Thursday, November 26, 1953 Pag 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saltm. Oreeon Keizer Keizer Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Kleeck of 610 Chemawa road have as their guests for a tew days, Mr. end Mrs. R. E. Ta bleman of Bottineau, N. D. - Louise Boucher won the Modette prize Saturday. Mr. and Mn. Williard L. Shelton of 883 Sunset avenue have returned from a business trip taking them to Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. They were gone a month and a halt They have as their guests now, Mr. and Mra. George T. Niekey of Seattle, Wash. Their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shel ton and Laura Ann will be home for Thanksgiving. The Sheltons are expecting Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cray of Watertown, S.D., to visit them soon. Mr. and Mrs. George Dabler of Poison, Mont., are also on the list of expected guests. Mr. and Mrs. Onas Olson, 865 Chemawa road, are enter taining at a Thanksgiving dinner, Mr. Olson's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Zena A. Olson of Milwaukle. They also expect a nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duncan and lam lly from Tillamook, Mr. and Vrs. Richard S. Vln. cent, 8050 Kobindale Drive, are the parents of a son born Nov, 23. , Mrs. Francis Lightner, moth r of AI Lightner, 630 Manbrin Drive, fell while on duty at the State Hospital, Nov. 23, Injur ing herself severely. She Is In SRVI sjsj SU mm. siaI.eWjrt. m iPiiil Child's Gift Panel. The most beloved prayer of them all the "Now I Lay Me Down To Bleep" child's prayer is here embroidered In lovely colors on an IS by 14 Inch panel which can be framed and hurt over crib or email bed. Angels, tinv bluebirds. Dink end golden flowers, irreen lean and vines are interwoven Into an exquisite color combination. Uae cotton, linen, rayon or pure silk taffeta for the material; silk, cot ton or crewel wools for the em broidery. ' Send tOe for the CHILD'S PRAYER PANEL (Pattern No. M0) transfer, color chart, sketches of all stitches used, finishing; and framing Instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS. Capital Journal, 663 Mission street, fian Francisco 6. Calif. the Salem General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Teets of 1170 Chemawa Road, are ex pecting their son, F. M. Myron Teets and his wife and daugh ter, and their daughter, Roma Rae, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don CUne, for Thanksgiving dinner.. Frank Hughs, Sr.. recently returned from week's elk hunting trip near Prinevllle. Richard O'Conner of 4710 No. River Road, is much im proved from his case of polio, and Is now out of danger. He looks and feels good, and quite cheerful. It ia thought he will be able to be out of the iron lung toon. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pederson of 4933 No. River Road, are ex petting their daughter Dorothy to be home from University of Oregon, on Wednesday to spend her Thsnksglving vacation. Mr, and Mrs. Arvid Fahman of Eu gene, Clyde Fahlman of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Okerberg, of 293 Richmond Ave., were dinner guests of the Pedersons on Thanksgiving Day. Jimmy White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White of 693 Wayne Drive, celebrated h i s third birthday at a luncheon, Nov. 24, His guests were: Decky Sawyer, Maureen and Janet nealy, Johnny Mason, Eddie Lukasunls and David Le Vee. STEVE KOPEK Carol Curtis Pattern Warm Crocheted Cane. Good- looking as It la made of wool yarn and velvety chenille In al ternating: etriDee. warm because of the throat-hueing collar and ine xuuness wnicn permits the eaoe to be smuwed In and held at waist. The cape Illustrated Is aone in medium err v wool and aarxer gery cnemiie out it may oe made in two browns, navy and royal, black and grey, two shades of wine or any two shades which will complement your winter top coat. Charming, too. done In all white wool and chenille) aa a party frock cape. 8nd 30c for the WAIST LENGTH CROCHETED CAPE (Pattern No. 306) all crocheting Instructions. YOUR NAME, AD DRESS PATTERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, Capital Jour nal, 85 Mission atreet, San Fran cisco 6. Calif. LOCKS LIKE TW6 6AM'S OVEB, BOYS.' VOOR STAR HALFBACK JUST GOT THROWN FOR A LOSS SO HI WAS BEAU.V ON THE BALUCHI6P--I YELLED THE KOREAN . WORD FOB ST?W5" HC 6RAB8ED TREU6HT rX CORD anu T I w'mey look -the Lrrru ) aO fella's 697 tmBT om . TfTHE PLAY? J RADIO PROGRAMS FRIDAY P. M. KGW I KOIN I KEX IKSLM I KGAE K0C5 Nawa Caaaa CM II Parle 1:15 lid 1 Ufa l:) ) tj43llla.BBeae hasacktu WtfeiBimaa Im :ia stall. DaiiMOeefrev :3S wt4m Bf.waGfrr ljjiW. i au,osir I:! rials atti oestrer :l3,r. r. rerrelioaerrar l:Jl Jmim UleSlrar l:4S.Hae'e Wl(. Icrt Maearr roGo PwsYNis6(eipVvvM Spoun rjryjlN6,XPWTH6 ' VWINMA , WVAJNeTt A OAT ' wi couNigy 4 9uppsin . iNvemep vaitUM. ' p,p jor , MAMMAS CtXTf. MAH M6. vacxmto 7nvBnt L, -v -fA 4 PIaY 0a40all BA6g iTalKftJ) k i V Amraom I u we eve too. kxo yyvwrp) tWO IN A BOCX WHtSt Ht0Oj POuaVeOAV WA IM Hi4 I THAT I BATHTU5 AN-HI JUMPia (Ot nouee n- 'coatees- I t J St -7H 'CAU HE W A ICAlLfcOAP CONPUCTO AN'rli4TltAiN ' PUttgO INTO THE GUKiSU letHPUCe OF TMB NATIONAL GAMt JE 8 (Ta wtf you ORPHAN ANNIE I I GOT -KU BOYS OUT- I I CAM S6ND YOO OrtCK- TO THE CHWP-OR I CAM keep SououTra . THRT CLEAR? I 6UI-S0JJ(MT's I VCR GARDENER" 1 J MB, m VER ALL RWHT-AFrgR TT TuiOWlMHAT DONE WE'LL BE BACK 1 AN ALWI- 1 I'LL SWEAR S0U NEVER iIIUm UF I gLCFT HCRC J'jJJWo J I TOrry tJ0 AVIOY- HOUSE BMPTY TOMORROW OR NEXT DAY-rU. TELL VOU WHEN- H LIL ABNER 7 N IN THET BOK.'-NKiHTMARE 'VCri ALICE. PLAYED A TRICK Z Vr V ON ME-ONLY A FATHEAD WHARf WOULD OF FELL f5HONtST FO' Jl Ag ?yj j, LE'S G4T 60IM' wir ir -uclaykd ACTION' WEDDIN' WHICH BECOMES LEGAL. 16 T ARS LATUt,?' i -aw r fU 1H HOP A LONG CA.S1D ACCORDIN' TO TH' RULES. VO'LL HAFTA TAKE CARE O' MAH SLOPPY LfL NIECE f Ik Y'ARS UNTIL IT KIN SET i UP A SLOPPY Lf L HOUSE I OF ITS OWN-WIF , YOKE ION" V P-PORE HONEST I ABE..'.'-YO- I 'ONLY INJCrFn I ONE MONTH I I O' BACHERLOK I WHOLE INNtDCENrl :NSikai WU. 1 OMi :! Iniw Ulna AtkUa s m. WUmb atertLwta ii Uf Buat'tT Twhlt 1H " la? wa ar mt B. Crckr Dick ru r ti im liw Nn rx MIIMa Wt Olrki l:M Jala Nan Hlrkkaaa l:lSiMaatoBs Saarktoa l:3fllsaala Itos Bllrahaai llSA trl Baha Ulxklrai ItasBin aura 1:15 Nwa ParaSa ;S U MeCaS htarai Tatar !:' a. rturaaa Traak o tCim. aar -aar- Taaa II BaatA-Bar-V CM aalltplTlU BUI Bab GarraS aiaaa Baal T.U Taat Uarb Rlrkwaaa ralL Lw Ml aailsawar Cart afaiaaf Saa Baraa Kkak aW Maala - V.wa Dlak sag MaHa l:M;BaUa Wltk :IS Maala i:MBaaaa at 1:43 Glaaa Hal. Saatn. MaSllallaa haai Maraaaa K Baaar :M Ha. MaGaa :1S All! Dr.l.r :3tl Phil Harrla :4S ran aru IrlS'Maa'a Faaill :15IWarltf Nawa llMIDlaab ahara ISSiF. Slaalra Ml Bak Baaa I: ll Bab Hapa l:St PartlanS Bll l:4ij r.r.a. I MKI I ' ran Uil Maa Oal I L MaCaD I'SOCII? Caaaril IHIIrCaaa.ll IWaalharaiaa Maaa lalliaal Traab Laakrl BIU Stara Slata Blraak Slaia Slraab Mr. Eaaa Mr. Eaaa Tbaaiaa Fan. Sbali. Bcaalab Ballaaa Orcbaalra sa'si.a off S Sla Plaal Caaba Cltr Clab SiSraaa Ktfrt Shaw RaaarS Shaw rrari Plfhta rubla Nawa Eaearaa Saaaatai J.Vaaaaraaakj raa. Daaaa Tlaia Daaaa TIM IDaaaa Tlaat Daaaa Tlaia Gab Bcalar Parra Caaaa V. Plablaa araa Taka a Naaibar Claaa Bit Claaa KM) Jlai rbUar Maala Haraiaalaa Caavarl Glaw Eartr Nawaraal Maala Wliaiar Uwla Plat. Tlava Nawa rial. Tlaia Caaal al MaaU Crtllii MKalabl Mtlatlaa Daaaa TlaalMalatr Maa n. a a. C. CalbaH. a. 0. ha C. CalkaaiT n. a. p.aj C. Calkalw n. 0. Paal Nltkl Nllkl Nlihl Nllkl PROBABLY TRAIL DUST. OR SCUFF "ARKS WHERE I SCRAPEP THE LEATHER AGAINST 60ME KOCK. HENRY By Carl Anderson take a look at THS I white sNuoaes ON 1 I THE INNER 466 Of V rpsuFNX fwrr. v MUTT Jl JEFF JU06E, I TMNK VOUAJ. FINP IT'S WHITEWASH THAT FUBSEO, OFF Kifis DOCTORED HORSE ! I ALSO THINK THE LABEL. IN61PE THESE BLACK CLOTHES WILL SHOW THEY CAME FROM MINERVA. COBB'S PRY- ClOOPS 6T0KC .' I ARREST THIS PERSON rHARSHAL.' WE'VE BfcbN ACCUSINjS AN INNOCENT MANt Do TV Prices Have You Worried? Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease ao that too can own a beautiful new ... Raytheon mCTIUUY ANYTNIN6 TAXEM M TRADE TRADER LOUIE lS7t Lana Ave. , Phone J-I55I SATURDAY 4 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. PETE'9 IRSP HfT BEEN BifWtk I DO? 1N JAIU J T t'THEV POT HIM IM JAIL for doing his CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EAf?LV don't 1 riu Mr? I 1H TUCOUAC.IV I I IK V-ME WAS IN THE rs. Wfl STORE Two HOUjCg !:N Wim Nrt fmrm Hair iNtwa jfatirtfar WNtri :.5IEtrtl Ini KOIN KlMh Vum Inr (Ttmsktwwr Milt MU4M :Sfl Rcrt Um KOIN ft look rata Hr iMarcb Tim Slirr Tmrm Hwm :45lstrJ w KOIN K.txk Turn (WW Hni liliH Svmt 1:h!nw KOIN KJtMk lil Mtttva Rwlanrmr Ntwi KOCO IM ?:15JKcer Rmb Ntwa Acrwakr Brcakfart alat KOCO KM 7-S0Rcrd Rmm Vtt N Brtahfut latnrar KOCO KM K. MawlHK Cwimtf Brt Bwm Nw laliU BiUb. tUrr. !.m Rrr RMae N Beb Darter kn Newt FmiIIf Kttl Jl Ktwaa Today Maala Salal Praaalff BaB 141 G' aa Braadwar Bavaa l latardav MaaU "" Taka Haaaa Kaat lalata Matta fl.M Ilawdr Da4Thatr af Tav1aa4 Ntwa Nawa Natra SlT? HawtJr Daael: Ta4a Taaa Farai Baaa Uacla Bab PaMla Baafe ft Haa-sjy D4 llan Orar Imm ralral Paatar'a CaU Uacla Bait Clab Tim :4S H,wiy pa: .nltjV 8 Baraala Uaala Bab Klaraaf lgTil Faa far All Stara af Naara Nawa Abb Baltta :T M.BMKIfla Taa tar All Taaiamw Matla Daela Bab Ant Batth It'll Ballrwaa! With Olrla Oattl BUr Mai Blaaa Uaeia Bab Cal. PaaUtl jf-4jr, Brrakfaat (WHh Clrla Gatat Star Mai Blawa Uacla Bab CaL TaatWI II .'M Mary Laa ImmI MUiaa Faatball Mai Blaaa Nawa Cal. Paataal 11 'Jl Tartar Maat Mliaaa Faatball Mai Blaaa I'aala Bab Cal. Paataal 11 M Paraj aa Babart Lawta Faatball Blrifllr Varla Bab Cat Paataad li tl Baaia Baai Paal A Pari Faatball Plla UaeU Bab Cat PaatbU ni Mac.t KOIN 1.1. a.m. f tt .atv. KXX n. ta f i DIAL LISTING KOAC. 551 KOAC KJfr, P.M. lt:tf, Nawat la, Naam Ft raa H a a r. Marlaa Canal araatt 1:M Kttla 'ai Cawbart t:M, Eaaatlallr far Waataai l:M Oracaa Kaaartari 4:M, laarU Far Maat; 5:aa, CblMraa'a Taaa. an :, Nawa, Wtalkart 7:1ft, Ftra Haart caaprr Arta la Amor Ira i .:M. Matla I tiW, Maa'l tattam ll:M. Slsn Off. ItfnAP SttarJtr A M -li t. Ntaa, tJr0 i;i8i Ktaclall far Waawai lira. Caaaarfc Ball: 1I:M. Nawa. !.- Jala Narri 1:11 Callaca Matllara. . . t REX MORGAN. M.D. ROOM Jl BOARD By A hers HOWD YOU LIKE A BARREL OF 'SW' JOVE F06HOR.N V ) BK, JUICY CIYSTERS7 - AN OLD C'l AND 11L PRfcPARfc SMIfWAIt UT WINt UN IHt MERRV MaLV'lS NOW WORKIN' THE OYSTER BEDS. AND HELL GLADLY SEND ME A BARREL FOR THE FAVOR. I DID HIM IM THE SOUTH SEAS " 1 BEAT OFF A COUPLE OF SHARKS THAT WERE MUNCHING HIM .. DURING A SWIM SOME OF MY FAMOUS OYSTERS A LA PUFFLE A SECRET RECIPE THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE OFFERED ME A HUGE SUM TO DIVULGE A V ' "I "' how RE "iOjNJ n i X r ai i mv ui kiund n f" DONT YOU 'B KNOW Hl. WSS GALE r THAT 5 LA4C105. THE rTPI3Tl5T .' M. KE1NY.' THUtT IAA1 OJ JUST ) WAITE9 ON... J WHO IS ME T p Kg a-Ov HOTlST .J he's Ourre a guy.' a couple of weeks aso we gave u5 a oewoists:.tiom he?e in THE STORE .' PUT ONE OF WY CLEWS TO sleep: CANT SAY rr WAS TOO MUCH OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT .' MV BS PROBLEM WAS TRVINS ID a&E AVfAKK Or THE TIWE: 1 1 J I DONALD DUCK r III I waa. n HI,TOOT5...t'M REACy ' r, EC? VOU TO CO MART WORTH jirTTisr'-:. .... ; sowrtAKCTousE? n-, r,LLL ia.L auxjr4(3 -v r v. , ur,ff I THAT Sk-.U lnrt IIU..Hurua.u-. IV lyraiuM.. fT ON THt VCCiOf MDUR TRAH.tR! I i . ten fOUS LA-r JIMS OWNED THAT T, ANOALrtACiyr, 100H5 lllkt WMt- THING WAVICO TlOt! CLWPlfTt wwoPioir PCXIStMlOre BPAItTOtHri OlARACTtR. JO! Teachers to Present Silverton Program Silverton The personnel of a committee representing the Silverton Teachers Associa tion have announced Thursday evening, Dec. 3 at the date for the special annual program of the teachers, to be given at the regular meeting of the Parent Teacher Association. Miss Hannah Olson is chair man of the committee, assisted by Mrs. A. J. McCannel, Mrs. Knute Digerress. Miss Willette Freeman and Miss Marie Brye. Dr. Steiner will be the edu cational speaker and officials of the state of Oregon have been sent invitations to attend Mrs. A. J. McCannel presented the invitation to the members of Deibert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxiliary, at Monday evening's meeting. The January program of tha PTA will feature the work be ing accomplished by tha "Family Relations" committee of which Mrs. C. B. Calkins is chairman. ARMY TUG SINKS Pusan, Korea A 200 ton U. S. Army tug which cap sized and sank in Pusan Har bor Sunday was raised today, A Filipino cook, Espirdian Nu fable, drowned when the tug sank while towing a freighter. The United States bought its first military aircraft in 1909. six years after the Wright brothers made their first airplane flight. C A1RI1PTA P Af I RAN P. SHI EE Pali 0 ii B OTjDUTlN TIEIRIV I EM A 5 ACROSS 1. Preierve 4. Deck bands 5. Bugle rail 12. Biblical priest 13. Esrlr alpha betic char acter 14. Mental uaaga 15. Sun IS. Lowest IS. Givm inionriatloti SO. Snow runner Jl. Greek letter 13. Defensive covering J7. Poverty . Kind of huMiil ii. Small fish 33. God of war 14. Revtrcnt fear 35. Dressed It. Title of a kniiht 37. Supplication 38. Miifortunet 30. One to whov money is paid 41. Destiny 43. Large river boats 48. Singing voice 49. Incessant 53. Gone by 64. Musical instrument K. Silkworm 56. Steep flax 57. Row 58. Marries 59. Affirmative DOWN Woke 10JRI JTBoTDIOTRl Solution af Yesterdays Pusals 1 Medicinal plant 1. Women's hats 1 Outside l,k of bread I Plow 6. Purposes m lU 7 y Ti tt rr - ti 7fTn whih- 7JiJ,T 74-a &fYf' rfpt rrrrxst' v n :n fir h rt 9 f ?rr .;:,.' : a rpr irpr n so V XT 7. 5" " ,?S" .IT rr j: sr qT i. Stvao days I. Part of an aiitAmebilt engine I. Commotion' 10. Foot! ike pari 11. Perched 17. Actual IS. Building sltas 32. Ruatian sea 34. Thousand years 33. last Indiaa woody plaB 38. Anarehlsta 37. SUnjing Insect 3. Vocal sola 30. Be Indebted It. Part of a plant 39. Quote 37. Peruaa fairy 40. Diner 41 ColleetJoa at maps 44. Recoimlaaa) 45. Certain 47. -thaperl molding 48. Decomposaa 41. Light bed MLJapaneaeaaak 8LN'w Testa ment spell Irgof Noa HLBalp II r72