee Burt Floha, Rltr4 W High St.. 3-4041. 1P3'5 COIRT APARTMENTS. utlUtlM furn. Uhed 130 and 0A Trailer bouse for rent sr sale. 33 It Portland Bd. Jp301 CLOSE, CLEAN, nle small apL UUlltles. heat, furnished. OS Crnter. Jpl8 MISCELLANEOUS SALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPAN Contract Work Q Road Clear in - Dltchu Sewer and Basement M Equipment Reetal Ditching by the Pool Phon Day S-0400 Sves. 3-4411 r S-74U Salem, Oregon nf BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVR ' MOVE YOURSELF SAVI 4 CAR RENTAU STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 010 COURT ST. FHONB t-1031 PAC-S STEVENBOV and AL MEFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVICE IN MOOT CASES DR. HARKV SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids., Stat Commercial St a. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS .VEW LUMBER for sale. Almost any klndi Cheap. Delivered. Phone 3-3042. mal REMODEL NOW , Free horn planning service. Let us give you a free estimate oa your home remodeling or repairs. Also tns tails t lor! of roofing, eves trough, atdln or other building materials. . Montgomery Ward Wl N. Liberty Fhon 3-1 111 m3l SALE Garage door complete with bwd M Of Overhead gar. door, bwd. .... 13.00 4x0 waterproof walled 1 10 Nails. 09.75, 3 kegs at I OS New picture windows ..S3 up New weather stripped window 14.30 New doors, all sires 0.40 100 used doors to frames Un Pa in ted cedar ahaaea lob Painted shakes with undcrcours 10 50 Asbestos aiding, per aq S-44) Pi ben lass roll blanket InaulatlOB, New hak moulding 10s Cedar fence poets Chesp 300 gal. septic tanks ........... 03 SO 4" cast Iron soil pip 70s Roll roof Ins. larg supply 3 23 4" so.ld oranieburg Pip 3B 3 tab composition rooting 0 04 Cedar ahlnslca, 4 grade Cheap New tot leu with seat 34 5 New bat'; tub complete 01.40 Double kitchen sinks complete ..4150 40 ea). elec water btra 11.40 Steel shower cabinets ccmpiate .. 41 M 14-3 Electric wiring 3 We 13-3 Electric wiring SWe Laundry trays, pipe, wash basis, Sal C. O. LONO SONS Ph. 4-0451 1 ml. N. el Keller m ROOFING, INSULATION, Venetian Blinds. Call Western Auto Supply Co . for free estimate. 3-7177. ma" REMODELING to IMPROVEMENT LOANS 31 MONTHS TO FAT NO DOWN PAYMENT RSTTMATINO SERVICS ADD AN EXTRA BEDRM.. OARAGE. Et. ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT OUR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1713 Lana Ave. Ph. 3-4033 NO PARKINO PROBLEM maim NURSERY STOCK QUALITY ROSES Sturdy, hand selected plants. Middle Grove Nursery. 4930 Silver ton Rd. Ph. 4-4033. ntb33" SHOP FOR SHRUBS AND SAVE. Spread ing Junipers 11-14" and more, 15c Heathers, 35c. Middle Grove Nursery, 4930 SUverton Rd. Phon 4-4833. mb FERTILIZER Rotted manure. Weed free. Deliv ered snvhere Phone 3-0774. mbWi" FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MUST SELL, will sacrifice man's pre war Wtaton golf clubs. 0 iron. 3 woods; 30 calibre German automatic; ency clopedia, 30 volumes. Never used, radio-phono combination. Phon 37473. n383 130 BASS Cellini accordion. Coat 0440, selling 1100 Practically aew. Phon 3-4836. n3l CLOTHESLINE POSTS, Iron leg for tables, furniture, railing. 1144 B. Lib-, erty. n3o DOUBLE LAUNDRY trays. Hand ami mixer faucet. Very good condition. 110. 1055 Highland Ave. Ph. 3-7414. nUj BATTERIES ALL Cara 8 95. 87 93. Ex change 13 months guarantee. Open till 0.00 dally. Ly tie's Tir Mart. n393 Sincer treadle. Oood sewing condi tion. Ouarameed. Cash Vice, 10.04, Singer Sewing Center no N. Com 1. i Open Friday evenings) I'trn rc. dinivo room mm. 8 so. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'l. n33 1SID DAVINO bed nd chair. 070. Hoar Bros. Used fl tore, 137 8. Com'l. B383' B ADIO-PHONO COMBINATIONS W re overstocked Your choice ef any single speed in store, 4 3 speed, IB SO up. Recnrderj.. i'i 40. Radios, 33 00 up. TRADER LOUIE. 1170 LANA AVE 3A3e DEEPFREEZE HOME freeaera. Teaur Appliance Co- 378 Chemekets St. P.ena 3 till. n rrrom itrhiht. only 44 high. Re finlahed. Only 1361 Juat Sne sf the many fine buva a: Taltman' Big Zmas Sale. Tallmaa Fleas Stores, 35 S. 13tn, Se.em. al37 By Ham Fisher