Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday, November 21, list
Peg in Washington
Washington, D. C Not,
Dear Marlaat
A thousand ihI down la
eoal mine was ItenUn Dour-
Ua. McKay'a experience this
put WKk. At the featured
guest la the celebration of "An
thracite Week" In Scranton,
Pennsylvania, the secretary
toured SO-year-old mine prop
erty and. properly neunetea,
descended to the bottom level
of the mine. On bis return
home, he mentioned several
times that the people of Scran
ton were as hospitable as Tez
ans and recalling the fine treat
ment he bad received at Tyler,
Texas, during a weekend there,
we knew he was paying high
tribute to the citizens of the
coal city.
After the day and night In
Scranton. the secretary flew to
Pittsburgh where he was the
principal speaker at the lunch
eon meeting of the National In
dnstrial Conference board
which was holding its annual
session. In his tour of Pitts
burgh, one building that caught
his attention was the aluminum
building of unusual design thst
Is a show place of the city. He
made a complete tour of the
structure and commented on Its
modern furnishings which aid
ed to emphasize the up to-the
minute design of the building
itself. The windows are like
large portholes with Inflated
rubber tubes encircling them to
give complete air tight protec
tion. Then, to wash the win
dows the tubes are deflated and
the windows csn be flipped ov
er and washed from the inter
ior of the building, solving one
or the costly lobs of upkeep on
any huge structure. A tremend
ous reconstruction Job Is being
done In areas of Pittsburgh, the
secretary reported.
Secretary McKay appeared
on a CBS television show todsy
one that was postponed from
lsst Sunday. It is The Maa ef
the Week" program and a panel
of three interviewed him on
variety of subjects. Mrs. McKay
ts to be on TV again, too, with
her appearance scheduled for
Nov. 30. The broadcast handled
by Mrs. Bssel Market Is entitl
ed "This Is His Dish" and fea
tures wives of officials and of
foreign ambasisdors telling of
their husbands' fsvorlte among
the redoes of the wives. Actual
demonstration of the prepara
tion of the recipe Is carried on
and Mrs. McKay will be whip
ping up one of her husband's
favorite angel cakes while tell-
11 , lng of some of the secrets of Its
success. In order to show the
finished product. Mrs. McKay
will produce a cake in advance
to be shown on the progrsm, as
time of the show is not suffi
cient to complete the process
from "beating to eating."
During the reception spon
sored by the American News
paper Women's club last Wed
nesday in honor of Mr, and Mrs
Harold Stasaea, Mrs. McKay
wss one of those who poured.
It was a festive party and even
those of us on the committee
hid fun. One tidbit on the
punch end coffee tables that
disappeared in a hurry were the
bite size fruit cakes, each top
ped with a minute dsb of col
ored frosting or sn almond, and
which one of the associate
members had baked by the
scores for the party. Rum flav
ored and richly fruited they
were delectable and much eas
ier to hsndle than the cuitom
sry slices or squares of fruit
cakes. I pass the idea along for
Christmas parties. Another as
soclate member (it's a good
thing the active members who
are working rather ttran cook'
lng are blessed with some as
sociate member friends) made
several angel cakes, with dif
ferent types of icing, and these
served in thin slices helped, too,
to vary the usual cateress' sand
wiches and cookies when the
crowds surged around the
For the first time In Wash
ington, I saw a half filled the
ater last night. Uiually every
seat, including the last resort
side boxes, is taken and many
are disappointed during the
duration of any production in
not being able to get tickets.
Lsst night wss the exception,
but the Mia Slavenska-Frederlc
Franklin Ballet company per
formed as though the place wss
packed. The old line "a small
but appreciative" audience was
never more true and the cur
tain calls were many. Critics
throughout the country have
acclaimed the talent, beauty,
inventiveness, and concept of
their productions. The interpre
tation of the play "A Streetcar
Named Desire" was superbly
done, and we enjoyed, too, a
light and airy Spring ballet and
the entire "Nutcracker."
Tomorrow night. Miss Mar
garet Forsythe, Salemlte now
employed here, and I are going
to hear Charles Laugfatoa in
some of his readings at the
beautiful Library of Congress. I
In Mail for
Tea Dec. 12
Christmas- time Invitations
are In the mail from Mrs.
James R. Lino and Mrs. Wil
llsm H. Lytic for a1 tea for
which they are to be hostesses
on Saturday, December 11.
The affair wlU be at the
Marion hotel, hours to be be
tween 1 and o'clock.
r unit if wrwws j
Mrs. Frank Martin was host'
ess for a family dinner gather
ing for the holiday today. In
the group were Ms. and Mrs.
John H. Johnson and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jamea B. Phil
lips and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Martin. Sr., Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Hutchens, Mrs. Al
lan R. Mann, Jr., and the host
HERE from Corvallis to
spend the Thanksgiving holi
day with relatives were Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Kowlfz, Jr., and
little daughter, Terry. They
were at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris A.
Kowltz, Wednesday evening.
This afternoon the junior
Kowltzes joined a family
group at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Craycroft, for dinner, others
in the group Including Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Crawcroft, J
A. Abbey, Walter Craycroft,
Paula Craycroft and the hosts.
Capital Women
HOLIDAY dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wenderotb
today were their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Burdette Owen and their ton,
Kim; Mrs. Wenderoth's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Bulman and their
daughters. Misses Diane and
Bonnie Bulman.
HOSTS at a family dinner
gathering today were Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr.
In the group were their eld
est son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phil
lips, Jr., and children, Richard,
Christy, Deborah and Robin;
the hostess' mother, Mrs. Dan
Welsh, her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ol
son, a nephew and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Martin and chil
dren, John and Jeffrey.
Miss Wilkes
Tells Troth
At Party
The engagement of Mis
Kathleen Wilkes to John B
Edgar, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lenard Edgar, was announced
at a Thanksgiving party Wed
nesday nlgbt at the family
home on Hansen avenue. An
early autumn wedding Is 'plan
Miss Wilkes, daughter of Mrs.
Clair Wilkes and the late Mr.
Wilkes, attended Salem schools
and Is now a student at Oregon
College of Education. -
Mr. Edgar also attended Sa
lem schoo's and la at present
enrolled at Oregon Technical
Bidden to the announcement
party were Mesdames Lenard
Edgar. Robert Hartley, John
Drake. Gail Murray. Lyle Han
sen, Berwyn Maxwell, Michael
Dombrosky, Jsmes Grazer,
William Anderson, Lawrence
Miller and the Misses Margorie
Feller, Shirley McGInnls. R1U
Dotson and Marilyn Hall.
At Gaiser Home
Mr. and Mrs. Silaa Gaiser
entertained at a holiday- dinner
this afternoon, at their Man
brin Drive home. In the group
were Mr. Gslier s brother and
sister-in-law. Dr. and Kirs. J.
H. Gaiser of LaGrande and
their daughter, Vicki, student
at Oregon State college; Rob
ert Quinn of LaGrande, a stu
dent at University of Oregon
dental school; Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Gilmore and son, Jim,
the latter a student at Whitman
college, also the Gilmores' son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Lattin of Berkeley,
and the hosts, and their daugh
ter. Mrs. Bruce MacDonaia.
Needless to say, we'll be talk
ing of Salem as we dine in ad
vance of the program.
Sincerely, Peg
1715 So. Commercial
Ph. 4J1I
Daveys Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey en
tertained at a family dinner
gathering on the holiday to
day. In the group were Mrs.
uavejrs parents, Mr. ana Airs
Shirley Sawyer of The Dalles,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dixon and
son, Richard, of Eugene, Mr.
Daveya parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Davey, and a brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Stan Davey and daughter.
Owen, of The alles.
Additional Society
On Fog 8
. IN PORTLAND tor the holi
day week-end is Miss Nancy
Stuart to be with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chat lea S. Stu
art. .
AMONG those out-of-town
far the Thanksgiving holiday
were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rig
don, going to Agate Beach to
Miss Lee
From Anchorage, Alaska,
cornea news of the recent an
nouncement revealing the en
gagement of Miss Nancy Lee,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Lee, formerly of Salem, to
N. Norman Bockelie, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Bockelie
of Bremerton, Wash.
The wedding la planned for
the late spring.
The bride-elect was gradu
ated from Salem high school
and attended Willamette uni
versity. She la now employed
by the civil aeronautics admin
istration at Anchorage. The Lee
family moved to Anchorage a
year ago.
Mr. Bockelie la with the air
force statiored at Elmandorf
air base at Anchorage.
AMONG those In Portland
for the holiday were Mr. and
Mrs. Jamea R. Linn to attend
a family dinner at the home of
Mrs. Linn's sister, Mrs. Leola
be guests of Mrs. O. B. Robert
son and Mrs. John Kelly.
Dance Club
The Fortnlgnters Dancing
club plans Its monthly dance
at the Four Corners Commu
nity hall Saturday night, No
vember II. It will be a box
Hosts for the evening will
be Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess,
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Bud
nucnie, roruana.
MISSES Cynthia Bourne and
Sharon Anderson an to be
hostesses at the home of the
former for one of the parties
being given Friday evening
preceding the Job's Daughters
(jueen a Hill.
Guests will include Misses
Jeanette DahL Jeanine Bran
non, Anne Jones, Gall Blush,
Opal Vaughn and Bruce
Michles, Gordon Elwood, Dean
Quamme, Dean Guard, Fred
Roae, Bruce Bleckert, and Gar
ret Boedigheimer.
Thanksgiving holiday were
Mrs. William H. Lytle, Mrs.
Dsvid Bennett Hill and Vernon
Hill to be guests of Mrs. Ly tie's
sister, Mrs. Howard Gattie.
Duo Tells
Announcement it b e 1 a e
made by Mr. and Mrs. Richard
A. Gooding of St Paul of the
engagement of their daughter
Miss Patricia Anna Gooding!
to James E. Kirk, son of Mr
and Mrs. Peter P. Kirk, also'
of St. PauL .
A Christmas time wedding la
planned, the ceremony to t
solemnized the morning of De
cember 18 in St Paul's Catho
lic cnurcn, uie rceptioa fol.
lowing to be in the City hall.
Miss Gooding la a gradual
of S'. Paul schools.
Mr. Kirk attended school
St PauL later Columbia pre
paratory school in Portland,
Het'served in the army is
LEAVING today for Chicaae
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Hrubetz and daughter, Diana.
Mr., and Mrs. Hrubetz will at
tend the annual Showman's
convention and Miss Hrubetz
will take some special ballet
training while there. The fam
ily will be gone 10 days.
yi ...A
IP i 1J
I (01 oo
Q j 35 00
Day Time
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3-3191
Shop Now for Toys
Lionel 5-unit Smoking Freight: Locomotive with headlight, tender,
gondola, tank car, caboose, all with automatic uncouples. 50-watt
transformer 24.95
Velocipede, wire basket, ball
bearing wheels. 3 sizes 21.00
to 23.95
Large woven fiber Carriage
with rubber tires. For doll to
23 inches 6.75
Folidng Table, Chairs. Steel
frame, Masonit top. Red up
holstery 17.50
21-pc. Metal Blue Willow Tea
Set. Serves 4; teapot, sugar and
creamer .-. 98c
Colorful plastic Too Too Twain
chug-chugs as it rolls along.
Only 2.89
Plastic Auto Transport. 2 autos
detachable steel trailer . .2.29
Road Grader, scraper, 18 in.
long, scale model. Adjustable
scraper 5.39
Bulldozer Tractor with treads.
Shoots exhaust sparks. Climbs,
pulls 1.98
Plastic Farm Cart and Horse.
Clock-spring motor; horse will
trot 1.95
Deluxe Paint Set completely
equipped for budding young
artists 2.98
Shj Shine Bank. Coniplete kit
for shining shoes, slot holds
coins 1.98
8" Animals in wonderful wash
oble vinyl plastic. Cotton filled.
Only 98c
12" Latex Blanket Baby, toft
vinyl head, sleeping eyes,
"coos." 2.95
I4"i Latex Boby with curloble, rooted So ran hair. Baby Is well
dressed for all occasions with 6 different outfits in luggage-type
traveling ease 9.95
1 6" Latex Baby in knitted bon
net, sweater. Has molded vinyl
head 4.9
Shop Wards Monday and Friday Nights Until 9