Thursday, November 28, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8les. Ortfw i 5?S; A. i .znnz illicit ; FIRMS MEMBERS OF Mi iSSmSSf' "JfiK!!. Ac Confectionery liBS n? Anif" D,",, $l,op tPMSX Bright Spot Cafe R&S?VillE XV Brown's Gift Shop fW VII XL YV Brown's Jewelers I 1 YV Borb's Sporting Goods H - FRIENDLY I Breitheupt's ro COURTEOUS J 3sr fmiflaT f Car Parks HjrV lril Vll r fiT Capitol Hardware A Furniture ' -MN JHWlVL Ji Cherry City Ilaetrie Sl?)?sS SJv- Cline's Food Shop M&jyjM!k Tt t" - s ' Commercial Book Store W7 msm0--. Vifl . - VCtV Doughtons' Hardware 7 lulAnC D. A. White Sons jfelf ItIUKL t A Ed Williamt Hallmark Cards PI iWimfc Erich af New York 11 SHOPPING ife 'zxzz. PMfirA VI I HIW II' -py- Firtt Federal Savingi ONVENIENCESj&J ggE f'ir Lt- General Finance V.ttM V 1 Green Thumb Fieri tt If IV J All r HanioVe Dre.t.. ff rlUIlL V H, Brother. 1 CUSTOMER f ,.A.y - SLSATISFACTIOH DOWNTQWN MERCHANTS ASSN. OFFER YOU MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR EVERY i. Sfiop n Downtown Salem at These Member Stores: Holly Jackton Haider's Henry Meyer Furniture Henry'f Photo Shop Hewitt's Holland Bakery Hoffmen's Mkt. J. C. Penney Co Jewelry Units, Inc. The Jewel Box, Jewelers J. J. Quality Clothes Johnson's Ladies Reody-to-Weer Johnson A Siawert Judion's Jock 'n Jill Jayson's Jesten-Miller Jim's Shoe Service Junior Bootery Kay's Apparel Klosic Photo Shop Ladd & Bush Bonk Lady-Fair Hats LeGarie's Les Newman's Little French Shop Man's Shop Margaret's Specialty Shop Marion Hotel Moderne Beauty College McEwan's Photo McCutchen's, Inc. Meadow's Cafe Metropolitan Midget Market M. Wasserman Furs Miller's Moderne Montgomery Ward Morris Optical Meble Moore Myron's Sewing Machines McDevitt's Bootery Needham'e Nohlgren'i Oregon Physicians' Service Peerless Bakery Price's PieneerClub Pey Less Drugs Perry's Drugs Pike Ice Cream Pioneer Trust Company Pit Barbecue Quisenberry't Reemar's Red Cress Pharmacy Robert's Brothers Riaho Coffee Shop Selem Hardware Scheeffer's Drug Store Senator Hotel & Ceffee Shop Spa Restaurant Sundin Custom Tailors Solly's Schlesinger & Ca. Saffron Supply Co. State Finance The Fathionette The Ink Spot Union Security Ce. Vacuum Cleaner Clinic Van Kleeck's San She Vogue af Salem Wellman's Drugs Wicklund's Sporting Goods Wills Music Wilson I McCullah Woolworths Woodry Furniture Y eater Appliance Your Town Press If NATIONALLY I ADVERTISED 7a iT;;-Mo I COMPETITIVE M (If MORE . SELECTION J EVERYTHINJI -4T - "Downtown wS? SAM MERCHANTS 'A SI T.MMH V I I If ill ..It. BB IT 'a ' "VT ' 4.' iirfaUW.Iiit" ' J Vta(PaJ! jl. -sr mm Associatbifi