Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 26, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    , Pan IS
Tktmday, No?wibr tt, 1S
On UP Ail-American Unit
Kew York IM The Mid
west with five players domin
ates u lssi united i-rea All
Am.rtca football team, selected
Wednesday In nationwide bal
. lot of 285 sports writers and
broadcasters. '
Selected as the 11 fin it foot
ball players in the land were:
Ends Carlton Massey of
Texai and Don Doboney of
Mlchlfan State.
Tacklea Arthu Hunter of
Notre Dame and Stanley Jones
of Maryland.
Guard J. S. Roberta of
Oklahoma and Crawford Mlmi
of Mississippi.
Center Larry Morris of
Georfia Tech.
Backi John Lattner of
Notre Dame, Paul Glel of Min
nesota, Paul Cameron of UCLA
and J. C. Caroline of Illinois.
Only Lattner, who led in the
balloting, is a repeater from the
mM n.ltmA Dm.- All. Am.rlf. I
,Ilfl fellW . Mwmm -
team. Two, Cameron and Glel,
were on the second team last
Lattner, named on 149 of the
18 ballots, received a total of
2824 points out or a possioie
2915. That was 17 points more
than accumulated by Glel, who
was named on 251 of the bal'
lots. Lattner, however, received
228 first place votes against 220
for OieL The Minnesota half
back received more second
team votes than Lattner, II to
Roberts, Oklahoma's brilliant
guard, led the linemen in the
voting, received tout ox 1BR1
points with Mims, the other
guard, second with 1255 points.
Sophomore Wine Berth
For the first time since Doak
Walker in 1847, a sophomore
made the mythical eleven.
Caroline, the Negro speedster
who shattered Red Grange's
sophomore records at Illinois,
won the fourth backfield spot
with 1748 points, 845 more than
Bob Garrett of Stanford, a
All other first team players
are seniors except Morris, who
is a junior.
Salem Youth Wins
Expert Rifle Rating
Wsshington, D. C. The Ex
pert Rifleman Medal, second
highest award in junior shoot
ing, has gone to Jon Michael
Miller, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Burr Miller, 450 N. 18th St.,
Salem, Oregon, the National
Rifle Association announced
In two and a half years of
shooting, young Miller has
risen through 13 lower rank
ings to achieve the expert rtfle
. man rating. With one mora
award, he will be classified as
a distinguished rifleman, along
with other top Junior shooters
of the nation. '
A 12th grade student at Sao
red Heart Academy, young
Miller la member of the
Cherry City Rifle club. His
Instructor Is Col. P. W. Allison.
Chavez Moves
Beating Art King
Sen ' Francisco I) Fast
punching Eddie Chaves of
San Jose, who beats light
weight champions but wesrs
no boxing crown. Is a step
closer to a title bout follow
ing his Impressive 10-round
win here Wednesday night
over Arthur King of Toronto.
The poker-faced California
Mexican gave Canadian cham
plon King a severe going over
in a nationally televsled fight.
In the ssme arena last Jan
uary, Chavex chalked up a 10-
round decision over the world
title holder, Jimmy Carter,
but the letters crown was
not at stake.
There was no argument as
to the winner between Chavex,
1384, and King, 137. The
referee and two Judges were
unanimous in awarding Cha
vez the derision.
VV. Virginia,
To Tangle in
Virginia will match Its power
ful offense and reluctant de
fense sgalnst Georgia Trch's
speedy backfield in the Sugsr
Bowl here New Year's Day.
The West Virginians, select
ed Wednesday for their first
major football bowl game, the
Southern Conference In four
statistical departments.
Georgia Tech's colorful Kn-
Rlneers, picked Monday for
their 10th bowl sppesrsnce
and their third in the Sugar,
Bowl, have rolled up slightly j
better thsn 298 yards a game
in 10 outings. They hsve a
game left with Georgia Satur
day. West Virginia, beaten only
by South Carolina in a com
pleted nlna - game schedule,
paces the Southern Conference
In total offense, total defense,
rushing offense and de
Per game.
. The Mountaineers placed
Is Only Repeater
V. P.
mir TitM
N.m. a-ha.!
Carlton Massey. Texas
Arthur Hunter. Notre Dame .
J. D. Roberts. Oklahoma
Larry Morris, Georgia Tech.
Crawford Mlms. Mississippi.
uni Jon. Maryland
Don Dohoney, Mich. Bute. ... E. ... Don Penia. Notre Dame
John Lattner, Notre Dame...B Bob Garrett, Stanford
p.,. I Rial. Minnesota
Paul Cameron, UCLA
J. C. Caroline. Illinois
Third Teami Ends Steven Mellinger, Kentucky; John Car
un. Ceorsia. Tackles Georga Jacoby, Ohio SUte; Eldred
tr,n,i, Pittsburgh. Guards
j d'Aeottlno. Florida. Center
Backs Zeke Bratkowikl, Georgia; Jack Parker, Mississippi
SUte: Nell Worden, Notre Dsme; Leon Hardeman, Georgia
3 Ducks, Beaver Receive
UP All-American Mention
New York JR Three play
era from Oregon and one from
Oreion 8UU earned honor-
able mention honors today on
the United Press All-Amert-
csn football tesm, selected in
a nation-wide ballot of 285
ports writers and broadcast
ers. Only one player from the
Pacific Northwest made any
of the first three tesms. Gusrd
Milt Bohart of Washington
got a spot on the second tesm.
Back George Shaw, Center
Ron Pheister and Guard Jack
Patera of Oregon and Guard
Laverne Ferguson of Oregon
SUU received honorable men
Pheister, who wss named an
all-coast first stringer over
Mstt Hazeltine of California,
lost out to the Golden Bear
star in the All-America tabu-
Capitol League
1 S ll Li. I'
neaangnrs 1
Capitol League SUtlitlclan
Two weeks from next Mon
day the Capitol league basket
ball Jamboree, highlight of the
circuit's early season, will be
played at the Salem high
school gym starting at 7 p.m.
The North vs. South compe
tition will find the North
mad up of Salem Academy,
Sacred Heart and Stayton,
while the Southerners are Cas
cade, Central and Philomath.
Each team from the North
will play on of the Southern
quintets, the winner being de
termined by adding up points
of and aubtracting the points
scored against that section of
three teams.
tt should be noted that
there will be seven members
of the Capitol league starting
next year after the admission
of Gervals of the Marion
County B league recently.
One of the ouUtsndlng bits
of news to come out of the lea
gue this year was of the story
behind the lighting of the SUy.
ton football and baseball field.
These lights were ready for
use lust 42 days after the first
meeting concerning the project.
The success of the whole under
tsklng was realized through or
ganization and cooperation, the
school boys giving more than
3500 worth of their time and
the Lions club was cooperative.
A good share of credit must
go to Merlin Morey, high school
superl ntendent, who took
charge of the project.
This column, intended to be
come s sports fixture every
week in the CspiUl Journal,
would appreciate suggestions
from readers.
Spangle, Wash. U W Basket-
W. It .i. r u r .it
pretty pleased yesterday when I
13 boys turned out for open
ing practice sessions. There are
13 boys enrolled in the school.
Georgia Tech
Sugar Bowl
five men on the Associated
Press All-Southern Conference
tesm, hesded by All-Americs
qusrterback candidate Fred
Wyant. Fullback Tony AIlman.!L"'u pennant, Wednesday
also named to the conference w named manager of Mem
team, Is called by Coach Art Pht in the Southern Associa
Lewls the "greatest blocking I "on.
I ve ever seen, pro cr
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Wl Mti t.iL an Mr Chlnm
rt.r la Cfciu. N. v.tttr ma h.t vo. .r. .fflMUd, 4lMr4tr
mult twuv inn U.K. itdn,n,
rn.oa.iua, .ui us UtSfe, mm,
tta. final. Mainluala.
rniNtaiaieac 1
Olim Ian ta I ' J
m m. ..a. n.
at N Tiaaiiml
raw. tttja oaa
Pea. Name, School
E Sam Morley, Stanford
.T Ed Meadows, Duke
G Steve Eisenhauer. Navy
. C. . .Matt Haieltine, California
.O. .. .Milt Bohart, Washington
T J. R. Smith, Baylor
B Alan Ameche. Wisconsin
B...Bemie Faloney, Maryland
B. . LeRoy Bolden, Mich. SUte
Norm Manooglan, Stanford
Bob Orders, West Virginia.
latlons because of stronger
support for Haieltine from the
Esst. Hazeltine made the
second tesm.
Shaw hsd 148 honorable
mention poinU and was the
19th ranking back in the na
tlon by the point system. By
contrast John Lattner of Notre
Dame led the balloting with
2.824 points. Pheister with
118 points was the eighth
ranking center. Patera had
23 poinU and Ferguson 12. It
took 11 points to receive hon
orable mention.
Psul Cameron of UCLA
was the only Pacific coast
player on the first team.
Other Northwest players
getting honorable mention
were End George Blsck and
Center Vern Llndskog of
Washington arid Back Flip
KleHner of Idaho.
Vic Seixas Sprains
1 innment in Knee
a ...ww
Melbourne Australia VP)
Wimbledon champion V 1 c
Seixas, on whom rests a large
part of the United States
hopes of retaining the Davis
Cup, turned up with a sprain
ed ligament In his knee Thurs
day. A doctor said it was not
Until the doctor's diagnosis,
there had been fears Seixss
might be lost for the cup
Seixas said he would play
here in the Victorian Tourna
ment Rain forced postpone
ment of Thursday's opening
Houbregs Traded
To Bullet Quintet
Baltimore () The Balti
more Bulleta of the National
Basketball Assn. have traded
their leading scorer for a
The Bulleta made a stralcht
player awap Wednesday send
ing veteran Max Zaslofsky to
the Milwaukee Hawks for Bob
Houbregs starred at the
University of Washington last
year and was the first draft
choice of the Hawks, but has
averaged playing only 15 min
utes a game so far. Zaslofskv
scored 178 poinU in 10 games
xor ine Bullets alter coming
here from New York.
Irish-Terp Charity
Game Is Proposed
San Francisco A March
oi Dimrt official proposes a
charity football game between
Notre Dame and Maryland, the
notion i No. 1 and 2 teams,
T-v . . ... . - , wni
ft" ,U"2L"'" . - .
the Rev. John J. Cavanaugh.
president of Notre Dame, and
Harry C. Byrd, president of
Maryland, Wednesday asking
them to give serious considera
tion to the proposal.
He wants tha game in Cali
fornia's Memorial Stadium at
Berkeley. He didn't suggest a
Memphis, Tenn. W Don
Guttertdge, who piloted Colora
do Springs to a 1953 Western
tVwHt eeeaiaf A
at the flam '
at tisart aaaest wom vuut
tarao. a teoo aw. tsr ta- a.
m SaarHa Sa. la SM waiiSi a-
J LaxkweM Haaas I
VSiai' A Sat. ft Sea.
Final for Seniors
playing their last game for their alma ma
ter Saturday at LaGrande against Union.
Front row, left to right, are Jerry Burch,
The Wall
These are Amity high school's
linemen tenUtively chosen to
start against Union Saturday In the state
Class B finals. Left to right are Ray Loser,
Amity Gainers
men to nse Saturday against Union in the state football
finals. Players, left to right, are Jerry Lenhardt, Ben
Hubbard, Gene Ehlers and Merle Stephens.
University Alleys
SUU PrUtcr 1 MUntr 3M; Hoi
i Btona 430; McCrry 471; Duncsui
14. Hltbwftr CMMrsrtlM s Kftyscr
4: Roaka 40l Aodtraoa Mil Wolf
US: Tandy 431.
T CMnnafttB () Crouch 404: Era-
ptlft 4U Rohh 493: Mf11ff 17t Welch
4W. Imi Or Gra (4 Anhby 489,
AkMrud 3I3( Woods 451) Jwlns 470;
flUer Mt.
TVO CUIIllM (S) IMtman HI: Klrbr
431; Woodburn ATi Mhl SOS: Jtffsrton
Ml. raraalry laYutlm WUkir 4U;
Uorrlaoa 181; Phlpp 484; Br 43;
Si arm 437. i
HUhwaF AiiBltnK (l Brr 4H:
Htllrleh 818; Kvtcham 408; Crta 434;
ftUlioti 8XT. litnUrr f SUU l MIR-
O. 483; McQutra 808: PrtnM 408;
Ulllir. 1. 483; BltRltr 833.
H lata war Malarial (St Brown 833:
Plarc 3S1 Dcmaiu 473; Ebicn 388: ZU
BtwlU 833. BUt rallea 1 Wmt 488l
Jinks 413; Kara, 406; Alford 4li Ruck-
DffUtoa af atiSlta ) etrieklln 4M;
Pliher 418; Rnnr 341; Corrigan 457;
Oould 9. Pair view Shm (1 Uikt 40S:
"mri 384; Dvwry 430; Cooler 80S; Wal
ton 4 IT.
Huh tam amt. ScrUry of SUU,
, Mrtfi, Bfcrttarr of Stau. 373S; btth
ind. am and strlta. licQurcn. 3S8 ad
Tai CamnUtua (t) Hartley 498. Bow
r 437. A.htord 33. 6srl 318. Canfleld
518. TrafTU E net titan It) Blamlay 478,
bcri 337, Tatet 380, Woods 47, PtUraoo
HUhwa Markara ID LltUt 803, Tay
lor 370, Harrtll . Hfrbartrr 888. Leu
44. VfUrans Affairs 131 MOTtiKy 400.
Rl 3W. (taarrnstroom 810. Ellin 833.
HI! If Mr h 839.
Cbaaur M (4t chu!tza 810, Younf
U Hart? 411, Jamu 406. Rraaan 447.
Hlrhwa nhnpw ll RuII 38, Znt
315 Mrcla 333, Hunt 133. Dtvli 443.
TIV Matars It) KftlRliad 483. Srtf
llsh 4. . Hoills 473. Straw 850. Utlffrt
58 1 namvlaymaal Kuall
Oratiarn 287. Eiphtck 4M. CaM 448.
i mine aaa
of odds and ends and disconlinued '53 models
(lots tut tl tiitrltd Spinning BnIi ip It 532.95 $14.95
Spinning teds (bimboe) 4.93
Fly Rods (bimboe) 4.25
SiIim Rod (bjinbeo) 6' tnd 7" 5.95
$19-75 Stlmsa lod (gltn) 0.95
519.75 Salmon Rod (glan) 9.95
515.95 Sslrnot Rod (glm) 7.93
527.50 StMlhtid Spinning Rod (btmkoo) 12.95
511.50 Itval Wind (isHng leal 5.95
57.50 Itvtl Wind CiiNng Real 3.95
6lu rlf Rodi 6.25
Steel Casting Rod 1 .95
Slttl Curing Rod 2.95
522 50 Spinning Rod 10.95
tssHng tint 50 yd. spool 79
Ttpertd Fir lines 2.00
(Itss Rr Rods It 519.00 S.95
519.00 flats Spinning Rod 1 0.00
355 Court St.
Amity High
seniors will as
Coach Ray Stephens (left) explains
his tactics to his stertlng barkflold-
Edwards 433. Btrtar 378, Marehtnt 488.
Roaka 813. Farailry Haaaant (tt
Hanncman 444. CampbaU 490, Ladd 433,
Bauaba 403, RatUfX 470.
Ottif Entlaaan ID Bacro 410. ICatU
on 413. Burton 458, Scott 478. Touns
830. SIAO m rtaard 80, Klnc 388,
McEwala 174. OaUaabar 888. Ouauiaon
Hlch Uaaa a amt Ttw Commaulan. 838.
Hlth taarn arlta Chap tar If, 3704. Hltrh
Ind. Sam and itriat BrUiMrd. 310 and
Duck Pins
aaa Tarara S) D. Data
Merrlman 418, Jj. Furttr 113. X,
511. E. choU 418. aUataaaa It) J. liar.
car 111, D. Taylor HI. B. Hewtrd 38$.
K. Rampal 388. JL LfPptf 118.
Otanart a Cfelaba t-4. Ohmart 141.
. MavdCr 148. B. MoraU 101. R. Calaba
80S. I. Ohmart 137. B e K Wbalaaala t)
O. Arnold 188. H. Pack 386, A. Arnold
v. a. uatantoa 870. 3L Johnaoti 430.
Mick Slca (4) H. K tin ait 403. L.
Burkhart 340. A. Oohlaby 403. B. DavU
838, T. Wood 40T. OHC Traah Salaa (Of
Oltnwatar 184. M. Thomaa 33. D.
UcWalQ 347, D. Bonn oe ISO, D. R. fler-
mon loo.
rartlaad BaaS aUfhflMd (1) L. OUa
443. R. Hubltr 414. J. Burkhart 111. C.
Nalnait 338. SI. Btory 373. Bloa Laka
Pak (81 o Ralnbolt 411, B. Moor a 104,
P. Pitkin 117, w. Blankanahlp 340, A.
Ell tot 411.
Erlrkaaa'l Market t U. Mainaat 487.
B. Oablaman 300. P. MonttoraarT 303. K.
Mtlton 173. O. Tlbbtn 333. W. W. Baaa
braaah (It T Biuh 138. P. Johnaon M3,
R. Oranwood 310, J. Holman 347. R.
Ruual 3K)
Hlch tvam aarlca and oama lftck't
Bltn Shop. 1078 and 751. Hlth Ind. Kama
and arle Ed Davla. Mltk. 180 and 538.
Basketball Scores
'Rr Th. PrcJi)
Cr.lilnon T1. Burn VUU
Writ. Kentucky 1U, Belmont. Trns. It.
Brooklyn COUMt U, Cooptr Uskm 14.
Dial 3-6781
Jack Urseii, Phil Kalteabach, Alaa Kil
mer, Kea Bantaarl and Bob Eogelland.
Back row: Jerry Lenhardt, Bea Hubbard,
Gene Enters, Merle Stephen and Dick Mc
Kenney. w's r .,i i-'i'ir'a
end; Phil Kaltenbach, tackle; Doug Ingram,
teckle; Alaa Kilmer, guard; Kea Banteart,
center; Glena Stevens, guard; and Bob E
gellsnd, end.
TV Show Tonight
To Honor Pheister
Los Angeles (U.R) Final foot
ball honors are to be given
University of Oregon's Ron
Pheister tonight
Pheister, the versatile cen
ter and linebacker for the
Webfoots. is to be named the
coast's "Player of the Week"
on Tom Harmon's television
The show is to be broadcast
on Portland's station KPTV at
7 p.m. Pheister, already named
to tha United Press-All-Coast
team and given honorable
mention on the newa service's
All-American squad, is to be
honored for his performances
in the 0-0 tie with California
on Nov. 14.
Perfect fit
3 Sets Front Seat Only, Fiber, reg. $11.00, closeoul price
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If we ore out of the covart that fit your car, ttiey can be oltered for alight
additional charge.
233 N. Commercial St.
Amity Team
Friday for Stafo B Finals
Amity The (rid warriors
from Amity high school will
be the underdogs again Satur
day a they have been In their
past three playoff victorias
this season.
Comparative scores show
that Union High, Amity's op
ponent in the atate Class B
finals at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at
LaGrande, defeated Monroe
21-7, while Amity lost to Moro
Coach Ray Stephens and his
Towler Threatens
Joe Perry's Lead
For Pro Honors .
Philadelphia () Deacon
Dan Towler of tha Los Angeles
Rams is maklnl a strone bid
to retain his ball carrying hon
ors in tha National Football
Including games of last week
end, Towler, former Washing
ton & Jefferson great, is Just
58 yards behind the loop's lead
er, Joa Perry of the San Fran
cisco 4Bers. Perry has ground
out 780 yards to 732 for his
West Coast rival in tha nine
league games each has played.
Top passing honors remained
in the firm-grasp of Otto
Graham, of, the Cleveland
Browns, who' hss tossed 120
completions In 202 attempts for
an average gain of 10.34 yards
and a completion percentage
of 93. B. Graham has accounted
for 2,080 yards through the air
and nine touchdowns.
Norm Van Brocklln of Los
Angeles is third with a gain
average fo 8.27.
Cameron Selected
AP Back of Week
New York, () Tailback
Paul Leslie Cameron, guiding
football genius at UCLA, to
day was named' the Associated
Press Back of the Week for
leading the Bruins to a victory
over Southern California and
into the Rose Bowl.
Cameron, a Burbank, Calif.,
native who has been singled
out for his all-around ability
and team leadership through
out the season scored the
touchdown tit a t clinched
UCLA's 13-0 triumph.
Kircher Receives
WSC 'Confidence'
Pullman, Wash, vn After
an up and down season during
which he was the target of
some alumni barbs, Al Kirch
er, hesd football coach at
Washington State College, has
received what amounts to a
vote of confidence from the
school's Athletic Council.
It came Tuesday in the
form of a recommendation
that the school renew con
tracts of three of Kircher's as
sistants and hire a new aide
to fill a vacancy on the coach's
Seat Covers
to Leave EarlV
assistant, Don Smith, will talt.
" iwivinf at 4
ajn. Friday for the 330-miu
lourner to tha aaatarm rwTT
college field. The Warriors hi
and tt morninar Hrill
pre par lor Unlon'i offtntiv.
this week of Bea HubbardTus?
pound fullback wh .
seven games because el anlaT
ir mi wMi wn caa alv
38 Minor Leagues
Show Gate Drop
Columbus. O SJ St ri
lied baseball's 38 ml...
leagues felt an attendance dn
of 7.8 per cent In 1933 as com.
nared tn tha imih..,.
- r"vui ear.
Georga Trautman, president, of
uoni Association ot
Professional Baichaii t 7:
sald today.
In an annual statement
Trautman said tha overall paid
attendance In tha mitu. .
22.183,821. which represented
a ion rrom tha 1832 season of
l.ooi.Boa customers. The tig.
urea wera am . i
son between tha same leagues
which were in operation dur
ing both seasons.
Tha a vera, a naM attan.u.
for each of tha 382 clubs which
started in 1933 was 75,972. The
324 clubs which operated in
10Z averaged 78,090.
4 . al
Sports Shorts
Rice is tha only football rival
that Texas has played annually
since 1915.
Walt Dukes. ' former Kn
Hsll basketball star, toured Eu
rope and North Africa last
summer with the Harlem
In an ABC tournament la
Chicago In 1944 Joe Fliger
made 11 strikes In a row. Ha
fouled on tha 12th bslL Hs
bowled 290.
by Wirrtn Goodrich
"That's right-let tha ellal
come back by Itself each rme.
Vary flooe) far mn eager
fceoverl"... You'll get tha
right number if you dial every
letter and numaral carefulry,
letting the dial rstumatitaowa
speed.. .Pacific Telephone.
Mi. 37957
. $6'5