1 Friday, Noresnber 27. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales., Orerm Pf IS FIRST f-r- . Chinese Crew -Riot at Frisco San Francisco Wl Police sounded a riot call Thursday " Bight after 59 Chinese crewmen ..of a British freighter chased ... shipping official down the gang. " plank because they couldn't go ashore. . The Chinese, crewmen of the . freighter Greystoke Castle, were denied visitors visas by the American consulate at "' Kobe, Japan, before the ship sailed from there. So, they went on a partial sitdown strike when the vessel arrived here and the 14 British officers went on shore leave. Finally, the Chinese demand "d assurance from the captain and the owners, the Lancashire ' Shipping Co., that such a thing doesn't happen again. Agent W. A. Atkinson re fused and started down the " gangplank. . . , The Chinese crewmen took out after him. Cops in six pe- lice cars and two paddy wagons . aided by 13 Coast Guardsmen quelled the disturbance. Some 37 of the Greystoke Castle's ' crewmen were Jailed overnight, Ghost Writers After Benson Washington Wl Sen. Beall (R., Md ), charged today that some aides of Secretary of Agriculture Benson have been "ghost writing" speeches un- . ; fairly attacking Benson's hand ling of farm problems. Beall told a reporter a quiet inquiry is being made into . what he said is "good evidence" that some Democratic holdover policy makers in the Depart ' ment of Agriculture have writ , ten such speeches and slipped them to Democrats for de livery. These employes and others, Beall said, also have supplied ideas and material to be work ed into the texts of public ad dresses criticizing Benson. He named no names, saying: "I do know it's being done. 1 think Mr. Benson now knows it's been going on. There are dozena of these people a core of disloyalty." Most automotive plants specislize in a particular part ; and do not turn out completed .'automobiles. . DIRECTORY BDDMO MACHINES All mUa need nuhlnn ioM. tinted, rtpalred. Rota. 4M court. Pb. J-S7TI. BULLDOZDro Balldotl&l. to via. clttrlBi tectn. Tlr f 11 Huikej, 1011 nirvttw. pbtfib 1-I1M. I04 OMMIECIAL TYF1NG Alto direct mill adwlltlns. NATHAN SWAN. 1U HolttU. '! KXCAVATXNG Bob OtfcB it Bob. lietTttlni radlai. Land eltortuv Pb, .M miULATlO toiulatloa, wtatberttilpt, ttora ttib. Srto ctUBtttte. T. Pallaiaa. Ptioot I-SMI HATTEESSES Capitol Btddlna rc&ortttt. Pull UBt atw tntttruiet. Ph. a-totl. o - ornca siaMTt ai a supplies Datk entire, fllet. Mini auppllaa. carta, dtpllcaleTt,'iuppllca, drib lanpt, lypft wriur ttaada. Rotn. Court. " SEPTIC TANKS bflit-t Beptlc Bernet. Ttflit cjeaatd. D'roour clcaaa tcwtrl, srouu. rbont l-ltll. olll- MtXS SEPTIC UBkJ clctaed. lint tervlct. OaaraBlttcl work, pbroa S-1U4. Bc.er. tootla teakc. drataa cleaatd, RMo-Roour Bever Struct. Pbont I-III7. TTPEWRITSBS Bmttb. Cerate. RcauaitM, Ropti, Tjb. derwaed Berleblaa. AU sitkto BtaC aiachincc. Rrpelra teat Rota, M Court. 1-47TI. WINDOW CLEANING Ac bio Window Cltaatra. Xadattrtal floor WttlBI. bOBNCltOBlM. Pboao 11111. Itl court. tv Of. I . L LojB. tux Or. Q. cttaa. DR8. CHAN acri LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS 1" attain, t4i Nartt uberty OfrtM opoa Batardar as!j. IS ask to 1 savt f1ia. CeaealtaUaa, bleed artteure aad vnnt ttttt or tret Of rharao. Pretttrtd alaoa Itlt. wnu tar ttuaturt eift. at oatt- CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Datlas merchants believe they are the first in the valley to complete street decorations for Christmas. Gay stream ers of tiiuel with a star centering the intersection have been placed along the main street. The decoiationa will add color to the annual Christmas opening Saturday which will feature a parade at 10 ajn. with balloons and treats for the children. A free show will be provided in the high school auditorium in the afternoon directed by Don Fredricks. Couple to Continue Life Led for Past 22 Years Orange, Tex. () Tom Bun tin and Betty McCuddy said Friday they would continue their life aa if it had never been interrupted by splashing headlines that shattered their 22-year secret "The boys hsvi had their inning let them have it," the Nashville socialite who disap peared with his secretary in 1931, to be found in Orange 22 years later, said. "I'm willing to talk about the weather, football, duck hunting' or anything else ex cept our life. "That is the attitude my wife and I will maintain." The enduring love that brought six chlldr t, even one grandchild now, and happiness to the two who hsd shed a past Supreme Court Asked To Outlaw Segregation Washington U The Jui- tice Department told the Su preme Ccurt today it has the power to outlaw segregation in public schools. In a 188-page brief filed with the hich court. Attv. Gen. Her bert Brownell Jr. told the court it is its duty and within its The department had inter authority to see to it that there vened in the case during the is no discrimination aiainst I Truman administration and anyone on account of color. argued that segregation is un it o - ...'constitutional. 1 'It OUIUI- VVUH UNO under consideration five cases which challenge the constitu tionality of segregation in pub lic schools. They involve the school systems of Virginia, South Carolinia, Kansas, Dela- Picketed Ship Sails for S.F. Seattle U.P The passenger hip Aleutian was en route to San Francisco today, manned by American Federation of Labor sailors who crossed pick et lines of the Marine, Cook and Stewards union Wednes day night while coast guards men stood by with fixed bay onets. The coast guardsmen were dispatched to Seattle's pier 86 when 400 AFL sailors gathered there to escort members of their union aboard the picketed ship. Three squad cars of po lice also went to the pier only a few hours before Superior Judge Roger J. Meakin signed an Injunction which permitted the Aleutian to sail. No violence broke out at the AFL sailors reported aboard the ship for duty. After pickets were cleared from the area by the injunc tion, marine firemen also went aboard to complete the skele ton crew which will man the Aleutian on her voyage to San Francisco. Members of the Independent Longshoremen and Warehouse men's union, supporters of the Independent Stewards, refused to load stores aboard the ship. But Loris lillespie, treasurer of the Hawaiian Pacific line, loaded cough provisions aboard to last the 41-man crew on the cruise to San Francisco. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cosh Prices Willamette Nut Shelters life so completely rallied friends and neighbors to their side. Their home was filled with flowers. "Is there anything I can do to help" asked B. L. Burton, the father-in-law of one of their daughters, who dropped by. The youngest child, Mary Helen, 9, looked closely at a newspaper picture of Betty McCuddy as she waa 22 years ago. "I've never seen that picture of mother before," the child said, and everyone in the room Just smiled. Tom and Betty, who both work in B'-aumont, stayed home Friday. Tom works at an appliance store and Betty is a court stenographer. ware, and the District of Col umbia. The Justice Department's brief represented the Eisenhow er administration's first offi cial expression of its attitude on the issue of segregation in public schools. President Eisenhower told his news conference Nov. 17 that he would be conferring regularly with Brownell before the attorney general submitted the segregation brief to the Su the parties Involved to submit preme Court - Last June, the court ordered the cases re-argued and asked the parties Involved to submit additional briefs answering specific questions. New argu ments are scheduled to start next Monday. i Japan which catches three million metric tons ot fish a year, leads the world In fish eries, says the National Geo graphic Society, the United States being second with 2tt million; Russia two million, and the United Kingdom and Norway 1.1 million each. TW Aad Wat I AftaT PhawaT WiMaw This wipe littid lady n ukiof mo chaocei that beariburo and add i. diccitioa mifbt ppotl bdr trwcoiac'i hto. Lika mlltoaa ot pdopld, im alwart carries Taat tor top-tpad relief frota sow procaacta aad prwa. avre paias. Tami nqmirm mo water, do nixian, mo waking. Take tbem anytime, Mfwbwre -at work or af play. Miory. PrMMfM-taMiaf. And they are FASTI Get a Wady roA ol Twns today. mm (stUf ll STOCKS iSr Tap AaaaoatoS Pi am carporatioai .. .......... Alittd ChoaiMAi .. 414. .. Ilk '.W ,. 44 V . IIS . Mta . CO', . atv . TJta Ula . k s . 44 . Wit . u . n . tlla . II StH i. t i. V .lHte . 41 u. Mlt ,. Mlt . Hla .. Ui . IK, ,. Hit .. SI. ". SI lb Aaitrttaa Alrliaoa , Aawncaa Poaar ar Lira Aaamtaa Tot. Tal .. ., Amtrtraa Ttttitp ..... Aatcaaaa Coppar . Attiuoa BtHioaw ... Boiajtaaai auu ... .. Batuw Airatalaa Co. .. Sara Waraat Barrawa Add lac ataaalat. Caulorala. PatBlaa .... Caaadiaa PatliM OaurpUlar Tractor ... Ctlaaott Caraarallo .. M Carptltr Caraararoaa .. .. ciuta Strrlaa M M CoatalMUtts Seaaa ... .. OanaalMatad Vultoa ... .. Crowa XollarBacB ....... Curtut Wruat Uaatlaa Aircraft ....a., Da Poal aa Ntaaara . . Oaatral Bltctrla Ooaoral Poada Ooaoral Mtlaia Oaarata Paa. Pirvood , Oooajoai Tlra ttataka auaual Ca. laloraauaaal Rartaalar latcraatiaaal Papal ... Jaaaa MaBtlUa ........ Kilter Alajalaaai KcBBOtotl Coppar 41 M LMbr MeRtll Lackbtad Aircraft Locate lata; portlttl Lou Ban alaatdaaitrp Wars Natb Kclrlaatar New Tark Caatral i Mle list uv. Silt 1111a Nartbtra Paelfla Pacific Atnrlcaa PUk ... Pacific Oaa at Bltctrla ... Pacific Ttl. at JcL Packard Motet Car Paaatr. J. C. ........ PeaairlTasia B. B. Ptau Cala Ca. PBilta Radio Radla Cerporatloa) Raraalar locerp. ., .... Mta Mia ... 11 .... Hit 11 .... aa . titt .... 4ite .... aoti .... "S .... Hit at lit .... aait .... nib .... an it .... 41'.. .... aas .... it". .... ' ....liala aik tartaler lacara. PfaV ,., Republic Steal . Rernoldt Mtlaat ....... . KKBntld OD Safawar aioraa. taa. colt paper Ca. . ..... taro Rtobuck At Ca. Bocoar Vaeuuat oil ,.., Sautbcra Pacific ..: ataBdard OH Cain. Maaaard OS N J. atudekattr Cera, .., uatBiaa Miatas ill at Ot. Traataaiartfa Cars. rwtautui ctBturr Pas ,. Oaloa Oil COBtpaav dbijb . Ptclfu Oaltad Alrllata Ualltd Aircraft Oaltad Caraeratlaa Oaltad atttca Plrwood . .. Ualtta Sit let sittl ...m Wtntr Plcturti Wtettra Dalctt TtL WattlachcuM Air Brafca.. . aait , ai , Mlt , 41 . aa , Hit . 41. WtttiBcnouM Bcclrla ... waalwaru Slath Mtrka Mt Tark CatV-A aaltt adTaaet afriday aul Us ttatk mtrkat raadartuir hlthtr. Actlrlty and ttranith wara eonflnad ta taw aikor dlrUtoai f tha aiarktt. and an Ly fav artaa wart latiard. rrica enajiiaa tuiN from frtctlau lawar to aituod a aotoi bit bar at autaldt. TrtdlSeT almaiarad doara fram a faat aUrt aad aaau to aa aatlmatad l.tao araa far tnt u. wadaaaday'i total aaa 1,H0,M0 aharaa, Uio kett la nttrlr veaka. Tha tiptadad kualatai ac- eaaspaaitd rtuad arieaa. PLACE TO HIDE OCT Washington 0JJ& Want to get away lrom it all? The Interior Department ts trying to sell a five-acre island in Sitka Bay, Alaska. The de partment said it is surrounded by "very rough water' and has been unoccupied for 30 years. In 103 J the average hourly pay of u. S. auto workers was $2.08. MARKET QUOTATIONS TNUIHt. MWMt U te- ECBlCilw MUb.: rnwBiaTI 1111 ty, fMU- mum M t tM pt anal ftu41tr lr4 M ratrtaftaJ tkvlU nrat tjul Itf. U-4t. mmfmt uliL,, M-sJI. Taltof twUi AtW tllUt Msb a Mttto im lltlM WlltlEr,B tkV kalk MMal ! i.lilk, tI(M A A. M mm, . A BpTMrt, M tmm. . M Mr. Nhli C m KM, H. .AW .WW. rtmur awiiB.i. a BVMctirt, OrMSkB CtlsUkM. Otb m. ItMf. IS41to. Un t WfclllsMltaTI cm urn lac m mm, smcm imIiicMbI tA.lv lU4fesi: A rd Uft lW-a. A r4 HVt4aWi; A t tmtU. ttWi rav Unt. tl-H. rwtUa.4 Dftirf Mar ' U f rtcn f nutlftnt OravAfl AA ptlmK lit. A cartckB. A imau. lit; flriMT, n: a atria tal. SM. Un la KMNn CB4ii4l f . a INruaa-a: OuiiM tana, iat.; racJa AA Una, Mat a&aw.; A Urge. U oa: AA dlua. la a.l A araa asattlaga. U-U. 4oa.i A 9t4m aatftil MLacti, Iapllfa. Un U auull-irBc)a AA.'- larta, to; A Urea. M-4ci AA BMtlUia., tUi A BiadUai. tit; A tmrnU. V4Aa. Cartaa4 9 saau aaMIUauL ctsaaai m w rttaUtra, ltUiha, OraMott uuum, M'4-ai; lasv laavai. i-U; malvU, 1H Iam tba sla ilai. PrtaBluai twatitBia iIbiim, Mfei la. for alalia dmu PrtMaMMsS Aav u-lcaa atlwaia. t-il, laaw to ntaU. UW ito la. tViki Ua iwsa-(rla. 1 aaaUtr. t.a. alaaUl: trrw. Sta-S Iau. lie; laa ni raaaun. U, m an4 am 1; IftacttT koaa, 0 liht. IH; lUht htai, ail wtlfDM, lt-lla, aid roeatcrA, 14- lat. PrtaaaS CaMtat - Ri 1 draMad to rtuilara rrvtra, Aral la ra. 41-4M raaatarA. all u4 al-tlai Utht Kaaa, Xa-Ic; hatvf kaaa, aat-a Irf tra. an via. ti-aaa Ik i aaai diava. At. 4t tk. Prtsvttd TaiittrtTa r tail art: A crada ttlaarttad baru. M-c Ik.; erlaarattd tarn a, U-iit Ut.; tccordlai to a-aHhu, i Na Tark drtaiad toma. Hie A ; Nav i Tark Hiteaad taaaa. M-tta aj. Ta aradac tra; Orada A fount At at. ato to. l.aa. I larai: a toaaa, lit Ik, I Bakkltt - Avtratt to trowarat Utt wbltat, IVfr-t lka4 IB-lit: -4 laaV -10a lb.; aid dota, Ik-lie. law blihtr Praah drtttad trratt to rtUllan. M-IYai tat bp. CaaatfT auial Haata VcaaiToa auality, M-Ilt BM raath Aaavtaa, kVlk. ata Loan. siocAtrit. n.t tewi. lUht, M ltc a atat. SI-1M la.: Turlrfiia. JI-35C Ik. Matlaav Bait 11-lto tull-tttUlT. 10. aaaff UtIUtr tail tt-na Ik.: caaaar. amttrra, 11-Uc; ahallt dtaa to 11a. rrh Praaaad Maato WAatatalert to rattllartv aOaJlart aw Wt.: -Staan, chtka. I00-1M Ikt.. I- ; teod. 3-4l; comntrcltl, 9li utility, An; coBiinarcltl coat, I1J-H: utility, S2l-: caaaera-cattart, aVaasf Cata--Chtlct atatra Alad auart- tra, M-al; reuada. 4I-U: fall ltlaa. trlaiBiad. ITI-W: Ulaatlta, tn-ll; tort autvrttrts Sll-s; abuckt. Ml -41; rtfet, ftS 51. fort Cat ums. cnMet. il nau 144-tl: ahouldara. Id iba., Al-l; ata ra ti aa, tat-M; XraaA kana. W-14 Ikes. U- Vaal Atxd Catvta OaodAoUa. aD waLihta, A3l-: cawntrclala. All-U. Lanka ChtlM-nlma. MI-37.M: aood. MJ-J4. aaioAM atoaitk-ak.aBad lal-kT. u-ii lka.t (toad Itrd to dnuu tlt-MMi altvk BtCOB. Ml-71. Partlaad Mlaaantaaaaa aa l la. aacki madlaak Illt-IH: larta. tin- id ana rtuowt. maa. ilJaVi.Ml uraa ll.W-l.la; vtalto. II-I.M. ratataat oaacnatat itituia, v. m if, 1A. fl.al.H; altvt $S 1t-).M, taw tlH; -It atM U.1I..M: la-14 a., I4.0a.jt; 11 Ik tk. If -ate: it tk. M-Ha; Ma. 1. M lat Wmb. Riuaata, tl.la-.H; Xdahe, Al.ta-.M. a U. C. Na. 1 Artaa bUtlfa. 4a Itvtrtd car lata f.t.a. ParUaad and Aa- Attia. aaii. WaalOraAM aula. WtUanatt Vtl lay BBtdlum. il-lfa Ib.t aaittra Oraaoa flat aad htU-klaod. H-tte; WUlaaiattt Taltas UatA wool, dial 11-a.aatA vaal w-wa. Makatf to-rrt . a If-aioaOi raw Capital journ.al itv r u tv, aaaari- . li-ua ia.1 graas mm kMaa, 1-Aa Mafita ta valtht aa4 awaUtri aiU kMaa, Aa ia-i siaa ktoaa. M ar aaa lMia avtaaa amaya Wlmmti aaUtac afiaa l.tv Ontm iMaaU Ma. I laaiaa ArMimM Ma; lataa tltaa Avj aMdUai UWa Ik.i to tTawars f a a. alami M!ara Ma. L U la. fw Batcalaaaa. OiibCAJUTa 114 av Watoato istfiABl aclUavt iwiaaa. flta auklllr larta raaaaauai H-U Wa ta.i aajtilatf, l-aa aaaai aalvM a.i hna4 kulaa n- la. Utaa rraa aaatiaa, la-toa Uv; Mivailtot, M ltv.1 ait3liaAi ItVlto la. SALEM MARKETS fat taa tatAaaiaa at OapHal Jiaaual aaaAH aetata N il (at-tt. toll, 14.1-A.at tlaf-lk. kati. - Maaaai la.4sVta.ia. akry Vaad tl.ltV-l.M fM-Sj. at); U M-4 N iia Wt-t. Paalary aartoa tfrliaa Oalartd ByaM. tit; aid vaaatart, Mt; aalatad tovl, Sat; las ft or it 101, lit: raattora, Sit. artoa Wrm Stis AA, Ut) inn A. il-Uei Btatlua AA. ia; aiadiuat A. U-4a; tMaU. 11 Ola. But wlMlatala rtaaa aaatralry a-1 aaau aiaaar lAaa tvtcaa aaatt; lartt arada A. itatotalU ttiatad at iv: taaditaw at Ato. atotlofa atAtorttt aattortat-iirtac irtot! fTuaiBBs, fa. 11 ataUi Ha. t, 1N aaatt; No, 1 dot Cfcliaaa Ontm - Ckictaa tr A atov dowaward tTaad to Ukt afioraaaa WhitUod awtr a I aad pari mt aaaataatiaj aarlr advaBatt to friai aa taa Board at iradt maty. At tat atari aaykttaa apurtad aa at yak aa lift ctaU. aid trta BioBtlu rtaeklaa aaakA, Otlat to trtMa aayataa all tad a abara aptatm to aarkaaa tatal a Mad tbta advaaat. ataat eera aoatracta aba wart at atw hit At aa wart all lard doUvtrtaa. It tret I vary atroac aot tatrkata, BaAlat laaduu operation antra arafltaala, taartod A kiilltaA toilutaca to tara. ProttaeMTa Maori da as aad atlaad wt)iat aarly tut a draa la arlooa at Mlnattaaut aadarmlaad Uao brtad atrtai Uttr. Whtat citatd lawar to hlahtr. Doc. l.Mfc-fc. aora a-A feltbar. Doc. l.MV-. aau ttocbtatod to Sa lawar. Doc. llSa-, rya A-H tawtr. Oat. 111- 1.1CH, aoyataaa I tanu lawar to t ttott hubtr, Jaa. I N I Ht., aad Itrd M to id aaatt a Aaadrad aaaada felsaar. Dot, U-ta. , .... Parttoad Orata Portland up) K ttoaxM tratal aid dt tlferod. Wntaft (kid. to arrtvt Mark at. aaau Na. 1 kulk. MtUvarad aaatt: atott Wbitt 1.14: Soft Whito taaclvdiAS Su) Lldi Hard Had Wiattr: Ordlaarr Hi rrldty'a ttr raetipU: Wbtti Si; ktrlar li new tora ij oau ; atw ittd a. PoHUad Prodaat Maraot ParUaad LfH Tntrt wot altrM trtdhMl an too atUtaida aradoaa asarkt Prtday aad audi aaltt at wara jkada wart aoat- 1 tt tuady fwleaa. wiuiaittto vautr atuimtwtr i autir h ttaadi Ttoaa. Wllllamalta Vallty taalUltwtr ottiy at ll a arato vltA a ftw ulw at S1.H far to duality. A iiautaa tBVOUBi mi ears amroa iraai aaatlaa Uland aad waal wbalaaaia at II lat fl doaaa aart. . Caltata Owioat CblaAia atta -Oaiaai: atppiiot rata, daaaaad dlow. avarktt dull.' uoM aaiat; at ntr u. a. i atatodl Idabo otoaalth S-taeli tad tort or lja.aa, wblLa oiaaaa 1-IboA pad Urt alta S to i-iacb. i at-.4t; caitrtda BpaaUh l-toak aad larttr 14., atld- wart Tallow Oiaaaa aMdiurn l.to-.lt, am all M : madt atadltua 1.M1 Wblta odluai I H. NAUGHT! BOTS Berkeley fJJO Thomas S. Blake, 20, a University of Call fomia student, had his air rifle taken away from him yesterday and was fined 115 for sniping at co-eds from the rear. cataaa m Urn aaaratj aa raMtji . II. aa rr4ajr u mUM tail aatt ai aa lUUaaA. i t at m.h vaa 94 tar a art rr atav ta taa aaUa aUaa altAaaah mm ramu ttata lata totoreauaaal UiaMesec mtkw n m ait A at Ul-N- la Itaar&i, wart &4 baUtra wara aaaat M aaala to il.aa u. aar ika twtaaa aala aartr WaAaataay. a toaiaa, ttica aata ai ataaay to tiraM a r acta. A It priaM aUarlaat kraaaht 111 a. tlaala raaaiato vara ammatoA at .IM kaaa, A. tot aauM, m aalvat ab4 iaAM rartload Uvaatook PorUaad vP--tuwApatUt far watk. aatoala lli aiarkM aatrallr tttady all h lata laat aook. aowa tutac to M Alt fear ta tattaMaa. Calraa. fa watk. latokla Mil maraal attifa. atroaa. oat, far watt, taiakia l.Ult aitrkat oatlv 141 BUbtr. aaaaa, taukla far watk l.ttot twtrktt aUaaut aaaaldtrlat lajpravad aaallty. aamrfctt tlaaad Frldar tar TiuakacmBt. Uyattack aniflw will at fad, atttrad aad aarod far aattl Haadty. Mid-Willamette ' Obituaries Thomas A. Reiling Woodburn Thomas Anthony Reiling, 67, well known resi dent of Woodburn, died Wed nesday night, Nov. 23, at his home, S69 N. Sixth St., after an Ulness ot several months. He had lived at bia late resi dence about a year, moving to town from his dairy farm near Belle Pass! when he retired. He formerly conducted a meat market in Mt, Angel and Cer- vals. Mr. Reiling was born at Woodburn July 20, 1888, and had lived in this vicinity most of his life. He was a member of St Luke's parish and a char ter member of the Knights of Columbus at Mt. Angel. Survivors Include his wife, Helena Reiling, of Woodburn; one son, Paul of Cervais; two brothers, Albert and Lawrence Reiling ot Woodburn; three sisters, Mrs. Theresa Nibler of Woodburn, Mrs. Rena Lowe of Seattle, Dr. Agnes Reiling of Chicago, and four grandchil dren. Recitation of the Rosary will be at St Luke'a Catholic church at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. IT, and Requiem Mass will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 28, at St Luke's followed by Interment In St. Luke's cem etery under the direction of the Rlngo Mortuary. Starling Clark Silverton The body of Ster ling Clark, 68, was sent to Prai rie City, Ore., for funeral serv ices and committal rites, Thurs day morning, under direction of the Ekman Funeral Home. Mr. Clark died unexpectedly at Silverton hospital where he had been but a few hours, Mon day. He bad lived at his pres ent home on Rt 2, Box 66-A, for the past three year com ing here from Prairie City Surviving are the widow, Elma, one daughter, Virginia Durfey or unity. Ore., and on son. IDs! ton of Redmond. Whatever You Have to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find someone who is looking for jusf that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. Try If NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE Infant Howell 1 Silverton Private rraveilda services are being held today (Friday) for the infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Howell, born Tuesday at Sil verton hospital. Surviving are the parents and a small broth, er, William Charles. Ekman Funeral Horn la In charge ot arrangements at the Silverton Cemetery. DEATHS anar O carta Marat iaaa trvty Giana Uurualataa. la a Wat. boapliti Mot. 14. Law raaldoal at La OratMla. Butt Wad a aarooto, Mr. and Ur. Bart alurctaUaai alatar. Rati. Uaa MuKbtaaa; bratoar. Daalal Uurahlioa. tad trtadrtthtr. Dtp Hurebltea, all at La Oraada. atolaataal hat aaaa atada to 0f00 lor a rv kcom aad hmraiai by tbt VlrtU T. Oodaa Ca Mark Millar Mrara V , Lata raaldoal of Tmtattela. sbm a. that sltr Marttaaar n tk tbt ato mt at mra. Surrtvod bp papbawa. Dr. Joha atrara, Oiaaaa Clir. VlWl Mjrtrt. lada aoadtacaj aiarat, Mra. Mtbal Bin, Ba tort. Hilda Htwoll, atoitta. Borrlcoa Uimdar. Nor. M tl U ata. to taa Cbrltttaa Church at Orocoa city, nittr tatai tt Metiatala Vlav CaaialarT. Or, ion City aatttr dUracttoa mt MtwaU Bdwtrdt Ca. Wartor V, Mall Wtlttr r. Matt, to a laeai aaaBitol Nov. la. at tea att Pf 14. Lata raaldrat of Hit Mmit Aa. awvlrad tr wifa. Mr. Lydla Motl; thrat dtuthtori. Mra. Bdltli Chlpaua, Portia adi Mra. Mtldrad Clark. FaU Croak, aad Mra. Mtrlrt Draadoff. Albany; thrao aaaa, Doaaid. Kontld and Brntal MoU, all ol Stlatp; thrao tltpHtouthUra, Jttaa Aatta, Oar. dtaa. Calif., Loula Pfau, Broakt tad Artlca UapPBtr, atltta: two altUrt, tort. Oract Spladtr, Hot frtnlota, B. D., and Mra. Btrtha Baltat, attltlt, Watb. AJaa 11 trtAdchlldrta. Barticaa will aa bald Saturday, Mo. IS pi 1:M -. ta Howl.dwardt Cbtpat with tht Bar. Willi an P.- Cltr oilklatln, lnUmtBt tl Balcrtat Mttnorial Park. Mambar at tbt Maaarant ehurcb af Baltat, Jtatat Araat Daaaaa Jamat A root Duncaa. lata taa Id oat af Rt. 1, Boa ill. iBptttdtaea, at tha rttldtBM NoTtnbtr 31. BurvlTod ar wifa. Mra. Bylrla Duaeaa. ladttttadtsea: tit tart. Mr. Wilata a Eraat, todtPtadtact, Mra. Thto M. Murray, Portland: bra- thtrt. Dr. U. V. Oiuwn. Xaontot, Ctlif.. tnd C. K. Duaeaa, MoMlaatiUt, Ora, AoBOuncemaat mt ttrvlaaa tour aw C.tuc h-Barrlck Ca, Blttaap M. Btotoar ' " Mrt. Blaanor M. BUlatr, lata roildrol 1 1T W. Clair Bt, Mooawutta, to thtt city Mar. U at tbt act af II ytart. Mother of Mtrtartt I. Btataor, Moa aiouttt. Mambar af St. Paul't Bplteaptl cburcb. Prlvtto urvlatt wlU mm fetid aaturdar, Nov. M at 1: p.ta. to tha chapol pf tha W. T. Hit dow c. Cna clitdlar ttrvlcw at Clip Vlaw Ceaiatary. nav. ooarct awin wui ft.elata. Manbtr af Chadwtck Chapttr No. 11. Ordar af Batttra atw, ritaaa aastl flaw IT" PH. 22406 VS 1 jboVw- I 4dygh llkwtpoal Hoavtw) Saiaai'a Baaftal hmmtt wafcta. Caawaawel Caataotal Caatia.it Sm fct I ttr a) aatrttc a Neb mmd Harrla Sat, aatralaniaV aVttriel, Sawtk Sataat, watt nwaa attr. BVTC. - tiaewa-oeri m lis Vr, ': i i 1 t I - -t ii a . i t i- - .11 J; -tab.