Ptje 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. OrcgW Thuraday, November It, 195. Miss Bilyeu Married On Tuesday ' East Salem At a simple earvlce in the lut Salem church oa Tuesday evenln. Miae Ruth Bilyeu, dauihter o G. D. Bilyeu of Lebanon, was wed to Dr. John FJlson, aon of Mr. and Ma Edwin ElUon, 8r, of Salem. The Rer. L. A. Larson, pastor of the Evange listic Temple Assembly of Cod, read the vows at o'clock. The altar of the church was banked with large brown and yellow chrysanthemums, with mall chrysanthemums cen . tared with tiny candles mark ing the pews. Lighting the can delabrum on the altar were William Karsten and Bud Royce, and lighting the small ones on the pews were Dickie Bilyeu, a nephew of the bride, and Rose Marie Jewell, her niece. The bride wore a copper red suit with brown and white ac cessories and carried a white Bible marked with a white or chid. The bride wai given in marriage by her father. Miss Betty Sorensen was maid of honor, wearing an egg shell white suit of faille with brown accessories, and she car ried a nosegay of bronze and yellow chrysanthemums. The flower girl was Carrie j Sorensen, and she was dressed in white organdy with a brown ash. The ring bearer was Dick ie JewelL the bride's nephew. Edwin ELUon, Jr., was his brother's best man. The bride has made her home With Mrs. Lora Sorensen for several years. Mrs. Sorensen wore a steel blue suit with pink and navy accessories for the wedding. Mrs. Ellson at tended her son s marriage in a brown iridescent faille dress with brown accessories. Both women wore corsages of a white carnation centering a cluster of pink rosebuds. A reception followed the Services Immediately with Mrs. Hilda Olsen cutting the cake. The bride's aunt, Mrs. Stella Miller, poured coffee, and Mrs. Stella Louthan served at the punch bowl. Serving were Mrs. Thomas Shaw, Miss Msrjorie Taylor, Miss Ona Schaberg, Mrs. Marie Pedersen, Miss Shirley Kight, Miss Dorothy Yetza and Miss Lillian Yetzs. At the gift table were Misses Billie Oliver, Mae Clark and Jean Freeman. Passing the bridegroom's cake was Miss Patty Davis and passing the . guest book was Donnie Bilyeu, a nephew of the bride. Dr. Ellson received his ed ucation in Missouri and the bride attended school In Leb anon. After a wedding trip at the coast, they will be at home at 1SS East Wilson street In Salem. Miss Glatcott Is Wed Here Nov. 14 At an afternoon ceremony en Saturday, November 14. in the parsonage of the Knight Memorial Congregations church, Miaa Joan May Glaa- cott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Clascott was married to Robert Thurman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thurman. The Rev. Louis White performed the ceremony. For her wedding, Mias Clas cott chose a white knit suit with white accessories and a yellow rose corsage. Mrs. C. B Hopper, an aunt of the bride from Portland and Joe Pra tri er slood-up with the couple. A reception followed at the Glascott home after the cere mony, Mrs. Hopper cut the cake. After a short wedding trip, the couple are at home in Sa lent. . California Alumni Elect New Officers The Willamette Valley chapter of the University of California Alumni association elected officers at the group's meeting lsst week following the annual big gsme between University of California and Stanford. Lawrence Merrlam will pre side as president and other officers include Mrs. Thomas C b u e h i 1 1, vice-president; Mrs. Robert Turner, secretary-treasurer. The dinner was at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George Martin and attending were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Churchill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprague, Mrs. A. T. Gallison, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Merrlam, Mr. and Mrs. William Bartholomew, Mr. and Mrs. Benismin Daw son, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kushnik, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Turner. IN PORTLAND for Thanks giving holiday today were Mr. and Mrs. Don Et Phillips and oaoy to visit her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fisher. IN DALLAS for the holiday was Miss Rosalie Dalke to be guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ediger. GUESTS of Mr. and Mrs. jimiiy v, voiiina lor me noil day dinner today were Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mr. Sprague'i brother, R. W. Sprague of Seattle. Additional Society On Poge 10 IN PORTLAND for the holiday are State Treasurer! and Mrs. Slgrfrld B. Unander: and son, Sigfrid, Jr. They are visiting Mrs. Unander s two sisters and their families, Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Gsdsby and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCut- cheon. Mrs. Unander will re-1 mam for a performance of Sadler's Wells Ballet. Today's Menu Here's a way to serve fish that's Just a little different FAMILY SUPPER Scalloped Tomatoes and Corn Salad Rolls Cookies Beverage Flak Pnffs Ingredients: 1 pound floun der or ocean perch filleU. V4 cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, 1 cup mashed do tatoes, 3 eggs (separated), salt ana pepper to taste, 1 table spoon finely grated onion, pap rika. Method: Conk fillets in mall amount of boiling salted water, covering and simmering just until fish is opaque and flakes easily. Discard any akin and flake fish; there should be 2 cups. Heat milk and butter; add to potatoes with egg yolks; beat well. Stir in salt and pep per, fish, and onion. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold in. Turn into greased individual baking dishes. Place In pan of hot water and bake in moder ate (S50F) oven about 30 mln utea or until browned. Makes to 8 servings. GUESTS at the home of Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith today were her son-in-law' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Copenhaver and children Kar en, John, Bill and Jim of Red mond; her son, John Griffith, who Is home for the week end from the University of Oregon Dental school; and Dr. and Mrs. John J. Griffith and daughters, Mary and Joan. LT. AND MRS. Robert Thompson and son, Stephen of Moses Lake, Wash., are visit ing during the holiday week end at the home of Lt. Thomp son s psrents, Mr. and Mrs. El ton Thompson. The air force ! officer is stationed at Larson Air Force base. MR. AND MRS. Roger Bsker and children, Roger, Jr., Bar bara, Joan, Jimmy and John of Walla Walla. Wash., and Oscar Baker, Mr. Baker's father, are at the home of Mrs. Roger Bak er's mother, Mrs. A. C. F. Per ry, for the week-end. MR. AND MRS. Hollis W. Huntington are guests in Port land for the holiday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Dixon. Returning for a visit with the Huntingtons will be their daughter, Mrs. Henry Hadley Dixon and infant son, Holll Huntington Dixon YOUR NORGE ' DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 3S CHEMEKETA Frl. and Sal. Luncheon Special C 59 11A.M. lo 4 P.M. BRAISED SIRLOIN TIPS With Frejh Vegetables Mojhed Potatoes Hot Cloverleaf Roll Coffee, Tea, or Orange I I m I won 1 BEMra Shop ahead CHOOSE GIFTS NOW! PAY LITTLE-BY-LITTLE ON PENNEY'S LAY-AWAY! SALEM, OREGON for Christmas! FREE PACKING! SHOPPER'S CAR PARK .High at Ferry . OR MARION CAR PARK 8. Commercial Ferry Aak year emJeapenea te validate year aarktag shack fee 1 bear FRKK. - " . fiA-jta-X rly I ir " fWRlR GLASS TOpFUlZY SUSAN ' .rr" -t " -L VaU They're so food looking, practical and in. fl C g ' t -vJ - ' ' rl n axptntlvo, you're lure to wont en for your. d I ? " T " t I U I I ' ' several mora ror girts! I . I , v!' ;'V' 11 d'amrter, H hot 5 comportment center II ,' ' . T fuV W U U u '' put ,u,,r ,,rti0" for U '" 4"U-U- DOWNSTAIRS STORE f 5 , f -1 y Mil First OuollM II 'fi'.1.V 'li t as. )M r.fci ha n r vw. J f I 1 ' IK U I Ai. VI 1 IL J U M AT U II I E iifS ,V'vviv - gyHr;;7 i 6oGapge, 1 ' I I 4 4 ' i '"1 ' ney "av,nf pwial and yon reap iho ! 1 ' ' r t - f I y l-T' 'A " '1 "vings! Herr'a a smashing value in aheer, pfrfret h ' t - I f ' ; x ' r f s j 1 1 i- . ,v ' : V - 1 f ' 1 l""1' nylons wilh the added drama of dark aeama, 1- j V- i' : I V 1 ' "he fashion-perfect beamy of Jubilee, a rich Uupo f'sVv'f-". ' t . '1 ' ' ' , j f . 1 i I .. . ...... . . II t'f-SA ..iJ 1 I I ,I ' - . 1 uron, ana oaia, a neutral beige. Hurry in ... and I I - " $ If- ' X -At . I stock up on value-packed nylons. 8 W lo 1 1. I 1 1 -UA-LSjJr,y I t X. ' MAIKIfLOOR I II II a -; . K.l.akal aaX ' M STi V Am BraAgMpaMayMafWMM y;j SPECIAL PURCHASE! BOY'S COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS Now, in new, neot checks, subtle ploids, bold blocks pattern and colors to satisfy every youthful taste and whim! Sanforised for lasting fit. Good-looking for school; V sturdy and warm for play, afterwards. Ex cellent Penney value! 11 MAIN FLOOR SIZES 4-1 1 MEN'S! SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS Exceptionally good value! Fully cut of f I n a quality. Sanforised broadcloth, lut. ton front and. slipover mod- eaB el. Buy new from o wide choice ef assorted, colorful 1 stripes. MAIN FLOOR for 100 Nylon Fleece Short Coats in White and Pastels! raven taffeta lining! washes tool mistas sixosi 23 Beautiful, beautiful, soft fluffy nylon flcoee that makes op into a wonderful jacket to top everything you ownl Washes so eaiily, and it a in such heavenly colors. Special Feature! Men'5 100 Wool Whipcords No trouble Talon xipper Scratch-fra comfort Full Cut For Comfort Sixes 30-42 MAIN FLOOR $ 10 Forest Green Only 0 SPECIAL FEATURE! MSN'S QUILT LINED JACKETS Far saltan far snag warmth I Hoar eettaa. raraa saUa twin Warmly line with raraa aallUns! Snot annual raff and waui 2 EPWW 1W gji Hi i lawitiuMit't-p.sjiWajaiaaa. teOttE VISIT Rr m w m j. w wm m Ra Cafeteria fU'. 1 L'LiUU, trft iaVWai ! iM.'.v .if J,. It MAIN FLOOR 1. Am IM I 1 I 7