r 4 I 4 V to I- 4 t 9 v t V t r. a of M A u I- 1- t r- M M la ll 7 w la T It It Thursday, November 26, 195J DENNIS the MENACE 'flit, J DOtfT TH IKK HER PIB AUTOMOBILES rOK IALI m trade. 1040 Cher. Bedaa. JU4M, JMBttT. X. IltKMO, JoffmOB. M4 IN MBBCCBY sedan fat food condition; MUlpped with rtwllo. bilr, tmrdrlve, an4 anenr ether accessories. Will e 9 trade-la, OAtf out arrange terms. P&OCtO 0-43 31. qlll IN BUICK Buper Bedanette. Low mlle MO. Verp elean. Phone l-0lf, 1H M. Mr. "31 1M0 XCXCCBT hardtop. RAH. Msrc-O JaPetle, two-toot paint. tinted fleas, white eldoweU Urea, wUKUhltid wash ra. Mat covers, t. This cat la la tag maculate condltkm with low sMltais. PtlTete party. Call i-UH alter I p.m. WU1 tekt trade and arraut Urai. 2S4 IT TOD AEI LOOKING for a clean car hat U reasonably priced, try thia one. 104 Pontlac. Hydramatk. radio and healer. Will sell to best offer before December 1st. Phone 1-313. V MX' IT SELL. 104T Chrysler sedan, falf n laader IcUTlor, low mileaee, one ewn ar, RAH, perfect condition. Must ere to appreciate, cell S-1011 dsrs; l-isoo tree. Terms can be ar rani aL 3M $$ FOR $$ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 'M Mu CP. . UI 1 '4T Mu, BAH K DODGE T Club CP... RiH 41 MERCURY 4 ttit. RH I M FORD 'W . RH I M '41 d BEST FOR LESS 'll cu.Troltt cm. cpa i '42 Pontlac 0Cpf 11 'U ttudiklicr (Comm.) II It DchU, ' . WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. 660 N. LIBERTY FII. 2-4113 42(1' sicrj DESTDUVS at nnn a nxT.TTXW. Hit) AH Pordomatie. radio, heat-, two tone laathtr InUrior. beautiful nntsh IHM i tmn erwsriAL, xdiR Dm a flew, radio, heater, tun atfoala, waehers, ' baca-ap lUbte. et. Custeei twa tone interior. One owner it. 41 Milaa. va hara eoainleta terftee 9dim M DKSOTO CUSTOM B1PAW One ewaer ei.tll nllea. epotleeo oob diuoa. aotonatte transailsslon. Urn aicnaia, deluxe heater I13M a imri tncuL axDAKFT Drnaflow. radio, heater, torert, M. 400 snUee, we bare aemco record 13M I 4T aulak wedae. .... '41 Posuiaa Sedaaet '40 Chevrolet Sodas '41 Olds Bedaa IS VUotfs better Itod Car fDn a liVrek Pealef OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Cmmmnm ,1 Cantor rkooo 1-JtJJ (iisfrcflfis X SQUARE By Ketchnm fS SO 8W( MQIA J AUTOMOBILES U3I PLYMOUTH Suburban, 1300 mllM. owner Plum rn4. U BUCK Speclel nil. SIM Crawford ATI. FMnt MIH. US) 1J rORD Victoria, MtB. Automatic arm, oincr extras, lo Bmeeee. reel clean. Consider trada of elder ear. Call Darton ttinlnw. 10X1, 10X30. alM LOOK! OWNER MUST SELL 1B93 WILLYS ACE TUDOR ONLY 4 MOS. OLD DRIV EN B.PD0 CAREFUL MILES EQUIPPED WITH RADIO, HEATER te OVERDRIVE, TU TONE PAINT, W. W. TIRES. COST NEW $2650. SACRIFICE. $1,995 CAR BI TON AT ' ELSNER MOTOR CO. H. Hub (Urn ' (US' 1M7 rOKD. Prlc. IM. PhMU 1-3II1. 42U till Lrnn Avtout. 1IK CHIV. Hulir Dtiiu. Iit.u.nt eon 41UOB.. Phoo IM7I. 1IM Pirrr. 4312 THE BEST DEAL IN SALEM For a Car or Pickup, mA UUME TO TME aj STAR MOTOR CO. 'TI Hot Weekend Buys! 51 CADILLAC . .$2695 4door "01" sedan. Loaded with extras. White wall tlrea electric window Hfta. 51 PLYMOUTH .$1195 CTUnbTOflfe 4-door IMltt, J-tOOt paint, Terr low mlleece, apoUass, It'a the beet of Plnnouthsl MERCURY ...$995 4-door aedan, radio, heater, vrwr 4jriTt, new paint. Zt'i aleaa 40 orar and a barsalnl 49 PONTIAC "6" $995 AHloor atdaa. radio. Dt4r, nyflra xnatlc; a raallr Alca oar to drlral MANY MORI CARS AND PICKUPfl TO CH006I PROUI These cars carry our SO' day guarantee. COME IN LET'S TRADE STAR MOTOR CO. Union at X. Coml I AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO BAD1ATOB TBOUBLET Valla? Motor Co4 oipcrta win aoivo roar yroo- lana and aava roa Konar. rrao 411 Biatoa, apaodr Hrrloo. Oantor At 14b .... .OOOOOOOO.O 00, TRUCKS 10 IVTIENATIONAL pickup. Xxcellent eondltlon. Phone l-oiu. mra. oaaei 1M4 t-TONE. 1 speed. Cher, flat bed with ereln bot. with or wuaoui 7- tncti hoist. Phone 41190. qdl' laaa noDr.l oanel W ton. Low mlleate. Almost new 0 pir neevy ejnty urn. OOvO. Btm Art Tile, io roTUana na. odiw HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-l CAT FOh HIRE. Phono 1-0440. W11- Ham Phillips. I3 ADTama ri qe w FINANCIAL AUTO LOANfl WUXAMrTTl CREDIT CO. 103 atoulh Church Patluna a-Pienty FH. 1-140T lie. He, M-100, sVlM LOANS UP TO $1500 am Alml-r-. P-rrattBrO. C4T AT PERSONAL. It "na" pnarttr to onptoro, 4MB m womam. a l-nalt looa . . . PboM Urat 0 Tom talocl boat ao.rmot Saw Mrril papdar loau " Pnona. wtiu or cobo ! TODATI Personal Finance Co. IN a BIOS ST, aALKbt a,...' Mm. al. M-US Laau aror IU4 op to 11444 ud to ta aaoatbo to rooar nado bp Poraoaal Plnanco Co. of Marlon Co.Btr ondor th. lnduUlal Loaa Componl44 A of Oraaom. TttV K ' SM OS POR PARM. CTTT OR ACREAGE . LOAjas PBrrr ur .mnmm WE SOY Boal astati Moruataa 4, wblruts State Finance Co. in aa. xirb at n. t-iin RIAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTiEKT CO. OOF NT t OBWIRpl "ll W7 Curt itw 4-223 AUTOMOBILE TWS yicCON USED CAR J 2S 3 UNION STRUT ACROSS PROM HVMUtMMlMM '470LDS9S4-DR. M btaat Buk, BX. ww Unit broxanutla. kniiM, $195 dn. $31.41 mo. '49 MERCURY CLUB ,. Ollatonln, Hm flaUk kttbiarbtod vitk vans wl uraa. aaa. vi otina. oonantitir rrtniit autor. $335 dn. $4447 mo. iiurr ma makis and iiodu to caooti rtmt, ,4 AMD OP. JVE ARE CLOSING OUT, OUR CONVERTIBLE STOCK ' 48 rORD, NEW FINISH AND TOP ' . i 2 '47 CHEV.. NEW FINISH, R&R '47 BUICK SUPER, ALL ACCESSORIES TOO CAM ALH04R BAIO TOOTI OWN TBUOL AUT MAKWABLI oma AcewTxa war vow at too mem. tserr POST AVTO SALES 1! S. Ib Stita MERCURY HARDTOP RAH, reran.,, wnu. mmu wrw, trtttlr.wMt booi H'l , bMuulnl Mrl 12 STOOEBAKXa CHAMP HAADTOP RA014, BIt4T, rQri. 'HMtmCDRT BPOFT CtOB COUP RMlo. hum. ot.nHlfi. prtmlum ahArpwt, .irt'CateblD, can ta 0ltml 1 RASH BTATISMAH 4-DOOR Radio, healar, 441.4, makaa Into M OLDS t, CONVERTTBLt , RAH. ardra. urat, Tmi Awa. BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOX SOX I rah. lnb ,ta luuB. wkiK noawAiU tt'i tar nn m ptouo to onl . i f, CHEVROLET CLUB COUPES (I) Both hava radio, haatar, on. with ponrilUM, sou 1m ueauanl onoi tlon. Your 4hok4l'. , 'IS CHEVROLET ArrtlELIMX I I 4-door d.lux. .adas, baator, blto ald.waH Uraa. lt'1 la por(4tt 40 dltloo. and wbat priori . 'II DODOS COUPS I I Radio, baator, rood Uraa. oteu Ifamt hoot. tt PRAZEX MANHATTAN Xtatar, 4T4rdrlv4, antra. il PLTUOUTH (21 A alub 40BM and tudor, Mcoiaorloa. 'IS PONTTAO aEDARETTI Haatar, vblta wall Uraa, IM Uask il DaSOTO 4-DOCm Koua. ntus drlT4, nana taac . I CHRYSLER WIHD04l 4-DOO .,",,, Radio, baatar, flat, Olra, Boo, Una, II PONTTAO STLVXR STREAK ' 4-DOOR Radio, baator, Aoal Mr.ro. a iwai 41 CHTVROLrr AERO xaa,rlrw Urao, annaao vhaalav raadar aura, tb, ai44M Mr at kn, tort Uka 47 PONTIAO SEDAN Radio, haaur, 1044 UT44. 'IS XAtX -004- CLUB COOPX a-adta, ktor. rrtrSrtra, SIT tBaa, laao than T4.044 acual muaa. Toil bar, ao AO, I, Wpr44lAt4. FINANCIAL CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 FRED SCH0TT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS Lie s-ui and M-JJI and ROT It. SIMMOM INSURANCE AND LOANS H.ar 'Top Trodaa" U It Datlr KALM lrH Ka. GENERAL PINANCX CO. LOANS 114 So. CO-a-Mttlal aa. T4L 1-4111- TRAILERS WANTED SUBSTANTIAL i-nhaal trail. tr, i a capoenr. Pb. 4-1144. UM HOUSE TRAILERS Bur TRAILER BOS1XS San Trada Rob, ' LARA LANS TRAILER PLAZA 1.44 Lona Ara. MACHINERY A. r, CAT. B- 0, Armor and Blad.. A- 4onluoA. I1.M4 04. PboM Dallaa aoao. a. . aunoarrao, afanoitb. Or... St. A, MA 40. LEGALS KOTKY CALL TOte CITT OP BUTJCtst MpAVXTaUffT BONOS IMlco hereby atrea there) tpttat iwnm on itatM appitoaaie to tte par ment thereof, the City of eUlem, Marieei Couatr. Oreeoa hae elactats te ceJl par redeneptlev oej 4?ao'r 1, int. th 14 pwertnt oaamerated "Cltr at aim Imv- raweeaont iVeetda lawma of 100 1 -A' M to 00 BKtaslre. KaldtTe at thaeo botvis theai far panBeat at the afrieo a? tba City Treasurer, aa Interest win teas alter Jaaaarp 1, itM. PAUI M. HAOSETl. atr Treasurer jjjjff sirrrrtfrrrrs!'s?TTs?rr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJm, OnfM AUTOMOBILES ym - - 48 CHEVROLET 2-DR. ' Attrartlva an Mhm flnub wiik aaaunia, 4441 4o.ra. aaata., r prfMt Mi $195 dn. 13L41 mo. '51FORD4-DR. Bceaomkal " with beautiful fiauk with avetchlne leath- erttta taMrtvr Ml ! brawn trim, wheal m awaw. $395 dn, $53.90 mo, , ..." m.w . ......IUt MU aMiwaIU. H,r, kwiIIU I l bad- 41 SM I ,.SN tlaUb, elfin. ., raaUr nloa. barsoisl tt . tt, DIRECTORY ADDDTO MACHDTII All makes need aieehiaee eord. reatod, repair. Mea, ate ceurv n, i-otti. ULLDOEiyO BuUdoalnc, rals. elearlnc teeth. Tir ol! Hoaxer, 1010 Pmlrrlew. wbotM 1-1 1U. t04 COMMERCIAL TTPINO Also direct mall edvartlslac. JUTHAM aw ut, nee noieaie. a BXCATATIKO Ben Otjen eoa, excaratlna i OTadlM. Lan4 elaarln. Ph. t-OOM. Me rNSt'LATTOJf Insulation. wsatbersUlpe, atom sash. Prte astlnatea. T. Pullmaaw Phone i-wce. el4' MATTEBStlfl Capitol Beddlnc movataa. FuU new BBattreesee. Ph. 1-4000. OWCI PTJEWrrfEB e UPTLrit Vmk ehalra. fllee. flllna auertleA. aafaa. tepUeat4vrs, auppuea. desk kupt, trpa wrltwr stands. Itewm, 40 Ooart. r WtPTK? TAITKI Hlke-s aeptto eavrrtee. Tanke alsaoed. rooter eueoju oewera, ttraJM. rhene 1-0400 em asaal'a tveptte tank swrrlo. Oaaraateed 1-744, t4rTT4. Phane 0114 KPT1C TAIfKt ewer, twptlo tanks, 4ralaut aleaned. wto-Koater tMwer oMrTieo. 1-U37. ' TTPKWB1TEKI mttb. Corona, RvTaiMtoa. lUrebt. V- aerweea MtvUrM. jui mmchmm. 1U pairs 4 rent. Cwart. 1-07T1. WDTDOW CLE A WIN Q Asrme Window Cleanere. &sdUbTaTtoi near waxrne. lMaiaecJeasaa. leaw tVOlIT, 0T Court, O- HIT BT CAR, THEN FLNID . Denver, Colo. "JJS Charles M on toys, 29, was fined tit yesterdsy for getting hit by an automobile at t busy downtown intersection. Municipal Judge H. J. Rawlinson Jr. told Mon toys he btd no business trying to cross the street against 'do not walk" light and It was SrE1 ' Here art h6w&' tome W tht thingi that wtnl Into Think, giving -Day - gift boxet for tht needy of tht com munity, tod tome S tht young women of tht Home pconomlct Club at Salem High School who prepared the boxes that are gii from the club. From left In picture, Margaret HUdreth, Cecil Faye Carroll, Ruby Prentice, and Janet Klopfenrteiii. Scores Offer Homes to Boys at MacLaren School By NANCY ASHBAUOfl - Don Miller, tuperviior of homt placement at MacLar en achool for Boys, lays he la much gratified at the genuine interest of people willing to help when there is a need. Miller referred to the more than 85 telephone calls receiv ed the morning after the' Capi tal Journal ran a story asking for 17 or more off campus homes for 17 boys due for pa- PrincipalAdmits Spanking Youth Jaesson. Tenn. iff) A high school principal was charged with assault and battery after ha spanked one of his students. M. G. sAndcrson, head of North Side High school, was accused in a warrant obtained yesterday by A. G. Neely, fa ther of the 14-year-old pupil, Randolph Neely. ' Neely aald hit son yelled while seated in a school bus Nov. 13 and Anderson took him off the bus and whipped him with a tennis racquet The boy's finger was so badly cut it re quired a stitch, the warrant stated. Anderson said young Neely "let out a war-whoop" while he was talking to the students. 'I asked him to come to my office. There I used a table-ten nis paddle snd do not deny that I whipped him, for be needed it" A ueuliig will be belli Dec. Rotary to Entertain Foreign Students A demonstration in friend' ship along International lines will be attempted during the Christmas holidays by the Sa lem Rotary club. The club expects to contact four foreign students attend ing Willamette university who will be guests in the homes of Rotarians during an entire week while class work Is sus pended for Christmas. Each foreign student will be taken into a single home for period of 2.4 hours before moving on to another. - The plan waa explained to the club membership Wednes day noon by Elmer Berglund, Chairman of the International committee. Soroptimists Otfer Parts of Old Clock Some of tht parts that were discarded from the old Court house clock when it was moved to City Hall are In the Hands of tht Soroptimists and are tor ssle. The parts, about 20 of .them. art small, and lncluda gears, shafts, pinions, eto4 and pol ished they would make good paperweights or eraaments for Christmas gifts. Tht Soroptimists will have them for sale when it putt on , a benefit baiaar December S , tt 169 South Commercial to I raise money to be applied to; the transfer of the clock to the City Hall. , , ' ! AUTOMOBILE DITCHED ' i Pour Corners Aa automo bile driven by Cyril Brewer, Mill City, skidded in loose gravel between Four Corners snd Mill creek Tbursdsy morning, csreening Into the ditch. Brewer sad his young daughter, Rcgine, escsped Injury.' STUDENTS HELP NEEDY Ha .role .from the training school. In addition to calls Miller said that many people eamt personsuy to the school, responded were a prominent Among those who promptly attorney, father of three chil dren, an older couple with a large home and five acres, a cabinet maker and ncny oth ers. Calls were received from as fsr away as Gaston, and H ills bo ro although most calls were from Dallas, Monmouth snd the Salem area. Miller has made a rtslting-the-home appointment with each caller and will bave com pleted these first lnterviwes by Wednesdar, After the excellent reSDonse by telephone, MUler aald that they were expecting many In quiries by mail. Some of those calling were hoping they could have tht boy by Thanksgiving but Ma ler explained tbat ha must have more time to match boy with a homt. Those who called, and eagerly signified an interest In taking any child, Miller refer red also to adoptive agencies, as well at reminding them that under an act of congress per mitting entry of 200,000 dis placed persons, 4000 of whom are children of adolescent and preadolescent age, and all of whom are orphans, there will be an excellent opportunity for all people, who want to help children. . Bill, the "tad" boy was spe cifically ske4 for by many of the first who called accord ing to Miller, and all the boys are certain to bave a homt by Christmas, ht added. Man Reported Dead for 24 Years Returns Home Nsshville, Tenn. () Pui- zled lawyers said today there is no legal precedent to many ot the angles stemming from the complex esse of Thomas C. Buntin, and his former sec retary who turned up in Orange, Tex., yesterday after 22 years. They said they could not re call a esse In which a state court had declared a man legally dead, his Insurance had been paid under that ruling, and the man reappeared alive as did Buntin. One attorney said the Ten nessee Supreme Court could set aside Its decision, handed down In 1042, declaring Bun tin dead. This, he said, might remove soma of tht complica tions. - Others tsid that payment of Insurance to heirs ot sup posedly deed person who later art found alive usually art handled under a mutual "mis take of fact" ruling. But they added there was no mutual mistake la the Bun tin east. Tht New York Life Insur B. . L Laaa. ta Dr. a. com. BJX nas. 4JHAN tbl LAM CHINUBI NATTjR-OrATTfi tlpoUtn, t41 North Ubcrty Offloo onob aotordap oolr, 14 am to I .ai.l I to 1 la OoeoAlUttan, blood praoror, aw, vrtAo taau ar. frM ahorvo. Piootltod Mooo HIT. WrlU tor AMTMUr, SUV NO MaV 2 llaiional Forests Merged . Portland (JV-Tht W,Howa and Whitman National 'orests will be combined for adminis tration next July 1 with head' quarters at Baker. The chief effect, Regional Forester J. Herbert Stone aald Wednesday in announcing the change, will be to eliminate the office at Enterprise, which now la Headquarters for tht Wal lowa National rorett It wlU be knows as the Wal lowa-Whlttnaa rarest. Baker, eurrentry headquar ters for Whitman National For est, may get alight Increase in personnel In the supervisor's office. Personnel in the Wal lowa headquarters will have an opportunity for transfer aa va cancies occur la the Northwest. The change also provides for transfer of the Blue Moun tain ranger district supervision from the Whitman to tht Mai' hour National Forest. Searching for Gum, Youngster Gets Lost You know how tt is when you want a atlck et gum badly, you go look for tome. That's tht way 2-yetr-old Ricky Bonesteele felt Wednes dsy afternoon as ht tat alone In his mother s ear in the too block of Court street And that's whst he did. He went and looked for some. A friendly pedestrlsn saw him wandering around In the rain and took him to the police station where be found what be waa wsntlnt a stick of rjrr. given him by the desk sergeant Ricky had lust got well start ed on the gum and waa look ing at a comic book when in walked Mom, Mrs. Wallace Bonesteele, Jr., 3330 Azalea treet Relieved mother and son were soon on their way horns gum and alL ance Co., which paid $30,000 in Insurance on Buntin' life. had never "been a party to a misteke. The company, believing staunchly that Buntin waa alive, resisted psyment through th state court. It paid only wnen tweeted to do ao by the slate supreme Court. Then, after 22 years of hunt ing their man, th insurance company disclosed earlier this month they'd found him to bear out their contention that he was very much alive. The legal status of Betty McCuddy, who wss fonnd In Orange living at Buntin' wife under the nam ot Palmer. presents a somewhat different problem. No insursnee problem was involved but she did htvt an Interest in a oiiilioa dollar es tate left by a great uncle. It went to the sen of Lwr only brother. The brother it desd. WALNUT MEATS . -f - . ' . Highest Cosh Prices Willamette Nut Shelters Pm u Search on for i lissing Plane IVlanAniAn. Alia. jP-f1, but cold weather was forecast Wednesdsy aa It) civil laa and BCAF planet launched what waa expected to be tht last large-scale aostrea of sort he ra Alberta for a misting private) plane tad its occupants, tht) pilot, a seriously, ill polio pa. tint and t doctor. ,i- Tht search began after tht ' plane disappeared Sunday night w a STS-mlla flight aoutheaat from Grande Prairie to tdmoototi. Aa armada of 22 search planet was up Tutelar- s Gordon McDonald. 12-year. old wartime pilot, radioed tht Edmonton control center Sunday . night that adverse weather conditions and Icing conditions were to return to the northern town. Later. after having back-tracked about 23 miles, be messages that the flight would be re sumed to Edmonton, ; t lArs TO BI REPATRIATED Maliuru, Japan W) The Japanese repatristion ship nwau jnani owuctt ouuay 1UJ the Russian port of Nakhodka to bring home S10 Japanese de tained by Russia since World War n. The ship la expected back here Monday. . During tht depression 1130s, scientists estimated that U.S. population would level oft at about 134 million people, bat the nation now hat more thai. 100 mlUion. . Mid-Willamette Obituaries ' Roy R. Fromon -' Albany Roy R. From an, SS native of Albany, died in a lo cal hospital Tuesdsy after a short Illness. The funeral will be at the Fisher Funeral home at 10:30 a.m., Friday. Mr. Pro- man, son of a prominent pio neer family, haci made his horn in Albany all his life. Kis fa ther was the late Grant Fro- for many years Linn county assessor. The deceased was never married, A sitter. Mrs. vernita Lamb, llvaa iq Portland. . J, Thomas A. Roiling V? Woodburn Thomas An thony Railing, ST, died at hit home, Sow m. f tb at, wood- burn, Wednesday night, lie had been 111 for several monua. Funeral announcement will be ' made by tht Bingo Funeral ChapeL DEATHS Walter P. Melt Walter F. Matt, la keel s.eepHal Ko. M, at the aee at 04. Lest raaUdaot of W4 Myrtle Ave. tlurrlved a wife. Mr a. Lrdla Motti three lAUh(eA, eUitet Chlpnea. Portland. Mildred Clark, Pall Creek, and Uarlro DraadtSatt. Albaari three eons, Donald, feoaald and Kmesi Mott, aU af talsm; three sMp-eUashUraa xreoattTaau Arlsne Heppne"5eiea.i twa slstera. Mrs. Oraeo atoinller, Mot stottase. S. Dn, and Mrs. Bertha Beltee, BealUa, Wash, Mesa bee at the Nasareao ehurch of aHlem. Auemeenwnt af aawrteai lexer hf ,.t)ti-Mweeat vnaMa. , Bleaaeo Stelaar . Bteanor Burner, let resident of lit West CUT. Moonouth, Ore. Ann ovate meat ot Mrvleee la let bp the We T, Bio aas Chapel, Blancb Ovia SI ttitl 4ttr. ttavavbaf 24. Lata raatdaat of oraau PaM. Oro- aoa. arar.tM4 oomeaa ui a. prwar. Movambar ST At Bk Barbara', Ormatarp ubdor In oUrooUoa ! too W. T. SUMoa Coapanp, Martha . Both Mr a. itartba a, Dana, iit, miatat .lam, at a loaal naralbs ba, Mov. 22. at aha 444 ol IT r.ara. tArrlne bp ,ABM4 PAT14. B014M. 144110 DarlA OarvAla. X. T. Porta, MAmt4aano, Waab. and atobort Doha BOblco. Calll.l daaibUr. Mr a. Tborom Hlata, atataaa. ana , rwaiarir tiuaua aaarcn ,ai iiaaa oa too Pirat Cb.i ot 4ba MaoArabo, aalas. arrU44 Prtdar, Dor. tl At I p.m. Is IM HO4U-AMV4r44 CbAPOl WTO IM JMT. Wllllaa Clap Ittlolallna. Abt4rMaal At Balaraal Mamorlal rub. aarrop Ooora, Blnrabiaaa Sinn Ooorto Murenuo4, tn A taral boapllAl Boo. to. Lou raaMWal of La Oraada. eorrtrod bp paronto, Mr. and Mr,. Sari Marablaost autar. Rata Ma, Maranuoo: braabar, Danlal Marablaaoi OAS ,randfatb4P, Daa Mor4blM. All o( La OrODd.. Anaouor.moBl of 44rrka lAttr bp nrstl T. oaldaa Cbapal. Job T. araor Jolut V. aroobor, lata r44ld4bt 4f IttS X. tth St., ol AUatr.aU Nor. 14. SorvlvaS bp wlfa. Mra. Jor Bronnar. Balaax, Barr. Ieaa.wlll b. baM at Uio VlriU T. OolSn Cbap.1. PrMar. Nor. IT ,t 144 P.M. In Ura.ot .1 loop caiiUrr. Danob. Or a. -Th. Rar. a X Mooarrar. Mood Rirn, and tko Bar. T. AV JasnAU, aolaav all! atnalala. Mart Milter Mr4 Law raaidanl of Troaldala. Orona, ta tbat oltp Momioor St ot Um an of 44 r4r4. Bai.l.Ml br bapaavA lrr. Wis Mraro, Orooa Clip, Virtu Mrara. lada pabAtorti alaaaA MrA Mabal M10, aa. brat, Mra. and, BovalL Alnv An babbiiatant of oomeaa ami bo tud, lator bp Ib4 XovoO-Bdorbrd, CbaaoL (ntttal MISL f Journal Want Ads Pay his own fault the car bit him.