ThurwUy. NoTcwbcr M, 195S THS CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sab. Ortfaa Pf II I Rotary Tc!d of New Zealand The people of the United States and of New Zealand should be firm friendi because they have so much in common, did Bert Ziegler, native of Hew Zealand during Wednes day's luncheon of the Salem Rotary eiuo. Ziegler, teaching at Parrish lunior high under the Full- bright plan of exchange, spoke of the climatic likenesses of the two areas, their resem blance as to size and the com modities raised. The exchange teacher stated that his native country was a land of great scenic beauty. including magnificent lakes and rivers, and quantities of game and fish. Ziegler paid tribute to the teaching staff, administration and custodial force of the Sa lem schools for their ability and their friendliness. The visitor sang one of the Mauri songs which resemble those of Hawaii and concluded with the New Zealand nation al anthem. Special luncheon music was provided by Victor Palmaaon, violinist of the Salem public schools, who was accompanied by Mrs. Palmason, pianist. LL CoL Norman W. Todd, professor of air science and tactics at Willamette univer sity was introduced aa a new member by President C. Her bert Smith. . Ml a! f, 3 bedrooms S7 sq. ft, . y Salem's biggest horn value! Sea for yourself! MWtt hm mpn, storttfif Saturday and Sunday, earner Ptcr, and Harris W. In Mamlnaiida dittrtct, Savth Saton. nana 3-0971 t 13 Milk Inspectors Will Go to School Every Oregon milk inspec tor will go to school three days this winter. The state fluid milk act requires that they gather once a year, un der direction of the state dep artment of agriculture and the state college, to unify techni ques of milk Inspection all along the line from dairy farm through processing plant. - i They'll gather In the second annual Oregon Milk Sanitar ians Short Course, to be held at Oregon State College Nov ember 30 and December 1 and 2. . . Feature speaker, who will appear three times during the sessions, will be Dr. C. J. Bab cock, Washington, D. C, in charge of the standards sec tion of the dairy branch of Production and Marketing Administration. Youth Killed In First Visit To Coal Mine Somerset, Fa. May times H-year-eld Simon Al bright Jr, of aearby Sails knry, pleaded with his father to take him to the . eeal miae where he works. Each time the father refused. Tuesday Albright finally agreed. The youth, his eyes bright with cariosity, went lata the aid smokeless mine ear Beytoa with Us father. The day's work was nearly over and yeang Albright was helping pick ap the mine tools whea a hug reck tell and crushed him t death. 78th Wedding Anniversary Sagle, Idaho ) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Hartley, who were married in Tennessee when both were 18, celebrated their 78th wedding anniversary yesterday. .TOPS IN QUALITY) na"" SI AM . iitatioV I urn 9QS:sS ! LOW IN PRICE TO EC BOYS and GIRLS 4 Lionel TRAINS Wit. Unto, SCiaCitmii Triulonwr with Remote Contra) WMsflt, BMMipler ind Smoko Pallet . Roys, Age 4 through 12, El'-ibla to la Winner 4 Horsman DOLLS 2 FEET Till With Safin-soft Head and Body Washable - Unbreakable - Sleeps - Ceo Girls, Ages 4 through 10, Eligible to la Winners Nothing to Buy Just Register Your Name at Your Favorite Salem IGA Store THE l f 1 pptumu I n r " n . . i riiio GET DOUBLE VALUE . . . from Your FOOD DOLLAR With IGA Cash Register Receipts! SAVE up io 50 ON CHRISTMAS GIFTS Gef Details af Your Nearest I6A Slore EMERY'S STATE VISTA ORCUTTS 'KiFoooura mm met. whit whit Willsc lots' .1 1230 Ststf 3045 JosrHi 4200 KerA 71a, WrttSeteat tewwertlal IhwIsW , Wftl Friday, Saturday, I 3$ & Hl Sday.Nev. I UlvC SPECIAL PURCHASE Tasfy Pak Cream CORN No. 303 Tin Case 24 $2.79 IGA Cream Style CORN No. 303 Tin Case 24 $3.49 IS' Fresh Ground Lb. U. S. Good Steer Beef' Chuck Roast Center Cut Pork Chops 29 Wefl IrisuMd MMD 39' Teasar Ish rfwHiTH White King Granulated SOAP MTottT Order lUnkhr 1tIawKahnlvlbi2Sf) Lg. Pkg. 27c White King Granulated SOAP Giant Pit Sierra PINE SOAP 55c 3 bar. 23C 0RAXO i-HL" 17' tkCKUS VMT Scotch CLEANSER White Kins WATER SOFTENER Wash A Sfff i t'll una, lum flDTHtX BOAUC HMVLI TIAM BORAX PUSS 'N' BOOTS CAT FOOD 9 8-oz. can Lb. can c 12 for 12 for Shop Every Day at Your Favorite IGAI EMERY'S IGA FOODLINER Wolloee Rd. at 7th West Salem STATE ST. MARKET 1230 Stat St. IGA Start Reserve Hi Right ta Limit Quantities ALL PURE VM evipouieo Mil VAIUUFI f AlAtU ' I'll hit cans 2a MP Caw 41 cm $5.9t IllffiJ White Star wm IFisEi Reg. No. sh Tin Swanson's Boned CHICKEN a TURKEY 35c lor Dennison's CHILI . BEANS is- 27c lor Durkee's MARGARINE 2 ib. Pkgs. , Gold Seal GLASS WAX '59 Delsey TOILET TISSUE 2 lb 29 Colgafe T00TH PASTE 47 26c Sweetheart Soap 4 Ben 36c 6MKT TUBE 47' 4 far $00 2 25c SS 25c - e. Ro!pecnMrs pounds U.S. No. 2 2-lb. pkf. 33 B9 DflTATncr 5o-ib. Bag IAIO PARSON'S AMMONIA Quart 97' Bottle CLEANSER 2 cans 25 i05 , THE 6EMJLE LAUNDRY BLEACH 4 r pint M CAN 2 29 VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Commercial (ZZ&J. f&a "w""- "wunrj ORCUTTS MARKET 4200 N. Rier Rd.