Thuwdiy. November 26, FIRST STOP Queen Elizabeth TT and th - --- wi uuiuurKQ inspect : the guard of honor with Governor Sir Alexander Hood (extreme right) after their arrival at Hamilton, Bermuda. Hamilton was the firit atop on a aix-month world tour of the British Commonwealth. (UP Telephoto) Gravitation Law Gets Study From a High-Brow Angle " BT J. HIIfiH PRITETT (Ajtronom.r. UtiuWa DlilUon. System Readers of this column often lay to me: "Your writing! art ao sim ple." Now whether or not this statement ii meant to be com plimentary it not alwaya im- : mediately apparent. So today let ui attempt to add tome dif ficulty and dignity to laid col umn by discussing the sup posed "high-brow" law of grav itation. We are told that one sum mer day Sir Isaac Newton was relaxing under the pleasant ahade of an apple tree. Sud denly there was a slight com motion among the branches . above him, and tumbling down came a big apple. Now why did this apple come down? Why didn't it go up or off sidewaysT What force made it go toward the earth? New- ton finally was able to show that the moon was constantly - falling toward the earth at the rate of 0.0S inches per second. It never reached the earth since it was constantly moving ', in its orbit. This fall was need ed to keep the moon at about the same distance from the earth. After much study the noted scientist was convinced that there is attraction everywhere in the great universe and pro- Laniel to Ask ConfidenceVote . Parij W The French gov ernment threatened Wednes day to resign unless the na .' tional assembly approves a government-sponsored resolu tion on foreign policy. The ..resignation of Premier Joseph "Laniel could affect plans for !the Big Three conference at 1 Bermuda culled for Decem ber 4. At Issue Is the French atti tude toward Germany's role .in the European army contem , plated under the European De .fense Community treaty. The . assembly is sharply divided on - the question. : Laniel's government sub mitted a weakly-worded res solution asking approval of a ; policy of continued support for European unification. But 'there was no indication from 'the various political parties . on how they would receive it. No vote on the resolution was . expected before Friday night. TRIANGLE X-TRA EGG PRODUCER Mt famottf lormuto iWd h fwrftcttd to o two tpm(W joN 1 maintain tht body raditmn f rur Uym prodm mora btrtt-d tf. tit K iw wsim row SjyTa ani D. 1. Wlills I Ufa rrsd Wrist 4 Sew, II. t 193J ON TOUR V. i'.-i.W WW 1 1 u y V n,.ir. . vji.i t. orwoa miliar XductUo SnUm) pounded his formula which has since been known as the law of universal gravitation. This is generally stated thus: "Every pirucie oi matter In the unl verse attracts every other nar. tide with a force which varies directly as the product of their masses and Inversely as the square of the distance between them." Does this mean that two ap ples hanging on a tree are at tracted toward each other? It certainly does, and this force of attraction can be accurately calculated. However, this force is very, very minute. The data needed for the calculation is the distance between their cen ters and the mass of each. If the mass of one is doubled, the attraction is doubled. It the mass of each Is doubled, the at traction is quadrupled, since th attraction varies as the product of the masses. The mass acts as though it were all at the center of the body. An apple with a mass of one pound is attracted toward the center of the earth 4.000 miles away with the force of one pound. If the apple is tak en 4.000 miles above the earth, it will be 8,000 miles from the center and will weigh only Vi pound; If 12.000 miles from the center. It is three times as far as when on the surface, so the weight is 19 lb. Inversely as the square of the distance. Small babies learn that a rat tle will fall if released. Even our cat knows something about the law of gravitation. If hand ed a dainty morsel when he is sitting on a chair with his head over the edge, he will get back before starting to eat, lor he knows that he will lose the food if It escapes his mouth, with the floor as the first stop, FOR A DATE not if you use FORMULA SHO-CURL with rtfined Lanolin the exerting, new hoir beauty aid that revolutionise! Home Hole Styling. Sho Curl gives Picture Perfect waves ond evrfi in minutes msteod ef hours. An application costs leu man a penny. Guarantee: SoW action or twice your money bock. URGE SIZE i iv 1 J' T Walter Mott Passes Here Walter F. Mott, 63, who lived at 234 Myrtle Avenue, died at local hospital Wednesday. Mott, resident of Salem for the last IT years, had been In ill health about year. When he first came to Salem he operated the Yankee Cafe and later two email grocery stores in Salem. For eight years before his health faUed he and Mrs. Mott had operated the Labish Center store. He was born in Amverts. S D., in 1888 and cam to Ore gon in 1SSS. He was a member of the Nazarene church. He is survived by his widow. Lydla. of Salem; three daugh ters, Edith Chipman of Port land. Mildred Clark of Fall Creek, and Marlys Draxdoff of Albany; three sons, Donald, Ronald and Ernest Mott. all of sal em; three stepdaughters, June Ames of Gardena, Calif., Louise Pfau of Brooks, and Arlen Heppner of Salem: two sisters, Mrs. Grace Spindler of Hot Springs, S. D., and Mrs. Bertha Saltee of Seattle. Funeral services will be an nounced by Howell-Edwards. Klippert Returns From Conference Ed Klippert of Willamette Grocery company, Salem, di rector of IGA store operations, has just returned from re gional conference in Spokane of Northwest IGA wholesalers. Highlight of the conference was discussion of plans and methods for realizing the goal of 10,000 IGA stores doing 110, 000 per week volume in 10 years or total of $5 billion volume in on year. Also disclosed by Orville Johler, IGA vice president and' advertising director, was the first quarter promotional pro gram of 18S4, in which two 19 5 4 Chevrolet automobiles will be given away in a con sumer promotion. First quar ter of 19S4 also will see a consumer event Including 10 grand national awards ranging from free vacation trips to pre fabricated homes. It will tie in with IGA's 28th anniversary celebration. IGA wholesalers are expect ed to use about on million dollars worth of additional newspaper advertising in 1954. IGA is currently advertised in about 2000 newspapers. More IGA wholesalers have indicat ed they will use double-truck newspaper ads next year than did in 1953. come to Suppers Flttcs lined cspeslun moc coliirKl is ITSMI. MTSS 4 I CdS srad, rkiMstanai t ri r nne-tnaiMsdinlystr fUlJ lss4islO,AB,0(ily. J 170 N. LIBERTY Opea Friday Night Til I 10. JUSt t- in r ' f h to. My ..wi-th. ( 'Ail llll'Dtll WTlTtlt MlW;C0.0'i,ksralnel THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon r Fruit Sales in N.W. Lagging Portland UP) TraH- reported Wednesday that Paci fic Northwest friut growers are worried over alow sali nt thi year's crop. Washington apple growers have shinned 1 ann fu, ... loads than last year, while Ore- Our interior decorat ing deportment will gladly assist you in choosing th "right" chair for your needs. Pairs of Chairs . . . Us pair on cither side ef th fireplace. Try pair with a step tobl between ... A pair with a corner tabla is perfect tasta. Armless ones lid by lid make a lov seat. Many, many beautiful and unusual styles from which to choose. $C50 rriceu as low as OPERATION SEAGULL French troops move up in assault boats to hit Viet Minh forces at Lake Lai in Indo-China. The action, part of Operation Mouett (Operation Seagull!, resulted in more than 200 Communists killed in th three-day battle. (UP Telephoto) gon shipments have totaled only 320 carloads, which is leu than halt of the 1932 figure at this time. . Th Oregon - Washington -California Pear Bureau has de cided to step up its promotional campaign in the holiday season to try to increase sales. Prices hive not suffered so . ft Im Hii Choirs wor . . , .i m0,a B.rce!oun,r. D 9 , CQ50 fort for any . ,r,'3Y fort tor any vadium orto" ' front From Each J "T in rurnlture ot Popular Prfcs 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM, wewe i - ' 31 far, but a big backlog of applea and pears will cause a slump cvenutaiiy, growers aald. TWO MINOR TREMORS Tokyo () Two very minor after shocks following yester day's sharp earthquake were felt her this evening. Sitting Pretty for If you're a smart Santa you'll be sitting pretty this Christmas when you give one of these handsome, comfortable chairs from Hamilton's. - .llw fa- ' top g",n From. . From in anticipation or you neeos. i0 it Sine 1894 OREGON Candidates for State Grange Portland UV Th atato Grann will Heeid ni mnnth in statewide balloting between two canaioaies lor stat Orange master Ralph Rogera, Eu gene, and Incumbent Elmer McClure, Milwauki. Grange headquarters, an nounced th list nf niuiMilu said three would compete for overseer, me second highest Grange post They an William G. Howes. MlflfAVlt. Vmt-m Lantz, Estacada, and Robert acnmiat, Albany. Delegatea at th stat con vention in Jun will fill th position of stat lecturer. No one has been found to accept aonunation ror uie post. Earl Griffith. Clatnn rv.,. ty; Donald Morris, Douglas County, and Roscoe Roberta, Jackson County, will run for steward. Six are running for three oositions on the state vpntltMi commute. They are Bertha J, Beck, Benton Cqunty; Herb Carlton, Jackson; Ray W. Gill, Multnomah; Clarence Jackson, Lane; Luke Relf, Crook; and wiinam u. koss, Malheur. There is no opposition for Glen Adams, Salem, for trea surer; Mildred Norman,' Port land, for secretary: and Flor ence Tarbell, St. Helena, for chaplain. m 0 US. Judge Wants Return Of Hickory Limb Oklahoma City W fj. g. Dist. Jndg Edgar t. Vaaght appealed today tor rewrv to fckkery limb hutice" to car ferenlla crime. Judge . Vaaght sug rested th eld faahlraed remedy just safer aantenelBg 11 prmons, mostly teenagers, to a total ef It years in prison a a var iety at charge. Thar la sack widespread disregard at th tow," he de clared "partlealarly by yeutha tram IT to 21, that Imprisonment doesn't seem to d any good. Then Just is' a proper substitute for th eld-fashion ed woodshed whet th shingle was asd for some thing beside covering th rof." Amity Thanksgiving Amity Amity churches will observe a union Thanks giving service Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock. The service will be held at th Methodist church, , with Rev. Richard Crader, pastor of the Baptist church, delivering the mes sage. Th other pastors of th community will participate. : Harbors In northern Nor way an ice free although well above the Arctic Circle be cause they an warmed by th Gulf Stream. -. . ' - Park Free on Our Lot while you shop at Hamilton's