'.T-r-T-c-iv- ' r.TZrr- :V-t"-t -- . Thursday, November 28, 1933 Pan s THE CAPITAL JOUSNAL, Salem Ortw In The Valley Edited hj M1KI FORBES Mill City UfU rH Mp ftnrl Un Cur. tis Clint left Monday tor Spo kane, wain., wnere utey wui spend the Thanksgiving holiday with their ion, Charles Cline, and family. They mad th trip by train. Mr. and Mn Clavton Baltl more moved this week to their home near Redmond. Mr. Bal timore had spent most of the summer at Redmond, complet ing their new home, while Mrs. VtaHlmnr remained and work ed at the Santiam Memorial hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Whltsett and children left Triday for Ta eoma. Wash, where they will visit her parents. On their re turn trip they will visit his Barents at Bonneville. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. ' Melbourne Rambo and two children left Saturday for Santa Roil. Calll where they will visit his moth er, Mrs. Elva Rambo. Tney ai mn will visit hii sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar son at Oakland, cam. J. C. KimmeU was In Stay inn Thiiridav evenlne attend ing a board meeting of the dl m? ton of the Santism Memor ial hojDiUl. Mr. KimmeU Is the nre.ldent. Dive Reld is convalescing at liAma fallowing a itav at the Santiam Memorial hospital for medical observstion. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hath away are reported to be pro gressing as well as posiible fol lowing their recent injuries in a car accident Practice has been stirted on the Junior class play, "Desper ate Ambrose," scheduled for presentation in early December. It la directed by Arthur Le Court, high school faculty member. ' SELECTIVE SERVICE Dallas Mrs. Nona Ford an nounces that the office of the Polk County Selective Service will be dosed from Nov. 33 to Nov. 30. Orders have been Is sued to seven men to report for induction Into the armed forces. About one-fifth of the area of the world is permanently froxen. Jefferson meat a-aree Kalhrrn Oraysea How art Keel "KISS ME KATE" la Teehnleeltr Omtdr Short aubkot "DON" FORGET Ul TO WRITE Me Till f:M Deaa Martin Jerry lawte "THE CADDY" Ala Glenn lard "PLUNDER Of THE SUN" NOW PLAYING! IN PERSON ON OUR STAGE! Great 3 Unit Shew! Regular Prices THE AMAZING "MR. V" Warld-Famout Hypnotist and Mental Marvel in 2 Hours of Hilarious Fun! ! On Screen Jeff ereon The W. S. C. S. of the Methodist Church met Wednesday afternoon and committees announced for the annual bazaar to be held Fri day Dec 4 at the City Hall, beiinnlng at 10 0 clock A snack bar will be selling coffee and cookies. There will be booths dlsplsylng csndy, fincy work, canned fruit, Christmas novelties, Christ mas corsages, and swags, cooked food and parcel post package gifts. Committtees are Christmas novelties, Mrs. George Mason; csnned fruit. Miss Addle Lib by; corsages and swsgs, Mrs. Helen Csywood; snacks, Mrs. O. A. Lensmsn, Mrs. W. F. Culvin; candy, Mrs. Earl Phelps and Mrs. O. A. Hall; fsncywork, Mrs. Roland Will snd Mrs. Lester Shields; cooked food, Mrs. E. C. Hart, Mrs. Eric Fltzsimons, Mrs. Robert Smith. Mrs. W. F. Culvin presided during the business meeting. Mrs. Mison was devotional leader; Mrs. Hart gave the les son. Refreshments were serv ed by the hostesses, Mrs. A. B. Hinz and Mrs. Helen Cay wood. Enjoying a day and night at Depoe Bty were Mrs. Lydia Englund and her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs J. R. Jscobson of St. Paul Minn., on Tuesdsy. Mr and Mrs. Lester Erb are parents of an eight pound fourteen ounce son, Michael Cleon, born Nov. 13 at the Salem General Hospital. This is their fourth child. Dry arrangements wss the topic for the "Jefferson Friendly Gsrden Club" at the Monday night meeting. Mrs Helen Caywood and Mrs Frank Martin made arrange ments and Holiday corsages of dry msterisls. Arrange ments also were made by Mrs. Virgil Ballet and Mrs. Arthur Harris. Roland Wall presided at the business meeting and intro duced Mrs. HitUe Paris of Stayton who presented a 48 eup electrle coffee urn, two burner electric plate and ket tle for heating water, to the city hall to be used by all or ganizations uiing the hall. The urn was presented In memory of the Gunsaulus fsmily, who spent their first night on the City Hall property 100 years sgo. Members reported III were Mrs. Glen Cobb, Mrs. Earl Lynes, Miss Louisa Miller and Earl Phelps. Hostesses were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Looney and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Wynd. The Dec. 31 meeting will be a gift ex change of plants and bulbs. Holiday arrangements will be made and displayed by mem bers. The hospitality commit tee includes Mrs. Wesley Barnes, Mrs. Hart Barnes Misa Mary Dooohue, Mrs. Claude Overholser, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mills. Mrs. Ernest Powell will have on display a Christmas wreath and Mrs. Roland Will a door swsg. Mrs. M. H. Gilderslecve was Introduced at a new mem ber. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart Sr., were gueitt. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jacobson of St. Paul, Minn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brox on and Englund the past week. They left Thursdsy for Sin Diego, Calif, to visit their son stationed there. Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs. Broxson are sisters and had not seen esch other for nearly 18 years. Mr. and Mrs. Broxon entertained with an early Thanksgiving dinner in honor of their guests. Mr. snd Mrs. Jscobson. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Bylsrd of Portland, the form er being a brother of Mrs. Broxon and Mrs. Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drum mer! and Perlette of Lebanon and Mrs. Lydia Englund. The Woman's Christian Fel lowship of the Christian church study group met at the home of Mrs. Virginia Wills Wednesday Mrs. Geraldlne Looney review. ed the lesson on "Spanish Speaking People." Present were Mrs. Eltzsbeth Terhune, I Mrs. Katherine Werner. Mrs. KNH wmmt 2ndll9Hit! - "Mr.V"aStafa At 1:1 St 0:30 Than, and 9:00 Friday Falls City Falls City Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mra. Sydney Clan were Mrs. Gish's nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Montey HepncV of Pleasant Hill, near Euaeoe. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Earle of the Oakdale community bad the misfortune to lose their house and all contents by tire recently. Only a chest of drawers, a pair of blankets and two boxes of canned fruit ware uvea. A shower was given them Wednesday evening and gifts of clothing, canned fruit and some bedding was received. Mr. Earle had lust purchased a large bill of groceries for the winter, which were all lost. Anyone having a gift of fur niture or anything to donate may leave the articles with the John Cook family or get in touch with the Xarlea at the Senior Earle's home in Dallas were they are now staying. They have a 8-year-old girl and a baby boy a few months old. Leonard Westbrook la able to be out of the bouse again following a severe recent ill ness. Mra. Dora Glaze of Dallas visited her daughter, Mrs. Claude Allen a few days the past week. Clear Lake Clear Lake Honor guest t a shower was Mrs. A. A. Eichel berger when Mrs. M. L. Mills entertained Thursday evening at her home. Following an in formal evening, Mra. Fcrd Zeeb assisted the hostess in serving dessert supper. ' Those honoring Mrs. Eichel berger were Mrs. Arthur Sor t njn, Mra. Ted Glrod, Mra. Arthur Evans, Mrs. L. W. Janes, Mra. Jack Chapin, Mra. W. A. Smith, Mra. Everett Whelan, Mra. Delbert Bair, Mrs. Louis Adams, Mrs. George Landrith, Mrs. L. J. Chapin, Mrs. Arnold Fast, Mrs. Ferd Zeeb, Mrs. John Guy, Mrs. Clara Johnson, Mn. Kenneth Seely, Mra. T. C. Ma son, and Mra. Mills. Eighteen women were serv ed a buffet luncheon as part of the project on Buffet Meals when the extension unit met Friday at the home of Mra. John E. Guy. Leaden were Mrs. Arthur Evans and Mrs. Ted Glrod. Mrs. Glrod also in troduced the study of Hawaii by reading a letter from an extension agent in the islands. During , the discussion on program planning for next year, led by Mrs. Walter Old enburg, Interest was expressed in growing house plants, nu trition, dry cleaning, and dye- I ing. 1 ne nexi meeting win oc Mrs. Fred Hughes of Salem in January at the home of Mrs. also visited Mrs. Allen recently snd the two ladles called upon Mra. Jessie Moyer at the Evans Rest Home In Dallas, and found her to be quite bappy and at well as usual. Jerry Livingston has arrived home from Japan where he has served in army duty for the past two years. Mr. Livingston was a friend and house guest of Mrs. Moyer for several years before enter ing the service. She was de lighted by a visit from him last Sunday. The Oakdale Ladies club will hold its next meeting at the borne of Jennie Evans and it will be an aU day affair as they will psck a "Care" package for Korea and one or more packages for old folks homes. A pot luck dinner will be served at noon by the hostess, and Mrs, W. K. Cummlngs as co-hostess. A grab-box will provide fun for the entertainment hour as it will be the club's Christmas party. Mrs. Cecil Carey took ad vantage of their day off at the store Wednesday by doctoring a heavy cold which she con tracted earlier In the week. Gertrude Hotchkin treated the teacher and pupils of the Oakhurst school to elaborately decorated cup cakes snd Ice cresm, Friday, as it was her daughter, Loni's birthday. Lonl becomes 7 years old Nov. 22, and is a second grader. Rosie Sweitzer and Gertrude Hotchkin had lunch together in Salem one day recently while Mrs. Sweitzer was In town on business. Marion T. C. Mason, The Christian .Service Guild of th EUB Church it sponsor ing a carnival Saturday, Nov. 28. It will be held in the school house beginning at 7 p.m. There will be a fishpond, Cakewalk, pie throwing and various garnet with prizes. Those having articles to do nate to the white elephant sale are requested to call Mra. Del bert Bair or leave them at the achoolhouse on Friday. Pro ceeds from the carnival will be used in redecorating the Sunday school room of the church, which la the Guild's project for the year. Detroit Sublimity Marlon The home extension unit met at the Farmers Union hall for an all day meeting. Mrs. Bernard Coulson directed program planning for another year. The group enjoyed a Ha waiian dinner served by project leaders Mattie Lou McGill and Elaine Sitton. "Trends in Light ing" was the subject for the afternoon by Agent Ermlna Fisher. Members present were Nellie Gray, Christine Pletzer, Harriet DeLangh, Claudie Strode, Dora Schermacher, Alice McCoy, Ed na Coulson, Cathy Coulson, Margaret Davidson, Doris Rob bins, Ina Marvel, Mattie Lou McGill, Elaine Sitton, Sylvia Baxter, Alice Schermacher and a guest, Lillie Santee. I Detroit The E. R. Firestone family are spending the holi day in Portland, where they will visit Mrs. Firestone's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, and be the guests of Mr. Fire stone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Firestone, for the Thanks giving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Waters ar rived Monday from Bremerton, Wash., to spend the holiday with the Ray Sophys. Mr. 1 Waters Is a brother of Mrs. I Sophy. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kite and children, Sandy and Mich ael, will drive to Canby, Thurs day, to be dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Kite's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Keubler. Despite the wet weather, tree planting continues in the De troit district of the Willamette National Forest, District Rang er S. T. Moore announced, and the work should go on for the next three weeks. A week long forest service project to poison rodents, par ticularly the white-footed mice, In the Parkett Creek sale area ended recently. The purpose of the operation was to insure germination of an unusually heavy aeed fall In that area in a year of generally poor seed conditions. Poisoned grain was the bait used. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore were Mrs. Moore's brother snd sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson of Portland. Sublimity Mr. and Mra. Ralph Lulay (Marcella Grier) are receiving congratulation on the birth of a daughter, Danita Rose, born Friday, Nov. 13 at a Salem hospital. The Lulayt have two boys. Mr. and Mra. P. J. Grier and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lulay are the grandparents. Mrs. B. Scbmid and Mr. and Mrs. John B. Van Handel are the great grandparents. Twin girls weighing lb., t ot. and 7 lb., oz. were born to Mr. and Mra. Henry Mlotke (Evelyn Kremer) Tues day, Nov. 17 at the Santiam Memorial hospital at Stayton. They are named Deanna Marie and Donna Rose. There are two older girls and a boy. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Etzel and Mra. Rose Mlotke ot Oklahoma are the grandparents. Mrs. Emma Doerfler is home after spending a week in Port land. Mra. B. J. Minden and young aon, Bucky, returned from their visit in Seattle. While there they they spent a few days with Sister Barbara of Sisters of the Holy Name, who it a sister of Mra. Minden. Mrs. William Duchateau was hostess to members of the Women's club at her home on Thursday. Cards were, enjoyed during the afternoon with Mrs. Barbara Gehlin receiving first prize. Mra. Margaret Holfusin won the special gift St Boniface High Parents Association met in the high school with a capacity crowd. Ben Toepfer, the new presi dent had charge of the meet ing. Rev. R. P. O'Hara gave a talk. A male sextet, Vicky Ries terer, David Pirrlih, Ronald Bent& Bruce Stewart, Robert Albut and Nestor Van Handel san. They were accompanied by Misa Marilyn Minden at the piano. Misa Mindin'ind Mist Mary Louise Hottinger gave two pi ano duett which concluded the musical program. Lunch was served after the close of the meeting. Mothers ot the senior class with Mrs. E. A. Ditter as chairman had charge of the evenings social activities. The Junior class mothers with Mrs. Ray Hartman as chairman will be hostesses for the Dec. 10 meeting. Hopewell Hopewell Homecoming ser vice was held at the Hopewell EUB church on Sunday, Nov. 22, with good attendance. Rev. C. L. Harris ot Portland preached. Miis Dorothy Brown of Salem sang a solo, and Mrs. John Widmer ot Wood burn was guest pianist Following a potluck dinner at noon, a motion picture was shown. Out of community guests were Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Har ris. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cornely Mist Marlene Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cornely, all of Portland; Rev. F. E. Fisher of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. John Wid mer of Wood bum, and James Bennett of St Helens. The Hopewell home exten sion unit will hold its Decem ber meeting at the Hopewell EUB church Dec. 1 at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Clarence Legg and Mrs. Fra nk Mersha are the project leaden for "Glove Mak ing" and Mrs. John Fuqua, chairman, will be In charge of the business meeting. Potluck dinner will be served at noon. The Hopewell Community club will hold its next meeting Dec. 3, at 8 p.m. at the Hope well school. Mrs. Glen Harris, president, will be in charge of the business meeting, and A. A. Anderson of McMinnville will show the motion pictures of Ha waii which he took in hit visit there last winter. Refreshment! will be served. The Red Cross home nursing classes which were to start Nov. 30 have been postponed until after the new year, due to illness in the families of both instructors, Mrs. E. J. Terrlll and Mrs. Orlck Busick. Mrs. Stephen Tarter it with her daughter, Mrs. Marvin De Reave, near Amity caring for her and the children. Mr. and Mn. Marvin DeReave are the parents of twin daughtera, Joni Lou. 3 lbs. 7 oz.. and Jodi Sue. I 5 lbs. 8 oz., born Nov. 10, at Salem General hospital. The little twins are still at the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Tarter are the parents of a daughter, Teresa June, 6 lbs. 11 oz., born at the Salem General hospital Nov. 21. Mn. Tarter was for merly Miss Phyllis Meeker of Amity. Mrs. Tom Mulloy and cousin, Pete Mulloy, of Sherwood were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pearse. COMPLETE LUNCH With Drink and Dessert Daily Except Sunday from II a.m. 59c 440 Stof a CRYSTAL GARDENS DANCE Back Again With Two Floors of Dancing Two Bands Ad m. 74c EVERY SATURDAY NITE Inc. Tax Hu'.ohlnm. Mrs. Nettle Pow ell, Mrs. Donna June Bailee and the hostess. Mrs. Wills. At the last meeting of the! Mt. Jefferson Rebekah lodge, the election of officen took! place with Mrs. J. W. DeVa-, ney elected noble grand; Mrs. Hazel Hinsdale, vice grand: Mrs. Paul Smith, secretary; Mn. I. B. Knight, treasurer. The lodje was invited to visit the Mill City lodge Wednesdsy night Dec. 2. The president of the Rebekah Assembly will visit Mt. Jefferson Rebekah lodge Dec. 1. A practice was announced for Monday night, Nov. 23 and the Three Links club Tuesday afternoon. Refreshments were served noq Stephenson, Mrs. Robert le.h..i. u c.. Terhune, Jr., Mra. Martha ,nd Mrs. Grace Clark. Take 'Em Out! Hamburgers . . 19c French Fries . . 9c Milk Shakes . . 19c Root Beer, Cokes 9c Coffee, Orange . 9c Phone 3-5016 '&PT From 11 a.m. to Midnight On Weekdays 12 Noon to t p.m. On Sundays Second Floor Old Tima Dancing First Floor Modetn Cabaret Style 51 MATINKK TODAY Cant. 1:4 writt cttt-iai Ce - Pralare ATTENTION . . . Sportsmen! Cafes! Housewives! AT LAST! W hova been obit to obtain 50 dozen only. War Surplus Mugs, in the new whit stream lint design you hove been asking for. $3.60 Far Daitn LEMCO RESTAURANT SUPPLY 13S1 Hey St. Ph. 2-0752 N. h . a.rj Cold Weather Satta oot un uvi, uwrr uk rm. ham Mm tMMrari frits! tot HUNDREDS tP XtUS ItFTS IT THIS ONE LOW PRICE 176 N. Liberty 0FHRIDAT TtFJt $aving Centers At the Fool of the Bridge W. Salem . Mile North of ; the Underpass Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Prices Effective Thur., Fri., Sat., Sun, Valley Packing Co. WIENERS lb. 25' 'LIMIT Eastern Oregon Baby Beef LOCKER BEEF C Half or Whole 25 Lb. Eastern Oregon Baby Beef tj?V Beef Roast , y Eastern Oregon Baby Beef ) P , Ground Beefib.iJ Eastern Oregon Baby Beef Beef Steak ,b. Sirloin or T-Bone " RADISHES and GREEN ONIONS . 3buo.10c Florida Pink or While P . Grapefruit each 3 LIMIT DESCHUTES NO. 2 POTATOES 50 & 791 LIMIT GREEN BROCCOLI Bunch HOLIDAY fllf Margarine,, 1 '2 LIMIT VANILLA AP, ICECREAM 0,25 Grade BUTTER LIMIT i