Thursday. November 18, 193S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orepw Pact t! Students Enter Speech Contest . Mt Angel Regional wlnnen 1 In the Vole of Democracy contest,, sponsored by the Na tion Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters and Manufacturer! asso elation, were Jeanette Wiese of Wood burn and Mary Lyons of Mt. Angel, both Juniors at ML An gel Academy, Mt. Angel. Previous to entering the re gional contest the two girls competed wtih their own class mates. Runners-up were Ruth Dieker, Carol Brandt, Anita Wilde, and Rosemarie Golik, whose speeches were recorded on tape by Sister M. Margaret and then judged by the faculty The local contest was sponsor ed by Albert T. Wilde and Wil liam Verboort of Mt Angel. The first prize, a $10 gift cer tficate, went to Jeanette Wiese and the second prize, a $5 gift . certificate, to Mary Lyons. The regional contest was sponsored by the Silverton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Fi- - nalists besides Mt Angel Acad emy girls were Carol Kruse and Janet Dellin of Stayton; Nancy . Benson and Twila Gillii of Sil verton. Prizes of a $25 savings bond went to Jeanette Wiese and $10 gift certificate to Mary Lyons. As a result of her vic tory, Jeanette Wiese will enter the state contest with the pros pect of winning a radio or tele vision act. Retail Sales At Same Level Washington 11 Retail sales were about the same In October as In September, the Depart ment of Commerce said Wed nesday. After allowances for season al differences, October retail aalaa totaled $14,105,000,000. This Is about 100 million dol lars less than in October 1932. Durable goods sales picked up about 1 per cent In October, with little or no change in sales of non-durable goods. Retailers of jewelry, general merchandise and automobiles reported seasonally adjusted sales increases In October of 2 to 1 per cent over September. Gasoline service stations and clothing stores reported Octo ber sales declines, seasonally adjusted, of 2 and 1 per cent, compared to September. Power Output In U.S. Down New York OP) Electrical energy distributed In the Unit ed States last week dipped to 8,418,116.000 kilowatt hours from 8,457,342.000 the week before, Edison Electric Institute reported Wednesday. Last week's figure was 6 8 per cent higher than the 7.071, 140,000 kilowatt hours distri buted in the same week of 1932, compared with gains of from 7 to 9 per cent in pre ceding weeks. Utility sources said unusual ly mild temperatures In some areas reduced demand for elec tricity in the latest week. All sections of the country showed gains over the same week a year ago. The Pacific Northwest was up 24 2 per cent First Jap Commercial Plane Lands in S.F. San Francisco UP) With the Japanese merchant flag emblaz oned on the fuselage, the first commercial Japanese airliner to cross the Pacific landed here yesterday. The big Douglas DC6B car ried 87 crewmen and passen gers from Tokyo. It was a trial flight, preparatory to the start In early February of twice weekly service be'ween Tokyo and San Francisco by Japan Air Lines. PASSES DISCONTINUED Berlin, UP) Germans travel ed through the Soviet zone be tween West Germany and West Berlin without special Inter zonal passes Wednesdsy for the first time since 1945. Follow ing the lead of the Western Al lies and the West German gov ernment, Soviet zone author ities stopped demanding the passes Tuesday midnight. The T w e n tieth Century Fund estimates that the Unit ed States and Canada produc ed about half the world's Industrial output in 1947. rwv5800d.wt. buys yc '-"'" 3-tteorww" UkwHom M sjtaiplsja; ajf fsrfef f PtX.ll end Hf lit OrfM MOUM MT. A fON. . ..i tkoB !- Otatfl W- W v - - (A ) mm BBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs.. 1 W r SBSBBBI m m m -ar m a .a m w A I S?71 i rsssi J I . J.eii W .RV Ol , shop ! Li. - Reg. I1JI "Chief" 49-Hour ALARM CLOCK 169 GiDD(aR DOGS if ir i v 1 7 n j Luminous top alarm shut-off. No gronlne In the dark! Ivory color ease. Luminous Dial "Chief" now. . . ' '((A w r Queens of Fragrance I Uatberk leaaaett lft loxea" Tm4., mk Christmas Scentlmeatt tor HER! rr ,ii rr (IMS' BLOSSOM BELLES 61ft 2 Shultoe't Chormliif 61H Dm Friendship's Garden frag- J4C ranee concentrates. Liq- WtaH j i - - uia rerais pius a pun- size Stick Cologne. " Pw ak m t i m t. aTC orOis evvnih hi ram TWIN STAR SET CiltfM wM Vld f ftrhM Th prfumt f rcminct Is s halisay SrM. Prlct chtiet lor hr Ckrlsmt f iff. loth for Nr HER1 mVloms v tsrd Vv W PAIR IANT P'-WSH BEARS yist & ABX PEGGY 2" Drcistd Dell rw mic, c. 1 ''f' rjpf I 1 00 I 7- i ne For HIS Christmas Whiskers! rUm Tutsy Gift Sot Midnight Glamour Celeejae ead lody Letiea ii . . ..... Marble Maze 98 mm ijiA' lilies" vjia" Lilt axpantiv labyrinth emt Many m playl Ret. 1211 1 lMknti twtm la Kin Mm foil tit tr.yl Wt tor SEAFORTh Crystal Threesome 50 Aftr Shava Lotion, Man's Cologne and Man'i Tale, loftd, In cryital juqt. 1 1 00 5 Shultoa's Gift log Old Spic. Shave Stt Altr Jht Lotion nW AflA Colofiio l sotttnf 7 Soiline M. qiH bov. KING'S MEN SHAVE DUO kavat Latian and Caitla i'tf Coloona Luitrout aryttal container, wttk 4fAA white KniakHhoatj capi. tlagenf ffan'i toiUtri.i. Iff I W1 Trap Drum Set St.ol loot koolof, jkOO a Tom-T. 'rum, TO itall 4 r m si, tym ' m kill, ..Hi, itVtki. j SwMfi s R rloyt! MUSICAL SWEEPER 19 Mr. er Mrs, Potato HEAD 1 different sett. Malta all torti f fanny faeea otatoofl Yeer Chelae Aetaally warki like Mama's, while pleyiaf m I a a I notei. I If handle. Cross Words Pec 1 I er 4 Pleyert 4 wood racks, 121 letters, lay tnl hard and KtttibirtioR cards. xeiBsjnai 220 El av v Mr Cm Ml st TOMMEE TIPPEE Soill . eteefl A- ftfl 9 8 hored kf SMOTiae to baky's ttayl MeeaiHaMe Keeltf eMewl Electromobile lees ee BaMerfeal Imported ear ef America style. Has forward ami revs no switch. .fsi 'ir' tertilat IMeriee Meter TOY HOTRdD lV AsmmM.1 OUTER SPACE SET m.i.i ip.c pi, aaiOC r..k. ki.i, 10 sk" p... MR, r.J.r - ..., c. I.i.e'. asr I UH lifelike LATEX Boy ft Girl TWINS laky soft stria, real lashes oe f to lor ayes, Dtofted like twintl 139 ir Metal Ferris Wheel 41 Stroimllnod racer re oily roars across the floor. Cylinder irk! T Wk I Mk Cnwtl Crow Shoot .pgun with rki, Oft t. ism eraws f ' v rati km OkMt I at H mot. Metl O Guarantaad! Wcrshabla ELECTRIC BLANKETS Atlvometlc. Dial warmth yea want control h takes over. UL a o proved I Red, roio, Uue, jreen and kwown. Ribbon, hindintjl $ VALUES! Dot w.lll A al.p.ii olil S.U ym nUrtl.. till D. I7lkl ri. lc(J. f. joral . New Levr Prices! Natural Irlstle HAIR BRUSH H.nS' .r.f.!.Ml tMt r.liil... C.c. I.I. i tAQ s. H7 lw afc Clifb Style Men's Brush Coco Bolo er SaHnwood Wcttl Natotal eristics, la Sta f ift esctrtqe. Rot. letod IMPORTED 4X French Field GLASSES Ao' ...t.J aptici with l.ath.r Hrs Hooi.m. I.tth.r .f. Itr.f. Ckfllml Mirilll S2f.fS Volee! 3 17" av r t av, 1 A.S.. Ascot LIGHTER Ss oeOot OF eaa" liiini 4arOI n H I4.l Netf WINDrROOF LIGHTER AibitM lct, JM ir fir. n.w.j la H Cti.ica .1 t.l. rt.Chr.m.t.s. Sibsea LIGHTER Famous LEE 3-STAR IMPORTED BRIARS klominem ftttors. Roood. frltm mediem howls with torow.i motrth pieces. "Limited tdt- jfAO tions!" Inod. "JfJJO ith pipe f M VelmM te oT tie.M A I to pmm Fn II .f ..I. 1VJ kriiiiw w.m I Ui ' 'Ch,..,.,. I W ... Ckr.... 7i Vi Ft. MvlKceler ) H feS-S'J 8 BULB INDOORl' f il TREE UGHT SETA ((j F 5ryjNjfJp , 1 sorhnenf ef giowinf coi- f II AJ f .iiir.! t as la.,,1, .,.H . en. WrHi edd-oe phros 1 II for adding aetra rtrmflt. TFOav h 33l MOTH BALLS- FLAttES sT 19 19c PAPER NAPKINS to 9C v - - - ' m ,. t- .. il I I i in