Tturdy, KoTmbr It, 1953 Pag 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. OrtfM FOft SALE HOUSES Only $800 Down for this S bedroom DREAM HOME! Se the fa mom Lockwood Home that hat all of Salem gasping with ad miration. - 04? B . PL I MrMii Lett 4 living room and din in area w;th few picture window Beautifully designed fcitehea with neural birch cabinets 4) Both ahowsr aad tub 4) It. ward-; nM flwti la all bedrooms Maid wood floor f) Thsrmo-coa; oiled fell! - er gas luniKi a) lnaulsu u4 wsath- er stripped 4J uric lriii room 4 Tottr choice of est trior and In (trior eolore 4) down payment If you ova let 4) Appro. M H per M. iBClUd' lag interest, teaes. Insurance, at. ALL THESE WONDERFUL features far only MJM.M ORDERS ARC NOW BEINO TAKEN, BO Biff TO MODEL HOME TODAT1 PHONE I-UU BY BUILDER I bedroom house, full basement with double garage, party room wlta fire place and plumbing for bath, connect ing entry and hall, birch doors and kltehsa with book, ceramic tile vanity and tub recess tn beta, utility on aim floor, lot 40 143 It, 1.34 m rt. 344 Wut MoOtlehrUt. Price llt.oOt. Call L. A. Whitney, 1-4439. 4383 BY OWNER Poor bedrooms, two baths, two fireplaces, playroom, double ga rifi, View. CASH, TRADES or TERMS. Fhene 1-4443. e344 4 BEDROOMS Located star Leslie School ea WU btr Btrttt In an area of fin honu. 1 bedrooms down and 3 upitslrs. Liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room, attached sarase- Nice lawn and shrubs. Call us for aa ap pointment. Priced at 813.4O0.O0. Just u.iov.ot sowa wlta pha terms. NEW BASEMENT Brerrthinr yea would eipect ta find ' at a bout, i bedrooms, fireplace, auta. oil furnace, birch kitchen. Blo-fen, HW floors, fonnlea counter tops, bullt 1 vanity la bath, birch wardrobe ' alescte, full basement. Located near taboo) and bite, tatoo with 43.400- down. ABRAMS, BOURLAND . & SKINNER 411 MASONIC BUILDING Tnturance Real Pitete Mnrteeife Imri Oftlee: I-431T Office; 1-4709 or Mill e3ti' NORTH $7950 Won't yoa come live with met After f yeare my owner a have moved away and I need new frtenda. Mr 3 bedrooma and alee fireplace and beeement and auie cuneite will help maae you nappy. Aad I'm aot going to need deeoretlncf Tea a garage and extra carport too. only 1 block to bua line. Why don't you ee me today? X can be youra for 7. lie with tenaa. Call Bowaa Wood, Ph. 4-3113, art, S-0433. S24 N. Ktgh. , a3 I $18,900 CANDALARIA Hew t-bedroom. birch di mah. flnlih, tlBlahad bajirment with eitra batb and fireplace. 333 Alice. Ph. 3-Mlt. a3M Y OWNEK. lluit aell attractive two bedroom home, attached a arte. Man- - brln aardeaa. Priced for aultk aale. t -am. a33 REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS B liver ton, Oregon rms. Sj bath, plaster e wired for ganse. electric water heater, s areas, oed-slaed lot. paved street, nice loca tion. 33.300 00 Aa low aa U00 00 down. Roomy 3 bedroom home In good con dition, large utility, etc.. all one floor ott beautiful bit lot nrar catholic church (over H acrei. pailo and out door fireplace. SutDTnor kitchen, etc. iaoI ahU oveT. Yeu will ltae It 44. tO0 00. Terms. T rm. At bath utility, all one floor, hardwood fioori, ell I urn ft, fireplace, plastered, cement foundation Btautt ful yard, floe location, tio.wxt oo. Easy ; terms. J About 3 orrea on hlehaav. rloee in Oood rm. B bath, fim concrete bate Bieat, plastered, wired for ranse, electric- water heater. eU Double aarase. green bouse, 3 chicken homes. A dandy I 110.600 00 34 acrea. all ruintatrd. Willamette Valley soil. Very good 3 bedroom home. aU en a floor, rement foundation, wired for Tense, electric heat, nice bath and utility, beautiful knotty pine dinette. New barn a good one), double ca ress. Irrigation well (Owner ears will trruate who.e p.ace), peted road. All routes 314.000 00. Tsrma. 41 acres, nesrly all cult It at ed. 3 mtu atea from Salem. 8 creeks plus man made lake. About 3 acrea But trees. No bulMincs, eicellrnt land and build toe aite an mala his n way tl.0 00 ' 7k arrea. W cultivated. 0 rm and bath houee, wired for rsnir. elrctrlc water heater. Dojble aarate. barn. etc. Onod-lrd creek Irrlas'ion and new trr lg at Inn equlpmrnl. lrrlcated pac tum. A fine place oa pared rood All routes $14 000 00 Terms 1 IT acre. 30 c.iltnated, I gtTAnf sprine 1 t -n. haUi houe. wired for rente Abn smaller rlaatrred twite A verv well-fiwucted do try barn 43' x KV with two built-in stloe ery larre h atnraie Lores stone fruit houe Pato itnraia dranary machine shed, etc This Is a wonderful tame, I is. coo oo We have otheT Itt.nes Call or wtue for our catalogue. Before peu buy, rent ar sell-- contact lha HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, ORKCOX To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I l..ftIHn ADVIRTIIVll Per Ward. 0 times 1 Per Rerd Per Herd. 3 timet le Per Herd. I mentb ... aa No Berd Mlatmen 14 er4a READER la lexal Neva Telema Only, Per Word 1 Minimum 14 Were. Ta Finer- Ad In Kamr Otr's Pbwp. Thonp J-24M Brforc 10 a.m. 'I'li'i'ifi'ir twt I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SHORT OH MONET We aaa hi row get eterted a Roane ownership. If ran ara renting a heme at tho present yen gas. ba bay tu oa of tho leleewlao: a. Cat t bedroom heme witb a dendv kitchen and oxtra laraa umr Pavod atrtat and aloaa W baa Uaa. 41M bbd four teraoe. t. BmaO vaflBiabod bodeom aoau a ti acra. 1M aa. ft. wf able tea Bauaa far brollert at bona. Oeod location eauta. ItMt and roar terau- . Bipaaaloa home, la Bouth Belawt. cm I aew blab exbaoL Bioall elmeet aow fcomo with bokrauat. dMtined for additwoal noma aa Boaad, AMM aad yan term. Ml Boutb Blab ' Pbaaa t-tMl BalaaKM'l Pboaae: vaalaaa aad Auadara C-1IT1, 1-laM -i;a. a-aill. I-IU4. f-U7 ROY TODD Real Estate 160 ACRES Aa airapttoaattr rood I bdrm. farm homo. Large ebtep bare. Cow barn witb stanchion. Numtroua ehhtr out bldaa. 1 fUb and duck ponde. M acraa In cultivation. 4 acrea la airawetrrloa. Bal, la paature and eutever timber. Peacad aad aroaa-fencod, SMi ml. te alee Lhrlvinf town. Only 31,M ar W1U trade lor court. SANTA CLAUS IS HERE We have a lovely I bdrm. borne I pre. old. Ltv. rm. large enouab for good TV reception. Larte klt.4ia. comb. Larte att. ear. 14 a 130 let. Cloa to echooU. tranaportatloa and atorea. Price on thla home luat IT.OOf. Baa aoaabl dowa parmeat. SUBURBAN ACREAGE CONTRACTORS SPECIAL 4 Acrea trr. old I bedr. borne. ChMe la anuth. Wonderful view build ing eitea. Slt.tOf, wm take car la trade aa ear at the above. Roy Todd, Realtor Sill State Bl- Office Phone: 9-ffttl Bvealnaa caJl: Vandercort 3-I3M; Bimpaon. 1-3313; Rucb 1-71; Todd 3-17JU cS $500 DOWN To atate OI. Clean, modem t-bed room home. Corner lot. Big workroom. Ui titty. Immediate poaeteaM. 9?,3M. Beay paymeota. St. Vincent's Area Very fine 3-bedroom home only 1 yaara old. Plrtplace. Baiement. Oil furnace. Deep lot. ll0,P4tf. Only ll.aOO down. RAMSEY, REALTOR 1014 North Commercial Office 4-3311 Bve. Al Bender. Baleaman, 1-7444 Bve. Jim Banuer, 4-1133 JIJ LOCATION BUY! 413 North list Btraet. t BRj., living rM, kltehtn. Moae;n itsu. Utl.lL room, gereae, oil clr. goea with place. Lot la eOiltV Lawa, flowers aad trees. pTlte ta l&.too 00. Oood Urma. NORTH Owner sayg aelL 3BRs. living room, kitchen. Modern house, witb unfin ished apatalre. Also baiement. Oaraae. Largo lot. Price Is 33.33000. 1,000 down. Abrama, Bourland & Skinner 411 MA8OH10 BOILDtlia Eitttt iDlur.BC Uartcu, Loan, orn: i-nit svh: i-iim tr i-7oi an mm mi WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Car As Part Payment Tea, this owner will accept a late modal car aa part varment on this al most new home. Locetton very deilr ab.e. Quiet at. Insulated. 3 blks. to but. PU. at. Lawa and ehruba. to by 100 lot. pmu price Is only 310.730. Cast Your Attention On this roomy family home. Wonder ful view. 4 bedrooms. Poiced air ell furnace. Insulated. Corner lot. 1 blk to bus. 3 blki. to scuool. Pull price only 10 SfcO. (Call for RAY ORIMMETT, eC. Ph. 3-7474 Blm.l TRUE VALUE Only 3 yra. eld. Joins an exception allv nice district. Oil heat. Private well, lneulaied. In exrellent condition. Owner leaitia city. Att. garage. Pull price only 7.450. Terms. MIGHTY NEAT And li'e spot leu. You couldn't spend a nickel on this one. Rel warmth g; tnt fireplace. Bpacn lUlna room for iv. oil heat. Bpacloui dining area and aee. utility room. Krai nice lean. FHA terms U desired. Pull prke 310,300. APARTMENT TRADE Por either a farm, duplet: or home I ar near Dallas. This property is ery clean. Well located, furnished Needs absolutely bo repairs. Oood dry base ment. Modern living quarters Pull price onty sia.atw. Terms If desired. lean ror o. -dan'' UAAr, ge. ph. 4.1111 aim l ROWLING ALLEY 4 new alleys . Owner reports between loo and 140 line in an afternoon Very proiiierous town Unathly rent en bidg. eniv JO0 All equipment Just like new. Ofr.l for sale te dissolve partner ship. Long Irene. Pall price 3.13.400. 88 PLUS ACRES mllee from Sslem on pavement oa Acres seeded 1 Acre fescue 3 Acres Lambert cherrlre 1 Acre dot ten (ter ries. Creek and aeerJ eprnti Mod ern i fed. mmA in-me in loreir setting of nstlte tree. pjtnae heat. 3 berne Shop A.I tM for only 31 V0. trail fr MR CltAWPORD. eis. ph Stn i 4-M30 SUBURBAN DANDY 7 8 Acre Clote in aith a very good . modern 3 bedroom home Att. strata.! Nice tetttat Soma treet. Lots af f'.ow-e-s and ihruat Pill price 111 404 1 Term .ta.; tor MR LEAVENS, ee. 1 pn 1-4713 S.m 1 425 ACRES I This it a aood farm. Has a brand aew mtvlern home 40 by 40 barn Oood j Sheep barn. Oerase 141 Acrea under eu.tlveUon 3 we. la. 8 eprlnsi. An ideal lor and grain farm. 94 A. tilled. Only 1 IVftOO dean will handle P-ill price! 418O00 'Cal Ifor MR. LEAVENS, etc ph. 3-3713 Btm.. j PHA CONVENTION U. MTOS . 9 YRS FEDERAL OI MTOS, 30 YEAHB . LICENSED ALSO IN WASH IDAHO! Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off Ph"pe 4-1711 or S-T820 3-4734 4 . 4 ?o J in, If no eiuwer tall 4 33 44 4-4M7 1 SOU I L. ' THREE BEDROOM, DOUBLE GARAGE Tble aew Urea bodaaai boewb wlta dMble garage U located let a aew addioea ta the etty af Balem. AS aomea are roauieUd If ywu weal the fleer ttrtaga la a aouee that aa ta maae ap a baaae tbea pea muel aee tbia home with Ua immaculate bath. eeJerful aa a ralabew wlta ita wave aoraera for aaay aleeaiaa. Call Ohei Ravliae far apiateaeat u aaa. W ACRE SPECIAL Very alee two Vodroem borne lace led la , Coraera aa a alee w acra plot Autematle beat, atiacbed garage. Owner might coaaidar taking a ' omeller two bedream ta trade la the ally. Can Cbet JUwiiae ta eea. TRADE THAT LATE MODEL CAR FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOME Well located eeath, baa doable plamWag. fireplace, approximately 1 Ite aa. ft., Tb s 114 lot. city water. Call Dale Barbura far ay eiat meat ta aaa, TRADE! TRADE! TRADE! Three-year-old Dwpleg, two bedrooma each. 000 aa. feet. Oeod Pub vrbaa reatala. Owner will take aawe alaae-la acreage, call Dale Barbara far appalatmaat ta ee. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE ! Immaculate three-rear. id large two bedroom heme la Eeetmerelaad Addition. Largo living room, witb circulating fireplace, alee dtnlag room, larre kltehca with lots of balltlag and eating apace. Bedrooms are very roomy with lota af eloae apace. Oeod flaaaelng. Call Jim Baa una, THREE BEDR'M SUBURBAN $5,250, $500 DN, Paved street, lot s 300 let, pears aM. Bookie garage, one block te city bua. three bloc kg ta eebeet, atorea. Immediate poaaeealoa. o3 30 per moata payment. Hurry, this wea't laet. Call Jim Bawllaa. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTORS) MM H. OMW UrMt Ottl Kaw t-UM m 4-1HI I.NIHI bm,: TlkMIU i-1tM Ckat l-M itm t-MTt muktini 1-MU BOOTH BALZbl-Cloaa ta schools, corner lot 10 i 103 feet. Two email homes on the one lot. Other vacant. A good rental aet ap. Price 34. IM. CALL O. H. ORABXHHORBT, JR. C H ARM-PERBO K ALTTY -COM PORT Way above average construc tion, t bdrm.. Igs. walk-In closets, ltv. rm. Aj din. rm. witb mahogany trim, fireplace, all birch kitchen m nook, Ige. utility, m bath, dbla. garage, extra lge. everalsed oil forced air furnace ta care for any weather condition, excellent view af mountains and valley. CALL J. B. LAW THREE BEDROOMA Located oa aa attractive and apactous lot la Bouth Balem. Has lge. liv. rm. and din. rm., roomy brkf. nook. Baamt. It'a not new and It Deeds some redecorating but it la wrll built, roomy aod weU located. Price 13.280. Tsrma. CAU, H. g. LAYMON PAIRMOUNT BILL-3 bdrma.. alee lte. let, lots If fruit, dble. ga rage, hdwd. firs., fireplace, epleadld aeadltwa throughout, baaemt. auie-heaL CALL ROY B. PER RIB GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 13 a. Liberty at. ph. j.itn Brenlag at Buadari call Balasmea Bop B. Perrls 1-3010 f. B LAW 1-3113 H. X. Laymoa 3-0113 for Your Iniurance Needa Call W. H. (Bill) Johmton. 2-2471 or 3 3365 REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S Bargains on Parade SUBURBAN TRADE Nice t bedroom home with 144 x ISO fenced lot. Owner will trade far late built 3 bedrm. home rn town. SEE KIOOINS Eva. Pb. 4-3434 Excellent 'Buy! !ate built I bdrm. Ranch Type Sub- 1 arbaa home. Large living rm., dining, rm.. wall to wall carpeta thruout. Over 1.440 sq. ft. af cheerful floor space. Real value at 313,300. Wooded corner1 lot. Will trade for smaller home. SEE XIOCINB Eve. PA. 4-4494 . j EXCEPTIONAL Large Buburbsn Acre east and lovely 1 3 bedrm. piasteied borne la floe con dition. Comb, living At dming rooms with fireplace, spacious kitchen. Oil awmi, uaa Bituif aluiaae SPSCC I overhead. Priced at tl.tJO. PHA terms. BEE MAS. OOLESBEE, Eve. Ph. 3-6173 Opportunity Knocks! I Illnsaa forcea this aale or ftnf ettab Uahed grocery a meat business plug cold storage lockers. Large 3 bdrm. apt. la oood community nesr Salem. Long term lease renewable. Large volume. Will consider trade for home la Salem. SEE MHS. OO LEASEE. Bve. Ph. 3-M71 GLASS HEAT In thla neat 3 bedroom home, lovely bath tm. cuie kitchen, utility rm., se rais 3 bike, from McKlnlry school. To tal price ttW. Terms 3B00 down. bal. ance by month. SEE BEN COLBATH, eve. ph. 3-4433 ' Farms & Acreages 30 ACRES On hlshway-itockcd with 11 hesd youne. Jerarv hrifers JD ttacutr all tools, hay grain 34 A tn cult. Jive crek. 4 tKHm older modern home, bam All for HOMO. Terms. Bee T. T. ANDERSON, ee. ph. 4-3714 1 ACRE At 4414 Sunytide Road with 4 bdrm. modern home. bamt . aerate, corner location. Aiklng 1 504. Oood terms. sTtS. ph. 4-1714 IV2 ACRES Near Liberty 1 bdrm. home (not uiie flnithed variety fruit. Only II.- K ACRE Close la (N E l with 9 yr. eld 1 bdrm home with eU furaUhlnas. Only 13.100 full price. Bve. ph. 4-3714 $500 DOWN Buya thla aew 1 bedroom home, hdwd. firs . living rm . dining, very lOTSly kitchen, never been lived la. Wnaie of a buy for 63 OM. Terms loo down and 440 per month. Eve. ph. 4-3T14 WANTED REAL ESTATE (NOTICEt If your property for sate j rent or etchange. Htt tt with us. We have all hinds ef cab bti'srs. I sTTATB FINANCE CO. REALTORS 143 B. Hlsh Bt ce WE ARB la aeed af good houses ta cell, tn or Bear Bs;em. If you wish ta list your property for st'e. aee GRABENHORST BROS . REALTORS 114 B Uberty Ph 3-1471 ca WANTED Small arreece close to town wth enod 3 or 3 bedroom heme ta trade for good eity property. 31 Bouth High Btreet Phono 1-4303 RB3MANN REAL BP-TATS es EXCHANGE REAL EST ATI RtlflRtRI-rriMTlll ttote Trade fee home, Mana 4 Hardware, z:ake. I Over. wbTrPI REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY motel with owners living auarlers. Well locaUd withla city llm IU. Owner will take alee home up to t0. ooo. Call fcr more information. J. E. LeCLERC, Realtor 1694 N. Capital. Phono 3-1M5 CMKI BUSINESS INCOME OWNEB LEAVING State. Good going BAR-B-Q BUSINESS. Excellent opera time work. Baulpment aood aoedltloa. Phone 4-4437. c3S3 WANTED FURNITURE LAMBERT'S PAY! CASH for aged fur niture, phone 3-7363. dalll Win Every Week! 33 00 n processing af Hog or Beef. Hoes killed Mon.. Tuts. Beef anytime. Rilling, cutting, wrapping, curing, lard rendering. BEST PRICES DAHL'S SLAUOHTTR HOUSE INDEPENDENCE. OREOON c337 LOCKER BEEP- White face Hereford 10c, Nothing down. 4 months to pay. Custom billing Trailer loaned free. Balem Meat Co., 1334 S. 34th. Ph. 141 PETS 0" Pt:pplP. 4 eeks old. Ruts-! tered Arc. Inquire 4S14 Clark are "tel. mat ; I- my pet ooca ana pupt at special bargain prices this week. I n job in eaaiern ureeon. salts Bomera 4 mllei waat ef h nesr Anttoch School la Coooer Hollow I ecl46 ; PA.RAREET-4 case. 813 40. ntht. male with Cot:aie. 4-4954. ec383 CAN ARIL. PINE CHRItTM tR attt. Small deposit. Phone J-431. 1346 Che- ! m ec9. OIVE DA( H-arD Pups for ChrUtmaa' Seven werke. ARC reentered. Pine Pd- I leree. Red. black tan Male, female. Bert Stales, RL 3, Box 303A1. Mc- ainnu.e. ecisi1 POMERANIAN puppy, male. 3 mo. eld. Registered. Phone SILVER TON. J-4144 ec3 TO GIVE AWAY t we puppiet mele. two months 4-3876. nale, fr ee 383 CI TE Pt PPIER (Corkera S'wt Ulls. PM Phone 4 311. 4m Sunayview Al'' ecjll HOIJ.TWOOD AQ I 4 R I I'M 1 944 Mr Coy. ene block sail ef N. Capitol. It biorka north of Madison. Ph. I -Met. e.-S4a BtRY PARAKA47TS, Some ft see. W ra Beltevue. Between B lege. sinter canaries. t B. Power. 738 Winter and Cot ecioo ICHtMPlOW BRED Roter puppies. Moores Tropical pith Equipment Parakeeta 1 Pett. Macleay Road. 41771. Closed Wednesdava. erl64 BLACK SPANIEL pups from very email parenU earh. Mitt Bomtrt. 4 miles wett of Monmouth near Anttocb Bchool In Cooper Hollow. erl4 PARA R RETS Choice birds. Christmas orders being taken. 8190 Lutagston. 9-1143 eclat FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAYPWOOD. 9 sord Ted-. Phone 1 7781 er SPECIALS! Oak. Ash. Maple Wood. Oreeaalabo we ba block a planer eada WEST SALEM PL' EL PR. 9-4411 eelrw To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IT IT" if 'Vm "I aa FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY white coNa o mm. ttmimt ib. Ua, ifrtt ! bMrr.. mow ...UA. , I. im "ftii trrw r..m. rxuMr, r' nut tm thu mtot "Mil" ti,.t. qm.ui limn a - ii.kl. UT IB. " MM. '"" uui.UM Art Aum w.i T,ii-i.uii4 hKlu niwiu. LEE'S HATCHERY .... . . wn. s-sioi w"" fast FOB BALE. Capoa raaster, 0 to T ..i u Aa lia weight VI ABB kAUIIlM K MuapihlT, OoH M BrMA IM Artot AM- WBIM . in, t ,r jV?i?. , m v PRODUCE NALHtl: LAti Praawttaa. auallty. Commercially dried. 30 tin No. 13tn Bt. Phone -. HELF WANTED MALE MAN TO CABE for horaes U eachange for house reat. Ol-e refcreacea and family status. 3 bedroom, else, sieve m reftlgsrator. Boi 333 WANTED POSITIONS PPAPP BITTOVHOLIS worlted cat. .ta. Qukk aerice. Pbeae 4-4f0t. PAPEB BANGING. By the hour. Pbone 3-1137. . Pi?! OlSEWOBK BY THB BOIB. PhODO 01f N. Commenia. -r. PERMANENT CARE for two ehlldrea. age l.a aa home. Phone 3-3734. MU" CAB PINTER 3-1M3. BCPAIB work. phone hl CARPENTER Repair, remodel, cabins ta and garages. BmeU Jobs Iumo. Phone 4-4363. M0 PAINTING, PAPEBHANOINO. Bay Of contract. Bmall Jobs welcome. Pbeae 3-7433. PAPEB BANGING, painting. Pree astl- Dan Lueero. ra. i-w.. UOHT CBAWLEB dosing, dirt leg. grading. Pnone 3-30. level bin DRERS MARING, alUratlons. btmc, bridal gowns. Be;en Mveia. i-dom 4-1631. P"' LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center, pnone e-isiSj - RELIABLE BABY 3ITTEB W1Q go days ar nights. Phono l-tMS. TREX WORK, Ijpplng, trlmmlnx. re moving, laaured. Jona rayne. rnone 3-6033. hl- M 1C KEN HAW A DAY NURSERY State Licensed Inspected. Ph. 3-7334 hl MIMEOGBAPHING and TTPTNO. Quality work. Reasoaable rates, Mrs. Poo, ees N. 16th. Phone 3-3643. blSl WIEMALB Day i lureery. Licensed and Phone 3-3013. h233 state inspected. CHILD CABE, dara. Reasonable rates. Phone 2-3630. h366 OLHEREEPINO JOB In motherless home. Phone 4-1111 after 4il0 p.m. hl3T YESI WE DBT home washings. Peat eco nomical service. LAUNDERETTE Phone - 1331 Perry h3S!a WOMAN WITH 3 dauihtera wlshea hobaework, preferably la motherless home. Phone 3-4313. b.333 PAINTING AND DECORATING. 31 years Balem experience. Pree estimates. 3-7333. h7 PJEWKAVINO Por top auallty phone 3-3400. 1390 N. Collate 6t. hlSS FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent ar lease. Cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. U Stiff Put nlture Co. Phone 3-91K. J WANTED TO RENT BOOM a BOARD, preferably witb small family or couple. Phone 4-3S3S. Ia383 Have Extra Office Space? Insurance adjuster wants desk apace aad limited secretarial help la exist ing office. Location unimportant, will pay rent ar share expensee. Call 3-4071. JeJIl FOR RENT ROOMS NICE, Warm, light housekeeping room Lad. 433 N. Church. Jk384 TELEVISION, sleeping room, kltchea privileges, friendly home. 330.30 month. Phone 3-7630. Jk3S6- PLEASANT sleeping room for gentleman. 10W Norway. Phone 24M7. Jk334 BUSINESS RENTALS POOD DISTRIBUTOR warehouse. Sep arate unit. 40 X 30'. Oeorxe Dtlts, 433 4th St., West Salem. Phone 3-6131. JoJOl ilia VICE REPAIR garage, acme equip ment, large building, can be used for any business. Also one bedroom house. 3340 South Commercial. Write J. R. Boltl. Jeweler, owner, Btayton. 10313 ONEBL'slNEasRentahlnQuiro 713 8. 11th. Apt. 1. jolSl WAREHOUSE HPACE. New building With large parking area, with ar without of fice facilities Rail aldlni. Drlve-;a and truck dock. Porkltft trucks and pal lets. CsHt si City Transfer Company. Phone 3-3436. ,'o303 LOST & FOUND POUND, BOY'S RED Bicycle, 34" wheel. Owner please Identify. 373 Cross. k334 LOST, BI LOVA yellow gold lady's wrist watch. Reward. Phone 37917. kill FOR KENT HOUSES (.BEDROOM home. North, 436. Phone 4.194ft. JmlH NTVtLT Rr DECORATED two-bedroom cnlldrea allowed. 2346 Haiel boute. Avt- 3-4383 ;mJl3 4-SEDROOM furnished suburban home. unnyiew Ave. pnone i-JOii. 3 REDROO FLAT. 4 blocks hUh school. ,ia N. lnlr,,l'il Jm364 3-BEDBOOM HOt'KE, 1454 ,i0 Fhont ! Uberty. JmJSJ 3. BEDROOM ROUSE fully furnished, References phone 3-3537. 0 a S.-4 p ra jm383 4 BOOM BOI ftE, close to bus and stores. 304N31id. JB1332" NICE ONE -REDROO M hoiiM'decoraT ed. furrace, garage, adults only. 1134 Wilbur St . or call 1-1348 eves, imiai SMALL TWO-ROOM house In West Sa lem, tit ot a month. Call 4-3443. Jmsss NEAT MOniRN housb at AumivUls. Call at 374 4 At, St ay ton. Ph. 3414. T. A. Ruef. lm34a 8-ROOM NOVAE, water anal garbate. 1134 N. Winter St lm344 434.00. S ROOM unfurnished home. 84. Water, sanitary service. No peu. 317 N. Col late St )m3 THE WIUOWS, close In. modern. a furnlhed house, couple only. FNn 34131. Jm3t4 JOE PAL00KA P"mmggB34S5ac?3S3g fHio.MxtR... v L ' I uau 7 a. I LIWEN. BW. I M to ) FOR RENT HOUSES IPaTAiaa. s-bbdbm.. livtag m kitch en, beta. as.ea. uuuiieg pom. is m 1Kb. Pa. 3-3141. 1SX343 I BJtOBOOM bouse la BabbaiA tb acrea. fruit, berries, garage, elect, wtr. btr. Oe aeru aa Maia at. ta else aa house. Owner. PL Ward, oa preausaa Bat.. Sua.. NavtO and 30. JmlAl ONI I BEDBOOM furauhed aottaae. Bea aoaable. soma aumiee. Inaulre 34 PortlaoB R4. W POTLEao ana bodreem faralataed. 34 avoatn. Water paid. Paae S-T140 or 3-4034. JstlM' DOWNITA1BS. I BEDBOOM, living rm.. 4 la tag rm., kitchen, bath, eersa. uu tues paid. 344 B. 10th, Pb. 3-3141 Jm33t 3 BED BOOM house, fireplace, large lot. 644.40. a. A. sseuiauiua. Mist. Broadway. 3-4411. 3-4413. ImlSS VNPTBNIEBED two bedroom. 440. 1810 B. Liberty at. Pbeae 3-1444. Bvealnss. S-3S13 fwisy FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN 3 BOOM furnished apartment with garage. All utilities furnished, 4343. Phono 10004. 1341 Basel. 1P334 FURNISHED t-BOOM. electric range. refrigerator, 337.40. Pbaaa 3-7400 Jp144 NBAB rNIVEBIITY, Bice three-room furaUhed apart meat. UtolUea paM. Beasonabla. 4-OW1. JpJat' BEAL'TlPtJLLY furBUhad. eoay one bed room duplex. Large rooms, close to bua. Wast Balem, Rant 333.00. 1111 Bdgcwator. 3133. Eca. 33333. )p3ti CLOIE-IN alee modera furaUhed three room apartment. Adults. Phone 1-340. j Pisa CLOSE -LI furniahsd ana room apart ment. 133 Perry Bt. lP313a CLOSE. NICE. SMALL faraUbed apart- ment, 333. Dtllltlea. Also lane apart ments. 741 Marlon Bt. Ip334 rUBNUHED APABTMENT. 3 rooms, bath, goO.OO. AdulU. 3-0313. 330 B. 14th St. JP3IT CLOSE TO CAPITOL 0 rm. partly fura., prtvata batb, mala fir. 343 40. Bee Burt Plena, Rltr.. 370 N. High ftt., 3-4047. Ipltft VERY CLOflK IN, furnished apartment. mono s-tvJi. jpiB3 P( ENISHRD COLBT apartment, I rooma 4 garage. Close la on North Commer cial. a. Ftaone S-3443 ar 3-6444. Jp BACHELOR APABTMENT, range and re- iris era tor. 3130 Patrgrouada Rd. Phone 1-7344 after I p.m. Jp3ti GIRL (SO), WANTS employed girl ta share apartment. Near state afflees. Phone 3-3J93 after I p.m. Jpitfi PUBNISHED, VEST NICE 3-room court apartment. Range, refrigerator and laundry faculties. 380 6 17th. Jp333 SEVERAL t-BM. PI RN, epts- with pri vate bath. 330.40. See Burt Plena, Rltr.. 379 M. High St., 3-4047 jp33S CLOSE IN, furnished 3 room. 4M. One room. 137.40. Light housekeeping, 134.00. Private baths. 434 N. Winter or 34 N. Winter. Phone 33333. Jp337a NICE, CLEAN, furnmhed apt. Close la 14 N. Cottage. ' Jp BOOMS, unfurnished. Modern, elec tric range, refrigerator, wster, best, furnished. gbO. 31 Ml a. Commercial a' tcr 4. Phone 4-1453. Jp386 SEVERAL foxulehea location. Inquire H Phone 3-91 iY 3-ROOM APARTMENT, 3136 Palrgrounds Bd. Range and refrigerator. Call 3-7344 altar 9 p.m. jplt1 ONE S BEDROOM down, one 3 room up. court apartments. Phone 3-3093 ar 1131 Waller St. Jp3S3 3-ROOM, P1BST floor, christian woman Adjacent Capitol Shopping Center. 3-7W1. jp333 E39.80 3-RM. PURN. housekeeping apt . close ta downtown north private en trance, see Burt Plena, Rltr., 379 N. High St.. 3-4047. jp3tS" COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn ished 134 and t. Trailer house for rent or sale. 3313 Portland Rd. JpJOl PTSUflSHED apartment. Close la. Utili ties furnished. Phone 39083. Jp383 CLOSE, CLEAN, nice small apt. Utilities, heat, furnished. 493 Center. Jpltl ROOM famished apartment. Also. baebaler apartment. Ambassador Apartments. tSO N. Summer. JP3811 MISCELLANEOUS SAND Bl GRAVEL COM Contract Wark Boad Clearing - Dltehaa Sewer aod Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Poot Phone Days 3-3403 Xves. 3-4417 or 3-7411 Salem. Oregon BEX-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVB MOVE YOURSELP SAVE l-i CAR RENTALS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 419 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 PAC-E STEVENSON and AL MEPORD m" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CAS Eft DR. II Alt K T SEMLEJi. Dariiiai Adolph Bldg., State a commercial Sta SALEM PH. 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS NEW LUMBEB for sale. Almost any kind cneap. Delivered. Phone 3-3042. meats REMODEL NOW Pree home planning service. Let as give you a free estimate on youT home remodeling or repairs. Also Installation of roofing, eiei trough, etdlng or other building materials. Montgomery Ward n. uoerty SALE (lirait doora comoteta with hwd 144 OA Overhead tar. doors, hwd 11 04 4x1 waterproof wallbd 176; Nails. 89 74. 3 kegs at 6 94 New picture windows 38 up New doors, aU sties 5.40 100 used doors At fiamas Un painted cedar shake .. .. 4.00 Painted shakes with undercourae 10. M Aaeio tidiot. per q . 9 40 roll blanket Insulation, New shake moulding 10c Cedar fence poets Cheap 400 gal. septic tsnks 4340 4" cast Iron soil pipe 74c Roll roofing, large supply ...... 138 4" solid eranteburg pipe ...... 98c 8 tab composition roofing ...... 6 94 Ceder ihlntlet, 4 grades Cheap New to) is is with seat 14 40 New bath lubs Complete 47.40 Double lte hen slnka complete .. 41 40 4o eel eier. water hlrs 11.40 Steel shover cabinete complete .. 41 40 14-3 Electric wiring 84c 13-3 Electric wiring Bc Laundry trays, pipe. we.h bat Ins, Bale C. O. LONO SONS Ph. 4-4041 1 mL H. af Eetier EOOFTNO, fNMLATlON. Tisillll Blinds. Call Western Auto Supply Co., for free estimate. 3-7177. ma to Place Classified Ads Phohe 2-2406 (Cr littt BUILDING MATIRIAU BBMODBLWO LOAN. H IfOMTHa TO PAT NO DOWM r.TMBHT EST114 AT! NO BERV1CB tOO M BXTRt 1BDBU.. OA.40I W. AU, PBTAILB HANDLED At OUR OPF1CB DICK IUYBB UJUJ.BR CO. int Un A... F l-Ult no farkimo pmoaLiti nW' NURSERY STOCK or ros muH and bavb. Apr,4- lag Juniper, 1J-1 ADd mot: IM HMtlicrA IM. MM Or,M NurMrr. WM ailnrua R4. Phu, 4-1111. FERTILIZER ItettoS manure. Wood free. Deliv ered anrhere. Phone 3-0774. mb348a FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ML'AT fekLL, wiu aaeririeo mea'g pre war wiesoa foil aiuba. irons, 3 woods; 4 calibre Oarmaa automatic; ency clopedia, 10 relumes. Never aaed, ra-cUo-pboao eomuinallea. Phone 37473. B333 ISO BASS Cental accardloa. Coal 4440. aclllng 3300. Practically aew. Phone 3-4334. B3B3 USED COIL' bed Springs, 43.30. Hogg area, used atore, 137 a. com l mil 1 used walnut afllce table 1 ased aak typewriter Beak 1 used stenographers nhalrs S ased walnut straight ehalra 1 used stest 4 drawer file TWB COMMERCIAL BOOK BTORB 141 No. Commercial at. nlgl1 CSED DAVENPOBT chair, 334 04. Hogg roe. uaoa store. 117 a, com L clll USED CONSOLE radio. 339.30. Broa. Used Store. 117 a. Com'L CLOTHESLINE POSTS. Iron lege for tables, furniture, railings. 1104 N. Lib erty. n399 BATTERIES ALL Cars 34 03. 37 43. Ex change. 19 months guarantee. Opea tLU 100 daily. Lytla'g Tire Mart. B3 USED DESK, 439.71. Hogg Bros. Used atore, in a. com'i. n3 Biiigsr treadle. Oood sewing condi tion. Ouaranteed, Cash price, 33.34. Singer Sewing Center 136 N. Com l. Open Friday evenings) B383 TALLMAN'S BIO XMAS PIANO SALE! 10 Holds A Plana Por Xmas DELIVERY Payments Begin Next Tear) BRAND NEW SPINETS, $393 UP Small Mahogany Spinet 1393 Studio Spinet 367 Mason a Hamlin Console Spinet ., 384 Bach Spinet 43T Heller Spinet 493 8494 New Mahogany Spinet 443 Steioway Console Spinet 387 3141 New Blond Spinet 494 4744 New Hallett Davis Spinet 4 74 4785 New Limed Oak Spinet 487 8817 New Betsy Rots Spinet 047 11.300 New Knabe Spinet 997 Many Others GRANDS, $427 UP Over 300 Piano Bargains UPRIGHTS, $89 UP Xsty terms We carry your contrert, OPEN EVERY EVE. sit. ino TALLMAN PIANO STORES 394 a. 13th, Salem 114 S. W. 4th. Portland n!47 Refrigerators, good condition ..I Mirrors We gre everstockad on good, used washers. Automatic Aj Wrlncera RCA Record Player. Can't tell from new sale price Wardrobes Platform Rockers, alee selection. Twin ar Pull Site Bide, your choice 448 0 93 4.98 994 Pull else Springs, your choice 1 00 Bunk Beds 10.94 USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 S. Liberty Phone 4-4171 (Across ths Street from Armory) TERMS OP COURSE Bill USED DAVENO bed. 139 00. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S. Com'L B383 RADIO-PHONO COMBINATIONS We are overstocked. Your choice Of any single speed In store, 149.40. 3 speed, 36S M up. Recorders. 479.40. Radios, 63 00 up. TRADER LOUIE 1874 LANA AVI. n343 DEEPFREEZE HOME free ten. Yeater Appliance Co., 373 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-4111. n SPECIAL! ONE WEEK New gj.Qier light wcisbt portable sewing machine. Round bobbin, sews forward and reverse, automatic tensiea. hinged or floating foot. ONLY $109.50 Includes free sewing lessons. Singer Sewing Center 134 N. Com l. (Open Priday evenings) nl44a BECAPS, 444-14, 84 34. Open Sunday's. Lvtie s Tire Mart. nltl 14 CI'BIC foot Deepfreese. 1360. 3-774. Phone I ADDINO MACHINES. Used hand m else trie. Clary Multiplier. 1979 Palrgrounds Rd. 3-S374. n395 cu FT. O. E. Commercial Relrlter- ator. Double door. Ideal for farm. home, restaurant or tavern. 3 years old. Only 1299.34. Teeter Appliance Co., 373 Chemeketa Bt. Phone 1-4111. . CASH Rff.nieTr.KS, irom 830 up. Clary Multiplier, 1579 Pelrgrounda Rd. 1 mm projector 613 40 14 mm sound proiecior 3134 TRADER LOUIE. 1874 LANA AVE. n343 ADDING MACHINE, small portable. Price 437 40. Phone 1-H7B. n333 of'B LARGE also bicycle, 333.80. Wub". Ing machine, 315. Zaaith consols radio, 334. Phone 3-8344. bill New Preeterg at Wholesale TRADER LOUIE. 1870 LANA AVE. B343" USED ELECTB1C ranges 333. 00 up uted Wringer Washers, some like new, sev eral better used refrigerators all priced for really aalck eale. Uaster Service Stations Inc.. 343 N. Cammer clai. Ph. 1-4143. n363 fsrn 8 -PC. DININtl room suite, 843 34. Hogg Bros. Used Store. 137 S- Com'L B383 taro daveno bod and chair. 474. Hogg Broa. Used Store. 137 B. ComX alU . L IGOR, at MAN N fTC FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Oood eleetrle Walaat cabinet gewias macnias. be a forward and raveree. Looks like saw. Ouaraateed, Only 474.40, Singer Sewing Center 130 31. CbaaX & Opea Priday e saigas) 381 BETSY BOSS Bplnel Plana. Excellent waadltlaa. Call 1-3430. U14 B. 14th a3M PBIOIDAIBE BJCPRIGBBATOBB. IBIS Berry. Phone 1.3444. ailt COOP Oct pour Waatiaghousa alotheo drer sow 410094. Ysater ApeUaaee Co174 Chemeketa. Phone 1-4311. a USED MAHOGANY plane, excel Wat cotv. dittest, 41W. Hogg Bran. Used Store, 137 a. Com L 3M. Bectrelus V ecu am Cleaner lata model all attachmenta 419 aa. TRADER LOUIS, 1374 LARA ATT bieio MOM ALLOWED for year eld water beater. Regardless af condltlaa ar take, an a new Westlngbouer auto mat electric water heater, with a 14 year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Ce, 374 Chemeksu SL Pboae 3-431L a USED S-PC.. DINETTE. 834. Hogg Brea. Used Store, 131 S. Coml. Harley Davidson Motorcycle, tip-tap -3134 . TRADER LOUIS. 1874 LANA AVE. nl43 GOOD USED washers. 419 04 m up. Teau or Appliance Ce., 374 Cbemeketa at. Phone 3-4311. USED INNBBSPBING msttrass, 813 40. Hogg Broa. Use4 Store, 117 . Com l. B381 SAWDUST TIBES, 470-18. 1494. Tire Mart. Phone 4-4039. Lyila-4 B3S3 HONPITAL BED for gale ar rent. B. L. Btlff Purnlturg Co. Phone 3-8184. a GOOD USED refrigerators. 843.40 as up. Yeater Appliance Co, 171 Chemokta at. Phone 3-4311. a Terrific Bargains la bedroom suites, TRADER LOUIE, 1174 LANA AVE. " B343 USED ELECTRIC Pans as, 3 19 04 bp. TeaUr Appliance Co., 171 Chemeketa BL Phons 1-4311. a PLASTIC-ROTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Tester Ap pliance Co., 37S Chemeketa SL Phone 3-4111. B SET OP DIAMOND RINGS, value 4474. Leaving town. Special. $331. 18 ateaee center, excellent Yaga otoag. S m -9 p.m. 1964 Orant St. Bill USED YORK trumpet. Excellent eondl- tlan. One year. Phono 4-1630 evenlnss. B388" GIRL'S BICYCLE, Two student violins. Best offer takes. 164 N. 13th St. b363 WESTXNOHOUSR RANGE. LIKE HEW, 3114. M W. 1RONER DELUXS, 174, PHONB 3-4877. 1449 H. 17TH. Bit 1944 g-DOOB CADILLAC. A-l condition. Will trade for real property, clear and at book price for both. Phong 4-4314. nn384 ELEVEN STEMMED Pbstorta Oobltta. Meadow Rose pattern. Brand aew. 81.74 each. Pbone 1-4743. a384 STUDIO UPRIGHT. Only 44" high. Re finished. Only 836S. Just ana of the many fine buys at Tallmen'g Big Xmaa Bale. Tallman Plana Stores, 144 S. 13th. Salem. n!87 PBEE BIG OFFER Oct the 13 94 West ing house Steam Iron PHES with a Home Demonstration af a new West Ins house Laundromat or elotbea dryer. Teeter Appliance Co 174 Chemeketa, phone 1-4111. a USED 40-gellon drums, suitable for trash burners. 11.40 each. NorrU Walker Paint Manufacturing Co. 1710 N Front. Phone 479. 3B3 Play Piano! CHILDREN 8 TO 18 ADULTS 18 TO 118 8 WEEK'S COURSE $10 INCLUDES ALL CLASS MATERIAL (BEGINNERS ONLY) SEE US! SALEM MUSIC CO. 133 B. High Bt. Phons 9-8708 ACROSS PROM BLSINORE THEATER n3- L'SED "PIANOS. Rebuilt and guaranteed for 10 years. The largest selection la the H.w. Bave at Tellman'e Big Xmaa Bale. Tallman Piano Stores, 195 a. 13th. Salem. n387a REDUCED S3 per Day Until Sold STARTING PRICE, NOV. 30, 877 11 Electric The r mad ore Wall Heater 3.000 WATT NOV. 27, $59.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Phone 3-9111 Front a Court Street WE GIVE BAH OREEM STAMPS GRAND PIANOS Bale prices atari al 4437. Choose from 30 different sty leg and finishes. Don't miss Tallmen'g Kig Xmas Bale. Tallman Piano Stores. 194 a. nth. Salem. n3!7 Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Piano, k'hone 4-8110. WANTED Direct mill connect loa for all types Western lumber and mill preducu. No credit wanted strictly discount buyers. Castle ton Lumber as Builders Supply Co. Cast let on, Indiana na364 4-TEAR CRIB, in good condition, a lie stroller. Call 3-0330. na383 j ELECTRIC I 3-3116. RANGES, woodrys. SPORTING EQUIPMENT FIVE HORSEPOWER Mercury outboard motor. Phone 8-6614 evenings. nc333 PERSONAL SECTJRITT DETECTIUB AOENCT Private In vett teat loot, all types. Pa cific Bldg. Phone day ar night 48766. P38 AUTOMOBILES 1449 PORD 4-door. Radio, heater, over drive. 3300 Lee Bt. 4-1610. a384" MI ST 4 tLU 1941 Nath Ambassador 4 door aeden. R H. A O.D. Low mUeato. Will sacrifice. Phone 4-4344. g3 144 MT.RCTRT Clb. Cpa. Must SOU thu wek. Haa RftH, OD. motor la good condition. Tires good. Will aell cheep for aulck sals. Phone 1-3504 eves. a36 1941 CB EVROLPT 3 -Door Sedan good ttraa. rung good 41,440 00. 1474 Court. a4 By Ham Fisher yo...evEv TOWN WANTS ETC. ETC TTTIiNR IT -3 ' ) W0UIO K A NCI 1 COMPLIMENT TO I 4 AUSTRALIA. TEtL I JT THEM WETL Bf I