V-f IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sales. Oregog Fridajr. Novrabcr 27. 195S Elutschman on UP Little All-Coast :; Second Team Mention Given Pinion, Cummings, Menashe Sn Francisco M Lin- field's Ad Rutschman m chosen a Moond-ftrini fullback n the United Press litUe All Coast team announced today. Rutschman waa the only Oregon player to make either the lint or aecond teams. Backa Ted Martin and Boyd Craw ford of College ol Idaho alao made the aecond team. - The following Oregon play era received honorable men tion: Guards: Rube Menashe, Willamette, and Ron Uselding. r, Lewis and Clark; center: Ray Cummings, Oreogn Col lege of Education: backa: Hes don. Southern Oregon, and Chuck Pinion, Oregon College of Education. Menashe was chosen all Northwest conference last year. He Is a 195-pound Junior from Portland Grant high school. Cummings, OCE team cap tain, is a graduate of Salem high school and an 180-pound Junior. Ha played on OCE's 1940 undefeated team, dropped out of school In 1950 and re turned In 1931. Pinion, chosen most valuable OCE player this season, is a 170-pound senior from Reeds-port Notre Dame Picked Over USC Saturday Los Angeles W) Notre Same's precision-like football team; once tied and probably very determined to get back on ' top of the nation's football heap, remained favored Friday to defeat an old foe, Southern California, in their big game Saturday. This is the end of the 1953 line for USC, but Notre Dame till has Southern Methodist ahead next week. Victories for the Irish and mashing scores, at that might end the team booming back to the No. 1 spot in the nation al rankings, a position the Irish held over Maryland before they scrambled for a tie with Iowa last week. The immediate objective, however, for Johnny Lattner, Nell Worden and company is to knock off the Trojans in this silver snniversary of the Notre Dame-USC series. The Irish arrived by plane Thursday night. The game is a near sell out Mora than 80,000 fans are ex pected in Memorial Coliseum. Stojack Matched Against Lindsey At Salem Armory Frank Stojack will return to the Salem ring Tuesday tight when he tr't the vt eran's tactics against Luther Llndsey, the apple of local wrestling fans' eyes. Stojack, once an All-American for WSC, is recognized by the National Wrestling Alliance as world lightheavy champion and will be 20 pounds lighter then the rugged Llndsey. Tickets sre on ssle at Barb's sporting goods store for the mat card which will Include tag team match and a prelimi nary. 24 to Get Grid Letters at OCE Oregon College, Monmouth Twenty-four Oregon College of Education football players have bean recommended for varsity letters iby Cosch Bill McArthur. From the Oregon Collegiate conference champion team earning numerals were Jim At kins, Bill Arnold, Jim Chap man, Ray Cummings, Darrell Davis. Arden Detering, Glea son Eakin, Dennis Garland, Junior Grassman, Charles Har ris, Stan Hays, Rsy Hubbard, Larry Jacobson, Wes Lighttoot, Gene Owens, Chuck Pinion, Duane Reeder. Piul Riley, Ray Streight, Joe Roberts, Don Wickstrand, Pat McManus, Bob Wilder and Emll Perkins. Cal Poly Has Four on First Coast Team By HAL WOOD San Francisco fJJi When a football teem runs up 400 points in nine games agsinst 65 for its foes, it must hsve some pretty fair country bsll players. Such was the case this year for Cal Poly at San Luis Obis po, and the result Is that four members of the Mustang club made the 1953 United Press Little All-Cont first team. Two of these, center Stan Sheriff and halfback Alex Bravo, are repeaters from the 1952 team. The other two Mustangs to make the first team are tackle Sheldon Williams and guard Vic Buccola. This was a year that saw Cal ifornia teams dominate the smsll schools competition. For instance, Cal Poly, in its only intersections!, beat Willamette from Oregon by a 37-7 score. Little Humboldt State whipped three Oregon foes. As a re sult 10 of the 11 men on the first string are from Califor nia. The other spot is held down by end Mert Baxter of Nevada a school that now play a among the smaller leagues with much more suc cess than it had among the big boys. San Francisco State, fait rising among the small school powers placed two men on the squad: Quarterback Maury Duncan, who made the club the second year in a row, and end George Wehner. The man unanimously nomi nated for the squad by coach es, scouts and players was George Maderos of Chico State. This lsd, called a great young inspiration leader, played end on offense and middle line backer on defense. George Fisch of Fresno State, star of the Bulldogs' 21-21 deadlock with "big school" Col lege of Pacific, holds down one of the other backfield posts, long with Bill Nygarrd of San Diego State, rated a "fine all around performer." Ledio Fanucchl of Fresno State, a tackle, filled out the all-star team. FERRY LOSES MATCH Melbourne, Australia Peter Molloy, a 30-year-old Melbourne week-end player, eliminated Bob Perry, a mem ber of the U. S. Davis Cup squad from Los Angeles, in the first round of the Victorian Tennis Chamnionships today 8-3, 3-6, (-3, 8 4. Perez Favorite To Beat Gallardo Tonight on TV New York U.PJ Young Lulu Perez, Brooklyn's hot-shot fea therweight, was favored at 13 3 to win sssin tonight over Dave Gallardo, the Los Angeles Mexican who gave him a ter rific fight on Sept. 4. The winner of this nationally televised and broadcast return 10-rounder at Madison Square Garden has been promised a January match with Willie Pep, top contender among the 120-pounders. Perez, 20, won a technical knockout over Galardo at the end o( the eighth round in September, but the ending was so unsatisfactory. Lulu's plans for a Pep match were blasted temporarily, at least. Utah Is Thankful For 33-32 Edge Salt Lake City U The game which the pddsmakers had pegged a four-touchdown rout turned out to be a thriller as a favored Utah thankfully accepted a 33-32 victory over a surprisingly itrong Brighsm Young. A fumbled pass from center on an attempted conversion In the final two minutes was all ! that stood between BYU and a tie with the Utes In a game that turned out to be an offen sive circus and a tasty dessert for Thanksgiving Day home bodies seated by their tele vision so Li Maryland Said to Deserve Top Rank, Even Over Irish I WWT One Will Be Rose Queen The field ef kea titles seeking to k a e a m a Queen ef the Tournament af Roses at Pasadena, Calif., New Year's Day has keen narrowed to these seven girls, ena will get the coveted hoaer and the ether six will be come her Frineesaea. Left to right seated: Mary Ja Beyer, It; Carol Dianne Cestelle, II; Barkara Louisa Schmidt, 17. Left to right, standing: Beverly Mnlvaney, 17; Joanne Ruth Mulder, 17; Carol Lea Mcintosh, 17; Oalna Bruce, It. (AP Wlrephoto) Cotton Bowl Foes To Be Revealed After Saturday Dallas, Tex. Saturday afternoon, when certain foot ball results are in; the Cotton Bowl is due to reveal its Jan uary 1 participants. The visiting team will come from among Auburn, Missis sippi, Alabama, Texas Tech and Kentucky. The host team will be Texas, Baylor or Rice. Alabama plays Auburn, Mis sissippi clashes with Missis sippi State. Texas Tech closes the season against Hardln Simmona and Kentucky lust waits, it already is through. Texas clinched a tie for the Southwest Conference cham pionship Thursday bv beating Texas A&M 21-12. Rice and Baylor play at Houston Satur day to determine which will wind up sharing the title with Texas. Then will come the selection of the Cotton Bowl host team. If Rice beats Baylor it will get the Cotton Bowl spot. Vallejo, Everett Tie Shrine Game Everett. Wash. U.Vallein Junior College rallied in the second quarter to earn a 6-8 tie with Everett Junior College in me fifth annual Evergreen Shrine Bowl football game yes terday. After receiving the opening kirkoff, Everett marched 13 yards in nine plays for a touch down, with fullback Lome Shireman scoring on a 22-yard run around end. In the second period. Vallejo fullback Tom Sullivan inter cepted a pass to start a 42-yard march. Sullivan smashed over for the score. 6 West Virginians On All-South Unit Richmond, Vs. (UP) Six play ers on the nationally ranked West Virginia Mountaineers won first team positions today on the 1953 United Press All Southern Conference sauad. William and Mary's Indisns placed two men on the team. George Washington, F u r m a n and Virginia Military Institute placed one each. Clarence (Ace) Parker, as sistant football coach and head baseball mentor at Duke, led Blue Devil grid teams in sror- Ing In 1935 and l3(l. Fights lost Wight Br The AfafttUft Prwat ItHrMt Bob A moo. 1T. IVirolt, itaf. IMfi Wm Bftaforn. HIS. Bt. LouU, I. Ntwtrk, N. J - Ptllt RNlnnfta. 1JI fttTonn. twttwinttd Btr. DtmnU, 111, tori, I. Walter Zirmba, now lUrttnK hit llth Brawn as a Mutant grid coach at Notre Dume, was the rrgular center on the 1041 and 1942 Irish teama. TE33J '55 For the Best la FUEL OIL GEORGE CADWELL OIL COMPANY ISA tat Shit u. 1 7431 L-J M. 4)331 l Motorola CAR RADIO $39'5 Fits All Cars $1.00 Dowa $1.25 Week i-K Greea Stamps ttaviCI STATION INC. (1) Center and Commercial Court and Capital (J) Marina and Liberty Center and Liberty SHOEMAKER HIDES WINNERS San Mateo, Calif. W) Jock ey Willie Shoemaker booted home two winners at Bay Meadows, including Imbros $4.40 in the San Jose handicap, to raise his season's world mark to 4S8. By GATLI TALBOT New York 11 Those experts who have seen both Maryland and Notre Dame against tieir strongest opponents in the past month seem to agree almost unanimously that the powerful Terps deserve their ranking as the nation's No. 1 football team. A dozen or more of them we have seen express an opinion in print start out by saying that a meeting between the No. 1 and No. 2 powers would pro vide a terror of a ball game. They end up, after skipping about for 1,000 words or so, by saying they believe Coach Jim Tatum's team would win such a showdown through su perior reserve power. Depth la Material It is the Irish who tradition ally are famed for their abili ty to keep on pouring muscles into the fray, but this is one time, if we may believe all we read, that they run second in that department. This Is espe cially stressed by those who watched Maryland trounce Ala bama's big team 21-0 last week. Several expressed the ooin. Ion that had Maryland's gifted quarterback Bernie Faloney not been forced to leave the game with a damaged knee in the second period after engi neering the Terps' first two touchdowns, the final count might easily have been 40-0. Tatum conceded later that he had only an "ordinary" team without Faloney, though this was not too obvious to the spec- period and tallied the winning lrs. touchdown in the final quarter 'Best Quarterback' on a 65-yard pass play. I The Maryland coach also said COP Wins 20-14 Over Utah Aggies Lodi, Calif. UA College of the Pacific wound up its foot ball season yesterday at the Grape Bowl with a 20-14 vic tory over Utah State before 6000 fans. Halfback Art Liebscher led the attack for the Tigers, scor ing two of COP'a four touch downs. He smashed through tackle for a score in the third that Faloney was the best quar terback he'd ever had, and that would take in his Jack Scar bath, who was on nearly every body's All-America last season. The critics agreed without dis sent that, while Falonev w handling the ball, It looked like a much stronger Maryland team than the one which trounced Tennessee in the 1991 Sugar BowL Arthur (Dutch) Bergman, former Notre Dame star and veteran coach, called the Mary land backfield a "reincarna tion" of his school's famous Four Horsemen in an article in the Washington Times-Herald. NO LONGER UNBEATEN Bloomington, 111 WV-Underdog Western Illinois State col lege knocked Iowa Wesleyan from football's undefeated list Thursday with a crushing 32-0 victory in the sixth annual Corn Bowl game. Panter to Replace Injured Durando Detroit 11 Garth Panter, a Dayton, Idaho, middleweight, has been signed to replace ail ing Emla Durando, of Bay onne, NJ., in a 10-round bout with Norman Hayes of Boston, Wednesday night Durando suffered a chipped elbow in training Wednesday. Panter made his last ap pearance Monday when ho knocked out Graver Jackson in four rounds at Salt Lake City. 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