Friday. KoTcmbcr 27. 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale., Orego Pxe II Tele -Views 5 Radio-Television IBM Vslce ef flrestoao will observe IU 25th anniversary with ' special program Monday, November 30. , - The program which customarily present ona or two soloists, will offer six on this occasion. They arc mezzo soprano Rise Stevens, soprano Eleanor .Steber, tenor Thom as Hayward, tenor Brian Sulivan, bass Jerome Mines and baritone Thomas L. Thomas. A feature of the IStb anni versary show will be the six, singing together for the first time, in the sextette from "Lucia dl Lammermoor" by Donizetti. The soloists will be backed by a mixed chorus, and "conductor Howard Barlow will wield his baton over a sym phony orchestra augmented from the customary 48 to 58. The "Voice of Firestone" not only is the oldest coaat-to-eoast network musical program In radio but also is a pioneer In combined TV-and-radlo programming. It has been pres ented weekly on TV since Sept S, 1949. - . I Archbishop O'Hara "Lamp Unto My Feet" Sunday, j Archbishop John Francis O'Hara, of Philadelphia, will discuss . i U Dill T J -J I l T. U. . u" 1 1 u uiu ixuii,! .4, auuuci.tut, muuiu iiiuuic w i.iai J the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C., on "Lamp Unto My Feet", Sundsy, Nov. 29. The discussion Is preceded by a playlet, "The Barrier," by Albert J. Nevlna, which deals with "world-wide resilience to communism effect ed through the legion of Mary." o a Junius B. Bird, assistant curator of archaeology at the American Museum of Natural History, will be the principal guest on "Adventure", Sunday, Nov. 29. The broadcast will tell the story of Greenland and how man has adapted to rigorous living conditions there. Cursior Bird, recognized as a top authority on the subject, wil be Interviewed by Robert Northshield, "Adventure" science reporter. A one-time-only show. Time's "Man of the Year" Revue featuring more than a score of 1953'i top newsmakers, will be presented Sunday, December 8, NBC-TV. FaUDAT NIGHT PROGRAM: KOIN-TV 1:M pm, Osiie and Harriet Thorny (Don Delta) t buys a ladder and he and Osile use it to explore the Nelson roof. 1 g ia, Amos 'if Andy "Ktagfish's Secretary." L S:M p.m. Tapper Cosmo Topper calls on his ghostly friends for : htlp when Nell, their St. Bernard dog, makes off with a bagful of - securities. Stars Anne Jeffreys and Robert Sterling. ( njn- Plavhorjae of Stars "The cloned noor RvmI. nan. Ik. 'hart portrays a captain of Industry WAW1 tuuu ; (:3( p-m.. Out Miss Brooks An l mis raatuaon mgn school bults snre Araen. :. KPTV Deuglaa Fairbanks, g:30 Take a Number" ttars George Benson, Lan Whlttaser. Vic Wise and Dianne Foster. Story tells how an ordinary unruffled Englishman Is plunged into a frenzied turmoil by an alarming series of incidents. The Big Story. (Jack Setters of the Nashville Tenneasean estab lishes the guilt of the killer of a Heidelberg Wrestling, 10 Local remote telecast from the Armory. Nile Owl Theater, 11:15 "Luck of Roaring Camp" stars Owen Davis, Jr,(and Joan Woodbury. BABXY SATURDAY PROGRAMS: The Toymaker and His Friends, (Five children will appear as guests. Nutsy the Clown, star of Peanut Circus will be guest, also. One hundred fifty-three children will be at the Toy Shop as contest winners. Toy Shop characters will also appesr. Press Box Review, 10 Red Orsnge and Bud Palmer. NCAA College Football, 10:15 Army vs. Nsvy telecast from Phila delphia. FOOTBALL GAMES: Friday night en KOCO, Central Catholic-Grants Pass at 8 pm. Saturday, Army-Navy game from Phlladelphlt at 10:30 on KOW; on KPTV at 10:16. 8MU-Texa Christian on KEX at 11:40. -,, a SATURDAY PROGRAMS KOIN-TV: 4:M i,jn Film Laurel and Hardy feature. 7 p.m. Medallion Theatre "Dear Cynthia" starring Janet Oaynor In TV debut. 10 p.m., George Jeasel Guests Include: Louis Jordan and his tympany Five: Tova Stevens, lyric coloratura, and Dick Kallman, baritone. 10:30 p.m, Ray Bolger Show Ray Bolger lands In Jail when he destroys a summons thinking it la a "gag." Bolger stars with Allyn Joslys. KPTV: The Lone Ranter, I: JO "The Pledge" A young man Is released from Jail and learns that the sheriff that released him has been killed. Colonel Flack. (The Colonel encounters a crooked Investment operation fronted by an innocent girl. Stars Alan' Mowbray and Frank Jenlu. Ethel and Albert, 7:30 Ethel and Albert decide to paint their kitchen and hurry to get it done before house guests arrive the fol- 1Vom Show of Shows, ( Starring Std Caesar and Imogene Coca In 90 minute of comedy, singing and dancing with guest stars. Your Hit Parade, 10:30 Dramatisations of the top tunes of the . . . . . . nr..c.t rirhU or the Centurr. KPTV. 11 Highlights of the Kid GsTllan-Johnny Bratton bout of May II. 1061. SATURDAY LATE FILMS: .... , Premiere Theatre, KPTV at 11:15 "Fifty-Second Street" stars Ian Hunter and Kenny Baker. Story of 52nd street In 1012 and the people i "Dew? Men'Tell," KOIN-TV at 11 A Charlie Chan mystery. a a e i" SUNDAY PROGRAM: KOIN-TV: j p.m., omnlbos Allstalre Cooke, master of ceremonies op (0 mln. program. Jack Benny, guest. 1:30 p.m. Lamp Unto My Feet Dramatic playlet, "Responsibility." Rabbi Jacob K. Schankman of Temple Israel, New Rochelle, N.Y., discusses religion and education with Dr. Lyman Bryson, moderator. 4:30 p.m.. Adventure Series presented In cooperation with the American Museum of Natural History. Subject: "Animal Life on the Desert." 3:10 (ji. Comeback Story Sandy Solo, sculptor who lost both hands In World War II, guest of George JesselL Solo la building a new life as a singer. ( p.m., Yoa Are There "Mlchelangelo'a Recognition" Jen. 36. 1604, a thrilling moment In art when the creative giants of Renaissance Florence bowed to Michelangelo Buonarotti as 'heir peer. :30 pjn. Pride of the Family Mr. and Mrs. Morrison celebrate their JOUi anniversary with a second "Honeymoon.'' 7 p.m. Private Secretary Susie and her boas debate merits of two systems for furthering romance. A willowy blonde steps In and changes both systems. g Toast of the Town Kid Gavilan makes dancing debut. ( p.m, G.E. Theatre "Atomic Love" aura Dennis Morgan with Jovce Holden. Marjorle Rambeau and John Hubbard. 0:1 p m, Man Behind the Badge Authentic case histories from files of law enforcement agencies. "The Houston Case" Sherff Bill Lsabell of Houston captures a swindler living under protection of Mexican laws. .......... . , . 10 pjn. The Web "The Leech" Is the story of an Impoverished woman literary agent faced with losing the love of a washed-up author. She attempts to plot the perfect crime of plagiarism. Cattleman of Year To Be Chosen Dec. 1 Prinevllle Wi The Oregon Cattlemen's Association will announce the winning Cattle man of the Year at the annual banquet here Tuesday night. Five cattlemen are under consideration. They are Everett Sibley. Clackamas County; Henry Cerber, Klsmath Falls; Herbert Chandler, Baker; J. R. Breeoe, Prineville, and Gerry Close, Grants Pa s. MUSICIAN PIES Worcester, Englsnd vF) Sir Ivor Atkins, distinguished musician and collaborator of rnmnnu. Clip PjtanH Plwoe died Thursday night. He was whose ruthleasness catches up epidemic of phone book robberies young woman. Stars Peter Hobos. HUBBARD ELECTION Hubbard The annual city election for Hubbard will be held Monday, Dec. 7, at the city hall. To be elected are: Mayor for a two-yegr term, two councilmen for 2-year shr two councilmen for two-year terms, and a treasurer for a one-year term. Present mayor is Dr. A. F. deLespinasse. Safer Cough Relief Whea aew drat er old faO to help your cough or cheat cold doo't delay. Creomuluoa contains only safe, aelp ful. proven mirodtcnti aod so aar colic as dnturb aaturt'i procrm. It goes tolo the bronchial syueta to aid aarure Booth and seal raw, leader, taftanied bronchial tnenbraow. Gear ooteed M paaast or your draggiat ro tunda money. Cranmetsioa ba stood ara teat oi ma ay million of Bam. CREOMUCSION On Television KffV (27). KOIN-TV ( UM VHP Does TY Hurt Your Eyes! FUONI 1-1(18 Valley TY Center 11(1 Fairgrounds Ed. Sales - Service Inatallatlea Opea Till 9 m. Daily Bandar tram I to 8 . , rmiDir S it a a. XFTV rtedla Sonar ISiOS S.B. KFTV DISS Dane Stall 1S:S am BPTV What-a CMklatt ll.-ss a-aa. KPTV-aasklaa PaHo IMS e-pa. BPTV na aoaarila IliSt -a SJTV-rttand Pamirs U:SSaoaa KPTT-TBS KOIM ale Popart lit l-a KTTV StaUaw TkMlor S:SS p.a XFTV Oa Tsar iiml S:ee P-a. am-Ktu Soma IS p.a. KPTV Fau Sana 4:0 p.a BPTV Waleame Trwalars 4:is a.a. arrv Th Tormaaat Sill a-a. KPTV TM TormaSae KOrN SSr. Moo SrS P.M. KPTV Honor Dooe KOIN Saodla Pala S:M 9.M. KPTV Plana! Clrros roiM aaoaia pais S:s p.a ptv s Ktai KOIlf WaaUtaraaa SilS la KPTV St Klas XOIN Paots aula :SS v. a. KPTV Dua Couiaa KOIM Dooe EdwtrOa Maws (lit a KPTV NW Dtttll KOIM Parlor sual 1:S KPTV Sports Calvaleade roiH-Huk alcCune ana :S s.av KPTV e porta cavalcade KOIH Oaila aaS HarrUt 1:U P.M. KPTV H.wp Caipvaa KOIH Quia aao Barrlat OiSS p.aa, KPTV Oarrawar at Larss Kont Amos and aaop 0JS pa. KPTV Daua palrbaaka KOIM Topper S:St Pm KPTV Bis SMTP KOIM PlaraouM at Stars 0:SS P.a KPTV You AakM tdr B roiH Our Ulfa Breaks ISrSS P.a KPTV Wraatllas KOIH Mr mat Irata M:M S.m KPTV Wrailllas KOIH-miaa jalirar Jaaaa lire pm. KPTV EaraDtrt Hour Naa KOW snow Tlma oa (Is title p.a KPTV Waathar Vast IMS p.a KPTV Kits Owl Tkaatar MARR RADIO & TELEVISION i7Tlrj WmX'.ILL TV Salts - Survic - Installation Open from a.m. tilpm. Ph. 1-1611 SIM B. CmL Sftlem'i Flrtt Tekfiilon 8tr SATVSDST t:SS a.m. KPTV Dot Talaa :10 am KPTV Toratakar's TrlaaaS 10:00 a.m. KPTV Praia Boa Kavlav 10:1 am KPTV ArmT-WaTV :1S p.m FPTV aeoraboard 1:30 p.m. KPTV Bis Picture I:M p.m KPTV apaes Patral 1:10 p.m. KPTV SmlUA' H l:M p.m. KPTV TBA I: is p.m KPTV-atraaiar tbaa PHtlaa s:ao p.m m-rv umi Rantar 4:00 p.m. KPTV Johaar Jupltar 4:10 p.m. KPTV captala Uklnlabl 1:00 pm KPTV Talant Patral KOIlf Laural aod Hardy t:SS p.m KPTV Suparmaa KOIH Laural and Xardp I 04 p.m. KPTV Col. Plock Kom Palatod SHallloa 0:10 p.m KPTV Traaaura Jlual KOtN Boat thl Clock 1 00 p.m KPTV Ufa of Rllap KOIN SfadiUloB Tbaatar 1:10 p m. KPTV xtbal and Albart POIN aflrrer Tbaatar 1:00 p.m. KPTV Bonlno KOIN Jackla Olaaaaa I II pm KPTV Amstaur Hour KOIlf Jackla Olaaaoa O H pm KPTV AU Star Rarlaw POfH Two for Uta Montr 1:10 p.m. KPTV AU Star naflaw KOIN Uv Faiartt MuahanS 11:00 p.m. kptv All star Kavlaw KU1N uaorsa Jaaaal 10:10 p.m. KPTV HII Parada KOIN Rot Bolsar Sbow 11:00 p.m. KPTV oraataat PUfcu koin ahowttmo ob ata 11:11 p.m. KPTV Pralmar Tktaur KOIN snow Tlma aa Sua Outm-ni TELEVISION Soles Service Installation! MITCHELL RADIO A TV 1880 Stat St. Ph.3-7577 SONBtAT. . KPTV What 1 t ran, Gaa Da . rPTV Raadlas PuBalas . KPTV What Tear Treealo . KPTV tndaatrr Parada . KPTV-aaaktai Northwaat . KPTV Rcllelaua rum . KPTV Pro PoctbaD i s a.i :lt a I : a.i : a.i 10:04 a.i 111 a.i 11:0 a.i 14 P.I I II p i II P.I J 04 p.l I I p.l IS p.l I II p.l IN PI M p.l I.Wp.l in pi 1: p.l tan I N PI I N Pi KOIN Omalbua l kptv Art Linklaltar KOIN Omnlbua i. KPTV Waddrna Bella KOIN Omalbua KPTV Ufa Baalaa at N KOIN Omalbua u KPTV How Soaa eardoa era KOIN Lamp Uata Up rial u KPTV Rop Rosora KOIN Outer. Plaah u KPTV Zoo Parada KOIN Advaatura u KPTV Hall of ram KOIlf o na Autrar l KPTV Mall of Psm KOIN Comeback b KPTV Victor? at Baa POIN You Ara Thar u KPTV Talaat Patrol KOIN Prida of Pamllr i. kptv wiachau a leahoaar KOIN Prlvata aamtarp . KPTV Mr. Pcapara KOIN What ! air Lla L KPTV Coaodp Howr KOIN Toaat of Towa I. KPTV TV Plarbauao KOIN O-S Tboatar WANTED! FILBERTS AND WALNUTS AND NUT MEATS Highest cash price ea delivery for orchard ran MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. M0 Nert Front St., Salem Tel. 37633 I ai"t. 11 9T.'irrw&'m0Yi"1''''' mm" )"' 0 p.m KOIN Has Bohlad Badts 10:00 p.m. rPTV letter to Lorotta KOIN Tna Wab U:N p.m KPTV blaa n. Crlaa KOIN Pttor Pottar 11:00 a a. KPTV NBC Nawa KarlaS) . 11:10 p.m. KPTV Taxas Kaaalla' MON9AT . P:U a.m KPTV Kiddla Coraar 10:00 am KPTV Dtaa Doaa acbaal LI 10 am KPTV Wkat'a cooklas 11:H em KPTV Kawktaa PaUa -11:1 a.m. rPTV" Tha Boaaatla 11:1 a m. KPTV prlaas at Pamllg U N aaoa KPTV TBA KOIN Bis Parorf 11:10 p.m KPTV Tola la lbs Ufa KOIN Bob Craabp 1:00 p.m. P-PTV alatlooo Tbaatar KOIN Lota of Ufa Yt p.a. KOrN Baarck Tamomv 1:S0 p.m. koin oaldlas Uaal 1:40 pm KOIM Vallaat Ladv 1:0 p.a. KOIM Doubts or Halblas 1 H p.m KPTV Oo Tour Acaouat KOIN atrlka It Rlcb 1:0 P.a. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Oarrr Uoor 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kata Smith KOIN Arm Cbalr Advaotur I t p.m KPTV Kata Smltb KOIN air. bfooa : p.m KPTV Walcoma Trairalara a:l p.m. KPTV Tha Tormakar 1:9 (,m KPTV Hcwdr Doodr ' roiN-addla Pali I: p.m. KPTV Bar 31 Corral 0:04 pm KPTV wild Bill Klckok KOIN Ulnar Waatbarmaa 0 II p m KPTV Mm laaa 0 l pm KPTV Northwaat Dlsaal KOIN Doat Kowarda 1:H p.m KPTV Chlcaso PUbu KOIN Studio Ona 1 :00 p.m KPTV Arthur aaurrap Daaco KOIN studio Ona 1:U p.m rPTV Nawa Caratsa KOIN Studio Ona 1:00 p.m. KPTV Nama That Tuna KOIN Burns bnd Allan S:S pm KPTV Volca of Plraatoao KOIN Adolpb Uenlou 1:0 p.m KPTV Volca Plreitoaa KOIN 1 Lovo Lucr 10 pm KPTV Robart blontaomarp KOIN Rod Euttona 10:0 p.m. KPTV Artbur Murray Danea KOIN Amartcaa TV Tbaatar 11.00 p.m. rPTV lltb Hour Nawa KOIN Bhowtlm on aia 11:1 p.m. KPTV Waathar Vaaa 11:10 p.m KPTV Nits Owl Tbaatar All Channel UHFVHF Low Down Payment Bank Financing Trades Complete Repair 4k Installation by N0RTHWE5T TELLEYISI ON SI80 State Phone 4-5.3J Senator Praises Nepal 4-Point Work Washington ) Sen. Mini fied (D-Mont), reporting on his impressions of Point Four ad ministration in the Far East, has high praise for the work In J Nepal but criticism for that in Indochina. In a report to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee i yesterday, Mansfield said tech i nlcal assistance personnel were doing a "remarkable" Job in Nepal. I But he said he found on his study tour that Indochina's mission has been a target for "widespread" charges of in competence. He urged an in vestigation. "I think it's my picture tube!" This is the layman's first re action when the sound is al right but the picture tube isn't even lit on his new tele vision set. First checks to see if the brightness control is turned clockwise as far as it will go. Then if there is still no light, the chances are that it is only one of several mall tubes which provide the high voltsge necessary to Srovlde light on the picture ibe. Usually this trouble csn be corrected in your own home by a service call. When you have trouble, call Television Service Co. Phone 4-5512 1410 8. 12th St A.M. to ( P.M. Daily MUNITIONS FACTORY LEVELED A ran Firemen search tha wreckage of munitions factory In Lisbon, Portugal, where 14 persons are known dead after an explosion leveled the plant. The factory was manufac turing light arms and munitions for the Portugese Army. More than 200 were injured. (UP Telephoto) Water Problem Meeting Dated Dallas The purpose of the governor's water resource com mittee will be explained at a meeting sponsored by the Polk county Pomona Grange Thurs day, Dec. I, at 8 p.m. at the Rickreall grange hall, ". C. Brown, Pomona grange '.gricul tural chainnui, and N. John Hansen, county extr.ulon agent have developed plai g for a county-wide meeting open to the general public for this pur pose. Ken Sawyer, agricultural representative of the Portland chamber of commerce and a member of the governor's wa ter resources committee, will explain the work of the com mittee as defined by an act of the last legislature. The com. mittee has been set up to in vestigate the water situation of Oregon and develop bills that may be submitted to next legislature In regard to con trolling the water resources of Uregen. ' Of particular Importance to this area, Hansen stated, is the possibility of an act which will provide for water rights on Irrigation wells west of the Cascade mountains as now ex ists in eastern Oregon. J. C. Moore, conservation specialist, Oregon stste college. iwill discuss the topic, "What the people of Polk county can do to assist the water resources Don't Miss Our EPGQEE1 St&mtfitMe, JlliilP Pro 220 N. Liberty (OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9) MM I committee during this Interim study period." Hansen emphasized that this Is a meeting sponsored by the grange, but is open to all per sons in Polk county and urges an attendance by all those in terested in water development Silverton Sllverton William L. Murphy, who hag returned to his rural home near Sllverton from several weeks at the Portland veterans' facility for special treatment, la making normal Improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy had as their Thanksgiving Day guests the family of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wlkoff and son Jack of Salem. Reported 111, at the meeting of the American Legion auxil iary, Delbert Reeves unit No, 7, Monday evening, were Mrs. John Demaa and Mrs. Herman Block, mother-in-law of Mrs. William Bloch. Mrs. Joseph A. Luthro, In her fifth week at Silverton bos pital recovering from a polio attack, is gaining strength alowly. Mrs. Luthro Is permitted to sit in chair few times each day for brief periods, and Is able to walk without crutches or braces. Although no paralysis Is no- tlcable, muscles are still weak. no visitors are being per muted to see Mrs. Luthro. About 4214 per cent of all United States farms have tele phones. with any 1954 Phileo ' Television Consol)l Buy during this 25-year leadership celebration and Save! Offer includes this Phileo 4108 with true-to-life Deep Dimension 21-inch TV picture plus Directional UHF-VHF Built-in Aerial! Wide range of other models. PBAI.L will give yea sn amasing trade-in allow ance ea your eld radio, phonograph, combination, er piano. No cash required antil Janaary. s Four Corners Four Corners Family din ners for Thanksgiving Included the following: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. La Branch were hosts to their children and grandchildren. Coming were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Talbot and John, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Mooera, Steven and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LaBranche, Gail and AnnMs rie, Mr. and Mrs. Donald La Branche and Roger. - - Guests of the B. L. Stafek family were Mr. and Mrs. John Stafek and Ted of Gervais, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stafek, Juanell and Terry of Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Porter of Phil omath, Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Bar ton of Lebanon and the Stafek sons, Darrel and Jerry. Dinner guests In the C. A. Lossner home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dvorak, Mr. and Mrs. SUnley Michalek, Peggy and Joe, all of Gervais, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vejlutek, Joan, Donald and Judy of Kel ler. A family dinner In the Har vey Meyer home Included Mrs. Meyer's mother, Mrs. W. A. Jones, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Meyer of Sllverton, Mr. ana Mrs. Thomas Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyer, Judy and Tommy of Woodburn and the Meyer's daughters, Caro lyn, Donna and Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Clark and children, Kathy, Carol and Kenneth, entertained Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R, Thompson and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Clark and Dr. F. E. Brown. Mrs. Mabel Maraulsa and Miss Gertrude ChamberUn were co-hostesses for a noon Thanksgiving dinner. Invited were Mrs. Mae Currie and Mr. and Mrs. William Potter, all of Portland and Mrs. Susie Cross and Bob Cross of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris. Wayne and Lynn spent Thanks giving day with his mother. Mrs. John Morris in Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thayer were hosts to her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. E. A. Snook, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snook, Allen, Mari lyn and Sybil, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook, Barbara, Betty, Kathy and David. Mr. and Mrs. Vernard Snook, Maxine. Ted' dy, Dorothy and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayna Snook, Lets and Garnet, Aaron and Robin Thayer. In the Waldo Miller home. covers were placed for dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Null of Anacortes, Wash., Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Armstrong and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. SUnley Fagg, Pat and Betty and the Misses Audrey and Lo uta Miller. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Charles Gilbert home were JUrs. Bertha Looney of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Walter DO YOU mum arthritis-nuEur.rinsr.i? At last . . . relief from ttSt many pains assnctatsv with arthritis and rheumatism and other muscular aches and pains is available with Koracia Tablets. Koracin, the effectiv pain relieving prothjet is) ' helping thousands to obtain relief from psuru: Koracin contains salicylimide, which according to. published medical opinion, is many times more eW ' tectire I PAVLUIg DRt'O STORE ilk m I I Ml l J I I BOTTLE OP 10..., '2.95 1 I a 4M Mate St.. Harata, Orrfoa Dear air: Fine eneloaed tt.S for kotue of M rala - i lierlng KORACIN Tablets. Name i Addreaa Clip .... PAYLESS 484 State St. Looney of Keizer, Mr. and Mrs. Nilea Holland of Amity, Mer rill Gilbert and Robert Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Millar, Karen Lee and Phillip had aa dinner gueerta, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jacobs, Roxann, Vickie, and Keith Jr, of Kelso. WesiL, and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wing of Myrtle Creek, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker entertained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Ronnie and Gary, Mrs. Larene Snider, Henry Bodea, BUI Walker and miss veriaine walker. In the Frank Hershefelt 'me a 1 o'clock dinner waa served to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Daw Hershefelt, Duaine and Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ettel george, Michael and Elnora and W. R. Edwards of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy J. Stew- art had at their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Mora Stewart, Gilbert and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart and James Vernon Stewart and Vollner Stewart of Astoria. . Mr. and Mrs. I. H. White were hosts at an evening din ner. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nile Hllborn and Herbert Policy. - Going away to spend Thanks giving with relatives - and friends were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crozler and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rosenbaum and D. W. Kenny of Salem. They were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Durke in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. William Flood spent the holiday in Washou gaL Wash., with Mrs, Flood's son and family, the Emerson Jones. i - : Mr.' and Mrs. J sines Hart- man, Kathy and Carol, spent the holiday week and visiting Mrs. J. F. Wilson at Hood Rio er. . . ; .-,.1 Mr. and Mrs. Dal Jeffries, Tommy and Marilyn war din ner guests In tha Burch Jud son home. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Kliewer. Patty, Billy and Jnrry, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. KUewer. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Ferrin and Robbie war holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Musts in In Aurasville. i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hunsa- ker and Jerry were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Do mogalla in Salem. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Gould and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hardt. - ' Mri and Mrs. Robert Burns, Barbara and Joan were guesta of Mrs. Burns' parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Wilcox at a pre Thanksglving dinner on Wed nesday evening., . , , . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rick man and family and Mrs. Ella Carsten were Thanksgiving guests In the F. B. MeKirmey home in Salem. ' " SUFFER ' WITH. than aenostcommonifi pain relieving agent. Ko an Tablets are safe, pure! nd contain no dangerovit' drugs. Konfin'goet to work instantly to bring fast, effective relief from those stabbing -racking pains to of ten associated with the lymptocni of arth ) ritis, rheumatism and many other mut cular cooditioos. So why suffer piercing pains associated with arthritis, rheumatism get Koracin, with sa- Ircyltmtde, i the modern I formula a at V 1 Stats DRUG STORE Salem i