Part 1 II.M. Rancher Wins Acquittal Bloomfield, Iowa Walter M. Mayer, prominent Emnta Fe, N.M., rancher who wai ac quitted of a lint degree mur der charge Tuesday, looked forward to a happy Thanksgiv ing reunion with hii two ions. A Jury of nine men and three women found Mayer innocent in the fatal (hooting last May 1 of John C Wisdom, 81-year- oia lows stockman, on the 918 acre Wisdom farm near here. Mayer and his wife Kather- ine, 48, a member of the New Mexico State Republican Cen tral Committee, were in Ot tumwa, Iowa, Wednesday cnecaung up on a S50,000 dam age suit brought against him by the Wisdom estate. The suit charges he "unlawfully" killed Wisdom. During his trial, which start ad Oct 20, Mayer had con tended he shot Wisdom in self defense after the Iowan had rushed at him "like a wild man" when they were arguing over a debt of about $6,500 he claimed Wisdom owed him. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ultra, Oregon Tknradar, November 18, 1953 Hoiiiculfuralists Meet in Corvallis . - Farmers, fieldmen, distrib utors, processors, and public agencies have cooperated in preparing a program for the 68th annual meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural Society in Corvallis on Dec ember 3-4; according to Presi dent C. King Benton, Jr., Hood River. The program for the two- day meeting calls for general horticultural topics to be dis cussed during the morning sessions. . Separate programs for vegetable, small fruit, stone fruit, and apples and pears will be held each after noon. Morning sessions are slated for the auditorium of the Home Econofles building on the Oregon Stste College campus. Afternoon progrsms for the three fruit sections will be in the Food Tsehnol ogy Building. The vegetable section program will be held in the auditorium of Withy. combe Hall. Governor Paul Patterson will be the main speaker at a 6:30 p.m. banquet on Thurs day. December 3, in the Mem' orial Union ballroom, Oregon State college. Toastmaster will be Nick Trebin, ssles snd market development manager for the Apple Growers Asso ciation, Hood River. Livestock Group Feast at Macleay Marion county livestock growers and their friends will congregate at the Macleay grange hall at 6:30 p.m. Tues day, December 1 for a roast beef dinner and entertain ment. Election of officers and plans for the 1054 convention of Western Oregon Stockmen, scheduled for Salem, will be reviewed. Henry Ahrens of Turner Is president of the county live stock group. Volcsnic steam furnishes nearly a tenth of Italy's elec tric power. I Raver May Get Seattle Post Seattle tn peculation mounted Thursday that Bon neville Power Administrator Dr. Paul Saver will be su ed to the $15,000 a year Job as Seattle City Light super intendent. Raver conferred Wednesday with Mayor Allan Pemeroy and ' the mayor later told newsmen the conference was one of a series he plans with possible ifiuies. lie said he had not reached a decision. The Post-Intelligencer not ed, however, that David Le vine, president of the Seattle city council, was called to the conference and said council' men later informally discussed the possibility of Raver being named to the post. - The newspaper said it ap peared Raver would be con firmed unanimously, If nom inated. The superin tendency will become vscsnt December 11 when E. R. Hoffman, who has held the Job 14 years, retires. Nut Co-op Employes Accept Agency of AFL Workers at the Salem Nut Growers Co-operative voted Wednesday, 17-10, for an AFL union to be bargaining agent for them, the NLB announced. The union is local 670 of the Cannery Warehousemen. Food Processors, Drivers and Helpers, an affiliate of the AFL Teamsters. Westinghouse CUT TV MC $' mm m BRAND NEW 1954 MODELS! Limited Quantity! Shop Today! 21" Screen VTAS HON CHANNEL 27 RECEPTOR, $10 EXTRA All Channel Continuous Tuner, $40 Extra We Give and Redeem Green Stamps Other Westinghouse TV sets similarly reduced in price! Better order your set today because quantities are limited! ROBERTS BROS. DOWNSTAIRS CUABANC f, mi - m f ... '- - M limits j iff PREVIOUS SELL0$U! w - I 35) liberty t"ct' LADIES COATS-SUITS R DRESSES LADIES' COATS Values fo 49.95 A tremendous coat value! Fleeces, korls, nor- t JSC ja O ft city fabrics, insulated linings. New fall colors. 9U' Complete sise assortment. Shop early! , MmW $1799 UDIES' COaU Values lo $35 Just 1 coats In this group. Sixes It to IS. Pop alar fall shades. Some Interlined, some Insu lated! Not all sixes in all styles. LADIES' COATS Values lo 69.95 Finer quality coats, beautifully tailored and at (ft jt ft ft a huge savings! Insulated linings for all sea- ' XU ' son wear. Popular sizes. sf M LADIES' SUITS Values lo 59.95 A wonderful selection of 10 wool ladies' suits In smart styllnrs, novelty fabrics. Two- tone combinations. Sixes 8-20. Limited quantity. 3488 UDIES' DRESSES Valueslo 14.95 One group of ladies' better dresses. Broken sixes, but a fairly complete selection. Fine fabrics. Well styled fall shades. Sixes I to 20. Some half sixes. FASHIONS, SECOND FLOOR 799 (X for $15) Pastels or Holiday Wear! Pleaied Orion Jersey "Forever Young's" wonderful lit tle dress tbot's so soft, so lovely, so luxurious! 80 Orion, 20 Wool . . . won't shrink, stretch, resists wrinkles, you con even suds it at night, wear it the next day. (Also available in a straight skirt model as shown.) Blue and pink; 12 to 20 and U'i to 22Vj. Fashions Second Floor 95 1 i. .. - ; T f. isVMf r" r 5.98 Each 100 WOOL WINTER PASTELS ...By FAMOUS MILIKEN WALKER STYLES! SLIM STYLES Hera ogain ... a wonderful, new shipment of those casual, easy-going skirts thot sold out so quickly before! The fabrics are exquisite 100 Miliken wools . . . the careful detailing is usually found in skirts that sell for many dollars more! Choose either the walker in heather grey, beige or blue; the slim style in new flecked flannel in beige, green or blue! Better yet, get them both. Sizes 10 to 18. SPORTSWEAR SECOND FLOOR 4rf i4 1 We Give and Redeem Green Stamps Re , 8uor 7oe., duiw0'U,? F""ous no 32 35 ij Pr "oning s . Wo$ns ben,., i . '"Ke temf & 'y ce 'Pockoged Th. 'e"flfhs '-1 Open Friday Nights Till 9